English - CICS West Belden

Chicago International Charter School West Belden Campus School Office: 2245 N. Mc Vicker Chicago, IL 60639 (773) 637-­‐9430 Dear West Belden Parents,
I write to you today to introduce a new partner organization of CICS West Belden, Charter
Parents United (CPU). CPU is a non-profit organization of parents who fight for great schools in
their community and have experienced the benefits of a charter education for their children.
Started in 2013, the CPU parents engage in charter school issues through local advocacy, public
relations and public demonstrations. The mission of CPU is to educate and mobilize parents to
influence the Chicago and Illinois communities at-large to support the expansion and availability
of quality public charter school seats.
We know that when parents are engaged in their child’s school and community, students do better
academically. This is an opportunity to be engaged in a new way that will support the school in
addition to the great work the WBPTL does.
Today, charter school choices are under attack in the press, in neighborhoods, by politicians and
by other adults who put their concerns before those of children. Parents are joining together to say
they are proud of their school and show how a great school like West Belden is changing the lives
of their children.
Finally, there will be a CPU meeting on June 1st after the CICS 2nd Annual Parent Appreciation
breakfast (details TBA soon). At this meeting parents will have the opportunity to organize and
take action as a West Belden community to support Charter Schools.
A CPU representative, Carlos Perez, may be reaching out to connect with you briefly to hear what
you have to say about how we can best support the entire CICS West Belden community. I
encourage you to come to the breakfast and to stay for the meeting, where Carlos will be
introducing himself.
Thank You,
Scott Frauenheim
Director of CICS West Belden