New Book Information!

April 2015
Advanced Book Information
16 New Titles
The Mathematics Enthusiast Volume 13-2
Middle Grades Research Journal (MGRJ) Volume 10 Issue 1 2015
Abriendo Puertas, Cerrando Heridas
(Opening doors, closing wounds):
Latinas/os Finding Work-Life Balance in Academia
Research in Global Citizenship Education
Priorities of the Professoriate:
Engaging Multiple forms of
Scholarship Across Rural and Urban institutions
Beyond Methodology:
English Language Learners K-12
Journal of Character Education Volume 10 Number 2
Resisting Reform:
Reclaiming Public Education
through Grassroots Activism
Attitude Measurements in Science Education
Classic and Contemporary Approaches
Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining, Volume 2
Ethics and Risk Management
** All books listed on these ABI sheets should be available within 60 days **
IAP—Information Age Publishing, Inc., PO Box 79049, charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113 URL:
Distance Learning Volume 12 Issue 1 2015
Exploring Issues of Diversity within HBCUs
Use of Visual Displays in Research and Testing:
Coding, Interpreting, and Reporting Data
New Directions in Technological and Pedagogical
Content Knowledge Research: Multiple Perspectives
Inclusive Practices and Social Justice Leadership
for Special Populations in Urban Settings:
A Moral Imperative
** All books listed on these ABI sheets should be available within 60 days **
IAP—Information Age Publishing, Inc.
PO Box 79049, charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Journal Issue Information
The Mathematics Enthusiast
(formerly The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast)
Editor-in-Chief: Bharath Sriraman, The University of Montana
Associate Editors:
Lyn D. English, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Simon Goodchild, University of Agder, Norway
Brian Greer, Portland State University, USA
Kyeonghwa Lee, Seoul National University
The Mathematics Enthusiast (TME) is an eclectic internationally circulated peer reviewed journal
which focuses on mathematics content, mathematics education research, innovation,
interdisciplinary issues and pedagogy. The journal exists as an independent entity. It is published
on a print-on-demand basis by Information Age Publishing and the electronic version is hosted by
the Department of Mathematical Sciences- University of Montana. The journal is not affiliated to
nor subsidized by any professional organizations but supports PMENA [Psychology of
Mathematics Education- North America] through special issues on various research topics.
VOL. 11, No.3, December 2014
0. Editorial: Is Every TME issue special?, Bharath Sriraman (USA)
1. The Miracle of Applied Mathematics, Frank Blume (USA)
2. Generalizing Cantor-Schroeder-Bernstein:Counterexamples in Standard Settings,
Tien Chih (USA)
3. Bhaskara’s approximation for the Sine, Karel Stroethoff(USA)
4. The development of Calculus in the Kerala School, Phoebe Webb (USA)
5. Development of the Binary Number System and the Foundations of Computer Science,
Daniel R. Lande (USA)
6. Pursuing Coherence Among Proportionality, Linearity, and Similarity: Two Pathways
From Preservice Teachers’ Geometric Representations, Hyung Sook Lee (USA) & Jaehoon
Yim (Korea)
7. Difficulties in solving context-based PISA mathematics tasks: An analysis of students’
errors, Ariyadi Wijaya(Netherlands/Indonesia); Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen
(Netherlands); Michiel Doorman(Netherlands); Alexander Robitzsch (Austria)
8. A study on Malaysian Mathematicians’ Way of Knowing, Lim Chap Sam (Malaysia)
9. Numerically Integrating Irregularly-spaced (x, y) Data, B. Cameron Reed (USA)
10. Math as a tool of Anti-Semitism, Jay Egenhoff (USA)
11. Reasoning-and-Proving Within Ireland’s Reform-Oriented National Syllabi,
Jon Davis (USA)
12. An Examination of Pre-service Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Conceptions of
Angles, Melike Yilgit (Turkey)
Discussion Forum: The Common Core Standards
13. Common Sense about the Common Core, Alan H. Schoenfeld (USA)
14. Scholastic Standards in the United States – The Discussion concerning the ‘Common
Core, Alan Schoenfeld & Guenter Toerner (Germany)
15. Book Review of The Tower of Hanoi: Myths and Maths (Birkhäuser), Cory Palmer (USA)
Publication Date:
Published Semi-Annually
Paperback: 978-1-68123-016-0
Ebook: 978-1-68123-017-7
Paperback Issue Price: $30.00
Subscription Rates Per Year:
Institutional Print: $90.00
Individual Print: $70.00
Trim Size: 8.5 X 11
Page Count: 299
Education, Mathematics
BISAC Codes:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Journal Issue Information
Middle Grades Research Journal (MGRJ)
Editor-in-Chief: Frances R. Spielhagen, Mount Saint Mary College
Founding Editor: David L. Hough, Missouri State University
Associate Editor: Robert Capraro, Texas A&M University
Mary Margaret Capraro, Texas A & M University
Gerald A. Goldin, Rutgers University
Editorial Board: Dave F. Brown, West Chester University; Mary Margaret Capraro, Texas A&M
University; Robert M. Capraro, Texas A&M University; Micki M. Caskey, Portland State University; Cheryl Ellerbrock, University of South Florida; Francine C. Falk-Ross, Pace University; Patrick K. Freer, Georgia State University; Gerald A. Goldin, Rutgers University; Fred H. Groves,
Missouri State University; Leigh A. Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; David L.
Hough, Missouri State University; Richard P. Lipka (Emeritus), St. Bonaventure University; Tony
J. Manson, Florida A&M University; Shirley Matteson, Texas Tech University; Steve Mertens, Illinois State University; Nancy B. Mizelle, Georgia College & State University; Vicki L. Schmitt,
Missouri State University; Frances R. Spielhagen, Mount Saint Mary College; Sandra L. Stacki, Hofstra University; Allen Thurston,
University of Stirling; Hersh C. Waxman, Texas A&M University; Bogum Yoon, State University of New York at Binghamton.
Middle Grades Research Journal (MGRJ) is a refereed, peer reviewed journal that publishes original studies providing both empirical
and theoretical frameworks that focus on middle grades education. A variety of articles are published quarterly in March, June, September, and December of each volume year.
Volume 10
Issue 1
1. Comprehensive and Critical Review of Middle Grades Research and Practice:
2000-2013, Bogum Yoon, Kathleen F. Malu, Mary Beth Schaefer, Cynthia Reyes,
and Kathleen Brinegar
2. Reading and Teaching in an Urban Middle School: Preservice Teachers’ SelfEfficacy Beliefs and Field-Based Experiences, Heather Rogers-Haverback and
Molly Mee
3. Examining the Effect of Teacher Read-Aloud on Adolescent Attitudes and
Learning, Sylvia Hurst and Priscilla Griffith
4. Translating Pedagogies: Leveraging Students’ Heritage Languages in the Literacy
Classroom, Mark B. Pacheco, Samuel S. David, and Robert T. Jiménez
5. Active Learning in the Middle Grades Classroom: Overcoming the Barriers to
Implementation, Susan Edwards
6. Fostering a Developmentally Responsive Middle-to-High School Transition:
The Role of Transition Supports, Cheryl R. Ellerbrock, Jennifer Denmon, Ruchelle
Owens, and Krista Lindstrom
Publication Dates:
March, June, September
ISSN: 1937-0814
Paperback: 978-1-68123-062-7
Ebook: 978-1-68123-063-4
Print Issue Price: $40.00
Subscription Rates Per Year:
Institutional Print: $149.00
Individual Print: $80.00
Trim Size: 7X10
Page Count: 114
Education, Middle Grades, Research
BISAC Codes:
Special Price for all AERA MLER SIG Members
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
Abriendo Puertas, Cerrando Heridas
(Opening doors, closing wounds):
Latinas/os Finding Work-Life Balance in Academia
By Frank Hernandez, University of Texas of the Permian Basin;
Elizabeth Murakami, Texas A&M University-San Antonio
and Gloria M. Rodriguez, UC Davis
A volume in Work-Life Balance
Series Editors: Joanne M. Marshall, Iowa State University, Jeffrey S. Brooks, Iowa State University,
Bonnie C. Fusarelli, North Carolina State University, Catherine A. Lugg, Rutgers University,
Latish C. Reed, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and George Theoharis, Syracuse University
Abriendo Puertas, Cerrando Heridas (Opening Doors, Closing Wounds): Latinas/os Finding Work-Life
Balance in Academia is the newest book in the series on balancing work and life in the academy from
Information Age Publishing. This volume focuses on the experiences of Latina/o students, professors, and
staff/administrators in higher education and documents their testimonios of achieving a sense of balance between their personal and professional lives.
In the face of many challenges they are scattered across the country, are often working in isolation of each other and must find ways to develop their
own networks, support structures, and spaces where they can share their wisdom, strategize, and forge alliances to ensure collective success.
The book focuses on Latinas/os in colleges of education, since many of them carry the important mission to prepare new teachers, and research new
pedagogies that have the power of improving and transforming education. Following the format of the work-life balance book series, this volume
contains autoethnographical testimonios in its methodological approach. This volume addresses three very important guiding questions (1) What are
the existing structures that isolate/discriminate against Latinas/os in higher education? (2) How can Latinas/os disrupt these to achieve work-life
balance? And, (3) Based on their experiences, what are the transformative ideologies regarding Latinas/os seeking work-life balance?
CONTENTS: Foreword, Gerardo Lopez. Introduction: Abriendo Puertas, Cerrando Heridas (Opening Doors,
Closing Wounds), Frank Hernandez and Elizabeth Murakami. PART I: PERSONAL IDENTITY AND
IDEOLOGIES. “Why Did He Think I Was the Custodian or the Maintenance Person?” The Challenges of
Balancing Love, Life, and Work, Frank Hernandez. Maestrita, Sandra Rodriguez-Arroyo. On the Tenure Trek to
Equanimity: ¡Oh, Cúan Lejos LLegarás!, Vonzell Agosto. Being a Latina in the South: Being “The Other” of “The
Others” in the Academic World, Paula Guerra. Everything I Needed to Know to Succeed in Academia I Learned as
a Migrant Worker: An Autoethnographic Account, Raymond V. Padilla. Of and With: Stories of Belonging and
Forging Multiple Latino/a Identities in Four Voices. Mónica Byrne-Jiménez, Adriana Villavicencio, Rosa RiveraMcCutchen, and Chris Torres. Finding and Defining Yourself in the Company of Others, Israel Aguilar, Juan Nino,
and Dessynie Edwards. Testimonio for Living and Learning in Academia: Caring for Mind, Body, and Soul, Susan
Hernandez and Leslie Gonzales. PART I I: HIGHER EDUCATION STRUCTURES. Introduction to Part II:
Work–Life Balance within Higher Education Structures, Gloria M. Rodriguez. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club:
Latino Administrators in Higher Education, Jesse Perez Mendez. Creating Work–Life Balance in Academia:
Family, Community, and Self-Care, Lilliana Patricia Saldaña, Felicia Castro-Villarreal, and Erica Sosa.
Documenting the Undocumented: Sabidurías de una Chicana in Academia, Linda Prieto. Bouncing Back from a
Poor Third Year Review, Sylvia Martinez. Between Two Worlds, María D. Avalos. No Soy de Aquí, Ni Soy de Allá:
Making My Way Through the Tenure Process, Margarita Jimenez-Silva. Scholarship of Mind and Soul, Claudia
Cervantes-Soon and Juan F. Carrillo. Nuestras Raíces Ground Us: Reflecting Comunidad and Cultura in Who We
Are as Latin@ Faculty, Laura Cortez, Melissa A. Martinez, Danielle Alsandor, Aurora Chang, and Anjalé D.
STUDENTS. Introduction to Part III: Higher Education and the Void of Culturally Relevant Spaces, Elizabeth T.
Murakami. Advocating for Intergenerational Leadership Among Latina/o Faculty, Staff, and Students, Antonio G.
Estudillo and Amanda Flores. Retention of Latina STEM Students in Texas: Exploring the Experiences That
Should Be Considered, Elsa Gonzalez, Marie Valentin, Detra Johnson, Celestino Valentin Jr., Beatriz Lopez,
Ariana Gonzalez, Yvonna Lincoln, and Christine Stanley. Memory and Hunger: Feeding on Remnants of the Past in
a PWI, Hilario Lomeli. Flipping the Mirror: A Xicana Researcher Negotiating With the Act of Reflection,
Margarita Berta-Avila. Reclaiming My Voice and Finding a Balance in Academia: A Journey Towards Advocacy,
Angelica M. Tello. Latina/o Leaders in Espacios de Confianza: Creating Spaces Where Cultural Capital and
Community Wealth Permeate, Fernando Valle, Sylvia Méndez-Morse, Irma Almager, and Hortensia “Meg” Cota.
Epilogue. About the Contributors.
Publication Date: 2015
Paperback: 978-1-68123-064-1
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-065-8
E-Book: 978-1-68123-066-5
Paperback: $45.99
Hardcover: $85.99
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Page Count: 298
Subject: Education, Leadership,
Higher Education
BISAC Codes:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
Research in Global Citizenship Education
Edited by Jason Harshman, University of Iowa
and Tami Augustine, The Ohio State University,
Merry Merryfield, The Ohio State University
A volume in Research in Social Education
Series Editor Merry Merryfield, The Ohio State University
Globalization is changing what citizens need to know and be able to do by interrupting the
assumption that the actions of citizens only take place within national borders. If our
neighborhoods and nations are affecting and being affected by the world, then our political
consciousness must be worldminded. The outcomes of globalization have led educators to
rethink what students need to learn and be able to do as citizens in a globally connected world.
This volume focuses on research that examines how K-12 teachers and students are currently
addressing the challenge of becoming citizens in a globally interconnected world. Although
there is an extensive body of literature on citizenship education within national contexts and a growing literature on global education,
this volume offers research on the work educators are doing across multiple countries to bring the two fields together to develop global
CONTENTS: Preface, Merry Merryfield. Introduction to Research in Global Citizenship Education, Jason
Harshman. Critical Global Citizenship in Theory and Practice: Rationales
and Approaches for an Emerging Agenda, Karen Pashby and Vanessa de
Publication Date: 2015
Oliveira Andreotti. What is the Active in 21st Century Calls to Develop
“Active Global Citizens”? Justice-Oriented Desires, Active Learning,
Paperback: 978-1-68123-067-2
Neoliberal Times, Paul Tarc. A “Real World” Approach to Project Based
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-068-9
Learning in Global Citizenship Education, Tami Augustine, Jason
E-Book: 978-1-68123-069-6
Harshman, and Merry Merryfield. A Question of How: A Report on
Teachers’ Instructional Practices when Educating for Global Citizenship in
Paperback: $45.99
Canada, Angela MacDonald, Mark Evans, Leigh-Anne Ingram, and Nadya
Hardcover: $85.99
Weber. Global Citizenship Education: Classroom Teachers’ Perspectives and
Approaches, Anatoli Rapoport. Global Citizenship Education in the Primary Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Page Count: 240
Social Education Curricula in Hong Kong and Shanghai: An Intra-cultural
Subject: Education, Social Studies,
Comparative Study, Joe Yin-Yau Lo and Eric Kingman-Chong. From
National to Global Citizenship: Turkish Perspectives on the Concept of
BISAC Codes:
Global Citizenship, Emin Kilinc and Ümmügülsüm Korkmaz. Changing
Attitudes, Motivating Action: Global Citizenship Identity Among Privileged EDU040000
Adolescents, Sherri Sklarwitz, Susan Fields, Scott Seider, and Brian Didier.
Epilogue: The Future of Teaching and Research in Global Citizenship
Education, Jason Harshman. About the Authors. Index.
Series URL:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
Priorities of the Professoriate:
Engaging Multiple forms of
Scholarship Across Rural and Urban institutions
Edited by Fred A. Bonner, II, Prairie View A&M University;
Rosa M. Banda, Rutgers; Petra A. Robinson, Louisiana State University;
Chance W. Lewis, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
and Barbara Lofton, University of Arkansas-Fayetteville
A volume in Contemporary Perspectives on Access, Equity and Achievement
Series Editor Chance W. Lewis, University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
Established in 2006, the American Association of Blacks in Higher Education (AABHE), formerly
constituted as the Black Caucus (American Association of Higher Education), has been the consistent voice
of Black issues in academe. According to the stated mission, the AABHE pursues the educational and
professional needs of Blacks in higher education with a focus on leadership, equity, access, achievement and
other vital issues impacting students, faculty, staff, and administrators. AABHE also facilitates and provides opportunities for collaborating and
networking among individuals, institutions, groups and agencies in higher education in the United States and internationally. This 2012 year will mark
the beginning of the AABHE research consortium, an arm of the organization that will advance scholarly research and publications to highlight critical
issues pertinent to the success and uplift of Black populations across the higher education diaspora.
This book will explore important issues across multiple fields—fields represented by the scholars/members of AABHE. AABHE scholars will
contribute chapters based on their disciplinary expertise. The work of Earnest Boyer as articulated in the book Faculty Priorities Reconsidered:
Rewarding Multiple Forms of Scholarship will be used as the conceptual foundation to ground this important work. A particular focus on the elements
of Boyer’s seminal work will include chapters devoted to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning; Scholarship of Engagement; Scholarship of
Discovery; and Scholarship of Integration. This scholarly book is unique in that it provides essential insight on how not only faculty, but also
administrators who are invested in insuring that the priorities of the professoriate are aligned with the mission and vision of urban postsecondary
Publication Date: 2015
CONTENTS: Foreword. Introduction: AABHE Perspectives on Contemporary Faculty
Priorities: Reimagining Boyer’s Framework, Fred A. Bonner, II and Saundra TomlinsonClarke. Scholarship of Discovery: Exploring Cross-Cultural Counseling Deep in the Heart
of Counselor Education, aretha f. marbley, Cynthia L. Wimberly, Jiaqi Li, Arleezah Marrah,
and Valerie K. McGaha. Creating Optimal Classroom Contexts: The Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning, Shonta M. Smith. Developing Potential Across the Disciplines: The
Scholarship of Integration, Kenneth Durgans and Ansley Abraham. A View From the Top:
Academic Administrators’ Reflection on the Scholarship of Integration, Joseph H. Silver,
Sr. and Lillian B. Poats. Being of Some Scholarly Service . . . : A New Take on the
Scholarship of Engagement in Academe, Selena T. Rodgers. The Scholarship of Teaching
and Learning: Critical Competencies in the HBCU Context, Mable Scott. Twenty-First
Century Scholars of Color and Contemporary Weapons for Social Justice, Malik S.
Henfield, Janice A. Byrd, and Ahmad R. Washington. Connecting to Our Stakeholders: How
Faculty Research: Can Engage the Community, Carolyn Orange. Career Advancement
Beyond the Traditional Tenure and Promotion Process: Broadening Boyer’s Scholarship
Reconsidered Through Critical Race Theory, Donald Mitchell, Jr. and Adriel A. Hilton. The
Scholarship of Engagement: A Reason to Cross the Ivory Tower’s Moat, Petra A. Robinson.
Afterword: Priorities of the Professoriate: Engaging Multiple Forms of Scholarship Across
Rural and Urban Institutions, William Harvey. About the Editors. About the Contributors.
Paperback: 978-1-68123-070-2
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-071-9
E-Book: 978-1-68123-072-6
Paperback: $45.99
Hardcover: $85.99
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Page Count: 188
Subject: Education, History, Urban
Education, Teacher Education
BISAC Codes:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
Beyond Methodology:
English Language Learners K-12
Edited by Johanne Myles
There is much variability with regard to the type, depth and effectiveness of
training teachers receive in understanding and meeting the needs of English
language learners (ELLs) in public schools across the country, yet the rise in the
number of learners has been substantial. Although it is important that teachers
have knowledge and skills related to instructional methods and approaches for
teaching ESL, they may also be confronted with policies that disadvantage ELLs,
such as compulsory standardized testing, and unrealistic curriculum demands.
They may also lack appropriate resources, and be faced with learners who have
learning disabilities and behavioral issues associated with culture shock.
The book is designed to present classroom-oriented topics that are fundamental to the professional development
of pre-service, novice, and veteran teachers working with ELLs. Such topics include issues surrounding initial
orientation and student placement; the acculturation process for ELLs and particular concerns of refugee
students; challenges involved in making accommodations and curricular modifications as well as determining if
ELLs have special needs; social and emotional difficulties affecting ELL performance and communicating with
parents; and bullying behaviors, learner advocacy and transitioning. The book may be used as a supplement to a
course textbook on second language acquisition and teaching, or as the main
focus of a course, to which other material is added.
Publication Date: 2015
The short case studies provide an opportunity for teachers to engage in
dialogue and wrestle with issues and dilemmas that pertain to ELLs in reallife school settings. They provide a stimulus that help teachers explore their
underlying assumptions about the languages, cultures, and experiences that
their ELLs bring to the school community. Acknowledging learners’
strengths and aspirations prepares all students for success in our global
1. Overview of ESL Instruction and Models of Support
2. Adapting to a New Culture
3. Teaching and Pedagogical Decision Making
4. Fostering and Monitoring Student Achievement
5. Special Considerations and Promoting Inclusiveness
Paperback: 978-1-68123-073-3
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-074-0
E-Book: 978-1-68123-075-7
Paperback: $45.99
Hardcover: $85.99
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Page Count: 164
Subject: Education, Methodology,
ELL, K-12
BISAC Codes:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Issue Information!
Journal of Character Education
(New Title Same Journal)
Jacques S. Benninga, California State University, Fresno
and Marvin W. Berkowitz, University of Missouri—St. Louis
The current issue of the JCE is the second under the new name, Journal of
Character Education, and the first in its standard format of a set of reviewed
submitted articles with additional practitioner-focused articles. In this issue, there
are four scholarly peer-reviewed articles. Two focus on school-based evaluations:
one on the evaluation of a middle-school strengths-based intervention and a
second that explores character development in a post-secondary setting. The
other two are conceptual in nature: one presents a conceptual ecological model
for such programs and the other reviews and analyses different perspectives on
identify development. In addition, we hear from an exemplary middle school
teacher about his journey to integrate character education into the math
classroom. Lastly, David Streight offers an insightful response to the themed
V10 N1 issue on psychological and sociological perspectives on 21st century
Publication Date:
US character development.
Published Semi-Annually
Volume 10
Number 2
Teaching to Strengths: Character Education for Urban Middle School Students,
Meghan F. Oppenheimer, Claire Fialkov, Bruce Ecker, and Sanford Portnoy
Social-Emotional and Character Development: A Theoretical Orientation, Frank J. Snyder
Exploring Characteristics of Young Adult Men: Initial Findings From a Mixed Methods
Evaluation of an All-Male, Character-Focused Trade School, Sara K. Johnson, Rachel M.
Hershberg, Miriam R. Arbeit, Lisette M. DeSouza, Kristina Schmid Callina, Akira S.
Gutierrez, Daniel J.A. Warren, Elise M. Harris, Rachel O. Rubin, Jacqueline V. Lerner, and
Richard M. Lerner
Paperback: 978-1-68123-076-4
Ebook: 978-1-68123-077-1
Print issue price:$30.00
Trim Size: 7X10
Page Count: 106
Subscription Rates Per Year:
Institutional Print: $185.00
Individual Print: $85.00
CEP or CCCMembers: $50.00
Born Again Character Education Teacher: A Math Teacher’s Journey, Mark Schumacker
CEP or CCC International: $80
Education, Character Ed,
BISAC Codes:
Educating for Moral Identity: An Analysis of Three Moral Identity Constructs With
Implications for Moral Education, Tonia Bock and Peter L. Samuelson
What Do You Hope Kids Are Doing 20 Years After Graduation?
Observations on Goals, Purpose, and the Journal of Character Education’s
Inaugural Issue, David Streight
Subscribe online at
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information!
Resisting Reform:
Reclaiming Public Education
through Grassroots Activism
Edited by Kjersti VanSlyke-Briggs, State University of New York–Oneonta
Elizabeth Bloom, Hartwick College; and
Danielle Boudet, Oneonta Area for Public Education
The primary audience for the book will be practicing teachers and parents though there is also great potential
for marketing to a college audience, particularly pre-service teachers and teacher educators. As professors of
Education, we envision using this book in a senior seminar course or Contemporary Issues in Education
course (required or offered as an elective in many teacher education programs). A large secondary audience
will include parents, who see the impact of education reform on their children and are looking for
straightforward and accessible information to help them understand what is happening and acquire the tools
for resistance. Finally, activists themselves are living this movement and are hungry for tangible evidence of
their efforts. A book like this has the potential to become a sort of ‘collector’s item’ among them.
This book is a poignant celebration of grassroots empowerment as our contributors, people who just a short time ago thought of themselves as ordinary
citizens, document their call to action when their children and their profession are on the line. We believe that readers will urge others to read it, for
inspiration as well as for practical guidance on how to become active in the movement themselves.
CONTENTS: Foreword, Kris Nielsen. Introduction: Forewarned is Forearmed, Elizabeth Bloom. Section I:
One Voice Makes a Difference. Reclaiming Our Courage to Teach, Kenneth Sider. Tests of Patience, Pedagogy,
and Pragmatism, Andrew Gitner. The Imperative to Protect: Perspectives From a Parent Educator, Bianca Tanis.
The Fight to Reclaim Student and Teacher Voice in Public Education, Wendy
Everard. Data-Nonsense: Why Education Should Not Be Data-Driven, Katie Publication Date: 2015
Zahedi. Section I: Points for Discussion. Section II: Coordinating a
Community. From Resistance to Advocacy to Activism: A Teacher’s
Paperback: 978-1-68123-081-8
Journey, Elizabeth Lynch. Cultivating Opportunities: Growing Activists,
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-082-5
Danielle Boudet. For the Sake of My Children, Stacey Serdy. The Hero Is
E-Book: 978-1-68123-083-2
You, Julie Cavanagh. Reclaiming Our Public Schools, Sara Wottawa.
Section II: Points for Discussion. Section III: Challenging the State. From Price:
Paperback: $24.99
Teacher Leader to Political Leader, Carol Mikoda. Walking the Talk: The
Hardcover: $49.99
Present is the Future, Julie Gorlewski. Dr. Chief-of-Staff Is Calling, Nancy
Bloom. Defending Our Children’s Education, Eric Mihelbergel. Section III:
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Page Count: 328
Points for Discussion. Section IV: Putting a nation on Notice. The
Education of Edushyster: A Comedy, Jennifer Berkshire. Badass Teachers:
Subject: Education, Reform,
Fighting for Education in the Age of Corporate Reform, Marla Kilfoyle and Teacher Education
Melissa Tomlinson. Compelled to Speak: One Student’s Story, Ankur Singh.
BISAC Codes:
Harnessing the Smart Mob: Using Social Media to Enact Change, Kjersti
VanSlyke-Briggs. Section Four: Points for Discussion. Afterword, Susan
Ohanian. About the Editors.
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information!
Attitude Measurements in Science Education
Classic and Contemporary Approaches
Edited by Myint Swe Khine, Emirates College for Advanced Education,
United Arab Emirates
The research into how students’ attitudes affect learning of science related subjects have been one of the core
areas of interest by science educators. The development in science education records various attempts in
measuring attitudes and determining the correlations between behaviour, achievements, career aspirations,
gender identity and cultural inclination. Some researchers noted that attitudes can be learned and teachers
can encourage students to like science subjects through persuasion. But some view that attitude is situated in
context and it is much to do with upbringing and environment. The critical role of attitude is well recognized
in advancing science education, in particular designing curriculum and choosing powerful pedagogies and
nurturing students.
Since Noll’ (1935) seminal work on measuring the scientific attitudes, a steady stream of research papers that
describe development and validation of scales appear in scholarly publications. Despite these efforts the progress in this area has been stagnated by
limited understanding of the conception about attitude, dimensionality and inability to determine the multitude of variables that made up such concept.
This book makes an attempt to take stock and critically examine the classical views on science attitudes and explore the contemporary attempts in
measuring science related attitudes. The chapters in this book are reflection of researchers who work tirelessly in promoting science education and will
illuminate the current trends and future scenarios in attitude measurement.
Science Education, Norman Reid. New Approaches to the Study of Students’ Response to Science, Lars Brian
Krogh. Development and Test of an Instrument That Investigates Teachers’
Beliefs, Attitudes and Intentions Concerning the Educational Use of
Publication Date: 2015
Simulations, Zacharias C. Zacharia, Ioanna Rotsaka, and Tasos Hovardas.
Defending Attitude Scales, Per Kind and Patrick Barmby. The Multiple
Response Model for the “Views on Science-Technology-Society” (VOSTS) Paperback: 978-1-68123-084-9
Instrument: An Empirical Application in the Context of the Electronic Waste Hardcover: 978-1-68123-085-6
E-Book: 978-1-68123-086-3
Issue, Yuqing Yu and Felicia Moore Mensah. Tailoring Information to
Change Attitudes: A Meta-Structural Approach, Ya Hui Michelle See and
Paperback: $45.99
Bernice L. Z. Khoo. Assessment Practices for Understanding ScienceRelated Attitudes, Carina M. Rebello, Stephen B. Witzig, Marcelle A. Siegel, Hardcover: $85.99
and Sharyn K. Freyermuth. The Influence of Experiential Learning on
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Indigenous New Zealanders’ Attitude Towards Science: Enculturation into
Page Count: 320
Science by Means of Legitimate Peripheral Participation, Richard K. Coll
Subject: Education, Science,
and Levinia Paku. PART I I: SCIENCE ATTITUDE AND SOCIOMeasurement
SCIENTIFIC ISSUES. Relationship of Students’ Attitudes Toward
BISAC Codes:
Science and Academic Achievement, Ernest Afari. Student Attitudes
Toward Scientists, Anita Welch and Douglas Huffman. Attitudes towards
Science and Scientific Methodology within a Specific Professional Culture,
Darko Hren. Use of Test of Science Related Attitudes (TOSRA) in Korea:
Stream Differences and Associations with Constructivist Classroom
Environments, Barry J. Fraser and Seon Uk Lee. Affective Variables and Education: The Role of Attitudes in
Science Learning, Myint Swe Khine.
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining, Volume 2
Edited by Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology
and Ronald K. Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University
A volume in Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining
Series Editors Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology
and Ronald K. Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University
The series, Contemporary Perspectives on Data Mining, is composed of blind refereed scholarly
research methods and applications of data mining. This series will be targeted both at the
academic community, as well as the business practitioner.
Data mining seeks to discover knowledge from vast amounts of data with the use of statistical
and mathematical techniques. The knowledge is extracted from this data by examining the
patterns of the data, whether they be associations of groups or things, predictions, sequential
relationships between time order events or natural groups.
Data mining applications are in marketing (customer loyalty, identifying profitable customers, instore promotions, e-commerce populations); in business (teaching data mining, efficiency of the Chinese automobile industry, moderate
asset allocation funds); and techniques (veterinary predictive models, data integrity in the cloud, irregular pattern detection in a
mobility network and road safety modeling.)
Exploratory Investigation, David Burns and Gregory Smith. Identifying Profitable Customers Using a Two-Stage
Logistic Model: An Application from B2B Credit Card Marketing, Vernon Gerety and Stephan Kudyba. A
Fractional Factorial Analysis for In-Store Promotions, Peter Charette, John Stanton, and Neal Hooker. Methods
for Customer Analytics of Hetergeneous E-Commerce Populations, Ruben
Publication Date: 2015
Mancha and Mark T. Leung. SECTION I I: BUSINESS
APPLICATIONS. Teaching a Data Mining Course in a Business School,
Paperback: 978-1-68123-087-0
Ronald K. Klimberg. Measuring the Market Efficiency of Chinese
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-088-7
Automobile Industry by Using a Max–Min DEA Model, Feng Yang,
E-Book: 978-1-68123-089-4
Hangting Hu, Chenchen Yang, and Zhimin Huang. A Clustering Analysis
of Five-Star Morning Star Ruled Moderate Asset Allocation Funds,
Paperback: $45.99
Kenneth D. Lawrence, Gary Kleinman, and Sheila M. Lawrence.
Hardcover: $85.99
SECTION I I I: TECHNIQUES. Data Mining Techniques Applied to the
Study of Canines with Osteoarthritis: Developing a Predictive Model,
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Virginia M. Miori. Data Mining Techniques for Information Assurance and Page Count: 238
Data Integrity on the Cloud, Alla Kammerdiner. Multivariate Copulas
Subject: Statistics, Management,
Model in Spatiotemporal Irregular Pattern Detection in Mobility Network, Education, Methods
Rong Duan and Guang-Qin Ma. Road Safety Detection Modeling Based on BISAC Codes:
Vehicle Monitoring Data in China, Xing Wang, Wei Yuan, Susan X. Li, and MAT000000
Zhimin Huang. About the Editors.
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
Ethics and Risk Management
Edited by Lina Svedin, University of Utah
A volume in Ethics in Practice
Series Editors Robert A. Giacalone, University of Denver
and Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Hofstra University
The underlying rationale for this book is to present research that a) highlights the explosively political and
deeply divisive issues involved in managing risk and b) address the empirical deficit and theoretical
challenges related to managing societal risk ethically. Extant risk management research borrows heavily
from engineering, systems theory and business management, and is primarily focused on probabilities,
modeling, and abstractions of the value of mitigative action. This research engenders a false sense of
objectivity and it de-politicizes fundamental political and democratic questions about the allocation of
society’s scarce resources and about the balance of responsibilities between governing institutions and
individuals with regard to risk. The quantitative and hard-science focus on risk also keeps a discussion of
the consequences of the distribution of risk, resources and responsibilities for real people out of the lime
light. The contributors to this book are experts in a wide range of academic fields and in this book they take
on the challenge of examining their core research with a specific ethics perspective. They explore the ethics
of risk management using theory, cases and data from a range of policy areas, countries and philosophical traditions.
This book should be of interest to scholars and practitioners working in fields that deal either implicitly or explicitly with risk. This would include, but
is not limited to, scholars and students of public management, public sector ethics, public policy, risk regulation, and risk management. The book deals
directly with core problems of management in the public sector, value-conflicts, multiple principals and stakeholders, as well as information analysis
and the application of sound and valid decision-making processes. The book can be adopted as a core text for graduate courses in public management,
public policy, public administration ethics, and comparative politics. It would also work well as an applied theory text in comparative politics; ethics
centered courses in political science, as well as more narrowly focused courses on risk, crisis and disaster management.
For the practitioner audience, this book pin-points the ethical stakes, the analytical and managerial challenges, and the necessary tools to meet the
many risks that societies face. This book, Ethics and Risk Management, provides a unique take on the realities of cost-benefit analysis, efforts to
control and regulate risk and risky behavior, as well as the decidedly bounded rationality with which
we, as decision-makers and citizens, perceive and take risks. The work of identifying, understanding,
prioritizing and designing effective tools to mitigate and manage risk is an inherently analytical and
Publication Date: 2015
strategic process best suited to take place before and between crises. Successful risk analysis and
management reduces the general occurrence of crises, while the ethical analysis and management of
risk serves to reduce the likelihood of subsequent socio-political turmoil should a crisis occur. Thus,
Paperback: 978-1-68123-093-1
the investment that any practitioner makes in risk management has the potential to yield both social
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-094-8
and political benefits if the analysis and work is done with an eye toward ethics and stakeholder
E-Book: 978-1-68123-095-5
CONTENTS: Foreword, Brendon Swedlow. Acknowledgments, Lina Svedin. Introduction,
Lina Svedin. The Ethical Value of Risk Reduction: Utilitarianism, Prioritarianism and CostBenefit Analysis, Matthew D. Adler. The Ethics of Risk Management in the European
Union and The United States: A Comparative Perspective, David Vogel. Risk Management
and Conflicts of Interest, Leslie Francis. The Social and Environmental Costs of Energy
Development: Risks and Ethical Considerations, Christopher A. Simon. Managing Biomass
Risks: Flawed Science, Flawed Ethics, and Flawed Regulations, Kristin Shrader-Frechette.
Ethics and Risk Management: The Cultural Perspective, Ásthildur E. Bernharðsdóttir. Civil
Society Organiations and Risk Management: The Case of Japan, Aya Okada. Ethical
Perspectives on Volunteer Participation: Training CBRN Incidents Live, Erna Danielsson,
Erika Wall, and Susanna Öhman. The Ethics of a Global Response to the Governance of
Migration, Adam Luedtke. Conclusions, Lina Svedin. About the Authors.
Paperback: $45.99
Hardcover: $85.99
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Page Count: 210
Subject: Management, Ethics
Education, Leadership, Organizational Behavior
BISAC Codes:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Journal Issue Information
Distance Learning
(An official publication of the United States Distance Learning Association)
Editor Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University
Managing Editor Charles Schlosser, Nova Southeastern University
Association Editor John G. Flores, United States Distance Learning Association
Distance Learning is for leaders, practitioners, and decision makers in the fields of distance learning, e-learning, telecommunications, and related areas. It is a professional journal with applicable information for those
involved with providing instruction to all kinds of learners, of all ages, using telecommunications technologies of all types. Stories are written by practitioners for practitioners with the intent of providing usable information and ideas. Articles are accepted from authors--new and experienced--with interesting and important
information about the effective practice of distance teaching and learning.
Distance Learning is published quarterly. Each issue includes eight to ten articles and three to four columns,
including the highly regarded "And Finally..." column covering recent important issues in the field and written by Distance Learning editor, Michael Simonson. Articles are written by practitioners from various countries and locations, nationally and internationally.
Volume 12
Issue 1
Introduction To The Special Issue, Michael Simonson
Teacher As Skeuomorph. Teacher As What?
Online Instruction—the Seven Virtues: Or, How To Avoid
The Seven Deadly Presentation Sins
Designing The “perfect” Online Course
Design: The Fundamental Element
Designing The “perfect” Online Program
Rules Of Thumb, Or Derots
Podcasting … Or “seeds Floated Down From The Sky
Don’t Tell Them: The Top 10 Tips For Student Success In Online Courses
Will You Be My Friend?
Where Is As Important As Why, When, And What
Distance Learning Leaders—who Are They?
Technology Plans And Distance Education
Accreditation And Quality In Distance Education
If It Is Intellectual, Can It Be Property?
It Costs How Much? Estimating The Costs To Design
And Develop A Distance Delivered Course
Mooc Madness
Apps: The 3 Rs And The 3 Ps
Ethics And Distance Education
Section 3: Leading And Managing Distance Education
Britannica (Not Wikipedia)
Educational Colonialism
Hooray! Or, Here We Go Again!
Distance Education As A Disruptive Technology
E-books: The Future?
Books, Real And Otherwise
And Finally … Finding Maturity —by Michael Simonson
Publication Date: 2015
Published Quarterly
Ebook: 978-1-68123-097-9
Subscription Rates Per Year:
Institutional Print: $175.00
Individual Print: $65.00
Trim Size: 7X10
Page Count:60
Education, Distance Learning,
BISAC Codes:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
Exploring Issues of Diversity within HBCUs
Edited by Ted N. Ingram, Bronx Community College; Derek Greenfield,
Please supply Affiliation; Joelle D. Carter, Western Kentucky University
and Adriel A. Hilton, Western Carolina University
A volume in Contemporary Perspectives on Access, Equity and Achievement
Series Editor Chance W. Lewis, University of North Carolina at Charlotte,
The purpose of this edited volume is to examine the historical and contemporary dynamics of diversity as
well as the realities, challenges, and opportunities associated with diversity work at Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). This proposed book will include four sections, focusing on the historical
developments and socio-political factors impacting diversity work at HBCUs, organizational structure and
philosophical approaches, challenges and opportunities facing particular populations, and analysis of best
This text is designed to provide an overview and better understanding of diversity and multiculturalism that
exists in historically Black colleges and universities. The contents of the text will examine equity and inclusion efforts in these institutions, and will
explore various theories and practices utilized within the academy. Also, the text will examine race, class, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, age,
ability and sexuality. The goal of the book is to assist students, faculty, and staff in the higher educational landscape in developing their own
understandings of historical and contemporary issues related to diversity at HBCUs. Critical analysis of the multiple worldviews will be discussed as
we explore the origin, nature and scope of multiple ideologies within diversity, equity and inclusion at HBCUs. In addition, this book will be an
invaluable teaching resource for faculty in Educational Leadership Programs, Student Affairs Programs, or Sociology Programs, and other fields
interested in issues of retaining and supporting diverse college students.
CONTENTS: Foreword: Exploring Issues of Diversity Within Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Please supply author of
Foreword. Acknowledgements. The Skin I Am In: A Perspective on Diversity in
Historically Black Colleges and Universities, John T. Wolfe, Jr. Rethinking the Diversity
Publication Date: 2015
Paradigm in Higher Education: HBCUs and New Frameworks for Inclusion and Equity,
Derek F. Greenfield. Re(Defining) the Diversity of HBCUs Beyond Race, John Michael
Lee, Jr. The Contemporary Economic and Social Landscape of Historically Black Colleges
Paperback: 978-1-68123-098-6
and Universities, Monica Galloway Burke and Colin D. Cannonier. An Analysis of
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-099-3
Diversity Work at HBCUs and PWIs, Joelle Carter and Wilmon A. Christian, III. Ethnic
E-Book: 978-1-68123-100-6
and Cultural Diversity at HBCUs and Its Impact on Students, Faculty, and Staff, Anita
Nahal, Adrian Thompson, Mai Abdul Rahman, and Verna F. Orr. “Aren’t They All the
Paperback: $45.99
Same?”: Black Racial Identity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Jonathan M.
Hardcover: $85.99
Cox. More Cream in the Coffee: Diversity in the HBCU, Yoruba Mutakabbir, Rosemary B.
Closson, and Wilma J. Henry. From Another Perspective: Perceptions of White Faculty of
the Racial Climate at Black Colleges, Barbara J. Johnson, SaFiya D. Hoskins, and Timothy
E. Johnson. A Three-Way Analysis of Diversity in HBCUs: Contemplating How Diversity
of Methodologies and Researcher Backgrounds Influences Interpretations of Diversity
Data, Aundria Green and Rachelle Winkle-Wagner. Sharecropping in Higher Education: A
Case Study of the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University–Florida State University
Joint College of Engineering, Carl Darnell. Dedicated to Difference in a Sea of Similarity:
HBCU Administrative Commitments to Diversity, Brian K. Bridges and Tracae M.
McClure. The Way Forward: The Need for Continued Work and Continuing to Work at
Framing the Diversity Agenda at HBCUs, Derek F. Greenfield and Douglas W. Curry.
Epilogue, Earl S. Richardson. About the Editors. About the Contributors.
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Page Count: 342
Subject: Education, History, Urban
Education, Teacher Education
BISAC Codes:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
Use of Visual Displays in Research and Testing:
Coding, Interpreting, and Reporting Data
Edited by Matthew McCrudden, Victoria University of Wellington;
Gregory Schraw, University of Nevada, Las Vegas;
and Chad Buckendahl, Alpine Testing
A volume in Current Perspectives on Cognition, Learning, and Instruction
Series Editors Gregory Schraw, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
and Matthew McCrudden, Victoria University of Wellington;
Visual displays play a crucial role in knowledge generation and communication. The purpose of the volume
is to provide researchers with a framework that helps them use visual displays to organize and interpret data;
and to communicate their findings in a comprehensible way within different research (e.g., quantitative,
mixed methods) and testing traditions that improves the presentation and understanding of findings.
Further, this book includes contributions from leading scholars in testing and quantitative, qualitative, and
mixed methods research, and results reporting. The volume’s focal question is: What are the best principles
and practices for the use of visual displays in the research and testing process, which broadly includes the analysis, organization, interpretation, and
communication of data?
The volume is organized into four sections. Section I provides a rationale for this volume; namely, that including visual displays in research and
testing can enhance comprehension and processing efficiency. Section II includes addresses theoretical frameworks and universal design principles for
visual displays. Section III examines the use of visual displays in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. Section IV focuses on using
visual displays to report testing and assessment data.
CONTENTS: SECTION I: INTRODUCTION. Visual Displays in Research and Testing: Theoretical and Practical Considerations,
Matthew T. McCrudden, Gregory Schraw, and Chad W. Buckendahl. SECTION II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKS AND
DESIGN PRINCIPLES. Design Principles for Visual Displays: Past, Present, and Future, Antonio P. Gutierrez, Gregory Schraw, and
Andreas Stefik. Guidelines for Making Graphs Easy to Perceive, Easy to Understand, and
Information Rich, David M. Lane. Examining the Type, Frequency, and Interpretative
Publication Date: 2015
Complexity of Visual Displays Appearing in the Journal of Educational Psychology, 2010–
2014, Gregory Schraw and Antonio P. Gutierrez. SECTION III: VISUAL DISPLAYS IN
Promoting the Use of Path Diagrams in Quantitative Research, Dena A. Pastor and Sara J.
Finney. Using Joint Displays and MAXQDA Software to Represent the Results of Mixed
Methods Research, Tim Guetterman, John W. Creswell, and Udo Kuckartz. The Use of
Visual Displays in Mixed Methods Research: Strategies for Effectively Integrating the
Quantitative and Qualitative Components of a Study, Vicki L. Plano Clark and Khahlia
Sanders. Use Of Concept Maps to Facilitate Student Learning in Research and Measurement
Courses, Florian Feucht, Gwen Marchand, and Lori Olafson. SECTION IV: VISUAL
Representation of Findings From the National Center on Assessment and Accountability for
Special Education, Keith Zvoch and Joseph J. Stevens. Tailoring Visual Displays to Improve
Test Score Interpretation: Including Indicators of Uncertainty, Brett P. Foley. Visual
Displays for Reporting Test Data: Making Sense of Test Performance, April L. Zenisky.
Paperback: 978-1-68123-101-3
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-102-0
E-Book: 978-1-68123-103-7
Paperback: $45.99
Hardcover: $85.99
Trim Size: 6.14X9.21
Page Count: 346
Subject: Education, Ed Psych, Testing, Visual Data, Qualitative
BISAC Codes:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
New Directions in Technological and Pedagogical
Content Knowledge Research: Multiple Perspectives
Edited by Myint Swe Khine, Emirates College for Advanced Education
In the past decades wide-ranging research on effective integration of technology in instruction have been
conducted by various educators and researchers with the hope that the affordances of technology might be
leveraged to improve the teaching and learning process. However, in order to put the technology in optimum
use, knowledge about how and in what way technology can enhance the instruction is also essential. A
number of theories and models have been proposed in harnessing the technology in everyday lessons. Among
these attempts Technological and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework introduced by
Mishra and Koehler has emerged as a representation of the complex relationships between technology,
pedagogy and content knowledge. The TPACK framework extends the concept of Shulman's pedagogical
content knowledge (PCK) which defines the need for knowledge about the content and pedagogical skills in
teaching activities. Since then the framework has been embraced by the educational technology practitioners,
instructional designers, and educators. TPACK research received increasing attention from education and
training community covering diverse range of subjects and academic disciplines and significant progress has
been made in recent years. This book attempts to bring the practitioners and researchers to present current directions, trends and approaches, convey
experience and findings, and share reflection and vision to improve science teaching and learning with the use of TPACK framework.
A wide array of topics will be covered in this book including applications in teacher training, designing courses, professional development and impact
on learning, intervention strategies and other complex educational issues. Information contained in this book will provide knowledge growth and
insights into effective educational strategies in integration of technology with the use of TPACK as a theoretical and developmental tool. The book will
be of special interest to international readers including educators, teacher trainers, school administrators, curriculum designers, policy makers, and
researchers and complement the existing literature and published works.
CONTENTS: PART I: DISCOVERING THE ROLE OF TPACK. Technology-Enhanced Learning and TPACK, Myint Swe Khine. PART II:
TPACK Knowledge Supporting Design of Effective Technology-enhanced Science Instruction for
Publication Date: 2015
Digital Learners, Kamini Jaipal-Jamani and Candace Figg. A Graphic Model for Designing Effective
Lesson Plans Incorporating Technology, Susan A. Everett and Charlotte A. Otto. Missing in Action:
Looking at the Humanisation of Online Higher Education through a TPACK Lens, Maria Northcote.
Paperback: 978-1-68123-104-4
TPACK 2.0: Towards a Framework Guiding Web 2.0 Integration in Educational Practice, Athanassios
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-105-1
Jimoyiannis. TPACK as a Technology Integration Framework:Understanding and Measurement of the
E-Book: 978-1-68123-106-8
TPACK Development Process, Sonmez Pamuk. Comparing Approaches for Developing TPCK,
Djordje M. Kadijevich and Sandra R. Madden. How Teachers Develop Technological Pedagogical
Content Knowledge (TPACK) for contemporary learning environments: Exemplars of Effective
Paperback: $45.99
Hardcover: $85.99
TEACHERS’ TPACK. Developing Science Teachers’ TPCK: Technology Integration is Only the
Tip of the Iceberg, Jennifer L. Maeng. Using TPACK with Pre-service Teachers of Science, Ruth Geer
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
and Bruce White. “I learned that online”: A Study of Science Teachers and New Forms of Professional
Page Count: 376
Development, Samia Khan, Eric Meyers, Elise Gowan, and Kendall Bergman. Rubrics for Science
Subject: Education, Technology,
Teachers’ TPACK: Evaluating Teachers’ Analytical Comments to Video-based Questionnaire, Yi-Fen
Yeh , Ying Shao Hsu, Hsin-Kai Wu, and Sung-Pei Chien. Exploring Undergraduate Student-Teachers’
Professional Development
Transformation of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics Regarding Pupils’
BISAC Codes:
TPACK. Enhancing a Teaching Methods Course with a TPACK-based Integrated Triadic Model,
Geoffrey P. Price and Janie D. Hubbard. A Survey Study Characterizing Turkish Prospective Primary
School Teachers’ TPACK Competencies, Tuğba Yanpar Yelken, Hatice Sancar Tokmak, and Gamze
Yavuz Konokman. Case Studies for Educators Based on TPACK Framework, Ismail Celik, Ismail
Sahin, S. Ahmet Kiray, and Harun Simsek.
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
New Book Information
Inclusive Practices and Social Justice Leadership
for Special Populations in Urban Settings:
A Moral Imperative
Edited by M.C. Kate Esposito and Anthony H. Normore,
California State University Dominguez Hills
A volume in Educational Leadership for Social Justice
Series Editor Jeffrey S. Brooks, Monash University, Denise E. Armstrong, Brock University;
Ira Bogotch, Florida Atlantic University; Sandra Harris, Lamar University;
Whitney H. Sherman, Virginia Commonwealth University; George Theoharis, Syracuse University
Inclusive Practices and Social Justice Leadership for Special Populations in Urban Settings: A Moral
Imperative is comprised of a collection of chapters written by educators who refuse to let the voices of
dissent remain marginalized in our discussion of education in the 21st century education. Drawing from the
authors’ extensive experience in educational research and practice, coupled with their commitment to inclusion of special populations and social
justice they urge readers to examine how educational policies are produced for the least advantaged in our schools. Effective inclusionary practices
most certainly benefit all students, including English language learners, those who face gender discrimination, those who are in the foster care system,
and those who are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, or Transgendered.
This collection presents a broader theoretical inclusive framework rooted in social justice: which we assert, offers the best practices for a greater
number of students who are at risk of minimal academic success. This broader conceptualization of inclusive schools adds to extant discourses about
students with exceptional needs and provides effective strategies school leaders operating from a social justice framework can implement to create
more inclusive school environments for all students, especially those in urban centers. It is hoped that lessons learned will improve the preparation and
practice of school leaders, thus improve educational outcomes for students from special populations.
CONTENTS: Series Editor’s Preface, Jeffrey S. Brooks. Foreword, Peter McLaren.
Introduction and Overall Framework. Why Equity Matters in “Turn White and Speak
English” Political Climate: English Language Learners and Educational Trajectories, Irina S.
Okhremtchouk. Deaf Culture and Education: Toward a Culturally Relevant Leadership,
Catherine O’Brien and Jeffrey S. Brooks. Creating Inclusive Schools for Gay, Bisexual,
Lesbian, Transgender, and Queer/Questioning (GBLTQ) Students: Applying a Social Justice
Framework, James Thing and M. C. Kate Esposito. Intersections of Autism, Race, and Class:
A Social Justice Agenda for Inclusive Leadership Practices, Melissa Spence and Edlyn
Vallejo Peña. Inclusion Needs of Youth in the Foster Care System Through Strategic
Mentoring: A Social Justice Perspective, Susanne M. Foulk. Affect and Resilience in Urban
Females: An Emerging Paradigm, Theresa Garfield Dorel and Armando Tejeda. Educating
the Incarcerated Through a Community Jailing Model: A Social Justice Leadership
Perspective, Brantley R. Choate Sr. and Anthony H. Normore. A Culturally Responsive
Framework for Social Justice, Mere Berryman, Ann Nevin, Suzanne SooHoo, and Therese
Ford. Our Forgotten Sons: The Underachievement of Boys of Color in America’s Urban
Centers, Nicole Limperopulos. Chemically Dependent Adolescent Latino Offenders:
Restorative and Social Justice as Alternatives to Incarceration, Paul M. Marietti, Janice
Tucker, and Anthony H. Normore. Implementing a Holistic Approach to Enhance Career
Opportunities for Transition Students With Disabilities, Susan Stuntzner and Bryan Austin.
About the Contributors.
Publication Date: 2015
Paperback: 978-1-68123-107-5
Hardcover: 978-1-68123-108-2
E-Book: 978-1-68123-109-9
Paperback: $45.99
Hardcover: $85.99
Trim Size: 6.125 X 9.25
Page Count: 268
Subject: Leadership, Social Justice,
Education, Urban Settings
BISAC Codes:
IAP - Information Age Publishing, PO Box 79049, Charlotte, NC 28271
tel: 704-752-9125
fax: 704-752-9113
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