C C 305 S. M6BF S7. S8B7? 100 C=?CI?6, MI 48118 (734) 475-1771 S 2015 LLL.MB7;-M=?CI?6.A9G M 8:00 6:00 , T—F 8:00 4:00 P C’ H S T S : C O C: • MAF:6;, M6; 257= (M?@A9B6C D6;) M 5 E Vote on Tuesday, May 5th, 2015 for the State Special Elec'on. Registered City of Chelsea residents vote at the Washington Street Educa!on Center, 500 Washington St. Polls are open from 7:00 am un!l 8:00 pm. Absentee Ballot Applica!ons are available at the City Office and on the City website under `Clerk’ and then ‘Elec!on Forms’. Sample ballots will be on the website as soon as they are available. Please remember, April 6, 2015 is the last day to register to vote in this elec!on. W H F The City Water department will begin flushing water hydrants Monday, April 6th. This process will last 4 to 6 weeks. Please check your water condi!on/color prior to doing laundry. If you experience discolored water, please allow the water to run for several minutes un!l it becomes clear. • S6789:6;, M6; 237= (M?@A9B6C D6;) B P-U S Brush pick-up con!nues to be the second Monday of each month star!ng at 7:00 am. A4er Spring Leaf Pick-up, leaves must be bagged. It typically takes all week for the crews to make one complete pass through the City. March 9th April 13th May 11th S L P-U WEATHER PERMITTING Spring Leaf Pick-Up will start on Monday, April 27th and end Friday, May 8th. The City crews will make a one-me sweep through the City to complete Spring leaf pick-up. If you have leaves to be picked up, please have bags available at the curb or rake the leaves into your lawn extension. If your leaves are not out at the !me sweeping takes place, you will need to bag your leaves and take them to the Werkner road transfer sta!on. 2014 W Q R This report covers the drinking water quality for the City of Chelsea for the 2014 calendar year. Included are details about where your water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to Environmental Protec!on Agency and state standards. This report has been published in the local newspaper. Copies are available at the City Office or online at www.city-chelsea.org. You can access the report directly at: hBp://city-chelsea.org/Portals/0/Website%20Content/U'li'es/WQR.pdf C I T Y O F C H E LS E A S P R I N G P6G? 1 AH 2 M B RNO D 2015 property assessments have been mailed. The Board of Review public appeal hearing dates are: Tuesday, March 3th………………... 3 pm— 6 pm Thursday, March 5th………………..9 am—5 pm Monday, March 16th………………. 1 pm—9 pm Wednesday, March 18th…………. 9 pm—5 pm If you wish to discuss your property assessment with the assessor, please call (734) 475-1771 ext. 213 or email [email protected]. All hearing dates are by appointment only. To make an appointment contact the Assessor or call the City Office at (734) 475-1771. S R S PS Chelsea has been awarded a $377,285 Safe Routes to School grant from the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments and the Michigan Fitness Founda!on. Federal Transporta!on Alterna!ve Program funds will account for $369,289 of the cost to install new sidewalks and perform exis!ng sidewalk upgrades intended to provide students in the City safer routes to walk and bike to school. The project is currently under design with plans to receive contractor bids through the June 5, 2015 MDOT bid ledng process. Construc!on would begin in late June or early July. Sidewalk improvements are proposed on Wilkinson, Wellington, Old US 12, Chandler, Grant, Lincoln, Pierce, McKinley, Freer, Washington and Madison Streets. If you have any ques!ons or would like to review the preliminary set of plans, please contact Chris!ne Linfield at (734) 475-1771 ext. 210. The remaining $7,996 in grant monies will be used by the Chelsea School District and Chelsea Police Department for educa!onal programs and portable radar sign to help control speeds along the designated school routes. EQ S T Emergency Management Sirens will be tested the first Saturday of each month at noon beginning March 7th and ending October 3rd. These outdoor early warning sirens alert residents when there is a need for everyone who is outdoors to seek shelter. The monthly tes!ng allows agencies to verify that the sirens are func!oning correctly. If there is a threat of severe weather on the day of tes!ng, tes!ng will be cancelled and resumed the following month. In the event of a siren ac!va!on the public should go indoors and monitor their local Emergency Alert System media outlets for official informa!on. Washtenaw County’s Emergency Broadcasters are: WEMU 89.1 FM, WWWW 102.9 FM, WQKL 107.1 FM, WTKA 1050 AM, and WLBY 1290 AM. F R W W Next !me you go to toss that “flushable” wipe in the toilet, you might want to consider a request from your sewer u!lity: Please Don’t. The City of Chelsea U!lity Department says the rapidly growing use of pre-moistened “personal” wipes — used most o4en by po`y-training toddlers and people seeking what’s adver!sed as a more “thorough” cleaning than toilet paper — are clogging pipes and jamming pumps. U!li!es struggling with aging infrastructure have wrestled for years with the problem of “ragging” — when baby wipes, dental floss , paper towels and other items not designed for flushing entangle sewer pumps. Please support your local u!lity and refrain from flushing these materials. C I T Y O F C H E LS E A S P R I N G N E WS LE T T E R P6G? 2 AH 2
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