CityofMentor Parks & Recreation r e m m u S 5 201 e d i u G p m Ca CAMP IS FOR KIDS! Camp registration begins January 26 for residents and January 27 for nonresidents! Register online at Look for the Red Dot! Take $5 off each camp marked with a red dot if you register before May 1! SUMMER CAMPS: TABLE OF CONTENTS DAY CAMPS 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Civic Center Day Camp Rise & Shine /Cool Down Camp Last Hurrah Camp Operation Outrageous Fun Wildwood Theatre Camp Play Camp Kid Quest Camp SPORT CAMPS 5 Cleveland Indians Youth Baseball 5 Basketball 5 Mini-Hawk Basketball 5 Baton 5 Boating CHEERLEADING 5 Preschool Cheerleading 6 Cheerleading, Jumps & Tumbling 6 Tumbling for Cheerleaders & Gymnasts 6 Fencing 6 Intermediate Fencing 6 USFTL Flag Football 6 Figure Skating & Hockey 7 Golf 7 Junior Golf League 7 Junior Specialized Golf 7 Horseback Riding 7 Scuba 7 PADI Seal Team Camp 8 Soccer 8 Special Needs Soccer 8 Junior Sports 8 Track & Field VOLLEYBALL 8 Bump, Set, Spike for Beginners 8 Serving, Strategy & More 8 Volleyball for Advancing Players DISCOVERY CAMPS 9 Grandparent & Me 9 Nature Craft 1.6 9 Little Nature Apprentice 9 Pinewood Derby Science 9 Superhero Academy 9 X-treme Science Challenge 9 Computer Programming 9 Video Game Design 10 Fun In The Kitchen 10 Spanish Immersion 10 Artists Camp 10 Master Artists Drawing 10 Birds - Multi-Media Drawing 10 Australian Adventures Drawing 2 | ABOUT OUR CAMPS Mentor Parks & Recreation is dedicated to providing an outstanding, fun and safe camp environment and experience for all those who participate. We offer exciting camp experiences across many areas of interest designed to promote physical activity, teach new skills, and challenge kids to reach and grow and to make new friends. To accomplish these goals while maintaining safety, affordability and convenience, we rely on a well-trained staff of adults and college students who have a passion for working with young people. Here’s a little more about our staff: • Staff members are primarily adults and college students; a few high school students assist • All staff members are CPR and first aid certified • Staff are knowledgeable and well-trained • All staff members go through criminal background checks before they are hired • Emergency and safety procedures are reviewed on a regular basis • Staff members are available to answer your questions at any time • We maintain low staff to camper ratios to provide the best experience possible REGISTRATION Camp registration begins January 26 for Mentor residents and January 27 for nonresidents. All camps require advance registration. Registration for camps generally closes the Thursday before it is scheduled to begin so that our staff can prepare necessary paperwork, verify supplies and maintain the correct staff to camper ratios. Registration will not be accepted the day a camp begins. HOW TO REGISTER Online: By Phone: (440) 974-5720 Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. In Person: Recreation Department: 8500 Civic Center Blvd., Mentor Mentor Ice Arena: 8600 Munson Rd., Mentor (skating camps and extended care only) Main In: Mentor Recreation Department, 8500 Civic Center Blvd., Mentor, Ohio 44060 CAMP DEPOSIT When registering for Civic Center Day Camp, Operation Outrageous Fun or Extended Camp, parents have the option to pay $25 of the camp fee per week as a deposit and have until May 15 to pay the balance on each week for which they’ve registered. To register for a camp by deposit, please contact the Recreation Department office at (440) 974-5720. The deposit option is not available for online registration. 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE COMMUNICATION WITH CAMPERS AND PARENTS About four days before each of our camps is scheduled to begin, parents and campers can expect to receive information by email with a reminder of where camp is held, what to bring, as well as any updated information you might need to make your child’s camp experience the best. You will also receive an Information and Emergency Form that will need to be completed and turned in to the camp director the first day of camp. It is important that parents provide a valid email address upon registration so that we can deliver this important information to you. CAMP CHANGES On rare occasions, we may need to change the start time or location of a camp. We contact registered participants as soon as possible by phone and/or email to notify of any changes affecting a camp in which your child is registered. WHAT TO BRING/WEAR/REMEMBER FOR CAMP: For all camps: Wear loose, comfortable clothing and tennis shoes (no sandals) each day. Also, to stay properly hydrated, each participant will need to bring a water bottle with his/her name on it to camp every day. For outdoor camps, please apply sunscreen 30 minutes before arriving at camp. VOLUNTEERING Mentor Recreation offers a Lend A Hand For Summer volunteer program for young adults over the age of 14 and having completed 9th grade. Opportunities are available to volunteer at Civic Center Day Camp, Garfield Play Camp, Camp Wildwood, and with our Learn to Swim lessons and special events. Interested volunteers must apply and be selected to participate in this program. An application and detailed information is available at www. Our full catalog of camps will be mailed to all homes in the 44060 zip code the third week in January. The catalog will also be available online beginning January 22. LOOK FOR THE RED DOT! Take $5 off each camp marked with a red dot if you register before May 1! WWW.CITYOFMENTOR.COM/PLAY Civic Center Day Camp Grades K - 1; 2 - 3; 4 - 5 DAY CAMPS Register early! Weekly maximum is 36 campers and we fill often! Our largest and most popular day camp, Civic Center Day Camp has three different age-based camps: Superstars are children having completed grades K & 1; Ventures have completed grades 2 & 3; and Explorers are children having completed grades 4 & 5. All camps meet Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. daily at Civic Center Park, a 90-acre park located in the heart of the Mentor Civic Center complex, where campers have access to daily swimming, open green space, tennis, basketball and more! Camp counselors team up to plan weekly activities following a unique theme. Campers take field trips, participate in games and contests, arts and crafts, swim and play sports. We spend our camp day outdoors in the park and have daily swim lessons, where the basics of Red Cross levels 1 through 6 lessons are reviewed by Water Safety Instructors. Field trips are also an exciting and integral part of camp and campers take at least two trips each week. Before and after camp care is offered for this program through the Mentor Ice Arena’s Rise and Shine and Cool Down programs. Camp Staff: Recreation Staff Location: Civic Center Park Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. Camp Dates Superstar June 1 - 5 #35307 June 8 - 12 #35308 June 15 - 19 #35309 June 22 - 26 #35310 June 29 - July 2* #35311 July 6 - 10 #35312 July 13 - 17 #35313 July 20 - 24 #35314 July 27 - 31 #35315 August 3 - 7 #35316 Resident: $110 / Nonresident: $130 * Resident: $88 / Nonresident: $104 Venture #35318 #35319 #35320 #35321 #35322 #35323 #35324 #35325 #35326 #35327 Explorer #35328 #35329 #35330 #35331 #35332 #33533 #35334 #35335 #35336 #35337 Main Field Trip Fun N Stuff Wildwater Kingdom Skyzone Zip City Cleveland Zoo Pioneer Waterland Zero Gravity Fun N Stuff Wildwater Kingdom Bowling/Rollerskating Rise & Shine / Cool Down Camp Ages 5 - 12 Extended summer camp is available at the Mentor Ice Arena for campers in any camp based at Civic Center Park (Day Camp, Outrageous Fun, and Figure Skating/Hockey) and camps hosted at the Mentor Community Center. Before and after camp activities include arts and crafts, games and swim time in the afternoon. Registration is for the entire week (no daily rates). We must receive registration and payment at least one week in advance. Rise & Shine Camp is 7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m.; Cool Down Camp is 3:15 - 5 p.m. Camp Director: Holly Maher Location: Mentor Ice Arena Rise & Shine Cool Down Combo (Both am and pm discounted) #35387 #35397 #35407 June 1 - 5 #35388 #35398 #35408 June 8 - 12 #35389 #35399 #35409 June 15 - 19 #35390 #35400 #35410 June 22 - 26 #35391 #35401 #35411 *June 29 - July 2 #35392 #35402 #35412 July 6 - 10 #35393 #35403 #35413 July 13 - 17 #35394 #35404 #35414 July 20 - 24 #35395 #35405 #35415 July 27 - July 31 #35396 #35406 #35416 August 3 - 7 Rise & Shine: Resident: $30 / Nonresident: $40 Cool Down: Resident: $35 / Nonresident: $45 Combo (Both): Resident: $55 / Nonresident: $70 *Rise & Shine: Resident: $25 / Nonresident: $35 *Cool Down: Resident: $30 / Nonresident: $40 *Combo (Both): Resident: $45 / Nonresident: $60 440.974.5720 • CITY OF MENTOR 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE | 3 Last Hurrah Camp Age 5-12 This camp is specially designed for campers to “LET THEIR HAIR DOWN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS.” Play in the morning, field trips every day during the week, and afternoon swim time if weather permits! This year we are going to Cleveland Zoo, Dave and Busters, Sky Zone, Wild Water Kingdom and Pump It Up. This camp is tons of fun. Camp Director: Holly Maher Location: Mentor Ice Arena #35417 August 10 - 14 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Resident: $150 / Nonresident: $ 170 Or pay a per day fee Resident: $40 / Nonresident: $50 Operation Outrageous Fun Grades 6-7 Register early! Weekly maximum is 32 kids and we fill often! Operation Outrageous Fun is not your average camp experience! Just for kids having completed grades 6 and 7, O.O.F. has all the fun of day camp but dialed up to include many more activities, more time to hang out with friends, and some really cool field trips kids will be talking about all summer. Camp Staff: Recreation Staff Location: Civic Center Park Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. Reg Code Camp Dates Field Trips #35297 June 8 - 12 Sky Zone #35298 June 15 - 19 Cedar Point #35299 June 22 - 26 Zip City #35300 June 29 - July 2* Whirlyball #35301 July 6 - 10 Wildwater Kingdom #35302 July 13 - 17 Pinnacle Woods Paintball #35303 July 20 - 24 Dave & Buster’s #35304 July 27 - 31 Kalahari Waterpark Resident: $144 / Nonresident: $164 * Resident: $111 / Nonresident: $127 Kid Quest Camp Ages 6 - 9 Looking for a camp experience that is fun, unique and historical? Join us this summer for our all new Kid Quest camps at the beautiful Wildwood Cultural Center. This exciting camp experience will combine nature, fun, friends and new learning adventures. Campers will take part in new and imaginative experiences such as going on an archeological dig to learning what it’s like to survive in the woods, who first settled here, who lives here now and how to have fun in the woods! Did you know that children can benefit in body, mind, and spirit in camp? Outdoor play increases fitness levels and builds active healthy bodies, and exposure to natural settings may enhance social interactions, value for community and close relationships (National Wildlife Federation). So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and enjoy nature at this magnificent gem in the woods! The Wildwood Cultural Center is an English Tudor Manor House with 34 acres of park property, located at 7645 Little Mountain Rd. Campers will will be bused to a Mentor pool one day a week for swim time. Each child needs to bring a lunch and dress appropriately for the weather. Tennis shoes only, please! Campers must have completed Kindergarten. Location: Wildwood Cultural Center Instructors: Recreation Staff 4 | 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Wildwood Theatre Camp Ages 7-15 Students entering grades 3 and up Discover the world of theater involving acting, role playing, audition techniques, make-up and theatre set building. Camp will evolve from the campers and their talents. It will be FUN and IMPROVISATIONAL. Theater Camp will produce a stage presentation for friends and family during the last week of camp. This revue will feature each and every one of our stars. Each session is 3 weeks long. Location: Wildwood Cultural Center Director: Steve Couch #35248 June 8 – 26 Monday – Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. #35249 July 6 – 24 Monday – Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. #35250 July 27 – August 14 Monday – Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Resident: $239 / Nonresident: $293 Play Camp Ages 4 - 6 Just for ages 4 - 6, Garfield Play Camp provides organized play and activities designed to provide campers an opportunity to interact with children their own age in the exciting atmosphere of Garfield Park and Pool. Play Camp includes games, arts and crafts, stories, nature activities, and swimming. Camp Director: Chelsea Seelinger Location: Garfield Park Pavilion Monday - Friday, 9:30 - 12:40 p..m. #35286 June 8 - 12 #35287 June 15 - 19 #35288 June 22 - 26 #35293 June 29 - July 3 #35289 July 6 - 10 #35290 July 13 - 17 #35291 July 20 - 24 #35292 July 27 - 31 Resident: $57 / Nonresident: $67 PIONEER KIDS: #35252 June 8 - 12 MAKERS: #35253 June 15 - 19 SURVIVAL: #35254 June 22 - 26 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. ARCHAEOLOGY: #35255 June 29 - July 2* Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. WOODLAND CRITTERS: #35256 July 6 - 10 EARLY SETTLERS: #35257 July 13 - 17 CARNIVORE CARNIVAL: #35258 July 20 - 24 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 1900’S OLYMPICS: #35259 July 27 - 31 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Resident: $75 / Nonresident: $90 * Resident: $61 / Nonresident: $73 WWW.CITYOFMENTOR.COM/PLAY S P M A C T R O SP Baton Camp Cleveland Indians Youth Baseball Camp Ages 6 - 14 Come out and join the Cleveland Indians as you learn and improve basic baseball skills using fun and informative drills. Baseball Camp focuses on getting the best out of each player regardless of their skill levels. Instruction will cover throwing, catching, fielding, hitting and base running. At the completion of the second day of camp, each child will receive a fair evaluation and additional advice on how to improve their game. Each child will be encouraged to work hard, compete and develop a passion for the game of baseball. Please bring a baseball glove, a lunch and drink, and wear baseball pants. (Wearing an athletic cup is suggested). Participants will receive a Cleveland Indians baseball hat, Cleveland Indians replica jersey, a camp report cord and a voucher for 2 tickets to Indians Youth Baseball Day on August 23 vs the Houston Astros. ALL REGISTRATION FOR THIS CAMP MUST BE COMPLETED AT WWW.INDIANS.COM/YOUTHBASEBALL prior to June 10. Camp Director: ACE Program Staff Location: Garfield Park Field #3 June 15 - 19 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Camp fee: $199 Basketball Camp Ages 9 - 14 Camp is designed to help participants improve their basketball skills, both as individuals and team players. Campers will receive daily instruction and will learn fundamentals as well as advanced skills from our staff of the finest coaches and players. Special features include individual instruction, skills stations, lectures, drills, demonstrations and multiple games daily. Also included are one on one, foul shooting, three on three, spot shooting and other competition with recognition for the winners. Take home a basketball and merit certificate. Please wear loose comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. Please bring a water bottle with your name clearly marked and don’t forget to wear sunscreen. Location: Walsh Park Basketball Court Director: Skyhawks Sports Staff #35339 July 6 - 10 Monday - Friday 1 - 4 p.m. Resident: $120 / Nonresident: $130 Mini -Hawk Basketball Ages 5 - 8 Mini-Hawk is an introductory program for young children. Mini-Hawk helps participants explore basketball in a day-program setting. There is no pressure, just lots of fun, while these young athletes participate through unique Skyhawks games. Our Mini-Hawk camp is committed to helping children start off on the right foot, as they take their first steps into athletics. Bring two snacks and a water bottle each day. Wear appropriate basketball clothing and shoes. Take home a basketball and merit certificate. Please wear loose comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. Please bring a water bottle with your name clearly marked and don’t forget to wear sunscreen. Location: Walsh Park Basketball Court Director: Skyhawks Sports Staff #35340 July 6 - 10 Monday - Friday 9 - 12 p.m. Resident: $120 / Nonresident: $130 440.974.5720 • CITY OF MENTOR Ages 5 - 11 Has your daughter dreamed of becoming a majorette on the football field, or twirling a baton in the parade? Come and learn the fundamentals of baton twirling taught by United States Twirling Association certified instructors. You’ll learn to roll, wrap, toss, and twirl your baton. We’ll march in formation and twirl to the beat of one of our favorite songs in our spectacular closing show for the parents on the last day of camp. All campers will receive a t-shirt and a merit award! Participants should bring/wear sunscreen, running shoes, baton, snack, and water bottle. Camp Director: Heidi Fosnaught, USTA Location: Walsh Park #35351 July 13 - 17 Monday - Friday 9 - 11 a.m. Resident: $57 / Nonresident: $67 Boating Camp Ages 10 - 14 During this hands-on boating program, students learn the basics of how to paddle a kayak and canoe, row a row boat, sail a sailboat, and drive a small electric motor boat all in one action packed week! Each day students have ‘on the water’ time, learning the proper way to use each type of watercraft. Time will be set aside for boating related activities including PFD training, navigation rules, rigging boats, capsizing drills, and wind orientation. An integral part of camp is developing the knowledge to earn the State of Ohio Boaters Education Course license which involves 8-hours of in-class instruction as well as the hands-on training. After passing a written exam, students are licensed by the State of Ohio to operate any watercraft over 10 horsepower! Prerequisite: Campers must hold a Red Cross Level 3 or higher swimming certificate, be able to tread water for 2 minutes and swim 25 yards at any speed using any stroke. All equipment is provided. Camp Director: Michelle Haag Location: Mentor Lagoons Marina #35973 July 13 - 17 Monday - Friday 9:15 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. Resident: $127 / Nonresident: $143 Preschool Cheerleading Camp Ages 4, 5 & 6 Preschoolers learn skills that are the foundation of physical movement, coordination and body awareness while they are creatively having fun learning preschool cheers, chants, motions, jumps and tumbling. On the last day of this 6 hour camp, our cheerleaders will present a “picture perfect moment” pep rally for family and friends! Wear tennis shoes and bring identified pompoms. Morning campers bring identified water bottle and lunch, and afternoon campers bring snacks and beverage. A $5 insurance fee is due to instructor the first day of camp. Camp Director: Northshore Preps Staff Location: Garfield Park Lounge #35295 June 22, 24, 26 Mon, Wed, Fri 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. #35296 July 20, 22, 24 Mon, Wed, Fri 1 - 3 p.m. Resident: $45 / Nonresident: $54 FOR ALL CAMPS: Wear loose, comfortable clothing and tennis shoes (no sandals) each day. Also, to stay properly hydrated, each participant will need to bring a water bottle with his/her name on it to camp every day. For outdoor camps, please apply sunscreen 30 minutes before arriving at camp. 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE | 5 Cheerleading, Jumps And Tumbling Camp Grades 1 - 3 Cheerleading is more than cheers, chants and motions. Jumps and tumbling are the skills that make cheerleading a sport! PREPS offers qualified professional, safety-conscious gymnastic instructors to teach these skills. We teach cheers and chants with motions and jumps as well as all the tumbling skills needed for today’s cheerleaders. Wear tennis shoes and bring identified pompoms. Bring identified water bottles and healthy snacks. AM campers bring lunch. A $5 insurance fee is due to instructor the first day of camp. Camp Director: Northshore Preps Staff Location: Garfield Park Lounge #35305 June 22 - 25 Monday - Thursday 1 - 3 p.m. #35306 July 20 - 23 Monday - Thursday 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Resident: $51 / Nonresident: $63 T umbling For Cheerleaders & USFTL Flag Football Good tumbling skills are a must for today’s cheerleader. Tumbling skills will include cartwheels, round offs, front and back handsprings, dive rolls and handstands. This 8 hour camp will also include jumps. Wear leotard or loose clothing with no belts and shirts that will stay tucked in. Bring identified water bottle and healthy snacks. A $5 insurance fee is due to instructor the first day of camp. Camp Director: Northshore Preps Staff Location: Taft Elementary, 1580 E. 332nd St., Eastlake Grades 3 - 5 #35965 July 6 - 9 Monday – Thursday 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Grades 6 & 7 #35970 July 6 - 9 Monday – Thursday 3 - 5 p.m. Resident: $51 / Nonresident: $63 Figure Skating & Hockey Camp Gymnasts Camp Grades 3 - 5 and 6 - 7 Fencing Camp Ages 8 - 14 Zorro won’t hold a candle to you after you learn the fundamentals of modern foil fencing in this new day camp for kids ages 8 and older. You’ll learn stretching, footwork, lunges, attack, parry-riposte, strategy, tactics and bouting. Fun and safety are emphasized while developing hand-eye coordination, agility, dexterity and stamina as well as social skills and manners. All equipment is provided, so come out and try something new. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. Bring a water bottle with your name on it, too. Camp Director: Tom Nagy Location: Mentor Beach Park South Room #35279 July 13 - 17 Monday - Friday 9 - 11 a.m. Resident: $69 / Nonresident: $85 Intermediate & Advancing Fencing Camp Ages 8 - 14 If you’ve already studied basic fencing, this advanced camp will help you learn more about the growing sport of fencing. This camp begins where beginning fencing ends, concentrating on developing additional parry strategies, bouting and learning more about penalties and how they affect competition. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and tennis shoes. Bring a water bottle with your name on it, too. Camp Director: Tom Nagy Location: Mentor Beach Park South Room #35285 July 13 - 17 Monday - Friday 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. Resident: $69 / Nonresident: $85 6 | 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Ages 5 - 14 Join USFTL (United States Flag & Touch Football League) Directors, USFTL Cleveland Flag Football Hall of Famers, and USFTL Coaches & Counselors’ for four days of flag football fun! You learn and practice flag football skills including throwing and catching, running with the ball, how to run pass routes, and flag pulling, along with proper stretching, warm-up routines, and teamwork - all while having fun! Age groups will be organized for beginners and advanced athletes, and we’ll have a camp scrimmage on Thursday. Camp Director: USFTL Sports Staff Location: Edward R Walsh Park #35341 July 20 - 23 Monday - Thursday 9 a.m.- 12 p.m. Resident: $80 / Nonresident: $95 Ages 5 - 12 A day camp atmosphere with a focus on figure skating and hockey; including crafts, swimming, and activities. Campers will be asked to bring a bagged lunch and drinks. You may register by the week or by the day to fit your summer schedule. To register for Figure Skating / Hockey Camp, parents should contact Skating Director Holly Maher at (440) 974-5730 or maher@cityof to receive a more detailed description of the program. Special arrangements can be made for those participating in other programs (i.e. swim lessons, tennis, computer camps, etc.). The summer program will be tailored to your skater’s needs. Off-ice classes are also available including dance, ballet and jump. Prerequisite: Completed Basic 2 or Tot 2 Camp Director: Holly Maher Location: Mentor Ice Arena #35372 June 1 - 5 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. #35359 June 8 - 12 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. #35360 June 15 - 19 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. #35361 June 22 - 26 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. #35362 *June 29 - July 2 Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. #35363 July 6 - 10 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. #35364 July 13 - 17 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. #35365 July 20 - 24 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. #35366 July 27 - July 31 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. #35367 August 3 - 7 Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Resident: $130 / Nonresident: $160 *Resident: $110 / Nonresident: $140 Or pay a per day fee Resident: $35 / Nonresident: $45 WWW.CITYOFMENTOR.COM/PLAY Golf Camp Ages 8 - 14 This concentrated instruction in golf will teach the junior golfer the fundamentals of rules and etiquette. The camp will focus on swing technique, and the short game, including chipping, pitching, sand shots, and putting. The fee includes range balls. Campers are encouraged to bring their own clubs, or loaner clubs will be provided. Camp will be limited to 6 students per class. Instructor: Black Brook Golf Academy Instruction Staff Location: Black Brook Golf Course Age 8 - 11 #34953 June 15 - 18 Monday - Thursday 9 - 10:30 a.m. #34955 June 22 - 25 Monday - Thursday 9 - 10:30 a.m. #34957 July 6 - 9 Monday - Thursday 9 - 10:30 a.m. #34959 July 13 - 16 Monday - Thursday 9 - 10:30 a.m. Resident: $127 / Nonresident: $143 Age 12 - 14 #34954 June 15 - 18 Monday - Thursday 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. #34956 June 22 - 25 Monday - Thursday 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. #34958 July 6 – 9 Monday - Thursday 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. #34960 July 13 – 16 Monday - Thursday 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Resident: $127 / Nonresident: $143 Junior Golf League Ages 12 - 18 Each Thursday morning in the summer, more than 100 juniors tee it up for 9 holes of golf in this program designed for the experienced junior golfer. The league includes instruction from the Professional Golf Staff, skills contests, and regular course play. Entry fees are used for prizes and awards throughout the season. End of season annual cookout is August 6. Greens fees paid weekly. No play on July 16. Instructor: Black Brook Golf Academy Instruction Staff Location: Black Brook Golf Course Age 10 - 12 #34962 June 4 – Aug 6 Thursday 9:30 a.m. #34963 June 4 – Aug 6 Thursday 10 a.m. #34964 June 4 – Aug 6 Thursday 10:30 a.m. Ages 12 - 18 #34961 June 4 – Aug 6 Thursday 9 a.m. League registration fee: $54 J unior Golf Specialized Program Ages 12 - 18 Do you want to try out for your high school golf team or play at a higher level? This specialized program is just for you. You’ll have a 15 minute clinic with our pro each week covering everything from playing, etiquette, and rules, then golfers will play 18 holes and record their scores to establish a U.S.G.A. handicap. The program is open to boys and girls ages 12 - 18 and is run by P.G.A. Professional Tim Ausperk. No play on July 16. Greens fees paid weekly Instructor: Black Brook Golf Academy Instruction Staff Location: Black Brook Golf Course #34967 June 4 – Aug 6 Thursday 8:30 a.m. League registration fee: $54 LOOK FOR THE RED DOT! Take $5 off each camp marked with a red dot if you register before May 1! 440.974.5720 • CITY OF MENTOR Horseback Riding Camp Ages 8 - 18 Maypine Farm’s camp program is a fun filled approach to horsemanship. There are daily mounted lessons. Lessons in groundwork and games on horseback. The ground lesson cover elements of horse care from feeding, health care, grooming, show preparation and horse management. There are exciting activities, such as horse painting contests, observing veterinary and farrier visits as well as weekly grooming contests We also schedule field trips to local horse show events, pony farms, vet clinics and other equine related venues. Maypine has built a national reputation for the highest level of performance in the show ring. We have produced The Maclay National Junior Champion, the USEF Medal Champion and The Young Riders Gold Medal in jumping, the premier national junior titles. This level of performance guides our teaching while still maintaining a level of focus on fun and learning in a safe environment. Instructor: Maypine Farms Staff Location: Maypine Farms, 32700 White Rd., Waite Hill #35342 June 8 - 11 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. #35343 June 15 - 19 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. #35344 June 22 - 26 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. #35345 July 6 - 10 * Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. #35346 July 13 - 17 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. #35347 July 20 - 24 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. #35348 July 27 - 31 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. #35349 August 3 - 7 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. #35350 August 10 - 14 Monday –Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Resident / Nonresident: $370 * Advanced riders only Scuba Camp Ages 10 - 14 You’ll learn all about how scuba diving can be the adventure of a lifetime in this one-week camp. You’ll complete all the pool training and classroom training needed to earn your PADI Open Water Certification in a safe and enjoyable environment. You’ll learn about dive safety, equipment and procedures as well as what it’s like diving in the underwater world, how to communicate underwater, seeing and hearing in the deep and how to stay fit and healthy for diving. Bring a bag lunch, drink and towel each day and don’t forget to wear your swimsuit each day too! Course fee includes manual, logbook and dive tables, and all scuba equipment. Please have the camper’s height, weight and shoe size when registering. Instructor: Just Add Water Scuba Staff Location: Civic Center Pool #35284 July 20 - 24 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Resident: $350 / Nonresident: $360 The PADI Seal Team Camp Ages 8 - 11 PADI Seal Team Camp is for young divers who are looking for an action-packed, adventurous program filled with exciting scuba “Aqua Missions.” A PADI Seal, will learn the basics of safe diving and will later be able to explore different Aqua Missions or specialty dives like; Wreck diving , Navigation, Underwater Photography, Fish ID and Reef Awareness and more. Here’s your chance to explore cool Aqua Missions, meet friends and share in the adventure of the underwater world. And best of all - join a winning team - become a PADI Seal Team Member! Location: Civic Center Pool #35419 July 13 - 17 Monday – Friday 9 - 11:30 a.m. Resident: $274 / Nonresident: $280 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE | 7 Track and Field Camp Soccer Camp Ages 6 - 12 Mentor Recreation will help you get ready for the fall soccer season with this instructional soccer camp for boys and girls. Emphasis is on skill development, teamwork, and sporting conduct. Coaches will use circuit training to teach soccer fundamentals such as heading, ball collection, passing, shooting, and dribbling. Campers practice and develop skills in age and ability appropriate learning groups. Camp provides opportunities for both beginning and advanced players to improve and enhance their soccer playing abilities and be ready for the field this fall. Small-sided matches will be played daily. Camp Director: Mentor Soccer Club Location: Krueger Park #35358 July 27 - 31 Monday - Friday 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Resident:$53 / Nonresident: $64 Special Needs Soccer Camp Ages 6 - 12 Campers will learn the basic skills needed for the game of soccer including for running, kicking, and trapping a soccer ball. Through physical activity, we’ll promote social skills and peer interactions too. Campers will be required to attend camp with a parent or “buddy”. This camp is run by Special Sports inc. a non-profit founded by Head Coach Mindy Bakos. Her professional experiences in combination with her experiences as a parent of a child with special needs will surely make this camp a success. This camp is structured and adapted for kids with autism, Down’s Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other genetic disorders. For more information or questions concerning the camp, Mindy Bakos can be contacted at (440) 655-4144 or [email protected] Instructor: Mindy Bakos, Special Sports Inc. Location: Krueger Park #35338 July 21 - August 6 Tuesday/Thursday 6 - 7 p.m. Resident: $35 / Nonresident: $41 Junior Sports Camp Ages 4 & 5; 6 & 7 Learn the basics of all the sports you love to play! This camp gives boys and girls the opportunity to experience a variety of different sports in a fun and positive setting in just one week. Campers will learn the basic skills of football, soccer, and baseball/softball and have the opportunity to participate in game-like settings every day. Campers will be placed in an environment that promotes learning, positive reinforcement, team work and sportsmanship. Please wear/ bring to camp: tennis shoes, weather appropriate clothing, a water bottle with your name on it, and sunscreen. Camp Director: Branden Keeper Location: Location: Edward R Walsh Park (formerly Bellflower Park) Ages 4 & 5 #35275 June 15 - 19 Monday - Friday 9 - 10:15 p.m. Ages 6 & 7 #35276 June 15 - 19 Monday - Friday 10:45 a.m. - 12 p.m. Resident: $47 / Nonresident: $59 8 | 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE Ages 7 - 14 At Track Camp, you will gain experience in track and field events including sprints, hurdles, relays, high jump, long jump, and shot put. They will learn about each event through circuit training and will be grouped by age and experience. Campers receive a track camp T-shirt. Junior High athletes should bring running shoes and track spikes with 1/8’ spikes. Camp provides an excellent opportunity for all 7 - 14 year olds to prepare for the City of Mentor Junior Olympic Track Meet on Friday, June 26. Camp Director: Rob Grove Location: Mentor High School Stadium #35357 June 22 - 25 Monday - Thursday 9 - 11 a.m. Resident:$53 / Nonresident:$64 Bump, Set, Spike - Volleyball for Beginners Ages 8 - 12 Bump, set and spike your way through this camp as you learn the basics of volleyball. Camp director Branden Keeper and his staff will help beginner players learn rotation, positions, scoring and more to develop strong volleyball skills. Each camper will receive a camp shirt. Camp Director: Branden Keeper Location: Ridge Middle School Gym #35280 July 6 - 10 Monday – Friday 8:30 - 10:15 a.m. Resident: $53 / Nonresident: $64 Serving, Strategy & More Volleyball Camp Ages 9 - 14 If you’ve got volleyball experience, this camp led by director Branden Keeper will help you refine your skills and prepare for competitive volleyball. Campers will practice and develop skills in age and ability appropriate learning groups. Each camper will receive a volleyball camp shirt. Camp Director: Branden Keeper Location: Ridge Middle School Gym #35281 July 6 - 10 Monday - Friday 10:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Resident: $53 / Nonresident: $64 Volleyball for Advancing Players Ages 9 - 14 If you’ve played on a team or have participated in previous camps, this camp will help you refine your skills and prepare for more competitive volleyball. Campers will practice and develop skills in age and ability appropriate learning groups. We’ll work on cardiovascular conditioning, jump drills and plyometrics too to develop strength and agility. Camp Director: Branden Keeper Location: Ridge Middle School Gym #35282 July 6- 10 Monday - Friday 12:45 - 2:30 p.m. Resident: $53 / Nonresident: $64 LOOK FOR THE RED DOT! Take $5 off each camp marked with a red dot if you register before May 1! WWW.CITYOFMENTOR.COM/PLAY DISCOVERY CAMPS Grandparent & Me Camp Ages 5 & up with Grandparent Grandparents and their grandkids can explore summer camp together in this intergenerational camp experience. Meet at Wildwood Cultural Center the first two days and participate in games and activities, create a variety of arts & crafts, and go exploring in outdoor adventures together. The last day will be spent at the Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve & Marina where kayaking, nature walks, a hayride and campfire will complete the experience. Price of camp is per person. Camp Director: Maggie Kuyasa Location: Wildwood Cultural Center & Mentor Lagoons Marina #35353 August 12 - 14 Wednesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Resident: $57 / Nonresident: $72 Nature Craft 1.6 Ages 7 - 12 Find the tools, learn the crafts, and use your Mine Craft know-how in real life. You and your group will design your skins and then fill your chests with all the artifacts (like pickaxes, compasses, granite, maps and more) that you will need to explore, create and survive in the lagoons biome. We’ll forage for food, make fires, build shelters and even outsmart the monsters on our night hike. Be prepared though with insect repellent, sunscreen and water gear, we’ll be hiking, swimming, kayaking while we build our own community outside of the video game! Camp Director: Michelle Haag Location: Mentor Lagoons # 35981 July 20-24 Monday - Friday 9:15 a.m. - 12 p.m. Resident: $73 / Nonresident: $94 Little Nature Apprentice Camp Ages 5 - 7 Little Nature Apprentice Camp will give the opportunity for children to build a relationship with nature. We will get hands on with some of the exciting plants and animals that can be found in the Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve and even get in a little exercise along the way! Whether it is frog catchin’ or rock skippin’ we will be sure to have a fun time! Please bring a snack and a water bottle with your child’s name on it. Camp Director: Jake Kudrna Location: Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve # 35964 June 23 – 25 Tuesday - Thursday 9 - 11:30 a.m. Resident: $57 / Nonresident:$66 Pinewood Derby Science Camp Ages 8 - 12 This is not your typical pinewood derby camp! In this highly creative camp, boys and girls ages 8 - 12 will work in a fun team environment for two hours per day to learn about the requirements, brainstorm your design, then design and build a powered pinewood derby car. You’ll learn the basic stages for developing a new product and simple manufacturing concepts while exploring various science and engineering topics such as electric motors, thrust, gravity, and gearing. The final day of camp will be used to determine what team has the fastest car on the track! Camp will be instructed by Branden Keeper, an engineer with over 15 years of design and manufacturing experience. Instructor: Branden Keeper Location: Mentor Beach Park #35283 June 22 - 26 Monday - Friday 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Resident:$53 / Nonresident: $64 440.974.5720 • CITY OF MENTOR Superhero Academy Ages 4 - 6 Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s YOU! Join us for a week for of Superhero adventures! We will create our own superhero outfits, come up with our superhero names and learn how to defend the universe against villains. All while having fun outdoors doing superhero obstacle courses, crafts and games! Campers should bring a superhero snack and water bottle with their name on it. Camp Director: TBA Location: Walsh Park #35888 July 27-31 Monday - Friday 9 - 11 a.m. Resident: $57 / Nonresident: $67 X -treme Science Challenge Camp Ages 8 - 12 Discover the exciting world of science with fun, hands-on challenges. Instructor Branden Keeper will guide you through a new science challenge each day. Through hands-on experience and problem solving, you’ll learn about material strength, propulsion, acceleration, forces, and pressure. Students will work in a kid friendly, collaborative team environment. At the end of each day the teams will compete in a science challenge. Challenges will include the Egg Drop Survival, the Paper Tug-of-War, and the Catapult Launch along with other fun challenges. Get ready to have some fun! Camp Director: Branden Keeper Location: Community Center #35420 July 13 - 17 Monday - Friday 9 - 11 a.m. Resident: $70 / Nonresident: $84 Computer Programming Tech Camp Ages 9 - 13 We make computer programming simple and fun using Scratch software technology. Campers are introduced to the essential building blocks of computer programming by creating fun, interactive stories, art and games. During Tech Camp, students will think creatively while learning coding basics. By the end of this summer camp, these budding programmers will be able to put their imagination into the form of a computer program. Tech campers will also be able to take home a copy of their own computer programs on a complimentary USB drive to show the work they’re accomplishing each day, and keep after camp. ALL REGISTRATION FOR THIS CAMP MUST BE COMPLETED AT WWW. CLASSROOMANTICS.COM prior to June 10. Camp Director: Classroom Antics Educator Location: Community Center at Mentor Ice Arena June 15 – June 19 Monday – Friday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Resident/Nonresident: $229 Video Game Design Tech Camp Ages 10 - 13 Campers will learn video game design using GameMaker Studio, the latest game design technology from YoYo Games. Our instructors lead students through the full process of creating a game from beginning to end, including developing characters, rooms, adding backgrounds, music, sound effects and other great techniques. At the end of Tech Camp, each camper is provided access to a copy of the GameMaker software and a library of graphics and music files to continue to develop their games and create new ones as well. Tech campers will also be able to take home a copy of their own video games on a complimentary USB drive to show the work they’re accomplishing each day, and keep after Tech Camp. ALL REGISTRATION FOR THIS CAMP MUST BE COMPLETED AT WWW.CLASSROOMANTICS.COM prior to June 10. Camp Director: Classroom Antics Educator Location: Community Center at Mentor Ice Arena June 15 - June 19 Monday - Friday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Resident/Nonresident: $229 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE | 9 Fun in the Kitchen Cooking Camp for Kids Artists Camp Ages 6 - 12 Ages 7 - 12 Calling all young artists! Start your summer off with a week filled with fun and creativity. Art educator and creative artist Jacqui Spetrino will guide you in developing your drawing skills while experimenting with a variety of fun art mediums. You’ll bring home five unique works of art that your parents will cherish for a lifetime! We’ll end the week with an art show so you can show your family all the wonderful work you’ve created! Instructor: Jacqui Spetrino Location: Community Center Woods Room #35277 June 8 - 12 Monday - Friday 9 - 11:30 a.m. Easy Desserts Cookie Baking In this class your child will get hands on This hands-on class is an introduction to #35278 June 15 - 19 Monday - Friday 9 - 11:30 a.m. experience making a variety of desserts. cookie baking for your child. From rolled Resident: $104 / Nonresident: $109 Kids ages 6-12 will get to create, learn and experience cooking in our kitchen instead of yours with lots of hands-on fun! There is an additional $6 Food fee payable in cash to the instructor at each class. Each class features plenty of food to sample and recipes to take home. Please remember to dress for a mess! Instructor: Judi Strauss Location: Wildwood Kitchen Resident: $19 / Nonresident: $22 per class All of them are tasty and some are even good for you. There will be desserts to sample in class and extras to take home. There will also be recipes to take home and share with the family. Food fee $6 #35263 July 6 Monday 1 - 3 p.m. cookies to no-bake treats your child will get a chance to make several different types of cookies and will have both goodies and recipes to take home. Food fee $6. #35267 July 13 Monday 1 - 3 p.m. Pasta This dinner time staple is more popular than ever. In class your child will learn how to make pasta from scratch. Among the pastas we’ll try are carrot, broccoli, and sesame, whole-wheat, sour cream and many more. There will be hands-on pasta rolling and some recipes for using store bought pasta, too. There will also be recipes to take home. Food fee $6 #35265 July 8 Wednesday 1 - 3 p.m. Cooking with Tortillas They are one of the most versatile foods around yet many of us only use tortillas in Mexican cooking. In this class your child will get to make pizzas, roll-ups and even blintzes out of tortillas. There will be plenty of hands-on fun in class and recipes to take home. Food fee $6. Ages 6 - 12 #35269 July 15 Budding artists will explore one subject matter from an assortment Wednesday 1 - 3 p.m. Piece a Pizza Here is a chance for your child to get hands on experience making pizza from scratch including a tasty crust and terrific toppings. Your child will also get instruction on making Mexican pizza, pizza bagels and more. There will plenty to taste in class and recipes for home. Food fee $6 #35264 July 7 Tuesday 1 - 3 p.m. Crazy for Chocolate Chocolate is one of those foods that almost everybody loves. Cooking with chocolate can be enjoyable, too. From the basics of working with chocolate to baked treats this class will give your child plenty of ways to indulge. They will get a chance to taste plenty of chocolate treats and will have recipes to take home. Food fee: $6 #35266 July 9 Thursday 1 - 3 p.m. Where Do Bagels Come From? We love them toasted with cream cheese and jelly, or top browned with pizza sauce and cheese, still how many of us have ever made bagels? In this class your child will learn how to make bagels from start to finish. They will also get to sample their bagels with assorted toppings. Recipes and samples will be sent home, too. Food fee $6. #35268 July 14 Tuesday 1-3 p.m. Ages 6 - 12 Workshop Fruit Bowl Fruit is one of nature’s most perfect foods. Chock full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. While most children like to eat fruit, studies show American children are not eating enough fruit. In class your child will get hands on experience with new and different fruit recipes with plenty of recipes to bring home. Food fee $6. #35270 July 16 Thursday 1 - 3 p.m. Ages 5 - 13 Camp Globo’s Spanish immersion day camp provides your child with the opportunity to learn and use the Spanish language while enjoying all the fun and adventure of summer camp. The immersion method allows children of all Spanish skill levels (even no experience with the language) to enjoy and learn from the camp. Campers will spend their days immersed in the Spanish language while enjoying the beautiful outdoors of the Wildwood Cultural Center engaging in arts/crafts, games, music, water play, and more! Weekly themes guide the activities. Children should bring a packed a lunch, wear sunscreen, and bring a bathing suit & towel for outdoor water play! Please visit for more information on the program or contact [email protected] or 330-203-1514. Instructor: Camp Globo Location: Wildwood Cultural Center Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. #35261 July 27 – 31 Monday - Friday Mexican Fiesta #35262 August 3 – 7 Monday - Friday Wild Woods of Wildwood Resident: $130 / Nonresident: $140 | Spend time learning about and replicating some Master Artists with Young Rembrandts. We will draw a variety awe- inspiring images from many familiar artistic masters, all while exploring different media. We will create a large scene reminiscent to Roy Lichtenstein’s “Still Life with Figurine” from 1974. We will explore the many ways to illustrate shadow and light using techniques that Lichtenstein used. We become caricaturists and create unique cartoons of many famous artists. The final day allows us to explore pastels chalks as we learn about Paul Cezanne and his mastery of light and color. We become Masters ourselves! No experience necessary. Please wear an old shirt or smock on the last day. Instructor: Young Rembrandt’s staff Location: Wildwood Cultural Center - Blue Room #35355 August 3 - 7 Monday – Friday 10 - 11:30 a.m. Resident: $70 / Nonresident: $80 Birds Multi -Media Drawing Spanish Immersion Camp 10 Master Artists Drawing Workshop 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE of directions in this five-day workshop. We will explore birds using a different media or art technique each day. By Day 5, we will have completed a wonderfully creative collection of bird drawings. We will draw a flamingo, an eagle, a toucan, a dove, a wintry birdhouse and more. Artists will use pencils, thin and broad-tipped markers, SharpiesTM, color pencils, cut-paper and pastels. Outside of practicing and refining our standard drawing and coloring skills, students will also learn a style of cross-hatching, cut-paper mosaic and chalk pastel techniques. Join us for a medley of birds as we master multi-media! Instructor: Young Rembrandt’s staff Location: Wildwood Cultural Center - Blue Room #35354 July 13 - 17 Monday – Friday 10 - 11:30 a.m. Resident: $70 / Nonresident: $80 A ustralian Adventures Drawing Workshop Ages 6 - 12 We can’t wait to take a tour of Australia. This workshop will provide us plenty of opportunity to try different techniques and media all in the hopes of challenging our artistic skills. Day 1 highlights the Australian Opera House and its unique shell shaped design. We will create a graphic version of this remarkable structure for a dramatic representation. We will go Down Under as we explore cartooning with Australian-related jokes and scenes. And we will finish off this workshop with a powerful pastel drawing of a furry koala bear. Pastels are a unique medium and allow us the opportunity to practice some truly sophisticated techniques. We will walk away with several Australianthemed drawings to impress everyone. No experience necessary. Please wear an old shirt or smock on the last day. Instructor: Young Rembrandt’s staff Location: Wildwood Cultural Center - Blue Room #35356 August 10 – 14 Monday – Friday 1 – 2:30 p.m. Resident: $70 / Nonresident: $80 WWW.CITYOFMENTOR.COM/PLAY Get in Touch With Mentor Parks & Recreation General Information Recreation: Wildwood Cultural Center: Mentor Ice Arena: Black Brook Golf Course: (440) 974-5720, Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (440) 974-5735, Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. (440) 974-5730, Mon - Fri, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Summer, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. (440) 951-0010, daily 6:30 a.m. - Dark Connect | Share | Get Involved Check out all the exciting ways to stay connected with the City of Mentor & Parks & Recreation. Whether you’re at home or on the go, you can keep up with the city’s latest news, events and information. Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Connect 2 MentorRec e-news All the latest city news Mentor Parks & Recreation @MentorRec The Mentor Channel 4 easy ways to register the My Account tab and follow the instructions. If you’d like to setup an account, just call our office at (440) 974-5720, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Online 24/7: so we can verify your address, setup your account, at and provide you with everything you need to get started. Please have your email address, name, It’s FREE easy, fast, secure and address, and phone, and the birth dates of each convenient! family member available when you call. It’s as easy as that! Online Registration Is FREE! It’s FREE to use our easy, convenient and secure Please note: Accounts are address-based. Only online registration software. Online registration parents and children residing at the same address offers you all the tools you need to register for your may be placed in the same account. A utility bill favorite classes at your convenience. and/or school report cards may be required to verify residency. • Visit • Click the blue Register Online button on the left side of the screen. Phone-In / Drop-Off: Recreation Main Office: Mon – Fri, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. • Login using the green button on the right. Enter (440) 974-5720 your unique Login ID & password. Ice Arena: Mon - Fri, 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. (440) 974-5730 If you know the course barcode enter it on the Visa or MasterCard Accepted blue search bar or click Register for Programs to browse all of our courses. You can search by age Mail-In: group or use the Advanced Search at the bottom of the left column for other search options like Mentor Recreation Department, 8500 Civic Center Blvd., Mentor, Ohio 44060. Mail-in registration form Keyword or Location. is available below or online at www.cityofmentor. • Once you’ve located your classes, click the Add com/play. Don’t forget to include check or charge button on the right of the course details to add it information. to your basket. Confirmations and Cancellations • When you’ve completed your course selections, A receipt and/or camp confirmation will be emailed proceed to check-out. Visa, MasterCard and to you following registration. If a camp is canceled Discover are accepted. by the City of Mentor, you will be notified by phone Can’t remember your login ID & password? If you’ve or email. If the City cancels a camp, we welcome already given us your email address, just click on you to transfer to another camp within the same Program Locations Edward R Walsh Park Black Brook Golf Course Civic Center Park Civic Center Waterpark Civic Center Amphitheatre Community Center Eleanor B. Garfield Park Krueger Park Maypine Farm Mentor Beach Park Mentor Ice Arena Mentor High School Stadium Mentor Lagoons Nature Preserve & Marina Mentor Municipal Center Morton Pool & Park Old Council Hall Taft Elementary School Wildwood Cultural Center 7221 Bellflower Rd. 8900 Lakeshore Blvd. 8600 Munson Rd. 8600 Munson Rd. 8600 Munson Rd. 8600 Munson Rd. 7967 Mentor Ave. 7556 Chillicothe Rd. 32700 White Rd, Wlby Hills 7779 Lakeshore Blvd. 8600 Munson Rd. 6477 Center St. 8365 Harbor Dr. 8500 Civic Center Blvd. 9325 Rosemary Ln. 7250 Jackson St. 1580 E. 332nd St., Eastlake 7645 Little Mountain Rd. season, or you can receive a full refund. It takes two to three weeks to process a refund check. Credit card payees will receive credit on their account within a few days. all 44060 zip codes are Mentor resident addresses. Mentor School District and the City of Mentor corporate limits are not the same. Mentor residents receive priority in registration and discounted fees. Course Refunds Please choose your camps and courses carefully. There is a $10 administative fee for courses and camps canceled by the customer up to 24 hours before the camp begins. No refunds will be issued once a camp begins. (Camps beginning Monday must be canceled before the previous Friday to receive any refund). Participants may transfer the full course amount to another trip/class/program within the same season to avoid the administrative fee. Students assume risk of change in personal affairs or health. Kirtland and Kirtland Hills Residents The City of Mentor has a reciprocal agreement with Kirtland and Kirtland Hills that allows the residents of these communities to register for programs and pay the resident fee. Residents of these cities must wait until nonresident registration to register and proof or residency is a current utility bill with name and address on it and a photo identification may be required. The City of Mentor’s reciprocal agreement with the City of Mentor-on-the-Lake has ended and will no longer be available. Inclement Weather Cancellations We make every attempt to hold camps as scheduled. Contact the Recreation Department at (440) 974-5720 to inquire concerning inclement weather. Please do not assume a camp or course is scheduled if the weather is bad. In case of “Act of God” cancellations, the Recreation Department Wildwood Members reserves the right to terminate any class/activity Current Wildwood Members may take a 10% discount off the regularly charged fee (resident or that results in less than the scheduled number of nonresident) on all programs offered at Wildwood sessions, without issuing a refund. Cultural Center and may register on the first day of Photo Policy resident registration. We often take photos of our programs, special events, camps and general activities. These photos Mentor Residency Mentor residents live within the corporate limits of are used exclusively by the City of Mentor and may the City of Mentor. Proof of residency is a current appear in any of our publications, both electronic utility bill with both name and address on it along and print , and our website. If you wish not to be with photo identification and may be required. Not photographed, please tell the photographer. People with Disabilities We encourage persons with disabilities to participate in all programs offered by the Parks & Recreation Department. Please notify us in advance if special arrangements should be arranged in order to make participation possible. TDD available. Questions? Call the Mentor Recreation Department a (440) 974-5720 or visit Make all checks payable to The City of Mentor Grade as of 9/15 Registrant Birth Date Camp Name Reg Code Start Date Start Time Fee 1. 2. 3. To receive a receipt, please provide an email address. All receipts, along with weekly camp letters and reminders will be emailed. Please note: Once you have registered for a class/camp, there will be no full refund unless the City of Mentor cancels the class/camp All Information Below is Required Registrant’s Address City/State/Zip Mother’s Name Address Home Phone Cell Phone Email Address Daytime Phone Father’s Name Address Home Phone Cell Phone Email Address Daytime Phone Registration Total: Check # 440.974.5720 • CITY OF MENTOR Visa / MasterCard 2015 SUMMER CAMP GUIDE | 11 City of Mentor Department of Parks, Recreation & Public Facilities 8500 Civic Center Blvd. Mentor, Ohio 44060 Look for the Red Dot! TAKE $5 OFF EACH CAMP MARKED WITH A RED DOT IF YOU REGISTER BEFORE MAY 1! CAMP REGISTRATION begins January 26 for residents and January 27 for nonresidents! Check us out on the web: or call us at 440.974.5720 This brochure is printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink.
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