2015 Municipal program - Ciudadanos Espartinas

2015 Municipal program
Ciudadanos Espartinas
2015 Municipal program
The Town Hall is meant to be an Administration for everyone, citizens have the right to access to all of the information
and to know how much, where and how their taxes are being spent. It is essential to create an external audit of the Town Hall
and the Public Companies in order to know their real Balance Sheet.
The management of our town must be guided exclusively by efficiency criteria and not by cronyism. Superfluous
spending such as propaganda and protocol expenses must be reduced to the minimum. Local taxes, such as the IBI, must be
reduced through new sources of income which do not fall upon the neighbours. Client networks that have been woven by the
Town Hall during the last 30 years must be dismantled, and the Public Company ESGLOBA must be removed, integrating its
power and staff into the Town Hall.
The existing gap between citizens and their representatives must be eliminated. Public officials are working for the
citizens and thus, must be easily accessible.
As the closest administration to the citizen it is essential to give to our Social Services the necessary resources in
order to assist those families at risk of exclusion. We will develop specific policies addressed and focused towards the young
members of dysfunctional families or those with economic problems.
Administrative procedures must be more agile and simplified in order to favor the implementation of new businesses
in Espartinas. We will encourage the use of new technologies in companies and we will incentivize the generation of quality
employment. We will make our town attractive to foreign investments that will generate richness and employment.
We will increase the quantity and quality of sport and cultural activities, dignifying the work developed by the local
schools. We will make Sport accessible to the families by reducing significantly the prices of sport schools.
Young people are an important part of our population and we must make an effort in offering them leisure
alternatives, improving the public transport and creating spaces for meetings.
Due to the dispersion of the population in our Town, it is essential that the Local Police has the necessary human
resources in order to offer an efficient service 24 hours a day.
Espartinas has tripled its population in the last 15 years but it still continues to have the same road infrastructures. It
is an absolute priority to connect Espartinas directly with the A-49 and thus minimizing the traffic impact that this lack of
communication has in our neighbours each day.
It is necessary to raise the general interest above the party´s and look for agreements instead of confrontation. We
will fight for the interests of Espartinas against the Provincial, Autonomic or State Administration independently of Party
interests, through dialogue and consensus with the rest of the political forces.
Ciudadanos Espartinas
2015 Municipal program
Performances organized by áreas.
Connecting Espartinas and the A49
 Connecting Espartinas and the A49 is a need demanded by all citizens, who suffer daily traffic jams at peak hours.
 From Ciudadanos we propose to connect to the A49 in the area between La Santa and Hacienda Mejina. This connection
is direct; it has a flyover road in construction exclusively for Espartinas; roads which are wide enough and the stretch
to be built runs entirely through our own municipality.
 Other exits such as the one running next to the bullring should also be finished but should not be the main route
connecting Espartinas with the A49 because they are indirect connections which currently are already saturated and
which pass through very narrow roads and next to schools.
 Construction of a road that connects with the “Cercanías” train station of Salteras which is very near to our
municipality and which will improve the possibilities of mobility for Espartinas.
 Connect the urbanization “El Retiro” with Espartinas through a bicycle lane in order to bring them closer together.
 Finnish the current bicycle lane project in order to transform it into a sustainable mobility tool. Also, it is essential for
its proper use that it has the necessary elements to prevent it to be used as a parking space.
 Creation of parking lots nearby schools in order to avoid traffic jams when students check in and out each day.
 Reurbanization of “Avenida de Huelva” and “Avenida de Sevilla”, as well as “Juan Carlos I”, “Juan de Borbón” and
“Omeyas” Streets providing them with continuity, a new asphalt, a bicycle lane and systems to avoid high speed driving
which generate insecurity.
 Provide all public spaces with Wi-Fi connection.
 Improvement of the country roads carrying out periodic maintenance tasks.
Local Politics
 Internal and external audit of the Town Hall and the Public Companies in order to know the reality of the public Balance
 Suppression of superfluous Public Companies that are used to escape from the Town Hall´s control.
 Bigger cuts in the IBI tax for large families, families with all of their members unemployed and those with a new born
(only during the year after the birth).
 Monthly release in the Town Hall´s website of the budget implementation performance and all of the modifications
carried out.
 Plenary sessions must be carried out in the afternoons; broadcasted live; recorded and uploaded on the Town Hall´s
website with a quality that allows its correct viewing.
 The Mayor will personally attend the citizens who have previously booked an appointment one day every week.
 Creation of a united system that allows at all times the following from the Town Hall´s website of incidents or petitions
made by the citizens.
 Creation of a space in the Town Hall´s website from which all citizens can carry out the most common tasks such as
obtaining a certificate of registration, minor building licensing, etc…
 Aim at a Town Hall´s budget balance, without appealing to indebtedness, throughout the attraction of investments to
our town.
 Opening of the Town Hall one evening per week to ease the administrative procedures citizens must carry out.
Ciudadanos Espartinas
2015 Municipal program
Environment & Sustainability
 Improve the deteriorated maintenance of parks and gardens so that they are in an optimal condition.
 Increase the number of garbage pickup points in order to encourage recycling.
 Create free pruning-leftovers pickup points.
 Transform building lots of municipal property which lack of use into urban orchards that any citizen may access to
through raffle and paying a symbolic renting fee.
 Systematic review of security in public roads and spaces, giving special attention to children´s facilities.
 Set up a decorative fence in the perimeter around the lake in “Parque del Teso” to increase the security of children.
 Signal the existing hiking routes of Espartinas and broadcast them.
 Tackle the illegal deposit of rubbish that exists throughout all of our entire town.
 Promotion of civic behaviour through courses, sensibilization campaigns and, as last resource, applying punitive
 Collaborate with animal shelters that take care of abandoned animals in Espartinas incentivizing the future adoption
by the citizenship.
 Creation of specific dog areas in all of the parks of Espartinas.
Economy & Employment
 IBI tax cuts for new companies that are created in Espartinas as well as for those that hire or maintain staff.
 A Commercial Guide with all of the businesses in our Town which will have a website and will also be printed once a
year for all the new neighbours.
 A job board to which all companies in Espartinas will have access in order to hire qualified and non-qualified workers.
 In order to promote consumption in Espartinas:
o Promotional campaigns financed by the Town Hall.
o Organization of events: Tapa Fair, Gastronomic journeys, sector-oriented fairs…
o Promotion of local products: “tortas de aceite”, olives, wines…
o Shopping Nights together with concerts and other cultural activities.
o Organizing an Outlet Market for local businesses with every season change.
 Creation of a business incubator taking advantage of some of the office buildings built (but unused) or unfinished.
 Revitalization of the industrial parks through the investment in their maintenance and signpost.
 Creation of an office for business and investor attraction, helping the implementation of businesses
jobs as well as autonomous and self-employed entrepreneurs.
that create
 Promotion of innovation and the use of IT in the business network of Espartinas.
 We will remove the illegal peddling since it is an act of unfair competition towards the entrepreneurs of our town.
Education, Health & Social WellnessEducación
 Endow all of the education centres with a janitor so as to assure our children´s safety beyond the administrative
competency fights.
 Provide schools with kindergarten monitors as a supportive figure for the teachers.
 Potentiate the summer schools in Espartinas, prioritizing quality and accessibility.
Ciudadanos Espartinas
2015 Municipal program
 Strengthening of the Social Services providing them with the necessary human and budget resources so that the
needs of families with a greater risk of exclusion may be attended.
 Creation of annual programs for the promotion of a healthy lifestyle as well as free courses for addiction problem
 Creation of a free Legal Assessment Office to assist families in difficult situations.
 Creation of an office specifically for consumer rights from which citizens can be defended against abusive behaviour.
 Creation of Boards that include the Town Hall, Social Services and Assistance Associations in order to follow in a
coordinated way the implementations taken in place.
 Increase the frequency of public transport by creating specific lines for Espartinas.
 Create a night bus line during weekends that connects Sevilla with Espartinas.
 Promoting youth access to sport activities by lowering their cost and increasing the quality of facilities and sport
 Organize a cultural and sport agenda aimed at young people in which:
o Concerts are scheduled in different public spaces of the town.
o Dj courses, Skate, photography, creative writing, etc. are taught.
 Construction of a skate park in one of our parks so that young people can practice the sport safely.
 Youth Association Development:
o Making available a municipal building for its headquarters.
o Designing a municipal grant program.
 Encourage the creation of leisure areas in plots owned by the Town Hall.
 Creating a program of scholarships and grants aimed at families in economic difficulties.
Transparency & Citizen Participation
 Creation of a municipal job board from which to get workers to perform maintenance tasks in the municipality, driven
only by professionalism and rotation criteria.
 Publication of municipal budgets in the Town Hall´s website and quarterly checks of their implementation.
 Publication of all procurement processes in the contractor's profile as dictated by law.
 Publication on the Town Hall´s website of all of the salaries of political charges and trusted staff, if any.
 Remodelling of the current website to provide it with more services and open to the participation of all citizens. All
political parties represented in the Town Hall will have a space in it, this will bring a greater diversity to it.
 Voluntary evaluation to the Transparency Index of Town Halls (ITA) by Transparency International Spain.
 Implementation of participatory municipal budgets so that projects that are raised by citizens and have most support
are those in which the Town Hall invests public money.
 Any neighbour may propose a point to be discussed at the Town Hall Plenums when it has the support of 1% of the
population. In addition, it will have a presentation and a contradiction turn during the plenary session in which the
proposal is being handled.
Ciudadanos Espartinas
2015 Municipal program
 Columns of free expression will be installed, following the successful trend they have had in other towns. These
columns will be integrated into various parts of the city giving way to free public expression, strengthening
communication and thus avoiding the proliferation of unsightly graffiti and posters.
 Regarding the Local Police service:
o Implementation of 24 hour service since at present it does not exist from 5:00 AM to 8:00 AM.
o Random presence in schools at entry and departure hours focusing on children security.
o Broadcasting actions taken in order to maximize and motivate the Police Force.
o Reinforce the relations between Local Police, Guardia Civil and the local administration (Security Assemblies).
o Equip the Local Police with the necessary material for the correct performance of its duties.
o Plan of systematic and night rounds to prevent crime.
 Campaigns on general safety (fire, police, health, etc.) in educational centres, with particular emphasis on selfprotection and evacuation plans.
 Video surveillance in sensitive areas or those of cultural interest.
 Creating a Group of Civil Protection Volunteers in Espartinas.
 Dissemination of phones and contacts of the different “Mancomunity” Forces.
 Securing a towing service to ensure the provision to residents who pay permanent ford.
 Delimitation of any area involving danger to pedestrians and / or vehicles.
 Installing legal devices to reduce speeding in "fast" streets.
 Waymarks of streets and junctions designed to prevent accidents.
 Construction of pedestrian crossings, visible and elevated, in the busiest pedestrian areas, as well as adequating the
speed bumps to the current regulation.
 Plan future sport infrastructures taking into account the neighbour´s preferences. They must be accessible to all the
citizens and allow the practice of the most demanded sports in our town. They must include children activity spaces
which encourage and facilitate sports to the whole family. The management of these centres must be public.
 Establishment of a collaboration agreement with the Junta de Andalucía for the renewal of the sport facilities.
 We will unify in one sole sports centre the “Estadio Municipal de Tablantes”, the “Pabellón Cubierto Juan Carlos I”, the
tennis courts and the indoor swimming pool, which are all adjacent but are not currently communicated.
 We will provide all the sport centres with an automatic external defribillator (Desfibrilador Externo Automático) and we
will instruct the staff who, if needed, would have to use it. The possibility of providing other municipal facilities such as
schools with this tool will be studied.
 Revitalization of the municipal swimming pool, making its access more affordable and installing more shadowed
 All of the facilities must have a special access for disabled people as well as spaces and programs especially enabled
for them.
 We will pay special attention to the ecologically responsible use of the sport centres, implementing water and energy
saving measures, taking care of the green zones, etc. In the rehabilitation of the current facilities we will take into
account bioclimatic criteria and will install solar and photovoltaic panels as well as water economizers.
Ciudadanos Espartinas
2015 Municipal program
 Sport activity of all the neighbours will be promoted and a Sport Subscription that allows the access to all sport facilities
will be created. The subscription will have reduced fares for the members of sport clubs and associations of Espartinas;
older and disabled people; members of a same family and those in a special social situation. The cost will be higher for
those non-residents.
 The schedules of the sport halls and facilities of greater influx must serve at least 12 hours a day, the seven days of
the week.
 Maximization of programs that are focused on people with difficulties for the practice of sports: psychomotor
programs, child obesity, cardiac recovery, cardiovascular circuits in parks of Espartinas, etc. Open spaces will be
enabled with basic sport facilities, with free access and well maintained. They will ease the practice of sports for older
people and will become an economic and healthy alternative.
 Promotion of Sports Associations, Clubs and Schools as the essential pillars of the development of the sports network
of Espartinas and as an essential alternative for the youth leisure.
 Increase the economic aids to these organisms establishing agreements that ease the use of the sport facilities of
Espartinas, reversing this way in basic sports the revenues from payments.
 Promotion of competitions and the coordination with the different Sports Federations, involving businessmen in their
 Verification of the fulfilment of the current regulations in all of the sports facilities.
 Creation of a working group between the Town Hall and the sport clubs directed towards a fluid collaboration between
the both.
 Support the traditional festivals of our town such as Easter, “El Rocío” or the “Corpus Christi” as part of the cultural
identity of Espartinas and as a tool for promoting the integration of all of the population, favouring this way their
continuity and permanence in time.
 Regain the Fair of Espartinas as a dynamic event for the economy, a meeting point for the citizenship and a strong
exponent of the local tradition and culture.
 Promotion of the creation of new cultural experiences: Photography, Graffiti, a Literary club… facilitating the resources
and spaces for its development.
 Establish a dialogue with the education centres in a way that cultural activities are promoted from the Town Hall, in
line with the academic contents and programmed projects of each school.
 Maximize the use of the municipal facilities in order to dinamize and exhibit the artistic and literary manifestations of
our citizens by organizing expositions, poetry recitals...
 Broadcast the monumental and cultural strengths of Espartinas, organizing guided routes through the interest points.
Promote the history and tradition throughout the publication of a catalogue of our town and the ones nearby.
 Amplify the offer of cultural training workshops in modalities and schedules and reducing their price, offering social
discounts for large families, unemployment, etc.
 A special mention is deserved for the Public Library. From Ciudadanos we propose:
o Continuing with its reform and improving it.
o Provide it with a proper Wi-Fi connection.
o Enlarge the study room and incorporate furniture that is more adequate for studying, as demanded by many
students. The “Silence Area” must be separated from the group-working one.
o Locate in a sole pLace and amplify the children library. Give its own, cheerful, bright and playful identity,
continuously organizing storytelling in Spanish and English and “theme days” that act as incentives to go to the
Library and promote reading.
Ciudadanos Espartinas
2015 Municipal program
o Incorporate a viewings room for groups that can be used for local cultural activities as well as for the cultural
use of groups and individuals upon request.
o Give value to the library card, improving its design and advantages.
o Increase and update the bibliographic and videographic resources of the Library. Subscribe the library to at least
4 newspapers in order to allow it to become a point of daily reading for neighbours.
o Digitalize and improve filing, cataloguing, searching and access to books as well as their loan or any necessary
 Organize once a year a major cultural event, making it a paradigm in the Aljarafe: THE GREAT CULTURE FESTIVAL. It
must respond to the cultural and artistic demands of the majority of citizens and to serve as a means of dissemination
of the works and actions of different cultural, artistic and musical schools of our town.
 Create a joint board with municipal cultural schools: Music&Dance, chess, martial arts and painting. Collect their needs
and concerns and pose a continuous and effective collaboration.
You can contact our Party:
 Through our website: www.ciudadanosespartinas.es
 By email: [email protected]
 By WhatsApp: 605 744 138
 Following us on Twitter: @CsEspartinas
 Liking our Facebook page: facebook.com/CsEspartinas
 Watching the pictures we upload on Instagram: Instagram.com/CsEspartinas
 Asking our candidate through the website OsOigo: https://osoigo.com/es/p/jose-maria-fernandez-1.html
Lastly, we would like to share with you the delicated economic situation that our Town Hall is going through and which
will probably aggravate during the next four years, specially due to the judicial sentence that our Town Hall has since the
famous “Urbanistic Fee” has been declared ilegal. The total sum is 8.2 million euros to which we must add the interests and
judicial fees, as well as 800.000€ to the Social Security and 5 millions euros in loans to providers.
We know the reality of our town and are concious of the difficult task we face in case the citizenship trusts our