rlle ^r7 l\u. Al. I Irlri/atl'tnt< FD I tu-r rtLJtLwrJ-r)t\ REQUEST FOR QUOTATION(RFQ) FOR APPOINTMENT OF A CONSULTANT TO CONDUCT A COMPREHENSIVESKTLL GAP ANALYSIS AND DRAW FUTURE ROAD MAP FOR SKILL DEVELOPMENT IN CIVIL AVIATION SECTOR.'' IMPORTANT DATES Issue of date of RFQ Pre-bid Conference Last date for Submission of Bids rsE-Muv,2015 27th May,20l5 upto 1630 hours on 08th June,2015 The ir.rtbrnation cot.rtained in this Request fol Quotation document (" RFQ" ) ot' subsequently provide<1 to Agencies, rvhether verbally ol in doct,mentarl, or an)' othei form b,v or on bel.ralf of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Gover.nment of India (hereinaftel referred to as MOCA) or any of its employees ot' advisers, is provided to Agencies otl the tenns and conditions set out in this RFQ and such othet'terms and conditions subject to which such infornation is provided. This RFQ is not an agreement and is neither an ofTel nor invitation by MOCA to the prospective Agencies ot'any other person' The purpose of this RFQ is to provide interested parlies with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their Proposals pursuant to this RFQ. This RFQ includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and Such assessments arrived at by MOCA in relation to the Consultancy' all the assumptions, assessments and statements do not puryort to contain infonnation that each Agency may require' This RFQ may not be appropriate for all p..ront, and it is not possible for MOCA' its or adviseri to consider the objectives, technical expeftise and "*ptoy".t purti"utut needs of each party who reads- or uses this RFQ' The assumptions, assessments' siatements and information contained in this RFQ, may not be complete, accurate' adequate or corect' E'ach Agency shouldsnouta, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and of check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and compleleness the assumption*, ur..rr-.nts and information contained in this RFQ and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources' of Information provided in this RFQ to the Agencies is on a wide range The matters, some of which depends upon interpretation of law' information given is not an exhaustive account of statutory requirementsand should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law.MOCAacceptsnoresponsibilityfortheaccuracyorother.wisefor any interpretation or opinion on the law expressed herein' MOCA, its empioyees and advisers make no representation or waranty under any and shall have no liability to any person including any Agency law.,statute,rulesorregulationsortort,principlesofrestitutionorunjust enrichment or otherwis-e for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything containedinthisRFQorotherwise,includingtheaccuracy'adequacy' correctness, reliability or completeness of the RFQ and any assessment' to form assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed part oithis RFQ or arising in any way in this Seiection Frocess' MOCA also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise however caused arising from reliance of any Agency upon the statelnents contained in this RFQ' I\'{CCA ma)/ in its absclute discretion, but 'ra'ithout being under any obligation io do so, update, amend or supplement the information' assessment or assumption contained in this RFQ' The issue of this RFQ does not imply that MOCA is bound to select an the Agency or to appoint the Selected Agency, as the case may be' for CInruitun"y. vtrCa reserves the right to reject all or any of the Proposals without assigning any reasons whatsoever' The Agency shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the to pr"puro:tion- ur.d submission of its Proposal including but not limited preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees,.expenses associated with any or any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by MOCA other costs incuned in connection with or relating to its Proposal. All shall such costs and expenses will remain with the Agency and MOCA costsnot be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other or other expenses incurred by an Agency in preparation or submission of the Proposal, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Selection Process. lt\1, Particulars S. No. l Background 2. Obj ective tJ. i}oua 4. Delivery 5. tsligibility Critelia 6. Ple Bid Confereuce 7. Numbel of Proposals a Bid Security 9. Terms of Engagement 10. Selection Process i1. Cornposition of the team Scope of Page No. s"iui."t Schedr-rle t2. l-f. Submission of Proposal T4, Conflict of Interest 15. Proposal Due Date t6. Late Proposals 17. Clarifications 18. Evaluation Process 19. Confidentiality 20. Fraud and 2t. Appointment of Consultant 22. Liquidated Damages and Penalties L), Validity of the Proposal 24. Right to reject any or ali Proposals 25. Force Maj eure zo. Designated Office 27. Appendices to the RFQ l. Background Ministry of Civil Aviation (MoCA), Govemment of lndia is the Nodal Ministry for all matters related to the civil Aviation in the country. It is responsible for formulation of national policies and programmes for the development and regulation of the civil aviation sector in the country' The iricliaii civil Aviation sector is on the cusp of a transformation tl.rat could potentially transfonn into a global aviation hub. This requiles an alignmet-rt of policy' drivers, industrl, r-uaturitl' atrd tnanpo\,el' development. Of these. Manpou'er development is seett as a critical factor that could mal<e or break the case fot'the sectol'' s transformation. lt is estirlated that by 2032 the passengel' trafllc is expected to increase by 4.3 times, cargo traffic b1' 6.9 times atrd general aviatiot] traffic by 2'3 times from the l2ti' Five Year Plan levels. The forecast suggests a lobust growth of the sectol and its in-rplied demand on skilled human resources to upgrade and operate the ir-rfi'astructure acl"oss segments such as airlines, cargo, aitporls, MROs, Aerospace manufacturing etc' The lndustry soufces emphasise that the lack of availability of skilled and quality manpower across levels has affected their existing opefations and expansion plans. If the matters do not improve there will be a considerable cumulative shortfall of skilled staff at all levels severely curtaining the expected groMh of the sector and also lndian Economy' Properly and comprehensively trained Managers and workers contribute to the safe and smooth functioning ofthe Sector. 2. Objective: The main objective of the MOCA, taking cognizance of the situation, is tothoroughly review and assess the skill needs in different segments/sub-segments of the civil Aviation sector in the present and future and take urgent action to remedy the situation.It, therefore, would like to avail the seruices of Professional consulting Agency who could conduct a comprehensive skill gap analysis in the Sector and come out with remedial measures. Accordingly, MOCA, invites Request for Quotation (RFQ-for short) for the selection ofan Agency, inter alia, to conduct study on competence skills across various segments of civil aviation sector' identifu gaps in it and prepare future road map for skill development in the sector, advise MOCA on measures to be taken to fill the gaps and render services accordingly. J. Broad Scope of Services: The Scope of work to be undertaken by the Selected Agency is gi.,,en belo,.^r und th. same is merely illustrative and not exhaustive' The Seiected Agency shall thus have to consider the required output and include all further incidental activities that may be necessary for an efficient and successful study and for achieving the ultimate purpose of the assignment awarded pursuant to the RFQ' Thc Consu ltanl slrall (i) Conduct dctailed stud)', coliect data, analvse, and docutnent the gaps in skilled manpower availabilitf u'ith quar.rtities at plesent rvhile rnaking plojectior-rs fbr tl-re futr-rre in Ae l'ospace-AYial ion sectot's/st tb- sectol's (ii) consult/Interact tl]l.ough n.reetings and field visits with decision makers/key personnel in ail sections of Aviation Industry, AAIB (coveling Safety and Security aspects) and Tlaining Providers (both Private and Public) and ascefiain the valious categories of Operational and Managerial manpower involved in various segments i.e. airlines, cargo, ailports, MROs, Aerospace manufacturing etc., in the performance of the Civil Aviation (iii) (iv) (v) Sector. Discuss and collect data regarding capabilities of various categories of staff and shorl-cornings noticed and suggestions offered by the Stakeholders' Document the type of difficulties being experienced i'e' lack of basic skills, updated skills in the work being performed by the staff etc. and categories in which skilled manpower ls not readily available to be absorbed by the sector. Interact with operational/manageriai employees and assess and document the current capabilities/skilis of the available manpower in the Sector with reference to each job profile and identiff the qualitative skill shortages, areas of re-skilling and multi-skilling requirements (vi) Study and document competence gaps for in-service managerial category staff in ail concemed civil aviation organisations' (vii) Study and document skill/knowledge gaps for in-service operational category staff in all concerned civil aviation oreanisations. B. TRAINING INFRASTRCUTURE ASSESSMENT: The Consultantshall (i) (ii) - otherwise of the existing training Institutions, aids/amenities in the existing institutions offering aviation related training courses' with reference to the demand Assess adequacy or for skilled manpower in the aviation sector; Undertake fie1d visits to various existing aviation related training Institutions (both public & private) in various regions of the country, interact with Heads of the Institutions, pafticipants (trainees) anci Training Proviciers on 'tire tr'ainiiig courses being offered and their acceptability by the industry' evaluate the courses being offered/skills imparled, (iii) (iv) (v) relevance,coulse curricttlum, duration, teaching methods, availability and qr-rality of faculty etc' at the above lnstitutions' Assess the employability and placetlent oppofiunities of the persons rvho underwent the cout'ses beir-rg offeled cull'ently' Study and aualyse the in-service tlaining being provided to various categories ol personnel and scope for improvement' IAL ATIONS & RE Based on Study' Research & analysis of data collected, theConsultantshall (a) list out categories and volumes in which shortage of skilled C. manpower in managerial and operational functions is noticed in the aviation sector. (b)Recommend concrete measures to fi1l the gap of skilled manpower shortages in general and in identified categories in particular, as also in areas requiring re-skilling and multi-skilling, to meet the cuffent and future needs of the Aviation Sector' (c) suggest best teaching/training practices followed in aviation related skills elsewhere in the World and methodology for its adoption in the Indian civil aviation sector. (d)suggest in detail any alterations/augmenlation to the existing courses/training (including in-house training) being offered and need for developing tailor-made courses, new course modules/competency standards to ensure requisite employabie skilled and quality manpower availability for the Aviation Sector (e) Suggest improvements in the infrastructure of the existing training institutes in aviation sector and need for establishment of new training institutes or Specialised Skill Development Centres along- with likely location, in PPP mode or other means. (11 Assess the adequacy of existing training institutions and list out other Training Institutes (run by Central Go\t., State Golt'' Autonomous Bodies, Private Bodies) in the country which can be drafted or linkages established with, to meet the skill development training requirements of civil aviation sector and the modalities to achieve it. (g) Suggest appropriate Accreditation MethodologyiAuthority for the Training Programmes conducted and Certificates awarded, to create acceptability of such Certificate by the Industry universally' (h) Suggest implementation methodology or any Scheme, to meet Skill Development and re-skilling, multi-skilling requirements in various tiiscipiiires of aviation sectcr and also assess firncls required for the pulpose etc. (i) the exlent of role the Aviation Univelsity and the private sectol can play in Skill Developtnent Activities of the Sector'. fi) Syrergies rvith NSDC & NSDA. 4. Delivery Schedule Upon successful acceptance of the RIQ, the Selected consultant sl.rall accomplish the tasks rnentioned in para-4 above withinO4 (Four) months frorn the date of award of the Consultancy. The Selected Consultant shall be hrst required to submit a draft of outcome and recommendations within a period of three months frorn the date of acceptance of RFQ. After receipt of draft recommendations, the stakeholder consultations and consequential rnodifications, if any, are expected to take l5 days. Thereafter, the Consultant shall be required to formulate the final report within a further period of fifteen days' Upon submission of the final report, the Selected Consultant shall be bound to extend a hand holding support for a period ofthree months. The specific activities to be taken up on priority each month will be decided in consultation with the Client management (MoCA). Priorities change based on macro-economic developments' new regulations, avaitaUility of funds and stakeholder feedback etc. The Consultant should react quickly to such market stimuli and re-prioritize deliverables in consultation with the Client management. 5. ElieibilitvCriteria: 5.1 The RFQ is being issued oniy to the potential consultants listed out by the by the Ministry as per provisions of Rule 168(i) of GFRs' The Bidder should be a Company registered under Indian Companies Act 1956 or a firm registered under Limited Liability Partnership (registered under LLP Act, 2008). The Institution/ consulting Firm should have been in existence for a minimum of 7 (SEVEN) years in India' Consortium of Institutions/ Consulting Firms will not be allowed' The Bidder's annual turnover from Consultancy in India shall not be less than Rs.20 (Twenty) crores in each of the last 3 financial years.The Bidder should have extensive experience in similar work and meeting the qualifing standards and experience of at least five years in conducting zuch studies at various levels * national, state and district levels.Should possess the necessary in-house professional, technical, financial and managerial resources and competence.Sector-specific experience and inhouse capability to manage the assignment will be an added advantage ' 5.2 The Bidder should not have been blacklisted by any central/State Govemment institution. An undertaking (self-certificate) that the bidder hasn't been biackiisted by a centlai/state Govemlnent institution must subm itted. 5.3 l'lie bldder sl.rould nor be. ir.rsolvent, in receivcr.ship, be bankrupt or being u'ound up: 5.4 The Bidder should not lrar,e its affairs administered b,v a court ol .1 .juclicial o1'1icer; 5.5 l'he Bidder should nor have irs business acti\';tics suspended: and 5.6The Bidder should not be sub.jecl to anv legai proceedings fbr anl' sf the fbregoing reasons: 6. Pre-Bid Conference 6,1. A Pre-Bid conference shall be convened at the Serninar Hall, I" Floor, "B" Wing, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Near Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi - 110 003, on 27tt'May,2015 from l400hrs to 1700 hrs. A maximum of three representatives of each Applicant shall be allowed to pafticipate in the Pre-Bid Conference. The Applicants shall send their queries to the designated office by fax lemail along with the details of the representatives attending the Pre Bid conference iatest by 1600 hrs.hrs on 25'n May,2015. The queries shall be sent in the format below. The document type for the queries shall be Microsoft Word 2007 & above. RFQ Section A single query list only shall be accepted from a bidder. The queries must reach the designated office of MOCA by the scheduled time. MOCA, may decide not to have the Pre-Bid conference if it is able to resolve the queries otherwise. In such a case, the clarifications shall be 6.2. sent to the Applicant electronically or posted on the "MOCA CorneC' in the website of the Ministry of Civil Aviation (www.civilaviation.nic.in). During the course of Pre-Bid conference, the Bidders wili be free to seek clarifications and make suggestions for consideration of the MOCA. MOCA shall endeavor to provide clarifications and such fufther infcnnaticn as it may, in its sole discretion, consider appropriate for facilitating a fair, transparent and competitive Bidding Process. 7. Number of Proposals Each Applicant shall submit or.rly I (one) proposal in response to thls RFQ. An APPiicant u'ho submits more i'riari oi re propcrsal shall be disqualified. 8. Bid Securifv ILTh. Appll*nts shall subrnit, along *,ith their bids a Bid security of nupcesnlF'iY THOUSAND onll in the form of a Demand Dralt issuecl by a Nationalised Bar.rk inlndia in favour of the "PAO' Secretariat, Ministry of Civil Aviation" payable at New Delhi' Bid Security in any other.fornr shall not be elrtellained. The bid security shall be retui.ned at the earliest u,ithout interest after finalization of tenderi'g process, except in case of the highest lanked Agencies as required in blause 21.1. The Selected Applica'rt's Bid Secudty shall be returned, upon signing the Agleement and completing the Deliverables assigned to ii fo. G fir'st 2 (two) months of the Consultancy in accordance with the provisions thereof. S.2AnyproposalnotaccompaniedbytheBidSecurityshallberejected by the MOCA as non-resPonsive. 8.3 MOCA shall not be liab1e to pay any interest on the Bid Security and the same shall be interest free. 8.4 The Applicant, by subrnitting its proposal pursuant to this^RFQ' shall be deemed to have acknowledged that without prejudice to MocA's any other right or remedy hereunder or in law or otherwise, the Bid Security shall be forfeited and appropriated by MOCA as the mutually agreed pre-estimated compensation and damage payable to MO.CA-for' iite, aiia, the time, cost and effort of MOCA in regard to the RFQ including the consideration and evaluation of the Proposal under the followine conditions: a) If an Applicant subrnits a non-responsive Proposal; b) If an Applicant withdraws its Proposal during the period of its validity as specified in this RFQ and as extended by the Applicant from time to time; c) In the case of a Selected Applicant, if the Applicant fails to sign the Agreement or commence the assignment as specified in Clauses 27 .3 and d) If 2 I '4 respectively; or the Applicant is found to have a Conflict of Interest as soecified in Clause 14. 9. Term ofEngagement The engagement(the"Contract") period' will be for 04 (Four) months. The engagement may be terminated on a notice period of ONE rnonth by either PatlY' 10. Selection Process MOCA u'ould adopt a two stage selection plocess (collectively the "Selection Process") in evaluating the Proposals cornprising Technical and Financial Bids to be submitted in trvo separate sealed envelopes. In the fir'st stage, a technical evaluatior.r shall be caried out as specitied in Clause 18.2. Based on this technical evaluation, a list of short-listed Agencies shall be prepared whose financials bids shall be opened for final selection of the Agency. The first lanked Agency (the Selected Consultant) shall enter into an agl'eement with the Government in the folm of MOU. 11. Composition of the Team: 11.1 Team Composition and Experience of Experts The Applicant shall provide details of the expe(s proposed to be deployed together with the time/ duration for the proposed assignment. Agencies, who offer to provide more than one expeft for one or more sectors, shall clearly specifr the sector expert who should be evaluated for the purpose of Technical Evaluation. Such Agency, if successful, shall be bound to provide the services of the additional sector expert(s) to MOCA at no additional cost or liability whatsoever. 1 1.2 The Curiculum Vitae (CV) of each expert proposed to be deployed for the assignment shall be given along with the proposal. 11.3 The Ministry would evaluate each member proposed to be deployed based on their qualifrcations, experience etc, and assign score for every applicant based on its evaluation (Participation in projectsi assignments specifically relating to the aviation sector would be given preference and higher weightage). 11.4The presentation shall be made by the Authorised Signatory and/or the Team Leader, when at least one of the Sector Experts would be required to be available. The presentation should clearly bring out the understanding of the Agency with regard to the requirements of MOCA and concisely present the approach and methodology proposed to be followed for the successful completion of the assignment. The presentation should, normally, not exceed a time limit of twenty minutes. The presentation shall be held on ll'n Juneo 2015 from 1000 hrs onwards in the Conference Room, 2no floor, "B" Block, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Near Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi 110 003. 11.2 Key personnel The Agency shall be required to offer a team of Key personnel to carry out the assignment. The team shall consist of the following key personnel for discharge of responsibilities as specified below: n----^-^:t-:r:.:^l1,c s I tu I lsl u rrtr I ss Kev Personnel Will lead. co-ordinale and supen'ise the team forl Tealr Leadet'(1) Sector Experts (at least 3 experts) Consultancy and shall be lesponsible for the me41otlg4 . dp3ry:4. serr'] - The sector erperts u'i1l bring itr expenence IJducation Sector'; N'lalke-t Strrve)'; Metl.rodol Studl', Research and Anal-vsis o1' Sliilling and Tlai requirements of the indLrstry, Competence in skill analysis, designing training rnodules/curri Knou'ledge in Aviation Education, Aviation Opelations Airline functioning, Management, Safety, Regulation, Legal, HR and responsible individually fbr work relating to ive field of e The composition of the team should be adequate enough to ensure that prerequisite skills are available to plovide all the outputs required from the assignment within the timefrarne prescribed' I I .2.1 On seiection, the bidder (hereinafter referred to as 'the consultant') would be required to deploy an appropriate team of experts proposed for the present assignment. of replacement of experl(s), the Consultan twil1 make the replacement with an expert of equivalent or higher qualifications and To facilitate knowledge transfer, the Consultant will ensure "*p".Ln"". that there is at least a 14 day overlap between the existing experl and the replacement expert. The decision of Ministry shall be final and binding in thi matter of replacement of experts or placement of additional expefis, irrespective of ti-re fact that an expert may be replaced by a person with higher qualifications and / or experience. || '2.3 ln case stage, weightage will be given to higher qualifications, educational background from reputed institutions like IIisAIMs and range of relevant assignments handled' Weightage in technical evaluation will also be given to prior experience in working in 11.2.4 At the technical evaluation similar proj ect. 11.2.5 The experl requirement indicated in Table above is only indicative and shall be used only for the purpose of evaluation of the bids. It is clarified that the actual expert requirement may vary, both in numbers and distribution, and no liability whatsoever shall attach to the Ministry on account of such variation. 11.3 Conditions of Eligibility for Key Personnell ll.3.lAvailabilityofKeyPersonnel:TheproposedTeamLeaderand Sector Experts must be the employees of the Agency' It shali offer the se.ices oionly those Key Personnel who fulfil the eligibility requirements specified in the table giver.r at Clause 11.3.2. 1 1.3.2 Elieibilit)' cf iteria for Ke), Pelsonnel: Eacl.r of the Ke1' Pelsonnel must fu1fill the elieibilitv clitelia sDecified here in belorv: I(ey Length of Expericncc in Eligible Assignments Professional Person nel Expcrie n ce l'he Team Leader Tear-r-r Leader should have sound understanding and experience of conducting Research, Study atrd Analysis of l\4anpower Tlaining and Skill Development, devising skill development techniques, and other relevant aspects for infrastructure sectors in India or abroad. Preference will be given to those who have working experience in aviation sector and Survey, Research 5 years participated in the above assignments. Should have knowledge of conducting research and survey of skill based manpower requirements, skill gap analysis at different levels in various sectors of the Industry. Preference will be given to those who have working experience in aviation sector, aviation education andparticipated in the above & Analysis. assisnments. skill 5 years Development Training and curricula designing. Should have an experience and knowledge setting up of Training and Manpower establishments and related regulations; Skill Development and Skill Based Professions, Skill of Should Development Schemes Ministries. various have participated/conducted such studies in the recent past 2 years. Aviation Education Training 5 years & Should have an experience of designing Academic & Training infrastructure with specific understanding to the needs of aviation industry. Key Personnei proposeci shouici have gooci working knowiedge of English language. 12. Preparationof the ProPosal 12.1 Language TheProposalwitlrallaccotnpanyingdocuments(the..Docurnents,,)and Process al1 cornmunications in relation to 01' collcel'ning the Selection shall be in English language and strictly on the fotms provided in this RFQ. No suppotting document or printed literature shail be submitted with the troposal unless specifically asked for and in case any of these Documents is in another language, it must be accompanied by an accurate translation of the relevant passages in English, duly authenticated and certified by the Agency. Foi the purpose of interpretation and evaluation of the Proposal, the translation in English shall prevail' 12.2 Format and signing of Proposal 12.2.1 Tlne Applicant/Bidder sha1l provide all the information sought underthisru.Q.rr,rocewouldevaluateonlythoseProposalsthatare received in the specified forn-rs and complete in all respects' 12.2.2 The Applicant/Bidder shall prepare one original set of the Technical Proposal (together with originalsi copies of Documents required to be submitted along therewith pursuant to this RFQ) and cl#ly marked ..ORIGINAL". In addition, the Applicant/Bidder shall of the Technical Proposal, along with documents' submit 2 (two) copies -In ,.coPY". the event of any discrepancy between the original marked and its copies, the original shall prevail' It is clarified that the Technical purpose Proposal marked "ORIGINAL' only shall be considered for the of scrutiny and evaluation. 'ORIGINAL" shall be typed or written,in indelible ink and signed by the authorised signatory of theApplicant/Bidder who shall iniiiat each page, in blue ink' In case of prirrt"a and published Documents, only the cover shall be initialled. lt ihall contain no interlineations or over-writing except as necessary 10 correcttheerrorsmadebythefirmitself.Anysuchcorrectionsmustbe signing the Proposal' The Proposals must be initialled by the person(s) -by the- euthorised Representative (the "Authorised properly signed 12.2.3 The Proposal marked Representative") as detailed below: or la) by the proprietor, in case of a proprietary firm; (U)Uv u paftner, in case of a limited liability partnership; or Attorney' in case icj Uy u-aufy authorised person holding the Power of of a Limited Cornpany or a corporation; 12.2.4AcopyofthePowerofAttorneycerlifiedunderthehandsofa in Partner or Diiector of the Applicant and notarised by a Notary ?ublic the form specified in eppendix-t (Form- 4) shall accompany the Proposai' 12.2.5 Applicants/Bidders should note the proposal Due Date, as specified in clause I5 for sub'rission ofp'oposals. Except as specifically provided ir this RFQ, no ir'ele'ant nlate'ial n,ill bc- entertained bi, MOCA, and that evalualion will be carried out onll on the basis of relevant Documer-]ts lccei'ed b1'the closing 1ir-ne of proposal Due Date as specified i'. unsolicited mate'ial if sr-rbmittcd rvill be sr-urmarily rejected. 12.2.6 For avoidance of doubts, Applicants/Bidders rnay be asked to plovide additior-ral material, informatior-r or documents subsequent to the date of subrnission. MocA reserves the to seek clar.ificalions under 'igl-rl and in accordance with the provisions of Clause 1 g. 12.3 ApplicantslBidders are required to submit Technicar proposal and Financial Proposal separately as specified below: I2.3. I Technical Proposal: Applicants/Bidders shall submit the Technical proposal in the formats at Appendix-I (the ,,Technical proposal";. Whil; submitting the Technical Proposal, the Applicant shall, in particular, ensure that: a) All forms are submitted in the prescribed formats and are sisned bv the prescribed signatories; b) The Bid Security is provided as per Clause g; c) Power of Attomey as per as specified in Forrn-4, Appendix_I, is executed Applicable Laws; d) CVs of all Key Personnel have been included; e) Key Personnel have been proposed only if they meet the conditions ofEligibility laid down at Clause 1 1.3.1 and I 1.3.2 ofthe RFe; f) No altemative proposal for any Key personnel is being made and only one CV for each position has been furnished; g) the CVs have been signed and dated in blue ink by the respective Personnel and countersigned by the Agency. photocopy or unsigned /countersigned CVs shall be rejected; h) the Applicant/Bidder shall provide an undertaking from the respective Key Personnel about his/her availabilitv for the duration specified in the RFQ; i) Key Personnel would be available for the entire period of the assignment including the Hand holding period; i) the proposal is responsive in terms of Clause 1 8. I . I 2.3.2 Faiiuie io coii-iply i' itl-r ilt.- iequiiemerils 12 shall rnake tl.re Pr"oposal liable to be re.jected. I spe lt out uiidci Clausc - 12.3.3 If Conrpar.rl,/LlP r.nakes a false averment regarding qualification, experience or other parliculat's. or connritmenl regalding availability of Key Personncl for the Plo-jcc1 is not lirlllllcd a1 any stage after signing of the Agreement. they shall be liablc to be debalred for any future assignmenl of MOCA fol a period of 5 (fivc) 1'ears. The award of this consultancy to the Agenc)' may aJso be liable to cancellation in sucl.r an event. 12.3.4 The Technical Ploposal shall not include ar.ry fir.rancial infonnation relating to the Financial Proposal. 12.3.5 fhe MOCA resen/es the right to verify all statements, information and documents, submitted by the Applicant/Bidder in response to the RFQ. Any such verification or the lack of such verification by the MOCA to undertake such verification shall not relieve the Applicant of its obligations or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the MOCA thereunder. 12.3.6 ln case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the Agreement or after its execution and during the period of subsistence thereof, that one or more of the eligibility conditions have not been met by the Applicant or the Applicant has made material misrepresentation or has given any rnaterially incorrect or false information, the Applicant shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet appointed as the Consultant either by issue of the Letter of Award (LOA) or entering into of the Agreement, and if the Selected Applicant has already been issued the LOA or has entered into the Agreement, as the case may be, the same shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained therein or in this RFQ, be liable to be tenninated, by a communication in writing by MOCA without MOCA being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Applicant/ Consultant, as the case may be. In such an event, the MOCA shall forfeit and appropriate the Bid Security as mutually agreed pre-estimated compensation and damages payable to the MOCA for, inter alia, ttme, cost and effort of MOCA, without prejudice to any other right orremedy that may be available to MOCA. 12.4 Financial Proposal 12.4.1 The Applicant/Bidder shall submit the Financial Proposal in the formats at Appendix-ll, Fonn I clearly indicating the total cost of the Consultancy assignment in both figures and words, in Indian Rupees, and signed by the Applicant's authorised signatory. In the event of any difference between figures and words. the amount indicated in words shall be considered for evaluation. In the event of a difference between the arithrnetic total and the total shown in the Financial Bid, the lower of the two shall be taken into account. While submitting the Financial Bid, the Anolicant/Bidder shall ensure the fbllou,ins ; (i) The lump sutr.r professional 1'ee quoted in the Financial Bid shall be inclusive of all costs associated rvith the assignn.rent and shall covet' ren-runeratiot-t fol all the Pelsonnel, rvorh space, travel allowance, equipmel-tl, printing o1' docutlents, sLlrveys etc. The Financial Bid shall be unconditional. ur-rqualified and shall be final and binding' (ii)The lurnp sutn professional fee quoted in the Financial Bid shall be ir.rclusive of all statutory tax liabilities and expenses. Fufiher, all payments shall be subject to deduction of taxes at source as Per applicable laws. 13. Submission of Proposal The Applicant/Bidder shall submit the Proposal in hard bound form with all pages numbered serially and by giving an index of submissions. Each page of the submission shall be initialed by the 13.1 Authorized Representative of the Applicant as per the terms of the RFQ' 13.2In case the proposal is submitted on the document down loaded from Official Website, the Applicant/Bidder shall be responsible for its accuracy and correctness as per the version uploaded by the MOCA and shall ensure that there are no changes caused in the content of the downloaded document. In case of any discrepancy between the downloaded or photocopied version of the RFQ and the original RFQ issued by MOCA, the latter shall prevail. 13.3The Proposal shall be sealed in an outer envelope which should bear the address of the MOCA, RFQ Number, Consultancy Name, Name and address ofthe Applicant/Bidder. Ifthe envelope is not sealed and marked as instructed herein, MOCA assumes no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the contents of the Proposal submitted and consequent losses, if any, suffered by the Applicant. 13.4The aforesaid outer envelope should contain two separate sealed envelopes, one clearly marked 'Technical Proposal' and the other clearly marked 'Financial Proposal'. If the Financial proposal is not submitted in a separate sealed envelope duly superscribed as indicated above, this will constitute ground for declaring the proposal non-responsive. 13.5 I The envelope marked "Technical Proposal" shall contain Application in the prescribed fonr.rat (Form-1 of Appendix-I) along with all Forms 2 to 8 of Appendix-l and supporling documents; and Bid security as specified in Clause 8. 3.6 The envelope marked "Financial Proposal" shall contain the financial proposal in the prescribed forrnat (Forms il'). I and 2 of Appendix- 13.7 The Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal sha11 be typed or u,ritten in indelible ink and signed b1'the Authorised Representative of the Applicant. All pages of the Te chnical Proposal (rnarked ,ORIGiNAL,) and Financial Proposal must be numbered and initialed by the person ol' persons signing thc Pt'oposal' 13.8The completed Proposal must be delivered on or before the specified time on Proposal Due Date' Proposals submitted by fax, telex, telegramor e-mail shall not be enterlair.red. The Proposai shall be made in the Forms specified in this RFQ. Any attachrnent to such Forms must be plovided on separate sheets of paper and oniy information that is direclly relevant sl.rould be provided' This may include photocopies of the relevant pages of printed documents' The documents already submitted along with E'OI need not to be submitted again. 14. Conflict of Interest Selected Applicant/Bidder to provide professional, objective and imnartial advice and at all times hold MOCA', interests paramount without any consideration for future work and strictly avoid conflict of interest with any other assignment or their own Corpbrate interests. Without limitation on the generality of conflict of intereit theSelectedAgency or any of their associates shall not take up any assignment that by its nature will result in conflict with present l4.I MOCA requires the assignment. conflict of lnterest shall be disquahfiLd. In the event of disqualihcation, MOCA shall forfeit and appiopriate the Bid Security as mutually agreed genuine pre-estimated clmpinsation and damages payable to the MOCA fot, inter alia, the time' cost and effort of MOCA including consideration of such Applicant/Bidder's Proposal, without prejudice to any other right or 14.2 Any Applicant/Bidder found to have a remedy that may be available to the MOCA hereunder or otherwise' 15. Proposal Due Date The Proposal should be subrnitted uptol600hrs (IST) on 8th June,2015 at the designated address in the manner and form as detailed in this RFQ' MOCA may, in its sole discretion, extend the Proposal Due Date by issuins an Addendum. 16. Late Proposals Proposals received by MOCA after the specified time on Proposal Due Date shall not be elieible for consideration and shall be summarily 17. Clarifications 17.1 To facilitate evaluation of Proposals, MOCA lnay, at its soie discretion, seek clalifications lrotn any Agency legarding its Ploposal. Sucl.r clalification(s) shall be provided wilhin the tirne specified by MOCA for this purTose. An,v lequest fol clarification(s) and all clarification(s) in response thereto shall be in wliting. .2 lf an Applicant does not plovide clalificatior.rs sought under Clause 17.1 above within the specified tirne, its Proposal shall be liable to be rejected. In case the Proposal is not rejected, MOCA may proceed to evaiuate the Proposal by construing the pafiiculars requiring clarification to the best of its understanding, and the Agency shall be barred from subsequently questioning such interpretation of the MOCA. 17 18. Evaluation Process 18.1 Evaluation of Proposals * The Proposals shall be opened at 1500 hours on 10th June, 2015 in Room No.254, 'B' Block' Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi 110 003, in the presence of the Agencies who choose to attend. The enveiopes marked "Technical Proposal" shall be opened first. The envelopes marked "Financial Proposal" shall be kept sealed for opening at a later date. In case of any holiday on the bid opening date, it will be opened on the next working day at the same time and the same venue. Prior to evaluation of Proposals, MOCA shall determine whether each Proposal is responsive to the requirements of the RFQ. MOCA may, reject any Proposal that is not responsive hereunder. A Proposal shall be considered responsive only if: 18.I .1 a) The Technical Proposal is received in the form specified at Appendix-I, with three Copies, one marked "ORIGINAL" and two marked as "COPY"; b) It is received by the Proposal Due Date including any extension thereof pursuant to Clause 15; c) It is accornpanied by the Bid Security as specified in Clause 8. bound together in hard cover and marked as stipulated in Clauses 13.i a,rd 13.4. e) It is accompanied by the Power of Attomey as specified in Form-4, Appendix-I; d) It is signed, sealed, it contains all the information (cornplete in all requested in the RFQ; respects) as g) it does not contain any condition or qualification; h) it is not non-r'csponsive in tet'ms heleol-. and 18.1.2 MOCA reser'\'es the right to rejecl any Proposal which is non-responsive and no requcst fol alteralior-r, rnodification, substitution or rvithdrau,al shall be entertair-red by lr4OCA in respect of such Proposals. 18.1.3 MOCA sl.rall subsecluentll' examine and evaluate each of the ploposal. Tl.re technical evalualion of the proposals shall be done on l2'n June, 2015 after the plesentation to be made by the Agency(s) on the Approach and Methodology. The preset.ttation shall be held in the Conference Room, 2n'' Floor, 'B' Block, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan,Near Safdaljung Airport, New Delhi 110 003, on 12'n June,2015 from 1000 hours onwards. 18.2 Technical Proposal Evaluation 18.2.1 The maximum achievable total technical score for any applicant would be 100 marks. A n.rinimum of 7 0o/o marks is necessary for qualifuing in the Technical Bid. The applicants would be ranked based on the technical score obtained. l8.2.2The scoring criteria to be used for Technical evaluation shall be follows: Parameters and weightage s1. Points No. (a) I 35 Experience of the Consulting firm (i) Experience of Research, Survey, Study (i + ii) and conducting Manpower Requirement (i) 2s Analysis in various categories for infrastructure sectors in India or abroad, Offering consultancy services in areas of aviation education and human resource developrnent, Core competency in Skill Based Education related Studies, skill gap analysis for Central Govemment/State Golt./PSUs/Private Sector Industry (Medium & large scale). (ii) Experience of study and preparation of (ii) 10 Reports on setting up of Skill Development Training establishments in including sectors key designing/developrnent of course curriculum for the same in general and aviation sector in narticular. Proporti.onate higher score will be awarded as based on the nwnber successful "/ a.\s ig]1ntent,\ c,ctnltiefecltpul icipated in eacll of tlte abot,e y!p:!9J!,, (b) categot.\) ttnd r.tn the ba,sis o.[ / r.t f s rc lt n *r i Knm e I s. u Suitahilit\ of lrc. Jrcrsr,nncl lbr the assignmcnt: Educational (lualifi cationr Relevant Experience (c) 30 33.30 66.6% N{ethodologl, to be adopted for (20 points) 35 (i+ii+iii) (i) Understanding of theTOR (5) (ii) Approach & Methodology (10) (iii) Work (10) Plan Note: The Ministry wili not reimburse any expenses incutrea Uy tne applicant towards preparation of the tender document, traveling cost, boarding and lodging incurred for attending any pre-bid/bid meeting or visiting the Ministry's office for making the presentation. The Ministry shall, in no case, be responsible or liable for any such costs whatsoever, regardless ofthe outcorne of the tender process. 18.2.3 The total technical score would be an arithmetic sum of scores obtained by the Agency for each of the parameter indicated above viz. experience of the Agency, qualification of and relevant experience of the experls and approach methodology proposed by the Agency etc. The maximum achievable total technical score for any Agency would be 100 marks. 18.2.4 The Agencies which secure the minimum score of 70(seventy), shall qualiS for.opening the financial bids. 18.2.5 Financial bids of the firms who do not quali{V shail be retumed. unopened. 18.2.6 After the technical evaluation, MOCA shall prepare a list of the shorllisted Applicants/Bidders for opening of their Financial Bid. A date, time and venue will be notified to the shortlisted Applicants/Bidders for announcing the result of evaluation and opening of Financial Proposals. Before opening of the Financial proposals, the Technical Score oi the shortiiste<i AppiicantsiBidders shaii be read out. The opening of Financial Bids/Proposals shall be done in presence of representatives of Applicants/Bidderswho choose to be present. MOCA will not enteftain any query or clarification fi.om Agencies who fail to . qualifu at any stage of the Selection Process. Appiicants/l3idders are adr,ised that selection of' the successful Agency rvill be entir:el1' at the discretior.r of the MOCA. Applicants/Bidders n ill be deemed to have ur.rderstood and agreed that no explanation orjustification on any aspect olthe Selection Process or Selection will be given. Ar.ry' infbnnation contained in the Pr-oposal shall not in any way be constlued as binding on the MOCA,, its agents, successor-s ol' assigns, but shall bc binding against the Applicants/Biddels ii-the Consultar.rcy is subsequently arvarded to it. 18.2.7 lS.2.8Financial Bid rvill be evaluated based upon the lorvest cost to complete the project as mentioned in RFQ. 18.3 Final Evaluation of Bids 18.3.1Final selection of the agency will be based on combined weightage for technical (70%o) and financial (30%) bids. Each Technical and Financial Proposal will be assigned a technical score (ST) and financial score (SF), respectively. The Ministry will determine whether the Financial Proposals are complete, unqualified and unconditional. The Financial Bid will be opened & ranked, only in case of eligible successful Technical bid. The cost indicated in the Financial Proposal shall be deerned as final and reflecting the total cost of services. Omissions, if any, in costing any item shall not entitle the finn to be compensated and the liability to fulfill its obligations as per the TOR within the total quoted price shall be that of the Agency. (a) The lowest financial proposal (FM) will be given a financial score (SF) of 100 points. The financial scores of other proposals will be computed as follows: SF: 100 x FM/F : Financial score of the proposal under consideration) (FM : Amount of lowest financial proposal) (F : amount of Financial Proposal) (SF (b) Combined Technical and Final Evaluation Proposals will finally be ranked according technical (ST) and financial (SF) scores as follows: to their combined S=STxTw*SFxFw (Where S is the combined score, and Tw and Fw are weights assigned to Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal that shall be 0.70 and 0.30 respectively.) The Selected Applicant shall be the first ranked Agency (having the highest combined score) who will enter into an agreement with the Coveri-Lir-ieni iii tl-ie fcri.in of ivioU beibre tire conilrericerrerri of evaluaiiorr study. 8.3.2 The selecLe d Altplicarrt/Biddcr- sliall be paid prof'e ssional fees for the ser'ices *'hich shall be linhed 1o rnilestone achie'ements as indicated belor,: I Description of Deliverables S.No. 1. 2. 3. A At time Award of contract. On subrnission of Draft Reporl. On submission of Final Report. On acceptance ofthe Final Reporl tl.re 7o of the Professional fee pavable 10% 50% 30% t0% 18.3.3No foreign exchange, or any license, therefor, shall be provided to the Agency. Payment shall be made only in Indian Rupees. 18.3.4In the event of delay caused due to reasons beyond the control the Consultant, MOCA may, in irs sole discretion, consider granting appropriate extension of tinre. of of 18.3.5 No interest whatsoever shall be payable for delay, nonrelease of payments. 19. Confidentiality lnformation relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and recommendation for the selection of Agencies shall not be disclosed to any person who is not officially concemed with the process or is not a retained professional adviser advising the MOCA in relation to matters arising out of, or concerning the Selection process. MOCA will treat all information, submitted as parl of the proposal, in confidence and will require all those who have access to such material to treat the same in confidence. MOCA may not divulge any such information unless it is directed to do so by any statutory entity that has the power under law to require its disclosure or is to enforce or asseft any right or privilege of the statutory entity and/or the Authority. 20. Fraud and corrupt practices 20.1 The Applicants and their respective officers, ernployees, agents and advisers shall observe the highest standald of ethics durine the selection Process. r'.iolrviihstar.rciir.rg anyihing io ti.tc conrrary coniained in ihis R-FQ cum - RFP, the Client (N4OCA) q'ill leject a Proposal without being liable in any mannel u,hatsocvet' to 1he Applicant, if it deterrnines that the Applicant has. directll' or indilectll' or throllgh an agent, engaged in con'upt llractice, fiaudulent practicc. coercive placlice, undesirable practice or restlictive praclice (collectivcly the "Plohibited Practices") in t1.re Selection Process. In snch an cvent. the Client rvill, rvithout prejudice to its any other lights ol remedies, folfeil and appropriate the Earnest Money Deposit, as lrutuall)' agleed genuine ple-estimated compensation and damages payable to the Client for, intel alia, time, cost and effon of the Client, in regald to the RFQ - curn - RFP, including consideration and evalualion of such Applicant's Proposal. 20.2 Without prejudice to the rights of the Client under this Clause, hereinabove and the rights and t'emedies which the Client may have under the work order or the Agreement, if an Applicant or Agency, as the case may be, is found by the Client to have directly orindirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the Selection Process, or after the issue of the work order or the execution of the Agreement, such Applicant or Agency shall not be eligible to participate in any tender or RFQ - cull-I - RFP issued by the Client during a period of 2 (two) years from the date such Applicant or Agency, as the case may be, is found by the Client to have directly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice, as the case may be. 20.3 For the purposes of this Clause, the following terms shall have the meaning here in after respectively assigned to them: (i) the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the 20.3.1 "corrupt practice" means action of any person connected with the Selection Process (for avoidance of doubt, offeling of employment to or employing or engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of the Client who is or has been associated in any manner, directly or indirectly with the Selection Process ol the work order or has dealt with matters conceming the Agreement or arisir.rg there from, befole or after the execution thereof, at any time prior to the expiry of one year from the date such official resigns or retires fron or otherr rise ceases to be in the sen''ice of the Client, shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a person connected with the Selection Process; or (ii) save as provided herein, engaging in any manner whatsoever, whether during the Selection Process or after the issue of the work order or after the execution of the Asreement- as the case mav he- anv nerson in resnect of anv matter reiating to the Proi ect or tire u,olk orcier or. the Agr.ecrtrent, who at any time has been or is a legal, financial ol.technical cor.rsultant/ adviser of the Client in lelatior-r to au) ntalter conccntir-tg the Pr.oject; a) "tlaudulent pl'aclice" lleans a rnisrepresentation or- on-rission of facts or disclosure of ir-rcon'rplete lircts, in olcler. to inlluencc the Selection process; b) "coercive practice" nteans impairing or har.rning or. tl'rreatening to irnpair or harnr. directll, ol indirectl,v. any persons or pl-opefiy to influence any person's palticipation or action itr the Selection Ptocess; c) "undesirable practice!' means (i) establisl'ring contact with any person connected with or ernployed ol engaged by the Client with the objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence the Selectior.r Plocess; or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest; and d) "restrictive u) ltrslrluuve practlce praouce fiteans fonning lormrng a cartel caftel or amvlng antvlng at any understanding arrangement arnong Applicants with the objective of restricting or manipulating full and fair competition in the Selection Process. 21, Appointment of Consultant: 2l.l Substitution of Key Personnel. MOCA expects all the Experls to be available during implementation of the Agreement. MOCA will not normally consider any request of the Selected ApplicantiBidder for substitution of Expert(s) as the ranking ofthe Agency is based on the evaluation ofExpert(s) and any change therein may upset the ranking. Substitution will, however, be permitted if the Expert(s) is not available for reasons of any incapacity or due to health, subject to equally or better qualified and experienced personnel being provided to tl.re satisfaction of MOCA. 2I.2 Awardof Consultancy After selection, a Letter of Award (the " LOA") shall be issued, in duplicate, by the MOCA to the Selected ApplicanVBidder and the Selected Applicant/Bidder shall, within 7 (seven) days of the receipt of the LOA, sign and retum the duplicate copy of the LOA in acknowledgement theleof. In the event the duplicate copy of the LOA duly signed by the Selected Applicant/Bidder is not received by the stipulated date, MOCA may, unless it consents to extension of time for submission thereof, appropliate the Bid Security of such Applicant/Bidder as mutuaiiy agreeci genuine pre-esrimateci loss anci damage suifered by MOCA on account of failure of the Selected Applicant/Bidder to acknowledge the LOA. 21.3 Execution of Agreement AIter acknorviecigen-renl of the LOA as albresard by the Selected ApplicantlBidder, it shall cxecute thc Agrecmer-rt n,ithin fi1ieen days. The Selected Applicantr'l3idcler shall not lre cntitlecl to seek any deviation in the Agreentent. 2l .4 Comrncnccnre nt ol'assignment The Selccted Applicart/l3iclclcr sball comrrence the cor.rsultancy services within 7 (seven) dat s of the date of the Agr.eernent oL such other date as may be mutually agrced. If thc Selected Applicant/Bidder fails to either sign the Agreerrent as spccilied in Clause 2I .4 ot commence the assignment as specified her.ein, MOCA rnay in'ite the second ranked Applicant/Bidder' (L-2)lbr negotiations. [. such an event, the Bid security of the first rankcd Ager.rc1, shall be forf'eited and appr.opriated in accordance with the provisions of Clause 8. 21.5 Proprietary data Subject to the plovisions of Clause 22, all documents and other information provided by the MOCA or submitted by an Applicant,tsidder to MOCA shall remair.r or become the propefty of the MOCA. Agencies are to treat all information as strictly confidential. MocA will not return any Proposal or any info'mation related thereto. All information collected, analysed, processed or in whatever. manner provided by the Selected Agency to the MOCA in relation to the assignment shall be the propefty of MOCA. 22. Liquidated I)amages and Penalties: 22.1, Performance Security ApplicantiBidder shall be required to submit acceptable Bank Guarantee for an amount equal to l0%o of the accepted coniultancy cost towards Performance Security. The validity of the Bank Grantee(s) shall cover entire duration of consultancy period plus 6 months. The Bank Guarantee(s) shall be released after satisfactory cornpletion of the assignment and submission of completion repoft. If performance of the Consultant is not found satisfactory, this security will be liable to be forfeited. The Bank Guarantee shall also be appropriated for recovery of liquidated damages as specified in clause 33.2 herein. In addition the consultant shall be liable for action under other clauses of the contract. The Agency may furnish a Bank Guarantee in the form atAppENDIX-II, Form - 1 21.2. Liquidated Damages for error/variation In case any error or variation is detected in the reports submitteri hy the consultant and such e'or or variation is the result of negligence or lack of due dilige'ce on the paft of the consultant, the consequential damages thereof shall be quantified by MOCA in a reasonable manner and recovered from the Consultant by way of liquidated darnages, subject to a maximum of 5% (five percent) of the total value of the contract. 22.3. Liquidated Damages for dclal' In case of delaf in cornpletion o1- the rvoll< as specified in the delively schcdule, the consultant shall be liable to pay liquidated dan.rages not exceeding an alrount equal to 0.5% (zcro point fir,e pel'cent) of the total value of the contract yter loltnighl. sLrbject to a maximum of 5oZ (Five percent) 01 thc tolal valr-rc o1'' the contt'act. l lor.r'ever. in the eventof delay caused duc to leasclus be.vond the contlol of the Consultant, MOCA nay, i1l its sole disclction, consider gt'anling of applopriate extension of tir-ne. 22.4. Penalfy for cleficicnc.l'in Sen'ices. In addition to the liqr-ridated damages not amounting to penalty, as specified in Clauses above, thc Applicant/Bidder rnay be censured and/or debarred for deficierrcies on irs parr. 23. Validity of the Proposal The Request for Quotation shall be valid for a period proposal due date. of90 days from the 24, Right to reject any or all Proposals. Notwithstanding anything contained in this RFQ, MOCA reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, and to annul the selection process and reject all Proposals at any time prior to award of contract, without assigning any reason and without incurring any liability, whatsoever, to the bidder(s). 25. Force Majeure The expression 'Force Majeule' shall mean any circumstances beyond the control of any party which prevents or impedes the due performance of the agreement. The following shall be considered Force Majeure events: - War, whethel declared or not., hostilities - Riots or civil commotions - Natural physical disaster such as fold, fire, earthquake etc. - Strikes, lockout. or industrial actions - LockouVTemporary disruptions of the existing office space as a result of Government notifications or any order/directive. 26. Desienated Office: Dr. Reena Scthi Deputy Secletary to the Govt. of India Ministry of Civil Aviation ER Division B' Wing, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan. New Delhi - 110 003 Tel +91 1124648983 F.mail reer.rn.sethi6n ic in ,'j APFENH}HCE,S APPENDIX-I Form-l TECHNICAL BID Letter of ProPosal (On AgencY's letter head) (Date and Reference) To, Consultant to conduct a compiehensiveskill gap analysis and future road map for skill Sub:- RFQ for appointment of a development in civil aviation sector. Dear Sir, ..., I /we, With reference to your RFQ Document dated having exarnined all relevant documents and understood their contents, by hereby submit our proposal for selection as " " MOCA. The proposal is unconditional and unqualified' 2.All information provided in the proposal and in the Appendices is true and correct and all documents accompanying such proposal are true copies of their respective originals' 3.This statement is made for the express purpose of appointment as the Consultant for the aforesaid assignment. IiWe shall make available to the MOCA any additional informaiion it maydeemnecessaryorrequireforsupplementingorauthenticatingthe 4. Proposal. 5.I/We acknowledge the right of the MOCA to leject our ProPosa1 without assigning any reason or otherwise and hereby waive our right to challei-igc tlte satrrc orj all), agqount whatsoever. 6. I/\Ve certifl' tl'rat in the last three years. r\,e,r an1, o1. ti.rc agencv t.nernbers ha'e ncither.failed to per.ftrr.rr (), r'\ cr)rtrrct, as e'idcncci b1,,i'rposirio' 'judicial ot a penaltv bv an ar.bitral or. .lLtclicial author.ilv or.' a _ rrLoroLln ce.re't o. arb.ilratiar ari a.cr agai.rsl the Agenc1., n.r- been expeilecl h'onr an1. assiur'rerL or. ,rortr..ict ,()r ha'c ir.ct iur1, .onr,r., tenlinatecl lbr. bt.each olr oui.pan. 7.I/Wc declare thar: (a) I/we har"e exa*ir.red and rra'e ro rcser'atior-rs to the RFe Docurnents. including anv Aclclendr-rn.r issucd b1,,the I\{OCA; (b) I/we do nor have anv cor.rfrict of interest in accordance with crause l4 of the RFe Docurnent; (c) I/We have not directly or indir.ectly or through an agent engaged or indulged in any co.r'upt practice, fraudule't pra-ctice, Io!."i,r" practice, undesir.able practice or r.estrictive p.u"ii"", in.r.espect of any tender or Reqr,rest for. euotation issued by or any agreernent entered into with the MOCA or.any other pubiic sector .-nt".prir. or any government, central or State; and (d) I/We hereby certify that we have taken sreps to ensure that no person acting for us or. on our behalf will *rl*dt practi c e, f'arid u r ent pracri c e, c o erc i v e r.., i o r:.:HiJ or rest r-ict ive practice. jl fflJ B.l/We ur-rderstand that you may cancel the selection process at any time and that you are neither bound to u...pt uny proposal that you may receive nor to select the Consultant, without incun,ng any liability to the Agencies in accordance with Clause 24 of theRFe document. I/We declare that we/any member of the agency, arelis not a Member of a"/any other.Agency applying for selection aJa Consuttant. 9. I/We cenily that in regard to matters other than security and integrity of the country, we have not been convicted by u Co*t of.Law or.indicted or adverse orders passed by a regulatory authority which would cast a doubt on our ability to underlake the consultancy for.the project o. *h.r, relates to a grave offence that outrages the'roral sense of the community. 10. I 1' vwe further cerlify that in regard to matters relating to security and integrity^of the country, we h.aveiot been charge_sheeteld by uny ui.n.f of the Government or convicted by a courl "of Law forany oir.n.! committed by us or by any of our Associates. furlher cefiif, that no.investigation by a regulatory authority is pending either against us or against orrlAsrociates or.against our CEO or 12.11.We any of our Dir.ectors/ Managers/ employees. 13.I/We l.rereby irrevocably waive any right or remedy which we mav \ !r\\ ol' hou'soevet othel'\\,isc alisir-rg to challenge or question all) decision talten bl the Aulhoritf itr conncction u'ith the seleclion o1'Consultant ol in connection u'jth tlie selection process itself in respecl o l the abor,e nlentloned assignurent. lrf,\ c ct i.ir 14. sl.rgc 11 'l'he Bicl Seculity' 01'Tl,r {r|l}i- (llr,rpees Filiy thousand only')l in thc lblm o1'a Dcu-r:urcl Dlati. fiom a Nationalisecl Banli in Ir-rdia. is attacl-recl. :11) in accordance u'irlr the RIr(] doclrrcn1. 15.IiWe aeree and undelstand that the proposal is subject to the plovisions o1'the RFQ docur.nent. lr.r no case. shall lr'u,e har,e any claim or light of rvhatsoever nature if the flonsultanc-u" tbl the assignment is not au'arded to me/us or our proposal is not opened or re.]ected. l6.l/We aglee to keep this offer valid lor 90 (ninety) days from the proposal due date as per clause 15 of the RFQ. I 7.A Power of Attorney in f-avour of the authorised signatory to sign and subn'rit this ploposal and documer.rts is attached herewitl.r ir.r Form 4. 8.ln the event of my/our" firm/ company/ corporatiorr/ agency being selected as the Consultant, I/we agree to enter into an Agreement with 1 MOCA for carrying out the assignrnent as set out iu the RFQ. 19.The Financial Bid is being subrnitted in a separate cover. This Technical Bid read with the Financial Bid shall constitute the Application which shall be binding on us. 20. I/We have studied RFQ carefully and understand that except to the extent as expressly set forlh in the RFQ '"ve shall have no claim, right or title alising out of any docurnents or infonnation provided to us by MOCA or in respect of any matter arising out of or concerning or relating to the selection process including the award of Consultancy. 21.1/We agree and undeftake to abide by all the terms and conditions of the RFQ Document. In witness thereof, I/we submit this Bid under and in accordance with the terms of the RFQ Docurnent. Yours faithfully, (Signature' name and designation of the Authorised Signatory) (Name and seal of the Agency / Lead Member) APPENDIX-I Form-2 Particulars of the Consultant I Title of Consultancy Appointment of ... 2. State r.r,hethel applying as Sole Fiur.r/Cornpany or LLP State the following: Name of Company or Firm: Legal status (e.g. incorporated private company, unincorporaled business. partnership etc.): l. Country of incorporation: Registered address: Year of Incorporation: Year of commencement of business: Principal place of business: Brief description of the Company including details of its main lines of business Name, designation, address and phone numbers of Authorised Signatory of the Applicant: Name: Designation: Company: 4. Address: Phone No.: Fax No. : E-mail address: If the Applicant is Lead Member of a agency , state the following for each of the other Member Firms: (i) Name of Firm: (ii) Legal Status and country of incorporation (iii) Registered address and principal place ofbusiness. For the Applicant, (in case of a agencl'. fcrr each Member). state llrc follorr irrc infollrrati,r'r: (i) ln casc of non-lr-rdiar-r comltan)-, does tl-re cornpan) have business pfesence in lndia? Yes/No If so, provide tl-re office acldress (es) in lndia. (ii) Ilas the Appiicant or an1, o1- tl're Mentber.s in case of a agency been penalized by any or.ganizatiolr for- poor quality of worl< or bleacli of contt act in the last five )/ears? Yes/NIo (iii) Has the Applicant/ Mer.nbel evel failed to complete any work awarded to it by any public authority/ entity in last five years? Yes,AIo (iv) Has the Applicant or any mernber of the agency been blacklisted by any Government depatment/public Sector Underlaking in the last five years? Yes,AJo (v) Has the Applicant or any of the Members, in case of a agency, suffered bankruptcy/insolvency in the last five years? Yes,A{o DECLARATION:- It is hereby declared and undertaken that the information contained above from point (ii) to (v) is true and correct my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed threrefrom . (Signature, name and designation of the Authorised Signatory) For and on behalf of Note: lf answer 1o any of the questions ut-(ii) to (t) i. yer, the Applicant is not eligible for this consultancy APPENDIX-I Form-3 Statement of Legal Capacity (To be fontarded on the letter head o.f the Agenq') Ref. Date: To. Dear Sir, Sub: RFQ for appointment of a Consultant to conducta comprehensive skill gap analysis and future road map for skilt development in civil aviation sector. I/We hereby confirm that we, the Agency (along with other members ln case of agency), satisfu the terms and conditions laid down in the RFQ document. I/We have agreed that Lead Member of our Company/LlP. . (insert Agency's name) will act as the (insert individual'sname) wili act as I/We have agreed that our Authorised Representative/ will act as the Authorised Representative of the agency on our behalf and has been duly authorized to submit our Proposal. Further, the Authorised Signatory is vested with requisite powers to fumish such proposal and all other documents, information or communication and authenticate the same. Yours faithfully, (Signature, name and designation of the Authorised Signatory) For and on behalf of .. APPENDIX-I Folm-4 Po* er ol'Attorncl Knorv all tren by these pl-esents, \\,e, ................ .. inalte of _ fir'rn and address of the office ) rlo hereby cor.rstitute, nominare. 'egislerecl appoint and aulhor.ize Mr-/Ms............ ... .. son/daughrer /rvife and presently residing at ... ".............. u,ho is prescntly employed with us and holding the position of .................... as our. true and larvful attorrev (hereinafter refen'ed to as the "Author.isecl Represenlative,') to cto in our name and on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things as are necessaly or requrred in connection with or incidental to the subrnission of our proposal for selection as the consultant fbr conducting skill gap analysis and futu;e road map for skill development in civil aviation sector, including but not limited to silning and submission of all applications, proposals and other documents uni*rilingr, pafticipating in pre-bid and other conferences and providing information/ responses to the MocA, representing us in all matters before the MocA, signing and execution of all contracts and underlakings/declarations consequent to acceptance of our proposal and generally dearing with the MocA in all matters in connection with or relating to or arising out of our proposal for the said assignment and/or upon award thereofto us tili the execution oi appropriate Agreement/s with the MOCA. we do hereby agree to ratify and confinn all acts, deeds and things lawfully done or caused to be done by our said Authorised Representatrve pursuant to and in exercise of the powers conferred by the instant deld ofpower of Attomey and that all acts, deeds and things done by our said Authorised Representative in exercise of the powers hereby conferred shall always be ,A.N!,' deemed to have been done by us. IN WITNESS WFIEREOF WE. THE ABOVE NAMED PRINCIPAL HAVE EXECUTED THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY ON THIS DAY OF ...................., 20** Witnesses: For (Signature, name, designation and address) l. 2. Notarised Accepted (Signature, name, designation and address of the Attomev) Notes: with The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance the proceclure, tf any, laid clown by the applicable law and the charter documents of tl're executant (s) and when it is so required the same should.be ,ndn, comion seal affixed in accordance with the required procedure. The Power of Attorney should be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs' 50 and duly notarised by a notaty public. the Wherever required, the Agency should submit for verification the extract of charter dociments and other documents such as a resolution/power of attorney of in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation power hereunder on behalf of the Agency. For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also have to be legalised bY the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where the Power of AttorneY is being issued. However, Agencies from countries that have signed the Hague Legislation Convention 196l need not get their Power of Attorney U{anr"a iy the Indian Embassy if it carries a conforming Appostille certificate T{) Xtr AF ,,i 6 o f v c qa,-c:c = ;'-:e0Jv{ lri^J<vft'= 9 tt.: i', 2 l4 i-\:a- A u7 EHc,l b r i'.62 E u;.HF*& &,E r# H C) o o v)* ? =!? t! r, tr fr. AA =PO q-<!() o.9 F EeA oiX o E Z va) ,:a li () d r.l Fo ^t o() 4 a 6 C) F dl dd hH F e. T HE a&< c'i 'v ,rn -.i r. Cg t-:4X-r-50) . C,LJF ca (/) o.O trobo CgY.= >-d <r!F i: v APPENIDIX-I Form-6 Proposed Methodology and Work Plan The proposed methodology and work plan shall be described as follows: L Undelstanding of Assignment / Project (not more than two pages) The Agency shall clearly state its understanding of the Assignment / Project and also highlight its impotant aspects. The Agency may supplement various requirements of the assignment/project and also make precise suggestions if it considers this would bring more clarity and assist in achieving the Objectives laid down in the assignment/project. 2. Methodology The Agency and Work Plan (not more than three pages) will submit its methodology for carrying out this assignment, outlining its approach toward achieving the objectives of the assignment. The Agency will submit a brief write up on its proposed team and organisation of personnel explaining how different areas of expertise needed for this assignment have been fully covered by its proposal. In case the Consultant is an agency, it should speciS' how the expertise of each firm is proposed to be utilised for this assignment. The Agency should specifu the sequence and locations of important activities, and provide a quality assurance plan for carrying out the Consultancy Services. Note: Marks will be deducted for writing lenglhy and out of context responses APPENDIX-I Form-7 Experience of Key Personnel (Refer Clause 1 1) Name and age of the Key Personnel: Designation: S. No Name o{ Name of the firm for Project / which the Assignment Key Personnel Designation of the Key Personnel on the project Date of Man days completion spent of proj ect assignment worked I 2 J 5 6 7 8 @ Use separate Form for the Team Leader and each ofthe Sector Experts. APPENDIX-I Form -8 Curriculum Vitae (CV) of Professional Personnel Proposed Position: Name of Person ne l: Date of Birth: Nationality: Ed ucational Qu alifications: I . Employrnent Record: (Stating with present position, list in reverse order every employment held.) 7. List ofprojects on which the Personnel has worked Project Name Description of assignment performed 8. Details of the current assignment and the time duration for which services are required for the current assignment. Certification: 1. I am willing to work on the assignment / project and I will be available for entire duration of the Project assignment as required. 2. l,the undersigned, certifu that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications and my experience. (Signature and name of the Professional) Place.............. (Signature and name of the Authorized Signatory of the Agency) Note: 1. Use separate form for each Professionat Personnel. 2. Each page of the CV shall be signed in ink by both the Personnel concerned and by the Authorised Representative of the Agency lirm along with the seal of the firm. Photocopies will not be considered for evaluation. APPENDIX-II Form - 1 FINANCIAL BID Covering Letter (On Agency's letter head) (Date and Reference) To, Sub: RFQ for appointment of an Agency to conductcmprehensiveskill gap analysis and future road map for skilt development in civil aviation sector Dear Sir, I/We have read and examined the bid document relating to the Consultancy services for conductinga comprehensive skill gap analysis and future road map for skill development in civil aviation sector. I/We hereby offer to provide consultancy services as per terms and conditions in the bid documentsfor a sum of Rs. as per the Financiai Bid attached. The service tax as applicable shall be payable extra and reimbursed on actual basis on production of documentary proof of payment of such service tax to the concerned Govemment Authority/Department. I/We also confirm that in case of any reduction or increase in scope of work, the total payable consultancy fee shall be calculated on pro-rata basis at the above mentioned rate. UlVe agree to keep this Financial Offer valid for 90 days from the date of submission of this Financial Bid. I/We declare that we shall treat these documents and other documents connected with the work confidential and shall not communicate the information derived there from to any person other than a person to whom we have authorised to communicate.We undertake that, in competing for (and, if the award is made to us, in executing) the above assignment, we will strictly observe the laws against fraud and com;ption in force in India namely "Prevention of Com.rption Act 1988". Dated: Siened for and on behalfofthe Firm (Signature, name and designation of the Authorised Signatory) Witnessed 1................ (Name and full Address) 2................ (Name and full address) Note: The Financial Bid is to bc submittcd strictli'as pci foms given in the RFQ Appointment of an Agency to conducta comprehensive skill gap analysis and future road map for skill development in civil aviation sector FORMAT FOR FEE QUOTE Name of Activity Amount (Rs ) (A) Service Tax (B) Total(C) =(A)+(B) Lump-sum professional fee for carrying out the assignment and related tasks as given in the scope of work (inclusive of all taxes, levies and duties) Total in words (To be signed by the Authorized Signatory) NAME & DESIGNATION APPE,NDIX-II Fonn - I RFQ for appointment of an AgencY to conduct a comprehensive skill gap analysis and future road maP for skitl development in civil aviation sector PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE From Scheduled Commercinl Brnk day of ,201_ This Deed of Guarantee executed on this (Public Sector Bank only), having its Head by at and inter-alia a Branch Office at Ofhce/ Resistered Office at (hereinafter referred to as the Bank. or .'the Guarantor', which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the subject or contexthereofbe deemed to include its successors and assigns) In favour of M/s. Ministry of civil Aviation, Government of India having its office at 'B' Block, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, New Delhi-110003 (hereinafter referred to as "MoCA") WHEREAS A. Act, 1956 or t................. l, a company within the meaning of the Companies a firm registered under Limited Liability Parlnership(registered under LLP I (herein after referred Acq 2008j and having its Registered Office at to as "the Agency", which expression unless repugnant to the subject or context includes its successors, legal representatives and permitted assigns) has been awarded the contract for appointment of an Agency to conduct skill gap analysis and future road map for skill development in civil aviation sectorvide MoCA's RFQ dated of the said Letter of Intent, the Consultant has to B. In terms of clause provide a Performance Guarantee for an amount equivalent to l0 (ten) per cent of the Contract Price in the format specihed; C. At the request of the Agency, the Guarantor has agreed to provide this guarantee, being these presents, guaranteeing the due and punctual under the said ferformance/discharge by the Vendor of its obligations contract during the implementation period. I _ -i NOWTHEREFORE THIS DEED WITNESSETHAS FOLLOWS The Guarantor hereby irrevocably guarantees the due and punctual perfonnance by the Agency of al1 its obligation under the said Letter of Intent duling the implementation peliod; B. The Guarantor shall, without demur', pay to MoCA sums not exceeding in (Rupees _) aggregate Rs._ within five (5) calendar days of receipt of a rvritten dernand theleof from MoCA stating that the Agency has failed to meet its pelformance obligations undel the said contract during the irnplementation period. The Guarantor shall have not to go into the velacity ofany breach or failure on the parl of the Agency or validity of the demand so made by MoCA and shall pay the amount specified in the demand notrvithstanding any direction to the contrary given or any dispute whatsoever raised by the Agency or any other person. The Guarantor's obligations hereunder shall subsist until all such demands are duly met and discharged in accordance with the provisions hereof; C. In the event of delay on the parl of the Guarantor to pay on demand, the Guarantor shall be liable to pay interest at the rate offifteen (15) per cent, compounding quarterly, to MoCA. There shall not be any delay in payment of the guaranteed amount and payment of interest shall not be an excuse for delaying the payment of guarantee amount. Time is the essence of this Performance Guarantee; D. The Guarantor shall also indemnifu and keep MoCA indemnified against all losses, damages, costs, charges claims and expenses whatsoever which it may suffer, pay or incur by reason of or in connection with any default on the part of the Vendor, including legal proceedings taken against the said Agency and/or the Guarantor for the recovery of the monies referred to above; E. The Guarantor hereby agrees that without the concurence of the Guarantor, MoCA and the Agency shall be at liberty to vary, alter or modify the terms and conditions of the contract executed by the MoCA with the Agency, and in particular to defer, postpone or revise the payment schedule under the contract, modify the work at site and payment of interest or other monies under the contract on such terms and conditions as maybe considered necessary by MoCA; F. The Guarantor agrees that its liability under this guarantee shall in no manner be affected by any such variation, alteration, modification, waiver dispensation with or release of security and that no further consent of the Guarantor is required for giving effect to any such variation, alteration, modification, waiver dispensation with or release of security; G. This Guarantee shall be enforceable against the Guarantor notwithstanding that any security or securities comprised in any instrument executed or to be executed by the Agency in favour of MoCA may at the time when the proceedings are taken against the Guarantor of this guarantee be outstanciing or unrealizeci or iost. in order to give effect to this Guarantee MoCA shall be entitled to treat the Guarantor as the principal debtor; H. This Guarantee shall be irrevocable and shall remain in full force and effect until unless discharged/released earlier by MoCA in accordance with the provisions of the said contract. The Guarantor's liability in aggregate shall be lirnited to a sum of Rs. _(Rupees _ only); t. This Gualantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution or windir.rg up of the Agency/the Guarantor or any absorption, merger or amalgamation of the Agency/the Gualantor with any otl-rer person; .1. The Gualantor has pou,er to issue this Guarantee and discharge the obligations conternplated trerein, and the undersigned is duly authorized to execute this Guarantee pursuant to the power granted r-u-rder All future conespondence with reference to this Guarantee shall be made to .....(Bank Name and Address). The jurisdiction in reiation to this Guarantee shall be the Courts at New Delhi and Indian Law shall be applicable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF TI_IE GUARANTOR HAS SET ITS HANDS F{EREUNTO ON THE DAY, MONTH AND YEAR FIRST F{EREINABOVE WRITTEN. S]GNED AND DELIVERED bv its Bank by the hand of and authorized offi cial.
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