\ Saturday, February 16, 1963 Tonawanda NEWS Page 4 • • White Roses Enhance Altar For Ceremony Kathleen Blood Becomes Bride Of Arthur Thore Tonawanda Llo Jn Ruth Bohlen, Editor, NX 3-1000 Miss Deborah S. Traver, John T. Connolly Wed White r o s e s decorated the altar of St. Leo the Great Church, Eg-gertsville, when Miss Nancy Elizabeth Bailey b e c a m e the bride at 11 a.m. today of John L. Bonesky. Miss Kathleeri G l a d y s Blood, daughter of Mrs. 11 Mary A. Blood if 624 Prendergast Ave., Jamestown, j land Arthur A. Thore, son of Mrs. Arthur H. Thore, 54 Broughton St., Tonawanda, and the late Mr. Thore, were married today in St. John's Roman Catholic Church, Jarjiestown. The Rev. Patrick Dingen performed the ceremony uniting in marriage the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bailey, 1205 Sherwood Ave., North Tonawanda, and the son of Mr. and Mrs. John BonesThe white taffetb sheath dress ky, 461 Meyer Road, Town of worn by the bride was designed Amherst. with a portrait neckline outlined A floor-length gown of rosepoint in Chantilly lace applique. Lace lace and nylon tulle over taffeta applique also enhanced the was worn by the bride. The fitted bracelet length sleeves and hembodice featured a Queen Anne colline of the skirt which featured a appliques featured the full tulle detachable train. Her imported skirt. A crown of white silk and silk illusion fingertip veil was rhinestones held her fingertip ilcaught to a crown of pearls and lusion veil and she carried a aurora borealis. shower bouquet of white roses Miss Vita Miano was maid of and pompons. honor, and Mrs. Walter Cobbe and Miss Bertha Mutschler, the Miss Sandra Shildes were the bride's cousin of Denver, Colo., bridesmaids. They wore streetwas maid of honor and Miss Barlength emerald green silk bro**w::'*JS«fe*.-<v;. •• bara Bonesky, the bridegroom's cade dresses accented with scoop Bonesky sister, was bridesmaid. They Mrs [necklines and bell skirts. Matchwore ming blue nylon sheer over . . . Wittkowsky Studio ing color Dior bows held their cirtaffeta sheath dresses made with^ c u l a r veils. They carried cascade scoop necklines, elbow - length] bouquets of yellow daffodils and sleeves and bouffant overskirts. | I white daisies. Matching pillbox hats held their; Francis Blood, the bride's face veils and they carried co-l brother, was best man. Kenneth Mrs. Arthur A. Thore lonial bouquets of pink garnet Green and Jacob Herschfelt were Siegfried Studio roses and white carnations. ushers. #Robert Bonesky was best man; The bride's mother wore a beige for his brother. Martin Bealer knit sheath dress, matching accesand Peter Toth were ushers. sories and a corsage of yellow The bride's mother was attired sweetheart roses. Mrs. Thore's in a beige brocade jacket dress, Y ACTIVITIES blue lace sheath dress was acruby red accessories and a corcented with a corsage of pink sage of red carnations. Mrs. BoMonday: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.. sweetheart roses. nesky wore a turquoise velvet A wedding dinner was given in'Nursery School Experience; 6 sheath dress, beige accessories the Hamilton Restaurant and a p.m. Family Potluck Supper,; and a corsage of yellow roses and reception in the home of Mr. and 7:30 p.m., Adult Bridge Lessons carnations. Mrs. Walter Cobbe, Jamestown. A wedding breakfast was given "Play of the Hand." Boys of Battalion and Stockade The couple will make their Manor. Guests athome in 447 Fletcher St., Tona- Tuesday: 10 a.m., YW Women's 806 of Christian Service Brigade, in the Park Colorado; Cortland, nded fr0 Interior Decorating Class and First Baptist Church, are observ-;J* ™ wanda. . ,I « • J w 1L J ^. u ICorning, Batavia, Attica and Nursery Care; 10 a.m., Adult ling Brigade Month during F e b - i L oThe ck t^ N Y wore a white wool bride Roger C. Dahl Golf Lessons; 2 p.m., YW Bookiniary with special group activi suit, brown accessories and a yelReview — Public Invited; 2 p.m.,|ties Boys and their leaders will take l o w r o s e corsage to begin a wedTo Be Organist 7 p.m., 8 p.m. and 9 p.m., Adult jpart in a 7 p.rri. service Sunday l*ng trip to Prudhommes in Canada Wednesday: At Grace Lutheran Golf Lessons. 10 a.m., YW Wom-|i n the church arid recognition w i l l Hostesses at pre-nuptial parties' Beginning March 13, Roger G. e n s Advanced Knitting Class; be given for group achievement. for the bride were Mrs. John Mrs. John T. Connolly Dahl of Kenmore will be organist 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Y - Teens Sterling Nowka is captain of the . . . Ettore-Winter Photo of Grace Lutheran Church, North Knitting Class; 3:30 p.m. to 5 Battalion assisted by Robert Ken- Bonesky and Mrs. A. Nolan; Mrs. Frank McCabe and Mrs. Frank Tonawanda, and director of the p.m., Y - Teens Friendship nedy, lieutenant! The Stockade is Contrino; Mrs. Fred Ohlson and Clubs; 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m., led by Robert Kennedy, chief Blessed Sacrament Chapel of St. Joseph's New two church choirs. Carl Young's Ballroom Dancing ranger, assisted' by Wayne Gibbs, Miss Barbara Bonesky. Cathedral, Buffalo, was the scene today for the wed- He will succeed Mrs. Sylvia Lessons; 7:15 pTm. to« 8:30 P . m . , l c h a r l e s D r a p o , Francis Besser, who has resigned the poding of Miss Deborah Sue Traver and John Timothy Richert sition as organist, choir director; Advanced Ballroom Adult D a n c - ! J o h n B e c k Q y y F Ritenburg, Grace Church Men after seven "years service in the i n S Lessons; 8.30 p.m to 9:45 rangers; and Vernon Troyer, Har Connolly. * h p.m., Advanced Latin American The Rt. Rev. Robert Murphy peau de soie street length dress- c n u r c old Peter, Gairrold Soden and Will Hear Talk Adult e " Mr. Dahl, a graduate of FreDancing Lessons and 7:30 Frank Spoor. performed the ceremony for t h e | s designed with scoop necklines, m t o 8:3 m donia State Teachers College | P ° P-» Y-Teens Judo A , . „v#».. ~t ™A M ™ James T , m o c Lelbow length sleeves, fitted bodFriends and relatives are in- By Court Deputy daughter of M Mr.- and Mrs. a n ( J A_^ skirts M a t c h j n g where he majored in organ, teach- [ Class. vited to attend a social hour af- Next Monday at 8 p.m. in the A. Traver, 161 Clinton St., Tona- c o r o n e t headpieces and slippers es music in Maryvale Junior and Thursday: 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., ter the program Fellowship Room of Grace Luwanda, and the son of Mr. and complemented their ensembles. Senior High School. He also has'Nursery School Experience; 10 Mrs. Edmund J. Connolly of 301 They carried bouquets of white served as organist in First Meth-ja.m., YW Women's Gym Class; The Stockade, for boys 8 to n l t h e r a n Church, Payne Avenue and North Tonawanodist Church, Dunkirk; University ! l p.m., Constitution Meeting; 3:30 years of age, and the Battalion, I Robinson ofStreet, McKinley Pkwy., Buffalo. Baskets glamellias and ivy. ihe c h u r c h _ will hear of white flowers decorated the al- Thomas E. Connolly was best Presbyterian Church, Buffalo and!p.m. to 5 p.m., Y-Teens Knitting for boys 12 to 18, meet a t 7:15 *•_•"•• William Mullett, chief deputy of tar. man for his brother. Paul Mc- will come to Grace Church from Class; 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Y- p.m. Monday in the church. Family Courts of Niagara County. Friendship Clubs; 4:30 p.m The youth groups train boys in Mr. Mullett will speak on "Types The bride's gown of ivory peau Manus, John Cleary, Charles Col- First United Presbyterian Church, Teens to 7 p.m., Y-Teens Supper clubs Christian living. The program fea-j A f f a i r s a n d £ Handled Jn East Aurora. de soie was designed with a scoop lard and Thomas Galvin were and 7:30 p.m., Good Grooming ture weekly activities, training FFamily ,, TJ amil cCourts neckline and bracelet length ushers. sessions and such other activities Course. The Brotherhood brief business sleeves on a fitted bodice. A bead-1 Mrs. Traver was attired in a as sports and camping YWCA Audience , Friday: 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., meeting will be conducted by ed band accented the waistline brown and oyster raw silk dress Teenage Dance for 7, 8, and 9th president Bob Meyer, who will exand three asymmetrical bows en- and brown accessories. Mrs. Con- To Hear Review Graders; 7:45 p.m., YW Duplicate plain the new "Brotherhood Achanced the*floor length skirtUolly chose a turquoise brocade Community Chorus By Judge Lautz Bridge Game; 8 p.m., YW Travtivity Award" he devised. which terminated in a sunburst | dress and matching accessories, Mrs. Sebastian S. Pascale el Talks — Public Invited. Refreshments will be served and Judge Catherine Rowley Lautz chapel length train. A matching; Both wore cymbidium orchids, Parents' Club Avenue Studio volleyball and dart-throwing will coronet trimmed with a beaded i A w e d d i n g breakfast and an will review the book, "A Thousand Saturday: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 follow the program. bow held her elbow length French, afternoon reception were given in Springs," in the fourth of a series a.m., Y-Teens "Fun & Games" All men of the church are inW h i t e gladioli, c h r y s a n t h e m u m s and pompons enillusion veil and she carried a bou La U be' s> Amherst. Guests attend- of book reviews at 2 p.m. Tuesday and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Y - Teens Giving Hat Show vited. in the YWCA. Saturday Record Hop. quet of white cabbage roses and ^ ihe reC eption from Rochester, hanced t h e a l t a r of Ascension Church, N o r t h TonaThe Parents Club of the ChilThe author of the book is Malemon leaves. Syracuse, Albany, Mount Kisco dren's Community Chorus is sponOUTSIDE ACTIVITIES , wanda, t h i s m o r n i n g for t h e m a r r i a g e of Miss D o r o t h y dame Anna Chenault, widow of Miss Rita A. Robinson was and Farmingdale. soring a, millinery fashion show at to Sponsor Ann Corsaro and S e b a s t i a n S. Pascale. maid of honor. Bridesmaids were The C0U ple will travel to Mon- Gen. Chenault of the Flying Tiger Monday: 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., Ton- 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Erie Rebekahs fame. A Chinese newspaper rePublic Card Party The Rev. Francis A. Hunt of-«> awandas' Numismatics Society. County Savings Bank, North town Miss Sally D. Breitenbach and the i t r e a l a n d M o u n t Tremblant, Canporter, she currently teaches in bndegrooms sister, Miss Sheila j a d a o n a w e dding trip The Empress Rebekah Lodge 116 ficiated for the daughter of Mr, iKovall and Lawrence J. Corsaro, University in Wash- Tuesday: 8 p.m., United Church Plaza. A, Connolly. They wore rosebud, T h e b r i d e w i l l w e a r a c r a n b e r r y Georgetown Chairmen i r e Mrs. George will sponsor a card party at 8:30;an{j Mrs. Frank Corsaro of 45G ushers. Women Study Group, ington, D.C. knit suit and black accessories Judge Lautz, a past president Wednesday: 10 a.m., Gratwick Busch and Mrs. Hugh Murray. El"?.* J ^ " ? ^ i n L i t z e " b e r g ' s c h e n c k St., North Tonawanda, 1 The bride's mother chose a silk . . , ,, „ i;npn rnral chpath HPPSQ with * 1 as her going-away costume. J ,, of the YWCA board of directors, Home Demonstration Unit Meet- The following will serve as mod- Hall, 39 South Niagara St., TonaU n e n c o r a I sn els: , „ . . j . and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roceatn dress vutn a Parties for the bride before her serves the YWCA as a trustee. ing; 7:30 p.m., Road Angels Auto Mrs. Peter Mergi, Mrs. Stewwanaa. _ _ , . _ „. matching overskirt, designed with CPdOfl&ld marriage were given by Mrs. Wil- Mrs. Robert G. Pirson is book Club Meeting; 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., a r t ] Baby Sitting Course by Volunteer Watson, Mrs. William O'Hara, will be assisted by Mrs. Alice The bride wore a silk chiffon mother an T e bridegrooms Mrs. Bertha Litz, chairman, co I. Pascale of Buffalo. neckline and cap wore sleeves. liam Conroy Jr., Miss Sheila review chairman. Mrs, Charles G. a hsquare Mrs. Dean Roggow, Mrs. William Fordyce, Mrs. Erna Remus, Mrs. featuring a square neckline/emerald green, light wool two! g o w n Connolly, Mrs. Thomas Connolly Carey, hostess chairman, will be Fireman's Association. ^ _ ~~ i piece ensemble with matching aci 4 _, j assisted by Mrs. Kent Evans Jr., Thursday: 10 a.m., North Tona- Dunn, Mrs. William Meagher,!VeNorma Collins and Mrs. Eve-;,long efitted Mr. and Mrs. George C. A n d r e - j a n d M r s - E d w a r d Cartwright. sleeves and an emMrs. Alvin Broecker, Mrs. Ernest :lyn Score. Door prizes and prizes fcpoulos, formerly of Tonawanda,I The bridegroom's parents enter- Mrs. Gerald F . Kropp and Mrs. wanda Home Demonstration Unit Lowmaster, Mrs. Dale Swartz- for cards fill be awarded and re-'pire waistline with a satin insert.; cessories and an orchid corsage. Meeting. have moved from Rockford, 111.,! tained in their home Thursday fol- Murray A. Meldrum. The controlled skirt with full back A wedding breakfast in the Ellander and Miss Judy Holrod. Jfreshments will be served. The public is invited to attend. to 8432 Cherokee Lane, Leawood, lowing a rehearsal. ^Friday: 10 a.m., Golden Age Miss Marian Repschlager will] The Lodge will meet at 7:30 chapel train was accented with!dredge Club was followed by a Kansas, where he was transferred Club. be the commentator. The hats will j p.m. in the hall neceding the'cabbage rose trimming at the reception in Carpenter's Hall, Bufby his company. Saturday: 8 p.m., Carol Thomp- be available for sale after the'card games with Mrs. Ora Litz, back. Her bouffant, scalloped .veil falo. Out of town guests included was caught to a queen's pearl and the bride's brother, Daniel CorMrs. Calkins Host son's Dance Party. program. noble grand, presiding. crystal crown and she wore a sin-'saro, of Pasadena, Calif, and othMrs. Raymond Lance of 214 gle strand pearl necklace. Shejer guests from Ohio, Ward Rd., North Tonawanda, is a To Past Grands 4 carried orchids and baby roses. | After motoring through St. Loupatient in Doctor's Hospital, Town CRAWFORD - Feb. 11, Duane Miss Beverly R. Derfield. maid is, Mo. to California, Mr. a n d Mrs. Raymond Calkins enterof Tonawanda. and June Justice Crawford, 29 of honor, wore a blue floor-length Mrs. Pascale will make their tained the Past Noble Grands of Linwood Ave., Tonawanda, a son, gown with cap sleeves and a cab-; home after March 18 in Buffalo, Rosedale Rebekah Lodge WednesRobert Roggow. sophomore at Martin Wesley, in DeGraff Mebage rose and veiling headpiece.! Hostesses at shower events for day in her Nash Road home. Denison University, Granville, morial Hospital. Identically dressed were t h e j the bride were Mrs. Rocco Paspledge trainer of the Sigma Alpha Following a business session, bridesmaids, Miss Marilyn Polya- cale, Mrs. Patrick Conlan, Miss Epsilon fraternity. He is the son cards were played and prizes WALKER - Feb. 11, James reri, Miss Shirley Trunzo a n d Josephine Pascale, Mrs. Angelo of Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Rog- awarded to Mrs. Lydia Bush, Mrs. and Betty Spowers Walker, 200 Miss Josephine Pascale. They car- J Clementine, Mrs. Louis CastigliRobert Shaffer, Mrs. Alba Gulick, Ironton St., North Tonawanda, a iw, 220 Robinson Street. ried roses, tinted blue to match lone, Mrs. Albert Argentieri, Mrs. Mrs. Robert Swartout, Mrs. Wal- daughter, Kathleen Sue, in Detheir dresses. J Joseph Carere, Mrs. William Caster Finck and Mrs. William Lance. Graff Memorial Hospital. i t •• The flower girl, Miss Nanette tiglione, Mrs. Anthony ClementiRefreshments were served from UXPERT ( Castiglione, wore a floor-!ength no, Mrs. Michael DeMart. Mrs. a table centered with an arrange- ELLMAN - Feb. 11, Richard REPAIRS nylon frock combining a lacei Leon Puzan Jr., Mrs. Fred Poulin, ment of red and white carnations. And Judith Mye Ellman, 15 Linbodice and bouffant skirt. Her!Mrs. Aden Drum, Miss Beverly Mrs. Gulick will be hostess to wood Ave., North Tonawanda, a headpiece matched the dress and!Derfield, Miss Marilyn Polvareri, the club on March 19. daughter, Kristin Sue, in DeGraff AUTHORIZED FACTORY she carried a basket of rose pet- Miss Shirley Trunzo. Memorial Hospital. SALES, SERVICE, PARTS als. The Sodality of the Immaculate • Refrigerators • Washers NECCIII-ELXA AND • Television, etc. UNIVERSAL SALES Attendants for the bridegroom Conception honored the bride a t RUSCH — Feb. 12, Paul and (We Repair All Makes) AND SERVICE were Vincent J . Marino best i a dinner party and participated in Diane Charlesworth Rusch, 6684 K N A P P ' S man; Herbert Ritchie, Raymond!the Nuptial Mass ceremony. Townline Rd., North Tonawanda, WILBUR'OCONMoy nc. Sewing Center a son, Roger Neal, in DeGraff Memorial Hospital. 63 WEBSTER STREET TONA. 100 MAIN ST. NO. TONA • NX 27542 Dial NX 2-5040 PEDDLER - Feb. 12, Elmer and Debris Kline Peddler, 997 Ruie Rd., North Tonawanda, a daughter, Linda Susan, in DeGraff Memorial Hospital. 273 DIVISION ST., CORNER WRIGHT, N. TONA. HARRISON — Feb. 13, Richard EAGLES ENTERTAIN OFFICIAL: Approxiaffair. Mr. Watts reviewed the history and •nd Annabelle Strassburg Harri- mately 100 Tonawandas 1411 Order of Eagles policies of the Order of Eagles, listing its son, 653 Erie Ave., North Tona- and auxiliary members and guests attended many contributions to the welfare of the wanda, a son, Jack Thomas, in a dinner dance Thursday night in the Ward country in support of legislation concerning Road Eagles' home honoring Robert Watts DeGraff Memorial Hospital. compensation mothers' pensions and Social I I A.M. TO 10 P.M. of Lockport, New York State president of Security; its contributions to youth organizathe organization. F r o m left above are Mrs. PISKOR — Feb. 13, Frank and tions such as Boys' Town where it built a OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 11 P.M. John R. Kenney, auxiliary president; Mr. Janet Chapin Piskor, 24-7th Ave., dormitory, and other projects. He also • 30 Day Charge • Money Orders & Utility North Tonawanda, a daughter, Watts, Norman Schmeiehel, president of the charted future projects planned by the order , Accounts Bills Anytime Tonawandas' Order and Stanley Brzezinski, Judith Ann, in DeGraff Memoon a local, state and national level. 117 Hillcrest Rood Tonawanda, N.Y PRESCRIPTIONS FREE DELIVERY rial Hospital. > • * •' • Niagara County supervisor, a guest a t the Bride in Chiffon Gown Carries Orchids, Roses Baptist Youth Will Observe Brigade Month YWCA u PHILCO OPENING SALE! SHELDON'S PHARMACY 10% OFF NX 3-6901 Tropical Fish & Supplies Parakeet Cages - Stands, And Other Items OPEN EVERY SUNDAY PARAKEET HAVEN i • *mi\ m > i Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
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