The Clementonian Spring/Summer 2015 Dina Massey - Editor Issue 6 Gwen Cantwell - Co-editor A Note From the Mayor By: Mayor John "Jack" Nicholson It is an early February evening, the forecast is for zero degrees later tonight and possibly 3 or more inches of snow tomorrow. read that the mixed use redevelopment is coming. Our Fall Clementonian will have pictures of the new construction. People contributing to the Clementonian have to use their imagination to describe what will be happening when this issue is distributed. We should view the investments and improvements in town as part of a renewal that we can all benefit from. A renewal we all can contribute to. Getting residents in new homes has its challenges and will not favorably impact our tax rate. However, if Clementon becomes a more desirable place to live, more investment dollars will flood our Borough. We provide excellent services, thanks to our employees and volunteers. We are centrally located for easy commuting. Our established town has the highest point in South Jersey and has been a great place to call home for many decades. We have many beautiful lakes and have many chapters in our intriguing history. A short list of our history includes: an airport, an amusement park with motorboats and white tigers, blockbuster entertainers at Gruber's (Harpers), an early bare-knuckle fight club, neighbor to the #1 ranked golf course in the world and Al Capone's hideout with tunnels, etc., etc., etc. Most importantly, our high performing school district remains the greatest Clementon asset. Everything that is now frozen will gradually thaw. Every year we see a spectacular metamorphosis. Earth's warming brings so many things to life. Our landscape slowly turns from drab shades of gray and white to a vivid green cover. The next few months will bring an assortment of positive changes that will greatly improve the quality of life for Clementon residents. The Clementon Police Department will be augmented with the addition of two Class II police officers. With continual efforts to improve their programs and facilities, the Clementon Youth Athletic Association is poised to increase the number of children participating in team sports. A new walking path at Princeton Avenue Park will no doubt draw walkers and joggers. The recently completed Rail Road Park will attract residents to a comfortable surrounding where they can rest and relax. Carver Avenue Field, Hero's Park, Daniel Dougherty Field and the new equipment installed at Schaefer's Park round out convenient spots for young and old alike to enjoy being outside. In closing, let us all be part of this renewal. Let us all contribute what we can to making Clementon shine, as it has in the past, long into the future. Simple contributions are all it takes. Commit to your community, help your neighbors, plant some flowers, rake some leaves, pick up debris, and spruce up our houses and yards. All these things will add to our community spirit, pride and desirability. Positive things are about to happen. Let us all join in and make it infectious. At the White Horse Pike and Gibbsboro Road intersection, there are three new businesses: Route 66 gas station, Dunkin Doughnuts and the Stop & Go convenience store, and should all be operational. The first phase of Leewood Villages at Rowan Pond, is scheduled to commence early this spring. My sincere hopes are that this is the last time you will Page | 1 Tax Office Public Works/Sewer/Water Property taxes are due Feb 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. RECYCLING has become a huge part of our daily lives. Not only does it help the environment, but it helps save tax dollars. Remember, the borough has gone single stream. This means you can put all cardboard, cans, glass, plastic and paper all in the same container. Recycling is collected every other week throughout the town. The borough public works department will collect other recycling materials such as tires, concrete, bricks, stumps and used motor oil. For electronics (anything with a cord or battery) we ask you to call to schedule a Wednesday pick up (do not place the items at the curb). If you have any questions please feel free to contact the borough garage (856) 784-0495. For your convenience, a recycling map has been included with this newsletter. You may not be aware of the fact that even if we do not collect the full taxes due each quarter, we still must submit to the County and School 100% of their portion of the total tax levied. This leaves the municipality having to allow for the taxes not collected during the current year. This is known as the reserve for uncollected taxes in the municipal budget. Any amount we can reduce this reserve will be reflected in the municipal tax rate. If you are having difficulty paying your property taxes, please try to pay the balance by year end. In order to claim property tax payment as a deduction from your income tax, your payment must be received by the end of the year. Spring soon approaching means yard work, which means getting rid of debris that might have accumulated over the past year. The town is broken down into 4 zones and every zone has a different pickup week which can be found on your recycling guide (if you need a recycling guide please contact Public Works). The first week of leaf collection will begin on April 1, 2015 and will end May 30, 2015. All residents are reminded to put their leaves out to the curb line in neat trash free piles or untied bags one (1) week prior to the scheduled pick up. Brush can be placed at the curb line with all cut ends facing street. This will assist in expediting the pickups. You are reminded to keep brush and leaves separated. Any leaf piles with trash or debris will not be picked up. If you miss your first scheduled pick up, you will have one other pick up the following month. If you miss that pick up, you will have to compost your leaves on your own property until fall pick up. To qualify for a $250.00 property tax deduction: A. Senior Citizen must be at least 65 years old with an income limit not to exceed $10,000 (excluding Social Security). B. Permanently and totally disabled, any age with an income limit not to exceed $10,000 (excluding Social Security). C. Veterans with active wartime service. The Property Tax Reimbursement program is separate from the programs listed above. It is designed to reimburse Seniors and Disabled persons for property tax increases. Benefits available under this program may be affected by State budgetary constraints. Income limits apply and all income is included regardless of your marital/civil union status. You must report the combined income. Please check income limits at the time of application. Clean communities weekend will be held on April 25th and 26th between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm behind the library. Rain date is May 2nd and 3rd. There will be several dumpsters in place for residents to discard any trash they may have lying around their yards. You may be required to show proof of residency when you pull in. Limited applications are available at Clementon Municipal Building. You can also get an application by calling 1-800-323-4400. If you have any questions concerning the tax office, please call Jo Ann Watson at (856)783-0284 x 115 and she will be happy to assist you in any way she can. Page | 2 There will also be a paper shredding event on April 25th at the Clementon Elementary School between the hours of 9am and 1pm. No rain date. Clementon Memorial Library The hours of operation for Clementon Memorial Library are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 11:00am to 4:00pm and Saturday 10:00am to 1:00pm. The Clementon Water Department will start flushing hydrants on April 13th and continue through April 24th. Flushing will occur between the hours of 9 am and 3 pm. During this time residents may experience low pressure and discolored and/or cloudy water. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Flushing is state mandated, and is imperative to maintain the quality of our drinking water. This procedure also checks to ensure our fire hydrants are working properly. The Clementon Library has new release DVDs, current novels and non-fiction books free for the borrowing! We can request any book or movie from the extensive network of libraries in the Camden County system. We also have several computers available for use. Stop in to do school research or job searching online. There is also a fax machine available for use by borough residents. Code Enforcement All residents cutting grass - don't forget to clean your curb line. Help keep your community neat and clean! The Library is located on the corner of White Horse Avenue and Gibbsboro Road. Please feel free to call at 856-783-3233. With the winter months coming to an end, our code enforcement division will become more visible. The investigators assigned to this division are tasked with informing our residents of ways to maintain compliance with our Property Maintenance Code. This would encompass guiding them through a corrective action, and ultimately leading to a brighter, and cleaner community. Our investigators rarely cite a first time violation, as the goal is compliance, not court action. However, if unrectified, court appearance may become a necessary action. Issues, such as placement of trash containers or a sufficient amount of containers needed for your daily consumption, broken or dangling gutters and downspouts, overgrown shrubs and grass are generally easy fixes. These items are not just a visible nuisance or eyesore. They are safety hazards for you and the community. In addition, these items are known to draw the criminal element to our community. If we all commit, our goal can be accomplished, which is a cleaner, safer Clementon. Have some spare time? Love to read? We are always looking for volunteers! Environmental Commission The Environmental Commssion meets at 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of each month in the Community Center basement. The Commission is a member of ANJEC and makes recommendations to the Borough regarding the protection and preservation of natural resources. We also sponsor contests, nature walks in the Spring and Fall, and Adopt a Road cleanups. We are currently working on upgrades to the Butterfly Garden next to the town hall, in addition to other projects. Please look for our new Facebook page - Clementon Environmental Commission - where we frequently update on activities and meetings. We will be hosting a photo contest in the spring via our Facebook page, so check for details. As always, new members are welcome. You may contact the Code Enforcement Division at the following numbers: Investigator Gene Richards: (commercial/rental properties) 856-783-0284 Extension 127 Investigator Al Sexton: (residential properties) 856-783-0284 Extension 120 Page | 3 Who will have the Luck of the Irish at our bowling event? Celebrate St. Patty's Day with family, friends and the HSA. Flyers will come home with the Clementon Historical Museum The Clementon Historical Museum is located adjacent to the library, in the Community Center on the corner of Gibbsboro and White Horse Roads. It is open every Wednesday from 2pm - 4pm. If you'd like to visit the museum during off hours, visits may be scheduled by appointment only. students. If you would like more information or would like to donate to our basket auction, please contact the HSA. Spring Cleaning for a Meaning Community Yard Sale and Clothing Drive Dan Dougherty Field (East Clementon) Saturday, April 25th from 8am - 12pm $15/space ($20 for vendors) You will find many photographs, written records, extensive collections of memorabilia from Clementon and other past and present recreational outlets in town, as well as various schools that have served our children over the years. Stop in, browse, and share your memories. To register for space or to donate to the clothing drive, please contact us. The HSA is accepting gently used clothing, shoes, bedding, purses and stuffed animals. If you are unable to drop off your donation, please contact the HSA for pick up. Shade Tree Commission The Shade Tree Commission meets at 7:30 pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month in the Community Center Basement. Bulldog Color Blast Fun Run/Walk Clementon Elementary School Saturday, May 16th $10/person Join us for our first annual color run as we paint CES all the colors of the rainbow. Wear your brightest white and let's see just how colorful you can be! Clementon Elementary Home & School Association As the school year nears the end, the HSA looks forward to seeing all the time and effort our students have put forth come to fruition. From the Art Show to the Hairspray Musical to the Graduating Class of 2015, we could not be prouder. The students and teachers at CES are the reason our organization works so hard. Participating in Home and School events or fundraisers helps fund activities at Clementon Elementary School that might not be possible without everyone's help. Thank you for all the continued support. Flyers will be sent home with the students. If you would like to register, volunteer or learn more about the race, please feel free to contact us. Bulldog Scholarship The HSA offers two $500 scholarships to graduating high school Seniors who have attended Clementon Elementary School for at least three years and have been accepted to an accredited educational institution. The HSA hopes to see everyone at our last few events of the year. St. Patty's Day Lucky Strike 30 Strikes Lanes, Stratford Saturday, March 28th from 2 - 4pm. $50/lane (up to 6 people) includes: 2 hours of bowling, shoe rental, pizza and soda. There will also be a basket auction. Applications can be found on the school website, the HSA Facebook page, and the Guidance Offices of Overbrook and Camden County Technical School. The deadline is May 1st, 2015. Box Tops and Campbell's Labels for Education Page | 4 We collect these all year long. During the school year, we hold contests throughout the school. The class that sends in the most each month wins a party. We use Box Tops and Campbell's Labels to help purchase extra items for our school, whether it be new books for the Media Center, supplies for the classrooms, or for the 8th grade trip. If you would like to donate, you may send Box Tops and Campbell's Labels for Education into school with a student or drop them off at the CES Main Office or at the John Lesher Senior Center. Free Pet Adoption for Veterans PetsForVets is an innovative program that waives the pet adoption fee for active military, reservists and veterans when adopting a pet from any of our participating shelters. Participating shelters now include the Camden County Animal Shelter in Blackwood, the Animal Welfare Association in Voorhees, and the Animal Adoption Center in Lindenwold. For more information, contact one of the participating shelters. The Home and School Association meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 7pm in the CES Media Center. We are always looking for new members of the community to join our organization. Camden County's 2015 Women's Health Conference The conference will be held this year on Saturday, May 2, from 8am to 3pm at Eastern Regional High School in Voorhees. Each year, more than 1200 women attend the free all-day event, which includes a continental breakfast and box lunch, a keynote address and four sessions of workshops that range from Zumba dancing to weight loss, financial independence to relationships and much more. Online registration will begin in midMarch, at 4 Audubon Avenue 856-783-2300 Ext. 1015 [email protected] County Happenings and Links For more information, please visit the county website at Camden County Board of Freeholders The Camden County Board of Freeholders wants to keep you up-to-date on all of the county services, innovative programs and special events taking place in Camden County. Sign up for these updates by registering at The public is also welcome to attend the monthly Freeholder Meetings. Dates for the upcoming meetings are: Senior Services Guide, Concerts, Educational and Recreation Opportunities The Camden County Surrogate and the Freeholder Board's Division of Senior & Disabled Services will hold a series of free legal workshops for senior and disabled residents. The sessions will be held at the Camden County Store, located on the second level of the mall at Voorhees Town Center, Somerdale and Burnt Mill Roads, Voorhees. Those who attend the session will have the opportunity to receive legal advice on a Last Will and Testament, an Advance Directive for Health Care also called a Living Will and a Power of Attorney. March 19 at 7PM Collingswood Community Center 30 W. Collings Ave. Collingswood April 16 at 7PM Barrington Municipal Bldg, 229 Trenton Avenue, Barrington Anyone interested in attending one of the sessions must call the County Store at (856) 566-2920 to save their spot. Participants are required to be Camden County residents aged 60 and over, or disabled citizens aged 18 and over. Workshops are limited to 35 participants per session and pre-registration is required. Those attending this workshop receive, at no cost, a Last Will and Testament, an Advance Directive for Health Care (Living Will) and Power of Attorney. May 21 at 7PM Berlin Township Municipal Building 135 Route 73, Berlin Twp June 18 at 7PM Cherry Hill Community Center 820 Mercer Street, Cherry Hill Page | 5 8:30am - 3:00pm Camden County College Parking Area Blackwood The Camden County Board of Freeholders is pleased to present a comprehensive guide to services for our senior population and their families. This directory outlines available services from a variety of agencies throughout the county to assist you in accessing any program needs you might have for you or your family. Electronic Recycling Collection Event For residents only – no businesses accepted. The Camden County Board of Freeholders is sponsoring Electronics Recycling Collection Events for all Camden County residents. Recycling your electronics keeps dangerous materials such as lead, mercury, cadmium and chromium from being released into the environment. For information about this guide and the other services provided by Camden County, please call the Division of Senior & Disabled Services at 877-2223737 or the Surrogate's Office at (856) 225-7282. Information can also be found at April 11 8:30am - 12:30pm Camden County Public Works Complex 2311 Egg Harbor Road, Lindenwold For more information on joining your local senior club call 856-858-2986. May 16, 8:30am - 3:00pm Parking Area at Atco & Raritan Avenues Atco Identity Theft Protection Event - Paper Shredding For residents only – no businesses accepted. May 30 8:30am - 12:00pm Camden County College Parking Area (exact location to be determined) Blackwood June 13, 8:30am - 3:00pm Camden County College Blackwood Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event For residents only – no businesses accepted. Items Accepted: paint products, household chemicals, cleaners, solvents, pesticides, fuel tanks, and automotive fluids and batteries. Items Not Accepted: Motor Oil, Tires, Landscape Timbers, Air Conditioners, Electronics, Space Heaters If you have any questions about what or what not to bring, please call 858-5241. March 21, 8:30am - 3:00pm Cherry Hill Public Works Complex, 1 Perina Boulevard Cherry Hill April 18, 8:30am - 3:00pm Collingswood Public Works Complex 713 N. Atlantic Avenue Collingswood June 13 Page | 6 "Zone 1" Zone 1 Zone 2 04/03/15 04/17/15 05/01/15 05/15/15 05/29/15 06/12/15 06/26/15 07/10/15 07/24/15 08/07/15 08/21/15 09/04/15 09/18/15 10/02/15 10/16/15 10/30/15 11/13/15 11/27/15 12/11/15 12/25/15 04/10/15 04/24/15 05/08/15 05/22/15 06/05/15 06/19/15 07/03/15 07/17/15 07/31/15 08/14/15 08/28/15 09/11/15 09/25/15 10/09/15 10/23/15 11/06/15 11/20/15 12/04/15 12/18/15 "Zone 2" Page | 7 CONTACT INFORMATION Address: 101 Gibbsboro Rd. Clementon, NJ 08021 856-783-0284 Extensions from Main Number Police Department: Chief Randall Freiling........................... 130 Suzanne Kunkel, Admin. Clerk ............ 132 Clerk's Office Jenai Johnson, Administrator/Clerk ...... 116 Adrianne Guernon, Deputy ................... 124 Margie Pierce, Deputy Reg. .................. 112 Tax Department: Charles Warrington, Assessor ............... 118 Jo Ann Watson, Collector ..................... 115 Joann DiBattista, Clerk ......................... 114 Finance Department: Nicholas Tocco ..................................... 121 Peggy Giordano..................................... 122 Municipal Court: Donna Carns, Court Admin. ................. 110 Kathy Buchhofer, Deputy ..................... 111 Code Enforcement: Gene Richards ....................................... 127 Albert Sexton ....................................... 120 Construction: Al Hallworth, Official ........................... 119 Fire Safety: Troy Bishop, Marshall .......................... 123 John Zuggi............................................. 123 Kathy Buchhofer ..............................125 Direct Numbers Police Department........................856-783-2271 Public Works ...............................856-784-0495 Housing Authority .......................856-784-1134 Fire House ....................................856-627-0277 Municipal Court ...........................856-783-6464 Municipal Building Office Hours Monday - Friday - 8:00am - 4:00pm Wednesday Evening until 9:00pm Mayor and Council John "Jack" Nicholson, Mayor Thomas Weaver, President Carol Andrews Mark Armbruster Jonathan Fisher Meghan Milano Christine Nucera Page | 8
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