(307) 221-0991 Keith Henderson Climbingadventuresofcheyenne.com [email protected] Membership Agreement PARTICIPANT’S INFORMATION – PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name______________________________________Phone#___________________________ Address____________________________________Date of Birth______/______/__________ City__________________ State____ Zip________ Emergency #_______________________ Today’s date _____/______/_________ MEMBERSHIP JOIN FEE: ________________ MONTHLY DUES PAYMENT_____________ FAMILY MEMBERSHIP JOIN FEE_________ MONTHLY DUES PAYMENT______________ FAMILY MEMBER _______________________ SIGNATURE_____________________________ FAMILY MEMBER _______________________ SIGNATURE_____________________________ FAMILY MEMBER_______________________ SIGNATURE______________________________ I HEREBY AUTHORIZE CLIMBING ADVENTURES-LLC (HEREBY REFERRED TO AS CLIMBING ADVENTURES) TO AUTOMATICALLY RENEW MY MONTHLY CONTRACT ON A MONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS WHICH BECOMES EFFECTIVE ON THE THIRTY-FIRST DAY FROM MY JOIN DATE. I AGREE, AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT CLIMBING ADVENTURES TO RENEW THIS CONTRACT ON A MONTH TO MONTH BASIS AND FURTHER DIRECT CLIMBING ADVENTURES TO CONTINUE TO DEBIT MY CREDIT CARD, BANK ACCOUNT, OR INVOICE ME FOR MONTHLY DUES OR ANY OTHER FEESAND CHARGES AUTHORIZEDIN THIS CONTRACT. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT ORAL CANCELLATION WILL NOT BE VALID. I MUST RETURN MEMBERSHIP CARD WITH WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. I ALSO AGREE TO GIVE TO GIVE THIRTY DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCELLITION EFFECTIVE AFTER THE NINITY-FIRST DAY FROM JOIN DATE HAS BEEN COMPLETED. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I AM LIABLE FOR ALL FEES AND CHARGES UNTIL THE THIRTY DAYS FROM THE NEXT BILLING DATE AND AGREE TO PAY ALL CHARGES FEES AND PAYMENTS PROVIDED IN THIS CONTRACT. JOIN DATE_____________________MEMBER SIGNATURE_____________________ WAVIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY: Members understand that the agreement to employ Climbing Adventures to train and guide in outdoor activities shall be the members sole responsibility. Climbing Adventures shall not be held liable to member for any injuries demands, claims, actions, or damages arising from injury to member’s person or property in connection with Climbing Adventures activities that may be brought against them by members or on members behalf for any such claims or injuries. All members agree to sign the Assumption of Risk form as part of membership. CLIMBING ADVENTURES RIGHTS TO SUSPEND OR CANCEL: Climbing Adventures hereby reserves the right to cancel or suspend this membership in its sole discretion. Member agrees to pay a $10.00 fee for each replacement card. ASSUMPTION OF RISK: Members may cancel this agreement 90 days after the date of this agreement excluding holidays and weekends. To cancel this agreement fax, mail or deliver a dated and signed notice which states that you the member are cancelling this agreement. Such notice should be sent to Climbing Adventures 249 Shoshoni Street Cheyenne Wyoming 82009. BINDING ARBITRATION: If any dispute arises on an interpretation of the rights and obligations under this Contract, each party agrees to submit the matter to arbitration in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services unless parties agree otherwise. Any award made by the arbitrator will be final and binding and may be entered as a judgment in any court having jurisdiction. The prevailing party will be awarded all costs of arbitration including reasonable attorney’s fees. MEMBERSHIP: This membership is absolutely not transferable and member may not assign, transfer, or sell this agreement, his or her membership card, or membership in Climbing Adventures, or any other privilege or right, and any such attempted assignment, transfer or sale shall be null and void. Member may not loan his or her membership card to anyone. NO ORAL CHANGES OR CANCELLATIONS ARE PERMITTED. NO CHANGES TO THIS STATEMENT ARE PERMITTED. MEMBER VERIFIES THAT NO ORAL PROMISES OR ANY OTHER PRIVILEGES OR REPRESENTATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE AND THAT THIS WRITTEN CONTRACT IS THE AGREEMENT IN FULL CREDIT / DEBIT CARD CREDIT CARD (CIRCLE): VISA MASTERCARD CARD NUUBER: ________________ NAME ON CARD______________EXP DATE___________ VERIFICATION#___________ BILLING ADDRESS___________________________CITY_________STATE_____ZIP____________ This authorization is to remain in force until Climbing Adventures has received written cancellation from me. Member authorizes Climbing Adventures to dedit the account for all sums owing Climbing Adventures including but not limited to membership dues and all taxes enacted by the state of Wyoming or any governing authority. MEMBER SIGNATURE X_____________________________________________________ MEMBER NAME (PRINT)__________________________________ DATE_____________
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