Tuesday, June 16 8:30 – 8:45 8:45 – 9:45 Welcome and Opening Remarks – Sylvie Renault and Wara Chiyoka Keynote: Dr. M. Anne Naeth - Soil Science and Land Reclamation: Foundations and Frontiers 9:45 – 10:20 10:20 – 10:40 10:40 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:20 11:20 – 11:40 11:40 – 12:00 Tradeshow and Networking Break Session 1: Nutrient Management and 4R Nutrient Stewardship Chair: Mitchell Timmerman Nitrogen source and timing for optimal yield of irrigated processing potato in Manitoba W. Shaw*, M. Tenuta, D. Gibson Statistical variability of soil test NO3N, implications for precision agriculture A. Moulin How do perennial grasses prevent nitrate leaching from swine manure? A. Lasisi*, O.O. Akinremi, M. Tenuta, D. Cattani Rates of nutrient removal by variouscrops grown in a previously heavily-manured Dark Brown Chernozemic soil I. Agomoh*, X. Hao, F. Zvomuya Formula 1 and 2: The battle of two formulas for estimating available manure nitrogen O.O. Akinremi, S.M. Sayem, M. Bammeke, D.V. Ige 12:00 – 1:00 1:00 – 1:20 Phosphorus sorption capacity as affected by cropping system and type of pig manure S.A. Muda*, C. Durand, M. Bammeke, O.O. Akinremi Session 2: Organic Amendments and their use in Reclamation Chair: Brian Tisch Reclaiming acidic tailings with organic covers for biomass production: A field case study B. Tisch, S. Beauchemin, J.S. Clemente, Y. Thibault, E.G. Gregorich, L. Lortie, T. MacKinnon Planting of native trees on a former gold mine in northwestern Ontario using mycorrhizae and wood waste C. Mol*, P. Lee Developing protocols for the rehabilitation of diamond mine wastes in the Hudson Bay Lowland, Canada D. Campbell, B. Rantala-Sykes, A. Hanson Use of Entac and biochar to establish native plants on reclaimed mine sites in northern Ontario L. Van Damme, S. Thomas, B. Kutner, P. Goulet Modeling and mapping soil carbono in BC Grasslands and the implications for mine closure reclamation L.H. Fraser, H. Richardson, D. Hill, P, Antonelli, W. Gardner Lunch One case study on how the passage of time and sludge placement are being a positive influence in the natural rehabilitation of a coal mine M. Coleman, K. Butler, T. Al, K. Phinney, D. Merrill Session 3: Wetlands Chair: Lisette Ross Evaluation of floating cattail bioplatforms for the restoration of degraded lakes and wetlands G. Goldsborough, M. Stanley, L. Dupuis, L. Ross Moisture effects on nitrogen and phosphorus availability in biosolids from end-of-life municipal lagoons N. Jeke*, F. Zvomuya, L. Ross Creation of fish and wildlife habitat on the closed Salmon Harbour Mine in Minto, NB M. Coleman, R, Rutherford, R.A. Currie Modelling to assess the feasibility of phytoremediation in constructed wetlands in cold climates V. Krahn*, R. Sri Ranjan Development of forest road wetland crossings B. Nickel Session 4: Revegetation and Management of Disturbed Lands Chair: David Polster Moss propagation methods for use in arctic land reclamation J. Lamarre*, M.A. Naeth 1:20 – 1:40 1:40 – 2:00 2:00 – 2:20 2:20 – 2:40 2:40 – 3:00 3:00 – 3:45 3:45 – 5:00 Phosphorus and metal release from surface and sub-surface Manitoba soils under prolonged flooding K. Jayarathne*, D. Kumaragamage, D. Flaten, S. Indraratne, D. Goltz Perennial forages release phosphorus during snowmelt runoff in Manitoba K. Liu, J. Elliot, D. Lobb, D. Flaten, J. Yarotski Session 5: Soil Moisture Chair: Manasah Mkhabela Development of soil moisture information utilizing RADARSAT2 and other Earth observation sensors J. Powers, K. Gottfried, M. Friesen, J. Freeman, AKM Bhuiyan, H. McNairn, A. Merzouki, A. Pacheco, A. Howard, R. Ojo, P. Bullock Satellite soil moisture to improve hydrologic models and enhance flood forecasting AKM Bhuiyani, H. McNairn, J. Powers, A. Merzouki Optimizing water table depth to improve soil trafficability and workability A.A. Mante*, R. Sri Ranjan Biochar and erosion control for land reclamation: Effects on herbaceous seed mixtures and planted sandbar willow cuttings B.G. Kuttner, S.C. Thomas Amendments and substrates to develop anthroposols for reclamation in northern diamond mines V.S. Miller*, M.A. Naeth Tundra reclamation: Developing techniques for shrub and lichen revegetation S. Ficko*, M.A Naeth Physical properties of and Orthic Black Chernozem after 5 years of liquid and solid pig manure application T. Adesanya*, O. Akinremi Recruitment of boreal forest trees in poplar plantations on mine waste rock slopes H. Bouchard*, M. Guittonny-Larcheveque, S. Brais Session 6: Long-Term Agricultural Projects Chair: Kevin Baron Evaluation of the EPIC model for predicting wheat, barley, and canola yield on a 19-year alternative cropping system study in a Canadian Prairies T. Lychuk, A. Moulin, R. Lemke, E. Johnson, O. Olfert, S. Brandt, R. Izaurralde The effect of input intensity, cropping rotation, environmental and terrain covariates on crop yield in a 19-year study in Saskatchewan Canada T. Lychuk, A. Kirk, A. Moulin, R. Lemke, E. Johnson, O. Olfert, S. Brandt, B. Gossen, J. Leeson Break CLRA and MSSS AGMs Nursery nutrient loading promotes growth of jack pine seedlings planted on reclaimed soils P. Pokharel*, S. Ibsen, J-H. Kwak, G. Murtaza Jamro, K. Lou, S.K. Chang Effects of root sone pH, calcium and phosphorus supply on trembling aspen, white spruce and jack pine seedlings W. Zhang, J.J. Zwiazek Monitoring the past to inform the future: Recovery of vegetation and soil indicators on Alberta’s reclaimed wellsites A. McIntosh, D. Ryerson Wednesday, June 17 8:30 – 8:35 Opening Remarks 8:35 – 9:35 Keynote: Dr. Jay Volk - The Reclamation "Genesis" and Our Legacy 9:35 – 10:20 Break 10:20 – 10:40 Session 7: Saline Lands Chair: Jennifer Nielsen Responsible potash tailings management in Saskatechwan B. Sigurdson 10:40 – 11:00 11:00 – 11:20 Low-energy coal remediated high salinity soil E. Liem, M. Cano, P. Verdi, M. Bates 11:20 – 11:40 Spill response 101: Innovative strategies for remediating brinecontaminated soil J. Nielsen, R. Eilers 11:40 – 12:00 Effects of salinity on the nitrogen fixing boreal shrub Elaeagnus commutata J. Shao*, J. Markham, S. Renault 12:00 – 1:00 1:00 – 1:20 Session 8: Pesticides in the Environment Chair: Annemieke Farenhorst Occurence of agricultural pesticides in groundwater of Alberta K. Sapkota*, D. Nilsson, A. Farenhorst, C. Sheedy Glyphosate sorption with different levels of phosphate fertilizer and pH in soils S. Munira*, A. Farenhorst, D. Flaten, C. Grant Dissipation of excreted veterinary antibiotics in an agricultural soil following beef cattle manure application I. Amarakoon*, F. Zvomuya, S. Sura, F.J. Larney, A.J. Cessna, T.A. McAllister Session 10: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Carbon Exchange in Ecosystems Chair: Aaron Glenn Quantifying methane and carbon dioxide fluses over a beef cattle farm in Manitoba A. Taylor*, B. Amiro, M. Tenuta, M. Gervais Session 9: Remediation of Contaminated Soils Chair: Francis Zvomuya Remediation of fine textured soils and ground water contaminated with salts and chlorinated organic compounds A.P. Murata*, M.A. Naeth Influence of biochar feedstock on petroleum hydrocarbon degradation E. Karppinen*, K. Stewart, I. Ness,S. Siciliano Effects of thermal desorption on soil-water characteristics and plant-available nutrients P. O’Brien*, N. Derby, T. DeSutter, F. Casey, A. Wick, K. Horsager Environmental effects monitoring in Sydney Harbour during remediation of one of Canada’s most polluted sites: A review and lessons learned T.R. Walker Soil nitrous oxide emissions from cropland with different management A. Roy, A. Glenn, A. Moulin, H. Wilson Lunch Session 11: Prairie Ecosystem Restoration Chair: Ian Young Impacts of pipeline construction and development on Halimolobos Virgata, slender mouse ear cress, and dry mixedgrass prairie ecosystems C. Low, M.A. Naeth, D. Locky Session 12: Techniques and Tools Chair: Michele Coleman Do organic cropping systems emit less soil N2O than conventional systems? M. Westphal*, M. Tenuta, M. Entz The role of water-spraying and vegetation in controlling windblown dust from mine tailing impoundments D. Ogungbemide*, C. McKenna-Neumann, C. Preston 1:20 – 1:40 1:40 – 2:00 2:00 – 2:20 Restoration of prairie pollinator communities: Which plants have “the right stuff”? D. Bizecki Robson Initiation and development of a regionally suitable native grass seed production program for use in the revegetation of Manitoba’s east side road I. Young, C, Penner, B. Wark Urban naturalization: A recently adopted approach towards sustainable cities J. Aguilar Rojas*, M.A. Naeth 2:20 – 2:40 2:40 – 3:00 3:00 – 3:20 3:20 – 3:40 Session 13: The Changing Face of Reclamation Chair: Daniel Campbell Planning of restoration projects in the context of ecological restoration, compensation or reclamation L. Rochefort New advances in mined land reclamation D. Polster Transition from reclamation to restoration: A misguided trend C. Powter Net biome productivity of cropland in southern Manitoba A. Glenn, H. Wilson Uncertainty caused by data gaps in estimating carbon exchange in an oldgrowth boreal forest A. Soloway*, B. Amiro Climate change and permafrost soils – Is one changing the other? P. Godin*, TB Goh, G.A. Stern, R.W. Macdonald, ZZ. Kuzyk, M.A. Goni Break Session 14: Extension Methods in Soil and Environmental Science Chair: Diane Smith Managing metallic and electrical interference in EM survey data D. Paton Is there something called ‘Soil Science’? Perspectives on Soil Science from High School Students E. RoTimi Ojo* Factors infuencing the relationship of ion exchange membranes (PRSTM Probe) measurements to extractable nutrient concentrations L. Andronak, E. Bremer, K. Sooriya Arachchilage, J. Schoenau Restoring and managing the agricultural alndscape in Manitoba using Innovative Decision Tools T. Szumigalski, C. Wilson, E. Salvano Come and try your hand at the 4R Nutrient Management Casino! M. Riekman, J. Heard, D, Flaten Knowledge rains down and misconceptions melt away with interactive extension in Manitoba M. Timmerman 3:40 – 4:00 4:00 – 4:40 Reclamation or restoration in northern landscapes: Towards a high standard for the recovery of disturbed lands D. Campbell Panel Discussion * graduate student presentation Dual view minus the wait – Introducing the Agilent 5100 ICP-OES with synchronous dual view technology W. Blonski The determination of major metal components in soil extracts via the Agilent Microwave Plasma – Atomic Emission Spectrometer (4200 MP-AES) W. Blonski
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