REGISTRATION FORM Continuing Medical Education #157744 35th ANNUAL ALAMO CITY OPHTHALMOLOGY CLINICAL CONFERENCE Saturday, April 11, 2015 • UT Health Science Center • Pestana Lecture Hall 3.104 7703 Floyd Curl Drive • San Antonio, TX 78229 Name: ______________________________________________________________________________________ (Please Print) First Mi. Last Credentials: r MD r DO r RN r OD r OT r COA r COT r PA-C r Resident r Other_______ Daytime Phone: _______________________________ E-mail Address: ___________________________ REGISTRATION FEES: Ophthalmologist/ Optometrist ____ $225 Residents ____ $75 Clinical Faculty ____ $175 Ophthalmic Technicians ____ $30 Other Health Care Professionals ____ $125 r Do you have special requirements? r Yes r No (If yes, you will be contacted by our CME staff to see how we can assist) r I also wish to contribute $ _______________ to the Hogan-Ferguson Professorship. This contribution is tax deductible. TOTAL ENCLOSED $ __________________ 2 WAYS TO REGISTER ONLINE at MAIL: This registration form and payment to: UT Health Science Center San Antonio Continuing Medical Education 7703 Floyd Curl Drive - MSC 7980 San Antonio, TX 78229-3900 Make checks payable to: “UTHSCSA CME-157744” ____ Check Enclosed ____ Please charge my r Visa r MasterCard r Discover r AMEX Credit Card Number ___________________________________ Exp.Date ____/____ Name Printed as Appears on Card __________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________ Registration Confirmation: All registrations are confirmed in writing. If you do not receive a confirmation within 2 weeks of registering, please contact us at 210-567-4491 or 1-866-601-4448. Cancellations: The UTHSCSA Office of Continuing Medical Education reserves the right to limit enrollment or cancel any course no less than a week prior to the start date of the course. Should circumstances make this necessary, tuition will be refunded in full less $50 administrative fee, provided notice is received by March 30, 2015. The UTHSCSA Office of Continuing Medical Education is not responsible for transportation or lodging costs. The UT Health Science Center San Antonio Continuing Medical Education • MSC 7980 - 7703 Floyd Curl Drive • San Antonio, Texas 78229-3900 35th ANNUAL ALAMO CITY OPHTHALMOLOGY CLINICAL CONFERENCE April 11, 2015 Continuing Medical Education 7703 Floyd Curl Drive San Antonio, Texas 78229-3900 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. Postage PAID San Antonio, TX Permit # 1941 35th ANNUAL ALAMO CITY OPHTHALMOLOGY C L INICA L CO NFE REN C E Original Research, Ethics, Patient Safety Projects Saturday, April 11, 2015 UT Health Science Center Pestana Lecture Hall 3.104 (Near Briscoe Library) 7703 Floyd Curl Drive San Antonio, TX 78299 Sponsored by: UT Health Science Center San Antonio Alamo City Ophthalmology Residents’ Association San Antonio Military Health System (SAMHS), Ophthalmology Hogan-Ferguson Ethics Guest Lecturer Aaron M. Miller MD, MBA, FAAP Houston Eye Associates Clinical Assistant Professor, The University of Texas Medical Branch Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Houston, TX “Healthcare Communications and the Delinquent Patient: The Ethical Challenges They Pose” Bajandas Guest Lecturer Robert F. Melendez MD, MBA Eye Associates of New Mexico Clinical Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Albuquerque, NM “New Frontiers in Medicine” Special Presentation Colonel Thomas J. Tredici MD, USAFMC (Retired) San Antonio, TX “Management of Ophthalmic Casualties in Southeast Asia. Fifty Years Later — Lessons Learned” DESCRIPTION The 35th Annual Alamo City Ophthalmology Clinical Conference will focus on a series of oral abstract presentations based on original resident research – including clinical and basic science projects. Topics include public health issues, current therapeutic and surgical management of ocular disorders, and novel approaches to diagnostic treatment challenges will be presented. After each abstract presentation, expert panelists discuss salient points. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Identify current areas of research in the various disciplines of ophthalmology. 2. Update therapeutic strategies in selected ocular disorders. 3. Review and critically analyze the literature regarding specific ophthalmic disorders. 4. Recognize and effectively manage ethical and medico-legal challenges in ophthalmology practice. CONTINUING EDUCATION INFORMATION The UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The UT Health Science Center San Antonio School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. This program is pending approval by the Texas Optometry Board. Nurses and other healthcare professionals will receive a Certificate of Attendance. For information on applicability and acceptance, please consult your professional licensing board. FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS As an ACCME-accredited CME provider, the UT Health Science Center at San Antonio School of Medicine (UTHSCSA SOM) must ensure that its CME activities are independent of the control of commercial interests. All speakers and planning committee members for UTHSCSA sponsored programs are expected to disclose (prior to the activity) all “relevant financial relationships” as financial relationships in any amount occurring within the past 12 months may potentially create a real or perceived conflict of interest. COURSE DIRECTOR Kent L. Anderson MD, PhD Associate Professor Residency Program Director Department of Ophthalmology UT Health Science Center San Antonio San Antonio, Texas COURSE CO-DIRECTORS Daniel A. Johnson, MD Chair Department of Ophthalmology UT Health Science Center San Antonio San Antonio, Texas Randy O. Mauffray, MD Flight Commander, COL. M.D., U.S.A. Chairman Ophthalmology SVC Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center Lackland Air Force Base, Texas Frank E. Valentin-Figueroa, LTC., M.D., M.C., U.S.A. Chief Ophthalmology SVC San Antonio Military Medical Center Fort Sam Houston, Texas REGISTRATION Course check-in and distribution of course materials will begin at 7:00 am on Saturday, April 11, 2015 in the foyer of the UT Pestana Lecture Hall 3.104. LOCATION The 35th Annual Alamo City Ophthalmology Clinical Conference will be held at the UT Health Science Center, Pastana Lecture Hall 3. 104. 7703 Floyd Curl Drive. San Antonio, TX 78229 TENTATIVE PROGRAM Saturday, April 11, 2015 7:00-7:50am Registration Continental Breakfast 7:50-8:00am Welcome – Daniel A. Johnson MD Professor and Chair UTHSC, Department of Ophthalmology 8:00am SESSION I: REFRACTIVE 8:00-8:15am Visual Outcomes Comparison of Two Femtosecond Laser Platforms for Laser In situ Keratomileusis. T O’Dea, J Townley. SAMHS, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 8:15-8:30am Higher Order Aberrations after Femtosecond LASIK Flap Creation. J Croskrey, M Caldwell, J Townley, D Apsey, H Monroe. SAMHS, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 8:30-8:45am Dose Uniformity of Topical Ophthalmic Corticosteroids Flourometholone Acetate 0.1% and Loteprednol Etabonate Gel 0.5%. J Bennion, M Caldwell, J Townley. SAMHS, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 8:45-9:00am Pentacam Corneal Densitometry to Evaluate Clinically Significant Postoperative Changes after Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK). A Moses, K Bostwick, W Steigleman, J Townley, M Caldwell. SAMHS, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 9:00-10:00am SPECIAL INVITED GUEST LECTURER Colonel Thomas J. Tredici MD, USAFMC (Retired) San Antonio, TX Presentation: Management of Ophthalmic Casualties in Southeast Asia. Fifty Years Later and Lessons Learned. 10:00-10:15am BREAK/QUALITY IMPROVEMENT POSTERS (Q & A) 10:15am SESSION II: RETINA 1 10:15-10:30am Optical Coherence Tomography, Fundus Autoflourescence and Near Infrared Characteristics of Choroidal Nevi. J Roe, D Baskin. SAMHS, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX Announcements – Kent L. Anderson MD, PhD Associate Professor and Residency Program Director UTHSC, Department of Ophthalmology 10:30-10:45am YAG-Laser Induced Release of Aspirin from Chitosan Nanoparticle. N Agange, R Glickman. UTHSC, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 10:45-11:45am 27TH ANNUAL BAJANDAS GUEST LECTURER Robert F. Melendez MD, MBA Eye Associates of New Mexico and Clinical Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center Albuquerque, NM Presentation: New Frontiers in Medicine. 11:45-1:00pm LUNCH 1:00pm SESSION III: CORNEA 1:00-1:15pm Matrix Metalloproteneinase-9(MMP-9) and Inflammatory Mediator Profile in Tears of Patients with Acute, Severe Ocular Surface Disease. B Mittelstaedt, M Madsen, G Bramblett, W Steigleman, H Wang, A Johnson. SAMHS, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 1:15-1:30pm Corneal Endothelial Cell Loss after Transcleral Diode Cyclophotocoagulation. C Cahill, K Nagi. UTHSC, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 1:30pm SESSION IV: RETINA 2 1:30-1:45pm Measurement of Systemic Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Setting of Type 1 Retinopathy of Prematurity. A Comparison of Systemic VEGF Levels in Patients Treated with Ranibiuzumab and Laser Photocoagulation in the Neonational Intensive Care Unit. S Sumsion, A Harper, C Blanco, S Shah. UTHSC, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 1:45-2:00pm Intraocular Pressure Profile Associated with Intravitreal Aflibercept Injections. O Shif, K Nagi. UTHSC, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 2:00-2:15pm Time to Re-Treatment for Patients Undergoing Combination Intravitreal Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Dexamethasone Therapy for Macular Edema in Retinal Vein Occlusion. L Tyler, M Singer. UTHSC, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 2:15-2:30pm Surgical Outcomes after Tractional Retinal Detachment Repair in South Texas Population. K Beck, C Epley, M Schmutz, S Jardeleza. UTHSC, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 2:30-2:45pm BREAK/QUALITY IMPROVEMENT POSTERS (Q & A) 2:45pm SESSION V: GLAUCOMA and CATARACT 2:45-3:00pm Imaging Characteristics of a Baerveldt Glaucoma Implant. D Anderson, A Suhr. SAMHS, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 3:00-3:15pm Effect of Intra-Articular Steroid Injections on Intraocular Pressure. D Nguyen, K Nagi, L Stryker. UTHSC, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 3:15-3:30pm Perioperative Antibiotic Use among San Antonio Cataract Surgeons. M Schmutz, K Nagi. UTHSC, Ophthalmology, San Antonio, TX 3:30-4:30pm 20th ANNUAL HOGAN-FERGUSON ETHICS GUEST LECTURER Aaron M. Miller MD, MBA, FAAP Houston Eye Associates and Clinical Assistant Professor, The University of Texas Medical Branch Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences Houston, TX Presentation: Healthcare Communications and the Delinquent Patient: The Ethical Challenges They Pose. 4:30-4:45pm Quality Improvement – Q&A Session 4:45-5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENT OF GORDON AWARDS
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