Programme Baltimore - New York

Baltimore - New York
June 8-13
preliminary version
“Imaging the future”
1. Information
2. Introduction
3. CMINEN summary
4. Map Baltimore and Bethesda
5. Preliminary program
6. Visits
CMINEN Medical Tour
8-13 June 2015 - Baltimore and New York
Aim of the mission
Exchange knowledge and experience between biomedical researchers, engineers and clinicians (nuclear
medicine physician, radiologists and surgeons) on Medical Imaging themes such as PET-MRI, Optical
Imaging, Labeling and Ultra-fast CT.
Exchange knowledge and experience between (novel) radiopharmaceuticals and contrast agents production and development
Getting inspired by the USA healthcare system and research programs
The international profiling of initiatives on imaging by UMC Groningen, UMC Nijmegen and University of
Identification of international business partners that are valuable for the commercialization of regional
imaging expertise
International business development: creating opportunities for East NL companies
Identification of foreign direct investment leads (new investors, expansions, matchmaking)
Strengthening of the contacts between the delegates
The CMINEN Medical Tour is organized in collaboration with Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, St. Louis USA.
The Center for Medical Imaging North East Netherlands (CMINEN) is an open
innovation center including several leading organizations in the field of medical imaging in the Netherlands; the MIRA Institute for Biomedical Technology
and Technical Medicine at the University of Twente, University Medical Center of Groningen and University of Groningen, RadboudUMC Nijmegen and
Radboud University Nijmegen and Siemens Medical Systems. The CMINENconsortium works with world-class research institutes, industry, (university)
hospitals, governments, business development organizations and last but not
least the regional business partners. This unique cooperation results in academic excellence in research and education with a high medical and societal
impact. Through intensive multidisciplinary interaction we can provide innovations which will improve the quality of health and healthcare.
Baltimore became our focus. We will visit the congress of the Society of Nuclear Medicine 2015, which has “Imaging the future” as theme this year. We
are excited to visit the department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Center
of Imaging Science at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
We have the opportunity to visit the world-class institutes that are affiliated
with top University of Maryland SNU, the clinical center NIH and NIBIB, followed by an informative meeting in Baltimore between the visiting group and
Mallinckrodt, a leading company in radiopharmaceuticals and contrast agents
which can be seen as a good example for cooperation between government,
research, business and hospitals.
Finally the Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute of Mount Sinai in
New York will be visited.
Following the giant leap created by the CMINEN consortium we are now standing on the doorstep of a series of new achievements. The CMINEN Medical
Tour 2013 in the South Korea was a success. We created new knowledge
and insights, in terms of medical imaging technology and learned from leading South Korean research institutes and companies. By strengthening international contacts, sharing of best practice and exchange of knowledge, we
can identify and create opportunities on an international level which will enable collaboration on many different levels.
We are convinced that this Medical Tour will be an inspiration to the delegates to continue to work and achieve great results, both on individual partnering and as CMINEN consortium.
Choosing Baltimore, Maryland, and New York in the United States as destination for this years Medical Tour was both simple and complex. There are so
many excellent research facilities, universities to visit and companies to meet
in the world. The multidisciplinary approach of CMINEN translated into a decided destination and ideas for a program. Since it’s that approach that characterizes CMINEN and makes us unique, the Medical Tour should be accordingly
multidisciplinary in terms of visits and participants
Prof. R.H.J.A. Slart, MD PhD
Prof. L.F. De Geus-Oei, MD PhD
The further development of medical imaging techniques and their application require
closer cooperation between technical disciplines and medical practice.
To emphasize the strong collaboration between different collaborating institutions in
CMInen, a dual inaugural lecture was held. Both nuclear medicine physicians, De GeusOei (Leiden UMC & University of Twente) and Slart (UMCGroningen &
University of Twente), were appointed as Clinical Professor in Molecular Imaging,
Innovation and Translation at the technical University of Twente.
CMI summary
Focus | CMINEN aims at research and development of minimal to non-invasive
Aims and objectives | To secure a leading global position in innovative medi-
medical imaging techniques, improving existing technologies and optimizing
their integrated use. Using medical technology assessment of new and existing
imaging techniques, we contribute to a higher quality and more affordable
healthcare. Oncology, cardiovascular diseases, and neural and neuromuscular
diseases are CMINEN‘s major themes and we are focusing on 1. targeted contrast (diagnostic and molecular imaging), 2. navigation technology (imageguided therapy and technology) and 3. medical imaging informatics (quantitative
imaging analysis).
cal imaging with groundbreaking research & development, education and valorization, the initiative combines state-of-the-art research facilities, clinical practice
and technology, and innovative education. Clinical needs will drive the CMI NEN’s
research agenda. To break autonomous trends in healthcare with a negative
impact on public health and costs, by developing systematic pathways for the
use and implementation of new and existing imaging devices. Furthermore,
CMINEN will develop low-cost, high-sensitivity tests to exclude disease in order
to reduce overexposure to the medical system, and it will develop a model for
the diagnostic and minimally invasive treatment centers of the future.
Background | Innovation is the only way to Improve the quality and management of costs of future health care. Medical imaging is playing a major role
herein. Next generation imaging technology will enable the early diagnosis of,
for example, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. This will lead to early interventions that delay or prevent the onset or spread of disease and mitigate its effects. New and more effective imaging tools and methods will also facilitate the
transition from invasive to minimally-invasive to non-invasive diagnosis and
therapy. Medical imaging addresses the main factors for the quality and costs of
medical interventions: diagnostic accuracy, the need for (revision) surgery, side
effects and recovery times. Innovations in imaging will also enable new intervention techniques, both in diagnostics and therapeutics.
Economic impact | CMINEN’s efforts in research and development will signifi-
Need for research and development | Current developments of imaging
groups and will establish a multidisciplinary research institute for all imaging
solutions in healthcare. Advances in medical imaging and diagnostics depend
on intensive cooperation between clinicians, biologists and engineers. CMI NEN
provides in the collaboration of doctors and medical (imaging) technology experts. CMINEN will improve the interpretation and use of medical imaging data
and will increase the acceptance of technology’s role in healthcare, through
intensive knowledge exchange programs and merged research groups.
devices is mostly done by technical achievements and better understanding of
'molecular mechanisms of diseases and therapeutics'. New diagnostic imaging
devices have been applied without proper validation and comparison to existing
technologies. The main point of research should be focused on the most pressing clinical needs in order to align development of new technology with clinical
demands for early diagnosis, early intervention and minimally-invasive therapies. To stimulate the rapid introduction of novel treatments and/or technology
to the market, entrepreneurs should also be involved from early stages on.
cantly decrease mortality rates from cancer and cardiovascular diseases and
will substantially improve the quality of life of patients with neurodegenerative
diseases. Early treatment can slow down cognitive decline and positively influence movement disorders. The considerable benefits from medical imaging will
also reduce costs. Furthermore, CMINEN will stimulate clinically driven innovation
in medical imaging and will generate new patents and start-ups. The center will
involve and support start-ups and small and medium sized enterprises to develop innovative products, which will quickly be released on the market.
Ambition | CMINEN will combine established clinical and technological research
Map Baltimore and Bethesda
1 = SNMMI Annual Meeting
2 = Advanced Radiology
3 = University of Maryland MYRIAD
4 = NIH Clinical Centre and NIBIB
5 = Johns Hopkins Hospital
6 = Johns Hopkins Center for Imaging Science
7 = Radisson Hotel at Cross Keys
Preliminary Program
Mo. 8th June
Tue. 9th June
Wed. 10th June
Thu. 11th June
Fr. 12th June
Sa. 13th June
Breakfast at Hotel
Breakfast at Hotel
Breakfast at Hotel
Breakfast at Hotel
Breakfast at Hotel
Travel by bus
Travel by bus
Check-out hotel
Check-out hotel
Travel by bus
Travel by bus
to Baltimore
Individual Visit
Johns Hopkins
Mount Sinai
of Maryland
Translational and
to A'dam
Molecular Imaging
Travel by bus
Travel by bus
Johns Hopkins
(In vivo cellular and
Individual Visit
molecular imaging
Clinical Center
(Center for
New York
Imaging Science)
Travel by bus
Travel by bus
Travel by bus
Travel by bus
Travel by bus
to A'dam
Hotel Baltimore
Hotel Baltimore
Hotel Baltimore
Hotel New York
Without prejudice
At this moment, we are in the process of approaching the institutes and drafting the contents of the visits.
It is possible that within the timeframe changes will occur in the final program.
Baltimore visits
SNMMI 2015 Annual Meeting
The Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging has located its annual meeting of 2015 in Baltimore. The SNMMI has over 60 years of experience on science, tehcnology and practical application of nuclear medicine
and molecular imaging. Its mission is to improve human health by advancing
molecular imaging and therapy. The world’s most state of the art technology
in this field will be discussed.
The 62nd SNMMI 2015 Annual Meeting is a conference and exhibition that
covers topics such as:
Global company, developing, manufacturing and distributing specialty pharmaceutical products and diagnostic imaging agents. One of the biggest suppliers of radiopharmaceuticals, for example technetium 99m generator. They
offer continuing educational programs that focus on the needs of nuclear
medicine technologists.
Dementia Brain Pet and sPeCt
Imaging Heart Failure
Technical Advances in Myocardial Perfusion imaging
PET/MR is the Future
Multimodality Breast imaging
Getting through the nuclear Medicine Door and Beyond
Interoperative imaging
Hybrid nuclear-Magnetic Resonance imaging technologies
Bethesda visit
NIH Clinical Center and NIBIB
University of Maryland
The National Institutes of Health is the primary agency of the United States
government responsible for biomedical an health-related research. To continually provide cutting-edge imaging technologies for clinical research, currently a number of state-of-the-art imaging equipment purchases are being
made at the NIH: A PET/CT scanner with a 128-slice CT scanner combined
with a 2mm spatial resolution PET scanner; multiple 3T MRI units operating
at 32 channels; 320 and 256-slice CT scanners as well as dual source
MDCT; a 3D ultrasound unit; focused ultrasound at 3T, and a combined robotic CT-angiography unit.
The Maryland Research in Imaging and Analytics Development lab (MYRIAD)
is an engineering and clinical software development team embedded in the
Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine at the University
of Maryland School of Medicine. The lab’s mission is to work closely with
clinical users to understand, develop and build the next generation of workflow and analytics software for use in medicine. The team sees as its core
strength an ability to understand and translate clinical requirements with state
of the art technology and software-based tools.
Baltimore visits
Johns Hopkins University Hospital
Johns Hopkins Center for Imaging Science
Johns Hopkins Medicine operates six academic and community hospitals,
four suburban health care and surgery centers, and has more than 2.8 million outpatient encounters per year. It is the only hospital to have ranked #1 in
the nation over 21 years in a row by U.S. News & World Report. The hospital
was again ranked #1 in the nation in 2013.
Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DMRI) is a technique that produces
in vivo images of biological tissues by exploiting the constrained diffusion
properties of water molecules. DMRI can potentially be used to infer the organization of several structures in biological tissues. For instance, the extraction
of neuronal fibers from brain DMRI can help understand brain connectivity in
the corpus callosum, cingulum, thalamic radiations, optical nerves, etc. This
has lead to numerous clinical studies showing how DMRI can be used to
study brain development, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, autism, and reading disability. In
order to make DMRI beneficial in both diagnosis and clinical applications, it is
of fundamental importance to develop algorithms for analyzing DMRI data.
Researchers at CIS are developing methods for estimation, processing, segmentation and registration of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and high angular
resolution imaging (HARDI).
New York visit
Mount Sinai
“Treating Tomorrow's Patients Through Today's Research”
Internationally regarded for its dedication to medical science, Mount Sinai is
home to an array of leading research institutes, centers, and laboratories, all
of which work toward rapidly translating advances in basic science into innovative patient care. With a history rich in clinical milestones and an unequaled
passion for patient-focused research, Mount Sinai has pioneered
breakthroughs benefiting untold numbers of lives. Find out more about the
institutions, offices, and clinical trials responsible for Mount Sinai's basic science and translational research.
Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute
The Translational and Molecular Imaging Institute is advancing the science of
imaging, from the development of new visualization technology to improved
contrast agents.
Located in New York City, the Institute is applying imaging modalities in both
preclinical basic science and clinical research settings to improve diagnostic
accuracy, increase the understanding of pathophysiology and metabolism,
and measure therapeutic efficacy.
CMINEN Medical Tour 2015 made possible by:
CMI founding partners:
CMINEN Innovation Cluster Elra Eppink
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in
any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo
copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the University of Twente.
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7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
+31 (0)681419493