presentation (see pdf) - Canadian Meteorological and

Innovation Support Programs available for
Collaboration between Universities, Private
Sector and Government Departments
Canadian Meteorological and
Oceonographic Society (CMOS)
webinar, April 22 2015
Jo Van Betsbrugge, PhD
Innovation Advisor – Conseiller en innovation
[email protected]
About the NRC Concierge
Federal Support Programs
Provincial Support Programs
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About the NRC
Concierge Service
Free service
Launched in December 2013
Offered by the National Research Council
Free personalized guidance and advice on government
innovation support programs for SMEs
Delivered by Innovation Advisors across Canada
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NRC Innovation Advisors (April 2015)
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Peter Howell
St. John's
Rick Nowlan
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jo Van Betsbrugge
Pierre Vallée
Luc Péloquin
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Eastern and Northern Ontario
Anet Greenley
Bradley Pinch
[email protected]
[email protected]
GTA, South East Ontario
Melisse Craig
[email protected]
GTA, South West Ontario
Trish Barrow
[email protected]
Ronald Matheson
Karl Miller
[email protected]
[email protected]
BC, Yukon
Erik Kaas
Rob McGarry
[email protected]
[email protected]
Marketable Products
Which support programs to
use to turn a novel idea into a
marketable product?
Referrals to federal, provincial and regional
funding programs and innovation resources
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Our Client Base
Innovative* companies with less than 500 employees (SMEs)
Any stage of the company life cycle (start-up, pre-revenue,
Any stage of technology or product development (prototype,
testing, validation, manufacturing,..)
Seeking funding, advice, expertise, facilities etc.
*An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or
service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organizational method in business
practices, workplace organization or external relations. The minimum requirement for an
innovation is that the product, process, marketing method or organizational method must be
new (or significantly improved) to the firm. (Oslo Manual definition, 2005)
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How Concierge Service Works
Helping SMEs grow their business through customized guidance,
advice, and referrals to the most relevant programs and services.
Contact concierge service
• Phone (1-855-53-GUIDE) , email or web
Obtain a personnalized service
• Needs assessment– team, technology/product,
strategy, financial needs, ….
Follow up by email and
direct referrals
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Federal Support
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National Research Council– IRAP
o Type: Financial Contribution (non-repayable)
o Application Period: Open
o Competitive, based on level of technological
innovation, market potential, and management team
o Type: Grant towards first year salary (up to $20,000)
o Application Period: Open
o Age limit: 30
o Based on qualified candidates
o Type: Financial Contribution (non-repayable)
o 75%, up to $50,000
o Technical or Business Services, offered by publicly
funded research organizations and certain not-for-profit
o Application Period: Open
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National Research Council
NRC Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering
(NRC OCRE) supports a broad cross section
of industry sectors by developing creative
and practical solutions to engineering
challenges in rivers, lakes and marine
environments. We provide expertise and
tools to identify, adapt, and integrate
advanced solutions into systems that
improve the performance and safety of
ocean, coastal, and marine operations,
meet the challenges of climate change, and
protect infrastructure, property and people
from severe weather events and other
environmental risks.
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Scientific Research & Experimental
Development Tax Credits
Canada Revenue Agency (+ provincial couterparts)
o Type: Refundable tax credit (35% fed)
o Application Period: Open
o Free pre-project eligibility reviews for first time SR&ED
users (pre-claim service) available
o R&D projects are assessed for eligibility based on
documentation and time tracking
o SR&ED tax credits can be financed
Most provinces offer additional tax credits.
Quebec, for example, has several kinds of R&D credits, including credits for
-pre-competitive research in private partnerships,
-university research or research carried out by a public research centre or
research consortium and
-credits relating to contributions and rights paid to a research consortium.
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Research Grants - NSERC
ENGAGE GRANT : Industry-University partnership
o Type: Grant ($25,000)
o Application Period: Open
o Research Project to solve an identified technical challenge
o Based on technical challenge match with prof
o Project duration: 6 months
o IP generated belongs to the company
(CRD) : Industry-University partnership
o Covers the entire spectrum of R&D activities
o Duration: 1-5 years.
o Average grant: $65,000/year NSERC contribution
o Equivalent contribution from the company (50% in cash +
50% in kind)
o IP agreement between the university and the partner
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Research Grants - NSERC
Partnerships between industry and colleges
o LEVEL1: up to $25,000 for a new partnership with a college
o Duration: 6 months
o No contribution from the company
o Level 2: up to $75,000 per year
o Up to 3 years
o Company contributes at least 1/3 in cash and in kind of which at least
$10,000 annually must be in cash
o Level 3: from $75,000 to $150,000 per year
o Up to 3 years
o Company contributes at least one-half of the porjects costs in cash and in
kind of which at least one half must be in cash
IUSRA GRANT (Industrial Undergraduate Student
Research Award)
o Type: Coop hiring grant ($4,500)
o Application Period: Open
o Hire an undergraduate science/engineering student
for 16 weeks
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Research Grants - Mitacs
o Type: 50% matching grant ($7,500)
o Application Period: open
o Scalable 4 months research internship by a graduate/PhD
o Based on project interest by prof/student
o Open to all disciplines and all industry sectors, projects :
manufacturing, technical innovation, business processes, IT,
social sciences, design, and more
o Industrial Post-Doc, up to 2 years
o Application: next call: Spring 2015
o $25,000/yr industry partner contribution
o Post-doc fellows receive stipend of at least $50K
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Canadian Safety & Security Program
Federally-funded program led by Defence Research and Development Canada’s Centre for Security
Science (DRDC CSS), in partnership with Public Safety Canada.
Launched in 2012, CSSP’s collaborative model fosters, through different mechanisms, innovative
science and technology advancements that contribute to the safety and security of Canadians. In
order to sustain growth in our fields of interest, increase capabilities and respond to a changing
environment, DRDC CSS works domestically and internationally in partnership with government,
industry, and academia.
Vision “A safe and secure Canada through science and technology leadership”
Mission The Canadian Safety and Security Program’s (CSSP) mission is to strengthen Canada's
ability to anticipate, prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters,
serious accidents, crime and terrorism through the convergence of science and technology (S&T)
with policy, operations, and intelligence.
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Public Works and Government Services
Canada – BCIP
BCIP was created by the Government of Canada to help kickstart businesses
and get their innovative products and services from the lab to the marketplace.
o Type: Purchase of innovative product/service
(up to $500,000 – standard component, up to
$1M military component)
o Technology Readiness Level (TLR): 7-9 (latestage innovative goods and services)
o Aim: bridge the pre-commercialization gap
o Next application period: Summer 2015
o Competitive proposal process based on level of
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Public Works and Government Services
Canada – BCIP
o Standard Component
o Environment (example : traditional
environmental, alternative energy, energy
and material efficiency, greenhouse gases)
o Safety and security
o Health
o Enabling technologies
o Military Component
Artic and maritime security
Command & support
In-service support
Protecting the soldier
Learn more:
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Natural Resources Canada
Climate Change Geoscience Program
The Earth Science Sector’s Climate Change Geoscience Program (CCGP) is focused on developing geoscience information to help land-use
planners, industry and regulators mitigate the risks in northern resource development arising from climate change.
The program has three projects. The Land-based Infrastructure project is focused on regions with existing road and airport infrastructure
and is undertaking terrestrial terrain characterization, mapping and assessment of climate change susceptibility. The Coastal Infrastructure
project is carrying out northern coastline characterization, mapping and assessment with focus on regions with existing and potential coastal
infrastructure. The Essential Climate Variables project is monitoring and assessing key components of the climate system, including glacier
mass balance, permafrost, and snow cover.
Researchers in the program collaborate nationally and internationally with other federal government departments, provincial and
territorial agencies, academia and industry to improve geoscience knowledge and ensure that it is used to mitigate the risks to responsible
northern resource development that arise from climate change.
Environmental Geoscience Program
The ESS Environmental Geoscience Program (2009-2014) generates innovative geoscience knowledge and remote sensing applications to
address the environmental risks, impacts and constraints associated with the development of Canada’s conventional and emerging energy and
mineral resources. Research activities focus on issues of strategic importance to Canadians, including the oil sands, shale gas, metal mines,
northern pipelines, offshore renewable energy, and carbon capture and storage.
Environmental geoscience research at ESS is conducted in close collaboration with partners from NRCan, academia, industry, and
other federal, provincial, and territorial government departments.
Remote Sensing Science Program
The Remote Sensing Science program provides a foundation of scientific expertise that is key to rendering satellite data useful to the
Government of Canada. The program encompasses experts in remote sensing technology, satellite signals, data methodologies, and the
development of value-added image products, information, applications and services. Canada Centre for Remote Sensing scientists within RSS
work in partnership with many other departments, as well as with academia, private sector and international collaborators.
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Canadian Space Agency
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Canadian Space Agency
The Earth Observation Applications & Utilization (EOAU) division manages
programs and activities that support and promote the development and use of Earth
Observation (EO) technologies and applications.
Since 2000, EOAU have managed over 200 projects and distributed over $45M in
funding to Government of Canada (GoC), industry and universities.
Support EO products and services development in Environment, Resource & Land Use
Management, and Security & Foreign Policy.
Increase the use of EO data in public and private sectors.
Facilitate EO data access.
Earth Observation Application Development Program (EOADP)
Government Related Initiatives Program (GRIP)
Science and Operational Applications Research (SOAR)
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Provincial Support Programs
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Research & Development Corporation (NFL)
Business-led Programs
R&D Funding Programs
• R&D Vouchers (75%, up to $15K) and
• R&D Proof of Concept Program (75%, up to $250K/project)
GeoEXPLORE Program (2014-16) - is an RDC-directed research program to accelerate R&D in
geoscience specific to mineral and petroleum exploration and development.
SensorTECH Program (2015-17)- is an RDC-directed research program in the area of sensor
research, development and demonstration in simulated and real operating environments.
ArcticTECH (2015-19) –is a renewed program in support of Arctic, cold ocean or harsh environment
R&D. Arctic-related technologies apply to subsea processing, pipeline design, remote operations, ice
management, oil-spill response, safety and environmental protection, and other challenges.
Academic-led Programs
LeverageR&D Program (50%, $500K maximum RDC investment): Leverage R&D supports academicled research that attracts R&D investments in priority areas where the majority of funds are coming
from non-provincial, public funding sources.
IgniteR&D Program (100%, up to $100K for two years): IgniteR&D supports academic-led research
and invests in new or first-time academic researchers to start R&D activities in Newfoundland and
CollaborativeR&D Program: 50%, $500K maximum RDC investment.
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New Brunswick Innovation Foundation
The NBIF Innovation Voucher Fund encourages collaboration and partnerships between small and
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and research organizations.
Projects may range in size from $10,000 to $100,000. NBIF will fund 80% of the total project costs, up
to a maximum of $80,000 per project. The company will be required to fund the remaining 20%.
Innovation vouchers can be used for one or all of the following:
Concept Validation
Concept validation can include a variety of activities such as applied research, laboratory
experimentation, bench testing and evaluation. At the most basic level, it is figuring out whether or not
the proposition will work as it is proposed, before it is further developed.
Development can include activities such as industrial/process engineering services, product and
industrial design (function and aesthetic) prototype development, and scientific or technology-related
advice and support. This is the point at which the first running prototype of your product or process is
crafted and demonstrated.
Innovation vouchers can also be used for the testing and evaluation of existing innovations, or for
those activities described above. It can also be used to test, evaluate and report to specific governing
bodies for certification.
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Investissement Quebec / MEIE
NEW: Créativité Québec – for innovation projects (IQ/MEIE)
Budget: $150M over 3 years
Loans or loan guarantees ($50K to $5M)
Projects: technology acquisition, process improvement, product/process development
The program favors partnerships between universities, research centers & SMEs
Project requires investment from private sources (20% min) of project cost
Repayment of capital potentially deferred for 3 yrs
Innovation Passport
Gives Quebec SMEs easier access to the research infrastructures needed for the provision of services.
Financing mode:
Projects with a technological readiness level 1 to 3:
Financial assistance covering 75% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $20,000.
Minimum 25% financial contribution from the SME (cash only).
Projects with a technological readiness level 4 to 6:
Financial assistance covering 50% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $50,000.
Minimum 50% financial contribution from the SME.
Half of the industrial contribution can be in kind.
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Computer Research Institute of Montreal
CRIM is an Applied Research Centre focusing on innovation and collaborative development.
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Ontario Centres of Excellence
Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) can help you turn your idea into income. You can access
expert talent in Ontario’s research institutions to solve your innovation challenge. You can gain
real-world skills and experience in research and development.
Industry-Academic R&D Collaboration Program
Collaboration Voucher Program (gives companies access to expertise and
knowledge at ON universities, colleges, research hospitals)
Alberta-Ontario Innovation Program
TalentEdge Program
Commercialization Programs
Taking research from labs to the marketplace
Entrepreneurship Programs
Strategic Initiatives
High Performance Computing
Colleges Ontario Network for Industry Innovation
Industrial & Technological Benefits Partnership Opportunity
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Alberta Innovates Technology Futures
Innovation Voucher Program
Micro-voucher: up to $10K
Meant to help early stage companies with market assessment, business
planning and buying equipment.
Voucher : ($10-$100K)
The Voucher is meant to help companies with advanced studies,
product/prototype development, IP work.
Product Demonstration Program: ($100-300K)
The Product Demonstration Program is meant to enable SME’s to showcase
the performance, method and features of a prototype as well as validate its
economic and technical feasibility in collaboration with a Project Partner.
Industry R&D Associates
$124,000 over 2 years for a PDF-type position
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Questions regarding government
support programs?
Jo Van Betsbrugge, PhD
Twitter: @jovbetsbr
Email:[email protected]
Phone (514) 283-3040
National Research Council
Concierge Service
6100 Royalmount Avenue
Montreal H4P 2R2
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