平成27年度Sセメスター履修登録について ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------履修登録手続『大学院履修案内』P2-7(和文)P50-57(英文) ①UT-mate で履修登録をする。 https://ut-gakumu.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/websys/campus ②登録内容のプリントアウト「履修科目控」を指導教員に確認いただき、 右下の余白部分に署名と捺印をしてもらう。 ③上記の署名・捺印済みの控を化学事務室まで提出すること。 「履修科目控」提出締切:4月17日(金)15時まで ※履修登録がない場合にも『履修登録なし』をクリックしておくこと。 (「履修科目控」提出不要) ※履修登録手続期間以外は、履修登録や登録内容の修正は一切できないので十分注意すること。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------【注意事項】 ・修士1年、博士1年の方は下記の必修科目を必ず履修登録してください。 修士1年:化学特別実験第一、演習第一 博士1年:化学特別実験第二、演習第二 (入進学時に一度登録すれば毎年履修登録し直す必要はありません。 ) ・前半と後半がある科目(物理化学基礎Ⅰ/Ⅱ、無機・分析化学基礎Ⅰ/Ⅱ、有機化学基礎Ⅰ/Ⅱ) システム設定上、同じ曜日時限に1科目しか登録できませんので、両方登録する場合には、ど ちらか1科目を集中講義の登録欄に入力してください。 ・履修案内P36【履修上の注意】をよく読んで履修登録をしてください。 修士課程修了に必要な単位数は32単位以上。修士課程においては、講義12単位以上及び「化学特別 実験第1」 「演習第1」を履修する必要があります。 (※平成 23 年度 4 月以降の入学者は講義12単位 以上のうち6単位以上を、化学専攻開講科目から履修すること。 ) *先端光科学講義 I II /先端光科学実験実習 I II (CORAL) 修了に必要な化学専攻開講科目6単位の中に含まれます。 (平成 23 年 4 月以降の入学者) *理工連携科目のうち工学系研究科で開講している科目(科目番号 35606-0088~35606-0098) 修了に必要な単位として認める化学専攻開講科目6単位には含まれません。 ・学部講義は教職科目を除き、4単位まで履修することができます。 ・集中講義については、日程が決まり次第掲示、HPなどでお知らせします。 集中講義は履修登録期間では UT-mate で、登録期間外は紙媒体で履修申込ができます。 ・昨年度在籍者で「研究倫理Ⅰ」単位未取得の学生および今年度入学者は、理学部科目「研究倫 理(0530801)」を履修登録してください。必修科目は理学部科目「研究倫理」の修得を前提とし て、修了のための単位が認められます。学部と大学院通じて1回だけ修得すればよいので、昨 年度「研究倫理Ⅰ」を取得済みの学生は改めて修得し直す必要はありません。開講日程の詳細 は決まり次第掲示、HPなどでお知らせします。 ・UT-mate に各自住所・連絡先の登録を必ず行うようにして下さい。 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Registration Procedures『大学院履修案内』P2-7(Japanese)P50-57(English) ①Register your courses online on UT-mate. https://ut-gakumu.adm.u-tokyo.ac.jp/websys/campus ②After completing your registration, click on “履修科目控出力” to print a copy of “履修科目 控”. Approach your academic advisor to obtain their sign and seal on the “履修科目控” as a confirmation. ③Once completed, submit the signed “履修科目控” to the chemistry office by April 17th 15:00. ※Just click on the”履修登録なし” button if you have no courses to take for that semester. There’s no need to submit the ”履修科目控”. ※Any course registration or modification must be completed within the “Course Registration Period” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------・Chemistry majors in the master’s course and the doctoral course must register for the following compulsory subjects: For the Master’s course“Special Experiment in Chemistry I ”“Seminar I ” For the Doctoral course“Special Experiment in Chemistry II ”“Seminar II” (Students are not required to register courses for compulsory subjects again after the next term if the registration is made at the time of entrance.) ・If you need to take any course which has two terms, S first and 2nd half (Basic Physical ChemistryⅠ/Ⅱ, Basic Inorganic/Analytical ChemistryⅠ/Ⅱor Basic Organic ChemistryⅠ/ Ⅱ), please resister 1st half from the time table then enter 2nd half from the area of Intensive Course. ・For your course registration, please read carefully on page 3 “Notes on taking courses” in the booklet “Points to Note on Academic Affairs in Department of Chemistry” distributed at Guidance on April 3rd. At least 32 credits are required to complete the Master’s course in chemistry. For completion of the Master’s course in chemistry, students must take 12 credits or more from lectures and 20 credits or more from “Special Experiment in Chemistry I” and “Seminar I” (Note that students who enrolled in or after April 2011 must obtain 6 or more of the 12 credits from graduate-course lecture subjects given by the Department of Chemistry.) *“Lectures on Advanced Optical Science I II”/ “Laboratory Course of Advanced Optical Science I II” (CORAL) :Credits earned from these lectures are recognized as part of the 6 credits necessary for degree completion in the Department of Chemistry. (Only students who enrolled in or after April 2011) *The lectures given by the School of Engineering(Course code:35606-0088~35606-0098) are not included in the lecture subjects given by the Department of Chemistry. ・As for undergraduate lectures, the Department of Chemistry allows up to four credits to be included in the required credits for the Master’s course except for teacher-training courses. ・Details of intensive courses will be announced on the billboard and HP in Department of Chemistry. Online registration for intensive courses is available during the ”Couse Registration Period” only. Other than that, paper registration only is available. ・Students enrolling in 2015 and those who didn’t complete “Research Ethics I” in 2014 must register for the 2015 Faculty of Science course “Research Ethics(0530801)”. Credits obtained for the compulsory courses will only be counted toward completion of the program if the Faculty of Science course “Research Ethics” has been completed. A student only needs to take this course once, during their undergraduate, Master’s program, or Doctoral program years. Those students who were enrolled at either the Faculty of Science or the Graduate School of Science during the academic year 2014 and who completed the course “Research Ethics I” do not need to take the “Research Ethics” course again. Details of ”Research Ethics “ will be announced on the billboard and HP in Department of Chemistry.) ・Please make sure to fill in your UT-mate student information (address and contact phone no.)
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