Comparing two methods for sampling and estimating abundance of mottled sculpin in the Logan River, Utah Nathan C. Malmborg1, Gary P. Thiede1, and Phaedra Budy1,2,3 1Quinney College of Natural Resources, Department of Watershed Sciences, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, 84322 2US Geological Survey, Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. 3Ecology Center. INTRODUCTION 120 16 surber 100 OBJECTIVES Above. Electrofishing at Twin Bridges 80 10 60 8 2 40 20 0 250 electrofishing 200 150 0 1.2 0 (unable to use surber) electrofishing 1.0 0.8 50 0.0 0 20 0 40 60 80 0 10 0 12 0 14 0 16 Above. Dismounting trap net at rear of sampler Above. Sculpin receive a light dose of MS-222 0 18 Figure 1. Length frequencies of sculpin captured using the sculpin surber (top panel) and via electrofishing (bottom panel) in the Logan River, summer 2014. Sculpin < 30 mm are age-0. Note changes in y-axis scales. R2 = 0.54, p = 0.47 Surber density (sculpin / m2) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 RESULTS Lengths of sculpin we captured varied greatly between the two sampling methods; most sculpin captured using the surber sampler were age-0, whereas electrofishing captured all age classes of sculpin except age-0 (Figure 1). Using electrofishing depletion methods, we estimated sculpin abundance to range from 0.09 – 0.8 sculpin/m2; likely underestimating the abundance of small, age-0 sculpin (Figure 2). Because of bias in the sizes of fish captured by the two methods, surber abundance estimates were skewed toward small fish; up to 8.8 sculpin/m2 at the Third Dam 2014 site (Figure 2). In general, densities of sculpin captured using the surber sampler were 4 to 10-times higher than electrofishing density estimates, although our comparison sample size was low (Figure 3). 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 * * Sample site 16 Above. Recording lengths, weights, and counts * r es rry Ck sin anks amp '14 '13 dge g e r a d i h e i m m B C Br ec Br av klin d B try Da d Da k e e n o i d s B R ir an re Ch Thir Tw Th Fr Fo Total length (mm) Above. Sorting through trapped contents Electrofishing We used both backpack-mounted and canoe mounted electro-fishing units to collect sculpin. When 3-pass surveys attained true depletions, we computed estimates of sculpin abundance using the Huggins closed-population estimator in Program MARK. In cases where we did not attain true depletions, we combined catches in pass 1 and 2 then used a modified Zippin two-pass depletion formula (Budy et al. 2014). 2 0.2 STUDY SITES Surber sampling In the summer of 2014, we used a modified 0.5 m2 benthic ‘surber-like’ sampler at five different sites previously surveyed by electrofishing. We modeled the sampler and methods of use after a study performed by Steinmetz and Soluk (2001). We randomly placed the surber sampler 20 times throughout each reach, and then manually disturbed the substrate and fish for capture. We then counted, measured, and released all sculpin. 4 0.4 14 METHODS 6 0.6 100 • Compare and contrast two different sampling methods to collect sculpin, estimate sculpin abundance, and understand sampling bias • Compare and contrast demographics of sculpin captured by the two methods Map 1. Location of longterm electrofishing index sites (gray circles) and sculpin-surber sampling sites (red circles) on the Logan River, Utah. Generally, mainstem sample reaches were 200m long and tributary reaches were 100-m long. We captured no sculpin in the Temple Fork or Right Hand Fork tributaries. Density (sculpin / m ) Above. Surber sampling at Beaver Creek Number of sculpin captured 12 Mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdii) are an important but very understudied component of many native fish communities of the Intermountain West. Three-pass depletions are one of the most commonly used abundance estimation techniques in stream fisheries science; however, resulting estimates can be biased low and underestimate fish abundance differentially across both species and size classes (Peterson et al. 2004). Past efforts to quantify mottled sculpin densities in the Logan River, Utah have proven to be inaccurate and imprecise. Having the ability to accurately monitor sculpin abundance in the Logan River could potentially increase our understanding of the trophic dynamics between sculpin and non-native, piscivorous brown trout (Salmo trutta). Although recent evidence suggests sculpin abundance and distributions are not controlled by piscivory, but rather abiotic factors, brown trout were shown to consume significantly more sculpin than the native Bonneville cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii utah; Meredith et al. 2014). These findings suggest there is a need to more accurately and precisely monitor sculpin populations in order to understand their role in the native fish community and the ecosystem. Therefore, we used and completed a novel sampling technique to estimate sculpin abundance and determine bias in depletion-based abundance estimates. surber 14 1.2 1.4 Electrofishing density (sculpin / m2) Figure 2. Density estimates of sculpin from five surber sampler sites (mean ± 2 SE; CI; top panel) and six electrofishing survey sites (mean ± 95% CI) on the Logan River, summer 2014. We captured no sculpin using the surber sampler at the Beaver Creek; however, we slightly modified the sampler on subsequent sampling events. Surber sampling was not possible at all sites, and asterisks indicate sites where we did not electrofish in 2014. Figure 3. Relationship between mean sculpin density estimates in the Logan River at three sites where we conducted 3-pass electrofishing (± 95% CI) and sculpin-surber sampling (± 2 SE), summer 2014. Regression line, R2, and p value are shown. CONCLUSIONS • The surber sampler is fast and easy to use; however, while electrofishing is biased toward larger sculpin, the surber sampler is biased toward smaller sculpin. • Abundance estimates via 3-pass electrofishing are much lower; however, they may be a more valid estimate of ecologically-relevant population abundance. • Pairing results between the two methods may be the most accurate means to quantify demographics and abundance of mottled sculpin in the Logan River. • Our sculpin surber sampler is ineffective in fast moving, deep water. • Information about sculpin populations could have management implications for both non-native brown trout and the preservation of the native fish community of the Logan River. LITERATURE CITED: For reference list or study details, contact [email protected] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding and support was provided by the US Forest Service, the USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (in kind), and a travel grant from the Quinney CNR Undergraduate Research Committee. Thanks to Chantel Rasmussen, Harrison Mohn, Brett Roper, and Jamie Reynolds. Thanks to the UDWR Dedicated Hunter Program for field assistance. Above. An age-0 sculpin caught using the surber sampler Above. A 153 mm sculpin caught while electrofishing
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