PUBLIC MEETING POTENTIAL ESTABLISHMENT OF MOYOCK TOWNSHIP STORMWATER DISTRICT March 24, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS MEETING MINUTES ......................................................................................................................................3 SIGN-IN SHEET .............................................................................................................................................6 MEETING ATTENDEES MAP .......................................................................................................................11 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HANDOUT ..........................................................................................13 SURVEY HANDOUT ...................................................................................................................................16 SURVEY RESULTS .......................................................................................................................................18 PRESENTATION .........................................................................................................................................21 STICKER SURVEY .......................................................................................................................................46 EXISTING MOYOCK SERVICE DISTRICTS MAP..........................................................................................48 MOYOCK DRAINAGE DITCHES MAP ........................................................................................................50 PREVIOUS MEETINGS ................................................................................................................................52 2 MEETING MINUTES 3 Currituck County 153 Courthouse Road Currituck, North Carolina 27929 Public Meeting Potential Establishment of Moyock Township Stormwater Service District Moyock Middle School Gym March 24, 2015, 6:30pm Attendees: County staff - Mike Doxey, Michelle Perry, Dan Scanlon, Eric Weatherly, Ben Woody County Commissioners - Marion Gilbert, Mike Hall, Mike Payment See attached sign-in sheet Minutes: 1) Introductions – Ben Woody o Handouts and survey procedures were explained – see attached handouts and results 2) Presentation – Mike Doxey o See attached presentation 3) Questions: Are CAMA permits required? o The Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) are the lead agency on ditch maintenance. They have a Nationwide (3) Permit that may or may not be required for the maintenance of a ditch. CAMA would have joint jurisdiction with the ACOE over the main channel such as Shingle Landing Creek or Roland Creek. Will any environmental groups oppose the project because of wetlands? o We do not know of any environmental groups that would oppose these projects, typically they will not affect wetlands. What money can the County contribute instead of more taxes? o The county does not have the resources outside of a service district to contribute funds. How many miles of ditches are there in the existing district? o Moyock District 6.2 miles Do new developments have to provide easements? o Yes developers have to provide easements in new subdivisions for the future maintenance of the main outlet ditches. If we pay more taxes for this service district, where will the funds go? o The taxes collected would go into the stormwater district fund and only be used for stormwater improvements in that district. City law vs. County law? o The Moyock area is unincorporated and is subject to county governance. Who is managing our ditches now? o Currituck County manages the major drainage outlets in the existing stormwater districts. Farmers typically manage those major outlets adjoining their fields. NCDOT is responsible for managing ditches within a DOT Right of Way. Can the County send emails to homeowners within subdivisions, to make them aware of maintenance responsibilities? o The county continues to improve its communication and educational outreach efforts. Creating an email distribution list is a possibility that can be explored. Did Moyock Commons get approved under the old ordinance or the new ordinance? o The new part of Moyock Commons that was rezoned last year will be under the new ordinance. Are subdivision ditches included within the service district? o No, subdivision drainage infrastructure should be maintained by the homeowners association. The ditches maintained by the service district are major drainage outlets that drain those subdivisions. What ditches are included? What about the ditch in Shingle Landing – possibly on the County’s property? o The ditch that runs from the county property through Shingle Landing is a major outlet and should be added to the map according to the definition of draining 2 or more properties. What about the ditch under the railroad near Baxter Lane? o It is included on the map. Comments: The County does not require developers to control erosion during construction. The County should require $1000 per home for new construction permits. Look at sales tax re-distribution. Figure out how occupancy taxes can be used for ditches. We need a district. We need to think about new developments and their impacts. Retention ponds are high maintenance. There are places where you can’t dig ditches because of wetlands. Would like to keep Northwest River Service district in tact because it is working well, but should be separate from township because ditches drain into VA. Stormwater districts are a blessing because everyone needs to contribute to maintain the drainage system. 4) Closing – Ben Woody o Instructions on “sticker” survey on wall and maps for viewing - see attached sticker survey and maps SIGN-IN SHEET 6 MEETING ATTENDEES MAP 11 ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ( ! ( ! ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( MOYOCK TOWNSHIP ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( ! ( Meeting Attendees March 24, 2015* Township Boundaries Watershed Improvement Districts Northwest Watershed Improvement District Guinea Mill Watershed Improvement District Moyock Watershed Improvement District * Two Attendees Listed Addresses Outside of Moyock Township (Not Shown on Map) ± C:\GIS\GIS_E\Miscellaneous Projects\2015 Moyock Stormwater District\Map 1.mxd FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HANDOUT 13 Currituck County I Moyock Stormwater Service District Frequently Asked Questions Q. What is the purpose of a Stormwater District? A. The purpose is to provide a funding mechanism for the maintenance and improvements of the major drainage ways in the Stormwater District. The Stormwater District establishes a separate stormwater tax which provides the funds for those improvements. Q. What area would the Stormwater Service District cover? A. Moyock Township excluding Gibbs Woods. Basically, Moyock Township is the area north of Tulls Creek and the Beechwood Shores subdivision. Q. Who maintains these major drainage ways (ditches) now? A. Historically, the farmers and landowners have maintained these ditches. The NC Dept. of Transportation (NCDOT) maintains the roadside ditches that are located in a DOT right of way. Q. Why can’t Currituck County keep these ditches clean? A. Current county taxes do not take care of drainage. Counties do have the authority to create service districts which allow taxes to be collected in a specific area for stormwater improvements. Q. What happens to the current Stormwater Districts in the Moyock area? A. Currituck County currently has three Stormwater Districts which are taxed for drainage improvements in the Moyock Township. It is anticipated that the existing Stormwater Districts will be discontinued and taken care of by the new Stormwater District. Q. Will the Stormwater District maintain stormwater systems in subdivisions? A. The State of North Carolina requires subdivisions built after 1993 to build and maintain their own stormwater systems. Older subdivisions may also have internal ditches. The intent is not to take care of ditches located within subdivisions but to improve and maintain major drainage ways leading away from the subdivisions. Q. Why is Currituck County studying the feasibility of creating a Stormwater District for the Moyock Township (excluding Gibbs Woods)? A. By far, Moyock has the most drainage complaints in the county. The flat topography, clay soil types, and inadequate ditch sizes for large rainfall events do not allow adequate stormwater infiltration and runoff, thus making a runoff and outlet infrastructure system even more important. A Stormwater District provides a comprehensive means for this drainage outlet infrastructure to be maintained and improved. Additionally, the Moyock Small Area Plan identifies a stormwater district feasibility study as an action item. Q. What would the tax rate have to be for stormwater improvements in the Moyock Township? A. The county has preliminarily calculated that the stormwater tax rate would need be somewhere between one and seven cent per one hundred dollars of property value, depending on the amount of maintenance and improvements made. Q. What does this mean to me as a typical homeowner? A. For a typical house and lot valued at $250,000, a one cent tax would cost $25.00 per year. That is ($250,000/$100) x $0.01 = $25.00. For a seven cent tax, the cost on the same house and lot would be $175.00 per year. Q. Who decides which ditches get cleaned? A. The county will prioritize maintenance and improvements with input from the citizens through a Stormwater Advisory Committee set up by the Currituck County Board of Commissioners. Currituck County • 153 Courthouse Road • Currituck, NC 27929 • (252) 232-2075 Currituck County I Moyock Stormwater Service District Reference Information Stormwater district tax rate options: $0.01 for ditch maintenance $0.02 for ditch maintenance $0.01 for capital improvements $0.02 for capital improvements $0.01 for easement acquisition $0.02 for easement acquisition $0.01 for county personnel $0.01 for county personnel $0.04 cent per $100 value $0.07 cent per $100 value * Each cent adds $25.00 annual cost for a $250,000 house and lot. No District What the tax rate achieves: • $0.01 for Ditch Maintenance = ditch debris removed every 7 years • $0.01 for Capital Improvements = approximately one capital project every 1.2 years • $0.01 for Easement Acquisition= 1.4 miles of easements per year • $0.01 for County Personnel = one full time person to manage capital improvements program. Currituck County • 153 Courthouse Road • Currituck, NC 27929 • (252) 232-2075 SURVEY HANDOUT 16 Currituck County I Moyock Stormwater Service District MOYOCK STORMWATER DISTRICT SURVEY 1. Please check all that apply: I am a: resident______ property owner______ business owner______ or other____________ 2. I currently own property in an existing stormwater district? Yes______ No______ Not Sure______ 3. Which stormwater district option do you support? No District______ $0.04 cent______ $0.07 cent______ Undecided ______ 4. Which of the following is the most important priority for the district (check all that apply): No District______ Ditch Maintenance______ Capital Improvements______ Easement Acquisition______ County Enforcement Staff______ 5. If the stormwater district is formed, are you willing to serve on the district advisory board? Yes______ No______ Not Sure______ GENERAL COMMENTS Please return Survey to: [email protected] or 153 Courthouse Road, Suite 501 Currituck County • 153 Courthouse Road • Currituck, NC 27929 • (252) 232-2075 SURVEY RESULTS 18 I am a: Property Business Resident Other Owner Owner I currently own property in an existing stormwater district: Yes No x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Which Stormwater District do you support: Not No district Sure $0.04 Ditch $0.07 Undecided No District Maintenance x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Can the County consider paying a one time fee for county access to a property versus an easement purchase? This may be a less costly option overall for access. x Have been seeking improvements since 2002. Mr. Doxey is well aware of problem. Development on Baxter began blockages and has only gotten worse. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x This is something that needs to be done. x x x x You have my full support. x x x x Not Sure x x x x No x x x Yes General Comments x x x County Easement Enforcement Acquisition Staff x x x Capital Improve‐ ments x x x Which of the following is most important for the district: If the stormwater district is formed, are you willing to serve on the district advisory board? x x Stormwater tax is small price to pay for water free ditches! x Need more ditches and wider ditches to accommodate flash flooding. x x x Changed my mind after presentation. (Had marked no district first) x I am for the district option. x x Has the drainage issue been a part in the newer developments in Moyock? If not, why not? (Eagle Creek, Quail Run, etc.) Is the current rush of new neighborhoods (proposed) required (by the builders/developers) to address any drainage issues before permits are issued? In my opinion this is a core issue! x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x No new taxes. x x x Need to obtain CAMA permits and easement access and enforce current regulations before tax. What's going to be done about future development? x x x x x x I am opposed to any additional taxes. The County needs to take care of its responsibilities before further draining tax payers. No more taxes. The rise in property taxes and the record taxes collected from tourists should help the problem of no money. Stop raising the taxes as a solution. Review and manage existing programs to cover the cost. Government officials always just raise taxes as a solution instead of managing the existing funds already being collected. Do your job. Stop raising taxes. x x x x x x x I want to keep Northwest drainage district separate from Moyock. x x x x x We need more and wider ditches to prevent flooding during heavy rains. x The area at Quail Run Drive and White Pine Court in Quail Run subdivision has the worst drainage problem I have ever seen! We have to pray when it rains that we are able to get out of our area or back into our area and homes. Something must be done! PRESENTATION 21 Do we need a Moyock Township Stormwater District We have been tasked to “ Explore the feasibility of establishing a Stormwater District for Moyock Township” Have to answer these questions firstState Statue 153A-300 • Is there a demonstrable need? • Is there a demonstrable demand? • Is it impractical to provide these services on a county wide basis? • Is it economically feasible to provide stormwater services without unreasonable or burdensome annual tax levies? Eagle Creek Quail Run Moyock has 3 Districts Aprox. 50% of Pop. Annual Tax Rate • • • • Currituck County - .48 cent per $100 value Moyock Stormwater District .015 cent /$100 Guinea Mill District- .01 cent /$100 Northwest District .02 cent/$100 • What would the Moyock Township rate have to be? Moyock 90 miles Ditches (min.) 1. Ditch Maintenance .01 cent would raise aprox. $62,000.00 Aprox. 90 miles/475,200 linear feet of major ditches /canals Maintenance of $1.00/ foot*= $475,200 .01/100 Tax rate 1/7 of the 90 miles= 12 miles(aprox.) .02/100 Tax rate would do 24 miles/year (Aprox. 1/3 ) Would the citizens be happy with debris removal on only 12 of 90 miles a year? • Would they be happy with only debris removal on all 90 miles/year (.07 /.08 rate per year)? • It will take major capital improvements to prevent nuisance flooding and for citizens to see a difference. • • • • • • 2. Capital Improvements* • Eagle Creek—Western Canal &Roland Creek Canals $ 170,000 $ 92,000 • Quail Run – MSD Ditch #6 • Moyock Service Dist. Ditch #5 $ 62,000 • Moyock Service Dist. Ditch #1 $ 20,000 • Ranchland Drainage $100,000 • Baxter Lane Ditch to Creek $23,000 (Cont’d) Capital Improvements* • • • • Newtown Area around Hardees Survey Rd Ditch to Roland Creek Summit Farms Culverts downstream Culverts- Rocky Top Rd. TB Colony Total 10 projects $10,000 $10,000 $30,000 $10,000 $527,000 $527,000/ 8yrs (aprox.) realistic timeframe = $65,875.00= .01 cent Capital Improvements Key Points • These 10 projects are just the beginning. • They cover only 6 of the 90 miles. • Additional projects will come to the forefront during the community meetings. • When the 10 projects are done, 10 more will easily take there place. • There are thousands of acres of farmland in the Moyock Township that is development prone which will require better drainage and more capital improvements. 3. Easement Acquisition • To improve ditch capacity and reduce flooding, bigger, wider ditches are a must. • Land must be acquired to do so. • Easements are almost non existent on outlet ditches. • Minimum of 35 feet X Length=Acres • 1 mile X 35’= 4.2acres x $10,000 ac.= $42000 • .01 cent will cover 1.4 miles per year Options for Tax Rate • • • • • .01 for maintenance = Debris removed every 7 years (Not frequent enough?) .02 for maintenance = Debris removed every 3.5 years .01 for Capital Improvements = Higher(or lower) rates will set the timeframe. More projects will also set the rate and timeframe. Citizen input will add more projects. .01 for Easement Acquisition=1.4 miles year (needed for most capital improvements) .01 for County personnel. If capital improvements are included it will take a full time person to manage the program. Totals • • • • • Options* .01 for maintenance .01 for capital imp. .01 easement aq. .01 county personnel .04 Cent/100 Options* .02 for maint. .02 cap.imp. .02 ease. aq. .01 cty. per. .07 Cent • *Or any combination of the two • Tax Rate Options range from .01 to .07 Cent per $100 value Yearly Cost to Individual Homeowner • .01/$100 $250,000 house and lot= $25/year • .07/$100 $175/year • Each penny adds $25.00 cost for a $250,000 house and lot Cost to Farmers • • • • • Greater than 10 acres = Bonafide Farm Assessed or Farm Value 300 acres= value of $328,440 =$1095/acre $1095/100 X.01= .11 cent/acre .07= .77 cent/acre Determining if District can be formed • Form coalition of people that are FOR a Stormwater District or Tax • Set up advisory board. • Community Meetings • Determine if it is feasible and what the tax rate should be. • Recommend to the County Commissioners to be voted on by July 1st 2015 Do you support the formation of the Moyock Township Stormwater District? STICKER SURVEY 46 EXISTING MOYOCK SERVICE DISTRICTS MAP 48 MOYOCK DRAINAGE DITCHES MAP 50 MOYOCK TOWNSHIP MAJOR DRAINAGE OUTLETS ts Re eds R Ditc h Gibb s Midd le ut le ts Out let utl et oa dE as tO itch Gu ine aR oad D ozie r O ury R Roa dD Hu mp hri itch es D itch nal d an wl Ro arm N Tatem F h itc South Ditc hes oa dD kR es itch out hD mS Far itch es Tat em Tatem Far m ree Ro lan dC hD out es Canals mS or Beechwood Sh Far Late ral B em Tat Pin to St ree tO utl et Ou tle t et utl t tle Ou Later al C North utlets il Tra ur Sp Lo ng ho rn k t or Outle Creekmo Ranch land O O nd hla nc Ra ets utl Late ral B Cree k ee O nd hla nc Ra Guin ea M ill Ca nal Tulls Cr Later al A New Colony Outlet let itche s Out Wed gewo od L akes Outle t Ou tlet Surv ey ndin g Cr Shin gle L a k Ca ut le t W ED ad Outlet Cree Ston e So uth Tulls Bay Ditch land Ro anding Launch L Sur vey Row Do zie rO Ca Ca sh ie pe Ca Fe na Alb a Da rC l em n a na arl Ca l eC na lP an al am lico Ch Ca ow na an l Ca na l Old Tulls Creek R d Dit ch No rth 5 Sto ne itc h d ar W rts be o R t le ut Old J 4 O Di t ch tch d ar W 1 arm Di tch tch t le ut er F 6 Di Di O Sa wy h 3 Fa rm che s itc ict Ha rcu m Dit D tD Di str ict Slo ug h Jen nin gs Fa rm om m Di st ric Se rv ice Di str idg e g andin her L Pant eek R Se rv ice ce h W hi te hu rs t Ditch Roa d Dit ch M oy oc k Se rvi itc tlet Rd Ou Reeds W E Harcum Farm Ditch 2 t M oy oc k tD Br itch 1 Ditch Di st ric dO utle t Outlets h utle ge O Villa Mo yo ck tch itc Se rv ice Di Da m itc h Se rv ice a olin Later al B Le ad D itc h Po yne rs C ree k rF zie Do Wi llie So ut h Di tch Hayw ood Ditch ar D est mW itch B Cu rrit uck h itc Snow den Group D itch h sin g Snow den Cros kD h itc ou p Gr Sn ow de n Sn ow de n G ro up D itc h rou pD Di tch itch tric Pa Sno wd en G East Ridge Road Ditc JH n de ow Sn pD ou Gr itch C m Gu er n r o ch Di t arle Ch sB row nD Mid gett D itc h itch ch Juniper Ridge Dit Lovitt Ditch Tu lls C re ek ch t Dit Wes h itc Joe H urdle D Bra nch yD nb De Lat era l ui C ill M ad South Mills Ro Mo yo ck Sc ho ol D s tlet WE Dozier Ou M oy oc k Car rG pe p U a ne al an D Ferrell Jones M oy oc k ree k h itch M oy oc k oy oc kC itc tD Ne wt ow n Up pe rM Mil lers D oo dD Di st ric Ou tle t t e Outle a Villag Carolin lina Caro tlet e Ou Villag tlets Ap ple w Winslow Ditch Outle t East Gib bs Baxter La ne Ditch Baxter Esta te s Ou ibbs orth D tle oint Ou North P West Gibbs Outle ts utlets ibbs O West G ets oint Outl North P ets oint Outl North P s West Gibbs Outlet Eas tG PREVIOUS MEETINGS DISCUSSING MOYOCK TOWNSHIP STORMWATER DISTRICT 52 Moyock SAP Steering Committee Meeting October 9, 2014 @ 7:00pm, Moyock Library Community Meeting about flooding issues – residents of Carolina Highlands and Old Tulls Creek Road November 11, 2014 @ 7:00pm, Moyock Library Moyock Concerned Citizens December 9, 2014 @ 7:00pm, Moyock Library 53
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