Brochure PDF - Coe-Brown Northwood Academy

Shaving Crème fight
Night out on the town
Talent show
Skit night
Sock wrestling
Some good food(:
Coe-Brown Cross Country
Camp Sign-Up
Price: $270.00 (payments in as soon as possible, or at least by June) Please note that
money is not at all a barrier, scholarships
can be given to anyone who needs them.
Please call Coach Tkaczyk if money is an
issue. Name of Runner:
Phone number:
Email address:
Shirt size: circle one
Coe Brown XCountry Camp
July 19 – July 24
Method of payment: Check (made payable
to CBNA X-C) Cash Waiver and Release: I,
the undersigned agree that my child
________________, is physically fit to participate in strenuous athletic activity and
waiver Coe-Brown Northwood Academy,
the Cross Country program and it’s employees/ chaperones any and all responsibility for any injury or illness. I authorize
the Cross-Country coaches to make their
best judgment in the case of emergency. I
also understand that I am responsible for
the payment of any medical expenses. Signature:___________________________
Please sent this sheet to Coach Tkaczyk at:
30 Mill Pond Road, Northwood, NH 03261
Any questions?
Please call Coach Tkaczyk at
Coach Cox at 942– 5245
Megan Scannell at 292-6530
Why Go To Camp?
Things you should Bring
Lots of socks
Two pairs of running
Water bottle
Running clothes
Regular clothes
Rain jacket
Bathing suit/towel
Tent (Important)
Sleeping bag
Spending money
The main goal of camp is
to make new friends and have
fun. Attitude and effort will be
key ways to have fun. Nobody
will be asked to do anything they
are not comfortable with and activities and games will keep
campers constantly busy. We believe running benefits both the
mind and the body. Cross country is a fall sport trained for in
the summer so camp is a good
way to get in much needed training while also having a wonderful week of summer.
Camp is also used to show
the freshmen and newcomers
what Coe Brown cross-country is
all about. The camp is for all running types, whether you’ve never
run before or you been running
for a while there will be coaches
there to help you. Runners will
be placed in groups according to
their ability levels, that way nobody will be uncomfortable with
the situation they are put in. The
staff to camper ratio is 1:3 so the
campers will be comfortable asking questions.
About Camp
Cross-country camp starts
Sunday July 19th and ends
July 24th. We will be meeting
at Smith Hall at Coe Brown
Sunday morning and driving
to Smuggler Den which is the
camp site we will be staying
at. It is located in beautiful
Acadia National Park in Bar
harbor, Maine. Acadia is one
of the most beautiful places in
all of New England and has
stunning views and amazing
running trails.