Harvard Business School 9-101-019 !"#$%&'()'*+%,-.%/00, Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals In 1999 we threw out the old executive compensation system altogether and introduced EVA. It was meant to be symbolic—a cathartic change. SM')*4C"%TU<*4(" V'(4">>"% L'(<"*;% '(<% K>'W"% M+"*;% C6"CW"<% 76"4*% C'>C)>'742(;% 2(C"% '5'4($% % X(% 2("% 62)*% 76"+ 6'<% 72% )3<'7"% T+'<"*E% :6'*E'C")74C'>;Y% 1Z[% 2(% 76"% 4E3>"E"(7'742(% 2@% ZC2(2E4C% T'>)"% N<<"<$ B6"+%@'C"<%'%<4@@4C)>7%<"C4;42(%'92)7%?6'7%72%*"C2EE"(<%@2*%76"%92();%'(<% 3"*@2*E'(C"% 7'*5"7% @2* 76"%V"*E'72>25+%<4#4;42($ New Leadership T+'<"*E% :6'*E'C")74C'>;.% @2)(<"<% 4(% ,\HG.% ?';% 6"'<D)'*7"*"<% 4(% L"'77>".% ]';64(572($ V"*4#4(5%E2;7%2@%47;%4(474'>%*"#"()";%@*2E%76"%E'()@'C7)*"%2@%<*)5;%;)C6%';%3"(4C4>>4(.%76"%C2E3'(+ 5*"?% *'34<>+% ';% 76"% 32;7?'*% 6"'>76C'*"% ;+;7"E% "#2>#"<$% % K+% ,\\J% T+'<"*E% ?';% '% ^/$I% 94>>42( C2E3'(+.% ?476% ,I.G00% "E3>2+"";% 2*5'(4_"<% 4(% ,G% ;)9;4<4'*4";% ?2*><?4<"$% % `"("*4C% 36'*E'C")74C'> 3*2<)C7;% 5"("*'7"<% IGa% 2@% T+'<"*EY;% *"#"()"b% 3'7"(7F3*27"C7"<% '(<% 9*'(<"<% 3*2<)C7;% 'CC2)(7"< @2*%76"%*";7$%%M'c2*%76"*'3")74C%'*"';%4(C>)<"<%<"*E'72>25+.%5';7*2"(7"*2>25+.%'(<%#"7"*4('*+%<*)5;$ X(%,\\I.%T+'<"*EY;%1Z[.%B62E';%Z$%=4((.%*"74*"<$%%=4((%6'<%9""(%1Z[%@2*%,-%+"'*;%'(<%?'; ?4<">+%C*"<47"<%@2*%6'#4(5%9)4>7%T+'<"*E%72%47;%C)**"(7%E'*W"7%32;4742($%%B6"%92'*<%('E"<%M')*4C" TU<*4(".%'7%76"%74E"%H,%+"'*;%2><%'(<%76"%3*";4<"(7%2@%76"%Z)*23"'(%<4#4;42(.%72%9"%=4((Y;%;)CC";;2*$ TU<*4("%6'<%'(%MKN%@*2E%XRLZNV%'(<%,G%+"'*;%2@%23"*'742('>%"d3"*4"(C"%9276%4(%Z)*23"%'(<%76" e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f B2E%=4((.%TU<*4("Y;%3*"<"C";;2*.%6'<%*)(%76"%9);4(";;%9+%'%;4(5)>'*%@2C);% 2(% "'*(4(5;% 3"* ;6'*"$% % gM'W"% 76"% ()E9"*;% 2*% ">;"h% ?';% 76"% )(;32W"(% 23"*'74(5% *)>"% 76*2)562)7% 76"% C2E3'(+S <*4#"(% 4(% >'*5"% 3'*7% 9+% =4((Y;% 4(;4;7"(C"% 76'7% 76"% C2E3'(+% C2(;4;7"(7>+% E""7% '('>+;7;Y% "d3"C7'742(;$ Research Associate Indra A. Reinbergs prepared this case under the supervision of Professor Robert Simons as the basis for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of an administrative situation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urchased by: Paulo Oliveira [email protected] on March 22, 2014 101-019 Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals A2?"#"*.%3*2@47'94>47+%6'<%9"5)(%72%;>43%4(%E'(+%2@%76"%9);4(";;%<4#4;42(;.%'(<%TU<*4("%?';%)(<"* C2(;4<"*'9>"%3*";;)*"%72%3"*@2*E$ Economic Value Added X(% >'7"% ,\\I.% TU<*4("% 7)*("<% 72% '% 3*2E4("(7% C2(;)>74(5% @4*E% @2*% 6">3% 4(% 4E3>"E"(74(5 ZC2(2E4C% T'>)"% N<<"<% iZTN,j$% % TU<*4("% 9">4"#"<% 76'7% ZTN% ?';% '% g*)76>";;>+% 29c"C74#".h C2E3*"6"(;4#"%3"*@2*E'(C"%E"';)*"%76'7%?2)><%g5"7%3"23>"%2@@%]'>>%L7*""7Y;%@2C);%2(%"'*(4(5;%3"* ;6'*"% '(<% 764(W4(5% E2*"% >2(5% 7"*E$h% % ZTN% ?';% 4(7"(<"<% 72% 9"C2E"% 76"% ;2>"% @4('(C4'>% E"';)*"% '7 T+'<"*E$ B2%<";45(%'(<%4E3>"E"(7%76"%("?%ZTN%;+;7"E.%TU<*4("%"(>4;7"<%76"%6">3%2@%164"@%=4('(C4'> [@@4C"*%V'(4">>"%L'(<"*;%'(<%12(7*2>>"*%K>'W"%M+"*;$%%L'(<"*;%6'<%c24("<%T+'<"*E%@*2E%V">2477"%k B2)C6"% 4(% ,\-H% ';% <4*"C72*% 2@% @4('(C4'>% 3>'((4(5% @2*% 76"% R2*76% NE"*4C'(% <4#4;42(.% '(<% 9"C'E" C2*32*'7"%C2(7*2>>"*%4(%,\\G$%%M+"*;%6'<%?2*W"<%3*"#42);>+%'7%76"%e(4#"*;47+%2@%]';64(572(.%c24("< T+'<"*E%';%E'('5"*%2@%C2*32*'7"%@4('(C4'>%3>'((4(5%4(%,\-,.%'(<%4(% ,\\H% 9"C'E"% #4C"% 3*";4<"(7% 2@ 23"*'742(;% @2*% 76"% R2*76% NE"*4C'(% <4#4;42(. 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EVA is a tool which simply yet effectively combines the income statement and balance sheet into one number, by subtracting from earnings a charge for the utilization of assets employed in generating those earnings. B2% ;7*"(576"(% 76"% C2**">'742(% 9"7?""(% ;62*7F7"*E% 'CC2)(74(5% 4(C2E"% 9';"<% 2(% `"("*'>>+ NCC"37"<% NCC2)(74(5% :*4(C43>";% i`NN:j% '(<% C6'(5";% 4(% 7*)"% "C2(2E4C% #'>)".% L7"*(% L7"?'*7% k 12E3'(+% 2@@"*"<% '% >4;7% 2@% 'CC2)(74(5% '<c);7E"(7;% 72% 7*'(;@2*E% 'CC2)(74(5% 4(C2E"% 4(72% ZTN$% % =2* "d'E3>".% )(<"*% 76"% 76"2*+% 76'7% '(+% C)**"(7% 3"*42<% "d3"(<47)*"% 76'7% C*"'7";% @)7)*"% #'>)"% ;62)><% 9" 7*"'7"<% ';% '(% ';;"7.% "d3"(<47)*";% @2*% 47"E;% ;)C6% ';% 522<?4>>% '(<% !kV% ?"*"% C'347'>4_"<% 4(% 76"% ZTN C'>C)>'742(;.%'(<%76"%4(C2E"%;7'7"E"(7%'(<%9'>'(C"%;6""7%?"*"%4(C*"';"<%C2**";32(<4(5>+$%%N>762)56 L7"*(%L7"?'*7%2@@"*"<%2#"*%,J0%32;;49>"%'<c);7E"(7;.%ZTN%C2E3'(4";%7+34C'>>+%);"<%>";;%76'(%;"#"( '<c);7E"(7;.%9276%@2*%"';"%2@%C'>C)>'742(%'(<%72%E'd4E4_"%)(<"*;7'(<4(5%'(<%'CC"37'(C"%2@%ZTN%9+ E'('5"*;$/ T+'<"*E% '<c);7"<% 2(>+% @2)*% 'CC2)(7;% 4(% C'>C)>'74(5% ZTNP% *";"'*C6% '(<% <"#">23E"(7. 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L'(<"*;%'(<%M+"*;%?2)><%E'W"%76"4*%*"C2EE"(<'742(%72%M')*4C"%TU<*4("$ 8 Purchased by: Paulo Oliveira [email protected] on March 22, 2014 Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals Exhibit 1(a) 101-019 12E32("(7;%2@%T+'<"*EY;%ZTN%@2*E)>' NET OPERATING PROFIT AFTER TAXES CAPITAL Operating Earnings Net Operating Assets (NOA) + R&D expense reported on P&L ① + Capitalized research & development - R&D amortization for EVA adjustment ➁ ➂ (less accumulated amortization) + Advertising expense reported on P&L + Advertising expense - Advertising amortization for EVA adjustment (less accumulated amortization) + Goodwill amortization add-back + Accumulated amortization of goodwill + Restructuring add-back + Restructuring add-back = Net Operating Profit Before Taxes (NOPBT) = Capital - Taxes (based on actual payments) = Net Operating Profit After Taxes (NOPAT) Exhibit 1(b) L'E3>"%LC6"<)>"%2@%!kV%NE2*74_'742(%@2*%,\\\%ZTN%N<c);7E"(7 i@4*;7%+"'*%2@%3*25*'Ej 1995 1996 1997 R&D Expense as Reported on P&L $ 1,500 $ 2,200 $ 2,600 $ 3,100 $ 3,700 Amortization for 1995 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 $ 300 EVA Adjustment 1996 1997 1998 1999 $ 440 $ $ 440 520 $ $ $ 440 520 620 $ $ $ $ 440 520 620 740 $ 300 1998 $ 2,620 1999 R&D Amortization under EVA Cumulative R&D Expense (P&L) 1999 $ 1,500 Less: Cumulative Amortization (EVA) $ 300 $ 3,700 $ 6,300 $ 9,400 $ 13,100 $ 1,040 $ 2,300 $ 4,180 $ 6,800 Capitalized R&D for 1999 EVA Calculation of Capital $ 6,300 ① ➁ ➂ Notes: ① = Amount added back to P&L ➁ = Amount subtracted from P&L ➂ = Amount added to Capital (Balance Sheet) 9 Purchased by: Paulo Oliveira [email protected] on March 22, 2014 101-019 Exhibit 2 ZTN%X(C"(74#"%:>'( BONUS INCENTIVE Slope = Target Incentive/ EVA Interval TOTAL BONUS EARNED Bank Payout Target Incentive Year 0 Actual EVA Year 1 Target Improvement Goal EVA Interval Note: The EVA interval is the shortfall from target that eliminates the bonus. An EVA center’s performance (%) = 1 + [(actual improvement - improvement goal)/EVA interval] Purchased by: Paulo Oliveira [email protected] on March 22, 2014 EVA IMPROVEMENT -10- Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals Exhibit 3 101-019 ZdC"*37%@*2E%T+'<"*E%Zd"C)74#"%:*";"(7'742(%Zd3>'4(4(5%76"%M"*47;%2@%ZTN Most Most“Incentives” “Incentives”Don’t Don’tWork Work. .. .. . Bonus • Caps limit incentive for exceptional performance • Thresholds encourage short-term decision making • Negotiated targets promote “sandbagging” Threshold Performance Typical Payoff Profile EVA EVAIncentives: Incentives: Pay Bonuses for Meeting Pay Bonuses for MeetingEVA EVAExpectations Expectations Bonus • • • “Equity-like” - share fully in gains and losses Unlimited upside and downside incentive Objective targets, not linked to budget negotiations Unlimited bonus potential Target Bonus Target EVA EVA 11 Purchased by: Paulo Oliveira [email protected] on March 22, 2014 101-019 Exhibit 4 Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals ZTN%V*4#"*; Improvement Improvementin inEVA EVA Sales Customer Satisfaction Operating Expenses New Products Volume Marketing Product Pricing Growth Overhead Account Management Manufacturing Costs Compensation Training/ Development Capital Charge Acquisitions/ Divestitures Working Capital Management Alliances Accounts Receivable R&D Decisions Inventory Management Manufacturing EVA Drivers Research & Development EVA Drivers ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Reduce Inventory Reduce Cycle Time Improve Yields Reduce Scrap/Waste Maximize Labor Efficiencies Improve Vendor Efficiencies Process Improvements ! ! ! Improve “To-Market” process Reduce R&D expenses as % of New Product Sales Strategic partners for R&D Stronger Links to Product Marketing New Products via: – Research – Formulation – Development – Acquisition Staff EVA Drivers Marketing EVA Drivers ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Work Group/Process Simplification Consistency “Monitors”—Audit Centralizing Resources/Synergies Best Practices Benchmarking Insourcing/Outsourcing Decisions Simplify EVA Measurements/Reporting Ensure Compliance with Legislation Increase Market Share/ Revenue New Markets More Focused Channel Programs Voice of Customer/Consumer Leverage Advertising/Promotion Build Brand Awareness 12 Purchased by: Paulo Oliveira [email protected] on March 22, 2014 Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals Exhibit 5 101-019 T+'<"*E%16'(54(5%[*5'(4_'742('>%L7*)C7)*" ,\\J%[*5'(4_'742('>%L7*)C7)*"%%i,G%:*2@47%k%r2;;%L)9;4<4'*4";j Corporate HQ (Seattle, WA) Europe, Middle East & Africa Division (5 subsidiaries) North American Division (5 business units) Asia-Pacific Division (5 subsidiaries) ,\\\%[*5'(4_'742('>%L7*)C7)*"%%i,G%ZTN%1"(7"*;j Corporate Consolidated (1 EVA Center) Global Businesses (7 EVA Centers) •Antifungals •Anti-infectives •Analgesics •Nutraceuticals •Diagnostics •Gastrointestinals •Antibiotics Geographic Regions (7 EVA Centers) •United States •Europe •Japan •Latin America •North Asia •South Asia •Canada /000%[*5'(4_'742('>%L7*)C7)*"%iH%ZTN%1"(7"*;j Corporate Consolidated (1 EVA Center) Dermatology (1 EVA Center) Internal Medicine (1 EVA Center) Veterinary Medicine (1 EVA Center) North America Eur., ME & Africa Asia Latin America 13 Purchased by: Paulo Oliveira [email protected] on March 22, 2014 101-019 Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals %`2'>%]"4567;%F%B*'(;4742(%o"'*%i,\\\j Exhibit 6 Corporate EVA Corporate 9 Management Committee Officers (includes 3 global product heads) Staff Officers Corporate Staff Business Unit EVA Global Business EVA Region EVA 100% 100% 75% 25% Global Business Global Business Staff 75% Regions Regional Division President Regional Marketing Heads Regional Staff Country Managers & Controllers Commercial Directors Free Standing Businesses Presidents Staff EVA Drivers 50% 50% 25% 25% 50% 50% 75% 50% 50% 75% 75% 25% 50% 50% 25% T+'<"*E%L72CW%:"*@2*E'(C" Exhibit 7 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 p9 Ja 3 nJu 94 nO 94 ct M 94 ar Au -95 gD 95 ec M -95 ay Se 96 pFe 96 b9 Ju 7 l-9 N 7 ov Ap 97 r Au -98 g9 Ja 8 nJu 99 nO 99 ct M 99 ar -0 Ju 0 l-0 D 0 ec -0 0 0 Se Closing Weekly Stock Price ($/share) Vyaderm Stock Price, September 1993 to December 2000 14 Purchased by: Paulo Oliveira [email protected] on March 22, 2014 Vyaderm Pharmaceuticals Exhibit 8 101-019 R2*76%NE"*4C'(%V"*E'72>25+%=4('(C4'>%V'7'%@2*%ZTN%1'>C)>'742( ($ 000s except bonus) 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Divisional EVA Calculation: Actual EVA $ 2,920 (a) EVA Improvement Goal $ 2,150 EVA Target . $ 5,070 EVA Interval $ 12,000 Profit & Loss: Income before following items: Research & Development Expense Consumer Advertising Expense Goodwill Amortization Net Income Before Tax Current Year’s Income Tax Payments $ 24,694 $ 31,512 $ 36,584 $ 42,545 $ 92,550 12,487 14,610 17,094 20,000 39,000 34 38 41 45 50 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 $ 12,173 $ 14,364 $ 16,949 $ 20,000 $ 51,000 (4,260) (5,902) (6,807) (7,875) (18,725) Balance Sheet: Net Operating Assets $ 66,949 $ 79,000 $ 93,220 $ 110,000 $ 135,000 $0 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 $ 7,500 $ 10,000 From Footnotes: Accumulated Goodwill Amortization Capital Charge for EVA Purposes 11% Divisional Manager’s Bonus: Base Salary $ 200,000 $ 200,000 Bonus Target n.a. 60% Bonus Payout $ 60,000 Note: (a) EVA was introduced in the Dermatology division for the first time in 2000. The 1999 EVA figure was calculated retroactively solely to set 2000 EVA targets. The 1999 EVA calculation includes the amortization of a 1995 R&D expense of $10,673. 15 Purchased by: Paulo Oliveira [email protected] on March 22, 2014
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