~ ;(~=;;;~§-~~" ..,, I new SIX passenger VAUXHALL is an ideal car for Newfoundlanders THE DAILY" NEWS , Vol. 6'. No. 250 ST.JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND '. ~~, ~.1.£ "~,.,J ~ 0'0000. Charles Hutton &"Sons FRIOt-.Y; C::TC:.:~ :il', 1,958 ~------------------------------------------------- I Underground A-Bomb Test Li.fts Roof Off Mesa Miglitiest Blast Win Nobel Medicine Awards ,. STOCKHOLM (Reutersl-Three ,\merican genetic experts Thurs· rlay were awarded the 1958 :iohel Prize for medlclnc for research which may unlock the secret of life.' Pror. .Toshua Lederberg, 33 year·old biologist at the Unil'er· sity of Wisconsin, was iiven half the $-12,000 prize. The olher half was split Jointly i between Pro!. George Welis Ilea I die. 55-year·old biologist at the Cailfornia Institute of Techno!ogy and biocilemist Edward L. Tatum ·49, a professor 01 New York'5 ; Roc~cfeiier Institute for M~dical ! Research. The work 01 all three prize-win· SC.HlLI.. XS.-Fcl\rless daegermen. looking lil;e men from ouicr 1;pnre with henvy oxygen ~l rl\pJlcd In Ihl'ir hacks. helld for the pits ill Springhill, N.S., to COlltilllh.· the grim search Ihrir fello\\" miners Irapped in the deeps •....:.''('P Photn) In:i8 (Chrunicle·Herald). - - - ----~-- ---.-- ·1 AS· h ·11 · ne IY Vlrgl t prIng I · I A t · . S · eIatIves wal UrVIVOr 0 eSCrl·b PS - Ever Recorded ATOMIC TEST SITE, Nev.-CP-The United States ended its fall nuclear test series Thursday with a record underground blast that ripped a huge hole in the side of a mesa. The climax left ners cOl/cerns the basis of nered· i ity-the manner in which cnar· I acterlstlcs of various types are i sCientists weary from days of round-the-clock transmittcd from generation to, effort in· the series by 4 p.m. local time-the generation. )' d dl' b'd h Cancer research Is expect~d to I ea me proposed y Presl cnt Eisen ower for be strongly influenced by their I a ban on such tests. The ban stays in effect at discoveries 1 t 1 R' t· '{ t t DEFINITE' CHEMICAL EVESTS I eas a year Un ess ussla con mues 1 s eS s. Beadle and Tatum won their i Th~ climatic shot came "t 7 half of the prize for their discov. am II hen the cairn of sunrise was 'lhen was dimmed by rising dust. ery that genes act by regulating rent. by a tremendous. expl0510n I A (inal shot, scheduled [or fir. d~finite chemical event~. that se~t a 50?(00t Wide ,:olumn· ing (rom a bailoon tethered At Lederberg showed that biLs of of debriS soanng 1,000 f~t u':er: 1.500 feet. was delayed by nigh genetic material can, If intro. a mesa. windduced into the body 01 bacteria. DEVICE IN CIIA~IBER. I w.-\S'i.;XIQl·E be accepted by the bacteria and It came from 8 de\,lce flr~d in. Thus ended a series unique for combined with its oWn which lhpn ~ chamber ~t the end ?f a tunnel, two things: 1. A number> ~f 'ow· become differently constituted. ,,600 f~et. mto the Side of the .\lOlIcr bla,ts aimed at develop. ~esa. fhe charg.e was.equalIO'inlt an arsenai of small, easily· .0:000. tons of T:->T. beiJel'cd the handled atomic weapons: ~. A mlghlJc:,t un.derground bl~st el'cr:, number of undcrground shots de· ' " ' FD st S ·enfolk 0 d I I M Ire e· roy !~:~b~I~~eSr~lmr~tc~na~ t~:;::~k~I~~~n~~O~i:x~~~~~ypeacetime M . r ea n l'lle FX Fh PI t P~I~~;~rlers ~prly IS an H ~ um ~. 4', Illiic., RII,lY (ir,t The proposed ban doesn't C'lIth(ll.akr . i'ke to lInder~rounrl tcsb-is c:\~reS5' t shod,. then saw the ~lc;11 Ill'JlIII'! I\' for peacetime e~pcrlmrnu'ion ·taln of lock and sand ITer ;'UIII Il 11III he ,el off deer in a sail. . .. I a point on tllP mesa'" 5101iP dj·, !Jeri ~lId from II scienlbts I:ope II \Ia, the Umd lime In rc~ellt redly ahore tile binsl citaml)er. to ir~rn frolll il more about I~. year, the Rob~mon !lrm lIa, Great rock, .iollg Ihe i11'!,J ~ Il<Jt)[·~-"IJlIormal nrietics ~f the ,truck b!' fire .. The A.M. Smilh I'Im werc (ii,ludgeri and IhulI!l.:rcri l elcments-and Ihe pos,lbiiity I)f company s. m~1I1 plant was Ie\'· downll·ard. ,\ jel niloll1)"ill~ O\"!·: IIsill~ 1IltdCr;rOllltd atomic h~at a, elled by fire 10 1802. , he a:! said Ihe entire me~a S:1·)oi,. ' a source of powcr . lelt I.\S O!l;<;,\LlISOS rlon 10 hrrl for A rrsl. He .la~ a Prr," ~tarr Wrll .. r b~.1 coir!. GIHLI .. :\S 'CP'-li:r' ,'1r. GarUIi ~rrnt m"~1 of Wed. ;'("0rl~ of Sl'rill~hill 11"nl'llo;day ni~111 ulHlcrgrolind Ji~pcl" Ihrtr ';;:11 01 waltill~ I ill;: the liNk of frecilt~ the 12 • \tal'uld Brine \IllS (lile "I II ill:: f,,~· II.' Thrnlh,: ,11l1l'lb I'. will : ~rallr of 12 minrr~ r"~(,\l"11 ;;,,, :"I~,\. Tec ,ollnri ["~l"rIe~ I'..'ii I ... Thllrsdu), ~f1erhrll1~"l1tflm"d III coni 'U \1(' '''lllirin'l loll h,,,·, I H.\Ln,\X '("PI - ~1I~:llenl morc than ~lx dn)'~ l:l.nna r,'rl f~\ ;11'".1), Ihe.l· "CI·C. ~ l~lI~ilt ~ smoky lIaterfronl fire - wailin;: ~nrl Mnillg: "miradr." surl"il"or~. hrloll" Ille slll'focr In I'IP \\'1: PIl,\\ 1.0 I for I', ilOllfS toda:' before brlllg. ,.cond mira,·:,· will delir!'r: lip \\"a~ lold not to re·ellier Ihe, Springhill mine dIHR,lrr. II'r did Ihl' odd lit I III pra::ln;:. 11l~ il ullder control. A hardllarc ~:I'rlt" menfolk aiil'e irom' mine Hnlil his doclor ~i\"s ppr·· \\"rllt~n for The ('"nRdlan PI :ss I log.!t~l~l. bUl 1I1l1,tiv II c ur,lY.!.! I \l'archo.us~ and a fish plant ~tor· . rland 111 In e. I mi."ion. 10 oillse!l·cs. Caieh Inllshlcn l lias age bUilding were destroyed. · .. ': . R p~ u r Dircct.?r Mr. Doxey said no rescllc min. II~: 11.\ Il 01.0, ~R1~r. ' 'ingln~ h)'I11ns. We all sane :I tew I OIl ners of the buildings said the ),,\.'1' "~Id thcr~;s a ers hal'e had to he treated for SPRi:-irrHILL. i'\.S. ICPI - I, h~·mns. loss may-run to $100.000, c·,"cr more men may: exhaustion yet and none has, think I could have iasted another Latci lie could h~al' them II'( rk· 1 Wiiliam Robertson and Son .". ',KI in the ~o. 1 col· shown any other ill effecL~. The day down thcre. . ing aroHnd liS. If We. Irnd ;,no'vn Ltd .. hardware wholesalers, ,sli· I:, ~ e 1i4 miners \rere crews change shifts at rC~Hlnr in. I Just figured my lime ~'nsn't the condlt:ons c,'I'('r \"~'d mated loss of their 100 . foot ~, a gi~antic 1I:1d~r· terl"als and are replaced by iresh up anrl that would have he'ned undcrst:od why It tonk thrm so wooden warehouse at between :c:lcal"al last Thumlay, men. if we had had to wait lon;;~r. long to rearh liS. We kl1cw ;hcy ,I $i,i.ODO and $80,000. uor~~rs would not knoll' Three dl~l:llIg crews worked to I was on the lop of the ]J.OOO come. . Alben Sl11ilh, president 01 th~ lnti! ~he)' dUG their way get Into the rell1afnin~ ~?,O . foot I loot woll Inst Thursdo)' nig;lt. I 'JlJc_greot~st·thinc lVas t:l~t adjoining fr.h proce.uing and poX· .. lr,~:her 420 f~l of rock seelion on the 13.000 _ foot level went down to Ihe beltom IMea copper tube they put thr~uJh to porting firm of A. M. Smithnnd By ALAN DONNELLY .'~ Jt the 13.000-fool ip,vel. frora three diflerent dircctions. where 12 survivors were found): [eed us. Wc talked to .some uf Co., said the blaze had destruyed CaQadlan PreIS Stalf Writer ;~..:re that 12 men were One crew of bare.faced m~n, after I finished in the place I' the fellows ollt,irle tbrough the a 120·foot storage shed containing LONDON (CPl - Canada and a:ile early Thursday af· working without gas masks, ad. was working. I was taiking '0 1',1·0 air line bllt I don't know who packing boxes and barrelled fi,h. The United Kingdom have "a Ih~y nll were. The lirst fellow I The main fish plant. which em· unique opportunity to increase · d.o:.s and nighls trJpped vanced 120 feet dUring the day. or the fellows down below. 1,:rt.:coOt·\on, space that was But a crew of draegermen namp. THE BIG ONE HIT t81"cd to II'ns Mort Hunter. ploys 75. was damaged slightly our mutual trade," Prime Min· .:",. to permit them to ered by heavy breatherlng apllar. AI Lolther asked me if I feit I E\'ERYBOOY \\'.\S COOL b)' water and smoke. istet" Dielenbaker said Thursday ::p atus made only slow progress. B. bump a little while ngo n'ld i I Everybody was eooi. NOJody ONE WORKER IN BUILDING as he began a sill· day British qlLL BURIED On the surface the mine en. said I didn·t. Hp ~aid il "hook wns excited. Th~ fire broke out in the two- visit, the opening stage of his :\II men are burierl at the trance was ali but deserted. Tile el"crylhing. We taiked a !title I stcrey frame hardware ware· world Journey to European and (/)(f. lerel - alire or !~ad. crowd~ that waited throllgh Wed. more about the bump a~d then I I'm a nalive of Snrin~hili Dnd house, Lloyd Zwicker. 21. pf Corrmonwealth countries . . I slarted mining in I~.i\. My Ilife Windsor. N.S., the only worker in This opportunity. he said at 8 . OIhers are 5caller,'d In nesday night for tho "miracle" I the big one hit. ."PRI at 13,400 and 13,800 rp~cue had cone home. . That one shook el'cr"thinG I'll, is 24 nnd 1 have a two.nnd.n ,laif tile builing at tile time, said the press conference, is provided by EXCITE~tE!I;T DIES DOW:-I ! tell YOli. I had hlY wind knockcd . yc~r old girl, Bonnie. I'm ,lcvcr flamcs secmed to erupt from the "our ere at natural resources and nO\~)' ARiel rli~~ini c'ell'~ In the 10ll'n the excitement died out, Aller awhile we ,\arted Iu: going bad; into that mine. if I cxdsior rOOm. The buildin~ con· your accumulated skills." "n r kin ~ "hammer and: rlown. It 1I';1S the sel'enth day try and i!et Olll. We hn(1 Olle pick i cnn't make a Iivin;:: SOl11Cllnere tained roofing material, barrels That combination' 01 factors >{lllrrPri on hy thp lirst: ~ince tile mine cB,)'cd in Oct. 2.1. And one mnlll. We had an axe, eise l'lI starre. ~.ii. lng IrJpned of tar, bicycl~s, oakum. anti· "also imposes on 115 a general I . of Ihe 12 ;nen. Mine officials said the resClte job, too. We worked han!. • likl' lilat ~il'cs youln~~lli Irel freeze. soap and nails. and special responsibility 10 b~iid I mi~ht ~o on for nays. It got hot and Ihe clirt 11";1, ;'ad. I il1~. I can't dc,crilJe~.. pense .black sm~ke from the lip the prosperit)' o~.lhe Common ~.·ttler~ cl~wed Mel dll~ Bowman Manrli,pn cried ~'hen Then our lighLs wenl 0111, anti hC I ililill R new hUIlse hcte '·'lIi·~ r;:of.lOg billowed htgh ol'er thc I wealth as a whole. "': ., : . .... Joitin~. Diefenbaker Sees -Mutual 'aI't.! .. ..., . <I Trade' Canada And U.K. I' I . H~~~O~~~ i~nf~oof~~I:.~ ~lil:I~~~~i~;~mt;~:ry ~~~ fo~lt~r~ ~:18r~ i ~:.Ii·~\l ~:~.ld~l~r ~I~e~~.\ ~I~~~ II\~ I;'l;:~ ;O:~t~"\~ ~~c ~:I~' ~:~~. ::, :~~~~~f',:! ~lt~.~~~: ~\~~f~fr~\lnits and a ~a\y ba~~~~ ~~le a p;il~t~r~:~ni;~~rnde:i ! i 'WP. hpRrn ~OllnrlS of the mrn C0111 •. ii\"in~. h"1 flre;boat continued to pour 'Idier social functions, i . One body wa~ rrmOlcn JRi. 'r. FOllr other oodie' --_. ---- - - ------~ : on .lhe smullidering strll~tllres ttt a Canada House reception -·molai . ililrce hours after the Cirst of 'ilree he and Mrs. Dief~nbakcr. accom· tt.• toll oi IInown RI 'Riilrms was sounded. . panied by Canadian lorn· I\er~ ~ others nOI u. mbsioncr George Dre\\" and ~lrs . mr. \"inety . thre!' have Drew, met some 350 per30ns · r'Jed-ll1 in the first da)' mnu·1l ent i prominent in diplomatic. govern TllIr,dBI' lment and social circles. 'Jany Ti\fE ,,:iLL TELL . BAGHDAD, Iraq I Reutersl- were members o[ London's Cana' ;.~ on hil rescue crews. The prosecutor of the military dian community. laid: "Words can't By DAVID ROWNTREE campai~n of slander began.' He' the fucl that a man has the cOllr· court trying the leaders of the MACMILLAN ABSENT how the men ha\'~ I Canadian Pren Stall Writer was thrown out of the writers' i age tOll'rlte critically 01 the to· former Iraqi regime o\"'erthrown Virtually every British cabinet TheY're ,oing at the job I Ther~ seems IItlle doubt that union. Observers of Russia see 10 talltarian society will give com· July 14 Wednesday demanded the minister was present, with the HERE IS A REPLICA o£ Wesley United Church and tongs now. Bllt ihe official Communist .reaction the abuse and obscenities thrown (art to others who are forced to death sentence lor Tawflq Suo exception of1'rlme Minister Mac· made into a cake by Mammy's Bakery for the two miracles will happen to the award of the 19,8 Nobel at Pasternak a development of keep their thoughts to them· waidl. 65, former foreign minis· millan. Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Church which will tell." Prize for Iiterolure to Boris Past· the antifntllectuBl line that Ni· selves. ter 01 the Arab Union govp.rn· The British prime minister was ~rain of the rescue "rforl croak is a ~Iunder, . cita Khrushchev' foliowed last REMAINS PATRIOT ment of Iraq ard Jordan. Sud· preparing a small, informal din· is being observed this week. lI'n~ its loll. Doclors ord. . ~osterna~ s crnne .In th~ Kre~. month in making changes 10 Ihe Whether Paslernnk was [orred waidi pleaded not guilty to all ner for the Diefenbakers at 10 lin S eyes IS that hiS pme·wm· university system thut ~il'e stu· t~ reject the Nobcl Prize or not charges. The prosecutor claimed Downing Street, to be follow~ by (Terra Nllva photo Service). nin~ book Doctor Zilil'ago cardes dents less opport!!nit)· to discuss perhaps doesn't matter. Suwaidi interfered in Syria's In· a formal reception for some 200. a respect (ur humanity and a iove and criticize the regime. I It has been suggested tha( the ternal affnirs and plotted to London's press also gave the· i for people os Inui\'iJlIal; In the This and the actions ~gainsl Kremlin feared he might spek force Syria to take military Ie· Canadian leader a warm ,ecep.1 udition OI.I:co Toistoy that trans· Pasternak, It has been s\lggested. asyilim oUlside Russia if they let tion against Iraq. tion in their news pages and rdi· eends poiJtlcai theory. are the outcome of Kremlin frars him go but in interviews with torial columns. The Daily Mail published a full page review of RINGHILL, N. S. I The book can be taken 85 an that slrong dissatisfaction with Weslern reporters he gave the im . in~l.ct.menl of communism - he ithe iovernment might result In pression of being like Tolstoy in,Prl"nce' I his career and the Daily EPress' total of li4 . critiCizes Marx and many aspecls action his devotion to the couniry and ~ own~d by Canadian· born Lord of Russian life since the Bolshe· BOOK CRITICAL its people. Beaverbrook, brought out • ~pe· i Il'ik RtCVoiuthion-bbut P1erhaps more If the Russians had wanled to And If Pasternak gal'e up the cial Canadian supplement. I mpor ant e ewa,l s the .Iub· keep their· peopie ignorant of prize voluntarily. as he told the i merl:ence 01 tile individual to the Pasternak's book-it has not lJeen Swedish Academy, "in view of I VATICAN CIT Y (Reuters)- hour~. I gro~p. that Is cO.mmon to other pUblished there - the best tnin~ the meaning given to this h~lIor ... Pope John XXIII started work A solemn thanks;il'ing ~ervicl SOCietIes besides the Communist. might havi been 10 let him go In the community to whIch I be· O'ITAWA (CP)-~nnce P~lIlp Thursday at his predecessor's for the election of lile Pope wi! UJI."REST FEARED to Stockholm next month and ac. long," no one will miss his mean· Thursday bagged eight duck. at I desk in the Vatican as priests and be heid Salurday, the Feast 0; I When the Swedish Academy told cept his prill', There need ~ave Ing or mistake his courage. a toot near T~urso, Qu~. I d' ~ workmen prepared for his cere. AU Saints. in St. John Lateran, I the sa·year·old poet. novelist and been no widespread, publicity. party o( SIX iuns, me !.I Ing monial coronatipn. the world's foremost Catholic translator last week that he had As it is now, the RUs>ians In 1872, Horace Greeley, the members of the prince's staff, OT'rAWA, (CP) - Prince The cardinals who cicciI'd the church aRd the Pope's cathedral been chosen for the Nobel Prize, know that Pasternak has written 1 Democratic preslder.t!al nomi. stayed overnight at the Black Pbilip will visit the mille dis· Patriarch of Venice to the ;ririt. as Bbhop of Rome, Ihe news was kept fr.om the Rus· a book and even If they don't nee, died between election day Bay Duck Club, near Thurso, 30 aster scene at Springhill, N,S, ualleadership of the world's .iilQ,. Some Vatican observers thoughl sian people. know much. about IL~ cont~nts, and the day tbe electors voted, miles east of here, and went today on his way borne to Lon· 000,000 Catholics two days ago that the Pope would take advan. As tributes poured In from the they realize It must be un com· Three votes were 'cut for the ~~~Otini early Thursday morn· don, government ~OWie an· kissed his papal rIng in the third !age of the presence in Rome o( rest .of the world, in RUs!ia a plimentary to the regime. And dead candidate. . nounced Thursday night. and last adoration of the new pon. 51 cardinals to call a conistory Philip got the leisl limit, flight. The prince will visit Cumber· tiff to fill some of the. 17 vac· In all, the Jl8rty bagged 20 ducks. !lind No.2 colllery where 174 cAimINALS PAY HOMAGE ancies in the sacred College of He was accompanied by his miners were trapped by an un· Wearing their flowing scarlet Cardinals. • e ere tar y, James Orr, his derground upheaval a week ago. robes for the first time since the - - - - - - - - - - equerry, Capt. David Alexauder, The prince aIJo will visit the death of Pius XII, the cardinals - - - - - - - - - . A (CP) - Prince Philip StJllPORT8 TOAST because of her two cultures-and In this respect It. Is also unrea. and a Scotland Yard delectlve, hos~ltal at Springhill ~o talk paid homa~e to John XXlII 1n the night 'ralsed his lIia5J in ~vernor-General Massey sup- languages. listie to refer to the Common· SUperintendent F. Kelly. . with survivo", Including 12 SIstine Chapel where his election to partnership between ported the toast. Lewis W. Doug. . He spoke briefly In French say. wealth ~s one unit for It now con· PbUlp'l host was Air Comme- men rfllCued alive Thursday took place. :-nmtlnweallh and the LTDlt· lis, former U.S. ambassador In fng he thinks \hat now more'than slsts 01 10 fully indepeI'!dent sta. dore W L S O'Brien a MOD. after being - trapped six days A Vatican source said John Cloudy and cooler; show· LondO!1, and Lord Balllleu, clJalr· ever Canadians are comin, to ,Pop. tes, and I hope that numl?er will 'treal It~ckbroker Othe~s in the and nights at the mine'. 13,000- would follow his predecessor's rx· ers this morning. High' man o( the ESU, also spoke. preclate tne Important role' play· go. up to 12'wnen Niieria and th~ 'party were Air C~romodore J. G. foot level. ample and be crowned Tuesday today 40 .. Mr. Massey said the Common· ed by French·speaking Canadl. West Indies I~eration loin as Stephenson. RCAF chief ofptr. A lIovernment house spokes· with the three-tiered liara ~y the wealth and the United States ans In nationalllle, TEMPERA lURES . equal me!Jlbers. sonnel, and Air Commodore Ed. man said the prince's Comet IV senior cardinal deacon Nicola share great Ideas and have many WORK BEGINNING : (I ward Ffelden captain of'· the jetliner is tentatlvel), ~heduled Conali. on the central' '1alcnny Toronlo ., ..... ~9 58 common Idenls, but must be .vary The union's work was :eally 'The. task .of the unIon now Is Queen's flliht'. 10 leave Ottawa at 2.30 p.m. high up on the facade of SI. PN· 4:; .1:1 Montreal . . of eomplacenc~, ,entimentallty' j~st be~lnnlDg. more Important than ever be· EST 3:30 p.m. AST today. in· er's in luB view of the hundreds 4n Moncton 3ll ~nghlh • Speaking Union of 'and the cult of uniformity. '''The day has gone when We cause 'IUs essential to build up The prince II in Canada,!n COD' mad of 7:30 p,m. as orIginally of thousands of people massed in 47 46 Halifax proposed the In CanadB, Mr, Massey said. would say tIlBt Its sole ··purpilsli 'an unOU!cial. person. to • per~on- nectlon with the English.Speaking soheduled. . the vast colonnaded space bciow. Sydney ..... ,. 4"~ " SO a .Iormal dlnn~r in cl:n· one·thlrd of the population 'lpokc was to look ifter the ·understand. friendship which can do so much UnIon . Conference a~ ottawa. It will lind at Moncton, N.B., .The· ceremony will begin at 43 'i'7 St John's With the ESU's third French as theIr mother tongllc. Ing between.thoUnlled. Kingdom to... encoura~c the cohesion of the Philip Is president of the J<:SU's and the prince wit! trarel by 8:30 a.m. (3:30 a.m. AST) lnd is and Canada W~.8 richer country and theUnlted'8tattl'of America. ·Enalish·spliaklni community. Commonwealth ·Iection.· car to 'the pithead, . expeded to iast more than lour k ' . Kreml,·n's Treafme.nt" Pas' ferna IS S·d al T0 Be A Bid un er dp~n .F torm vs Dnd home 1um Com· , C'rdinCiry d in~falled R.'vIANENT. 'pring or 'ul up it iJ ]Iion Tele- I 01 lW 80161 Street. mifed ROAD ~ARKING Report· Springhill Hi~h D dD h Sta rt Pre paratl- OS P0pes , C'0ro nat.Ion I 1 Bags EI"ght Ducks r I' To Vis."t Sprmghill ince Speaks At ESU Meeting Weather ...... ....... ...... THf: DAILY Nt:W~, 2 $'[. JOHN'S, NFID., fRIDAY, OC'lO~t:R ;'1,1 THE DAILY NEWS ·,. HULA-IIOOP Contest 1 I' .... SA·TURDAY, NOVEMBER 8th C.L.B. Armoury 2 to6p.m. !. ,• , ,I "SPECTATORS.ARE WELCOME", -15c. ADMISSION IN AID OF THE BOY SCOUTS XMAS STOCKING • ·. · Age S to 9 Girls' PRIZES $25.00 plus $25.00 gift certificate. ) THE DAILY NEWS CONTEST P.O. BOX 972, ST. JOHN'S Age S to 9 Boys' , .. , PLEASE ENTER MY NAME fOR THE HULA HOOP CONTEST I $25.00 plus $25.00 gift certificate. , L .,~ , Nam •...... , ' 11 • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 • • • • • • , • • • , Each contestant begins to whirl h.r waist, On a give;, signal hoop and then begins 10 whirl il TlIis II a very hard movement ~ ,1 the hoop around his or the contestant stops thl in the opposite direction. and must be thoroulilhly p!"CIcti~. . .. _. Age 10 to lS Girls' Address .'.'" ................ $25.00 plus $25.00 gift certificdt•. 11, • • • • • • • , . 1 1 . , 1 1 1 • • • • , • • , AGE """" .... "".,,,'Phon. "... " .... "." .... Age 10 to lS Boys' ':',\,\ Who Will Be The ~I~JNG and QUEEN Of $25.00 plus $25.00 gift certificate. Cash Prize. awarded by The DAILY NEWS. Enclosed you will find my sailS slip for a purchas. made at the London, Gift C.rtlflcates awarded by The LONDON, New York and Paris dated from NEW YORK & PARIS ASSOCIATION T~eliday, fASHION LTD. OF October 28th onward •. Name .... '.. ,........ ,..................... :, ......... . tti Gover to the Areas , Keough St. John '8 : I PI~ RULES (1) Contestant must send in the two coupons shown at left. One must b. tached to a sales slip from the lon New York and Paris showing ony chase made at that store doted Tuesday, October 28th, Mail these pons to The Daily News postmarked later than midnight, Monday, ber 3rd. (2) On receipt of these two coupons Daily News will send to the LUllIP,',".I, a ribbon and a number, both of I must be worn to the C.l.B. Armoury Saturday, November 8th. (3) The Daily News will carry doily, Mend through Friday, instructions for the Hul Hoop Contest which every co must clip out and also carryon his her person to the C.L.B. Armoury Sotu day, November 8th. (4) Each contestant, in his or her age must perform these instructions, will be the contest. (5) The contestant, in each age group, performs the best, or who performs most instructions correctly, will win, (6) The prizes will be awarded to winners at the close of the contest, (7) The King and Queen of Hula will be chosen by the judges awarded ,uitabls trophies. I ,I is requir( , with and sizes amount place wI the mal for cu the time wood rna) within th • Foresl the cullin be on a I for th, t f *To~day is your Iast chance DOOR OPENING SPECIALS! WHILE THEY LAST! to take advantage of this PILLOW BOYS' LADIES' END S'HIRTS SKIRTS great history making Sale CASES TABLES event ••• don't miss this last 2.98 EA• big day ••• Shop until 9.30 49c Pair 59c EA. 98c EA. ~--------~----------~----------~--------pm. for the many wonderful • SPECIAL BARGAINS ANNOUNCED OVER STORE p,A. SYSTEM THROUGHOUT THE DAY I last day bargain s available • S~2 POUND BAGS CANDY KISSES 29c Bag WORTH 69c. BAG in all departme nts! EMBROIDERED I WORTH $1.19 PAIR , . , • 'I ... ~ , 11, • Can be worn as Sport shirt or dress shirt, Sizes 6 to 16. REG. $1.98 • Brand new-In assort· .d fabria. • 10 to 20. 'R'EG. $3.98 and $4.98 COME ONE •• COME ALL•.• BUT DO COME EARLY, TODAYI .' .. ~ ~: :{ :::.. ~ ~ ~.:! ::t; ~ NESS IN MILLIONS ••• A P,ROFIT IN PENNIES! ~ h -______________- -____________________________ ----~ on The Daily News . JOHN'S, NIWFOUNDLAND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1953 pprove Forest Management A reas Plan Control tting Program :;:e Government of Newfoundland has given its :>.1 to the establishment of 15 new Forest ManI Areas. according to a l'tatement of the Hon. Keough, Minister of Mines and Resources. ~reas are to be established as follows:"~II rood- '~'itlm Bay. Inl Lcamtn~lon. ~dr0Y "allry (Du£ly FI0C~'. There!is (Eurcka F:('(~ I. 1e ,l""t .\nn. 'rl"'r H\lm~r. E.~"rhoi, Ilrook ;'(fI'l Block). I InJun' to the remaining tim. ber, To such extent u may be I possible clear felling of )!oung trees for fence materials, flake longers etc, will be ellmlnated and thele materl~h will be per. mittee! to be taken only as a thinning process, (1m· In 10 far as poulble, fire· ~: I,rnr~r's (SI, Grorgr'~ I w?od WIll come from lowgrade I Clmhcr ("ompAn" Block), '.. es Brook. . · ;Ionr Lots (Blocks 1, • J and 41. • y. , birch. Injured and deformed Ilrecs and tops, Sta nds damag· i ed b~' disease, insects ctc. will bc 5alva~ee! to the extent pos· ~ible. Where limber i& permitted to , " ". ':f":"" Film Council: F Sponsors Special Film Week' The .St. John's Film Councii I ious groups In the city h' has this week sponsored a been shown in the Prel'. spccial Film Week, which Pre· I Room ot fhe Nat. Film Bo:. sident Phyllis Brookes says "is in the Centre Building, Chul' the first time a specific film Hill. On Monday, wome .. week has been put on by any groups were invited to vir film council in Canada." films of Interest to their 01 So interested are the National ganizatlons. On Tuesda:r: th Film Board in Montreal, that men's groups were the s'uesk they hal'e requested copies of Wednesday, tbe Home ant the weeks program and have S<:hool Alisaciations; Thursday sent Mr. Ar~h Knowles, Pro- the Youth groups, friday thl gram Supervisors for the Na· church groups, and the final tional Film Board, to SI. John's night, this Monday, will be deto act as guest speaker and gain voted to labor groups. first·hand information on the "In this way we hope to week's activities. show the various organizatio!lll ~Irs. Brookes told the Xews, the tYPe6 of films that would be "The SL John's Film Council most useful to them, "KrI. has been more active than any Brooke•• aid. other film council across Can· aela this rear. 1 have a \'er\' . line committee who hal'e reall~ ! ' .. PICTURE SHOWS Jubilee Scholarshil) willner Urllllut Hesse receiving his diplomn from Mrs, (Dr).' ,~~:~e~ ~~~~e;~."mak~ Ihi! film: H. B. Roberts at last night's Prince of Wales College Sp' eech Night held Rt the Pitts Memorial Hall. • . 17' Spedal films to Interest var· i (Terra NO\'a Photo Service) I ITcle. be cuI [rom Forest ~anaKe· menl Areat for firewood, fenc· r:.r h Block I. ling, li.hery purpose!, or saw . l r a r> 0 n s '1lo~s used In the construction R:'''''l. or repair of personal property \1;nHrr ~lld thaI these I no stumpage ~hall be charged. ',cJld be l~r~all~. e"1 Prel'aillng royalty rates will, (" ,()On. Tllch c t orest apply in the caSe of commercial I t~rnl Arra! had already operalions. I ~:Jbhlhed nrilcr al:- . , Permit, to cut wood Cor c o m · · -1 ~ICCO', Rid,e. : mercial PUI'POlCS ma)' be ob'l Imonler. i tained from the Forest Inspcc· . '.flhbrid.e. I tor •. Permits. for domestic needs, . !'Ialr COHo Trinity. , may be obtained bOlh from Ihc' ~ de I'Eau. ' Forest In!pcct0r~ and lrom the Lo I S' Numerous U'ons CU· Ib I' Wesley Cont.-nues Potholes At F T h d' Jub-.lee Cer' e' mon.-es ort owns en . Hold C11aI--teI'f ~rC'up, '~rf or1'1 , ... d! win. ed to iudgll ~~~~it~!~~nd ~~':~~:~~ei;1 ~I::~~e each Through the coopmtlon cf Rotarians !,>ich Rumboldt and Bob McLeod a apeeial program· me of \'ocal leleetionl was Ir· ranged for yesterday', lunch· Parade eon. I i , N1egIlt Celehl~atle OllP_ ~[rs. I The old police ~:50e~~~esat ~~~;Ief~~~'n~~:t~~ \l:r:at~~~~e inout~~:ndi~~SiC~I~ F.il'c hundl. e.d members of mgation, Frank Kinsman a \reslcy l:nltcd Church congl'e made R prc5cnlation of a pic· ,lith homb nalcrs. ~!otorists JO.hn's artists: Mis! Jean Lynch, I ~atlon. and visitors from othrr 'lire of the church. approachin~ the Housing Cor· ~IIS5 Anna Hatfield and Mr. ~ The St, John's Lions Club, wcre "il'Cll small tokens wilh i l'nilcd Churchcs in 51. John's The week's celebrations of poration office or thc policr Donald Belbin. hcld their annual combined' Ihe Lion's crest as soul'cnicrs attended a 50th anniversar~. lhe Weslcy United Church 50th traffic division to pay fines arc The programme \\'as thor· Ladles' ane! Charter Nlghl oC the el'ening. Also the Lions: h:;nquet in the church hall on! annivcrsar)'. wi~1 end Sund.ay risking their springs or other oughly enjoyed by all prescelebrations al the Old Colony I themselvcs were recipients of ednesday night. I I\'lth the unl'elltng of a plaque damages so great are the haz· ent. purposr of setting up Club on Thursday, October 23rd key holders, . . of the names of ministers who ards. Vi.itors at yesterday's meet· ~hnagement ArtIS is commencing at 7,30 p.m, . Dr. A. S. Butt, chairman for, sen'ed the church since its in" The lane leading off Harvel ing were E. LawTence, Toronto; cUllinll operation! In . The cvenln~ began with a After dinner presentations of' the . evening, I~trod~ced th~ auguration In 1007, His Han. Road to the Motor Registration R. Kelland, st. John's; R. W. I "'a~' I I 10 make for what r.t:.,,~ ;,\~ .;~~ dinner. President Linn Pon ~!"r· . the following awards were ~rC~1 ~Iue~s, ,\\h~ II ere Re\: the Lieutenant Governor will Office at Ihe west of the square Sparkes, st. John'. Jnd D. Pike, rail "maximum sua· ,. . ' .••. , i eer welcomed the 'Lions and made by president Lion Don f r. dl' 'd' callfe 0 the Nell' he present to unveil the 1'1"que.lls al50 in very bad condition. 'Lunenburg. yitld:' .' ,'r 'Ihelr wll'es District GOl'ernur: ~Ierccr and District Governor oun an on ercnce of the p~Mtnt all cutlinl on , I ...•. ~, Stan Tolan: al50 the following! Lion Stan Tolan: 10 year 100<;0 Unlt~d Church; Hon. L, R. fomu is controlled by ~ guest!: LI!>n Max Martln zone I RttendRnce, Lion L, M, Parsons; CurtiS, acting premier; Mayor f\Crpt that a person .. .'~.;~ chairman, Lion Herb dowdcv I Key awards for sponsoring of H. G. R. Mews; Mr. Malcolm r::: "a maximum of 2,000 president of Mount Pearl Club'· two or more members, Lion Hollett, Leader of the OPPO!I· !r~1 01 timber eut for blJ also MadeaUne PinsenL ~Irs: President Don ~!mer and Lion lion; LL Col R. Fewster, of the N. ,. firewood. in the Don Mercer addressee! the large Pele Slimmers: Plaqucs, for sall'a.liont Army; Rev., Dr .. ,L. ~. 111 ~J;Ticullure. or any gathering and thanked the Lions merilrious service, (outgoing Burry oC th: St. Joh~ 5 Presb~· II:tUPitiOns of I similar' 011 behalf of the ladies for executive 1957·58); Lion Edgnr tery, and MISS Georgi Mills. • I Forest Manallement Alea making this evening possible. E~cott. Lion Bill Kendall, and A magnificent Inniversll1'Y :JIll,,;: C!>r any purpose Lion J. Bowne gal'e a most LIOn C!are Godden. Monarch cake, made in exact .repiice of rr Is allowed without Impmsil'e talk on thc meaning conventIOns and ccrtJficates: the ncw Wcsley Church wa! cut The holder of a of tlje Lord LIONS. This was Lions Rupcrt Bartlett, Pat Dob· by Mr, E. Bursey, one of the IS rtCluired to clITY out excellently prescnted and was bin, :'tlac ~Icreer, Reg Morgan, oldest members of the congre. witb rellard to the most thoroughly enjoyed by aiL Fred Cornick, Lloyd Andrews, gation, and lila of trees to be D\lrlng the dinner the ladles Dick Valse),. Lal. M. Parsons, Representing the Wesley ~on. :lit amount of wood to be Claude. Meehan, Reg. W. Press. I !he plac:t where trUlJ .hall Following dinner a dance was the manner In which ' held and one of the highlights for eutUna .hall be I wns the hula hoop contest con· . tbe time and manner In 8R. CAPTAIN F. JENNINGS dueled hy Lion Bob Bartlett. , ..oed may be cut and I The winners were Lion Pete within tile Irn. The Salvallon Arm)! In St. Th,e Member for White Bay and Betty Summers, a Fore.t Mlnaiement John', announceJ that a city· South, the Honourable Dr, F, the euttlnl of IIW 101' wide united Youth Rally will W, Rowe, yesterday returned be on a .elective basis be held In the Salvation Army from a vi!it to the Seal Cove Verle and with the strong prot>for the taking oC rna· Temple, Springdale Street Qn and Bale Verte portions of his abllit~· of normal logging actlvl.1 trtU in ,uch a WIY u to Saturday night, November ht. district. ties next year they are now: Ihr b:.!t qualily lumber. (8,00 p.m.) , D r . RO\l'e reporL~ that durin!: ,seclng the worst of Ihe cco·' The Minister of Lahour, Hon· ~ o{ wood and At thi' R II' lh ,'11 b thp pR~1 seRson there h~s been I nonm receSSiOn which has a[· ourable C. H. Ballam has an· ereI'1\ Ib C CORII'd era bIe Improl'ement . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ', Ccat Ir d .1 .R' ' on I'fee te( I a II Cana da anr I wh'! Ie I nounccu., t he appointment of R I ban~ ~ne!a loullg peop e s ra!s the main road ICRdin~ frem; h"o particular effcct in :-;CII" conciliation boore! to endeavour I ~uest k) outhllc~oru~. cThC Trans·Canada to Baie Vertc i foundlanti this year beeau~e of to bring abollt a~recment in i I I' L' ~PJea er WI h' e r. ap·, which was opened last I'ear the pOOl' fishcl'.\'. the currcnt dispule hetween the MINISTERS who served al Wesley United Church are shown her•. a n.c. cnnln~!, Ie Command·! . :' c\ I N f dl I ing' Officer of the Salvation! wTa~eaCdICarln!: oC lh~ right of I Dr. Rowe stalee! that thc . ng a,) ell' oun and Del'elop' Hack IWw:-Rc\'erend F. R. Matthews, B.A., (1911-1914); Reverend !: Arm~' Corps at Grand Falls, Sr. l n thc bull,dOZlng of the newly elecled Baie Verte Town ment Company and the Inler· F. J. Armitage, B.A., (193i .1940); Reverend W. B. Perry, B.A., B.D., ,Caplaln Jennings hu lieen mroa~ frcom Baled'Felrtc tOrt Coach· I Council, with ~!r. \\'. H. Eaton national Woorlworkcrs of Amcr· acUI'ely ltd ith . an s ove an eur e L)'s ' ica, Local 2·254. Th~e partie~ (1940.1948); Reverend A. J. Barrett, B.A., (1948.1955)j Reverend A. S. young; was completed a few weeks ago I as mayor, Is making plans based have been trying to negotiate a Imperial Oil Com- 'eo . ISSac a e w Butt, B.A" B.D., D.D., (present mmister). Front Row (left to right) aliSO scouts: and the Member feels that If on the future growth of this collective agreement cQvering Limited have an· ,P.ndPlceUlb ! cgroups, or severa years and' I . th I Mrs. Annitage, Mra. Perry, Mrs. Barrett and Mrs. Butt. has been instrumental In' . I al goes well, It ought to be lown. e emp oyees of the woods op· that they will . i' b organ I possible to mal:e this r o a d · . erations of the Company for (Terra Nova Photo Service). pleased to welcome un: fth scout troops and cub available to Ihe people of these BOlh In Baie Verte and Seal whom the Internationai Wood. pubhc to inspect I~~~v~nc~. leveral centres In the two &ettlements by the end of Cove the problem of adequate workers of America is the certi· next summer, supplies of good drinking water fied bargaining agent. The . new Division I The affair promise. to be In. Dr, Rowe said that there Is exists. Bale Verte Is considering agreement when completed will . be the first collectlv, agree· Ellubeth • teresting and helpful and the considerable distress In the 'youth 01 the city are cordially area because of the double ecO. ways and means of enlarging ment these parties, Invited to attend. It II expected nomic blow resulting from the the present supply to meet the that their wU! he representa. cdrtallment. In Bowater's pulp. town's growing needs, and the ar;he :e~~:~~ of the Board live younll people's group. It. wood production and the virtual people of Seal COl'e are giving wh~ w· . t ~h~fe'th E~q .. lendlnll from various corps on !~Iure of !Ihe cod·fishery. thought 10 lI'a)'s and meam of I ion ~~l1?i~~lna / de. n· I the AVllon Peninsula, The P o. l'I.ev~rtheless the people afe . , ',', ' . un flgan, ! v' I Y h keeping their spirits up and Instlluling a \\aler system, ERq" \\ho was nominated by i ,~nc~alt out Smetan', Milar f¥1 Ih~t with a great likelihood I which \1'111 be ahle tn smlce I the Company with Magistrate , cllHe will pretide. I of mineral del'elopmenl at Bale most or the home! in the area ! Br;an J, WhIte who wa~ ap· i , pOinted Chmman by the Min·: i ister Collowing joint nomina. I tion of the other two memQers I ol the hoard, ChiPfI lsl~nd. Binchy Ba~·. ·umanl·illt. Benton. of ca mgers ('Jntertaln I 't Rotary ii. ~ · Army aaIvatIon YouthRaII y .. I' \\ " I Rowe Reports On Dl·strI·e't VI·SIOt n D .ES Ballam Names Conciliation Board 'I A SPECIAL • • • PoA. GIRLS' WINTER SPORTSWEAR l j' 4 1 BAG Entries For' Hula-Hoop AYI Contest Entries Rre cominJ; ill fnst for the big DAILY NEWS Hula·Hoop Contest which takcs place on Satumay, Nov. 8th. Split-Hood Storm Coats Cotton poplin with rayon quilted lining. Full length ribbes and knitted cuffs for snug fit. SIZES 7-14, S Hoys and girls who wish to participate in -·n."",,~ . .,. of the BOa~dof ~~dl~. Statlo~ 'VOWR. ~wned and operated 'by Wesley United Church, relebratlnl it. Golden· Jubilee, ar~ shown:- Le.ft to ri,ht, Bert Moores, Frank Kinsman, Harvey ~ Max .R.Butle1'.~(Terla Nova Photo Ser vlc:'e). the fun and try for one of the big prizes are advised to getthelr entries in without (lelay. Read the NEWS for full details. • A THE DAILY NEWS ..------------------------------------------ ---~------ In The News. Newfoundland'. Only Morning Paper The DAILY NEWS Is a morning paper cS~Bbll~hed In 1894, and puhlish· ed at the New! building, 35~·359 Duck· worth Street, ~l John's, Newfoundland. by Robinson « Company, Limited ME~IBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of .111 n~ws dcspatches In this paper credit cd to It or 10 the Associated Press or Reuters and Also the local news pub· IIshed therein. YEAftLY SlJBSClIIP'fION RATES Clnadl .. .. .. .. ..512.00 per annum Unlte,d Klnielom and all forelllD coun:rlu $14.00 per annum Authorized II.~ lecond dau mail, Post Office) Department, OUawa. I· I All Press F~rl'lce and feature articlel In this p~per .re copyrlGhled Rnd their reprcduction is prohibited. 'D I I!. . Me mber Audit Burea" l of Circulatloili. ------------- --------FRIDAY. UCTOBER 31. 1958 The State Of The Province ., There is todEiY a floor under the IiYing standard that helps to minimise the worst effects of temporary unemployment. There may have to be relief but it is no longer of the six cent!. a day variety and it is supplemented by a \'ariet~' of other welfare benefits. A famil~' of two adults and four children is tOclCl~' eli~ible for monthl~' grocer~' orders to a value of 562 and familv allowance payments bring the income up to about S90 a month. It follows, therefore. that thE' a\'erage fp.mily on able-bodied relief in a rural area dops have a tolerable minimum rate of living in the circumstance~. (', f r .t ~; , (, '1 • I, : But the problem is to avoid able· bodied relief. It is even bigger than that. It calls for the provision of a much longer working season. A good living standard, a real en.io~'1TIent of I;fe and II prosperous pro\·ince. depend upon the maximum utili::ation of the productive cap2city of the population. No regin:l can grr.,w when many of its peonle ha\'e to spend months of each ~'ear in idleness. The fact that m;:n~' people may be content with unemployment insurance does not .iusti£~· it as a wbstitute for prodl,lcth'e effort. I t is properly to be considered onl~' as a means of tiding a man over when there is simply nothing at all that he can eo to maintain year-round gainful enough lind they are helping to un· denvrite for those who can gain ~ummer and fall employment B: higher stand:1rd of living. But we must never allaw ourseh'es to berome complacent to a point when these services come to be considered liS a rea~on for doing nothing about constructive work over a longer period of the year. In short, the aim of both Federal and Pro\'incial polic~' must be to eXDand work opportunities throughout the ~'ear. Centralization is an important factor in this connection in l\'e\\'foundland, It is diffil'ult if not impossible tIl organize work for pE.ople who live in isolated and !m1all communities. But the present centralization pro~ramme. ,l!enerous though it ma~' be. Is neither large nor \'igorous enough. T11e reason is tIle hnitation on pro\'incial capacity to make it more (1\'namic. For that reason. it should be a venture jp which the Dominion Government ought to be willing to share. The creation of sub~lflntial to\\"ns on good sites where longer working seasons at a \'ariel~' of useful tasks can be more easj]~· supplied should become a national as well as a provincial project. It could bring about a revolutionary change in the state of the province and ··make possibl~ e much larger conemplo~'1TIent. tribution by the peonl~ of :\ewThe so~ial security services of the foundland to the gross national Dominion Government are welcome product of the nation. The Town's New Look I I, I. I· I . ,, " '1 THE TOWN'S NEW LOOK .......... Great new buildings of steel and concrete are rising in the heart of the old city of St. John's and under their shadow the older structures of stone, brick and wood seem doomed gradually to total elimination. The paCe of change on Water and Duckworth streets will, however. be modified ~. the speed of ~onomic progress. Much of old st. John's may still be holding its own many years from naw. It is in the northern suburban ares that the big change is coming. There, on spacious sites overlooking the \'alle~' that divide!; the old city from Churchill Park, imposing new architectural designs are giv- ing the impress of the modern age to the oldest town in North America. Nothing serves better to symbolize the new era than the Imperial Oil Company's office building, its external appearance a mass of gleaming glas~ and aluminum. and its interior design a fine example of the attractiveness that may go wi th functional planning. More than anything else, however, this new building is a demonstration in the future of st. John's as a progressive factor in the growth of the province and a continuing element of - mnjor importance in the distributing trade. Television In Westminfster Two precedents were broken this week when the Queen went to the House of Lords to ooen the new ieSsion of' the United Kingdom parliament. There were four women among the peers and the ceremonies were televised. It i!; difficult to determine which was the greatest departure from established practice, the women peers or the ~)evision cameras. But at least both are evidence of the capacity of Britain to keep pace with the times and it is even more interesting to realize that most of the major retonm of the past forty years have betn established by a Conservative Government. The present session has a partiCular interest because It Is likely to be the last of the present parliam~l The tide of events at home hal been running strongly in fav-our of the Tori~S" in the past several months and 1t i8 more than likely that Mr. Macmillan will put hlB popularity to the test before the end cf:next spring. The Labour Party will have to PlralcU•• lot Of internal dWeren- ces and come up with e more coherent and acceptable policy in order to restore its prestige in the nation. WHEAT CARGOES UP Regina Leader· Post. Wheat shipments {rom' Churchill have climbed steadily In the last 13 shipping !eosons. Ench year a new record was sct. cll· maxed this year with the shipment of approximately 19,~OO,OOO bushels of wheat overseas and 9,eOO tona of feed oats and screenings to Montreal. This new total Is about 3,000,000 above last year's shipments and more than six times the wheat exports of 2,928,936 bushels via the Hudson Bay route In 1946. WHERE FASHION REIGNS New York Herald Tribune American women pride themselves on being the best-dressed In the world, and New York prides it!elf on being the centre of the fashion IndUstry. And Fifth Avenue undoubtedly Is the .howcaie In which the finest achievementa 10 design and In fashion are aet forth. . The new ."Flfth Avenue Openings," which will be timed as preludes to the Spring and Fall seasons. will dramatize the Importance of the Avenue as a dl.· pIa, eeatr. for American babloD, THE DAilY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD. By WAYFARER MOnTIER BAY PL.4N The ~Iinistcr of ~Iincs and Resour· this wcek proclaimed his f:lilh In ~!orticr Bay as a grent crossroads of the shipping world. Mr. Keough did not ~ay whether this belief in the es· ttblishment of a transshipping pIlrt in the magnificent outer harbour of ~!arystown had been founded on any nell' development in the efforl to bring It about. A few months ago it was said by the Financial Post thnt a brlcf I\'ns then being studlcd by expcrts in Ottawa and Ihat "If Ottawa turns down the whole dl~me, it is unlikely th"t an)' mOI'e will be heard of u;ill~ Ncwfollndland for car~o Ir.1n,fcr." That II'a, all unncccFsarilv pC.lsimi<lic commcnt. ~ t'nless a free cu,'loms arca is rcquircd as part of Ihe sch('me. Ihere Is nothing Oltawa c.,n do if prfl'nlc pn· terpri.'e is willing to inl'cst in ~Iortier B.1)' a.1 a transshiprr.cn\ centrc. ~c~ It 1\',1.1 vcr~' ncnrl~' fort)' ~'enr5 ago th.t we first hcard ~f Morticr Ba~·. It h;1pp~ned ln our carly reporlln~ days. Into the o[licc came a lall. thin EII~lish· man. wearing a bowler hat amI a droop· ing white mnustache. His name was H. C. Thompson anel he had first appeared on the :'\cwfo\lndJand scene some years h~lorc Ihe war a! an arlvocnte of a fast ship and rnil routc th:1\ would carry' pnssengers and mail across thc Atlantic with a saving of two or three days. His irlca iflcl'.Irleri a ra"'''"" fl'''''1 Vr'''c 1l~l\le B~)' to St. George's and the whole rOllte 11'".1 fl'ee of the f[)~ that ~I'ips han 10 cncountcr when pa"in~ Cape Ra('c or moving throll.ch the Sirait, of Belir Isle. Thu' he hccame known as ro', Free Zono" Thomns"n. Lotcr he was attracted to Ihc magnificent hr.rbr'.ll'agc of ~Inrtier Aa~' and it, pro:'!· imitl' In Ihe worlrl's Tr.'d n rOIl'c'. He InllSI hare spent a fortunc tral'elling haCk and 1"l'th arro.ss Ihe Allanlic. tr)'· in~ to hu;l,t un inlerest in a free port In Jlorlier Ray. Hro ~;1me to \IS Ol1l'r during Ihp ("om· mi."jon periorl when Ihe r.ol'crnmrnt hnrl canceller! his conccssions and we were able 10 heln him get them restor· rd. Thcn one dal' dllTin~ Ihe II'o1r hr C:ln'r 10 hili liS n 1.1.'t cOllrtl)' ~ood by nncl \\'~nt off to his de~th at the h~nd-, of Ihe crew of n German sllbmarin~. Th" .~rhcmp lnl' dormant IIntil C. F. ~lcLellan took It up about n'le yeara ago and procured similar concessions .1S a bes;. lor endcavouring to sell the idea to transportation and government interests as a means of lowering the costs and Increasing the efficiency of trade between the Grcnt Lake! region and the world. The deep waterway hal its limitations for ocean Ihlpping. If through the period of open nav!.gation the products of the Middle West were to be stored in Mortier Bay, ocean shipping could come all throuRh the year nnd give to gmin and other producLJ the advantage of cheap water transport on a )'car-rounrl basis, Thesc ocean ship.1 would leal'e at ;[orticr Bay the prociucl.s of the world to be taken from April to November liP tge St. Lawrpnrr hy the lake boals which had carried Ihe grain and orc t[l Mortier Bal'. 11 would seem to be the cBse'that I fr£e port area would be needed Bince much of the inward cargo might be dutiahle and therefore subject to storage in bond. This Is a plan that nceds Imagination for full appreciation. It i8 the kind of thln~ that could revolutionize the econ· omy of this province, We aTe not qualified to assess Its practicability bllt we have no hesitation In saying that It reprcsents a challenge to the vision of industr)' Bnel govcrnment. For the potentialitics of transshipping ports one has only to, look at the size and com· merce of Hamburg and New Orleans. We have visited both t1l£seplaces, Ham· bllTg is the ocean port for the dlstri· bution of imports and exports of ccn· tral Europe. ~ell' Orleans exchanges the products of the world and the :'.lissi.ssip. pi area, A transshipping port In New· fOlllldland coulel prol'idc a ,similar eX· change 0 f the prolillc\., of Ihe world for Iho'e of the ~Iiddle Wc"t o[ North America. The Financiai post Critics hul'C been inclined to over· e,timale Ihe cost of prep"ring and pnckagin~ of fooels and to unrtercstimatc the l'nllI'Cnlcnce and sa ring for the con· sumer. The V.S. Depilrtment of Agriculture in a sludy o[ this business found that a consumer who bOllght S100 worth of unsefl'iccd foods in Washington, D.C., I~st winter. would havc had to pay ani) 61c. morc for thc equivalent quantity of "scrviced" foods, The cOI1I'cnicncc foods-thosc with "built·in maid sen ice." such as frozen pre·cooked sausage and cut· up rcarly· to·fry chickcn, it II';lS reported; were lillic more expensil'e th"n umcrl'iced foorls, In this da)' and age. fell' ~ousell'il'cs \\ou:rI prefer to hur bulk breakfast cercals. unw~shcel pot;ltoes or carrols or chic~cns just as nat lire grew them. rath· er th~n attractil'cl)' packaged. clean fllod. all rcarl)' to go onto the store, ThaI sort of thing nJa)' comc under the heading of merchandising frills bUI to Ihe consumcr it is an inexpcnsil'e and laluable. improvement. DURING the annual cllarity celebrations of thp St. Lions Club held rec~l,tl~·. a presentation was made to L. lH. Parsons by Prcsidpnt Don Mercer; who is 5hol\11 (ri congratulating Lion Pars()us on his 10 year 100 percent afice record. REHI~n alternatil'e 10 ~Iortlpr Bay 1I;ls hern .'"~~("t!'rl. This i.~ Bil!, Desp:lir. \\'e He not (jualifieel to elis~uss Ihe m('rit~ of either port, That has to wait on acrepl.,ncr of the crntral ielril Ihat there i~ a tremendolls potential in Ihe elcvelopmcnt of a tr;ln~,hipping centre in :\cwfollnrlland. Wr belicl'e the idea Is good but the bpst of idcas !ometimes t;lke a vcry long time to bc convcrted into accepted and accompliS'hed facts, Rut this is an idea that should be pur· ,lied with force anel delermination. I lain. Bul a wild bear would hal'e been in· finitely better. Still though we hale lost ou~ bears for well over s thousand years. it is cheering to Ihink that the)' have rctreated no farther than the Pyrenees. And we have not quite for· gotten. GEXTLEMAN CANDIDATE Milwaukee Journal !'Ielson A. Rockefeller. Republican candidate for governor in New York state, got a strong pat on the back for his record in the field of consen'stion the ot her day. !'lot only is Rockefeller sound on conserration, said the giver of praise. but his "family has been helping the conserl'ation movement all ol'er the nalion." It's not surprising to hear A candi· elate praised during B campaign. But it is surpri~ing when it's hi~ opponent II'ho does the praising. Yet th;]t was the case here. The praiser was Gov. Harriman, the Democratic candidate running to succeed himself. A man can he a gentleman in politics. And it's al· ways good to find an example to prol'e it. BOOM AND BUST Windsor Star Boom and bust, inflotion and defla· CARLETON U,VIVERSITY SETS FINE tion. always have been regarded as can· EXAMPLE tr~dicton' trends, But we all have been From the Owen Sound Sun Times all wrong about It if the ·current eco' Ottawa's Carleton University provides nomic phenomenon Is to be believed. a ven' fine example of how to start a It's true thot many are In the "bust" university. It Is an example which the category, through unemployment or new university effort in York Is taking other consequences of the recession. But as a pattern. others still must be In the "boom" can· In 1942 Carleton opened In rcnted ditlon If statistics are to be belicvcd. premises. with part·time Instructors and While some are suffering deflation, in· only el'ening classes, and these only In flnton stili Is with us. Despite evrry· first·year university subjects. In 194~ thing, the cost·o{·lil'ing Index hit R dRY classes were bcgun; two years later record high of 125.6 In September. [ull degree courscs In arts, sco~nce and If economists hnve an)' logical and commerce were offered; in 1952 the acc~ptable explanation for this we'd school was endowed with full university like to have it. It Is most confllslng to powers. Today, Carelton-supported the layman, knowing onl), what by fees, glft5 and donations from private economists havc told him about boom sources, and grants from the provincial anel bust. innatlon and deflation, bus· and federal governments-ha~ acquired lness cycles, etc, a site for a future campus and construe· To the ordinary man this seem8 an tlon of buildings Ie under way there. extraordinary sort of reccsslon. where The chairman of the committee on the 'orthodox economic Ideos no longer pre- York project BBYS "Carleton Blarted by nil. In that there may be some hope holding evening closses In schools, and of getting out of it quickly-but HUe later started day ciassel In churches hope of getting out of It without an· and even private homes. We may very other burst of Inflation. well have to start on the BBme lines." This Is an atUtude that recommends ItseU to III who are concerned with IN WEST WALES wider opportunities for higber educaManchester Guardian tion In Canada. A climber once told me that one day near the top of Cader Idris he wu CREDIT SERVlCE Itartled to lee a crouching. non·human Cape Breton Post figure clambering up behind him other credit unlona throughout the through the mist. More than 200 credit un Ina in Nova For some time he fought against the Scotia today are· joining with 215,000 Insane Idea that it was I bear, only to world In celebrating the annlvernry find when It got up' to him that it was of the founding of the credit union a monkey. quite a friendly one, and movement, more than 100 years ago. they flnlshed the ascent together. I Volunteer service, thrift and self·help suppose It was quite exciting to meet are at the root of the credit union Idea. evan a tam. monkey on a Weah moun· Accardini to law, all eredlt union oUi· .------------ THE BAMBOO CURTAIN All Others Are Saying [,\EXPE.\Sl\·!\ :\.\'D :lPl'HEClATED • By BRUCE BlOSSAT For man)' ycars we have had to de· pelld upon fr;]gmcntary reports or' life in Red China. mostly from Llnlr;;incd ob_,eTl'ers. To knoll' so little of the worlel's most populous country has bccn a sCI'cre handicap. Bul no\\' Ihe barrier of ignorar.ce has been broken, thnnks to onc of thc mo,t superh exploits in American journalism in many years. For the first limr in Ihe r~earll' tl'n years o[ Rer! Cllina', pxi,tt'lIl'c. il t'.S. reporler of great experience ;\.- a forl'ign obserl'cr and lI'ilh a hroad hack round in agriculture and other economic fields has ~ained entry to bring u, a report that is at once comprehensil'c in eXtent and massive in detail. The man is John Slrohm. whose pene· trating conclusions and rich documen· tation have bClln made available to Am~rica and the West In a six·part ser· ies hy NEA Service. ~trrpl)' to get into. through and aut of Rerl Chin;] called for courage. in· genuity and high resourcefulness. all of which Strohm displayed. Yet he could have sholl'n thc~p at· tributcs and still rcturned with a Ihin. 5hnllow. narroll'·guage report. The big news Is that his rcporting mo1tched hi~ nerl'e. He has ~il'en us an aSlonishing· Iy full portrait of the Communist Chinese. The picture is one of a teeming na, tion being whipped h)' h.1te of Ameri· ca and countless other ps)'chological pressures into a .jrenzy 01 eflort aimed at industralizing and communizing 650 million people in record time. Strohm, who has twice had Russi~ in long and careful firsthand focus. says Red China's communizing pace far outstrips the Soviet Union's. Edson In Washingt !\'lXON l'EERS Off IKE By PETER f:OSOS SEA • •• I.E \\'ASHINGTO:-/ - (i\F,A) \\'hitc House endorsemenl in h~ for B "gil'e the Den ocr"t, h!Ii" paign. VicePre.lident ~i.xon lahelled a 100 per cent pro·EI!!:ibc Republican. Su.lpicions that Mr. )l;lxon steering B more independent farther to the right than th~ -hal' been cropping up frot:] time. ~ixon's speech ;.t the Hamrd of Business Adminililration rnl.' sl<!rled them. Here he ad,ocl:~ on upper bracket incom~ ta~ ntel imposition of a manufacturm' tax. Both are sacred principle! hig business groups. Org.llled publications pramplly jumped the for supporting such reactionar: ' Nixon's initiai campaign Indanapolis first rai.sed the eleelon of "a radical A.O.A." cans for Democratic Aclion) would mean a flood 0 hills "nationalization of heallh, power, farming and other stitution.s" and the substitution 01 ernment enterprise" for cril'ale pri.;e in prol'iding lor the th people This got translated intQ some language in the statement )Jublican leaders i.;sucd at the House ater a luncheon meeling President and vicc·prc,sidell!. II ed that "socializalioll o[ induslry" follow a Democratic I'ictory. witb one becming pawns f a ~upm 10 the left of New an~ Fair The back·yard blast furnace. produc. til'e of mere droplets of iron by com· parison with grcat mill furnuccs. is the el'er'prcsent symhol of the Communist attempt to gil'c a broad indus· Iri.1 I footing to this \'ast peasant lanri. Sirohm acknowledges that partly as result of this immense labor and partiy a8 a spur to greater effort. the Peiping govrrnment has done much to make ol'er the face of China, clea:Jing it uP. injecting an "honor system" into many money dealings. improl'ing housing and other living conditions. President Eiscnholl'H OISO !ned languoge at his last prm It was attributed to Ihc Ii .., pm That built up the idea thaI ~ixoo now pursuing I cour.se to the the Presldent'5. But the evident truth Is this: Red China's industrial output is still but a trickle when set beside the world's In· dUstrial giants. M09t of its labor is ~till at the primitive lerel. This sl<!tement. howerer, wlI the vice president's dktation er ship. It was based on a draft by the professional staff at GOP quarters . And meantime Red China's popula. tion Is spiraling toward a frightening one billion estimated for the earll' 1980's. The Chinese are already scratching the earth frantically for e,l'ery edible shoot. This text was chall~erl ~ b)' the White House conferee!, dent Eisenhower i~ !aiel to haft number of looks It 11 and 10 hll't gested changes. The task ahead is monumental. And what Strohm's report strikes ),ou with ahove all is that to achieve even this much has cost the Chinese a staggcr· ing and tragic price: their mlnd9 anel their spirts have been tightly har· nessed to the. ruthless purposes of China'i Red dictators, The ill ave stamp Is being branded upon the world's most numerous people. Even more tragic is that the weapon of hate used by Peiping flres them Into B milltant mood which could make them ready to accept a world war that all the rest of the world, including Russia. realizes could be I totnl 'dIsaster for humanity. RAH:-AND SOMETIMES RAW Each weekend the trumpet! blow loud and clear for the heroes of the ·gridlron. When the leaves are color· • HiJ; press conference remark!. . "Ihelr the party polic)' declarallOn ment"-mcaning the (;OP waa 8 lurprise to people who on it. Careful examinationu 01 all lh ! campaign speech te~ts ailo . reveal any evidence that l'<ixon II ing away from El!enho wer go t alone. Nixon is supporling policies on ~banon, Fo\1ll01lo China and the SOl'Iet Union the last word. In fact, Ii"LX ontb ed these policies harder than , dent and Secretary of state unUl they both told him to 10 and answer Democratic critics eign polley IJsueJ, ing it 18 their time to grace \II' legiate pedestal. But let dno misguided. In this daY ac cerl, except the treasurer, must serve with the inflationa!')' cosU without pay. The success of the credit petition of more youDI fo IIIPUI union movment In Nova Scotia IJ I get into college-the real CI lie'. credit to the ability and dedication of , on the campus at IlL hn't the thousands of working people who have voluntllrily directed and promoted at the parental mansion credit unions for the Pllit ~ yean in ICra~ toIether 10m. back cover lib. ehecb Ise'. ~dlnI I!!IJ provine•. :d :R 31, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., I , IDAY, OCTOBER 31; i9SS e,~Klleh'n 9,0<1-"" .... '" 'r'" "~"', g,I:l-NIUOnJ Bum, ... a,~~l:ur.u~j ...... ;, .... , 1 . 11 lo.ol)-EvrnUdr 10.31)-8011.1' 01 my poopl., Radio rogrammes 1I,OC>-Conc.r1 n.11. II,JI)-MUJle Till Mldnlll, \.2,OC>-C10I' Down VOCM f.Jh6X\', OCTOBER HII. 1l,,:I-){ld Olr Sert.ldo .. 011-- Do~I' 8011011., 1 I~ To Loro Ind RDnou, , 1:1~Opor.llon Moon SII,IIII. l.oo-\\'o,d, nnd M",le, 2,l:l-Ntld; School Broad ... 1 2.29-Oomlnlon ObI, Tlmo Sllnll. 2.3:>--'\II,n\lc S<hool Broldel.', 2.1~'l'l1. H,ppy C.n" 3.I:l-K!ndorelrd.n of Iho AI,. 3.31)--Now, Ind Tralll Clnldl MIUn .. UI\--Dny D,umln,. 1,15-Onl h' ~I', 8,3:1-1' "VI. 8,J:I-":e.kl •• 1 CI"b 1,!~New •. 7,1)--5v oruc 7.lI)-N OWl, 1,J:l-Waltr!T<>nl 01 "_"10f1. .,I, us--Now" \.2,00--8I".ln Ro"" 12.I:I-.7ukobc. JI.,bcr .. , "I"ForK"I. RKIIN> \.2,~Fllh'rmID" 1,1:l-8perll,,,1 \.'J~N""o. 7.~~B)'lnel. I.~Ramblilll .,Ub R.eotd.o 2.00-T .. Ind JIDI 7.J()-Topl Today, 7 4l--Do~I. 8"110110, ! I~Rlwhld" ~,jl'-~Iullrll Prolrllm. 6.O~B"l1eun 80m, ',l~portlCIit. II),~O-."'ewl LD • B.21\--Supprr Stronaa. 8,JI)-'l'l1al r •• clnelln, SlOt)', e,4~~ew', 7,a~'l'l1e Inola. Siory. 7.0.5-W •• tl'rtI Jamborf't. e,JI)-Cream nl Ih. Crop, g,4:1-~""'. IOIOl)-Mu,l. lrom Ih. She"" IQ,j(, -£unlldp MtdllallcM. 10.4:1-Sport,c•• 1. 10,~S-NtWIl and TorbJ), Well.lhrr. 11.~CI"b l~ ',~NIWI, 1,00-DoIII" c. PIf.do, &.:>O-P .m, TbealH, 7,OO--No", In • Mlna'" 7.1~lob 93. 1.3O-N ....', . I,OI)-Now. 'a I MIIloI,. !,Ol-The Sell lrom \he 8.!~NI"" UJ • Mlnute. 1:33-ChtckID' 1" 8.1~~futl!!n of ~1tIDd)'. 8.3G-Pe-opie are Funny. 1I.55-!"iewl ami Weather. 8.00--EapIDrln, TOIIIDTt .... D,2O-Spcllllhl 510'l'. 9,»-C1U1'. Clrav'D. IO:OO-Flnal £dIUOD IO,I:l-Ne", Vorke.. la.~n. Nllhl 5lond. \I,OO-Mu.le 'TIll MldAllb~ 1,31-Th. BUI fro", \h, Wan. g.oo--~.w. In • Mlocla. 9,01-Whal'l <;OOkln', 9,03-Nnd. Sofne, g,Joi--SonJ' 01 tho Gotpol. 9,t.5-D05CO Nrw.. Mlnut .. IO,31-WhBI'. Cookln' 1~.J~Who Am 17 1~,4~Th. Bob LewlJ Show, 1l.('lO-NC\~·, tn I MJnulf. Il.OI-Wle with Ih. Lyoll>, 1l.J()-no~our Y..Hlr Partntl. It.I:l-SwUI'. Mon.y M.n, 1c..r~~(,wl In I MlDtltI. r.~I, 12.0o-N~",. IO,OI-'l'l1al Rammer Guy. \I,OO-N.w, In I /OIloul •. \I,OI--5PC,tJ. 12,JI)--New. In • Mln"I •. II,OO--Now. In I MlnaLa. LC II Minute, 12.01-Town and Cnunlt)' Sb"... 12.~lub 49(), FRIDAY, OC"IOBEB 11>1. I.OO-Oplc HeDlt. 2.:JO-Adualaru 0' Blum HoU4a,. S,OO-N'auery SchOllI 1'1mt. t.(I)--Spc,tI, 1,31)-ThI IIllb LtwlI" 5ho", New. and WOIlh" 8,4:1-Hlllllln. ~IW' 'nd Wealher, I,au-Nlld. New. Ind Rpc'lJ, T,~LoClI W"lher, !.I:I-Wbll', Cookln', 1,~Tb. Deb Lew1J Show. 8,JI)-NII~. 1.ln ·Round UI. World Nt .... lad W.. lhl1 1.I!>--Spc,I,· 1,!I)-Whllo'o Cookln e.ol)-~fld. New, on~ WOIlher, !.I~hlppln. Rtport. UI)-Klddlll cmfr, 1.3:l-Nlld, lieu. Wulh", 2.~'l--M.unM 2,1~'l'l1. 8!nn,\I "",,,.11. J,ao-New, ill • Mlnol •. UI-W .. lern JambcToe. 4.r.n-Gen.ral Provlnel.] N...... ',30-~ewl UJ • Mllluta. 4.31-R'nch Pa,t" 4,u~}tlncb Puty. ~.OO--New. t1I I ~nn'Jt •. &.c1-ThO Or,ry WI,.ln. SI\".., '!,OI)-N.... In I MlnuI, and W.. lIolt. l.tr,-Wllll·1 Coo~ln' !,a~DII.Un Soord. !.Io-Nallonll New,. '.I:l-SporlJ . J.U-)htlnn-"Lack, Lf,''': Illnlar Jlax Faikenbul IDt! W1W.m VOUS \I'nlbl. UII--Ho"d, D00II7. FRIDAY, OCTOn:a 1111. U8-Slan 011, NI~0I111 Anll:llD Newl, \I:J()-P'.11""'U Jab Clab P,M, 12: ll)--N"" ID~ W.. lIIlt 12:21)-J'uke Club 12.l~r\IlJd, to PIOlllDajom, 12:4:1-Pop Conrm I:OII--B.hlnd lIIe St0T7 I: I:l-Arlbu, GodJrry 1:3D-'l'l1o COUpla NUl Door U:I-.Ionny 0011" l.l O--C Ity BDIP Ita!. 5.00-B.ra~"'1 ".~ Gr.nr. 5,1O-)1lrblr MOUIl '.OO-RIIl.cb Pany. ~bo,,-"Fr •• llrr SllrrtDI AnD. Cbla.,. an PI.,brali. ' . - l i .... C.. llcldo 7,oo-Gcl:umokt. l.~hlol Smllh, 1,1iO-1I'1,0, lod Sho,I". 9,OO--TII" or 11'.11. Fir", t.J()-The PlolI'" Famll,. 10,DO-WruUI." 11:00--lilllo,"1 )('''' \I,I!)-LoCII s.... !I,a-tll. h~ gel en, "SWAN· UPPING" All Iwans in the Thames Ri I'cr belong to the Queen of England snd two London gulld3 the Vintners and the Dyers,At a centuries·old ceremony called o"·,.,,uTlplng," a new generation . , .... - :. I,\r~n un from the rIver each summer and divided . .... ~ ,u tne ownership of their parents, --CJON-CJOX TV \.2,OI-HCUJIPIIrt7 \.2,3()-Nrw' !lnnNl.p. bIt car • \.2:00-Slnl Ofl Ind N"U",,"I \I,II)--Houltpart7, 1.4~ArI Dlk.r'. NolfboDk. I.DO-N.w, In I Tllnall, I,OI-Whal', Coo~ ID', 1,II3--Tho ~IOI')' o! Jano ~nrJ\IJ~ TOO BIG When Henry Ford built experimental two·cyUnded in a shed In 1896, h~ found had built It too big to through the door, 50 he larged the opening with axe. 8:3()-~ewll w.1!. 1.2.31-TOWll uDd Country Sh .... 1.0I)-1.o<:al .nd National H.. dll \0 " , . . U .l:l-BOlI.ulr\,. \.01-Tawn and CDcntry Sh..... I.OI)-N.,., ill I MlnaLa. LOl--W .. lhtr Fo,,,, .. ~ 1.01-51111 Ofl, LU-New •. I.J~£dllor111 Coll'lm .. L 12,D~N ..... ,. FRIDAY, OC"IOBER 3101. P,M. \.2,~R.mbUn.l I.OO-Wr,l.mlll .. , ~.3o-8upprr &er,nad •. B.OO--New" CJON 11.l:l-N",0, U.J~NIW' 4~NIWI, 1.0000C1.. ltlown 8.2:1-Now,. ~,JII--HlI 01 1110 017· Ul-!lpcrll Cllen~'=' g.oo--Mornl., 0111, g, I~Btt\l' tnd Bol>. 9.3~Mornl.' 0.1" IO,OO--Ntwl, lo.o:l-Wornlnl 0,10. IO,~:l-N""', \I,o~"ko Ilol ~om_ !,oo--C1IC N.... ', Hl--Plal\or P.nd •. !.3D-- FI.h.r1 .. Broldea'i !.4:1-Womln In my HOUII, 8.00- Inttrm.DD ~.::l-rr.,,"m Pre"I, ... !.3~uPpn, Outll. . 8,~nnll)' Morlln SI.p, 0"1, 7,01)-:;."" Ind W,nlher. 7,1:1- RDI'ln. Roperl.r, 4.0<1-11' ..1.",,1, ... 2:5:1-.7",1 EDlarI&In ... ,al a:~portJ P"e J:l5--Ma.rch or F.v.nUil ',3~FI" 51", )11110". 4:00-Bueblll .,1~N.",. !.4:1-Momlnl M.rry 00 _.d. 8.QO--{lenorll Provincial' 1'l."L 1,06--111 ... 10 lor MllliD"., 8,lo-'l'l10 Bob 1.011'1. SboW. g,u--p,odillal Fllh." IO,OO-New, 10 I Mlnult. In,Ol-Martln'. Ulmer, lu.1;>-No Lo\:. for Undl. I.~~N""" Comer, GWYDDI! FOUNDED ORDER England'. King Edward III founded the Most Noble Order of the Garter more than 600 years ago "for the saorning and . Vi rencouraging 0 f M'II I tsry ft,dmto": I tue with honorl, reward. and ud Loa I' " I gory. I • MagIc MIrror FInish keeps Ita new car Iwuc up to three ~ yean without waxing, resists chippini, scratching. fading, St. If' EVln Your Vllw'. N.w. Windshields d II the ~and rear windows curve high Into the roof, wrap further around to the sides. In rJ F"·.'''·:''~··: '~~';: '.~. • .' f"~ !t iii- hew I "j," ; It nm L_~~~"", .... Ul~O\ be£-c of all the , ~ ed~ Vllla.Lolrftgllnterion bring you leila wider this I eofl, I wide cholet 01 color-key.d Interiorl III handsome., hard."..rln, materlala. OIKervation Loung. R.or WIndow ••• III aclwive feature of III Vista All the Finger-TIp Precl· Illn of a jet t:ackpit is YOUrl with Pontiac', new irutru-It.. ment panel. Instruments" are hooded aloog the reulsed panel for extra wet}'. mode1a- Pontiac'. glamorous new t:an· Itpt cl the four-door hard top. ~('lr :ht Enloy Mar. EngIne ~"("~id'nt o! Indu\lry , \lclor;', "';Ib ~n ... ..... ,r pr~~ 1<\ '~ Economy. In both the Strata-Six and VB's you get more efficiency ... big new gains in economy . e thr "Ict thaI !'Iison • ldu PAItISIBNNI! VISTA 4-Do(1f' SP(1f't Sedarr rour~ 10 thr chan~~d 10\1.<' t"OnfertfJ· l~ qid to haff at It and to have rtmarkl hfir ~ rclHation "I :hr GOP I ~ 0 people .... hO • nC't' ,cTf' CrOIl-Country Lusgagl SpaCI . . giVe3 you up to aeven cubic feet more trunk caplcity - and it'l III wcablcl From any angre the '59 Pontiac is adream of acar ... and that goes for flashing performance and marvellous varue as well as the year's best looks All the beauty, all the features, all the luxury you've longed for are yours in one magnificently new car ..• Pontiac for '59. Twenty-six dazzling new models, six great series, •• from the lowest-priced Strato-Chief to the superbly beauti· ful Bonneville. Canada's biggest choice of economical V8'5 , and a new economy Strato-Six are newly refined for greater effid~ncy. There are thr~ fully automatic transmissioll!. Yes ... there's something for everybody and everything for you in Pontiac for '59! Trua-Contour Air-Cooled Brak .. with an increase of up to 27% in brake lining area ~ means you and your family mjoy areater braking lafety. A GENERAL MOTORS VAL US I .. Safety Pow.r SI.erlng' 11 ~!.I the wonder~' youve watted -fOr ... .. enD euler, automatically provides up to 80% of ateering effort, yet driver mam. Important feel of the road. ... ·THE TERRA· NOVA MOTORS, LIMITED NEWFOUNDLAND HOTEL ST. JOHN'S THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 6,____~____________~~____________~~~~~================~----------------~' r1 !, I. I\ I, j' · j, ' : I · ' , , I . ,, , i.-·"FO-oR~T'----H-E LADIES *\ The ... ••• O Personal - Chit-Chat • • Leamon-Cook Wedding PERSONAL ITEMS ARE PRINTED FREE. PHONE OR MAIL THEM TO: "SOCIAL COLUMN, DAILY NEWS". TELEPHONE: 2~11. :Mature Paren CHILDHOOD OUTRAGES C.\~ the same sense ~[ Injury HAUNt OUR ADULT LIVES youn~cr generatlon', ment o[ his property righ',s ...·EDDING ANNIVERSARY he wl11 be attending from by MRS, MURIEL LAWRESCE he [elt [or the older n When ~lr. J. was five l'~ars mistreatment of them" a Ii d best November 3rd.-7th. Mr, " a sled (or Christmas. ago ... Con •--tulatlona ,. I Mc· h old he g0t wilhes are extended to Mr. and Curdy wl11 b~ reprel~nt?a: ~ e Time passed. and he outgrew it. The young oltcn take or lin. Wm. Power, 81 Bond St., Newfoundlan Teac en s· [t was stored bchind some ~runks b~longings without askin. on the fifty·filth anniversary 01 soclatlon at this Conference, in the cellar. mission. [( We reel • their weddlna, which they c~le· Mr, C, Stronll then lIave I One snowy wintcr afternoon their appropriation of bratt on Nevember 2nd. Their very Interesting and Inform a, when h,~ was II years old hc' our only pair of white family and man)' friends wish tlve talk on the Alml and Ob· camc home (rom school to lind! magazine we've laid them man)' more years of jectB of the Home and School his little brother belly·whopping \ O\lt [inishing, the chancel wedded happiness. ASioclatlon from a parent's down the Iront walk on hiS old had a hard time trYir.g point of view. Stresslnll the "ON' THL'" MEETI~G need for co.operatlon between sled. Shock and outrage possess· our parents to rCSplct DII! ... • .. ed him. But wh~n he spU\'.~rcd erty rights, 'lte rea:u\ar monthly meeting parents and teachera, and bear· thcm ollt to his mOlhcr. she was . The. intc~sit)' o[ OUr m. of the Felldian lIome and mg In mind thai tbere were borcd and impatient. InJlIstlce IS alllays the School Association was hcld in lome 1,~Q() children and 52 She soirl, "What nre you mak· ' away. the collell! auditorium on Wed· I teachers in the combined Ing such. a hiSS (or: You',·c ;;ot The more an~ry lie are nestiil)" October 29th, at 8,1~ schools, he said that parent. I'our nCII' sled. \'utl nel'er I"c young Bud dri\'c; oif ' p.m, and tcacher8 hav,e one thing In ihe old one. It's been rusting car, the more lik~l\' it is Ttl, Ipeakcr (or Ihc el'ening eommon-our children. He em· ill Ihe cellar (or years O( lOllrsc we arc fcelin~ the I~!IQ\~ 'fo'U Mr. W, G, Rowc. Assi~lant ph~!izcd that tellchen need [ ~al'c it to Bjll~·. Noll' get oul ragc we [elt as hclnles! Profenor of Education ~t Me· hclp Irom the parentJ In under· 0' my kilch~l1. [ncler hcard 01 ren .whcn anolher rliHere~t Morii! Unil'CJ'sity. ~Ir, Rowe Ilandlnll the children, and the such nonsense." craUon seemeri to rio ' Ell" hil audience some I'cr)' A~soclatlon helpA both parel1~s Yesterday e\'cnin~ ~lr. J.'s, pleased wi'.h possessionl mtere!tin!: information on the and teachers to dlscu!!l their 16,vear'old son took his car "·Ith· thought II'cre Ollr,. forlhcominll conference on cdu· common problems. Ollt asking permission, I w~ can rcduce the calion whieh opens on Nel'cm', Rcp~esentlllg the Regional H~arin;: il start away (rom Ihc I hy tlndcrslandin~ its root. btr' ard. This was followcd by Coun~IL Mrs, C,. Cousens then curh, ~[r. J. said to himself" begin to appreciate Ihe qutJ1ions from the floor, which explained the Amu and the "What's t!lat:" Thcn. realizing i ence betwe~n our rp""",;; ~~ Rowe \'el':\' kindll' answered. ObjeclA of the Regional Coun· what it was, shock and outrage lour dcnendent child a.,d lir. Fred Newhook expressed cil. the chle! 01 which W81 to posscss~d him. When his son reo dependcnt one 10 O'Jr par th,'appredation of the member· promote the,welfare of children turncd with surpli~s he needed Instead of mokin; a big a Ihip in proposing a vote of Ihrough the Home and School to complcte his homcwork, Mr. scene with Bud, ','C can llwlb 10 ~Ir. Rowe. Associatlons by supplylnll Ht· \ ,J. madc a scene (rom which I quiet dcmand that h~ stek The meetlni closed with IUP- erature and pt'O(ramme lug· , ' " ,,' , ' neither have recol·cred. I permission belore taking OIIr per belna: len'ed by lhe HC'Spl· gestions, and by helplna: In The marriage or Eve I y n St. lJohn's, took place on Scp·: who aeled as hrldesma[ds. The I and groom left for Grand Bank' Unknoll'ingl),. all this mor~ing I We can make it rca,onablj' tality Committee. many other way •. She rea:ret. i Marguerite, daught:l' of ~lr, and I tember 1st.. at thc C"theur"1 of Igroom was supportcd by ~Ir.! where t h'e honcvmoon was at hi.~ officc he has been (eeling I much. much more' ted tbat the Assoelatlona had IMrs. James B. Coe l;. ot Ottawa. I St, John the Baptist. I Fred Leaman, ~[r,. Albert Lea· I 1t ~[r nd ~1~s Leaman' T , vice and orten can actu II WEDDING SHOWER not taken advantaa:e of this Ontario, and C)'Til l'.:n·cy Lea.: The bride I\'as attended by man ;IIHI ~[r, Edcnc Burton. spel", ~, , . . " OUD out What's botherm c / f l{ra. Roy Decker, Elizabeth help, and drew attention to the man, Jr" son of ~[l'. and ~!rs. I Mrs. Doris Dall'c, ~!rs. Ruth', ne reception was hcld at are noll' reSiding at 43 Smith t Sometimes the p.~ble~s Avenue. was hoste!.! at a cup Annual MeeUnl of the Coun· Cyril H. Leaman. 34 Gcar St., i Peet and ~liS3 Luc)' Leaman .{ark.Le, a[tcr which the bride Al'enuc Ext.. 5l. John's, out to be remarkably and Nucer ,h()'.\'er at her home ell to be beld on N o v e m b e r - - · • C 100 FOR INSTA!I;CE 01\ Oct. 23 In honor 01 Miss 12th, A Social Hour followed, Shirley Alcock. "'hose marriage when the parents had In opson tells o[ One ca~~ -.Ja,~v 0 0 parents and tcachEr \\'frt po rtunlty of meelln~ the teach. to Yr. Eric Blandford takes d dl I· ,., ' pletely barned ab'JUI "hy plue at Botwood on NOI·. 11tb, ers, an SCUIS nl their prob, tie girl dislikcd ~ch()()1. One llrI. Gerald Hallett opened the lems with them. nll of the A.. h'ld h i ' 1 i Ihc CIS )' Y aOnlltlM ;n The next meetl ". IiIta and !Iii. Jud)' Decker lociation , th t he a h dl I Gun',e IIrJ'..•,n! will be held on Mon. " a s read the acxompan)'ing card.. da)'. November 24th, when an i letter "e" in her name. fl, Gamet were played among I t t ' I I 'I ! ed out that ~hp. "<II !O ""hieb was a demonstration of n erel Ing programme I p an· about the di(flcult)' Iho: i~ the bula hoop by :lin, De<:ker, ned. ' her dread going 10 c:a!.<. A deli co us supper was .erved. THE YOUNG ADULT GROUP ~ Sometimes. howclfI' '.~1 STORK SHOWER The .e<:ond meeUna: of The > ' I ble is much more '" Yound Adult Group" of Gow. I This is usually th~ ca!!, I A \'~' pleasant eVen ng wal • Thomp'sOn explains. "ht:i apent recently when friends er Street United Church was ! child lacks confidence ,athered at the home of Mrs. held on Wednesday, Oct. 21. at i afraid to be away flctll Wm. Gal[ant, Churchill Square 8:1~ In the Memorial Building. paren[.,. Apartments to tender ber a A sbort worship period was Miss Thompson .tork ahower. conducted by Jim Piercey. Fol· that parents use a little )Ilss ~ Roberts and lin. V. lowlnll thll, Jim Plen:ey Intra· ogy by encouragi~g these Rowsell wcre hostesses. Mrs, J. duced tbe special .peeker for dren to make some or t1:tir Colbourne read tbe gift cards the evening, Mr. DenYI Ferry, decisions at home, like ".. hile llis.s 11, Robem opened a well known figure In radio clothes they will wear to the giltJ. and mma here In 51. John's. each day. The confid~!lCt Games were played and I Mr. Ferry lpoke on Ictlng, mg. I gain will soon carry Ol'/f \'ery enjoyable supper ,erved. Ina: and drama In a:enera!. It : their increased abilit,\' to __ wu "ell received by the a:roup; school work. she !ay!. E~G.\GEMEST I an Interelttna: dlscuslion fol· I Another wa~' parent! (I! ~lr. an~ .\lrs. Raymond Snow, [owed. instil! confidence in (,,:r I~O Forest Road. wish to an. At the IBme meetin, thl fol· BY ALICIA HART sters is to give them Ihe . nour.cc the engagement of their [owinll oUlcen were elected: Washington _ (NEAl you'll l sibility o[ perform:nr ' dau~hter ;\Iaureen Helen, to President, Jim Piercey; Vice I hHe t de\'elop the trails o( an I hou.sehold t8sk~. :I.s~ A,':!C John A. Riul, Ion 01 :dr. President, algi BrOOmfield; amatcl?r detectil'c. psycholo1:ist' 50n 5u~g~sl~. "If tneyrl and ~1r5. John Ric!5, Palldena, Seely', • Tre8.lurer, Au d r e y and public relations expert if ed to do thJng~ on t~m California. Mart'h; Program Chairman, your child reacted to his :irst h.ome: they "Iii !I./~\ Jo)'ce Bishop; Membership ria\' in school as if [t sign lied situation that comes a.ool THE TRE~D CONTINUES Chairman, Jeanette GOUlding, th; end o( the world. the same WI~lmlgne!5}O ! l'uring the past two or three This group meets el'ery The application ot these tech. THE CONSt:LH.,'T )'ean th&re has been a deflnlte second Wedncsds)' . evenlne at niques to the art of raising chilo th~t there are ~I' 0 can trend ~r business and pro- Sol!!. Any younll Idul~ twenty· dren sums up the advice of a thmgs tha,t 8 mother ; fe!5ional men to move from four yean old and over Ire National Education .Associatlon help a ,Child orrreome hi! Water Street to the higher cordially Invited to attend. official on how parenls should of [eavlng her, while he levels. The Illest Is Dr. H. ~~,!. The Ba!clllcR of 51, John the sequins and pearls, She corrleo' carnatior.s, corsage was of blue and white' deal with tols who simply hale schoo!. The flr~ Il. for Butt. the well·knoll'n denllsl "OMEN S LIBERAL BBpti~1 wP~ the ,ccne nf a a bouquct of rcd ftlHI whitc baby, The filiwer girl, C~ro\ Ann Carll:1tiolls. She was assisted b>' to go to school. always assure Ihe chl;l~k wbo ba~ practl!~d for elcHI; I AI'S'N MEETING very pretty wedding Sepl~mber roses, i Hillard, 10ok",1 101'['1), in a the groom's mother who wore Elhel Thompson. the associa. "Ill be on hand to, r, )'~s in the SII1'er BlII[dino, ~ On Tuesda.y nlllht, October 1st., with Nupltal ~Ia!s cele· Idainty floor length gown o! a pink and white n~'lon chiffon lion's consultant on elementary at the close o~ eaen !chOCI • 28th th e Execu· brated by Rev, Fr. Wallis, when The matron 0 f honor was, shrimp 1ace with matching . dress WIt. h wh'Ite a.cccssones. ' educallon . declares: "The Idea . t ronnn~eI He hu mored to 293 Hamilton . ' a mee t10 g -, U1 of Th e seeon d Iso,. Avenue, where his new oflice IIl'e of the Woman'. LIberal Veronica, daughter of Mrs. ~rs, June Pearce, sister of the: headdress, She carricd a basket Her corsage was of pink and going to school gil'es some ;'ids a that the schoo~ bell.lI'lilnD. is to be found on the ground Auoclatlon wu held at the Marlon '\\'beeler, St. John's, be· groom, who wore a floor length of carnations and chr),santhe, white carnatioll~. real feeling 01 fright. Helping an end to their dOln gl floor. He plan. to re-open his Laurier Club. 'came the bride of James, son gown of nile green nylon chif· mums, Mr. George Kennedy acted as Ihem ol'ercome it often takes a gelher. For examp,~, practice there on the 4th 01 This meetlnll wu presided of Mr. and M!'1I. Norman BlIIard Ion with. matclling piclure hot. The dillies 01 ?esl m;)n were toast.m.aster, and the toast to gr~"t deal of patience and lime." Th~mp50n ,tell! aooll~hl~ :o.'ovember, over by Mrs, Mark Badcock, of 51. John's, She camed a bourluet of grcen camed Ollt he' 1111!Jam Billard. the brtde was honorcd hy .'Ir. She explains that some kids bo~ II ho lias <lr~a rl '~nt President of the Association, and II'hile carnations. and \\'illiam Whcelcr, Edward John ~Iurph)'. are either too shy or (ri;:hlcned 10 school "I p~e\ and the purpose of the meet. The bride, who was gil'en In The bridesmaid~, Jane Tobin, Billard anti Charles Whceler For hcr going away outfit, the to tell thcir parents why they [r,r;:n shoppln_ q d\ ~E'" METHODS . hride chose a tangerine sheath don't like school. In such C3.\es \\. en mom pr0,I\I~e rh'ds, Xew teaching methods were Ing was to discusl and formu. marriage by her uncle. looked· Dorothy W~rford and Helen were ushers, late plan. for the comln, Win. radiant In a floor length gown Wheeler. all wore malching A reccption was held ;t Bid· i dress with matching dusler and she recommends that mom do a I ~olng to the ~IN' ra lh • : preHnted to Ihe memben 01 of white tulle and lace over floor length gowns of lemon goods (or 110 guests, whcrc the: whitc accessories. Her corsage i liltle qllict .llcuthing by imme'jlll he heamed ,o111e' ho ' t the Newfoundland Home Eco. ter, nomics AS!oclallon, when they nUn with church train. Her nylon chi((on with ~matching bride's mother receil'ed. wear. was of white carnations. I diat~ly consulting the trach~r. ~t~r c a~gel nt. " . met on Tuesday evenlna: for fingertip iell was held In place picture hats. The y carricd ing a na\")' blue sheath drcss i Mr. and ~Irs. Billard are now I ~{jss Thompson cxploins tilat a ;lIt s~ 00. n'o'O"" their Oc1obtr meetini. Homemakin~ by a dainty pillbox headdress of bouquets of lemon and white and white accessories, Her! residing at Kenmount Road, Ileachers can always offer ad·' lati:~:ni~ ~:~pi~'g"lh~ir A report of the Internallonal P ol'ercome da.<;room flars C,!nll't!I 11'.1 ,hen by Mi!!l lielping -tli~1ll IInctrr;I~~d ~. Cllp~lI$Br Oilla Alldel'llon and olh~r club Work .urface. or nrylng Ihev must go 10 'choo!. ' " tsp, salt Icti"itiu, lncllldil1~ the pro. heieht. In kltt'henl make lood 'l'h~mp50n enlpllNlel Ihat I tusp. ~ol'llstarch ~MltImf for thl!' new I M'I Club prl'parallon ell3ler, Ptrhapi a er and dad 'liould 2 ~g~~ ,.\li.. Mfl. alld MIN) ~t the portable carl will help. It can stress the I'aluc Ihat '.' Clip culd milk Silllltorium. were c.lis~us~eu, be a mrxlnli cenler becaUSe ml~. Another good' reelpe lor the Clips hut milk In helping them grD',< u~, MiY Pltricll (ilovann~tll was Illi takes a lower lel'el than verutlle pears. MISS THO~IPSOS galr,eO 1 lsp. pure I'anilla extract jll the chair and hDrleM for the cut tin, vtietablu or washlni BlRD'S NEST PUDDING Insight Inlo the reluctant Wash. pare and core pears, !\'eDlna: wei Min Marie Hop. dlshH. I ripe peers child problem through Place upright In a l'quart cas· ki!ll, dletitlan at the General I tbaps. Bugar experience in teachlc.g.,. serole, Fill centre of each with Heavlly soiled clothe. should HOIPItal. taking her present polillon, 1 tbsp, sugar. Combine remHin· be soaked be/ore they're toned fork Or sUck with a clean white Ing 5ugar. salt and cornstarch in held jobs as holil !rache r In the wll3hlna: machine, If cloth It the end It excellent to a bowl. Beat in egg~ and cold '.W.C. B. " 8. ASSOClAION principal in the Sp\f Tbe tint meeting for the clothes Ire very a:reasy, use IWAb on sauce, Pa., school~. milk, And hot milk and \'allilln 1~ .ealon 0{ the Home and more dptergenl than usual. Later ,h~ 1~II;:ht I~ extract. Pour ol'er pears Hake Parent.. differ on \I'hen BAby al 325 d~grees F, for I', !10tlrS SclIooI Aleociation of PrInce of Household ~monla alto \\,111 Creek ~lJch" ,nrl \rl eM be fed strained m~al. A "'11M CoUelle, HollOll'l)' and help cut the greue, , ~!i~s 'Thompson ~I'n or unl1i A knife Inmled in University 0/ Nebr8~ka ~tudy reo HarTinitDn &hools lI'i5 held In leacliing cxrew llrr :'~. vealA Ihal at six weeks of age centre 01 ctl~lard come,1 oul Most Ruest.. won' I expect cal' tbe Pitt'tI Memori.l Hall on col\e~cs incilldin; Ih' lr.1 clean and pear~ are tender. lar If )'ou're hll1nl A large \'Iul. 1- baby may eat more prepared of ~Iaryland. S~p ',' <II ~er 20th. \\;th Mr. c. Ab. Serl'e warm or cold, Yi~Ir\: 6 let. 50 don't spoil them, A this ",'ay. bott: (President) In the Chair. simple, , ~iles. Ohio. !!lUng menu /lxed In The: merlin, 11'18 well attend. your best style will pleue the Molhcr~ never ~epm to hal'e M and alter I short business average palale. enough hand~ 10 carry young· leuion ~fr.' S. G. McCurdy sters and their variolls needs. A To remol'e Ink sllot, on ,'arpet '~\'~ • brief outline of the work Those breaklna: 1010 the barbe- terry cloth stole with pocke~s to work cornmcill, talcum powdcr Aftcr u,ing an automatic whieb will, be covered durinl CUe let late can make, their Own hold necessities for the wee ones or ult around the (resh stains. her to tint cloIIJln~, the !:ducahon Conference which buUng tool. A longhandled IOlvea this problem, stainin~ of (uture loads by ing washer thoroughly, . Use hot water, \\'ilh a deter~ent or soap and a bleach, Md put Ihr throJl"h i\ fi\,r·l1\,nJlI€ \l'ip? • th~ "';1,h Ila' ~'rl <II ".., to;lth." thin d,aln Will d~mp clolh. Wirr oul thiid Spread .on dough, h;lnnlng at Cull. fln.ly I III'H lid I IMI.,. tJlh after remo\'lng Ihe a tong .dg., roll up I.tly·,oll MAGICII ,'lady, eYen Y••• V. cup N.lly.. h.~~... falhton. 1,I.g ... d. tog.lller 10 rhlng acllon bring. oul all nctil'ator. loll, In -------51ft logllh" ,,"CO, Ih,n Into bawl the but In your ether ~ •. Ih, ...d'" ,h",d., .h .... fo,," a' rl.gl .. ai, PtaCl an un· ;"olld coo~l. ,hili. Cut t ·Inth 2 I. '.IMlffld ,..."" II,y, I ,,"p •• 11 •• ty-ch,p,.d ;n'1l II t' () ,lie .. al",o.1 11I,0u;1I 10 Clnlr, nne Ingredients, Get If ,.". I. ,ncMI"'" ,II,Int.y willi ,cl"O"II" •• och ,lice pa,lly p.",'" II,"" Mo ..... 11 In dry Ingr,dl.nl'l add a. tic .Id •. 10k. t. a hot ov.n, lighler, more delic'/io..u_I_~ CAI.GARY ((,PI - h A 4 It, •• M'III 1e.1.1 ',wder baKed good .... ~~.... ~ •• l!Il1k convoh. brlicl'pd to hf. t e 0150', I ~ 10' 20 ",I.ul ... Ys Itp ... 1i to cross Canadian sOil buy MAGIC and mt. nghlly wll11 a 'or., adding ¥t.ld, let.g. milk, If nlClllary, to make a 1011 The wedding took plac~ at Lush, also of 51. John's. ltoasLq were honored. The honey, Second World .w~rh Swan BakIng Powder. dovgl\. Knead 10 fI(OfK/l an 9,30 a,m" Saturna)'. August 91h" The bride was attended hy moon was sp~nt At Phil3rlelphia way into the oll·rlc. lodayl flomci boord. Roll out to 9at the Basilica of St. John the I Miss Agnes Rubsol1 antI Miss and Nell' York. area TUesda)', carrymf I I~ IKla,gl,. Baptist. of Mary Jane. only I Mary Lush, who actcd as brides· Mr. and Mrs, Lush arc nllw II'<IUiPmenSot for ~~ ~:~~~rs daughter· of 'Mr, and Mrs; Louis maids, The groom was support· season, me Comb"', bacon chill', ."tOnl and Kelly. 13 Hayward Avenuc, St. ed by Mr. Francis Kelly. rcsiding at Gander, where ~fr, j by drilling .nd transport ·yl •.• hlll ..... John's, 10 Robert Lush, son of I The reception was held at Lush i,1 employed with the De· ics ~Irugs:led into the ~ra _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _......_ . . . ._ _ _ _ _ _. . ._ _ _ _I8I1II. .. . , Mrs: Mary and the late James I Bidgood's, where the u6ual partment of Transport. 120 mile. norlhwesl 01 . ·•. • I 'I B,' II or d Wh ee Ier tMe dd' ,'ng O'sters S I I Pro hIems E T S Ive ., ; I' I •! ~. I' ,- I .";1I II Daily Recipe I: I Lush-Kelly Wedding p, , I I ---------Honsehol(J Hin EVERYBODY WILL LOVE TASTY"BClCM\, &eMe4~~! ,.foII, ,.t,. ,hili'" .h,"",,". G I I t Cit Ii Ii DAILY NEWS. sT. JOHN'S. NFLD., FRIDAY, OCTOBE~ 31, '.9~B 7· ------------------------------------------------------------------~!------------------, 01 nole and perhaps indced a; commcndcd high~l' .. The Home ~ next )car. This tholl!:.; tu: F [.'\. . U of Wales . College . . l' R . . , . t AlnClp a s ep or I :ue temperature 1 ~se to /2 degrees 0." th.a.t da)·. ~ or those '~ho uall snll'cred through prevIous sports llaYi, the contrast was deJiglllful. SCOUTS AND GUWr;S c~~~~ p FUl'. ~eeortl }hal Iami School. AssoCiatiun ~las ajso . the guv.crnmcnt pro;:l'am o[ Con·, . Q}[' '\.. rdV, n- . I~IHlwn an lntcr~st In thIs act IV, I federatIOn .~hDlar.ll1ps, we havc I I lty,. a~d has a llallon committce a tolal of twenty uulporl stu'l ...... Istlna. . dcnt!! in our' Gr. Xl classes., 0 1.8 This is Just one of the we)'s Thcse young people earned a \ in whIch our Home and School total of $5,300 among thcm In I PRTNTED P:\ TTERN D I.?' l;~:~~s ab~~~ ~~fl~~~~~o~r;:~iz~I~~~esd ha~:p o~~ ~~~oli~s~~~~·r bo~l~n~~a~~~at~oo~: ~oIJ. th! gOort:: I I .. I Guides. Perhaps the most ilK' in our work. We are oftcn at I ernment lor ils cxceUcnt pro, 'JIj~ . I nlflcant achlcvement 0( the year I 105s to exprcss our gratlltude gram, and to the students for FOR 10W'-11~ . Wit the award of gold cord! to to our many friends. The Ladies their good work. I might say i, Ill!' f\lll A 'wo'rd 01 welcome too. to eel ,uldlrlce projI'lm. Ilrld over circle. Their namellP'1 fhe of our Bcnlor guides. This College Aid Soclety,.!,he Junior here that much o[ the credit DOlL 20" -72" .. ..", ,'f ~Ir Shclbuurnc (Jr. Freckcr. Deputy Minister oC 1 am happy onel lilln to pur on the progrlm. AI might Is Indeed a remarkable achieve· Ladle. Aid, the College Guild, for this program should go to l'rlll(·,pal of Prlnn' ,,[ i Education. and to Mr. Charles thanlc Mia. Guy, the Senior be' expected, luoh results were men\. A Sea Ranger crew was the Old C~leliianl Auociation, Dr. Rowe. It il a fine thin" ·Ie;l'. drlivered at thl" Roberts. t:.C. Superintendant of Mlstr... , Ind Mr. Curnew, the attended by lubstlntial rewards launched but with Mrs. Moody'. thOle who serve on our local that young people from on;' : ~~:"l'h :\ighl lIllll pre;,' Education. Finally. 8 slncere Vlce.Prlnclpal for the vital part In the form of ICholaTlhlpl. The departure for Grand Falll they associations and il'OUp com· two and three room schools all ,,: r'iws II'hi"h look· II'clcomc to all parent! and they play In the work of I potential value of the !Cholar· are left without a skipper. They mltteel for our Guldes and over the Island are I!ettinll the .' I': ..., '1rmorialllulllafl ,frirnrl~ II'ho Rre here with us lehool that hu I!t'own 10 Ilfge Ihlp' won by the prelent gradu· would welcome more recruit5 as SCOUtl, the Klwaru traffic Pa- opportunity to contlnue their : lonight. a.!I .oUI"l. I believe Ihll !Io b. atlnll clm II very little Ihorl well, Misl Temploton Ind Min trol Committee Ind I halt 'of work in the larger .chools. ';IOllr ,\; \b \I:ll'phrr· The srhnol year 1957·58 It Mr, Cumew'l thirtieth yur at of $10,000. Such I fine achieve, Meade give continued good ser' others. lome anonymou5 but all Prince of Walc! College Prince of Wain 1 would like ment nlturally Is a 10urcl! of vice to this work. Other acllvl- obliging. These are the people It doe5 add, however, to our st:llld out as olle of Iiniular here 10 ~ommend him publicly il'ut pleuure to all concerned. ties too numerous to' mention who u!lst In the great task of accomn;odatlonal problems, Ind 'lind rrlnorkoblp acnuemlc suc. for the fine quality Ind con. It .mphulul too the fact that here made this I memorable educatlni your chlldren, emphaSises eve~ more sharply [l',III!,llhIiNI (;11('>1;. rcos. " YC:1r of lustnlnc<l effort slatancy of his work and to con. an ambitloul Ind alfted tludent year lor the 3rd. 51, John's. Then too we are constantly our need for sill! ~ore aCcomI: r(,III~~nll'l! 1'.1' .1 lil!l' ~tDrr of Icachers, and, lI1'alulate him for the relped now hal a splendid opportunity Scouting also had another writing to our friends for can- modatlons. Gr. XII IS a must for 1i.":I'.1 11\ 111111 wilh Dr.: ill' UII c.;pl'clolly giftcd and In, i and regard which he hal en. to help hlmJelf throullh unl'l good )'ear. Scoutmaslers Roy contributions to (Jur Sporlll Day us. We need more gymnasium ,,' 1\·"lr,'11"11I: II i ~ dustl'lDus (;r. XI clas8 brought, gendered In the boy. Who have vel"1llt)'. and Richart! Pike assisled by Fund, our Prize Fund and our spae~,. our science laboratory .,1 '.Irc ..\1.:('1'111'1""" ,,, II; U glllll'rln~ orro)' of academic I beell under hi' ch\lrjje. Mill Eight of our boys and girls ROber. t Pike, David Barrett and ever il'owing Scholarship II!!. faclllties Ire utt.erly inadequate, ,:, \i~'" :I!HI I'l'r'I'lIt;I' rv\\,anl,. Guy by precept Ind example wrote the Gr. X Public Exami· Carl Vincent, once aKa in lIave Thll year I would like to men- we have no chOIr room, no play I', '." \,,'(' \lr!eO;l1c IIi.; ST.\Ffo·ISD conUnuCi to exert I liltinil Ind naUons. Six of lime made an spirited leadership to the 6th. tlon the establishment of I new rooms, not even enough oUlce hi' 11!fil'I:Ji ('::p:lcily . HdMe. I report 0" Ihe pub.: beneficial Influence on the ilrl, averaie of over 90% and all SI. John'! Scout Troop. A num. group of Herder Memorial ,pace. Our needs ar~ co10!8~1 .,', IrprCH'!:lIIlin' in he e~:lmlllatlon8 I should likelof the school. Both Min Guy six received acholanhlps, Their ber of camp!, the opening of a Soholarshlpllo Klnn by the andd the\are Immediate. ~\el ,c'. :11:.1 :iI,,, ;" nil' to commcnt 011 our .taff and and Mr. Cumew would be Quick name. appear on the program. new cobin at the Sugar Loaf, family In memory of the six .nee ~not er lar~e school bULld· ".," ;c,d I "rllll',' IIIrl\1. all)' "hongrs that have taken to join me In layln. that our S I x Commercial riudents hockey, swimmIng, Appie Day, ?oYI who attended Ihe College! Ing b) this coming September ... 1;" .. :01 "' (;,1\l'I'rl0:·~. placc 111 II. )1r. Dyce, games burdens and responsibilities wrote the Publlc Examinations Fath~r and son banquet, elc., In. year~ gon~ by. Those we I Before dOhing this report I ,;,,' I" '!:". :<1;1,' 11111,I('r. ~!I;, Thomas. g)'m mls. would be o\'erwhelmlni were It and all passed. Hilda Rex reo hlghllghted Ihe program of an· thlnk .of to.nlght are Arthur. would like to touch on two' " ,. '", ','. Ii! 1',,·,·,.,,1 lrI"'. \II',. Lnmbert. Gr. X mix,' not for the laet thftt working' celved HonOUN. 1....ienly·four o,ther banner year of 1C0ullng. Douglas, William, Hubert. Ralph. things. First I want to thank. " 1 , .,::i ;1rit'-I,'il'l' rd. "1:,,; teilehrr. ~li~s Pnrson!,iwllh.~! i!. slaff that is well ! student5 . ",.ote the .cho~I'sllo all those who cun.,ribu:e to,and Auguslus Herder. This i~!~!l'. Curli.1 lor the fille work ":,, 1;"1,,,:1> iI:" (.1 \II ~Irl~ tr~cher anll ~lr5. I quallflrd. conscientious, and I Commerclsl. Examinations. \\'Ith i (.he fine \rork of our (Juldes Hnd I but one .of lhe many examples: he contillucs to uo for 1I.~ both· ,I 101 :1"1', 11.' WO ,\1)1:1111 o[ thc commercial are' mO!t cooperative. 1 would like eight l'ecel\'lnl( Honours and th~: Scoul! we e x len d ~Incere 01 the kinllness and generosily: in h i I reiigiou~ education .' ,111':"11)", 10 1111' I'" 11I11~cr II'lth liB. ,Iolnlng our now to pay tribute to them Ind remalnln, &Ixteen I pass dl', thanks. ~f thosf whose regard for and I cuul'ses and ill his wurk ~l lhe <I:ltf fllr Ihe lir~t time are ~Irs. to think them for their fine ploml. MISCk:LLA:oIEOUS Inhresl in our school continues College Residence 1 wpnt al 1:;0 101 nl"lorl :l .\lnorr. commercial ,~lr. Hall, work. Wllh the IIrowth of the Ml!SIC ACTIVITIES unabated through the years. i to thank 'the v~rious Unil::; ,.1'" 101 '1,' linin!,", ~)'I1J. 'il·. Hoylrs. Gr. X bOYH school there has been I cor, , . i. . . ' . Our BOlrd of GOI'erliors con·; Chul'ch and l'resbl'tel'ian Min· .1 , I' I·OI'Ilrrrlll'r. allrl Gr . VII mixed reJpondlnl/ Increale \ n th e.I through 'l\e halt become accuslomed, The lIafhc palrol func\lonetllllnuH to wrestle with the many' t f coming . a'j ong to take I ~II'.' PClllle)' . . the ycars 10 hca g d' ver)' effeclll'ely unde lh 'd I d 15 erial' "III. 'In'!rr"I"r nf I' H~.I. Ik)olllinll the slaff arc dUlles of the ofllce .tlff Thue I I. • l' 00 . r e KUl . an perplexing problems I~' part qllite regularly in Oil .. '1';'."1 I"llinh ill ~ll'. Cramm 'd e·1 repor~ of our muSIC students, lnl with I school o[ thi·' morl1ln~ .""uevo t'IOnR I eXHCHe~ . r; . . ~11's . lIlnrch and dullel ar. ~heerfully ~ an and thl" tl t· 1 hand t I of.' Mr. . GHudson d P and 'i50ciated . , Ii 'IllS 1IIIIyard We wish to thank fecUvely performed b MI s )car 15 110 exccp on. 5 uuen cauCI or on ope. me. I often wonder il we W . t h' .. . .I i : I •.. ,1-" I" lll'i,'lIllIr thoir \\,:10 o~c no longcr with Udell and Mba Badcoc: .. Those taking Trinity College Thi! YCiI' .•'lr. Shel«rov. and I .dually realize what we owe me ~pprecla e t elr I'I5Lts \'cry I .'1 ,.:,1 (".\r~I.'1 nll:1 II~ [nr.lhr. fallh[ul \York th~y PUBLIC 'EXAMINATioNS eu~lnallons have Again. done I Barry Sparkes are responsible 10 thesl people for what thcy uC . . ,: <0\ EIIII[;I:"I1. I did \\'Ilile In ollr mirht. and to On prcvloul Speech Night. vel? well and once agall! In· I for lhls. part of our progam. do for U!. Dr. Roberts and the Finally I want to illY I lew Ilr n,,,'.,' "',1' :I', I r~I('llIl a \I'llI'm wclcome to there have been occasions when dlvldual perform.ers and c~oral . As eler we reJo.lce 1I1 the Ia' members of the Executive words to the Graduating Clnss. De1i~ht I lucky little rlrl witll '. :<n:1 '01:111' .I.:l'''''' IhU'C..\\'hO nrc new to 115 And reportln" on the examination groups from .Prlllc.e of ."aI8s cLlltlc~ that the Prince of Wale!18pend untold hours rliscu8sing You have made a fine showing. this glamorous wardrobe for her ., I' '11-f:r 'f! h" hl'rl' 10 Ihose who ~1'c coming back rClulh was not an u 11 d acqullted . th"mselles ~\ell at Arena has to of!er and again problems and making plans for Those of us who were privlleg·l [avo rite grown,up doll. Fun to .! \ . IllHlld II:;\, In, 10 liS oncc again. I wish to reo pleasure. I am happy to ~:y °t~~t the KIwaniS MuSIC Fesllva!. We thank Mr. Colnr for his even further expansion of an cd to work with you during' mnke of remnants. lncludet, ' .. " lor \1" l'Oll.;ldl'rallllll pOI·t nisil Ihat ~Ir. Button has such I., not tbe case this year ATHLETICS cOllslant. thoughtfulness on our already very large Institution, the past few )'ears fplt that you shirt, slack!, coat, hat. robt, And here We might pallse 10 would do 50. We rejoiCe with skirt, blouse, petticoat, dreu . . ;.1,": ... " II, "\['1' tll1!i:hl I't"'l'ntly occn appointed 8S the Thlrly.clght girls and thlrt·. Whereas our studcnts excell· behalf and the ready coopera· .il,i I:k .. 10 ~:I\' l<'O :,1\1\' (;'.Ii'!;lllce t'oun5cllor for the lix boYI cnrolled lor the exarit. ~iI themselves ac~demlcalI, last lion which the Arena managc· hSl'e I look at the present in you In your success and are :1 I',' ;,,1 "rr Iil:11 Dr. l'.1I1c~" and h3~ alreod)' begun natlonR of whom sixteen I I lear, Inter,Colle.late t pam s ment extends to us always. This terml of what It suggcsts for anxlDU~ to see you continue the Printed Patlern 4&47: For cUm '1 .. ('1 1<'1'.'(111 I; 1\ Ilh II' I a p:lrlial ~lIirlnl1ce program. Mr. ami ten boys received Hon:u~ a drew I com~l.ete blank In alh, year we partlculnrly welcome the fulure. This year we have good work wherever you may grown,up dolls 101.1. 18, 21),·22 ,: II,' "will hr 1:i1;illl! purl BlilIol1 hns bcen atlending Eighteen IIlrll and twenty I, t~tlc ~ompellt~ol1: For Ihe .first our new and very well known 1,525 students in OUt' combined go. We like to think that While inches tall. See pattern for ine hr many ~cars nu. caam- couch ~tr. Howle ~!eeker. I am school! from Kindergarten to: you werc at Prinrc of Wales dl~i~~~~l~~~:~~:~! on each oat , 1':I1l".'cd!I1;' : •. ,1'1' OIL l'oIUl11hi:l Ulill'l'rsity during the boy. recel\'ed puses Over g~~C P:I;t t\\O SlImmel'S In quelt of received I pas.~. ~!~reol'er tvo~s ~ ca:llc to Pr~nce of sure II:e are all happy t.hat our Com.mer~ial.. Of that total 122! you acquircd not only academic tern part. Easier, accurate.' c,n your rntlio elinl i~ :I .\liI .• tcr·.~ ricl(1're jn his chosen 01 the 74 matriculated' a es n 1907·58. As ) ou arc hockcy fllture rcsts In such are In Gr. XI. We have 2 Gr. i knowledge hut also all attitune ~'OL1 find mnny' lI'ork. Sleps nrc bcln!: tnken to the best of mv knowled an~1 I~ no doubt aware, hOll'el'er. ollr, competent hand!. ' I XI classes uf 41 students and i toward life that will reflcctl Send FORTY CENTS lin coins J"I]l'i,lc liS II'llh fncilitlcs for these matrlculanls arc g~O~Y fn I senior fo~tb~11 ,~ca~ enr~cd .~hc' . ~!r .. and ~Irs. DFe .wcre re' onc ~f 40. Of this 1~2. ln~ are crcdlt on your alll1a n':lter. For (stamps cannot bc accepted) for. 11Ia !>!{, items flf m('r· "\lcnSl\'c rOIlI'>L'5 ill Industrial t:nil'crsill'. Helmut HesnC won! ~amlnc 10"1 I.e.c" al,cI so \.~ 1."le :p.n.nslble [or the or~"!l!zaliol] of, nJ:1t:·lculanls. It IS rncollr:lving ~ hctter or 1111' \\'or,c you arc: thiS paltern. Plcase pm.1 plain· ,"own's An. ;\rt~. !lomr Economir~. and an the Jubiiee ScholRrshl' II'llh ! dlahmploll~hIPtro!1hY to prc· ,:1 l.cr.11 :'qe L111h [01' Ihe ~~hool., 10 ,Ice "" milll)' !il'ckil1~ lllillrll'lI' t~.klll~ a pari of us wilh ~·Oll.,I.\· SIZE .. :\'I\~IE, . ADDRESS, I Hnrliu Allctilln Xo\,. ~':\pallrlrrl l'ommrrciHI dil'ision.: mark of 3/10 .P a ac.lt ere t.~nlght ~ttCl' aiL : rim Hlra cRllght Oil. flnU!'lshcd. latlol1 hilt il i, also to he re·: I'.c Irust. Ihol \1 hili )1111 lake STYLE :\'U~lIlEn. I hl' ~drlilioll o[ Ihp;!, long more than hi; ~n~ mar k, Intra·mulal ~pOII.I conllllllvd "nd I~ nil\\, all Hccpled pHrt nl 'memhered Ib'li 40 ,111111";:., arc 11'111 ~IISI'!I1l ) Ilil <II\{I flI;ll:c II> ·tllt al1r\ ,jth. Rt j p.m. ,oll~ht f.1l'ililir" scrves to em,. competitor. Sel'PIl foa \P S I under, tl~c hOIl,.e ~)'sl~111 and H life at 1'.11'.['. The \\'ork done too mRn~' in ~ ~ill~ir (;1'. XI Selltl onlrr tn A:--:~r: AI);\\15.· h ('\·C'llIl1!!.-(tf). phasilc Ihe Ill'~d for s halnnc. ~tlltlcntH made the 'rlet t ~o~ line /rOJ,t, ~I,a~. PI"Og1illll .\la, 11) :llr. and ~Irs. Dyer. and hy cl".'5. I Ier! Ib:lI Ire 'i1Olllrl [I'rl Ihat \\'e ar" Ilot lo1l]()rill~ care of ST . . .JOH~'S .D;\II.Y _______ .. _._____ _. ____. __ .__ ___ .'__ __ Xl l'1.1m;; I in ,aill. . ""II\~ I t~xt 4547 I will arr 1(' ..... 0:1 ~. \" "lin i! t. ~,(' 1";:m~ ~r;f':('-4., " , dfl~~1 ., do .hat ~"hl,,('~"lC'1!U I :ri t . ~ ~_~~~\~ ~~ ~ m"~I~r_ ~I~r ~~lrll~_!~C~I~~~_'_' ~o h_~_~~f~~~I.I~~._(;_'·_ .~:t:.\\'~:E~~Il~t~R~~10~O :.:r~ST SILVER'S· Rogers Cutlery l~ 10 GET YOUR XMAS GIFTS'NOW BIG SAVINGS FOR ALL AT SILVER'S ~dllCt ..: N-;l ",iU nOt ,:~ do'n~ p,~mplt. • BUY TO 26 PIECES OFF Reg 36.50 NOW .......... 19.95 VALUES IN PERFECT BR, ,CELETs 40~ OFF SiAINlESS 24 CUTLERY Reg. 9.95 Now DIAMOND RI NGS Reg, $26.50 NOW Only I gUlrantee4 perfect dllmond can symbolizi your lovi for thl plrf,ct girl Choose I BLUEBIRD far Happiness 3.95 ... ARM CLOCKS 19.95 ROGERS TEASPOONS SPECIAL % Dozen 2.00 ROGERS SUGAR end CREAM WITH TRAY. Reg. 6.50 NOW 3.47 -- liGHTERS 1.00 BLACK ONYX ~iNGS % PRICE AT SILVER'S RADIOS Pc. 6.95 UP NOW PORTABLE BA HERY TRAVEL ALARM CLOCKS Now AND SAVE 'II~C. ~ .~ ;_- ..... r-~,-. - -;","i:::" ...... • ~2S750. --':...:c.;.' , .. ~ .. ~~....... ~.~.;...-, •.,. -, -~,~ '..,j .- 5.. our complete Bluebird display today '.' ,,- :: ALL NAME BRAND WATCHES CUFF LINKS 50 % Buiova, Benrus, Longines, Mercury, Glad· Gold filled and 5t.rling Silver. FROM 1.00 5to~e, Rolex. Elgin, Waltham, Zodiac. Gruen. UP. SAVE UP TO " OTHER DIAMONDS FROM 37.50, 43.50, 50.00 UP. SAPPHIRE ENGAGEMENT RINGS ' FROM UP 1.2.60 CONVENIENT PAYMENTS QF COURSE, TRY SILVER'S FIRST I ROGERS3Pc. TEA SETS Tea Po~ Sugar and Cream, Reg. 35.00 NOW 18.95 SILVER'S JEWEL'LERY LTD. BOX 209 WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS 342 WATER STREET-ST. JOHN'S DIAL 5872 Don't Miss This Opportunity. SHOP SILVER'S TQ.DA Y '. \ lHE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1958 . -""- esley United Chure Golden Jubilee ·, ,. •~ ; I ~i : I , T1tt squl lOIftethln squirrels rang. I: cerned cerned days an I Ll<lrn c thatyol and bu ..... .. ---. ... ... NW ~ ~ .. ... ' AT WESLEY CHURCH HALL during the telebrRtlon~ of the Golden Annh'ersary of the Churrh. TOP I.EFT:-Hls LOTlhhill Bishop :\ll'ndl'n uddl·l's.~cs the gathcl'illl!. brillging' grl'{·tillg~ r the Anglican Chul'ch. TOP RIGHT:-Gcncral view of gutherill~ of 51U !(ucsls. LOWER LEF'f:-Attlll'lIl'Y (;('l1l'l'a! L. R. Curtis hringillg greetings from the (;U\'Cl'lllllcllt of 1'1'\\,[0\111111<11111. .RIGHT:-Reverend Dr. A. S. Butt, Minister of Wesley United Ohurch, and his ramily.-(Terra Nova Pholo Service). 5CE~S I Chairman was :-.Ir. Victor Pitt·, re80urce~, programme, and room to acljoining hall. to par· ; man, who prol'ed an Ideal pre· , under Ihe caption 'The plan o[ tlcipatc. in a musical progrilm,' I advancc' the Pastor ~poke at including songs, ancient amI . 5icllll~ officer, , A ml~ht~' challcnit p~rmrat., length, treating the ~ubjcct in mortcn, II \\'as a delightful end· I en the pthcring from the be,! a mannl'I' that appcaled 10 all in~ to R truly great challenge 'L, l:lIlllinl:. Variou~ 5!leaker~ 5poke I present. One of the most im· o[ dedicatrd workers on behalf Oil the mall)' i~5I1e~ involvcd in: portant item~ on the pro~r.1m. of nCII' Church, whieh it is : the huilrlin~ of the ~hurch,' \\'a~ the presentation o[ thc, hoprd lI'ill he ready for first Tn, _l1nu,1 l'on:rr:,llonal rapidl)' rCi\chin~ completion,' B\ld~et [or 1058·59, which in·' sCI'I'it'e .<omclime in ]l;ovemher. 1"'1::nrr nr )fr111hrr< and An· the prll1l'ipal spcilkcl'.\ ~trcssing rlildell lrilnK anrl con,lructivc! FinRlly I connol forget to men· hurnl' 01 SI. D;lIln', PI'c.,by, tho laille o( Chri.,tiiln EduCR· ~pcrches by the \'Hrion~ spcak·, tion the d(orls o[ ~(iss Barhilra IrOl'r. l'hurch '.r«,' hdrt ;}I Birl· tion. includinj: lI'orship and 011(. cr. of mRny commitll'r,. The: Ro..e, HI the piano, who helped ~ood~. \\'alcrt0l'd BrId~r noad rearh. and a ~cl1crill oullin, of [hscus~ion~ wcre reall), in(crcst· Ito Inil),:r, ill ~rrat IIlCilSllrC, the ron \\'ccln~day rl·cnin;. October. buildin. project. ,ing and the Rudicnrc respunded : cOlleert ~I) enjoyable to all. 12r,d. be,lnmn: at j.~O. Prac· A brIef half hour W3! allolt~(1 in n~ uncertain manner. The: \.' . " , Ilca!!)' P5 r ; of congregation at· to the showing of R "fIlm stancllnl: vote • Jll'ol'ed unan1.1. \ 1tll the SlIlglllg of the :\a· Itndffi. stnp" entitled "Throll,l;h Ihe mnusl)' that all pre,rnt wcre in: tloll:lI Al\thcm, the gathcrlng An excellent turkey rlinner Lookln\: Gla~s". At the end the. a~l'ccment with the Bunget as I dispcrsed ilhout 11 o'clock full was provided b:; the caterers. audience showed their apprecia· prescribcrl by church treasurer" of arimiratioll for Silch R 5ue.· ::.f\'. J A, GoIri5mIth, ~!inl· tlon by continued applause. AIter Benediction was pro· !t~! of !l:~ 01r:h, '.1'25 In at· The bu~incs! of the evening nounce,d hy. the Paslor, the ccs;[1II conr!lIslon of congrega· i l!~d2!:" =; "."HI 1"< C.onpr"l '.1';" thon devoted to general gatherIng relired from dining tionRI dinllcr me~ting, Presbyterian . Con~rc~ati()nal J)inner I •• , , I 1 I'.~ ;,, . ~ I. i I . 92148 FOR ' ¥ RECONSTITUTED * PASTEURIZED HOMOGENIZED * ,. , .' i I L, , I, iI " l.{.:;~1 ' . · I " PHONE ,J. I for MEN ., • Styled Right ! . " JUST ARRIVED W8'Y8 just received a complete stock of smart new. styles. JOHN WHITE SHOES are made with exacting care from top quality leather by one of England's leading shoe manufactur· ers. They're guaranteed to be JUST RIGHT for comfort and satIsfaction. Available In Black, Brown and Tan, Sizes 6 to 11. Syles are priced from S6.95 to S10.50 PAIR • Priced Right ! • Just Right! , .j "., tl TI FRESH MILK C QUART r-DI,AL' 92148-' FOR DAILY HOME -DELIVERIES , ISLAND DAIRIES MONCHY STREET, Ltd. .. 1, , " :t,) , ana Ian AllIUM 1101 Au",",." Bull.... BulJllld Bamat 1I0nui lHOa 1100 mil :14910 1000 Bal7 &xii ZOOO B'" 10111011 I!GO IIuU 1100 Il0l),,, mo II ....... B.lelI.. Bln.ttm BtIIIlm B...... 81 ..... t Slcrol1 "" SldOOl' Bllc:t BI1 1000 Bon\lIIa. 80lIl<04 1IoUI. !tOO 100 1100 1000 mo I DO 1«10 I0Il 1000 1I0Il 12(10 IQJnIu )000 Bralonl. lroal II"' loll 1000 t\oIo II'UM SIOO llnUllman BMlnro1ol I!GO 100 ' " ~-I 'OIl Kltt Fufteoour I I. II 11 12 II 171 lTI -4 310 111m 17 +I 210:1 111'.0 111'.1 -10 1000 :II sa II -1 +l HI til m Itl -5 1It:>O 17 33 37 +4 1100]1 10 10 -: + ~ 6000 171, II II -I a2 31 U Gold Eillt 1 = 30n ~II'.I U -I CdnTb .. 1000 7 1,7-1'.0 10 40 10 GoldWan 11;0 27 18 17 -I C.n.1!:r!.II IJOO 14 U 14 102 III tOO +4 11"1 II !3 Id -I 113 113 IIJ + II Cln.MII C,MtI "" )00 1.1 II Sol -I ~ 10 10 tI Oranduc: lOJ1D 170 It)l 158 .... 1 captaill 7000 II U II t 1 11 IIIi 111'.0 Orqhk 1000 II 11 l! • '" Carl boo !GO 1I 13 71 --.l 17 " III -I 1000 21 20 I;;,. I, C&IIiu rlO UO 1211 W -10 Gllleb II II II -I OllMa' 17l! OIT l!', 17 Cont PII 1100 lot 106 1f18 -4 II,.. 111'.0 111'.0 Oaar,,, "" IlOD 740 m 74n 1.1 1.1 ZI -I Cool Poro WO ZO %11 %0 -I lCOO 7 7 7 +1 1000 I III I + 1'.0 G"Ulim 7 7 1 - 1'.0 Chuklrk Hllmon 5700 II U I:! -I 71'0 m 7\'j CII"I.. 102.! I. II 11 Hard lIook DOD 10.... 10 10 U 1<1 II QIIb Joe I.lOO II II II -I '00 I! t! 15 m m Iii Chlb Il 1100 110 130 III + 10 Hn·Mla HI.... 1100 1m 11 11 - \; m l'Q IT! Chlmo I0Il II 3f 11 H of Lakll I0Il II> I', II' 100 100 300 300 1m 4'" 4I\~-v. ChrOuI 81000 10 II lO Coeh Will I.lOO 2n 24.1 lIT +1 Hudway Hulh 1000· m 71.\ 1'., " ~.I\t<o 430CI 17 11 II .. r II! '211i 11 n'., COlD Lah 1000 11\\ 111'1 13\\ + " 1l01llD Ho,l. 400 m 410 4TI .25 CoIcI.otnD • 11100 " ~ 10 -I Had Bay 1110 IlTIO 17 COIIIbMoI 1000 U 12 ~ Ind Lakl 1000 I I ! + \, COnJI.(u llOO!1 II N ·-1 loaplrllon W611 77 II 11 .:1 C Btllak ... IWl \I 10 I~ - 1'.0 JnL Nlektl au 1&1.. t7 1'1 - l', C Bill 0 IOIJ II II II '!OO U 21 ~ -I C colllDan 1100 111'1 11 41'.0 + '" I.t Rln Irlab COlI IIIO:IM lit :lO --I COoCCd 1000 1 7 , 1"'0 BI1 100 210 210 10 --4 C DelIIICzI 1m 12" Itll 1.11'1 + " J W.II. 1000 11 17 11 -I C DaI "" 1.100 310 UO ~ -I JI)'O E><pl leOO 14 II 14 -I C D\loovllJ 1200"0 J2,l 110 +I JIIU.oo 101300 17 \I\'j 1! +3 C r... ~"~ ~ +I Joburko 11700 ~ Ig''I 20 co Anow 1000 II II II Joliit »00 II 1110 l2 -I C a.U •• U .moo 71 " 74 +I Con U....,. _ SI.I m :no JO.lmllll ~ Il\'j \.I 11 JowlO)' ~ J(I 57 ao -I c Ilubo. 1000 U ~ 10 -I KlnvUl1 1000. I . C MUCIII 1000 41 41 41 -2 Add l271 '1'1'1 171< 17~ COn N wi I 1!80 131" 211'.0 2114 + Il Klrr Kllom "II 1400 1<1 10 III C lIol11i IlOO leo 117 II'! -I lUrk Ilud 1100 1.1 111'1 11\'j - \I C IoIcrr11.. IlOO 11" II II -1 X1rk WA III 1.:1 10 30 C IlCllhtr !DO 11 U tI Labrador 1100 m :III<:lm + 'I ~ N"", 4lOO U U 2J +1 100 101 103 101 +2 C NorIhland 1700 21 -I" LLlkoCln !lUIIIIII 1100 72 71 7 .. C Ptrah 3iel 18\1 141~ II\~ + Lak. UAJ 000 11M 10 Ie C 1I.....rt 1000 II 1!1'.o Il\'j L on! 1000 17 17 17 -I C Sanorm 2000 • 7 7 L Sheri 100 400, 400 4~ -5 Con Sad lOll I~ II II -I LWI£a ~~~! 21:!1 COn.'.oI 100 100 400 400 + 10 Leitch 2100 !:. m IJ3 -2 COp CcrP -1000 :12 , 31 II -l 11000 II I' II -I COp-loIln \1000 IT 17 11 -1'.0 r•• ncourt L.llndlD toOO I l\'j 4'\ Copnnd lllO:l:20 112 112 -I LL LI. 1:>0 113 177 m C.... I" 6300!3 I() !O Illoo 4 4 4 - \; CrI1l,ml 3000 III 210 240 +10 Lom... I.ondo 1300" U 49 -I Crainor 1000 i\'j II~ 911 Lor.do Wli I~ 23 2.\ ~ CrowPIL ~oo 12 1111 111, - \0 I.)ndh,t 1oo;J ~1 ~I 21 CUI., 2000 13 II ]3 L.)Ill. 500 7 7 7 -I Illorlll, mOl 32 21 21 -I Mae,,," 1100 29l 195 295 D'An,01I 9100 37 l~ l.I -2 ~l.cL,04 HOO ;~[1 m 1:0 D. Cour lJ71 33 32 33 +: !-.htlJrn l&~O ~ 21l 35 D.. r Hor. 3000 ],1\ 16 1, 161~ ~!llarUc ,1[, IP i9 pp D'Eldonl !000]2 II 12 ~Ianelltt U ~ooo "/~~ "/~iI 1l:3 - 1h Dtlnltl ;!lOO 11 II I! ~.r"]io :8115 lO 13 27 +l D<lm. 200 1141'.0 141> II" -V. Mlrltlml 12750 124 110 U -I D<lnalda 1100 ']21'1 12 12 Mlnln 000 21 21 21 -2 !lUI'I. 3!OO:J:J:t3 + I MII.I,h ~6Wl 14 :11 11 +l E AIIIphi :J 2l ~I -II'. M.~bt\1n looo II 19 19 Enl SaU 1000 210 :1:2l I -I :deIAlyra II 113 !3!3 EIII Mol ~ 10 10 10 IdcKon 14 &000 25 II II -I EldOJ' 11000 as II II 1.1100 JI ,. II -I El4rldl ~ lO usa,-I loIeWII M'otor 4lOO 14\'j 14 14\'j El 801 100 II" 111'.0 11\\ t \\ M.rrIll .100 lJl lIT U2 +2 Eurekl !OOO:It 14" 11 tl MOIa Uran 100 WI '1'.0 11'.0 T"'" bpi All' 000 II U 1J MltIrIIn 1100 t3 10 to FII... I 110 1214 M 214 t \4 NIIliko. 114.11 ~IO 141 110 tl '"r&dl1 1100 110 101 101 -I MlIId. !lOO 1 7 7 -I MID C"" UO 11314 1114 1114 + 'aro wta 5QO rr " " tI MID·Ora 44112 II 17 17.... T, II 14" 11" 1>11 Wrilhi 1100 ~ 13 II MulU-M 1000 ~ 13 a2 Naml Cr I.lOO 171'.0 11" 11\\ - t; Nil Elpi 1100 • • '-1 N. Lab IlOO 10 • to +" N.... A~.. 1000 I Ii'.I Ii'.I -I N..... 10111 1012 11 II II +I SO" BI<! I0Il I" !" !" - .... s." cal 6000 21 II :II +2 .... s." DoUIl !OOO ,. "21 S OOI<!VUI 1000 11'.0 !I'.o I~ N HmI lOll II I! I! +1 N", Hoo~ &tOlD 117 149 I~O ~ N", J . - 4I0Il IDIi 10 10 - '. :'I Koloro 1000 7 IV.. II> - I> ~1W1\lDcs. ~ M 3":' lA T l N MI. 1I0Il 11 )8 li -2 N III1laml IUQO ... II 17 -I s." 1I011l1 1000 • I I + V.. S llaator 15:x1 I • e Sloltl MI IT! 10 10 I<J .. 4 Slckl\lm TIl 107 101 IDl -I SIPIalIDl 2350 220 117 III Nor-Atml :000. 15 U l~ Norandl 1141 11140 a:tli !.,~ + .... 1000 7 1 1 I l>orrel4 10400 U 17 )8 +1 I'Scrllrtie licrmalal 1110 III ~ aao , Sorpu rw 24 ~ 13 -I 10lIO 10 tit 1\\ ~ n21 U ~ 41 .. 1 :. 1I"k 1-'· -- 11' 11' -I -, ~ ,~~. NortllJp 1914 211 211 -4 :'Iortl\ CIlI 11500 III UI 10 +1 Sorv"U" ml.I'.I 11 II -I Q'Brl.n alOO 60 II 60 +3 O'L.. .,. IIOC II .. 17 IT _. Oplm lUO I!O 160 IU 01 n" 1J \I 1J II II 17 17 17 1\, 11'.0 81'.0 174 I~ III II II II 10 .. TO !!O 11 II tm 111'.0 111'.0 +~ m I -I ":" \I Frollllllor '" W lIaII.d mlO II 11 IT - ... 0..., MInH camp QIIb UOO I'll 130 110 -10 0.. 1,1.. Cdn Allortl 2600 11'.0 1M 1"-1 OIanl YII CD7I\o 521 1<1 1<1 1<1 Gl.olor C Idolarl ~ II 75 77 -I 01·'· lJ CN liD'll II sa :II -.ow 001411a C4a NW 6lO:I II U 41 +I 0..... 100 1000 rr~ II" ;t: " 1M squ"rtl saves a part of hil earnlngl, He has that lang con· con· holl. moo Learn CI leuon from the squirrel. Save now so that you may hay I later, ~tart a lavlngs account oM build It In the NIWFOUNDLAND SAVINGS BANK, ".01 4. I ;,... I GOOO;JYE4R TIRES I I A BEAUTIFUL GOODYEAR MINIATURE I TIRE ASHTRAY I -ciOidi.n = I I I! I I ;~o:~~ u:: ~~~ 3i~ I :g~:C;~b ;,~~ ~~ .~: I ~·M~~.nl ~~ ~ I 1:~~,~ll 1: 1~ l~ I I THIS WONDERFUL OFFER COMES WITH I I EVERY PURCHASE OF 2 CUSTOM. : P~rron .. : Que Uth I Qwutcn Quem... \ I Rldlnrl i SUBURBANITE SNOW TIRES SIZE 670·1 S, 750-14. THIS OFFER LIMITED TIME ONLY-TILL END OF NOVEMBER ,;~\\h~ .~:I ,I"- " " ] '-" ~,(J'~ "'~ ," I '. ,? ~ ;;J$-'~ /, ,f," ""'1!~ ~,~~r~ : ! I, :'. \ ,<;. ,;,~ I :..~,' i• \ , \:.,. '. -, .,........ \ .,-:.,r'" , h'~\:;I~ "I ~ \, I, . ~ ~ ,~. , .,~" "-I-~' ........-'.,,.. /' Ltd. .' 2100 21 100 m 1021 m 117 130 7 -~ - \0 7 IfI8+ I 23 +I m 12.1 + 2 II 1\ -I 27)7 11l 3~ ' AVAILABLE AT YOUR NEAREST 'If ,r U-I... III lI! m" Il :uI!O 11 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS 0""''' II, !-1I'l il i9 43 15 I 5 740 T4~ I 6 50 50 .. -13\· ~ > 131', 17'. 17', 1: 1 -I 18~ + 5 +~ ~ II .11 .. I T ' +J "" - \'... - '" tHE NFLD, GREA WUUA> 8TE ~MSHIPS LTD, ° M,V, nrJ~ 2'" ~WIO H Perth Joadlnll at 11 am, !! I ----------New Yor k I, ",.! 'I I 5till'lrcll I "tuv J\ SlIlIl"O Sunllunl Surllnlol sllvanltl Tlurcanll 1TAU'''. -I 'T " U tC,..·n Tf'm.' "'I I "'I I I \'1 I 113,. To" :; . . . 12 ~40 I I !,!!e el I 6'' ' 1~, la :1', '11~E~ .____ .. ____ -2 -I -1 -1\; - II - I'> + -4 -w.. +1 +1" + tl -I -I +1 + ~ -.,... -I ~9 IP ~9 <I I'. I" 1" --4 I \)Q ~ 185 ]7~ 18~ "'l' &Ii f,~ fi! -3 ~ll, ~l'; 2l', +1'.1 1'; 17 1i -1 19 31 I~ l~ :8 30 '3l 713 71l -20 12 H Il .. I II II !l -2 129 ~I'i 19 .. \\ &1 \lU", 1,>:)00 I' 1;;~+1 1:1 18 3 101 13 28 I;,'J 14 -1 100 111" 11" II" ~oo 47 .. '" -1 2:13 18 I II ~~NI -s 1:1 \.i:;f!') 'C \""l.rl -1 i; I~" 11'1 -1 ~~ 3i liS l~ 'I C H~li\\,'1 2j1~ ,(,eld f.a/illt \~~!1:, ~~~'''-l :'~~,\I;;~ liS ~1~1,1 TTlr.J RH 100('\ Trlbl' IWl Tnn Chlb 8C>CO \J Alhfltos ~7n t'nfort mon Upp CIlI ROO "er.tur.. III t'l ,<;h:1'.',,11 ~ '~"i.!< ,ill . "a ,;u;'-" \' t flO" ,.' sr,L rr J~ ~SI H ~~w~ ~Ifi:, ~'~ •l -·1 ~I 1\ ~7 -t "~"';,~~ ~~ ~II l': lor" 11 1\ ,11.1: F,', ,~,-;~ ~J;". C,;;I, ~ i T~\I- ;!~:. 1)",': 1'1 \, 1• :'"... !'~,' 0·1 I ~I i' I·, : ~Im;'.(,,\\ 1 !'oi,.., 1 ( ... n Trl~lrl ll~,GJ~"sk~lh Oil ';1,,1 ~~.I~,,:t~;I\\. !,t ::~~."i~ \\'('hb rinf1 __ l, 1111 II I'"" -, .~, It, ~j.l .;T~, .~If' .. " 4:,; ~", J~,-, ~7j 1 ~~i' .~! I ~':. 12~ 1(;:~''=·\~1.\~\~.:~ \h;'I":1 ',\n" l'l!lr ,lot ,f11 C~n [) Hit MOSlRF.A1. CW<I\'(; ,10rK' Abillbi 3GI,,, Fr~"rr 30 . I,. : rf'1111 ,., .. 1 n,C \l;l~ :lj Zli' :l:~ ~I;~\. J~"I "", 4:.'.1-'1 ::. 'I I', ,', ~-,'~ " .••• -- ','. ! ~l~;~;,r;, ; r;1) ,n~'\'I(,1l "',,,n, ~r"n~' ' '\ • ~11 ,; \11"'01 ':;.Il'~ .~,~, I"~I 7~' .. ~~'r" !~l~:;~:,1 R R 1~', ~ '. ',: 1":' h·.·~ - I t.o.\ I ;_,' ,) .... 7~"4 11">' ;I\;~~~: .~·II-:' I',';J JI~" l.;l.) -)-'.: - ~Il~ 21 2Q iI" .r..lr,~ ~O\'. :l .1nd G(',-.[OI1 Botl)(1 \("1\' ~ ,'- . 6. ~nl j • . 11\'cq'H)nl • , ~'m';t 'I ~r'~ :'\11\'. Halifa\ ~ov, 11. UflP SI, .John's ~U\·. l:l, S~itil1~ ~;.!;ijn ~amt;' day l. '~fol' ,', . "4 ,!"I 7"'~ 7~11 ,.; I!,., _ 1 . ,~lt~:::~1 A~,': .. I. ~.I~I" II i I,\I~ , f'~'i!lll~n i -;.. :':'~"" ~I,j,~ ~ ~~'_ ~~",'~' I" flit ,~rh":~' Il . -'~ : 1'11,1:,' ',11" '1 PI t .- til., -,/.'} lra\"ll1~ S('nl:;l LJ'st. p'lol :'\0\', H, dill" St, ll('thn''S No .... ,~~: ~~;'~ 14, Lea\ for H~]lr;p~ ~nd ." Ii'~ t'~. -- ' ... Boston SIl\-', 1.1. rille H;dd;,x ~'~:: ,~~'a ,~~I~:: ~: '~n\'. 17 ;\nn Ro"lon ~()\', '1.0. ~~-.. 4~;"'::· ~~;I :'.~ I I..ra\'in~ n()~I()n No\,. 21 ~nd IH ~ 2~ d SI J h ' .X'-'· . ~:~ g~i~~~~~~1 2~ ~~'l ~~3 ~~"I-=-~~'I~t'~~,li'~;~~J1!2;~~I! ~~~':'4~ .': illt! .'. rr - • a I ax ~ o\'. \, " Uf... :t·~ ~~~!~ri·O\'>f27.[~ailinIit1 '51;1in 0 n § Ilml! Calell1 B zl;) SjO ~o i.J Stll Oll.:'" 2:;'11, ;". 5 ~)_.J ..... ~,,' Jy or .trerp{)(l. CP'per l6lS mr. 3i\1 31'1 5',d Oil ~,I 9;1") 1'+0 ~o ~h>. I '" f I II "IO,'I'I·n" LI·I'"r. Con Gu 600 III 33 31 I!. Stud> Ick 4100 1m 13'., 13'. I _'CII' 01 n( Oil" " • c :~~",,7 ~'I l::Ps~~ Dom En, ICO 119'\ 19'. 19% -;.: T,ul Co 3600 601\ 101, W, + I, 'pool 1':0\' 2~, nue St. John'~ Dom 011,10111 50 IlI\'a 41\. 4N _~. Tn Salph !l100 :IlII 21 ll!. - I> ", ::I~\.lClt B (11'0 :~: ~:r, n Ford _\ m $10,\, 1031, 1:31'> + Ii TId. Wat.. 1100 14 .. 24\1 m Dec, 2, LeaVing for Halifall Brull 11.\ Mill.}'" ill For Pow 110 lOO 400 400 Tlmkon 1100 :/\, llVo 24" and osLon Dec l! dUI Halifax ' H y d r o SI. 201 111\; Il'. 13'< Tw.nl C 2000 12" 111'0 2m - " - , BId, Procl MeCo,1 1m I..owony 50 I~ 18' 21 n _ ~I UoC arb :uoo 11m IIIh III + .. Dec, 5 and B05ton Dec, 8, Ltav· ~l:~.nt as! II ~~:;inC:: m. M.lcbm 1:5 $i I t Ultl Air l400 31 '" 3211 321'1 +"\ inil Boston Dec II and HIUfu UII. A!.I,h", pr 300 II! ;e II Uld Corp iOO IIi I I - ~ , ~:.:;~ 401'.1 ~~;'POW )4\i Moon lOll 13 82 82\, _ 'h Dec, 13, due St, John'. Dec, C link CO" ~l' Roy.1 Blnk 731\ MR DaIrln .30 171\ ;" m 15, Salllni aaain IIDII da, fOI Cdn lu" 1m ROI.Uto IW. Wid Uil,t I!.I 1m. 49 4!\, t ~ Liverpool Ii L 16\\ P,ton 7rr 710 J::l ,21 ,1 -II> Ilo,k 511.. Bl,b Low ct, .. CII',. ' ~ ~~!:o PI' 11 ... 1i~.wl~O... 01' Pram Slit! 170 (;1 17! m tl An.",n :llQO Il-IE .," N Si:~'l I vin LI ol CPJ\ Still r; Qu. PhoD. 115 mv. m. 2.3\\ , BIll Ph,n. 100 42" m. 42'. _ % ova ... a ea II verpo Cod,ab.tt ~~ Un SIIOI WI Q Pho., no 1189 6l 60 63 ,q I Br.,U llilil 61> 6', '" Dec_ 12, due st. John', Dec, S'IIUml 13 Walkn 32 Q I'b.n, 1'"-' 'II'..... 10,. 10\, - ... : BA OU llOO 411\ 411. - \it 18 Leal'ing for Halifax and D Bnd,. :.!Q'" CAN.'OIAS Rt'ltrnanl Ii'S '21 20:!1 Dr Am Tb 100 1 ; 'j -i·le . llom Tar II Coni Pap 31'. SI ~laur1c. :5"" Ilo 120 I~O -I Buo~ II ,; 8vv Ill. '1I, 13', - ., ,Boston DeC, 19, due HalifUl rouDdlUO. 13 1, Ford ICO III H U Burry Hli 1JO I', ~" S', I D '21 d B t D 103', _'hop Sa.. _ __ _ Sc 1'0.. 'pr 1,\ $1,s; I':': 116 .1 C,n SOO (200 J :_11 3 !'I, 3 l.fb -1.16· ec_ an os on ec, 24 , St 1'.)'1111 Zl \1]:, +3'. Can .It11l lliXI • 1·16 5 13\1 ! 1,,1. -I. I Leaving Bo>ton Drc, 27 and T t'ln !\ 1,3 """, 40'. 40>. - \. Cn Mar. 1100 J 3 J I H Ilf D 31 d St J h ' T FIn! !.I IlO'; .oil 1lIV. +.. Ch ...h", ';0 103'; 9" 10, + 1 a ax ec, , u, ,on I TI"n, C'n 8)" m II IS Cun ~I 5 800. :6. 2!'i 221\ .. If. .1 Jan, 2, Sailing again same daS1.1'I 'f01l1l CLOSING IWCIt~ ~ I I 0 ' .'L T ranlFi ".Ylt ;,.:.13. 11111 11 11:. +;; Cau f' l.,~.~.o ~nl .. fi;:rJ~ ;r ",,' ',. for LII'erpool, Ihlh Sletl ~114 MODI)' W 3" ... ('n Gi'S I \Sf) Hili l~b [lr"'Pill 6-:W 15.16 ll, l Borl 'WImer 3]1, NY Cf'1'Il' . ~ \\"Itprmln toO 1.',3 4 .5'. ~~4 Du}';,. Po.... TOO 4j'\ 4~ -4fi -1L.i: r and 0 to! Rldln 39 ' 1 msn 1:1 Hond 2000 3G', ,. Fl'R1'I'l::SS III::D CROSS cenl EdaM 5. lild OU ~.T U'i ~ AI.cnpt 2MOO 35 ]n )5 ... , F(!rrj ,\ ~~I'I 1[16-1. 1~L., Hl,lj~, T.l Auto!J l.'1 nd Alrrnll Jl .. , Arlin 1(100 I', r, .', Ford Lid 20M 5 lJ," I ' . " • • 1.11 S,:;, Vort :halnn I~H;n, 0", l:le' "" \'~"diam l!~' Billey SA 200 PIO 1;0 9'0 .20' Ford B 11 III I'l III -4', York ~ol'emh~r 51h.. SainI ~ .. r ~'I 1\"ln,.. I" 8.k" TAlc 1000 21 ~o 20 _I GldJld )W) 1'1 I I -1,1;' Gt Nor 111 41 B.I.m.. 11000 29 :8:. HollIlI"r ~ 19 lO-, ~9 _" .John, N,B, 1\ol'ember 81h, Inl T T !31O R.U"h.. 2.)(111 12 .1 l~ +1 HumbJ. 100 71>'1 ;0', 10', • " : Halifax KOl'ember 11th. Irriv K.n ... oll ~" Roon",'I. 2Q()l 21 1Q 11 Imp Od 100 ll.. 4) 1.1 - I. ' C.I Ed lOO 17 25" ~" _ Ii Int P." 100 lSi\\ 1I1,~:" i ing St. Johll's NOI'ember 13th_ C.lamet lOll ~\, I', 5\, -I Jupll., 1100 1 H~ 2 1-162 ] ' 1 6 1I sailing November 1~th far Hall Como Chlb tOO 1M ~O I!O _:0 L Shore 61<1 4', I', 1'0 f d N 'Y k . Bank Mont Blnk.~S 52 ~ Hud BJI,)' Min Imp Bank ~7 111\ 17 +... 4\', g Amerlcan " 'I I ,It. New York Rates Regular Sailing!. Experienced Arriving 23rd, (subject to change without notice) AGENTS - 'PHONE 2031·2·3 .; ..'.' .;'; ,.,~q, 13', :~,.,-~ll~·f~I·Ji\t~'I'''r,~~'~ ~~~lT"~ ~!~ .. '• .I,~_; ·1,.~;,:~II':':(;~::' Montreal AA,bbltel~~, l,'~') IF. .. I 1~ •. -.1 II cn" I I I Through Service and yia I C,N,R" C,P,R" and C,S,L. Insured BiIII of Lading. I Cargo Handling. I SUN SHIP SCHEDULE Sailing I St, John's Nov. 4th, Nov. 8th, 5,S, "SUNPRINCE" I 5,5, Noy, 19th. Nay, "5UNPRINCE" I FOR FREIGHT BOOKINGS CONTRACT I Murray Agencies '& Transport Co., Ltd, I Thom L Tnmblll ;':'h >-' -1 ... ~ 10 II I 101 61 !!" -_ '.',; I li 2~0 I ~ M'ri,rrd .'SI HI'l HPi II -.1·.1 011\,"'( ~, : OHl'lnr 1""" - \..; .'m Lfr:,'C' ",0 III I 1150 IIlOIl lOOO m "00 ]000 ~IO ..... 15~ 110ft I"'" nom"......" ="'\,. Ill'. !l ~ 2,.) Hil 1~ 1~6 zz. 'J ~~ 3,~ 20 I ,,-!;.- w.. I U 3: woo I I GOODliEAR 1.1 • • - - --- - -,- - • ~------------------DEALER, D<lL..n 1000 12 Falcon (~ '18'Ii Fino 7000 l Faltml 3I&lO 100 (laId Au 16000 II Gal Per Ur '000 I Gaonar r."II 100 7\0 HalUID 11100 6 H,.d",a, 1000 51) 1101'.1",.. 715 1'.(\ " ~ ~ 1"1 " c.rlmel 1000 I'• KmAdd m 11m IIOSTnEAL CLOSL~O STOCKS II, Tb. eIDldl .. Pr... Moolr .. 1 BIOtl Enh.nrt-Oct. )0 IQuttllona I. COlltl 001", mlrktd I, .-Od4 101, Id _ E,-dITld •• d, Ir-E,. .. t I. ) r II hi .,IW-..,I·,urrID 81' 0'1 uo . . L PI Cb' ee. ow '" + l.I DNI I!I Set +:0 Abitibi too Ill .. 361.; lW" + \l 7 lOB 21 Montreal ) Montrea ' I -I _.I, Reupar 1000 U 4! 48 RIc Rap 1&33 11M 10 10 HII AtlI._ uoo 17 ~I ~ Rueh. 10.\00 11 II 1& Rockwin 7I0Il ,9 36 17 Row.n COOl 2034 II I! II 51 M10hili 3000 6,., II> Sao AnI 1187 019 41 oIi Sand RI. 7000 17 II 71 S.IIIUl0 175.;" 41 Shlnill ll! 450 4<0 410 Sl,m. 100.0 ~ 40 SU MWar 10m .. 1<1 10 SllSlan~ 100)0 17 17 17 SI • ..,. 2;0, 67 Ii 17 5100ln va 1111 to Ii 20 51d"nl IlOI II 11 13 Sllol.llb mo 101 1114, 104 Stlnlsh II1.a 1:120 ~ Ii Ii GOODnEAR --mi. CllrIl 11<11010 PltO i3 1 I Pleoic: Crow 3I(on P(\ ~i I Pitch Or. ~~).'o 11,1'.' 1'"" ,PII"r IG' Pew RmI ,\{\\j J~ ]$1 I Pr Bord l~;.n(I 12 11 , :if,fJ ~4n ~4n I rUl'ln, • QIIJ Aloct ~NIZED 1000 III Ill) » -----------,- IZED 6000 7 1400 110 )1(51) 24 ~ ltl _II l 71'0 - - - - - --_ ... ' - 1%110 Ol~~ 15 II ~f::m~U A IU~ ~" ;~\'j -..-~: ~~~~~o ~,~ ~i; ~~ Ion Oct. 31, Toronto Nov. 1, for Acmo Gil 1000 10\, ZM~ 10lr1 Alumln 701 S13~' Jl~4 321.:' _... Mt-nill 30600 1:0 1:!'J Dl -~ Botwood and St. John'l. AJa< !OO 61 61 /oJ -1 Alam 2 pr co S(IS-. 451', .\I', MI~ Chlb ZQ<)) 50 4! -1" 't.V, London loading at Mon' AP COlli 1500 3.1 ll)1 ArlUl ;60 mI. 2: 27 _ '. Molyb llIolO 80 iii ~ " " . , I Am Wu. 12000 II \7'1 t.1.\ + \; ArJUI S21l1 pr 2) $GIl 60 60 Monpro ;0 15 I! II -~ trcal Nov, 3 for 51. John 5, An.hor e:0Il 20 l8:n Alb.. t" ll~ 1lJ'1 31 33.,.', 11I",I,"ry 7100 &3 l iii e: -I 'I,V, Lunan loadlnll at Tor. AIIIl'IUI 1400 1il 185 173 fa Atl .. Steel ijO .24\. l3a~ ~"I" ... I , ~ Formaque lJ'JO !:i .'.! 6!'~ fjl,l ~l BallI)' S A 1!0 17! 971 171 -II !lank Monl Wl!Jl 11~,:'2 :'I lI"m, 2000 11,\ 153 I!I onto Oct. 30, HRmil\on Oct. 31 Bill., S Pr 7011 III II II -1 Hlnk N S III "I SI SR • '; N 5ln\itt,o 1000 I', l\, 5', - \, and 'lontre'I Nov, 3 for St Bill SH. pr 1.30 U!1,i n l , 12~~ Ranquf! 'P C 5<1 ""3"', 3~:~ 331; _ l, S Sprln. OCO , '7 n p CIIEd II.! $27 l6\, 21" - \; Rell Phon, 160 1111'1 Il~ IP. _!, :'I \'tAny 1000 I ,~ l 'I', John-s, C O~ lA, )00 210 210 210 RowltCp I Pr !.I III 4l I! ~W Amull 91000 lR ~ 2R A d J dln~ al C O~ L wit 300 tl M t1 +2 Ro,,"tor 11'.0 31 119 40 19 +" ~O<"" 1000 R'. I', t l , - " ~I.V, r garry oa • CS P'\I 100 Il r;1 3!.1 -10 B"","I" 191 '~.. l', I', I"A lIaro M '11>1 II ;,-, ;) -,10 I Toronto Nov, 5, Hamilton l\'01', Cdn .\U OU 100 l'Q 110 llll -10 Bruil Illl 16'. !'.I 1\. - \, :\orlh'l' :no m 2:9 m .'", 6 for St, John'5, C ehleltn 1700 IJ7 III Il7 "'1 BA OU I!BI 140\, 40', 40:. Oballk! lO" II II II • Cdn DIV 1100 19! 1M lM -I BCE 4pr ,I Ii!\, n'> ne; Orch.n 10;00 126 III 1~ -, A Vessel loading It Montrea: C EI Gu 1100 141 14<1 110 BCE I',pr 160 191 PI 91 P.T1rl d l' lOOO :'.l 2S Nov, 11 for 51. John'-, C HIVI Cr 1000 10 30 l<l - \ BeE I'lpr ,10 143 I.] 13 I PltO 500 310 JIO 110 t!.l .• C Homutd 2991 2tl1 ~ 200 -T BeE ~pr 1~ .. 914 n~" 49l..~ - l.~! M.V. Lunan loading at Tor CHulky 2181 1141> 14.. 141\ Be foml 615 "3'\ 13" Il'. + I 14 H ilt C Hukr "II 610 U.I 110 W +I~ Be POWtr .27 SID 19', 39" _ " ,onto sbout Nov_ , a m 011 Cdn WO !all 1111 21.1 W -I Be Phon. 100 lav.. 41h I]', - " I b t No" l ' f~ 5t John's Cont 0.1 21611 120 110 120 Brown mo IIl'l 12 I, SEIHOT\II CLO~I~G ~10r1l8 a 0U ., oJ u" ' • Chlllor Oil 100 1M III III -4 CII 1'"", ~ 1731'.1 71\'j 711.\ _ v, !y TIl. A... ,I.I.d Pm. r,t,V, Perth loadlnll at Tor· C MI. MI. lO 11<1 170 )!lI -It Cln Com Id 0; III 3~'. 3.1 S ... York 5t.rk ["1,,.,.-Orl. Ie. I onlo about Nov, 18 HamLlton Can P.ak' !GO l\'j !',,, + \0 ell c.", Pr 11m 118 .. 111< :11.1 + v, ,,041 1.1, ,d-E,-ollnd.n!, '1 e WfII Pelt 1020!O! 100 100 +11 C1 Find... IlO 115 J! l.I rIJM ..... -E l-w.,flot,,1 about Nov_ 19, and Mantrea Crto .11 ltoo ITl II! IN +1 CSL Il5 SI01.\ 40 40,., + ~ n'rb L.w ~ ... cf.,',t about Nov, Z2 for St,' John'l, , Dov,Pal 6100 III 110 1!5 +I C Blftk com J55 Sl, 51'1 14'> Slark a.I •• ~ ,,0 T D<lm. Polo 100 ,1m 111~ 111\ - ", C Brew 110 1311 3l', ~" + '" ~Cf Ind 1900 41i'>_ ':" '0 ~I.V, Dundee l'oadlng at or' !lUvu 23150 II 1(1'.1 11 C Bron" us W", ,! 11.. All."IIIl' 15100 .~," •. ,~,~ ~.p,u _-!~ orito Nov, 21 Hamiltoll Nov, FUla 300 610 !O! 110 +I! C Colnn 710 'IN 171\ P', ,\1U. Ch 6600.0 ., , •• OlD PII A ~oo no UO :130 ... 10 C Ch~rn C.II 100 II !! Ammdl S&OO 101 lOll 101 +1\\ and Monlreal NoV, 2~ far St. Gr PIal.. 100 '1714 17" 171'1 + \'I 'C COIIoIII pr 311 11M 1';!'1 Am Cln 4300 ~v.. 49" 50 J h ' Hl(hwOOll 7I0Il 1.1 211'1 23 C Fllrb'u 110 nl 2' 24 + II, AmC]lan .:~ ,~!:' ~~Io ~ -: 1'.1 NOFLnD!.' caNADA 8TE'v~ Homo O~ A:l:2M 'II" II II IL .30 1\;'.> 17\\ 17" Am sm,1I ~ ~ ~ ."" no Hom. all. I.lO '17I'i 17I'i, 171'i CI Powrr 100 :.3\\ ~\. Am Sid Il~ I~!~ I~H 1:'1'. Belle hIe 11, leavinl Halifax H B au 0 IJ! 111 %1I\l lQ&\ - . . CI Pow pr !O III 47 47 + 'I AmTtl '~"'~' • • Hamblr 8:t1.1 110 III 113 -4 Cdo OU 30.\ 1771, )7 .... :r.1'> - I.'; Am Tob l6OO.l. 9<)", POl .... '; OCt. 28th" arriving 5t. John'. U Ptte 1000 1 7 7 CPR 10.1 sm. n 21'" + '" Annm SII 10600 &4'0 &3 .... ,6J'. Otl 1 ' N It !tIajtrnnl ~OOO.'~ l 4;~ +1 Cdn Ptt pr 175 'l(~~ U~4 H~4 Annlla: Ck 1500 JH. J21.it. 33 1 , + I, Oct. 3 1., ea\'lng OV. 8. M,dll 1096 Z35 130 tlO -e C Vickers %2.1 SH H 24 AlehT Sf Imo : " . " 21,. - "1 Bedford II leaving Halifax Mldeen 9000 53 eo 60 -I Co,k!halt 200 'Ill; m. 1m + Ii B,hoock !;;;.<; ~~:,.' .J~I~i ~~;~ _ h Oct. 31, due St, John'. Nov, J, MIll Clll 1000:11 ~ J4 Coo 101 .and , 170 m', 211> 111, ~ I. B.1l Ohlo J'~ •• " n ~.. '. . N BrIllol 7798 1 0 9 m -.,... Car, Tuili. 200 100 JOO 300 +~ B,th Siefl 9700 13 ll!> ~I'i - 11 saillng Nov, 4, N ClI.rub IllI! 1.1-1 IlS 1II -1 Corby A :01 1191< 19'. IPv. - \0 Booln, AIr "nOll 1m ~'" II'> + ... 1 II , I!Ivi n, HI II!ax NConcor<! 1000 IS 15 II -I\'j Crown Cork 310 I6iI 60 I\() +~ nord,n CO T'OO 73" 73'. 731; _ .. Belle Is e :'I cool .00 40 40 10 +3 Cr Z<U !\ 11.\ 120" 20i; 20!~ - I, ' BOrl( War IllQa 13!. lI\, 33". Nov 5th, arriving St.' John'. :\ Sup.nor Jill 100 100 100, - ! , 1lI'l SO" 1III 132 31', 32 B.dd~lfr 2~1".00 I;', 1171 IITI'" Nov', 7th,', leavinl St, John', :-';orthcat ~(OO 21 18 19~1 +11.4 n Bridge 635 $:':0' .. 20' .. :W~. Burl Mill. lj:l.fo :\C Olla III 19l 39{1 390 -10 D Com I lcol m I; 1; Bu"'...... 3900 17'. 17~ :17 1 , ,Nov_ 8th. l>CO 11'11 100 1,0 1\0 150 -1) 0 D,lri" 137 SID" 10\, In Calum,1 4)[0() 1,1, lll, Ie cl d I I H Uf r-;COpr %.tiO $37~ 17 37 n Fllcr), 1:':; IJ51,",I 3h~1 Jti~3 CanOry 211)0 18~ 181.'4 IBI.-. Be for I ea\'lng B ax 0"1111 Wl 110 110 110 -I D Ut.... I~J 181 81 81 +" CPR 9000 I;'. 17 I; Nov 8 due St John', Nov 10 Pac Pel. 'H70 115&\ IB\~ 1E+i -~ .. D Sted ord 12:' )21 :W." 21',11 Caxe J I l·U'XI :H;'l ::!O\h w-+a - n . I' • f Permo Dr mo 175 161 I&! -5 D Fndry rll ,9al 120 110 II! tI Cater Tracl 1300 W. 87', 29\'l .. 1 sailing Nov_ 11, I'INY 0111 1.00 51) lJ7 III -a Dam 5to,," 60 $;1 71 74 C,I.nm 39\00 26', !.I!, ~l!i .. I, Belle Isle II, leaving Halifax Pl\ltIl U200 71 .. 74 H D<lm Tar m '14 I' II t " Ch .. Ohio WlO 6.ll> 01 r..I h PhllUpo 1I0Il 1:1:1 110 1:l:2 +1.1 nom Tlr pr 100 1201\ 20 2(1',\ ~I'> Chryl]rr 7!OO !3!\ 5llO m. - ~ Nov. 14th" arrivlnl SI. Jo n'. Provo au 1000 310 100 liD Com Tnl 2m Ii" iii 9V. - V, CIU .. S,. 7»:\ !O lil' ~~\'a _+ ~ Nov, 17th" leaving St. John's RI"''' 1100 :1:2l :11 3.1 H Doooha. %l.5 am, I!\'l Ill~ Col Bn! A I.lOO 3!" m. ~ ~ R!.b .. U 110 II III m tI Do,," Brnt 1.\ 110 40 I~ - V. Coml Solv 4800 1m II llV. - It Nov. 18th, Rockr PliO Iloo 101li 101'.0 10\'1 +.... !lU Pool III 1lI'!'o 21'!'o 11"\ - II COn. Ed 3100 II II'. II+'\\ CLARKE STEAMSHIP CO RoYIUlI 6JO III 10'1\ 11 + Y. Electrolu< 11.\ 114 14 I' ,. II Con •• ln Id TJOO rr~ 17~, 27 .. + \> " SCIlrT)' 1100 171 173 m ... flm Play 415 IlG .. lOI, 2tM - \0 ContC.n l7£00~" 181'a~" 'Novaport In porl, salling So<\Ir FIN :tJ.!O 640 610 110 Ford US ,10 III H.I Con OU 4700 m. 51', ~, ..... + I I 0 I 30 SOlitli U 3I0Il 171'.1 17 17\\ +I ' .... Dd.ltoa ,110 13\1 1114 + 1.\ Crano Co 3900 II~ 3n. 31 _ II, C, ' SpooIIar 2!OO 111'.0 II II - " Fum m 130,. 30 10 Crown Z<II 1900 IS', 11'/. 14'\ -1 I 1(Jlllport Ip~\'inJl Montr~al 151&11... 11 UOO III 7l III French P.t p !OO ;61 750 710 -10 Carllal Wr 3500 27', , o~ d St r h 'N Z ndal 1710 U !3 II -2 Gllin"a 13, nm]a II D•• re 10200 49', '9'1, 49". + \; OCt. ~, UP." 0 n S Ov_ , Trlld OU 1700 160 ~ 160 G M C %31 146!O .e', 46" D.I Had 1900 21'> 2' 24 t • &ailing No\', 5 (I'la B~y RobUCI ..O ,t 1611!!3 110 170 G S War.. 2.\0 II i 9 + V. Dill S.. , 1000 JJ 3:'!'o 3C;" - \1 t!rLQ, 1J Uo OUI tIt.I W ll! Iii -4 0 L rlPtr en IJI 1;'. 31 Dom. lOll 1m 1\ WlynO 100 II n 22 tHorn. OU A 300 '111i m. 17'. - II DolIII . . . d 7900 571,\ !6'; 1,'\ +" oNol'<lport lea\'ing ,\Iontreal WOtPI. 1100 II 11 II H Smllh JOO 116" lEI> 36\, -I Dow Ch.m lllOll 11' ..... W. + II, N 5 d <;t J h ' N 9 WlbllCII' 811 It II It H Smth pr iiI 110 40 40 ~\'l [)g I'onl 1100 19m 19S" III!> ov" ue" 0 11 S • 01' , W Cdo 00 ml III III 151 Hu~ B.y ~IO III IT !7 -I ElltKocI 10lIO 118\'l 12 ...... 127~. - 1.\ 5Biling Nov. 12, W C 00\11 III 5 I I Imp In\' 10 700 112'0'1 m, '1\'j Ellon MIf 1200 11 ~I'.I 17 + '" "G I t I '" ~I t 1 W ~alla 100 le2 1M 112 -I Imp IDv pr ,40 IlOV. 10 101. EI Aut. L llOII Sol 17 ... 371'1 _ " u por eaVIn" • on rea W ~ wll lAOO I 1 7 -I Imp OU 69a 1131'1 43\1 1.]'. + \\ EI PI" NG 7900 l4\O 33'. 1311 - ~ Nov. 12, due St, John'! Nov, 16, W NlCO IWl 10:1 IIll 101 +l Imp Tob III 1131, 11,. m. Flrolton' 1300 UO I~'\ 10'1 -Ii N 19 WIDdlIIi :000 14\'j II 14 - II Ind Ac •• p 135 131\4 37 37\. + V. Flmtn.r 2000 101 102 10:1 5al r.g ov, , Yin Cn 100 10 10 10 In~ A. "Lt .00 1IlV. 12" 12\'l + II fon! 6400. 4m 411; 4S"I - Ii ,"Novaport leavIng Montreal CIIrb Inland C Pr 900 III" 16'i ll'i G.n Dy. :J71\l1 1",!9 I~'. < " d St J h ' 23 1I.l-"IU Inl :'I1.k'l 3!e WI, 11 87 _ '. G.n EI" 1,000 61" 61',; 61..... ', Nov, 19, ue - 0 n 5 ov, , Moalrul 740 $\:I 11'4 12 + \0 101 P,tl 100 Il7 47 47 -1 Gc. }'ooc!I 1500 61". 66" 67 .... -1'. sailing Nov, 26 (via Bay RobSo,', scott. 160 liI~ 67'. 58~. + I.. Int Utu t15 IZ!I 2; ~~ r.rn Mot ~600 49 u.~':1 4A~ • ..I.. I, commtrrt 710 Il~ ~I"\ S4~ - I. Int" P L ISIO sm, w •• ,'\ _ 10 I Glldd.n 1900 40 3i1','0 T', erls), Imptrlll llil lIP Ig Ml Jamlka ,50 119 I!'. 19 i Gooclr1,h 11800 11'i 19', 71'; .', "-Refrigeration, KOI'a! llol s;J\'a 73'i nit t .. I•• ura S.. %:.<J $71 11;1 I Goodyear m> 100', "', 9'11, .1", S. AGUENAY SHIPPI~G, LTD, Tor·Dom, .~ I~\. 4 i ' " Mil. Fer 4Ij6U $~\', 9'11 9·~ I fir P.l!10WO ~'. 2~ ~:.. I:'IDtStKIAU ~a .. fer pr II $I: g;" r;roodl'n 700 ~!'.'. ~.!" S,S, ,Sunprince, s,aiJing ~Ioll-. AlumiDl 4717 13l1i II ~II - .. 10101100 A 0 1101 S7~" 22'. TN I (il _\or Ry 1300 ~ " ~ 5 John's Anllo Nlld ~IO 161> , .. <I. + I. Mon\ I..oro 310 II: I; I; ";ulr O~ ;10Il m', III 1211, .. 3'. I treal ~o\" 4, Hrl\-tng t. Ie BUW ~ U6 ~h H .,. ~ Motlt TrUlt 320 S~~ "2 4~ -I HOlnt'tlk "n.o l!H, lS'''' :38'4 - ~. I Nov 8 , 0 MII.n lIlO III II II - .. Mor,or, rl,; 1:1 14 2l Hud BAY 300 ,9, \AI, I", -F. . -, , lollnd 1110 ml 7'" 7'1 - ',I S SI Clr 350 121'1 11 I'. + .. 101,,11" 100 ",'. "'. :1', - " 5,5, Sunprlnce sailing , ~I"nSOl StAr. ')0 1121'1 1.11. 121t - " lilal \I'lr. B 750 SIl'. ]I~ )I', ,lnll\UI U,()IJ (Jl', 430 , m'., .. I',. 'treal Nov, 19, arril"ing 51. Pambllli 1 1640 '10 il> 9" -", Sorlnd. 79<1 154 5.l '31 ... I ' Inlllarv :1,00 S', 51, ! - " I IIIzropIoU UOO 8211'1 7l¥. u .. + II D,U,lo mo SCI IlL,;I ,. • 10tNl'k 3100 PQ>, tt, 001> - I> John's NOI', 23rd, s-s'~-" 110 ~ ~14 lIlt + Ii< PIC Pot. "'0 I B'. I 18" _ H. Inl PI~ 1100 111 Ill'\ 116 + '" GULF AND NORT~EBN ~,.;j'p 100:1&0 I.Il:l(lO I I ~ I '. , ~ 1nt Tol !S211l sm Ill; !J'I - .. . , I _ • ..." 11'+ '1'. - ~ PI" H.n I'" 131', 31" 31!1 + .. Johlll Min 7~ 47'1 ~;, ~i., _ ',I 8HIPPING CO. L D" ... 111 .~..... "." Ptom... l~ 1::7 27 !7 + I, K,nn,"" S.lu 10 cio.. : USI,OOO, PI"er 201l 110', 10V. 1,0,'" Kr •• ,o 3300 !iI, V711 1'\ - '!'o M V "Fergus" sailing fr~m Po",11 • I~ 13'" IT' I I 1000 Ill', 11 31 -... ' , ' 1'0 .. co~p 371 I~' !5' Lo • .-', In. 11100 23,., ~1'1 n'l + ~ Piclou Nov 2, (;harlnlL~to" n Prltt Hr !lO W H', 41', _.. !'Imh.1I 100 12', 1:-. ,.. 1\ov 4 uri\'in~ ~I John'l HOST ACT1V[ TOlloNrO STOCII8 PrOl Trani %30 $13~1 I:'; In "Iornn Co 1310,' II' J 1)', l3'. + v, 'h" h - . - , I, Tbt Clc.dlan rua Que N Gu 1"~,'1 522", 211.-] 21 . \1 M"rC'~ 1 n(l.1 71', (,'J .;~ - 1 ~ :\1"'I\'f'lm pr fit , Omld. 1000 10 10 10 Stock hlu W,b. Lo" Clou Cb'.! YUf' ro,v ZII' $11.:1I ,'1'.: \' I :'Itl!"n mm ~I\ll llVl 9'9''1 ~q:.. I Ormlb1 100'1 S4 3 -2Sh I!'\Ol"'1l1l'\J~:; nnh~r'''!'11) J J,',i' \1:', :--1'\ 'I '[:'1" "'!>lr ~(1I'l 'r,:,~.:r! l"'!~1 l("'II'i'~' Ft'n\'F~~ \\'ARRf:~' Lt~E • • Onako SOO 34 3. H Tr (;1\%1 1'1. SOi9d S::J', ~i-' :;l~ --Jl~ 1 r:", ,~ (,In ,,' ~:,,~ I~ 1,1":1 t1~ ('h :";' :';'. -; ..... ~,:.: Paum •• ,~ ev. I ,~ ... ~ rUM \I!D "'{)l~ 51::, U U'. nll':;Hld.\ ''':'1 ~~. :,'1 _ ~,' I _~:: ~'IJ ~:\ 2'. ':1 " \'r\\r~H1llrl!i1l1d 1(,3\il\; LI·I~r· ,11"arl:l.e nsoo I T 7 ,'!Ill lJ;],Io !lW"j 5l~'·. :~I .• I~:·. -n'I.\''-'\:'" 7;',' . . :"-.• jr,"1 ::, ~ ,,:,~,r: \, . ,'. .. pnv! Uc-:ohro!, ~'-" dlle St Jnll!1'; I Part1n 45~ Sl &e .'0 -~ Tlltrr PI. ~H', '.;'4 ';~l. ll'~ -- ... :;:1. ["nr,.\ ~'\ ~", ~ " ~,,: "'r. ~,:. >~~ ~i Ot'!lIh,'r :11, I('~\in::. fnr H,'ii!,:.( : Palfr ,,')0.0 "" 1'1.. (;"n Dt'\ tiL'.', S'L~'.:\I 19', t-I i ~tL(' .. rp ~':' 'I:";~" ,~, ,\P "I)~, "J' " . I I '~ 210() 17 11 17 lIlLS I '.·h·",',·" I"".' '.,', -", '.,,' '.\. t"~I~1 )~ .. ~ - ! , 1,1 Unt",. "n\' I ,lrl" Hl'l 1 rlrmarl I Pc. ErpJ 556 1~ HI U - 1 r'elrnl 4:!:..'M j' IU j4 .. ~ .... h"','ln.\ :~" :~~._ 1~:. ;'~;I __ J. ','I ::11 :,'1., 'r"j ii)'J.':~ "I DII,'" ,"I' , ':' l' a rr 100 lIT I~ III 1000 =1 I \'u~on coo OlA"'~1 ~ lIl, "ED WIltrl)' IVr 11,1'1 Yk Beer '0.. g~••~: som.thing in the "Bank." Old you know squirr.ls plant trees? That is a lort of rong. banking plan, True, the squirrel Is cerned only with food, People have to be cerned about homes, education, new cars, do)" and many such things, Vlolam Waitt A", Worn or W M.11, IVUIn>y ;) 1 I Si50 ar et eports toe • • - • • • OCiO~t:i< FkIOAV, THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOH P,O, BOX 2155 tI'. '.1'. j,'. ',1\\. ::ii', I 1 C Homu!d 1700 207 C Ulhlum 1700 Canalalk lOJO Canoraml 1100 Clnoba ~ carller QUI 1000 caol 0,1 Rio 100 Chlpmln 100 cleveland ~oo Cn:1 C Clld :.0.1 l'lJrlw,nn 100 r: H~1iII'~1l (np 'Ian 207 207 +2 14 e 13 Mall F 14 14 M.. abl 8 8 Mol,'bden I J ' 13 Sit P.I. 1.1 10 10 Not Rab 10 10 10 NJ Zinc lID 110 110. -1 Nlplalin, 7 6 6 - \\ Pantopoe 12 12 12 row Cor~ ~ II,. . Pr"II.L 'l!~i I1 J i l~'·li ... 1,-, I' p.r,..tnn 4.j(Y'1 i~ 71 7,11 "f"~ ~1'lIer ,,"'rr... 1~ Ii li 17 _~... IS" r"n 0 1200 600 l..~ 2!ilO 300 4lOO 700 I!OO iN) ~/l 4-1'1(1 l~'1 .!o4"'1 10 9~.. 41'011'> 28 1'1 2.5~1:I I I 1~16 I~ 1I'!'o JII.. 1711 m 2\0\ 11. I'. !71, 6;3, '1'::-. ';~4 ~:.'1'. ljl" 10 .... III til~ Ij') , li~·· 10;'\ ax an I., S,S, J." - :' or, Explorer York Decembel N,B, b 8th 100 Ilf D· b er " n l ax e1 11th" arJ'lvin~ 51. John'5 D!- John, I" I :, ; J e\\ Manchester leaving New 5th" Saint I" Iii:;', _ ~.P. lir-...... "': 1., U', _I'. ~,. 2 +HI 19'> +1 2111 + ~ 21l +1·16 -+ \, ~ Decemecem ('rmher 14th. ~ailin'i! Dpcf!mber lith, for Corn!"'\' Brook, Hali, {:loX ar.ri r\ew York, FURNESS RED CROSS LINE S~iling to St, John's and Corner Brook, Nfld, SAILINGS FROM: Srw York Saint ,John, !>i_B, Halifu St. John's, Ntld FORT A"ALCJ)\; ,. ' ,:\01 ,;!h 1'01'_ 8th 1'\01'. 11th 1"0\", 15th 'MANCHESTER EXPLORER Dec, 5rh De~, ~th Dec_ 11lh Dec, 17th "['I.m" ..\\'.\1.(";;':" l':i!1 ,'r:: "::i: <.1 1':II:~r B.,!"l; tiliE 1'O':a~t,: o Will caU at Newfo,IIIl,llal;d Oulports a.; inducement offers, FURNESS, WITHY & COMPANY, LIMITED WATER STREET EAST, ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, HalUax, N,S, New York, NY Saint John, N,B, Montreal, P.Q,. \ THE DAllY NEVIS, ST, JOHN'S, NFlD., FRIDFI OCTOBER 31,1 • lVor/l/ A'Vellls III , , -I , ., , ' , ,, .:I' " \ 11 i" j , I -{Th1TED NATrONS, N,Y,---f-;\merl Spanish-born cell ist Pablo C~sah ped()rm~ with thE' Boston Symphony Orchestra in a coneNl ilt the Uniled Nilli\ft1s, Or.l. ~4 lh, marking the l~th ;\nnil'ersary of the international bod~, C"sills \\'a~ making his first appearance in the U,S, in 30 years. The concert \\'as part of a three]mase illtel'l1ational bL'oadca~t tu 75 countl'ies,- (UPI Pho~o) , DETROIT, Mich,-~ j~t plan! ,believed to h8V~ lie en II. Jjl'itish Royal Ail' Force Vulcan bomner ing six men 011 a flightfl'O m Labrador to NebbRska, exploded and cl';]shed near the Detroit rivel' Oct. 25th, Three homes were destroyed and at lea st fifteen other. daJl1aged by f1a~ei and debri.. 'yet only one body hi. IMn iouqd.-,(Ul'I Ttlepooto), -'-- --,. - - ,---,--_ . .,.,. , " ..t- • I f, ~ , " ~' 1 1 f, " I, 1, I. : MOSCOW -Tn llle li\'inq room of his COlll1tl',I' home firteen mITes rl'om Moscow, Boris Pal'lernak read!! ca~le from the ~\I'ed~sh ileaden1\' iI\\'<Il'ding him the Nobel Prize for Literature, ,His wife (right) and Unidentified famd." fl'lend heHl' the news, P~l'ternRk, Soviet poe\. and 'author of "Mr, Havago" said he was "~urprised" but "I'er,v gInn." The novel \l'a~ first pu blished in Italy o\'er Soviet protests and the Soviet ,Llterar~' Gazette called the award "A ho~lile politi cal act directed against the Soviet slale."-(UPI , , I, I' Pholo). i. , SPRINGHILL, Nov~ Scotia-Relatives maintain tlle ir vigil outside the Cuberland mine hel'E, oct ~j waiting for \\'cl'd of the 8,3 mil1er~ trapped deep in the mine. As reiieue crews fought to reach th tombed men, litUe hope wa5 held that they were still alive.-(UPI Telephoto). , , ' ;; , Automatic Washer· & Dryer . • • to 'I .: I Reg.· Prices ), I :, , ' " .Floor demonstrator and other models by Westinghouse nd RCA Whirl pool ... • • Each carries full warranty S20. down $2.50 weekly WATER STREET, ST. JOHN'S DIAL 80021 STEERS LTD., • To-cIlY'S' Weather The Daily News Cloudy and cooler. alwQY' fair weath.r when you oure 'yith STEERS INSURANCE AGENCIES Dinl F0027 Are )'ot: confused and pnzzled by cla!m9 and countcr,clairru in hearing lid advertis, ing? Why not learn [or yourself. first hand, Compare the hearing glasses by Maico with any other 'lake f01 appearance, naturalness and hearing quality, Make , liMITED ".cter Sf, PUZILEC? St. John', the test yourself. MAleO HEARING SERVICE lHE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31', 1958 p, 0, BOI 432 St, JOhD'~, • he Peter Townsend Story.. TIl:, is ,the fifth of a sel'ies of 18 instalments Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend), By NORMAN BARRYMAlNE Instalment 5 ISCESS MARGARET'S EARLY YEARS , ~'metimes l\Iargaret was the enfante terrible, ,\: four, finding the guests at a grownups' ,'t\111 dull. she crawled under', the table and ,'.~ their feet. At ~ix she ~howed the true mark c ,ie \'in'e, an unrepentant spirit, After being ',:,' ilcr room for some mischief, she was recalled , ~i~r honeyed words, "Come along, dear, you :-:c: sta~' up here an~' IonIZer. I'm sure you're 11(1',\' alcn't YOU ~ To thl~ she answered, "No, ':"I~l~l'\\~' still.' :\Ild I'm going to go on being ,I ,\ncl ~he did, Once she rl,wed to the middle, pond lind \\'ollid not come back. Several ~hc fri!!htellccl dsitor~ by hiding in the rl' draperies, jlll11pillJ:: out nnd yelling, Iw,.{' At t\\'el\'(', despite the disapproval of mother, the QUCI'Il, sh~ 1I0t only dunked, hi~cllils in hl'r lea hilt OIlCC said in public, ,~ at II I!ucsl, ":\Iothef doesn't lil\C me'to it a~ she sa~'s it's lIut Ilolite." At fourteen, hl'n ~hc WIIS 1\ Girl Guid~ unci wns rowin!! on lake at Windsor Castle With a Guide mis, ~he pulled the plu!! ollt of the bottom of 'rr hoat "(0 sc(' ",hat would hapIl(,Il." The ,',"al thin;: happelled, Since they were in llo\\' water, 1\11 real hnl'llI was clolle and she hI safely enjoy the ~ight o( the indignnnt mistress wad in!! ill to the muddy shore. skirts held hi!!h, During all these ~Cill'S the:re was at least the :hilit\, that sUl'h bcha\'iol' was tbe reflection a'l childi~h good spil'i',,; but that theory did (Illite sllffice when Prince,'is 'l\largaret rcached '(,(,l~', Then the <:ol~l'lusion was reached that r;~,iu\cd exceptiollall;, good spirits and would ,-:eh' tn go all doing so, On the female side she , :"lCloubtedly the li\'clic"t PNSOIl her famil,\' had ';'"l'eci in ~e\'eral centuries, if not fol' all time. If Unrlc EtIward had stayed 011 the throlle, thi' \\'(lllld have been R muller of very small ,uhlir interest. But whell Mnrgaret's rather niP King. he and his fnlllil~' hecame sym. inl, I Princess Margaret wps five when her Uncle David became King Edward VIII and then a few months later before his Coronation in Westminster Abbey his reign was over, He abdicated so that he could marry twice-divorced Wtll1is Warfield Simpson, an American. . "Are they going to cut off his head?" MargRret asked her big ,sister expectantly when she heard the news. When she finally understood that her own father was to be tire monarch, her interest gave 'way to broad impatience, "011, bother," said the Princess, "and I'VI' only just learned to spell York." Rapid changes on the throne made Margaret actuely aware of the monarchy, but they did nothillg to change her status in ,her own family, She was the younger sister and could only become queen if Elizabeth died without an heir, The first n~ally good look the world had o( the sisters together was when they stood side hy side at their fllther's Coronation, wearing identical robes of royal purple, trimmed with ermine, Reporters, call1ernme'll, and radio commentators were fnscinated lit the sight of, the six yeRr-old l\]argnret Yl.l.wning, stretching ,tapping her, silver slippers, rifflin,~ through the pages of a prayer bool,. and tlrltling her sister, while eleven-yeRr-old Elizaheth frowned nnd nudged her in I()ft~" outl'8g'ed di!!nity. But the reportel's would hnve been more fascinated had they hcen In BlickinghRm Palace Dntl seen Princess I\lnrgal'ct hick up one o( hel' worst tantrums. When she learned that EIi7.ahth's dre~s was to ha\'e a train ann hers none, ~he raised such an upronr that the Kin!! himself called in the dressmuker nnd ordered trains for hath girls' dresses, Sh'e was so delighted \\',th the train and the 'li~ht·\\'eight coronel theit hi.'r father had had de~igl1ed fot, her <IS well as hcl' ~i~ler, that she would <lJlpeHI' at teatime wcnl'ill,!.; it. "I'm wcaring it to pl'C1clice."' ~he' would explnil1, swaggcring up and rioll'\1 the room, cill'rying a \\'<.Jlking 5tick, "What ~l'e yO\\ pretenciing lo be 1101':," her molhc!' would <15k, "Wh,v. C,1\l'!. ::Oll glless? I'm ,Johnnie Walker." l\largal'et's bl\hhlil1!! il111';iIlRtion and !!l'eat 5plf'l1~wrallre wer(' 1\ hUn:.' for Elizabeth's shy con,~ci('ntiOlISl1ess: dutif,,1 Eliznheth was R steady·rock for mereurial Mar,aret. Whatever Elizabeth did, Margaret followed in her unpredictable way. When Elizabeth set out a neat garden of daffodils and tulips, Margaret planted rows of potatoes and pulled them all up to see how they were doing. Whil. Elizabeth fondled her ponies and puppies, Margaret made pets of a salamander and a speckled toad. 'Vhen Elizabeth won a certificate for lifesaving, Margaret had her day: she heaved her sister's pet Corgi into the lake on the day of a Buckingham Palace garden party and di,\ed in after him, triumphant and heroic in her best party dress, In their studles together, Elizabeth applied herself with diligence while Margaret romped and pranked. But what Elizabeth achieved by perseverance, Margaret absorbed with much less show of effort. Elizabeth played the piano with skill and polish; Mar~aret switched from Handel to boogie-woogie when he!, teacher was out of hearing, but played even better. MUSIC, like everything else, CIlme eui1y to Margaret Athough Elizabeth and Margaret were each olher's best friend, Margaret always seemed to try to do everything better than her sister. For example, after she became a Brownie, she plunged in with such pioneer zeal that she soon won a chest£Ul of merit bodges, She learned to swim and, at the age of eight, walked off with the Children's Challenge Cup at the Bath Club. As a pianist !!he became nnre than an accompli~hed amateur. But despite her own talents, no one was quicker than Margaret to recognize her sister's more solid qualities, Once, at the end of a stern lecture on behavior, she remarked philosophically to her mother: "1sn't it lucky that Lilibet's the elder?" Mnrgaret's only real concern during her childhood was to make sure that she was left Ol1t of nothing and never went unnotIced. When she felt neglected, she dropped salt for su!:ar in her sister's tea or substituted tapioca for hatf) SRltS in her bnth, As ElizRbeth grew older' Rnd began entertaining mixed company at Buckin!(ham Palace or Windsor. l\1argnret cheerfully crashed the pp.rties, It soon became c"iuent that her glib tongue and her talents for ~ - - - - - PETER - -TOWNSEND imitating Bing Crosby or Burl Ives more than made up in the eyes of the young men for her gaWky lack of years. At ten, she shocked her sister by remarking that Buckingham Palace's footmen were a handsome lot. At fourteen she was caught redhanded sampling her father's champagne, At sixteen she was dabbing herself with Schiaparelli's "Shocking," and insisting on her right to wear lipstick, The Queen tried a tactft~l remonstrance, "Do you realIy think it's becqming"? she asked, Margaret answered by dragging her mother to see a movie short in which Elizabeth had been allowed to use lipstick, while she and the Queen went without it, "See, Mummy," saiel Margaret, "you and I look like suet dumplings!" Sometimes the l\ing tried to lay down the' lRw but her parents found that the best wa~' to keep their dau!~hler ill line WRS to f:'ive her her hend. So the YOUllt! princess rioated illto the 50cial swirl in Elizabeth's wake, At her sister's wedding she finally came into hel' own. There, for Ollee, Margaret's taste and imaginJtion were put to use (Continued on pag~ 20) , w (' nr' ~,:, tr.e e-n • Exclusive Gowns Strains of Lohengrin, pure romance and an exquisite g 0 W n are' unchanging fashion for the bride. ~s See o'ur selection of Autumn's most radiant bridal fashions destined to make this preeious day your most treasured memory. 1 • f .. ----.---. 12~ ________________________________________________________________________~T~H~E~D*AI_LY_N_FW __S,~S~T,~J~OH~N~15~,~N~~~~~~~~!J ·'l' ,,: ~. : "I" 1• I , · ,, · ~NationaI THIS WEEK'S ,~' " i. ! Average' Home Is Bigger Again SPECIAL • • • BY JOHN O. B. WALLACE THIS SPLIT level dandy Is as trplLally AmtrlcBn B! 8p~e pie benallse H. dealsn Ingredient. came from the nallonal aver9ge house o[ last year as determined recently b)' the Federal Houalns Administration. "SOLID PINE, COMBINATION , .~ STORM -SCREEN . ' DOORSCOMPtETE KIT-EVERYTHING YOU'LL NEED • ,tnl Door-Any Sb:.-With Screen and Gla'i Sa.hes to fit. • Nationally Adverti.ed Lock with Car type Handl.I-Very smart fin ilh. • An nlClnary Glall and Wire N.Ming for Sa.hes. • 3~lnch Iran Butt Hinge. and Screwi. • • Iffedivi Chaln-and.Spring Typ. Door Check. '~ ''\ \ REGULAR PRICE 526.97 Designated X·29 In the House 01 The Week aeries of notabl~ American homes, It oflers a lion· us In space over and beyond th e FHA average dwelllng because the mulU·level arrBng~ment 01 the plan, Rudolph A. Matern. one of America'. foremost architc~!" developed the desiin Irom fig. urea and statistics reported reo cently b)' the FHA (or ncw residential conRtructlon In the United States during 1957. The figures cOI'ered all Ti I,ll' 1957 homes with FlIA·lnstll'0d mortgages. From the stati,tlcs. the FHA determined what It called the national al'cra~e house. It Is a largcr house tllnn the FHA national avcrage h~usc for the pre\'lou~ ycar. In fact. th~rc has been a ;\;oatiy trend over the po,t fOllr years for hotl~es with lar);rr square footaae in lil'ing spsep, The numbrr of b~drool11', !IO\\" ever, ha~ rrmAln~d eo~stdnt ill three. And the tal al nllnl~~r of rooms ha! increns~d by ani:; n half room-Irom 5', ill thc I~'~ national average home to tile U. or 6, of t~,e 195; natiollsl average home. By contrast, the square foo',l~e in lil'ing space ha~ grown ~hijrp· or square I~t. Design X·29 developed by ~!at, ern has exactly 1,146 square (eet In the Hving and bedroom levels, On the entrance level, ar.oti1~r 315 square feet are added by a lamil), room. a mud room and bath and space for a d~n or office. There were g!rage!l in 82.7 per cent of the 195; national average hO~lses, ' There are. of course, three bed, rooms and a garag~ tn Matern's plan. Actually, though, the 3rch, Itect's use of split le\'el planning greatly Increased the !lvlng space within the perimeter of the nal, lanai average house. Had the dcsign been exec~led on one lel'el, such as a ranch, it would. have eliminated the POol' sibilily of ;o,[atern's bonus area cmbraci\!~ the Camily room, mud roolll and bath. garage and space for dcn or oHiCo/. Here arc the full details of 1Je. sign X·~g in an eosy·to·read, 3rea by area description: Pierced Masonry Walh are an In!ereatlng feature of ttle covered front rntry porth of this dl!rl!. lng, bued on the FHA naUonal average home for la51 year. Its split level arrangement Idlb I .Izeaple bonus area on lihe zrade level. not through other room!. The Lh'lng Arra The bow·winilowed front iiving roor.1 hns a ~ide \0 ~ide soan of 2:\ fcrt and a denth of 11 tccl, ,\[ lnc eno tkre is a log,burlling firrJl:a'~e: at tlic other is a hal· cOllicd "tair kadim: to the grntll" lel'r! f,,~'CI'. The tiling reem I,' al'ces;ihle frol1\ nil rOllln,< lJ:il a ~c['cl'n ,el'orol"s il from Ih,' r", trance fOI'Cr. Rack of the liI'in~ room adi~ront In tre kill,he" is a 10 b~, io f(JO: njllir.~ rorm r,llh ,Iirling gin.', linr.!',' onrl,illg ,);).0 ~:l Ullp'r trlrl Irnr IrIT2Ct. The S'13CC for n dCIl or oflier i, on II'I~ ~I'n:lp IClel under the bcd· rO:1m win~. Thr Thl'p~ ArPR ~Irrplllg l'I"Gr hc'droJrn~ are Hr· lic'ci hI' a dllllbtc·tal'SIIlIY r,,'til Wid Ih;)' h~\c pril';!c.\' b,'cJIIsr til~)' ar~ cle\'nt~d from thr .;trert. There is a 51',,811 balcon\' at )hc I),. Here are tbe fi~ures fur thc head of the b,r\roGm stnirs, ,Ic· past lour ,ears: 1954, 961 swme rcss to clher paris of t)1P IIOdSr [eel: ms. 1.020 square fcet: 1~55. from t:1C brdrcoms is by \I'ay of 1,0&4 square (eet: and 1957, 1.146 the s:nirs and the \11'0 foyers but Houaekeeptnl Areal The kitchen Is an ample 18 feet 3 inches by 9 feeL B inches" and includes a breakfast balcony olwlooking the famlly room and a rear terrace, Kitcb~n cabinets arc po.itioncd in a double "L" for maximum efficiency. The rear terr8C~S are reached from tile kitchen through slioing ~tass doors, Th,~ mud'lltililv room has a compact lallr.dry. ctosct aild a filII balt1. year c 12.932 II a . Til. ('a~lIal M.n I:lw Iiear of split,lelel rear trlr3rrs; 'i'llis IHlIIse has rilelllOIiC on the dilling rooll1·ki!c:len lel'cl. the o:hrr on tlie family room 1<'l'rl Tlier. Is direr.'t ae· cc~, 10 the fanlil~' room from the oU',.;idc anti nnly a .'~cp or tllO 13 tlip I'i~ht arc full bath (ae:tit, IP.' nnil slor;l~c rlnsel. The rli'n or nlliee snaCe i, in line Ilith t~e 1,lmil), r~n\n and at tile flo~t. The Liling an~ Bedroom 1.le15 01 House 01 The W,..\ dlliQ X·29 are ~hOl\l1 in the floor plan .bove. The entun!e letfl.lI1t~ • repetition of ttle l1\'lnll lel'e I, U! Aho,", tn the 11n .... pia. brl •• Stnr"gr Stati,tlel ho:~tlt bas'.'n1cnt of ap, p~o~illla\ely 540 sqllare feel I:es unil'r tile lil'ing·d\ning·:<ill';lcn area ,The hous~ has a total of 13 c"bin~ts an:! closets. not includ· ing thc "IJllnr\allt kitchen storage spacc. The garage is big enough for storing olltnoor equipmont. ,\ f!l!1 days I B.C.A. f( Last ye: old she proc S58 lbs, fat Broth! of this IT LadY 3rc milk, 55j cent in 3 year per cent and 173 pe i5 type d Selwood "Very Goc "ear old of 12,963 It 4.19 perce is 181 per c and 18!! DC SH COLUl A. Robson. of Barn producer class. Now Only$19.98 YOU SAVE $6.99 ~on: CASH SALES ONLY AT THIS PRICE •••••••••••••••• ., I I I i \ high 13. VISIT OUR ,,,"'.uc,::u Fratures fl'n!)t II alk \ l'!-,\'('l'l'd W:l:~\ feoOl lhe> ::;~r' upP(lr re3r terrac£, i.. ; \of ) j':tl 11) 1:1(' r[li"JIH'l' (u::l'r J~ cot arl'O mncl'ele ad InE '0·' ' <::','dfd hI' J p'l'I'l'i'o 1n;J,:Uoll')' i'ear terrace is of fla;'.w, V.~I:l. Till!'£, l~ a ([:1IlI' into tr,p phalt shingtes are Ih'd fc,r 1 r,H <' 1;'u:ll I~w had; 01 I.b.' ~:~I" ruof. Dlmenstonal n'la J';.' Tile t""1 rr1r 11<1'1 of ,ilr Olwall dimen~l0r,' b ~l;'r,om \\'il"~ i:; !·('t b::!;..'k. '':I'4'a\· ir,~ a ,:~r\' 3:HI a half r'lrcl in t h~ rear hNiroom {)\W;', ~~ h:.' 2;) [cpt 5 inch:> lh(l i,'; ~·JIl::'. i:~it of the f~m;ty rr"~I\L anrl hNiroolllS Ie' pi, n,', t. Til" E~t ':'!I'r ,quare frel. The faow. , th' :'ll;;at \\o~:1 ,iciirr, crich <lrn. mull,lItilil)' r~n: orrl , ' This Intrrlor \iew I(IJI., <10','1111;11110 :::!Ii": 1I::,:n. llie h:~e:':J't 1;:',., ... \ 7),'t I~lr I;t 1'::1 11','1 ';!r:r ;1:'rl ,'nnp Rrr u,ro ior hare ~16 ~qllRre ferl Tr' rear). To the rl~;lt of tlie !~r.1i1~ I')!'~,I i,. (,,,. Ic"~r r""1' I,La'_e, Th IIr1":' IC,I' tprrare i, cf! nl:t,ic' \':llj~. Thr ~"b\cd. :hinl' ha, ZJl square ferl \ ;,; ,y noy ,~<l 118\ '·~rtiral hn~rrl! The fonl tot i~ rc<:ommrn""<1 tl!fi l'I'~~'~r('·( I~'!r.'n:l\·! S,)~dal _~i'4 r-~---~~~~~~~~~~-~ • • . Sl""d this ::"lJpcn for rOl AND IUILDIIG MATERIALS SEE H,ARVEY'S FOR I, 1 .' :." .' *' ALUMINUM DOORS & STORM SCREEN WINDOWS * QUALITY LUMBER * FIBREGLAS INSULATION * GLASSHEAT PANELS * ARBORITE PMELS * WEATHER STRIPPING * MURRAY ROOFINGS It Pays To See Harvey's First '_',.\ (;£;1 d .. ;c!' STUDY PLAN OlWER COlJPON STUCY !'LAN Yuu c~n r~~:p Ull~ .;llJct~· p!~n p!<~ ~u "011r lit r~'J_ \\'r-':I~ tn fil;\O~ ln 'Ol)r n:·,me dnd ad .ir~" "n Ihp r'u',p:,n ,In thl; pa~e a~d 'cn~lol II \\'lth 30 crnl' lo thl.' nC\I'p~per, tor YC'UI Ti1(1 h'Hl';'o fill' stud, plan -1.01'·, e~ch ("'"r 01 t~r 'bt:use to~rther lI'ith c;Jch of (',lC four ~In'atillns fro:1t. rear and ;IJCS Ilf the Mu!e, It IS ;I'a:et! at I"mch p"r flilit tt 100'llIdr' 0 .g',IIIII' on, 'HolV to r;pt YIIUI Hu'l,e H"ill" blnK Dr otbe: murt2·.g~ ie!';!~1 E;!ri lA, ,nUr bUilder ar" ;rl p)Urn €'tlmate, 011 t"e CO!! of con:LructlOn 111 th!! ar:1. II \\'cU ~l en Ide~ 01 'ht CO!! In rr:<1tiol\ to your budgrt. li';.h t his inforll1a':on '.'ou w:ll know whcthc;- yuu '''w ,,·onl to proceed wi!') ~Ilnstruc· Il:'n by ordering worl;ing blue rl'lni O direct f'om 'he arrhltel'l an(1 a;';'.lng lor bidl for lhf \I:,rk lundin!! Editon E~cbcd il ~s (en!l. Plecll! lend 1:18 a to". tA t~e plcn of Th, HDUII .f lb, W••k, Celian \!1;&y x·29 104.111. _ _ __ 11,.., _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- Fix Up Your Home NOW At 'OUR EXPENSE NO DOWN PAYMENT Why go through another winter of discomfort when you can add a room, fix up a den, finish your basement or make ather necessary home improvements. You cen do it now on credit with easy monthly terms. We will give you up to $3,000 worth of meterillis with no down poyment and you cen toke up to three years to pay. Yau actually enjoy your home to the limit end pey for . it at your lelsure on eosy monthly terml. Don't Put It Off. • • Do UP TO 3 YE,ARS TO PAY It Now! ------~., NEW ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE ' ",",,-.' NEW ADDRESS LUMBER YARD HARVEY'S PIER Ol'~!: I Harv.y & Company .Building 83 WATeR ST ••• OPPOSITf THE WA~ MeMORI~L OFFIC! '''HONESI DIAL 3229 OR 21" IVIIIYTHING ADVERTISED ON T~I" PAGI1 IS AVAIL,'BLi AT HARVEY LUMBER & HARDWARE LTD.-YOUR "ONE STOP" lACK OF COMMERCIAL CABLE BUILDING eNTRANce PIER ONE LUMBER YARD 'PHONfS - DIAL 6911 or 2151 BUILDING SUPPLY HF.ADQUARTE~: •• 13 DAILY NEWS, S.T. JQHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAYiOCTOBER ·31, i 959 --.. . . uction Leaders Of The Month Hammonds Top Primrose News For Farmers .5.1 production records ~om· Ihls monlh. Corners Pride Mol· bl' Ayrshire cows during 1:7 led the junior 3 year old dlllls flli' month Includtd a ,\Um· with her yield 0111,499 lb •. milk I' ,)0 ranK. hleh amoni tile 487 Ibs, fat, 4,06 per cent in 303 I !Irnl producers In Canada. days, This is 153 per cent for IKOnd hlllhut lat record I milk and 150 per C2nt· lor tat. · I~t third hllhest milk re She Is type classified "Good in Ihe senior 4 year old Plus". Cockado's Fiona, as .1 01 the :m day divl310n senior 4 year old, produced 15, complettd this month hy I 647 Ibl. milk,' 598 Ibs. lat In ~OS COWl in British Colum· I days which Is 187 per cent of B.• C.A. for milk and 174 for lat. of the Producllon I.n· This Is the third hiihest All Time tame from herds in Ontario milk yield in CaDada and tw~Hth each were Irom :Ierds highest In fat. Both of ,the Wau and British ColumiJla. tier cows are slrtd by Ubyssey COWS White Cockade. . Brothers. Norval are the QUEBEC COWS o[ CarlkhOlm Foundation R. B. MacFarlane, Howlck, Ille I~adlng producer In Qu~bec. Is Ihe owner of Marbrae for cows 10 yearft and Pride Ihe leading producer In the Shr productd 15.891 It". mature class. At 8 yeard of age ~'OI: U! lUJ 'iql ~~g 'l{IIW she produced 13.756 Ibs. mnk, , ~f a~r. Thi§ i~ 194 per ~53 Ib8, [at. 4.01 per cent in 305 ~I B.C..... lor milk and II!ti I da~'s, This Is 160 per cent u[ B.· ;,'r.: 1M fat. She ha! oten a ; C.A. for milk and 159 [or fat. '. r,'. producer an~ last : She has been a consistent pro· ;~c ~.m' H, SIS lb~. milk. I dl:cer throughout her lIretlme :~,' fa: She i~ t)·pc tia,' and has noll' produced' ol'er 78, \;"od" and has two ,lulIg· 000 lbs. milk· In her IIrst six iac· c1 ..,;lfird "Good Pills." tat Ions. She Is type classlCied . ood Sheilabrl ~nd uwn "E~cellent" and her sire Is Cold I.,,~r Eskril~ and Sons" Slrcam Choice Losan. IS Ih~ leader :n tne; :-.'elher Brae Gay Flirt owned 4 lear old cla~s. She hy ~!rs. LucJlle David, Fullord, 11.m lbs, milk. m lr, produced II,m Ibs. milk, 435 Ibs ~ :.(\.; da,'~ which is 161 ver (at In 30.1 da)'s to lead the junior ,: "CA. for milk ann 143 2 year old class, This is 164 per 'i'. I.asl yeM as a senior 2 cent 01 B.C.A, (or milk and I~ , ~j .he produced 14,491 Ibs. per cent lor fal. She Is type SCENE at a recent AgTlculturc Exhibition as "isit ors admire the cxhibit~. · ;" !h~. fRt. c1as~ifird "Good Plus" and ~hc ~;;k.~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..'i~": Brothers. Aylmer ~rc Is a daughter of Burnholm Ta.\'· dren recently beg a n carrying vaccine in doses of one a day 'or o[ federal authorities <It ~aker ~ h 0 0000 no on,," .... i ,',~er, 01 111'0 Production I boy. clubs to m'cet school buses after one el'ery other day. Lake, N,W.T" in 1947. . Ihl; month. Sel'.l·~od I one girl drove ore an attacking PLENTY OF VACCINE REACHED 'ONTARIO Lartl' 3rd produced 12.· Dr, Robert Wilson 01 Connallghl The disease moved soulhl';aru :~: milk, 557 lbs. lat tp;till~: o~iass hunt by 40 to 80 men arc Laboratories In Toronto sa,s vac· and seven years laler it was ~n· i' roer cenl in 30,; days to !~ad I beingorgani zeri. County ofliciais cine production has oeen greatly countcred in the Cochrane dis· I 'rnl0r 3 )'ear old class. This i hal'e released foxes bcarin~ tsgs stepped ,up this ycar becaus~ oi trict of Northern Onlario. It :,; ~cr cent 01 B.C.\. [or worth $50 or $100 in an effort to the epidemic. spread rapidly into the Sudb'Jr,Y, . and I j'J o~r cent lor lal. P arry Soun d an d .l'I us k0 k 8 dIS' enCO'Jrage extermination "W h [f" t s~,;;.~~I~:~[i:d gt~·.E~f:~: Eountles on foxes are bcing es· • hand cto a~~e:\~~:e~m!~~~~~I'o~ triets. . tablished in other counties . .'pur'j Cattle havc been hit b" the dis. By last fall It had reach~d the ~' "\'cry Good". led th? ~cn I By PETER SYPNOWICH red b)' the provincial ~ol'ern. I d [ , k Isout11ern shore of Lake Simcoe, e" •••••••• .,., "at e : ~tAr old cla~s Il'ith ~cr: Canedlan Prell Stafl Wrller mcnt's reccnt o[[er of a $2 bounty ~as~ anI dsomle armcrs rc a;lIt onlv 40 miles north o[ Toronto . . , 01 1=,!IFJ Ibs, milk, 543 Ihs.· TORONTO ICPI-Fox hunt!'l~ to be malched by individual mu or era c~:~ea~~a li~~~CI~d At 'the same time i.t had moved I When. 8 m~n is crossing ~ , U~ per cent in :lOS J.IY~,. has returned to Ontario with a nleipallties ra ICS appears e I down the Ottawa .. alley on the, street With a woman, he doesn t I , ~\ tRI pcr cent of B.C,,\ lor Grimness unknown In the days oIRabi~! '8 Iso called h\'(lro. fcl\' dorgs" or oliletr p~ts, tIl' lOt ~Ol suc qllehc~ side. soon covering lrces I take her by the arm and hllrry ~nci Is:! ~cr cent for :rll. : John Peel. The reason Is rabies ., . one 0 tlie wors t"rea SOl' . E 0 t . N h'" h I ltd h I COIl'S . . phobia, Is a virlls conlnctd 1118ns beca'ilse of thcl'r occasl'onal 10 a.ster. n hn aBrlo. 0pw t e 0115'1 c[r a 0hl1 !:· h' ns ca, e mere y COL 'I'IBIA \..., • • I nisinE numbers of wild red t nul f c \ Rb r K 11 II through an animal bite, It at· cOlltaet with lI'ild animals. casc IS m he . rtuce \1' elnll St a, 0 'Tlrst er ISh arm, 't 'th . " 0 son. ort c s.s Ie loxe~ ~re bringine an epidemic tacks Ihe nerl'OIiS ~t'slpm and Tn f I i ' It I t mO\'lng SOlit In e Ing on, I la gll'CS cr assl anee ".1 . 01 Barn.ton PCM)' Ihe' f th I Ih I dl . t h ' 1 " e ec ere a~r1Cll ure c erar· I' d P n t· . k' I I k 'I • . 10 e c 8 sease 10 0 eB\" y. without treatment brin~s dcath f thO . h 'Id I :uro an ert coun les. I Ollt ma Ing 'er 00 ~s lDligh , producer In .th~ sCnl~r ~ I populaled Southern Ontario (or In three to sel'en da)'s ;l:~nt so . art' IS ar as.~ Dr. Collacutt blames a hi~h lox' she were heing drag~ert. cia.!s. ThiS COW I~ ~ 1 the first time In modern history, ~ go\:crnor.groerai 01 Canida "t . va.wna Ion c Inlcs l In,n;! poplliation for the olltbreak. An I h,·h Itslln,( cow Md Th t ""a t crazed I oxes ho Duke 01 nlcllmond, died [r~m • , arlo. ImmunIZIng near y .l'J.V"" . an d pIen 1'1I II I f uo d • 8 • ."' ere are ( cars " d il ,t~! en d to trapPing ~~odu~1!<f 1~.:!3i Ibs. ml.lk. III may appear in Toronto !uburb5. .. f b' h' "oSs. cal~ an 0 l~r p, s. , are slipplie! hal'c Ird to "unprpce. fal. ,,:r, ~r cr.nt :n:105 Dr. G. H. Collacull. dl·.trl·cl rablrs In Ihan 7000 were vaccinated .n dent€ d' num bers "I n S011 th'O When o by t ( 18190 at er'. ring ltd'Illen lI' . ern n· , Henr~. Ford. huiH- .his Th.p B.C.\ .• f1,ures are veterinarian for the federal agri. ".pe ox. n ariD s as .a 1 Grey (Ollilty alone dunll~ a t ' I experimental two,c)'l1ndert car , ..'r milk ~n<i 2115.[or lal. Her cultlr- department .• a",. the dl . was In 1~:l8. call~ed by a :abld threc·day period la~l AlIglI'l. 8L rlO'd J ( ," rt I in a shed ill 1896, h,e IOllnd he ~ do~ In Windsor h .. I d all ~ an" orcst.. "cpa menl .. \,~Id 15 ~ecnn d hIlhest amont( ease is mOl'ing south alon~ ril'er . gfcderal BUt. orltles nall~llr3t: official~ in Toronto SAl' it's al .. had bUilt It too bIg to get \.1 Time Canadian I~adm ralle),s and will ~aeh Lak~ On Provincial he a II h authorities the 1'8cclnatlon program In I~~, most impossiblp, to CO~lnt f0xes! through the door, 50 he en· c~:,! cia,.. S~~ IS I)'pl! CISS tarlo and Lake Erie by next sum. rellorl antl.rabies vaccine has ~I'h~nth~ dl!~ase b~g~n mOI'lllg but that in ~ome areas they '1um. i largcd the opening With 811 _, Good ,PIII5 and her ~Ire mer, hitting Ireas where the fox ~n gil'en to 400 per~on~ ~o far mto Ontario Irom ArctIC reglonl. b~r thrM! or four per square I axe. . l~_y~e~ \\ hlte Cockade. popUlation j',o areale't, tlIl S J'ear, co mpare"\) -~ wt'th "00 l' D C II tt E k'm h J ' 1 I--~-------• Dr ~. 0 aC,I~ says .5,,1 ~5 all ml e. The kill was ~o per cent InSJmr . " ~~~'S from the herd or ARMED WITH CLUBS the whole 01 195;. A person who StO~ICS o[ erazy (ox dls.ease In ~orthNn Onlario, ho\\'cv~r, '[ regions Federal and prorincial Wautier. Lanlley com· RIght no\\' the wor!t·hll area Is has been In contact with a rabid dRtl~C ~ack lor hundreds of )c~rs most .01 the toxes hal'e o~ell allthorities hope the same lliing ~t~X~C~_._ti_on_R_11'_'_h_lg_h_r_ec_a_~_!_G_~_Y_Co_u_n~ty_,_W_h_er_e_l_c_hOO_I_c_hl_I'~ln_Im~al~l~s~i~I\_'e_n_I_4~IO~2O_s~h~ot=s~o_f_b~u~t~lt~(=lr~st~ca_m~e~lo_t_h~e_a_tt~cnt10n wiped:out by the disea~ it _II. will happen in Soutllrn Ontario. r ,~ I ,r t hi, tilleD·m.nt Idds • ! ~- .... k ~H!a "N' 1,.,1. '"'~ ' .... ~ .. btl,. EpI'd ernIe'Of Rahl'es Among . Foxes Ontano , Manners Make Friends [ I' I ., -- AT 2 txtra squirts per teat per milking.;; that's all it tak.sl I I !ver figure how IIttl. extra mille 1tU~INA Milk , I .~_,~.J ptJ Shorter days, calder nlghu, make It krder to keep your pullets up In full production without a "pawe" • , •make it neee&III'Y to coax in more good body-building, egg·makinil feed. Alit UI about Lay Chow day , • • 1'A Ibl., worth from 10 to 12 cents, d.p.nellng on your tilt and your market•. At any ordinary rat. of feeding, that's more than enough to COver any ordinary dlff.rence In feed costs I St. us about a IUPp'Y of PURINA Milk Chow, • a erla s AYRE'S STORE ROOFING ASBESTOS SHINGLES Blue, Red, Green "JUMBO", 36 in., 108 square feet. "RUBEROID", 18 in., 36 tn. 45 and 55 Ib,. TAI<RED FELT, 36 in., 15 tb5. SLATE SURFACE, 18 in., Red & Green PLASTIC CEMENT ENGLISH TAR, 5s, 40s ROOF COATING, 1 & 5 gallon tins 2 X 3 2 X 4 2 X 5 2 X 6 2 X 8 2 x 10 •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• WALLBOARDS MOULDINGS I ••••••••• WATERPROOF HARD!OARD Veil. ,4' x 8' Do you keep I dog! He'D CORNI~E thank you for Purina Do.' ChoW - t~ choice of top ahow ken nell ev~rywher. for quality and rewlt., :v~t ."ry nllonabl,. priced. DOG CHOW FELT MOULDING UTILITY HARDBOARD 4' x 8' DOOR CASING TEMPERED HARDBOARD ya" 4' x 8' WINDOW STO.OL :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~ NAILS rARD -,. INO Q1f' 2151 DEPT~ "CHECKER·ETTS" It11 make you a lilt mar. than "2 .xtra Iqulrtl" , •• • k anyone who feeds It about that I CEMENT A. E~ HICKMANCO~'/ltd. MASONITE, BLACK W' ,4' x 8' PAINT SH~E1 LEAD PUTTY LIME LINSEED OIL TAR BRUSHES •WATER ST. OPPOSITE FOOT OF SPRINGDAlE ST. 'PHONE ·4131 . . , , ' . ST. JOHN'S . -. C """ "" ........... . PLOUGHED and TONGUED tqulrts per t.at plrmllklng amounts to about 1 pint . .... ~ u.s. Pol 011. Chow has to make for you to pay Its way. Two .xtra I . I~' Z r DRESSED LUMBER J I I I -.' --.o~~, J_(Q]~ '~ r;=:::==::::'=~ UI In ~. rtIJ~ J 29 - • • n.l. "-- I '. 0 , 'The StQre With the Checkerboard Sign STORE DEPARTMENT ,PHONE 3412 • I I ° v 0 ------.--- ______________ ._ t mt- c r..,1 I .:.- ( Hammonds Top Primrose has ;-"'dn~y 2nd witli 15,21:1 Ibs. milkl just completed a ~orth i\,ncrl I h~ld th~ miik record nad ~I) ean senior 2 year old 2 x 30:; i wood Lady Cora with 595, day milk rccord. She prodllCed j rat held the [nt record. .'the. 17,385 Ibs, milk, 717 Ibs. fat. 412 North American milk record~ol' p~r cent in 305 days whi~;I'S 230 eler was Jon·EII CO,IOnel's, Alibij' o[ BreedClass Average for milk 4th who produced 16,523 l~. and 235 per cent lor fat, This is milk, 634 lbs. fat in 305 clays .• tile second high~st fat record In The !\'orth Americar. [at recor~ Canada lor any breed for this is held bv another U,S. COIl', Vi~ class. A Jersey cow holels the tn Grande Patricia, who pro~ucJI Canadian All Breed record for ed 15,448 lbs, milk. 779 Ibs. lal S~nior 2 year old 2 x 30j jay 5.1 !ler cent in 305 days. . prodUction with her yield Jf 7'!:l This outstanding record ,5 no~ lbs. of fat, only 5 lbs. more han the result 01 any s!leeial care as Hammonds Top Primrose. at both Hammonds Farm and Hammonds Top Primrose was Burnside Farms she was in tr.a bred by Bowaters Nfld. Pulp and regular milking row and led wil~ Parer Mills a~d commenced her other animals in the herd. Shli :\'orth American record in their does, however, come by her pro~ herd. She was sold 10 RR. \less dueing ability quite honestly ali anu Sons. Bllrnside Farms, Ho· indicated by her ancestry. Ferl wick, . Quehee II'he~ she "om· dam, Hammonds Class Pl'lrn1 rieled her record. ros~. ranks as one of the lead~ She was a very ennsistrnt pro ing producers o[ the breed, ini ctllcer throllghout Iwr lactation. eluding a record of 20, 129 lb/;. , lIer highest yield at the time 01 milk. 841 lbs. fat, 4.18 per cen'C Ihe R.O.P. Inspector's visit was at 5 years. She hBs also h~ed fi"rolindS and her lowest 11'35 40 classified "Excellent". Her ~irt pounds which. incidentally. was is To\\'nhead Top Grade <Imp.}, only a f~1V day~ after her fnur who was selected In Scotland ny day rail and boat tri!> from Ham ~1. R. Bell for Hammonds,: monds Farm, Newfollndland to Farms, His daughters are JUst Burnside Farms, Howick. C~ue·, comin~ into production and Ih~ bec. She was tested on ~ dil·1 first 5 tested daughters h~"el: fereol occasions in :'\c\\'lolind I com pie led 5 two year old re land "nd at Burnside by R.O P I cords that average 10.136 ;1>5. Illspeclors or the Produclion Ser i milk: 4:),; Ibs. [at: 4.29 per c('n~ llet'. Callarla Department .)[ Ag'j all in 30; davs. The B.C.A. avct riculturc, , a;:: is 142 lor milk and 146 lor The pl'~\'ious Calladian rCl'Jnl: fat. Hammonds Top Primrose holder.' in milk anti 101 lor tll;S I has recently bern classifi~1 class IITrc bolll Slal1,ell 11rot.1 "Vcry Good", Ihe hi;;hcst ra,in hers' COIlS. S~krc" \\")101'1 I po,sihlp for a first cail'Cr. THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1 Collection For , Hospital At Carbonear " , L ·, n. GRACE - A colle<:tlon for the CUbonear Red Croo HCllpital wu held It Harbour Gnee on Slturdl)', Detober 25, Ind resulted In Ihe .um of apJR'OXimately one hundred and In doUan. The colleclors met ...w. • reid,. rNponse from thole we were called on, but a ahortqe or tap Ind the fact tllat l1li01 were not cilled on to &ive undoubtedly reSUlted In a una\ler amount than might !la\" bHn collected In' view of lbe wonhlness of the cause. 'nil collecUon Wli organized by loin. Goodllnd, President of tilt Red Crou Branch II Hr. Onct. Ralph Rogers, Guest Soloist , ' · JIll GRACE-Slnce 1I0ing 10 Toronto to punue hll Itudles 111 alq!l\I, Mr. Ralph Rogen u.a , \' HARBO UR GRACE Birthday Gift Unitarian A birthday celebration is not Newsletter complete without presents and i • ,IVI HR. GRACE-Many friends of Happy Birthday wishes. When a Delbourne, ,Alberta The Bro,wnies of the .... \h d t f ormer yeara were peale I 0 welcome Mr. Geora e Tapp of I couple recently celebrated their tawa.Pith ~c ave a unique., ' Brookline, Mall" when he reo 89th birthdays, they marked the combining reel knOll with visited bls native town last occasion by sending a cheque to motto, "Lend a Hand." On week, alter an absence of near. HR, GRACE-Young Canada HR. GRACEHR. GRACE--Odober brings Ihe Unitarian Service Committee recent Saturday. Sixers rro ok \" k ,- b' h Id d I ANGLICAN h USC Headquarters stalf at 78 pack arrived at Nat,'lonal tn ly twenty five yeara. HR. GRACE-.."r. and ~Irs. Bo "ee '" e1ng e ur·. Hallowe'en and no at er holi· It Is about fllty ,eeTS since Selby DIIcworthy of Halifax and ing the week o[ November 17~h SI, Paul's day Is quite like It. Noisy, Sparks Street in birthda~ Ottawa re,ponqtawa, uBrters, d78presentM Sparks St!ett ded with warm "r~et· an D ' t or: Rcv. L. A. J . Ludl ow. colorful and scary especially Mr, Tapp left Harbour Grace formerly of this to'wn are reo to 21st ,an d a spec Ia1 e ff' or t hW1 II S Rec 'b H' h r d N 2 d ' I ' n g s , and earmarked the .~>ne· lise manova, Exe-ut'lle' be ma debyth Lib raTian ere un ay, ov, n ,: .. " .. "I [or the children. to lake up residence In the jolcing In the b''''h of their e , c ' u< d lis B d t b' t th 1100 HI' rous donation lor orphan chil· lor of the Unitarian U.S,A, After completing his first daughter _ her name, anIt tl onr rIng h0 ' e . a.m., a y Euchamt; Trick or Treat-Here are dren in Korea, who will be ~erv· Committee, with two f th 0 bli Iralnln!! at the Wentworth In- Bertha lIIae. a en on 0 e pu c I e Im.\2,30 p,m" Sunday School and some Hallowe'en cookiel which ed nourishing Canadian codfish, quilts, expertly tied stltute, he became an Instructor portance o[ this the young un'. will like "au to as a protein food through the,I WI th..hun dre ds aI, reel ho'·'. u_ III b iannual t t event, f th i B1ble Class; 6,30 p.m., Even· ' J there and upon his retirement Among v'-Itors to St. John's I"wreI w b e wr band out to them. .. I Ien 0 I t C song. 'I d N 3d winter months, add I tIOn to making th, " . three years ago had been de. last week were Mrs. Israel Dove pans 0 e mac e n a a er:" on ay, ov. r ,: HALLOWE'EN COOKIES _____ they had also collected' , partmcntal head of that Instltu'l and "~Ir. •Alfred Rogers, column, it m"y .7,30 p,m" Confirmation Ser· H. Cuno sifted flour . hIgO,!! .,. b t i lbut t meunwhilc, k f Y· 1 Tissues or a small towel can·; bobv u. S \\'ea te~~, mg tion for some time, __ e ~e y a as or more co· I'lce. 2 tealps, baking powder , \'Crt to an iron for a n\'lon iJab\' : and safety PinS. ' v'lslt to Harbo·ur' . "."u ,and', from par.ents,th ~each'l y, teaspoon salt ' ., Thei ' pr~,:d! During th l. 'P . "Ir.,• A. J, Crocker. operation d hild I UNITED CHURCH bonnet. Sluff the bonnet '\,ith· , r erfor ts 1111t Grace, Mr. Tapp has met many who are spending the winler at ers an c ren In elr a , . 2 cups cornflake5 either. It will dr,\' smoothly. , ~1l1~h.neede.d ,?oost to Ihe with whom he has exchanged SI. John's, visited their Harbour IItu de toward~ the L1brary and; Re\,. A. N. Holmes. ~, cup soft butter ' _Layette Lift, a project to remlnescences of the olden Grace home during the we~k. Its contenls, The mO:llh d' 11,00 a,m., Divine Worship; 1,2 cup sugar 1,2 20,0Il0 layettes throu"h Ih d H h t d Ih h d October has been an encourag· 2.30 p,m., Sunday School; 7.00 2 te3.llPS n""ted oragne rind te~sp. sail e, d :-':ations to Arab br'fug: a)'l. e aa no e e c anges, en , lng one, and a come,back in the' p,m., Divine Worship. ...~ 3 Icasp. soda . '< which have taken place In the I umbe f r d d Ih . , H b G S th Ih cup milk 2 teasps. ginger les before Christmas Oa), Intervening years and espedal. Ml!8 Shirley Rogers I I 't In r 0 ea ers an e clr' l ar our raCe au 1 egg white . date. only one Ihird of 11:' Iy those caused by the dim.: lng her sister, :l1rs, ~1:r~:li. ~1~1:,Uon Is noted with satisfac· 3,00 p,m., Divine Worship. 1 l<lblesp. water ~ ::~:~~. a~i;;~:: ~lol'C5 : ~ised hnum~er of layette;! trous fire of 1944, when among' Peddle at Brlgus, : However, other attractions are One maker of adhesive band Raisin. I 1 cup sugar : een \ I~P~,. Eilch laY!:te other buildings destroyed, the -'b . . I h th I f! t . k' h S·ft t th fl B d 1 1 cup molas5cs i SlSts 0 larm, 2 ' . Tapp blacksmith stand, wblch ~Irs Cyril Tb B . t.a i cglnmng 0 5 ow ere ec, ages now 15 rna Ing t em .heer loge er our, ,pOW ' 1 2 jackel" 2 shins. I ., , had been operated by the family Is I 'gu st thtma~, k on~vlsh 'I' and While there Is decldely a of "see·through" plastic. Dandy er and salt. Crush cornflakes 1 eg~ unbeaten ; cake of soap ann 4 sal"I)' e 5 lIce a er room for sport, and no one ~ for use almost anywhere, better Into fine C'l1lmbs. Mix with sift· 4~~ cups silted flour c for over a century went up In mother and alster, ~lrs, .F, R. denies its bencfit.s of physical, than the heavier kind and par. ed dry Ingredients. Blend but· ,~ cup strong _coffee S~IALL GIRI.~ f' flamet, and Mis.! R. Flander, V1cloTla education, there is also a crying ticularly attractive if you nave ter, sugar and orange rind. Add Heat over to 37;,0. Cream to" BELFAST I nO" .\t\'T While at Harbour Grace, Mr,' Street. need for education for the scraped a bit In le~ shaving. sifted ingredlentA with milk, I gether [irst 6 ingredients. Add: p:lrents prote"erlu~rs'd ' Tapp has been the guest of his' mind. The LiN-ary offers a sup. mixing well with each addition. sugar and cream 'till fluffy. ~ I" small gi"ls'~, 'I ue~ a)' slster·ln·law, Mrs. M. Tapp and Mr. and Mrs, James KeepIn~ plement to the lessons that are has of valu~ to therr,. ~ Chill. Roll chilled dough light· Blend in molasses. Bpat in egg.! r;ct"e here ;.. ~nr~~~is~\, at,B ~Iece. MI5S Ada Tapp. He left Ileft last week to lake up rc;i· being taught in schools a"iI A recent visitor to the lyon floured board. ~u~ With Add slfied, flour alternately I :I!argarCI on 'her arri,'ai nn on Tue5day morning by TCA dence on the mainland, there can surely be a plea mnde' Library from the U.S ,A. said cooky cutter about 2~'l Inches With coffee, Drop from teaspoon., b\'o·da\' \'isil Tr-,,' 'd h for Gander where he wlll vilit for both sport and re~t. .~, that In his opinion the Harbour In diameter. Place on greased: onto lightly greaser! cookie dren, man;' ~nil:':}h~1 I 1 his nephew, Mr. Wllll.am Tapp Dr, and Mra, John McGrath Once more Young Canada. Grace !I!emorial Library was c~okie sheet. Beat egg white 'sheet keeping round an~ 2 were kept ~lan(iill,,'oo'I~~m and family. before returning of Deer Lake are guests this B~ok Week will, it is hoped, i the greatest improvement to be WIth water. Bfush over dough. Inch~ ;Jrart. , Bake 15 m1 ns. of the !.tOO hoy'ar,rl'~il bl to Brookline, where he resides week of :llrs, Alice :lkGr8th, lmng more readers to the' added to the town's facilities Place raisins on each, to form Decor:lte, coo k'les to. rrsrm, e corps had 10 le,,\'f home ;n with his wife. :llrs. W. H, Harris who had Library, and the parents are i over the past quarter of a cen· fac~. . Jack 0 L:lllterns w1th white earl~' hour, to C31th trains Best wishes Bre extended to I be, en I'lsitlng relati\'es at St.' being asked to nccDmpany their' tu),)', \\'ould that more adults JACK O'LANTERS SURPRISE I frosting forced through deco· buses. They h3rt to 'Iar.~ In him for good health and anoth' l John's, returned home on Sun,! children 80 that they may see felt the same way about the I COOKIES raler's tube or applied with, heror~ the pnncr" arri\~ er \'Islt 10 his natll'e land. I du)" I for themsel\'es what Ihe Library I L1brar), and made greater use 1 cup shortening toothp1ck. for ~.1 mIC!:tr, e:' .' d, 1)eopIe I n 'The Library CIlurc h SerVlces . Woman's rrh e News I 'I commenced hlJ studies uDdtr Dr. Vinci It the Toronto Conltr\'ltor)' of Music. He hal aIIo jained the cholr 01 the aJoor Street United Chlll'th. At the Thanksllivlnll Service of the "Bit hunt Park United Cburch. Ralph WII !luest soloisl, Icd sang as his fir.t lola "The Lord'. Pra~'er", before a large collll'ellation. In a leiter to his purnu, ~Ir. and ~h, Allred RDlen, he wishes 10 be reo lIIembued u> hi. Nny friends It Harbour Grace. ,· ' \ I t , I . ---=--- • Mer the Fish pmeJ 0 eight. Lea puck be lobn Ed 'express l 'IOn WOli MENTA Legl Der II HR. GRACE-There paSled I ptlufully Iway .t the resl· denc. of ber &on, Ambrole, on Han'ty Street, Harbour Grace,' ont of the oldett residents of the town In the penon of Mrs. Selb)' Bray. The decwed had reached ber .I,bty second year .nd b.d been In faUinll bealth for .am. liml. She luve. to mourn IIer palli"" thrte lonl, Frank and Graham on the mainland, AQlbI'Olt at Harbour Grace and fmployed with Ihe United Towns Co., two daughters, Alice' on thf mainland and Frances \)in. ~Iel't'tr, DeN We) also lun;\,f. A Ion wu a viclim of the SouLht!'n Crou Diluter in 1914, Th. funeral took place from lin late ruldence on Thunday 10 St. Paul'. Church, the ler· "ice beinl taken by Rev. L, Lud· low. Interment was at the An· &lieu cemeter)'. Sympathy Is nUnded to the beru\'ed rela· , ,. • From thriftier pickups to tougher tandems ... best yet of the best sellers Obituary• The longest, strongest fine of Chevrolet trucks ever built is here to handle any haul with fast·working efficiency, There's fhe all-new EI Camino. A wide choice of pickups that range from handsome, hustling Fleetsides through a big variety of Steps ide models, You'll find high·capacity StepVan models, space.saving L.C.F.'s and big.tannage tandems. House to house or ovar the highway, there's a Chevrolet truck for every hauling ;ob In the book - a truck with the right pow,r end capacity to keep loads on schedule - costs low, A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE I it's ti.... temfieo! Kiwanis Club ~ Notes I ! HR. GRACE-Last week's XI· . .nis mtetinll held It Pike's Hotel 'II'U prHided over by Presldent Lloyd An:hlbald, who wtltomed Lie u t. Governor Geoqt Chalkt!', KlwanlUI Har· Dawe, William Chafe, Thos, I.,ndI, all from the St. John'. Club. Hr. Doul Eeaton, Athletic Dl· reelor of Memorial University w been • ,;altor to the XI· wanis Club .t Harbour Grace Ind bu discussed with the com· mitt" hen the pro poled lwim· minI pool. WhUe here, he In· epect.ed the lite and lave ad· viet towardl it. construction ~ MOUNTAIN MaVIN' TANDEMS I I NEW EL CAMINO I I YI, i' Good looks never carried so much weight! El Camino beautifully combin~ the style of the '59 Chevrolet passenger car ..................w.il.h. . th.e. h.ig.h.c.amP.a.ci.IY . . .O.f.a. .h.UmSk.y. .n.1I.•st.e.cl. c3.r.go . . .b.O.X............... etc. i ( II :~ · !' ~ Revisits Home Town Stadium Man.~r Lor n e Y;akelin WII the guest speaker It I mtetlng of Bay Roberti KiWlJllans on Tuesday .nd on nUU'lday attended tbe Car. banlU meetinc wht!'e be dl .. cuaed with ..ch club Pee WH hodll}'. So fa: twenty teams have been JiDed up in Conception Bay and lam.. will be KetUna under· 'II'IY abortly. The Hr. Grace clLlb Is flndlnl 81e1D1 to raU. fundi for the pu.rclwe of unlfol'Tlll for the Hr. Grace team. At Monday's meetlnl of KI· nnil beld al Pike's Hotel, President Llo)'d was In the chair. The social side Included a lin, .onl led b)' Kiwanlan liII Ste\'enson with ~In. Pike II 'ecompaniit. I ~ Chevrolet's Triple· Torque tundem~ are tougher than ever - with increased spring capacity for greater load support I I spa'clous I efficient I Step-Vans I • Compact, easy-handling 's 891\' Low Cab Forward models, medium lIId heavy duty, to handle big loads within legal ay~r·al1 length limits! Newsy Briefs Complele wilh 8, 10 and IHool walk·in bodies. High capacit!· for house·\o·hoU5e delivery schedulesl ~.~.~~ LORD IISHOP OF SEWFOUNDLAND TO VISIT BADOUIl GRACE HR. 'GRACE - On Monday, November Srd., the congrega· tion or SI. Paul'l Anallcan Cblll'tb wl11 be visited by the Lord BlJbop of Newfoundland, lev. J. A. Meaden, who will bold a conflnnatlon lervlce for a large number of candldatel from tblJ parIJb. THE RIGHT PICKUP FOR YOUR JOB! ~?il nm;: ~. w,..,1i'! 11;i",,~ ..= ~ ~"""'" m~;;J ~~ ~;:ft~ ~~.1 ~~ i&L'ti. ., ~.;f~ ~~~ r.W~l1 _."c· '. fi.W!'IiJ ...,;"".,.~ f,.rw1 l~. ~ ~ "...,,,,..'...., ~~'f['l ,:« ,.~... ~ -~ ~ ~ See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer -..,. TI-IE ·HICKMAN MOTORS, LIMITED ST. JdHN'S, • GANDER, CLARENVILLE, I I I ~N~~,~IGHT, N~W=MODELS, ~EW MONEY·SAVING POWER! ~ _ I I With both Stcpside and Fleetside models, Chevy offers sure way. to save on light-duty jobs. New TbriItmaster 6 engine is standard. SlATING tal'ie numbers 0{ aka ten are tlkinll Idvantaae. of load Ice surface .t the Harbour Grace Stadium. On Sltur~ay night Jut, m.ny Ittended from neigh· hourinll lown! u well 81 those from Harbour Grace. CONGRATULATIONS ConaratuIltloni Ire extended ~ !lr. and lin. Arthur Butt III liIonlrul to whom a Ion was born on Sund&)" October 26th. AItIuu a • IOn of AIr, and Mn, C. C. tutt III thla town, B Here's Cltra traction in pickups, panels, stakes, Suburban Carryall and cab·andcha.lsis models. Pius four power take· off outlet!! for operating special eijuipment! BURIN and SPANIARD'S BAY I - OAIL Y NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD" FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 19~B ra 15 \ ,. Commercial Big Sale Of Tickets For Bowling League St. Bon's Dinner LAST NIGHT'S ivil Service Ho ckey League Officially Opened Last Night er GAMES , .. Junior Canadiens.. May Visit Here:; .r Inter association champions, The Montreal Junior Can· Sam Pollock, manager of tle and winning SI. Bon's entries Bennet Brewery:-3 adieDi may be visiting St. Junior Canadlcns Is arrangln~ in city leagues will be honored White 235 271 242 74B Jobn'. for an. exhibition .erles the tour which In all probabljl1)L by the St, Bon's AA at the! L Hanlon will Include Corner Br~k; 145 184 255 ~84 In November. dinner meeting to be held at F. Walsh 251 239 234 724 St. John'. Junior and Senior \ Grand Falls, Gander, Harbou~ the Newfoundland Hotel on Sat· G. Wadden 303 244 2111 798 lIockey League president told Grace, st. John'l and Bell h, urday night at 7.30 p.m. 934 938 9B2 28:14 the NEWS last night that he land" !lIen tal HDspital edged Treasury 3.2, while The Shamrock team winners C,P,O.,-O wal contacted concerning a pro· ' 208 !W7 267 682 posed visit of the Junior Can. Contacted last night Leagl. fi!'heriu 5wan1ped C,N,R 11·1 In the opening of the inter Association hockey G. ~Iercer f C'\V\' 1 ServlI:e • II oc k ey at t h e Arena Iast series will receive the Walsh ~l. Gla1ney 244 203 201 648 adlens to Newfoundland. The president Vlnicombe said th·· pmu 0 ••• Trophy from Mr, Paul Walsh I G. Chapter 183 209 173 56~ Canadlens are scheduled to play he ~al contacted by tbe St!l~' hI, I of Walsh'~ Bakery, Individual i C. Kavanagh 191 238 2~8 687 In the ~lajor hockey centres of lum last night concernlnl t~ B26 857 899 25B2 Newfoundland I tar II n g. on, proposed visit of the ~a, League President Jilek Walsh dropped the I BOSTON (AP) -Basion winger 1 comcback hopcs early In the :hird : nwards are to be present~d to November 15th, to the 20th. : adlen. but IlIld that beforl hI ,uck ,",tween Dr. Freeman of the Mental and I Jerry Toppazzlni tied for the Na·, period. The big right winger had I D. ~Iurphy, R. McCarthy, R. and that Ihey hope to visit SI.' could make any comment ,h~ d'n F.d"ar or the Treasur~' to officially open the Ilonal Hockey League lead in ~oal: not scored a ioai ~iiwe he got two ~Ica~cy, E. Browne, J. Barron, Parker &< Monror:-3 ~ scoring Thursday night a! he j~d of them Oct. l2 against the itan. D. Chaytor,. J. Lawlor, "J. ~al· L. Sullivan 199 160 206 ~63 John'. for an uhlbitioD game: lI'ould have 10 check with ,Ui~ .... " executive and team delegales. t3..on, Prexy Walsh wished all squads In his the Bruins to a 5.2 victory over gers. fred, D. Laing, Cap~. N. Vlnl· G. Hollahan 304 159 2B4 727 or two. .. t the best of luck for the coming year and Chicago Black Hawks. NO PENALTlES combe and J. Rcardlgan: Birmingham 309 257 228 794 Tappaninl third player to 5~ore Oddly not a single penaltv was Awards for the series go to ~L Hall 196 190 223 609 rtprc~~ed tht wish thnt the "ttendance this sca· for Boston 'In 91 aeconds d'.lrlng called ~n the Delroit club b'y ref. J. Rcardigan for the highest 1008 768 919 2693 IIIn would he U Rl'ent as last year. the !irst period, notched his sev· eree Frank Udvari. scorer and Fanny Brennan who Nfld, T, &< E,:-O ~!"\TAI..-TRr.-\SURY enth goal of the young NHL cam· Johnny Wilson got an easy reo had thc best goals agaillst Rver· I D. Pippy 170 187 201 :l5B i !.~=;:r fired a l~\\' shot· opening slanza end 2.0, paign. That tied him with Rockpt bound goal In the first period nnd age. R. Simpson 162 140 232 534 I November 3rd. ,.~ Prrm Crolly In the ~Ioores ltot two markcrs for Richard of Montreal, sent Detroit ahead and ,\ndy The ~I.V.P. ann most ~entle- D. Burnell 179 112 192 4831 -7.15 .:y M.rls midway in the, thr winners In the middle per. The loss was the sixth straight Bathgnte tied It for Nell' \'ork manly player awards Will be I R. Johru;ton 238 258 257 753 The once postponed foot· l·2--George SI. A VI, St d rtrlod to prol'ldr the iod with Murry Chapli~ regis. for the Black Hawks, early in the second with a 15·, announccd at the event. I 749 697 882 2328 ball game in Junior College Thomas A, • marker for ~Icntal, tNing between the two, At 2,00 Johnny Bucyk and Don MeKen· footer aftcr tnklng 8 pass 110m Hugh Fardy and Damlen I -Football between St. Bon's 3·4-St, David'. B VI ..•. t>o:h trams had scorcd tll'O ~Ioorcs scored from Bill Abbott ney of the Bruins tallled jt:Bt Camille Henry. Ryan wi! receive trophlel" Base Ordnance:-! and PrInce of Wales iJ Thomas B, in tht openin\: framr. , and at 11.30 he tallied from ahead of ToppazzlnJ, Norm Ullman broke the tic for winners. of the handball lerles .T. Skiffington 24~ 228 150 533 ~heduled to be held this 5·6-Kirk A vs. Gower St. A. \ prtUY Ihree man play sct Eric Rogers and Abbott, Chap. Fleming Mackell and Leo La· Detroit at the 12:05 mark of the hcld thl.s ~ummer. M. Dt>Wney 258 18~ 190 B33 afternoon at the Feildian 8.30' . ~I f::~1 "enlal score at ·toO lin got his unassisted at 11.00 blne lIot Bruins Insurance goals second period and Marcel Pror,o· ASSOCIatIOn honor awards will A. Smith 17~ 2~9 218 6~2 Grounds starting at four 1·Z-Wesley B vs. Gower B: :~I j:r<t period. Boyd Pen·· a~ the second finished ~.O. In the final period. vast made it 3·1 Intcr in the reo be prescntc? to the follow~ng W. Oakley 255 238 235 728 o'clock. 3·4-5\. Mary's B I'S. Kirk'B rl~:fd the puck into the. The winners added six more Both Chicago tailles came with riod with a 40 faa: screened shot. teams: ROWing, Cox J. SmIth, 933 910 803 2646 A win for st. Bon's will 5·6-Salvation B VI. Cathe lOnt and passrn it to goals bcfore the C,N,R, could the Bruins shorthanded, Howe applied the clincher when ~!gr. J. Palfrey and crew memo Ayre's !!/M:-O give them the champion· dral lB. . : 1,.I1:1'.• n. Layman's shot \\'as find the mark. In the' final Ted Sloan ~lIected hI.! SiXth he took a pass at the ~elV York bers E. Browne, A. Carew, D, J. Martin 232 20ft lD!1 1143 ship while a win for the 9.45 ~ ~~ Crolt~· but Gil Decr· fr~me Norman Stick leored on a gial In the lirat period and as· blue line, drew goalle Gump Fox, G, Laing, T, Murphy and I C. Kearsey 135 174 206 515 Prince of Wales will give l·2-Wesley AI's. St. ~!arYr, , in to fire Ihe rebound. !olo effort at 2.00, Chaplln got sisted on one by Elmer Vasko In Worsley out of the net and ,Iippcd E. Pearce. P. EVan.! 157 168 182:107 the Blues the honours. A A. :' PUI ~Iental Ollt front his sccond from Ron King at the third, home an easy baekhander. Baseball - Coach J. Doyle,· E. Andrews 1BO 227 144 521 I tie game will mean 8 play· 3·4-Cochrane B \·s Cathedral . ::r:,'lIr) cl'cncd the score 2.10, Ro~er~ registered from DETROIT (AP) - All·star Gor. STANDINGS ! Mgr. p. Linegar, p, Bryant, D. 704 775 707 2186 I Dlf game between Feild 2B . 1\ Ith Bill ~Iarsh scltin~ ~Ioorr~ ann Tcd Connon It die Howe broke a six·ga~e goal By THE CANADIAN PRESS 'Ryan, J. Power, G. Gamberg, E. __ 1 and st. Bon's for the title. I :I-6-Sal vat ion A \'1. eoeli· : W,;;:hl up as the shot hit 9.00, Rogen set )ioores up for drought and hlJ DetrOIt Red P W L T F A Pt, Browne, R. Linegar, N. Spar· Nnd, Brewery:-I Prince of Wall'S are out of ! 1001 and entered the net. . his third at 9,30, Barron fired Wings took lole possession. of Montreal 11 7 2 2 44 ~B 16 row, R. Redmond, A. Manmng, G. Tobin 213 230 2.01 544 the championship picture. rane A. ~If.:.\l wrnt back alit front his sccond from Pike' and Art third place Thuuday night With ~ Boston 10 4 3 3 33 25 11 K. Arm, T. Gillles, W. Gllllel, G. Martin 324 2~1 250 825 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !4~ on Jim Rllmll's un· Tillel' at 10.00 and Bob DllIon 4~1 National Hockey League tn· Detroit 9 5 4 0 21 ~I 10 J, McGettigan and ~l. Hogan. W. Feehan 247 236 1M 638 II'~:!'~ marker from a scramble. Ilna5~istcd at 10.30 rounded out umph over New York Rangers, New York 10 Z 3 5 25 :9 9 Also recelving honor award. P French 240 211 209 660 . ~m! of the Treasury nct.. t"e elcl'cn Fisheries goall, Howe'a goal was Detroit's Chicago 10 I 5 2 2R .i8 8 will be coach J, Rice, manager ' 1024 928 61~ 2767 1\ fourth and it chilled all Rsnger Toronto 8 2 6 0 l5 25 4 J Walsh and their junior tr!~k HI k '-0 ... ":Mney men" wcre h~ck. Doug ~Ianston took a pin t' c man I, .~ 1P'r~ndl b1rr to tie the en· from Dal'c Taj'lor to rpail La e~~ T Carroll award which H. Oke 120 :us 191 ~ ,;.::rr onre morro Len Whit·: ~Iercer'~ shutout bid at 12.18 Curlin~ goes to t'he pi aver Judged most M. Miller 204 231 193 627 t " - ' the marksman as he' of the third!! he recorded the u .J.I valunble to th~ senior football B. Ploughman 176 203 178 5117 on 1 pass from Gerry· singlc C.N.R, goal to hal't the team will be announced It the H. Smith 153 192 160 505 r to make it a 2·2 ronlest. contest end ll,l. Connors of dinner. 7~3 874 722 2248 if, Leg~e ~ot the big goal· the winners received the lone Trophic! won during the last ~lrnlal at 7.05 (If thc middle pen.11t1' h;:nded out by referee! The recently elected execu· six month! In city competition C,P,O,:-2 216 199 226 841 as he picked up a loosc Oke n~d Thomaa, tlve crl the St. John', Curllng I will be pmed over to the Col. G. ~Iercer 251 157 133 541 and drilled it behind, LINEUPS Club held lu first meeting of I lege T. O'Brien 230 239 271 740 for the final score of. C.:->.R.-John Whelan, Bll! the lealon lalt night and plans It was rellably reported last, L~st minute purchasers of G. Chapter PMounlcr. Play was fast. Wheeler, C. Taylor, Jim Bren- to open the action at the Club night here In St: John's that! tickets may oblain them from ~l. Gladney 262 215 290 767 959 810 920 2889 the rut of the game but I nan, D. Smith, B, Maunder, D, on November 1~ were made. Grana Falls All.Star player· the association executlvc or Pepp. Commlssary:-l er IQuad was able to tall)' I El'ans, N. Wratt, D, Taylor, S, The new expanaion made to Lindy Faulkner of Bishop Falls I from J. Palfrey or N, Vini· r:. Gosse 203 246 210 M9 coal and it rnded 3·2 for ~ Pike, A, Joy, J, Bemlster, G, the club last year wlll allow 100 may be joining his brothers I combe, J. Curran 130 189 182 501 I Flood, R Hollelt, D. Manlton, mora members to be accommo- G d Al t II b TIm Shu In go.al for the win· i FISHE'RIES-Lo !I.lercer, Bill dated thiJ lealon, There are eorge an ex a ar our I -----H. ~!urph)' 168 180 251 599 Grice within the near future, 1 B. Jackman 220 234 205 659 p. ayed I fine gamt. He I Abbott, Jim Phelan, Ron King, presenUy 220 members in the The report laid that Undy 721 849 848 2418 .Iow ~n th~ flr~t goal but I Eric Parsons, Murray Chaplln, club and this can be increased may be receh'ing. a leave of. . 0 ", , up ~1th brilliant sal'cs for 1 Tcd Connors, Doug Moore, Eric I to 320, Appllcatlons to Join the absence for Iii months from his, Bennett Brewery:-I rrrnlinder of the contest., Rogcrs. Gordon Duff, Art Til· 1club may be obwlned from sec· employer to go to Harbour' (J' J. White' 281 284 293 858 Crotty betwern the pipes, ley, Norman Stick, Pat Barron, retary A, J, Lush at 1. Pine Bud Grace and team up with his b I Hanlon 193 192 164 549 TrelSury 1110 played well'l Hable Pike, Bob Dillon, Bill! Place or phone number 7311·H brothers to play hockey in the I ' F. Walsh 192 139 138 470 1.1 up leveral rebounds but I Power . or from Iny member of the C tl L d ith th I November 2nd . I ' oncep on eague an '" e • . 5h fI I I,0 had wera G Wadden 234 301 2116 791 extra exeeuUve, All IppllcatiollJ murt Conception Bay S~nlor A All.: Alleys 1 and Z: 900 916 8~2 2668 (Tabs. be completed In full, Stars I 2.00-Cadillac V!. Plymouth. ltftren Frazer. Clarke and. The proposed renovation. to Th~ NEWS tried to contuct r 3.l.'}-Dodge VI. Vanguard. U,N.F.:-O ! ~frDonald Is!ucd mne " the club room. hal been de- LI d I t I ht f fI 43[)""ChrYsler VI, Lincoln. C. Reynolds 216 212 167 1'>95 with ~Icntal hein): f d til l t d t n y as n g or can rrna·,· • ~~ erre un I a er a e, tlon or denial of the report but Alleys 3 and ~:! R. Clarke 238 191 156 585 !.I~ for m. Boyd PC~Il); WII unable to do 80. ! 2.00-~!eteor VI. Studebaker. C. Wllllaml 183 197 195 57~ I len mln~te ml,cone ur . .. If Lindy gora to Harhour 3.15--Hillman VI. Pontiac. R. Timrd 180 162 271 613 ] tlt, thlro tJ.erl~d. i. Two gamel are alated in len· Grace It will mean that four of Allcys 5 and 6. 847 762 7119 239B Ll.'i El rs : lor basketball at the Memoml the Bishop and Gralld Falls 2.0[)....Bulck vs. DeSoto. Harvey .. Co,:-! l/!\"1'AL HEALTH-T. Shea, I gym tonight" In the opener .t! !IT, PAT'S JR. HOCKEY stars wHl be In the Conception 3.l5--Ford va. Chevrolet. M. Kirby 2Z6 186 178 590 Puree, B. Coady, J. Russell, : 7.1~ St, Bon I and Holy CrOll The following players are to Bay League this corning winter. 4.3[)....Nash vs, Hudson, J. Norma, 192 2M 248 725 Ptddlf, C, Bhnlseh, C. Gallop, I cla5~ W.hil\ Guards d meet Me· \ attend a practice for the 51. George Faulkner went to liar. J. Murphy 201 212 211 624 BOB' BAD COCK of prince of Wales College Bruit L. Tucker, R. Legge, I moml In t e aecon .ncO'Jnter I Pat'. junior hockey team at bour Grace as Athletic Director Jl)a~, J, WaLlh 215 328 184 727 was named the Athlete of the Year at the Col; DeerinK. A, Smith, T. Smith,· at 8.~0, , the Stadium tonight at 7.1.5--lof Conception Bay and he was Jl) ,., 8341011 821 U66 lege at the Annual Distribution of Prizes which l..Iymln, B, Penny. I GOIn~, In.~o t~nlght a gamll Val Duff, Mike Casey, Jim Ma· followed by brother Alex and London, New York:-O TREASURY-D. Crotty. F. I 51. Bon a mth liVe atraight vic· lone, J(>e Kenny, Joe Browne, then Jim Kenneci)'. L. Byrne 276 248 20B 732 was held at the Pitts Memorial Hall last night. A. Murphy, C. Galway, tori~ for ten ~Inu are lead· Ed, Abbott, Mike Dillon, Jim 1 , D. Rodgers 19~ 111 186 492 (Terra Nova Photo Service), March, C. Walsh, W, Law. Ing the league. (,uards and Holy Byrne, Mike Fitzpatrick, John Leo Byrnl 132 198 141 471 L. "'hIllen, G, Power, R, Crosa with four wi", Ind two Perry, Jim Hickey, Tom Hickey, r Team managera, !corera and M. Bart - IBO 2~S 248 681 V. Wright. D. Stamp, defeau each are next in line Gerry Whitten, Roger Hannord, umpires ot the SI. John'l bm. 783 810 783 2376 J. O'Keefe 132 22~ 220 87~ . II'1OY, K. Knox. with eight whlle Memorial with Gordon Go()ble, Derm Connolly, • I hall league are to contact Joe Smon Lnlh:-2 810 7611 728 2303 • __ , one win against four louel are Kev Whelan Dave Swmp Ed Wadden today for their Invita. J, Ryan 202 1M 260 62~ Delphia Cote:-Z rISHERIES-C.~.R. . third on two poinu, St. Pat'l, Brocklehurst:' I tions to the league's annual R. Morgan 189 171 228 ~B8 Santuce\one 228 187 205 620 Tisheries banged in two goals' who have the night off, are in I __ dance and presentation of M. R~en 146 177 144 467 Berniquez 172 178 182 532 !hI flnt period, added three: the ~ellar winless and pointiest !IT, BON'S JR, HOCKEY Ed Gulliver hit double twa in nwards scheduled for the Old J, erallJhlw 223 194 366 783 L. Turcot 171 149 184 504 The Holy Cr()5.1 Inter·Associa . In the second and then lin SIX atarts. The St. Bon'a junior hockey I the first and 5econd games of Colony Club on Ttmday night. 700 706 99B 24M W. Cooney 19B 280 279 757 tlon football league continllel lix in the final frame, lIluad will practice at the Sud· last nlght'l Hillview darts ae· I, 11. MltcheU:-l 7119 794 8:)() 2413 Sunday at 11 a.m. Harrl EnniJ' Plrat~ plays Jerry Gulliver', holding C.NoR. to a lone·. ium tonight at 8.1~ for all tho!e Ition to have Bedford drop Fort J. Willlami 162 21~ 215 ~1 Nafel:-l perlDd ~core to rlrop the J .' ' Interested in trying for a po!i· Avalon 2-1. The lone win for I ered double four and double A. Spearns 162 249 1B7 59B C. Keell 239 217:LoW 696 Yankees and at noon Joe Gul I)' aquld 11·1 In the scc· tion mUlt attend, All uniforms Avalon was regislczed by Torn. 17 to get the brace of win. for G, )ioori' 155 271 194 620 G. O'Brien 201 191 :Z1~ 607 liver's Bral'es meet GUY Per tncounter of the night. from laat year's squad are to De Gallagher who clockcd double Nova Scotia while J, Cook hit J. Daly 169 231 2~7 657 R. Whitten 176 153 187 :i16 chard'l Dodgers. ~Ioores \UI top Icorer of . returned at thil workouL one. In other games Nova Scotia double four for Fort Hamilton. 648 96~ B~3 2466 L. Byrne 185 21~ 18~ 5B5 ncounter .. ht fired a hat edged Fort !;Iamilton 2·1 and C. Ring with 110 for Belle A, H. Murray:-Z 801 776 827 2404 K. Grant 173 148 141 462 HOLY CROSS JR, HOCKEY Belle Isle blanked Newfound· Isle was the top leorer for the, p, Cmbie 247 14{) 28.5 572 Standard ~Ifg,,-3 737 i22 612 2071 OWing to lack of space The Holy Croas JUnior hoc, land 3·0, night with ~Ianne)' Hanlon of W. Martin 265 237 164 1186 D. Rideout 170 20~ 181 556 Sohie Pike opened the gaol last night's scores in this ley team wlll work out at the A. MeGiness plunked double Fort Hamilton hitting a ton D, Squire(; 244 131 224 ~99 C. Richards 183 235 237 655 n~ .t 4.30 of the first on 206 199 206 611 from "Sox" Phelan. At League had to be held Stadium Dn Sunday from 11.001 one, M. Lawlor hit double ten twice and Bill Clarke of New· NMeworthy 2113 185 260 698 G. Raynel WOO 693 933 2635 L. DeLace)' 155 174 221 550 01 the lame frame Pike o\"er and will appear in I,m, to 1 p.m. All those listed and C, Ring got double six to foundland getting 100 once, on the squad are requested to account for the three Belle Isle Thc next games are scheduled Cousln.s,-l 714 813 845 2372 Barron up for the scc· attend, victories. Harold Oliver regist· for next Tuesday night. E, WilliamJ 170 139 242 11111 Brownlng·Harvey:-O· ~ ...r~ Fishe!iu tally to have the Saturday's Issue. A. EscMt 175 2~ 187 61B L. Dillon 26 180 119 32~ tIt~ ~ ~v J, Tilley 203 170 162 53~ M, Abbott 141 192 151 484' ., ,,~ E. Barron 176 212 282 870 P. Sullivan 279 204 203 6B6 ~4' 724 777 873 2374 '446 576 473 149~ ( l~ ~~ T, &I M, Wlnter:-2 Royal Garage:-S ,~ T. Power 155 239 237 631 C. Mercer 320 326 210 856 ~, ....." E, Barron 201 196 246 643 H Norris 150 220 226 59Q ~.... F. Power 197 204 173 .574 J, Ryan 167 1B9 262 618 V A. Jac:kman 746 851 840 2437 787 9658gB 2650 [ O'Kee1e's:-l Read, S. W. & L.:-O J, Durdle 167 220 143 530 N. Porter 173 180 101 4114 .. D. Rodien 247 149 169 565 C. Heath 175 188 199, 562 L. Gosse 164 173 196 533 L. Barrett 216 206 171 593 [ I,r. al Edge Treasury 3-2; While Fisheries Swamp CNR 11-1 N H L RoundUp "1l ;or~ -: tn I~ ~ i'rt'Hf"'C": 1a --)~;~ . ,1~ :hf ~~!ut~ - coa, Das, '~d nI :bt ('\. :a~·{~t~ : 'rh ;IYtt!f . : t.:: ..• 1 IRL~ F.\l',. " '~:'r:-5 _ T"l"dn :a~": :N'l ~ .:- a~:\~ ~-(\ ~aid Ih~ n:h: YU•.., - : '('0(\ . ICI!1~. ;~"j,prl .' r ho:nr ,n .'";:l'~ Iral:s . :,~ . P" "~a.n~ In a~C;\td • 5 ChamplOnS " hip Game Today To Open Nov, 15 Church Service": I'Howling League1 I ;ndy Faulkner 111 B ], ay J' Oln ros" At Hr, Grae e I' H ly CroC's AA "S. So·whn erIeS .. I I I I I o I I __I I I I L~ I --I s I I t as I I I I I I I --I Turo Games .Jr. BaskethaII I I Practnes ehall Dance I li'n'!I'tatI'ons Hill' Dt VIe" ar S I ) l------, I I I r . () 1 1 r t:.. i) tit" .} r· . I 4: V 1 Senior Grammar School for MISSES' t I[ , M U F St. Pat S ove p ron i( edul~~ _~I Foothall ('I"lv-Comm Bo,\rIing 'uague _ ! :·f('(l( ,I"~ Holy Cross league ActIon 1 White boot, tube skate. 1 SIZES 12, 13 AND 1. .. SKATING OUTFITS REGULAR $7.25 pro Swamping SBC 52-23 1r . ~~~P; st. Pat's jumped out front of St, Bon's 24-5 in the Senior Di· vision of Christian Brother's Grammar School basketball at the Irish gym yesterday after· noon and then went on to de· feat the Bluegolds 52.23, The victory gives the Irish a two and one mark on the season while SI. Bon's have ye\ to wke a win, Holy Cr08S lead the lea· gue, Phil Grouchy and Mike KiDg both bad eight poinu to pace the Irish in tbe first half with Eric Greyory having lix, Ed, Sears, three and John Fisher lACK WALSH, President of the Clvll Servlee Bodley drop.' the puck between Dr, Freeman and John Edgar to officially, and Bob Piercey both ge~tlng Dr the Larut at the Arena last nl,ht. Mental HOIpltal wan the fint pmt over Treasury 3·2. In lhe photo (left to nght):- two. For 51. Bon's Gerry Vletch had four points while ~n Mc· of M.tal Hospital, Bob (A)ady, t-.m eaptain of Men~1 squad, Jack Walsh and John Edgnr of the Treasury.- Carthy 1I0t the other,. Eric Gregory threw In 11 (Royal Photo Service). Learue, . rr-me" points In the second frame to head the Irish while Phil Grouchy got eight. Ed Sears and Mike King b()th had two, On SI. Bon's Gerry Veitch can· tiilUed to lead the way with eight, Ron McCarthy got five, Bill Hogan had four and Stan Cook netted one, stars of the conlest for SI. Pat'. were center Grouchy and playmaking guard Fisher. On SI. Bon's Gerry Veitch was tbe Bwndoul. . LINEUPS ST. PAT'S-E. Gregory 17; P. Grouchy 16; M, King 10; E. Sean 3; J, Fisher 2; B, Pier· cey 2. ST. BON'S-G. Witch 12; R. McCarthy 6; B, Hogan 4; S. Cook 1. - 1 '-0-- BOYS' SKATING OUTFITS ( , ] '1 . boot With ( C,C;:zi~b~r~~e. AND 1 REGULAR $995 . . [ ' pro .,( • Black I NOW , $3 50 ( -0- THE I I C.C.?!. . I SPORTS SHOP:'1 f 256 WATER ST. :. I oct27,29,31 ~ .• I _ _ _ _ _ ....., THE DAilY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlO" FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1 16 THE STORY O~ MARTHA WAYNE -JACOBY Luxury For Your Living Room ON BRIDGE With These \ Superb, 3 Piece .. BAD OVERCALL BRINGS GRIEF CHESTERFIELD SETS ,. I, NORTR 28 • Q 1075 3 .32 t ~3 "'QJ6 3 WESt EAST (Dl .K .39864 .,98 'A75 tAHi2 .tKI09 • A 10 5 4 2 '" K 8 CAPTAIN EASY SOUTJ{ , I, I I .A2 • K QJ 10 8 4 t Q8 i .97 Hor\h Bnd South vulnerable Ellt South Wett I• 2, Double Pass PB!! PaS! I North : Opening lead-. K : BY OS\\' ;\LD JACOBY The lIl1SIHlnd nllnrrabie over- i call is Iikel)' to pro\'e a ollc·way : ticket to Ihe poorhousc, El'en a I super,sound one may provc pcnsive when parlner sholl'S up i with nothing, \ . East did not rrally hill'e all, i opcning bid, South's two,hrart I , overcall would meet tlip Il~ost stnnd~rds and \\ e,t I exacting really had a pOOr dOU~llc, yet whcn thc smoke had clearcd I I aw~)' South \\'a,~ down 111'0 I I I tricks. I The de(en;c II'US simple but I : interesting West opcned his: : king of spilclcs, South 11'011 Ihc trick ,llld led the tcn of hl'arts. · J::asl touk thc Hce Hnd aller a! 10: of tholl;ht playcd the killg I oi rlubs, Wilel; Wc;\ dropped: Ihe dC',ICC, ~H~I W2S ~Ul'C that! 'his Wl'IIICr IIUd oPcllcd a Single, : 'tOil spade. lICIICC, he gi!le him i a spade ru[L I \\'est millie a vcry ;o[r ploY,1 He cashed his a~c of club, alill Ird al'cthrr c1ull, J::a;l ru[lcd al1d SOlllh ~\'cl'l'u[(rd, :-;0',1' lherr 11'", 11(1 \I'i1~' for South III ;11 aid Ihr lo;s o( Ihrre lII<il1lOl1U Irick!;, From Soulh"., ;lalHlpl'll1t ti,£: · rralll ,',1(1 [r"tllre abullI the II'hol'r thllig I\'a~ Ihat I( hr hou ;Imply pa;;cd, E~,\\ ;1I1U \I'e,1 wouln probably hare lalFled al : threc no,lrulllp .11lfl SOHth i wOlild hal'e opcned ;J heart and, ,defeatcd the contract. i c:,-: Sit back and relax, whether you're viewing TV or entertaining friends, these attractive, luxurious chester. field sets offer a lure choice of onl that will find a place in your home and your heart. Feel the rich textured fabrics, look over the elegant colours, plein shedes and mixes, give those jumbo cushions the 'sitting' test and you'll want to have them home before you get there. COLOURFUL COMFORT WITH CHROME KITCHEN , ~ ~ '.'~ & DINETTE SETS FROM Here Is modern II\-Ini at It! beautiful best. The happ)' housewife who bas her kitchen or dinette furnished with one of these ileamlni ch~ome seu must really feel Ilke whistling whl}e she works, The labour saving, space 13\'1ni: feature!! are a joy to the heart of any bome,maker: Check the wonderful, washable plastiC fabriCS of the cosy chain, the shining. stamproof matchm~ table tops anrl feast )'our eyH. on the attractil'e colour combinations and de51glls . . . you, \00, will go modern with chrome, ~ ONLY 554.50 ,I I ~'''\ ., ':i BEAUTIFUL MODERN 3 PIECE BEDROOM SETS ,I ' I .: FROM s89.95 TO $279.00 Add the finishing touch of elegance to your bedroom with one of these beautiful modern bedroom sets. Th~ clean lines of the up.to.the minute Ityl1ng will delight the eye, the fine finishes and sturdy construction featured throughout will appeal to appreciation for value. There's' k>15 of useful drawer space and: bright, clear mirrors • , • they're really worth seeing . . . and owning. The Great Eastern Oil N -." ITS 6ElNG H,L~rtJ'_ L'<E THIS T'JA15 G!:\'J!J,I. err Mr; A P,ASSO~G GIU D.! , Jo.S,::;==:::::'" CARD Sense I Q-The bidding has been: i East South West ~orth 1 ... Double Pass 1. Pass t.? You, South, hold: ~K J 10 B .,A K Q 9 8 5 +6 3 \ of, 4 I What do you do? I A-Bid three "parles only.· i have tremendous llistrlhillion' , . ' . bllt can easlll' lose lonr Irlc~s 'nrr Ihe loti. 'Henmuber thaI: )ollr Ilarlnl'r\ ,;pade ill,l VilaI" anfec" noLhiug since yuu :laH fOI'l'ell him 10 lakl, action, TOO.\ Y'S QUESTIOX Your p;lI'lnrr clll1til1UfS \\'jlh a hHI o[ foul' diamond;, \I'hat do I'Oli on no\\',' '\n~\I'er 'fnlllllrrnw paCTS AND HER BUDDIES 'MQ\':)\~, CJ\"'~, \S t:>~~ C'? I'M':' s\-.,c.v.,.'E:.S' c.;:::,~ c;lC.~ ,~ i'M"'- 'a\.l'::o\,,"'Ii:. '0";, ~ Dele~a\cs To c ·T,~x MceLill~ PRISCILLA'S POP L i ~Iore than fil'e hundred l chartered accounts, lawyers and bu~iness executivcs arc expected to attend this ~'ear's annual conference of the Canadian tax foundation, taking place in · Wbn:peg, l'\ol'ember 13 to 15. ! Speak9rs 11'1ll include D~ln ~l. E. Lazcrte of the Vnll'cr,I!), olj I Manitoba and C. W. Gilchrist, 'I ~!anaging Director of the CanI adian Good Roadli Association I on "Education and Highway costs-the next 10 years"; and A, K. Eaton, fiscal consultant, James Sinclair, President of the British Columbia Fisheries Association and Blair Fraser, Ottawa &litor o( MacLean's Magazine on "The An:lual pro· cess of Tax Chances," ' The Honollrable Dona!d ~£. Fleming, Q,C" ~Iinisler' of ri· · nilnce will ~ddre~ tne annual I ha nqucl. Panel di~rll~sinns will Incln:le ; ~Ilch tnpic,~ <I,', Sales Tax: Com, i pany Amll~amations: Legal aad ,Acclollnting Plinciple~ GOI'ern' • ing llNiuctihle Expensp.s; Es· : lalt Tax; Ulliform Ass~ssmellt lof real Propert~'; Common· wealth Economic, Af£ai~; Taxa· tlon in the Petroleum Industry; Where does Cheatlng Begin in Taxation?; and Methods of En· forcement of the Personal In· come Tax, The found<ltion I~ a nun·profit organi7.alion establlshed by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and the Canadian Bar Association to·prol'ide both the t.ax·paYIl1G public and the II governtnents of Canada with the ! benefit of expert, impartial reo : seRrch into clIrrent problems of taxatlon and governtnent fi· nance, ' t COMPANY ;liMITED' , . I i , " A I I I I ' I I , i; TH' CRITTER '.'1£'R=: HU)J7,"l', '[).l,iS \,AI<~:INi ~',"'-"RNE, "y'THI NK liE L'_ rl~;D 1M IN I ~:JNG~E r"MCV''''Ci:7.~~ , ---:---------800 on your radio dial is where you find many valu"ble items, of met· chanrlise. VOWR's An· nual Radio Auction Nov, 3rd, 4th and 5th, at. 7 p.m, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 each evcmng.-(tf). My wife is always 'Na5hin~ clothes, It ¢ives her ~I"cat deliejlht... To see them han~in9 on the line A!I dean and ,<. dazzlinq bt'i9ht ... L--=:-_--:-_~..,_~v,."_ aa;, _ '. ~,ORTY' ~~KtE you'RE 00 COLD AND C*5TANT. TELL ME THE 1RtJTH , •• BUGS BUNNY But every virtue has a pt''-t:e And this, too, has its l"ub_. ____ __ __ ~O_A~~Y_~ ,_ST_._JO~H_N_~_,_N_FL_D._,_FR_1D_A_Y,_OC TO_B_E~R_3' Including the climactic episodes In the IIvel 01 JUU!, Soerates and Galilee-have been played out in court·rooml. Which may not explain the unendinll fuei· ns tlon exerted by court· room novel~, films, slorieslnd plays, It suffices to say that, from for til, Pro5t'cution" Arl!lophan~5 to Shakespeare 10 TYI'Dnf Ponr. fhlrltl Agatha Christie, the drama .r. Marine DittrIch centerlnll about a great trial -has always proved 10 be a sure~~rld·. lI'e3te~t dramas- I fire attracllon to audiences. '9_~_B ____________________________________________________________________ ~~~ ______ ,7 Since Misl Christie's name has but I think it's authentic. And pretty sure that il', r.ulhenlic, "GooJ," r Euiri. 'Til pfohaul!' been mentioned above-however in good condition.'.' but we'll have the experts look! sec), v~ tomon'ow ni~ht. Guoc\· , Inadvertently-thll le.mlto be "Excellent," he IBid. "Miss at It. I'm coming bac); tomor· ll/·c." I l:ung up ann looked at . 1I(.l1an:; will be delighted. Have row. Are you still planning on Pcrrola. "Youre In·,lled for this a 100d time to mention ihat you told her yet?" , some sort of weekend party?" wcrkenrl." "Wllne" for th, Prollcutlon." the acreen Ir.lon of her Imuh "No. I know that ahe will be "If you'll be here, I wUl," 'Splel111id.~ i1e said. "I'll tell: It_lie-play, la let to open 10-' arateful for all the help you've she IBid. you what. InslclIJ of taking the: morrow at the Paramount givenme,' , I said. "And lome· commercial airline, wh:i don't: Theatre through United Artlsll "What 'can I do- for you?" thing occurred to me, You men· "Good. By the way, you've you come wilh me? I fly my' :XXXIII . New heard of Haimundo Perrola, the own pIalle,Yo u k'now, '.n d we, releBle, an d t hat It I_very "I just wanted to tell you," II one d th a t you are 1n much lo-a court·room drama, 'BlIenOi diu, Senor Mareh." I said "that my ml~lon hu York quite often. Do you expect Monican diplomat, haven't can make it even laster than, MOlt Suceeuful it wa. the dictator himself.' to be the're this coming week- you?" the airline will. Then I always; been successful." d I h' f " "Oh, yes." 'd d J Termed the most lUectllful tl of th I I There was a moment of Iii· en ,or n t e near uture? lOW II h h b t h I keep a car at I lewil and f my.tery melodrama of recent on I Mnm nil· Countless " I might be," he aald. He e , e as een mos e p. can drIve you out to her plac~.", times. "Wltneu fOr the PI'OII!- multitudH of the little furrv encve. He hadn't really bellev· looked like a small boy who iul. It just happens that he's "I'd like that," I &aid, which' cutlon"ltau Tyrone Power, ueaturn go headlong Into the ed In my manuscript and now sensed candj' in the offing. going 10 be in New York amI wa.~ certainly the underat.tte. I thought you might Invite him men,"-of the year. Marlena Dietrich and Chari .. r.cl, oyer eV!~y ~bttacic, In 1 I was say~ng I h~d it. "It has?" "Why7" blind and pitl~hl,e frenr. indue. h,e s3,I,d fmally. My congraula· "Well, I'm going back lorn or· out for the \~cekcnd so that"You (To Be Conllnued) i.luibton. On. of t~ oldest formt or ,.1 by ovrrcrowdmg. Illon5. . row. "Miss Mellany will want can thank him personally. Hermeneutic!, the Icience ot "I am r~,turnlng t~ New ~ork to celebrate finding the manu· I "I .mig~I:" 5he said. I could dnma, the eDurt.room play or Summer, brief and hicUc to interpretation and explaolt!oci film alway' leeml to be the Ir..ure new urprJ!il\~5. aeps tomorr~w, I nld, and Ion· s<:ript and I thought if JOU were' jU!t .Imaglne the face a~e was neweet. Three of the blUett tht mlll'ato.,. waterfowl rrlurn de:ed if I could make an ap- going to be there l'd iUggesl1 makmg. I knew her o~ll1lon. of is the scientific term uled by • moneY.JlUlken of thl recent 10 tftelr plRce of birth. Thpre pomtment for .tomorrow morn· that aha invite you you out so IPerrola and all men ilke him. archaelogists to describe their Broad". l!!Ison were set In Ire waclin;l bi,'lh, Iho r,halj. Ing. 1 would hke to ahow you lhat she can thank you in per.I"Of course, that's a wonderful procmes In verifying their dis· rourt.roo"ml. "Th. Cdne Mu. :O/l~I, Are1: ,ll:i!, reese nnd 1 the manus<:rIPt, before I leav~ Ion." idea. Invite him. by all means." coveries. I and of .coune I d hke to sr "1 would like to meet ber" -------~-------------U C rt M rtl I" "I herlt the Killl ELi!r Ii'Jrk. nr /I ad fl, n"Wlt Tho sc~r.a mU\~i Ilrtl'~r your private museum whIch you h' aaid He drummed on the Th 8 Wloud n, an 0 courll, • th I t h ' offered to show me " ' . nHS for the PrOiecuUon./I All ~Oll , not ~ cdre of tho lim'" "'.,, desk with his fingers. "I don't three were bourht for film pro- brr belt. Tllp. f'J;,lell c~'e lhck. Of course, he 1B1~. Come, see any reason why I shouldn't IhOWl U8 e;lo,,. she raises hcr lD ,~t 10, Senor March. . "be there even tbis weekend." ductlon. So ~ v U od' t brood In I haUllw tr.:~ and ~hank you, Generall5S~mo, "Fine. I'll call her then as ml VI nO ywo • mal h b I SBld I hung up and grmned : If N t I II d th &oon as I get back to the hotel." spectacularl, popular plctur •• CGUN er ao ts. te Ibn. r r. . ~t I have been court-room dram.. miltt. BefOl'C le:lI'lnll Ihe tundra ~ m~se. e~ CB e ,e "Why not call her from beglnnlnl with liThe Nlllht of the camera cJtche,~ the herd ~Irport ant~ mt11C I. res~rvat.lo~ here?" he luggcsted. He pushed January 16th" and "Th. TrIal life of the Ihaggy musk !lX. a .or noon e 0 o~Ym: d ay JUS one o{ the telephone I toward ! of Mar, Dullan," runnlnl lIv1nl legend of the Arctic ~e.ca~~e~n~oncealfet t~e ~~la~n me. through to "Twelve AnJIT paaturel, ~ .. • 0 Men./I The wolf prwides the mest ~galn I and asked for Ralmundo HOPING that Merry remem., M 1.1 h?" ~red what I had told her fuclnallng entry in the whole I e,:~o B. animal arrlY. Patiently Ind h 0: dar,~/~\ r. I arc,' about taking her cues for me. daringly photographed over • I e, ~s e . In,,, ow I ) our 1 picked up the receiver and period of wto years, lobo and o~,e'y er;;p oyer. " put threw a call. hit! mate IiIhow us the ,intelll. Flne. I said. I wonder if "1 not sure," I said. "1 gucss gent tnctics of their hunt of the ~ COUI~ run ?ve; a,~d see you it happened tsc other nisht caribou, their devoted family o~'ca te.wI n:,lnhU es. 'd "C I when 1 ended up in that jail of life an d th elr 'amaZing . resource· rl hterawa aln ..y: e !al. Orne : yours, I 10 Id you I thoug~t there fwnen which has enabled them ~ t)d rl h d L . I was a fight of some 50rL" WALT DISNEY'!! to sun'iva in this last rem ole d' wen t o;~n a UIS He laughed. "That was quite, HWffiTE WILDERNESS" Bland irom encroaching humans: r1lve mel' 0 'ct e BdRce. h I an experience. The poor chief' IThe herd l'f f Ih ' " wen InSI e An was lawn, f l' ' 'Ii· , --'.... f: I Ie e carIbou is, in 10 Perrola almo~t immediale.: 0 po Ice .IS 5tl gOing crazy Ph t t h , 0 ograp .... on >o,e roof 0 I comp emen sry speclacle. I' , trYing to flou alit whal happen· 'the world, lome of the mOtit I The wolnrlne lives u[l to its' ). I . rt t ' " er!, But naturall\' the policeman , I... . " l ~ 1100 0 ~ec YOll a~aln ' . ferOCIOUs as well as genlle allim.!repu ... :lon ~s Ihe mosl ferocious 'I :/"H '. '.' whu made a mi,take like thal alt and blrdl and marine crea· beast In this land o{ toolh Bnd I l,e S;I. ow are) ou progre5 Isn't gOing to admil it." ' tures on the North American claw, E\'eu the wolf gil'e,~ \\,<1)," Sl~,~:, founrl the m<lnllm'ipL" Tile phone rang. I picked it : continent are dnmRtically but to him, 'l'hese secnes are the \e up and answered, Also-UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS ,accUl'lltely presented In this, first to rHea I his habils in dc· 'The Columhtls manuscript:" , "Hello, ~Iilo," ~!err)' ~aid ,True·Life Adl'enture, "While lall. he asked, He looked as startled; sleepil)'. "II'hal's tlle idea n! TIMES OF SHOWS ; Wildernf~I.". The breath o! wintcr 5end~ as he ,ounded. He 31.,0 had nol' calling me up at this horriiJle f.\'EMl'iG SHOWS 7 P.M., 9 P,M. I Suecelll"l scenea depict the moe,1 of the srct:c wildli!e. IRr~c believcd in it. "I am nelight.· hUllr'!" wairul in fll/ht snd pla~'; t~e and small. ~cl1rrring 50uthwaril ed, \\,hcr~ did \'011 iind it;" ''\''C !ound thp l'ol,lmhu, MATINEE 2 P,~f. mighty polar beRr. In the hCilui!, tOIVRrd the tree belt. T'IC "Some little 'old \I'nlll~n II'hd imonuscnpl," I said trYing tu i InK antics of his family !;fr;: cameras focus on the ~reat tide: lil'~,~ on the ed~c 01 tile city. ,ound e~citcri, : the lIl'aceful rl.nge~ teal. a WI", 0; tra\'el1n~ caribou. ~~lu~lIcs of: SllC hild it in ",ilh a lot o[ jlllll; . ' • • TlIEflE lIas a 1ll011lL'nt 01 ,liable mermaid In the Ita, o,her RlJlmuls "ho\\, flight from in an old trunk. She uoc\n't ! pool.; the white bel~ga whale i th~ .Iong. frigid darkness of Ihe: el'en kl.10W wherc il eame fi'om, ,lienee, She had 10 "top "lid illmpsed In atrange ntuals. : arctiC lllghl. The hllsky polar, bUl Ihlllks c\'Cl'I'thlll~ III the ligurc nul wi,al the CnlllmbllS II,at's I The dramatic pageant reveats' bear alone delirs the ;1l1nu:11 ~ trunk had hcl~n~ctl to her lllanu,cript W~5. "Oll. "THE PROUD REBEL" the Hreate~t mystery of t~c ~ relurn of the Ice A;;r th3t brecl 21·;lI:dmother. Of eotu',c, it'" wonderful." she ,,::irl fin:"l:, northland, the 'sulcidal' miiil·~·1 him. ; ha\'e to hi: c::aminrd by c:;pcrt,. 'l,n't it?" I ,<lid. "[ feel, I' III TO-MORROW Capitol TYRONE POWER MARLENE DIETRICH CHARLES LAUGHTON T, •I UT \I ,,; SlIo\\',: , PJ1.-11 P.M. PJI. ---------------------------- NEXT ATTRACTION _ H05SER Rl'SH-.\YrnO~\' If TlO\-TIIHll.l.S-Sl'SrE\,~t, I ° ! ...........;..;;..J. '11:\\, \HT 1;11,\1.1:11 in "II.\RII\' IIL\(,K :\:'\0 THE 111,\11" \lith I\,\IIII.\H.\ ;1\ I TIMES OF SHOWS ~1.\1'I:,\H: ~,oo To-Morrow IS LAST TIMES TO-DAY STt:Elr- CINE'IASCOPE \\0 COLOR. I J I Barber ACCESSORIES CENTRAL BARBEll SHOP. We are DOW operat· ing six chairs, You can bl assured of the best possible Acrvlcfl plu.a the lellt po .. 51ble waiting. 24 New Gower Slreet, opp. Adelaid. Moton. .. TOt: :1.DI~ TIRl:: rOR.HIO:-l A complrte Ilnr 01 ACTO ACCESSORIES a1waYI In sloc~ m.\L 90141 Nnd. :ONFECTIONERY REID'S 38 Cigarelle~, Bamhrlck Street Dla\ 1191·2 TIlE FDlEST BREAD, c\KES and PASTRlf.S ~adc in Ncw!ounl!land Hill O'fIllPS DIAL 2868 Fruit, Ice CrUlll ar" Drink~ We Give Good Sen1e,. RowRn IUrfll. DIal 91054 1II \It ST. and TOP~!L RD, For al! ~'our Bu:I,lin& Requlrrnwnt.< call 80161 - 91171 IIUn.DI\(. JONES ELECTRIC & SO~. LID. 1nd\l~lrlal Electrlelllll j j Hamillol Sire e! , Omce !t74 Ru. m, Cl~"ITRAcrORS REPAm~;, At reH~onable rales. PHOSE 93430H, VICE RmEOUT'1I !U:Cnm..'AI, SERVICE EleclTleal CDnlrlC'lDr 408 W.ter BLuel, II. JOIIII'., i'VewreIll4l1l•. !'1I01l' IIU DRY CLEANING DOWNS DRY CLEANING LTD. Covering St, John'~ with fi'asl, Efficient Service. ;4 .. AMD..TON AVE. DIAL 1t8! ElECTRICIANS MARIN~t DIESEL AND ELl!:GTRI(;Al €f')C. S4 Hour 8ervlce for Rtpalra to Motors. Gelleraton I!Id • Houlehnld AppUanell. l'IAL II" D;sl~ib:'lnrR EI~clrical for SuUb.',\11 flpplioncrs. Sporling Goods l1nd SIMt.' \l'eHr lUI nil occa~ .1ns, Leeallo~.: ! FIRE IN3URANCE co LTD. Alenls :or CROSBIE J) 1:\(. .; 011; HEA11NG D. C. BISHOP UNDERWRITERS AT tLO\'IiS. LOW RA'l'E~ DI.4.L ,lOll FISH STORES audlh; er... '.00btd,.rllOlIe, tOll. c..u, Tr.cSJ ..... Granl ..Un,... ----------HEATING C. :\. HUBLEY. tID. L1'1I. 0 ItlT-t. . "alit" ".n Il l.b'e. FLORISTS HOW~E OF FLOWERS BtrvIDIl !L JOIm'I !I'm ') locltlOlll: m RAN..4.TON AWNUI DIAL 8005! lOt WATER ST. DIAL m. You Choice of what ,OU 1let4 DIAL 1110 7BI WATER ST. WEST ",'HURCHILL'S StJ!lERMiJUCET PORTUGAl COVE buy your Il'oceril'l Ju.st u cheap u In Sl JolIII'r .1Id bave them d\!IJvp.red to ,G\II' doer "Ithoul charI', . WI lin D.P.II. 1111111,. You CIIl ~ nd ROAD ------------------A. L. CC'LLIS HE: qING BELTONE H£ARING GLASSES CALL W. SHUR'I DI.U 2m HOME INDUSTRIES WHO&h BIRTHDU. Certainly a b.lldmB~e arU~le {rom NONIA If DO" Ill. Sui will do. HOME CONTRACTORS CAMEM s:mt 17 LO:'lIl'S RILL DIAL 7mL I'iew! Irtlltk .... qliy mounted and ITam.... , See our selection ~ewfo\lndland EASY MONTl!l.Y PAYlIENT1 • ltom hall.. ud 0 ..1'11 • Add till! .. 1<. roomL o Mt4el1llu ,..... tlt<b ... eonla.t ". •. rABloNI LTD. , a.. a • \\',ISHlNG • GREASING TIRE REP,\IRS DIAL m8 MARSHALL MUTORS Biowout3, Bruises, Under lo!lation. Call MARSHALL MOTORS Water St. :>laJ 800~1 DUCKWORTH 51. Paper and Paper Produc'-' WHOLESALE ONLY MIL 62811 ' 7636 DI,I "In JEWELLERS fHbKlNbN JEt'tLtEitY W WATER ST. Whell aelecUnl I Dlamolld Rln" lee our prlvat, DIamond I!ooth. DIAL ~ GREAT EASTERN On. CU~a'ANY, LIT REPAIRS TO RADIOS, T.V. AND ALL, ELEcrRlCA.t. APPLIANCES, DIAL 8001 Ie 8005 nIAL 12711 TRASh FOUNlJRl LID. 362 WATER liT. Manufacturers m MAID OF AVALON I!Id REGAL RANGES DIAL JIll , "mI TOBACCOS GEORGE ·VASIllNGTON D!JtrIbutt4 ., TIllE REPAIlIING "ASHrNG '~TT£RY CBARGrNb . GRE.I,SlNG DIAL 2109 'KANK !lieN AJlA1lA LTD Dill 11&1'" SE~VICES TAXICABS SERVICE • 011, ruaN lCE • REFIIIGEI.lTU'" • lI'ASnEBe • IIA!>(JER NORMAN Dlelt r,TD. SERV 1(,"E FOR PL'.NOS AlIID CRGANS New LocaUnn: OIL BURNER! Jmmrdi;He Dclivery SHEPPARD'S SERVICE !:TATION THE L.'\ WRENLENFLV. CO.,l TI... m IN STOCK BOSTON BREE~ TIRES Guaranteed Bgoin~; Cut., DIAL %09 . - M.~\,ES FISK PAPER PRODUCTS RADIO-TV REPAIRS HOMENO IMPROVEMENTS DOWN PAYMENT IAn, ,... TOPSML R(L\D Wpdding Pholos. Po-Iraill and Commercial Photography AIDS ~. STATIOl'l fDPSAIL ROAD PHOTOGRAPHY Place '.\UI.El'.'S SERVICE Piano and Organ Showroom: Din I 9·2161 or 9·2162 FactDry: Water SI.. IIr, Gra~p P.O. Box 35A !li~cford R. W. SERVICF STATIONS ~f al';;rt PLu;o,tPP.iG and REATIIIOG CO!l;TRACTORS GARLAj\:,),S STUDIO Rep. Grllpral Elrrtrte 7. PLEASANT ST. ,'~ Kln,1 Road Dial %916 DIAL %958 ~Z8I It aT IN I..EA1)ING r.ROCERV LIN!S. n. P~. AUTOMATIC LEDREWS EXPT ESS LID GL..\SSES B. WALSH Af En ----- -. PIANOS and ORGANS Cl OU J, Of';, TORBAl' ROAD Packing. Crating Sh'ppln~ Alentr. for AIUed Van Llnef HEARING T. C, HIBBS. MaUler Rei. 6455; Office 90061·2 RELTeNE wn.n HOlume M~at IlOmes. DIAl 90.l\" n. O'lJltl~('01.L :-\0, I (;Jmplctc IIp,tu·JJalr WARM AIn CO~DI~IONI:'lG %10 WATER ST. DIAr m~ 1I0USEHPLD :/:OVER~ lie SlI'tIPERS Lm. GROCERS FRE~. 'II PE:"1'~rYWUL Plumbin,1, and Mcalini: Srrl'icr ".r.b.... ~ lIN. JOHN DtAL :1317 Elu"E~l ,\p!ltai~<lls o! H.'sl !':~Inle ~nd I\U';;~O~~ In pril'ale f'i,U1.\It.\ LTD, DIAL 3169 Loul !TI... ln, p.r.I.,. <r.Il.. <ad ~!ppla., "'.mb." .1 C.W.A. .nd M,M.1 A "'1.,,11 r•• U.llod V.n Iill 01 , D. •. ~rllar.lI'. l'U1I'Ar.J':a 'Mt) 0111" Ill!. atln J4III,I'II0tl ~Ir STOVES :\m ICE MARKETS M~AT C'm~ltle CITY FISli SHOP DIAl, Fk,\\1\ REAL LSTATE I'or n"triiJlitr.1 hv rnr. 11. DIIIllt"Onll IT. &lid tOIl.l IIlItan" EXC;.VATlNf· AND GR.WING ~IA l'CHJ',~; 121 NBW GOII'ER ST. ~{cCLARY FURNITURE MOVERS -------_.- ml , H1E1.I)~ Ll~fJ'I'ED DI.4.L me Service. Quality. Variety MATC:iES HISCOCK LTD H[lY\L\ Y S\FI':TV GES'EnM_ R.\nD\\'.~RE !:moIllE FRUIT STOllE 144 Palrtck St'trt. 0111 ~'.\2 17. Dn~.nrth St.. Dill ~m E. an. .. I!A1\BOUlt LTD Dlltrlbuton Ofl Kelvin MlII'lne Dleaels \l:elvln Rleardo G8J Elllnea GIFT SHOPS Full LIne 01 Spare PartJ. L.WA'::Y'S 472 • 47~ WATER n. REMEMIIJlANC! mop DIAL Wol GUts, Games, TOYI, NovelUel, COUt'1 Carda EXC~VATING for aD ceculOlll LAl\tBERT'S COUGH SYRUP HMUU~ 6: Fruit in C();\':"IORS' DRUG STORI£ cen be obtalnerl at DVSTBANE timoondland' • Cl eanett ward. ObCaIuble .t It J. COLEMAN I,TD. - . ~ DVrKWORTB ST. DIAL !4IS Fre.he~1 ENGIN!S CONNORS DRUG STORE S34 WATER tIT. DIAL me Rnad ~E~ S'f(iJ\F~ 31 PRl:SCOrr sr. CO PRESCO'M' !1'. DIAL 14~ Specialists In Moton. Generators, steam Iro!!s aDd all Householl! Appllanm. ELEL"'TRIC.U. For the To\\'n call HARDWARE STORES DRUG STORES D!AL 7166 DIAl 71(',1; Wlrlnl MaterialJ, Wire aDd Cablu, Molor~, Starter~, LamPI, Swllche.!. LilhtlD. Fixture., elc. "'AREHOUSE PRINCEII BT DIAJ. aoss --------------------HA"U .. L' SNOW (Mr,p:rlf IIp·lo·do' C lervlcf !I1~rr~l1Irrtln~ HRTNERS LTl'. ' ELECTRICAL SERVICE \' .R,\\!)EI.L, Lm. REqumEm:~'TS & C:)NTRACTORS For 1\11 your PATh'TING, ROOFING. Ind CHmNE'i En D,\ \\'E, Ll U. EMPIRE FRUIT AleDCY Departmpnt I4J ".Ier lit. DI~I tlM fOUR FRIGIDAIRE DEALER ~NFLD.) CO~FEcrIONERr FRUIT STORES BMm:. JOHNS'roN COMPANY, tID. HEAP Arm&tul1l \',-OtKI ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES "An:a "', '1M TIl.I". ..d Rep.lrla., OTer Thlr1" nan' Uptr1fDet ulUru ~qmpetent !I~rvicICol. A-I TAXI CALVER Aft. DIAL 111. . '"' Anywhere. An, pIKe. AJJ,I1rIM.· U SOUR RRVlCI !:. R. ROGEKS .. !IIeF.rlllllt .,. 'Pbonl "51 SNACK BARS ED'S LUNCH DIAL me WELL COOKED FOODS P'REE DELIVERY COURTEQUS S!!;RVlCE SOFT D!tINKS ACE AND SUPER TAXI FOR THE MOST EFFICENi SERVICE IN TOWN CALL ACE Dr BUPED 'I'm DIAL 55St • me USED CARS 'wEST END TI:'.EVISION T.V.-Radlo-Car Radlo Repalr~ ALLlliD AGENCIES ADELAIDE MOTORS LTD rRE8UIE 705 WATER STREET FOR A ~AR YOU CAN WJlII Free TrIcolour ".llIlJlr CALL 1885 DEPEND ON CA.1L CALL sm . At Night, Day, HoIJdl1 or 4D£LAmE MOTQU LfI). ALLIED AGENClEl Sunday for Ful Service and DIAL 3111 %17 Nr. Gowu St. Guarantee<:! work caU TmA. Designed For Our Readers' Convenience '------------------------------------~~-----------------------------------~-------------~ 18 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD" FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1 I .iiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiijJ Thinking of Changing Your Job? !, 1 I ' OUTBOARD WINTER STORAGE I. PRGTECT ~!:""" I'Jlu"hle OUT 1 llOATID ~'OTOI: 'i or Puwcr ~[o\\'cr ! :, ,. ' •• I ' I 29 PIERCE AVE. I cducational qualifil'~tiull'. ,e.\pericl1ce, ric ...,I'"IIlld iJ? add, 3 l'e:"M to lI1r, Ci"il Sen'il'c Com, 1'.11>"011 of \(,lllflulldIRnd, '.t'IL foulldla~d S~I·ir.gs flank Hllil.jill~. RAR~ES DUl'kllorth ~11'l'Cf. Sf. ,)ohl1', ~o as 10 reach Ihc COlllnli';ion 011 or 'hrforr the Ulili dal' of :'\n\'cm,l,r, l~.;o. Ellwltll>r, r(;Il(alnill~ '\PIIII, : cation~ should be clearly mark· 1I111rI, Comforlahl. Almn,. phrrr. Rr,ld~nl Sl"'~ ..... ".. Slephenvill~ ('.ro~,lnll O·Brien. J\C\1n.r. .• " "" , 31 George Street Lt.unln., Falrid, .. j Duckworth Slref't "lcCoTm3r\;. [lo\l~IH... .... . ;";ell' Pennywell ROAd (06lello ..1oleph .. 11 Ahhott Avenue Hol>bl. [,'ril ." "" "" ;";rll' rpnn~l'ell Road SMen, Robert." ... .... 400 Hamilton AveM' HUTCHEN'S GROCER~ DU!'oJN'S MEAT MARKET,! ~l " '!:opull Dial 1IUt11 BINDON'S PHARMACY Ro" . Cor. BOIIIlVenturt ad Empire An. DIAL 5921 L. HEALEY Croll Roadl l!!d Water at Dial 3025 CHARLES O'KEEFE • 8JmlIlon street INSURANCE AGENTS AND BROKERS . ~t. , PI III 91 Au~, 8/~8 AlI~. 13/58 Al Sept. 19/~8 (',\TIPETS FI.OOIIS OF TILES and I.J\O~,El"l PHARMACY, Elizabeth An, Dial 91120 BUILDING SUPPLIES n. REG.T, MORGAN PHARMACY, 45 Quldl Vldl ROld PHARMACY, Ift~ Pennywell ROld Dial 92937 .. UNlTED ;! VSDERWBITER&. Temple Bldg" DUtkworth 81 Dill 803iO·175~ St, Ja"n's Wen W.st JOHN J, FEEHAN Around St, John'. ----Ins""DialIIld,.803'1o.me Durkwortb 81 --- ,-r.v. - CROSBIE & CO" LTD .' - DRUt: STORES CIT\' ANTENNA SERVlCE. Television Anlennu Installed, P!lrts lold. Phon. 92761 or 90173, 51, John', Norlh BEAUTY PARLOUR Ellubeth Ave. Dial 90199 AYLW,~RD'S PII"R~IAC' ('11. MDnth' &I Empire An DIal HO'II \\']'meUT OBUG!\'lIO:-< ,)pen frn", ~.!~ !. I 1m ST. JOHN'S CENfRAL Ltd. 4& New Gower StDial 5727 .MORECOMBE'S GROCER'! !O Calver Dial 3728 st. CALVER'S GROCERY Illfl Dnckworth S" Dial 2739 BEI.BIN'S GROCERY U QaJdl Vldl ROld Dial .ms BULGER'S CONFECl'IONER! , " IlnJl'R Brldlle Foad Dial 6928 IIRAUn PARI.OUR Rowan RI. Dial 91055 SI, John', East ---,- GERTRUDE'S ROUSE OF BEAUTY I; Quee4', U "01 CITY AND SUBURBAN GARBAGE COLLECrlON We Clenn Gardens, B uementl Two Commericnl Plck,upa, .,. DIAL 93212. FOR CAR RENTALS' "t. NORMAN DOWNEY NU-VOGUE ------ l/IIIlMriud Deal", ~Ial aM LLaAilll aY11t7!t Auto Rentals U LIvingstone Dial 4953 Grand . ", ".' • '!"". '., . CA5U:i\I.TV, . w-- Dial 800i7 Care I All a their perlo for ir To E Novel MU Corn! at 3.: MISSES BIDGOOD, Props,) 5t. John's Most Modern Catering House WEDDINGS Our Specialty We are fully equipped to take care of your every need. ALSO CATERING TO DINNERS c and PRIVATE PARTIES DIAL 6967 FI Je20,2iagl ,R.22,~~.OCI~, 10, ti .~t31.dec5.12 .I~ OF ISNOW TIRES GROCERS (RETAIL) 8EAUTY PARLOUR , 2tB Water Street . .. J)\al 30R9 ~t lO~'NORS 1)1. John's Norlh ;, AMBASSADOR SHIPMENT • LICENSEE BEAUTY PARLOURS MAl\1'ZELLe'S W WATER ST, Dlat 2206 B (W ST. JOHN'S NORTH liS Hoyle. Ave. No fire when '11'8 wire. Dial 90901 3m REPAIRS WE'RE MEMBERS J, V. DAWE ,90 Water 8&, Dial ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL LTD, !IIAT. 30Ra ['OR r:STt\lATES NEW THE INTERNATIONAl. CONTRACTORS W. ABBOTT ,U.·· PHONE: 93498, or. 90943, ------ - - - - Don't miss - VOWR' Annual Rlldlo Auctiol Nov. 3rd, 4th and 5th, at 7 p.m. 800 on your radio. ELECTRICAL SI. John's Cenlral Woohrortb Blrl.,. Water 8t DI&1 5031 U v------ _ 2503, JOHN'S CENTRAL 54 LeMARHCA~'T RD, Dial 6929 ReB. £1667F ST. JOHN'S CENTRAL FLEMING'S Dial 704&-?O" HI' EXI'F:RT TRADES\IEN. QUEEN'S ROAD • Will Knock of YouLr Door with Gifts and Greetings from Friendly Busine~s Neighbours and Your Civic and Social Welfare Leaders : On the occasion of: The Birfh of a Baby, New Comer to the City. BEAUTY PARLOUR Cavendhh Sq, Dial 73&5 DRUG STORE, P'f, John's H For Fast Taxi Service HOTEL TAXI Dial 2424-2410 pO\:~8.1yr 90 ALLANDALE ROAr:: 90876 ,'. .'PHONE ___ _ _-.'l1li1 l\IURPHY'S THOMPSON'S MEEHAN & CO. fA. Bid,. Ducllworlll M. AI.!, Ol;!( IV ,11K IS EXECUTED ST. JOHN"S WELCOME WAGON HOSTESS W, BURTON & SON PARKDALE Dial SUB lraler !itrcrt Dial 2658, 4121 ; ocI2A2~,.lt NFLD, HOTEL DRUG STORE, !04 Duckwortll II" Dial 2381 5,~31 THE BIDGOOD'S BEA-UTY PARLOUR , Prmott St. DIal 6391 119 MiliUm Raid JOB' BROTHERS &: co. I.TD, , - Jo""'s tast U Queen'. Rd. P,O. I\nl 63 Dial PI P1 KENNEDY'S Dial 4441 STAN FOWLER , D['.. \PEllIES \\' ,\1,1, TO W.\LL . DIAL 7388 ST. JOHN'S WEST B. R. CLARKE De<:. aI/57 ;'.l<lr. J4/58 Apr, 1/58 Au~. AI58 : Merrymeeting Rd, Dial 7450 In d 6062 I l'u~pens!on III I i MARGUERITE'S PBABMACl' Cor. Mayor lDiI WIlliam Streu I DRte of of Aet Adrlrt&. Sr<lt ... ·orth~:, Geor~' • LAND SURVEYS • WHITE PRINTS Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd. , Building, Qlleen Str,-cl, ~t. .Jolln's , bl' Public l\11l'tirl1, 011 Fridal' !hl' 3isl clay of OCiolli'r. A.D.' l~l.iH B( l~.OO noon llic follo":il"~ .:~nrls: I \Vrslrn~liousc Refl'lgrr;lIor, 1 Wc,\tingholl,e Telcl'ision ~el. Dated at St. John's tile 2ith day of OClobcr. A.D. 195A. n. llARFITT, HaIlIH.- F,~Cr.Y Manatere5. m31,tl B,· : . FIRE.: A.VTO Dial 6336 MRS, JOHN In the matter 01 a dlqtrnlnt by Charlp~ E, MacNeill agnln~1 PatriCK Hc!/crnan, , virtue of A distraint madr by me as Railiff llie Rth dR,' cr October, A,D. lOOn, [ will sell on the prcmise.1 known as ,Iorri, ' . !!eetlon " We Sl'c.::alize in; CljSTmJ,~I:\ HE I ,. ' ~N.~~L):~~~:.> I . " ,'GENERAL" ;.;': '. . ' .. 'tN5lIRAHCE~:'·;'I.;', ,. . Radio Auction I 'and . ' ;Ph'one'2~2 ·::',181" I NOV. 3rd 4th & 5th 158 WATE'R ST,' I 500 I I Value Packed Items • : For TIcserl'ations Bnd In, Notice of Public Sale The klilowing list of persons whose licences to opera!!t motor vehicles have been suspended is published in accord once with the provisions of The Highway TraffiC Act, Chapter 94 of The ReVised Statues, 1952 as amended. : form ation oct3I.~i,c.o.ct, I • OFFICES· CHUIlCHES ~; Cit)', (,IIA1R~IAS, Publish'ed By Authority RO,\D Sillial cd in the Heart ot the CI\'IL SERVICE COmIlSSIO:\ ' Write (,or :;rl'e Brrc'~lel Dn tllmCnSlOna I i' ~ing 10 ,\COU~TICO,N O'PIlIES lIearln~ ;\Irl r"n\uliantl 190 ,';e" 1;II\\tt SI, ' (Corner ~rdzl: Squar~) Dial ,\~61 • Sl'1I00J.S • STORES " .W~ Balsam Hotel ed "D·E·IJn". : .hal ar, Just right lor • JIO~IES Where To Stay : ~~r. Cool: $1.00 per bag; bags for $2.75; 4 bag~ for . $3.50i 8 bags for $6.75. AI sfove oil 5 gal. tins for , ,... so . quick delivery dial 93095, FURN!TURE - APPLIANCE STORE STEERS LTD 80021 WATER ST. ST. JOHN'S <, ,1R,\I'EHlf.~ W. SNOW 'eople from six to sixty to try thl HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN at '. • • B!WAJ)Loml CAR\,ET~ I ·:·· ,,. , • fiLES • 1.I:'1101.Elt~1 A national advertised C"n' adlall camp an),. which has hecil i established In NC'II'foundland Free pilkup and delil'Cry, Exper: I for ol'er i\(I ~'ear!, will be seIer[, tunc·up. 'I h,g a man In the next few weeks " . "", L ' [nsure<l t 1 to flll all opening In their aales I ,\ppllc~tlon>Hrc 1~lltc~ ,Or Ih~ ,~;,ragc. ow II'l.!tcr ra e" department. I po,:t,on of 1'11';1 Llbranan, 01' SUPEK-SERVICE Ltd, NOVEnlBER 15tl1, ! flcer. ~rade 1\ '.. 'r:'alc'. III th,e, PIIONE 92680 CARL WINSOR, THIS position should &ppeal to I ,\UdIO-\ l,u?1 D!'lslon., DPjlJr,.. ' ornwall Avenue INSURANCE a man who I~ desirous of mak ' menl .of r,dllcutlon, 1 he'1~,a~\' '''-IIIIl~~~~'''DIAl, 60tO I h" for thiS pO,sl commences at s.~,o .-_-_-_--_._--;;'-;;'-;;';'_'_'-_-_.__ , 197 WATER ST. .ng I beltcr t an alerage In' th e SCU Ie $'''-01'''' 3-'0 1.on -" I ' 0 ... " . . d come. He shoul d hale a )(00 , Candidale.' should hare al ,ril'! GREAT EASTERN education 'and at least 5 yea~~ Grnde XI education; shollirl b,' busl~e.!Il exp~r1ence In • ,. skilled in Ihe U;c of library OIL & IMPORT SPEECH CliNIC FOR THE John 8. J:!e \\111 be car.cfu~". science 31:d PO~Sl>.;S thp 'lbililV· CO., 'LTD, SPEECH HANDICAPPED I traln~d Will be locate~ In • ~ to cias'ify film title sllbjects JIl~1 i John s and not rcqulred 10 I to cntuloglle films aC~lIrdi~g to: R;;dio, Television Washers. :11."0 ('rJllr"11S ill-Iravel. . the DClI'ey s,l'slcm of c13,lsi!i~al" R'![ri~~rntors Deep Freezers. VOICE I']{ODUCT[O'\. SALARY OPEN ; ion. The\' should al;o hm Ih;EII~f~~irc I;~li~~::1, T'L'IlLl(' SPEAK1!\G. YOUR reply ,will be Ircaten In ; ahility t~ org:lIlize dis~u5s1lln Gramophones E!.O(TTIO:-';. 'strlctesl confidence, Our stal[! group., on IGmm, film suhi::c!, Public Adllrcss Systems. DR:\ \l;\TIt·S. knows 01 this advertlsen,cnt. and be aiJle to lead professional· ,Tape Rccorders. Apply BOI No. 206 Dally News, .r:roups in tllcc\'aluallon of films. REPAIRS AND SER\,ICi TELEPHONE 7724, oct2B,30,noI'1,3 A knowledge of t)'ping is rlesir, 5 J.lNES .- - - - able. DIAL 3001 to 3005 E, FRt:DEHI(,K ll.\ \'IES. The succmful applicanl will bp WATER ST. A,T.e,l., (Spec,h). rel]uired to furnish Ih,names 01 IIc115.11ll . I d i3n~6.h·. 1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, prCI'IOUs cmp Ol'ers an two ollieI' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , WEST END COAL I'derences, and 10 Ilr,dcr~o wed,:, ------------ -.------.- 1 - - - - - - •••. --- -------.-, ira I examination.. : SERVICE I ,~pplil'~tions in II'rilill~. !tatiil~ 1 ·P WE HAVE ' ~ ,IOUI ~K1NLA Y MOTORS LTD • USE THE TIRE-LAy-1 'A-WAY PLAN. ! $2,00 DOWNEasy monthly lerms, Pick up your tires wh!!n the ,snow arrive!. HERTZ lil<e to drive! 1958 Chevrolet. 1958 Volkswagen. LOCATED AT REAR OF NFLD. HOTEL ~I - - I - - - .. - - - '59 R,AMBLER HERE NOWON ~ISPLAY- GET THE BEST OF BOTH-GO RAMBLER ALSO TRUCKS PICKUPS (Rambfer Custom Sedan) VANS Phone 4847, 1428 Arm IN DIAL 3121-5 LINES - WHELAN'S' GARAGE Ltd. RAMBLER SALES AND· SERVICE CORNWALL AVENUE, ST, JOHN'S Ii I IN I The TERRA NOVA MOTORS Ltd. I Arm Arm THERMOSTATSSNOW TIRESCHAI NS- L1NKSGAS LINE - ANTI· FREEZE. II I I GALWAY'S 8ERVICE STATION RENTS the cars you Genuine General Motors permon' ent type' ANTI-FREEZE. - • m~ I 31 , CAllY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 I i 9S~ t9 "For Excursion To St. Pierre ~ Bett.r ~Hear B",,~ Itl r on ""1n, to , n'r II If:.... .1 , un'ukan ',n"n Sl .. Squ I I .'~&4 Fast An emergency meeting of .odSI Talker No. 454 S.C,A.F. & A.M., rill be held on TUESDAY, November 4th at : 30 p.m. Business to confer F.C. Degree. By Order R.W.M. A. T. WALTERS, Secretary. Service L TAX Johll! Saturday, Novemebr 8th and returning November 9th. S.S. Kyle for ports South . Labrador Sen'ice is now 5chedul· etl to lail from the Dock Coastal ,Wharf Noon Tuesday. Novem· I ber 4th. I Sund~, WANTED - PIII1I), furnlslted . CONNECTION BAY RUN AND Apartment three or fOllr WEST RUN PLACENTIA BAY Reguiar 8.10 a.m. train leav· ro~ms. R e n treasonable. ing 51. ,Tohn's Monday, Novcm Please 'phone Mr. Claud ber 3rd. wlll make connection Joyce, 7431. , at Argentia with ~otor Vessels for the Ba\' Run and We.;t Run PAyr-;TING, PDper H.nglng. Placentia ·Bay. Graining, Staining. Sparkling, etc. E\'ery Job guarant~. Apply C. Chafe, Calvert AI·e. CONNECTION GREEN BAY DIAL 80378.9 -. '---'-'---.-- - -- 'Phone 7913. oct2R.29.31 SERVICE ________ I FOR RENT-A furnished self· - - - - - - - - - . - - --: Train "The Caribou" Ipa\'ing contained heated apartment. In The Supreme Court! Sl. John's 1 ~O P m. ~Ionrlny. Bedroom, c\othell closet. f Nfl d November ~rd will make con· I lil'ing room, kitchen and 0 ew ound an nection at Lewisportp \\ ith ~I.v. IC bathroom. leperate en· BI • 'h R bbl t tionia for regular ports Green . ttl h d. I e lI"rn nt. ur 0 nR. an 'b t th '11 be a· few, way rance, e ep one and rive· IlIla I by III n ~I trl d Willi ' Bay Sen Ice. U ere WI Dial 91621 . 0 • • e. tn am h d hOld" . , John Robbins and William .Iobn CONNECTIO:\' ST. JOHN'S· on t e oor I· FOR SALE-19S'' Land Ro,:er'-' I : Robbins LF.WISPORTF. SERVICE I b at '. eh ' Plaintiffs , and Walter I CoI'ny C.J to.ntg t at Pick-up for immediale cash I Phelan, In Inlant, by bls next Train "The Caril.Jou" leaving 8.30 for the sale. :n running conuition friend Mlchiel John Phelan Ind St. John',' 1.30 p.m. Thursday. NFLD. PRESS ClUB and wint~riled. Cal! Mr. llllchael JolIn Phelan, Plalnllfll, November 6th. will make con· Rowe, D1BI ,U19. I and AuUi.D Youn" Defendant. nection at Lewisporte with HALLOWE'EN DANCE octaO,31 M.V. Bona\'ista for regular ports All are welcome-come to ALTERATIONS _ Panta peg!! st. John's-Lewisporte Service. the Old Colony to·night ed, and ~uffed, aLso lulll Ily virtue of Writs of Venditioni CONNECTION SOUTH COAST altered. Called for and Exponas to me directed ar.d SERY1CE an d have th e tl me a f your delivered. A' rthur R. L. Tram . "Th earl C 'b au "I eavmg . whereln I am 10 commanded, I life. Pearce. Dial 3228, 56 will sell by Public Auction at my St. John', 1.30 p.m. Thul1lda)" Princes Orchestra Goodridge St., St. John'l. office In the Court House. SI. November 6th. will make can· Tickets $5 double. oct17,lmth John's. at 12 O'clock noon toda;·. nection at Port aux Basques ALL th~ right Utle and Interest, with 5.5. Bar Haven for regular "Hard times" costume FREE CATALOG: Conlaln. as It may appear, of the above ports 5{!l'Ih Coast Service. narmissable. hundreds of businesses, farms named Delendant in and to: ,.and Income pro pert I e s ALL THAT piece or parcel of FPEIGHT ACC~PTANCES throuihout Canada. Specify land beginnlni -t • poInt in the type and location desir.>d. southern limit 01 Groves Road FREIGHT ST. JOHN'S· Deal direct with owners. Rus- reserl'ed 66' wide beini the north. LEWISPORTE SEH"ICE Ine~s and Propert)' Monlhly, west angle of land owned by one Freight for regular ports SI. 1717 13th St., Dept. 1632·C Wiscombe. thence running by .Tohn·s-Le\\'i~porte. Serl'ice per Resina, Sask. land of said Wiscombe S. ;;60 :\I.V. Bonavista WIll be accept· THE CENTRAL BARBER 3~' W. lor a distance oJ( 260' ed at lh' Dock Coaslal Shed SHOP-We Ire now operatthence turnIng and runnin~ by I to·day, Friday and ~Ionda)·. IN MUIR BUILDING, . Ing eight chaIn. YU\ can he land Dione Crocker N. 16 0 10' E. ' November 3rd. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m al8ured 01 the. best pouibl. for.a distance ~f 113'. lbencp 1 FREIGHT SOl'TH COAST WATER STREET lervice plus the ieast POI' I ~rn;r~. an~ ~n~noi 3~r ian[d of! Freight. is accepted daily al Ilble W3!ting, 24 New (rl)w· d'I~St ounf·l~4; I' or 8 the Railwav Freight Shed for I Near Court HOUle. Ir St. opp. Adelaide Moton ance 0 'd , more orI': ~'S tof 1 rcgu Iar • Sout h Coast' . , th ports the f Ltd Aug 31 U 1 a ores at sou ern Imlt 0 I " . .. , . Grol'es Road thence along said i Sen Ice hut In order to. gu0,rCASH PAID for: ComIcs, southern limit in a general south. ,an tee mOl'ement by thiS .trlp Pocket Book!, G u I t I r I. easterly direction 65.5 feet rnore I of the s.s.! Bacca;lI~l1. frel;ht Radios, Sewing MachlnM, or 1m to the poInt of beginning i must be at .he Ra.l\\a, Frcloht Guns, Skates ani! Boots, containing In all an IreB 1)[ 1 I Shed not later than 5 p.m. Men's Clothes, Boots, Shoes, rood 17 perches TOGETHER' Tuesday, November 4th. etc.-John D. Snow. 9 New WITH .11 buUdings thereon SUB· Gower St. lep8,lm JECT to an Indenture of 'Jortgage dated the 11th day of August A.D. 1955 for $1400.00 with General Inlurance "'UK ALL YOUR PAINTING, exterior or Interior; or Interest thereon at the rate of 7':"0 Splrl!:ln. our price I are Office. per annum registered in Volume reuonable. Phone e'784L. ~S7 of the Registry of DeMs for a(,l6,lm Newfoundland at Follos 326-8. Apply WE REwmD AND REPAm W. GORDON WARREN, BOX 800 C/O DAILY III typel 01 Eleclrl~ Motora, Sheri" 01 Newfoundland. . . _ .. Generators and Starters. Also The Court House, NEWS. Repairs to Washing Machines, St. John'l, Octobe'r 24Ut 1958. Ranltttel, Vacuum Clunen, et~.-Gray Moton Exchange TERMS OF SALE Bel"llce, 454 W at. r Street The highest bidder to be Ute Wilt, 'Phon. 383t. purchaser. H a dIspute arise or - - - - - - Ihe prospective purchaser fall to BEAUTYLAND, In Queell'l pay, Ihe laId land .nd premises Road. School Ilrl ~ld Wav~1 to be put up aewn. One-third of $5.00 and up; Ladle- Cold the purchase money to be- paid Wa\'u $6.00 tQ $20.00; Mach· immediately, the remainder to me Permanentl $4.00 an~ up; be paid within three day, of Ih~ • Like new conditicn Allo tilltlni .nd CutUlIi. date of Iii" at which time a I • Only 2200 miles Open .vewlll" DIal 8534. conveyance of the property will i FORD .• Ion 5th $1350. Canadian National Telegraphs applicants who have not yet paned AI mos t All Th e!• T" kets Are Gone I 17th birthday Ihould CARDS ON SALE SOON WATCH THIS PAPER FOR DAILY NUMBERS oct24.27.29,31 apply in person at our City Office: 152 WAUR STREET lor interview. TONIGHT A DANCE will be held at St. Kevin's Hall, Gould's witfl. 1 I· Ih.ir .' 81 N G 0' Bair"dM0tors Ltd" Messenger Boys All I .-".. .-; NEWSPAPER ST. JOHN'S·CORNER BROOK SERVICE 5.5. NORTHERN i RANGER NOW SCHEDuLED SOON TUESDAY, I TO SAIL ro;OVE:'tIBER 4th. S.S. Northern Ranger for regular ports 51. John·s·Corner Brook Service will sail from the Dock Coaslal Wharf Noon Tuesday, November 4th. ! I St. Pierre with the Hol~1 lIe de France l.5 now I lood place for Ipedal occalons and eonventiODJ etc. ot31,novl,2,4 ( tel) PICK·UP M.... KE MONEY with NeW/DUMland colnl. We pay 81 high 00 I.!I: $20.00 for 1946 five ~ent piece; ,15.00 for 1885 ten ct!nt piece; $15.00 for two dollnr gold pIece and mam' others. FREE: 16·paie bU;'ing and supply list. Internatlonal Coin MERRYMEETING ROAD I Co .• 157 Rupert Str., Wlnnipei 2. Man. KINSMEN BOYS' CLUB NCVE~'BER 4tb : Fare include meals ar.d comfortable accommodation It lIe, de France Hotel. For tnformliLion 'Phone MR. FRANK DUNNE at 2<176 or 4662·H. 195 6 .' SOUTH i.ABRADOR SERVICE S.S. KYLE NOW SCHEDULED TO SAIL SO OS TUr.SDAY ! Fare $60.00 by STARTING SOON ~ PASSENGER NOTICES 48 h9ur week·end excursinn by plal\e (DC·3) leaving SI. WANTED 424-241 Newfoundland Services I Commandoes Orchestra in attendanci. Busses will lecve Lime Street at 9 p.m. and will be returning after dance. Sherl'ff's Sa Ie BIG AUCTION ems -)'S To 8e sold by November lsI. SATURDAY, MUNN MOTORS , PREM.ISES Corner of Bennet Avenue and Blackmarsh Road It 3.30 p.m. the following repossessed used units: 1956 1949 1956 19.53 ~odern se Public: Auction Meteor 2·door S&dan. Monarch S&dan. Mercury Sedan. Buick Sedan. II G lecialty Jke care of STADIUM DIAL 5016. INNERS WANTED Saturday Nov. 1st "FUN FOR THE YOUNG" l CHILDREN'S HALLOWE'EN SKATING IES I 1 SESSION 10 a.m. to 12 Noon. .1 No. Id-Wokes r5 perman· FREE-Applel, candlll, balloons ItC. Fool your frlends-Wlar a Mask. Barg~ins Bargains A.rmy Pgrkln with hood. (new), detachabll lining. .. ............................................... $29.95 .,.. .~ ......... (.. • Ltd. with corduroy collar ............................... $2.'0 Overcoats ~ lenglhl '100% pure each ................................................ $5.50 New 0'1I Sk'In Trousers ............................ $, .25 NlW ·Oil Skin Capes ................................ $1.7.5 Army Trousers-Colour gray, .100% pure wool, Imoll .ius, excellent for children, only $2.25 . per pair, while they last. Army heavy duty gal c:ans ........................ $3.95, Mattresses lingle bed Ill' ............. : .. $1.50 each ~ur" wool army blanke,s only ................ , $1.50 ~I\o in slaCK 1 gun-carrier. new tires and tubes, t.'ould make· an Ideal trailer, large size army '@"" and truck larpoliru. and Airforce Surplus Sale DUCKWORTH and COCHRANfSTREETS ----_ 1958 Delray CHEVROLET • GoIng at a B<lrgain for cash. Dial 3062 NOTICE FOR 8AL~01ltCt1QD of r.r. be Brltllb and Frencb colonial!; allo very nr, Newfoundland Itampl. InlpecUon only by aprolntment.-Jobn . D. Snow. Phone 11808. jly2~,lm For your coal and oil f, ANTED TV BU1': com\et, d I" D' I 913 maglllnel, pocket bookl. e Ivertes. 10. 42 or 1 JUltan, radlOl, •• 1'1 I , 91044-Coal deltvered In I machine, biJIoeullri. wnth$1.00 bags and oil in 5' er I11aml, IUnl, ,katH Ill!! gallon cans. Call Valley boou, men'l clothes and Coal a dOli S . 313 footwear.-Jokn D. Snow, II n ervlce, New Gower Sl j!y2,lm Freshwater Road, oet17,tf ~tNVE8T IN BEST." 81.., eomfortablJ. W. lPtIelaU. .11\ repa1riD1l and rtC01IdltlollIng all typu Sprllli. 'lid Mlttre... Gumnteed work. Mattrene. for bKk .11m'IIU , ~1a\tJ. 'PhOIlI 6449 or 3361. Standal'd Beddl:ll CompllIY, Ltd., nOV/'T HlII. feh20,tf. STADIUM TO·NIGHT General Skating B.30-10.30 p.m. Ad"1lssion, 50c. Spectators 25c. Hockey Practlci 6.I5-St. Ion'•. ertise In The News HERE IS A SPECIAL BUY· AT ATTRACTIVE PRICE 1956 Super Buick four·door spdan. Fu1Jy equlppedrow~r brakes. power steering, air conditiDning, dynafJow transmission. radio. Attractive interior trim-Low mileage top notch operating condition. Terms can be arranged. Will consider trade·in of smaller car. For demonstration call FRED W. MARSHALL. Liquidator, ISLAND MOTORS, LIMITED. DIAL 80031 OR 80281 AFTER 6.00 P.'1. ct31.noy6 Clerk Typist 7. 15-5t. Pat',. Save your Energy Use ELECTRICITY deliveriid to thll pllrcha&er. Ch~uell ari to be made payable to the Sheriff of NeWfoundland and certlfiw, If 10 requested. The Sheriff reserves th. right 10 cancel the .ale at any time with or without notice: to post. pone the sale to anolher day: to require the purchaser to gil'e reo ferences, if 10 required. I ..... i ' ! tl".'" oct18,29,31 - - - - - - - - - 1 Cheap Reliable Electricity i In and Around St. John's u~i Statutory Notice Strictlv Fresh SALj\fON AIIO FRESH COD FILLETT, TONGUES etc. ATLANTIC FISH MARKET 'PHONE 250 NEW GOWER ST. 6959 LOST One German Police Dog, five months old -Cotour black' and dark brown. AnlWlrl to the name of Major. Reward. PHONE 90070 ~~~~~==============~ In lIIe IIIltter 6'f the Estate of Frederick Hawker, late of Carboneir In the Province 01 Newfoundland, Merchant, de· ceued. .. All penon. clalmln, to be credlton of or who have any clallIUl or demand.! upon or af· fecting the Estate of frederick I Hawker lAte of C~rboneAr afore· 89i1t, Merchant, deceued are I hereby requelted to send particu : Jar! thereof in writing, duly at· Wall Walhlng te~ted. to the undmigned : WALL WASm/'ojU - wans SolicltDrs for the Executor of elean~d by ,lew mlchlne. the Estate of the uirl decea~cct Resulh perfecl;· IInl 01\ or bfore the 1st day of De· palnt.-New Method RUi cember, A.D. 195B after which and WaU Cleaners, frith· date the Executor wi11 proceed wa ter ROld, 'Phon. 111033. to dlltrlbute the laid Estate. havn2 regard only to the claims HBWMITBOD aUG CLEAN· "bleb he thall havl had nollee. i w. Ru.. anti Carplt IIIKt DIotId It St. John'. this 29th • to ~ lib II.". Villi day of Iktober A.D. 1958. : IclI.radC ~ addt HALLEY, mCDlAN , BUNT to lif. of nallo CIUIIltl ill . Selcltol'l for the Eucutor. home or· at our ,,1,lIt. ADDRESS: 'Phone 111013. New lIethod 319 Duckworth Street, lUi auam, frIIkWiter St. John'., Newfoundland load. loctal,ItOV7,lUl ,till From Norte Dame Bay - FOR SALE- ADMISSION 25c, Army Rainc~ts in colors blue and kalki (new) ~s Offices To Rent I 1 IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED INVITES THE PUBLIC TO Inspect 7/1e New Division Office Building AT ELIZABETH AVENUE On Tuesday' and Wednesday Evening, November" and 5 fROM 7 to 9 O'CLOCK. (Childrln must bl accompanlld by an adult) .._______ __ ____ ____ ' . E.·· Y', S. . . -!~~'~~~~~d~~~lghts MILL ~ ~ ~ . ' ~~ , , [HE DAilY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, ~~FLD., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1\ ' Newfoundland Blue Potatoes are alway. big one I slthe Fall Festival and large attendance~ are looked forward to this 'we~~~rl will open IS usual at 7.30 when a1l the altra'cUons in the gymnasium will begin. A,t, ! ~~;~u~~lft~t~~t l~ndth!1Il B:od~:1 tlnue with a short Interval, CE PALACE untll the complete schedule has I Edn F ber $495 i concluded Those who do not a er ----".., wish to play In the audltorluYn I PRINCESS SOPHIA will find lots te attract them i A Noyel of Alaska I downstairs. The arrangements . for special' bus lervlce to the Ed,son Marshall .... $4.50 Regional High School, will EXODUS a~plY tonightI and tomorrow Leon Uris ........... ~4.95 night as usua . W 'Door prizes still unclAimed I WISH ·HE OUlD are 11,881,24,579,24,521, 26,674 NOT DIE 20,883. . ht th Every D1R ere are 5orne • James Aldridge .... $4.00 out of the ordinary prizes of· ,:,EARCH FOR AMELIA ! fered, fo'r Instance "dinner for D. K. Findlay ...... $4.25 ! four" a hand, made "crazy THE SOUND OF : quilt". a speCIAlly decorated .~ cake. These wlll continue to be Tf-: NDER offered. Th~y have been do· ,Taylor Caldwell .... $4.50 nated by supporters.' 'THE OAK ISAND . Despite thc fact that the ladles in charge of the home· MYSTERY made cookery and hand madc R. V. Harris ....... $4.00 wearables are kept busy, ample IN FLANDERS FIELDS stoei.s have been assured for I the remaining nights of the Fes- .... Leon Wo ff ........ $5.75 1 CURTAIN LACE white and ecru ..... " .. ""." ... " ... " ! COMFORTERS-Satin Reversible ... " .... • . " yd. """"".",,$7.95 2.00 ea. $1.20 pro SCAnER RUGS-Carpet Bright Shades ......... PLASTIC 50c. DRAPES-Flor~1 Patterns """"" ...... PLASTIC CROSS-Over Curtains ....... """ .... ",, ..... 1.98 i' BLANKETS-Plaid-60 BLANKETS-Block-70 x 76 ............ "."" ......... 4.0,0 pro 80 ............................ 5.00 x PLASTIC TABLE CLOTHS 53 x54 .; ..... " ..... " ........ 70c. BATH TOWELS-Large sile-Strlped .... " ........ "." ..... s. pro ea. 58c. MILLEY LTD. --..",,,._-- ~~~----===========-==~ ' I ;~~\:~~ a~lghrt!~!~sda~,~I.1 be of A~~~~~~u~; ~~ $5.75 The final week will begin on Monday and the same usual VARIED OPERATIONS spcci~l attl'~ctlons have bcen D·r. Herbert A. arranged and will be announced B $600 later. ruca .................... . I . MAN'S fiRST lOVE: 1. i THE GREAT J DOlL (lhe ! COMMANDENT J E-tc.--Et~' Newfoundland Blue Potatoes .......... :" ...... " ...... : .. "" .............. 75 WinlerKeeping Cabbage ............................................. " ........ 50 Turnips ........................................................................... " ......... 50 Carrots ........................................................................ " ....... " .. 50 Parsrip5 ....................................................... " ... " ... " ................ 50 Onions ................. " ................................ " ............................ " .. 50 Beets .......... ,........................... ,.: ........ ,... " .......................... ", ...... 50 lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. Sack. Sacks Sacks SacKs Sacks Sacks Sacks ALSO Grade "A" large Size Fresh Eggs "" "" .............................. 30 doz. Cases Gilt Edge and Perfection lst grade Canadian Creamery Butter ........................ " ........ "" ......................................... 50 lb. Boxes . "Perfection" EYaporaled Milk' 'It's Perfection for Coffee.' fELEPHONES: 5143 • 5144 .lWA Supports Loe'al LoO' gers· b QUEEN ST. The Peter To,vnsend Story I GRAND FALLS-The con-· ventlon of International Wood-I workers of America held at I Niagara Falls last week has: pledged full support to. the log-. b.l· the family. When the problem of ciIu[),illg dress. II NEW YORK lAP) - ~obcl't Ra Ip h W. ' I gers of Ncwfoundland In thm C3 had to be faced, the Queen and her elder d~uoh. . effort to obtain a wage and , [ Woodn 41, once a cartoonist ~or Sackman " ........... $3.50 working ogreemcnt with the tel', who in those days were nat noted fut' tbeir chic, the magazine ~rlmc Does Not ANIMAL TRACKS Anglo·Nfld. Development Co. II'EI"e glad enough to h~ten to Margaret. "I do not Pay, pleadeil gUilty Wednesday to Ltd. I ' t b 1 d f f ....I. " •d I first degree m~nslau~htc~ :n the AND HUNTER SIGNS Thc support of the entire in. (CSlre 0 e a ea er 0 a~-11iOn, sal t 1C Queen. killing of a 45·year·old dl:'orcee. Ernest Thompson ternational union cOI'ering the; '·Well.·' replied the younger daughter, "1 do," The Harlsdale. N.Y .. man was Sf $425 greater part of tile United . (For next instalment see lHontlay's NEWS). Indictd last week for first ne· eon ." ... "", .... " . States and Canada ha~ also bern • h If f' gree murder in the Aug, 23 51n)' CAVALCADE OF assured the Ncwfoundland log. l\IO~DAY-T e anti-lvlargaret action frowned In!: of Mrs. Violette Phillips of THE NORTH gers. \l'hen she danced the can-can before gue,1.' «t a pri. ~lanhaltan. Her bod)' was IOlnd D" .h d Mr. A. F. Hartung, intern~t· vate party--instalment 6. In I hotel room ,after D cab Istrng.u/s e lonal president, happily acceptF Th P T d St .. I " driver told pollee \\ood ha? conCanodlan Au/hors $5.00 ed thc chairmanship of the ( rom" e eter ownslm 01'.\' J\' .\onnan fessed the slaying. He Will be Ncwfoundland welfarc fund Barrymaine. Published by Peter Dal·ies. Ltd, Copy. 5enteneed NOI'. 25. which Is presently builrling li- right by Peter Dal'ies Ltd.) nancial resourccs within thc I Released by McClure Newspaper S\'II(ilcatel , I.W.A. itself as II'cll as from' _ .. _____ .__ . __ .__ .__ .__ _. ma.ny ather internat.ion<11 union~ jl.\r,r\. international, office, has; com~an)' Ihr01l"_h .lr.li",1 n' which have demonstrated their I been centered on thiS prol'lnce' ~ntlatlOns nol\' look l:'i,,\uJl, In Spin «25 dr 2008 or 319i willingness to assist the NeW-I and it., hard-worl;ing loggers I lhe cor.c;l'~tion i),rd ·'h'.:1 foundland woodsmen. who after moking cI'er), eflort, h3S he-" "'t up to I·,' t" "It:. 'rhe full attention of thc to re"ch "grcement with the I the matter. -'. --._---_ .. _ - - - - ble T O'IekSO., &( Ltd'• 't'he Booksellers \, AMERICAN TRIMMED NAVEL' I •• " Velvet Horn Club Announcing yo ".II' lIew .CASE-TERRATRAC'R " TO·DAY BEEF INDUSTRIAL. DEAL.ER CLUB OPEN , am. to 11 p.m. moo D E A L. ERN' A M E AT ITS BEST ADDRESS BIRTH - \\'e are pleasc:O STEP UP 2264 - 4440 - 3420 head4uarter.t for the sellsa/wlld npw CASE.'i'ERRATRAC line of indu,trial wheel and erow!l" trador< - lIith makhin~ lo"c1cr;, dOlrrs. bac~hor; I1nd for~ lilt, LeI u, show YOIl how the man" . __' nd.wiccd /eO{lIfe.< of these ne'" machines cR a helll yuu hanolc • ~'idrr range of earlhmo"ing job,faster. ea.ier, at toW(( nel c',,1. Call u,; I(xla.': for [n" (lrmunc-lraliun BENNETT-Passed, peacefully away on Thursday, October 30th, Martha, widow of the Jate Phillips Bennett, aged 76 years, Left to mourn are 2 daughters, Violet in ~lontreal;; Mary (~lrs, Erir. Burt) and one son, George ~t 3t. Jol.n's; aiso two brothers, Sleven of Toronto, and Samuei forsey 01 Borden, Sask. ThE funeral will take place on Sal, urday, November 1st at 2.30 p.m, hom Carnell's Funeral Home. 28 Cochrane Street to Moun I . Pleuant cemetery. ROGERS-Passed peacefully away At 15 B.m. October 30, 1958, Una, beloved wife of George Rogel'8, left to mourn, husband, one son Robert, two brothers, Clarence and Lawson in U.S.A, Funerai 2.30· Saturday after· noon, from the Ellm Pente· COital Tabernaele, Casey Street. toJ."'" Dry Cleaning to announce our appointment as saiC's and s""icr DEATHS CIGARETTES GEORGE NEAL LIMITED 'PHONES: GORMAN-.Born at the Grice Ko.Ipitsl on October 29th., to Vern an .nd Beatrice Gorman, I Ion. EXPORT X BARRELS HALF-BARRELS PHONE DOMINION MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD.- 'PHONE 4052·3 SPRY - Passed away peace· ST. JOHN'S fully at the General Hospi tal, ~=:'::::=::::::;r;;;:;;;;;:;;=====;;;;;;;=;;;:;===;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;::==;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;-1 $anitone Servici Gets Ernest Victor Spry, ageil 71 )'ears. Funeral Irom the Masonic Out ALL th. Dirt Yet Temple Friday at 2.30. A ~hort Colts No More Than service will be h~ld at 2.15, , McCARTIlY-Pssseu peace· Ordinary Dry Clean· i fully away 'after • long .lId . I painful i1tnes!, Florence McIng earthy of 10 Duckworth Street, age 69 yean leaving to mourn wife Mary McCarthy, , daught· eTl, Josephine in 1M Angeles; Helen in riew Brunswick; Mer· edeA .t home; Joan in New WE SPECIALIZE IN lpott out! Ponpirarioo GoAt. ... York; also 1 IOn William in IIr PUll Illtl 10011f. CoIII,I,III, PLYWOODS· Lot Angeles; 1 sister, Mrs. odOllal. Cc10n .. II P.l1I1l1l1 no ltort<! 10 oll.iDA! llrillllace. c~n Stephen Dalton, 1 brother, John B.C. DOORS Do"t In Renew. and 1~ grandchildren. Funeral ukeA place on Mon· EXTERIOR SHEATHING day from hil late residenet, WALLBOARDS and PLASTERBOARD 10 Duckworth SI. to Mount Carmel cemetery. U.S. plIpers HARDBOARD I pi use copy. May the Sacred IMPORTED WOOD MOULDINGS Heart M' JMUJ have mercy on bi. IOu!. OAK FLOORING BEST WHOLESALE PRICES ON ALL BUILDING SU PPLIES FLASHBULBS BUY 2 • • • • • • GET 1 FREE ,BUY 1 doz. GET. Y2 doz•. FREE . BUY 2 doz. GET 1 doz. FREE , G •.E. - SYLVANIA - WESTINGHOUSE - PHILIPS FULLY GUARANT EED LAST CHANCE: TODAY (€ousins .. 5155 'TV - MEN'S REPAIRS ONE'7 ,. FIBERGLAS CAR COATS PAINTS, $6.49 3,13 . ': ·ElectrOnic ~~"t;J4'. '.ltd. 90·.CAMP8ELLAVl ,,. . \I RUBBERIZED with corduroy collars Siusa6-46. SPECIAL.. REASONABLE .RATES GUARANTEED WORK P.H ASPHALT SHINGLES ASBESTOS BOARD and SIDING SHINGLES fer houl'l .'PHON~' 6.011' , w... have the \UTAL . ' Etc. stock of ARBORITE for table (the kind that won't rub off). largest MOULDING d tops Cln A.:H. _MURRAY &Co., Ltd. '- '. . ,-. -',-" . BUILDING . SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT, .. ' .,: . ,:Sf'JOHN'S . - .. . -... . ', .
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