CALL FOR CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS The Colorado Chapter of the American Public Works Associa on (APWA) is reques ng abstracts for presenta on at the 2ND Annual Conference in Breckenridge, Colorado to be held October 26th and 27th, 2015. Presenta ons are typically 45 minutes in length, although there are opportuni es for longer presenta ons or workshops. You are invited to speak and share your public works experiences. This conference gives you an opportunity to network with public works professionals, and mentor your peers on new ideas, innova ve project approaches, or lessons learned. No ma er your role in public works, there is something for everyone at the Colorado Chapter’s 2nd Annual Conference. Public works professionals from both the public and private sectors a end to stay up-to-date on emerging trends, and innova ve prac ces and strategies. Speakers at the Conference are people like you who have met the challenge of managing public works projects and organiza ons. They view speaking at this Conference as a chance to advance their careers and to invest in the future of the public works profession by sharing what they know. Presenta ons are a way to instruct your fellow engineers, scien sts, and community leaders on new techniques and interes ng project lessons unique to the industry. The presenta ons should be a current topic related to any public works topic. We typically have three tracks for presenta ons to fall into – Technical, Financial, and Leadership/Managerial. Topics vary but may include: • Roads, Streets, Bridges (Pavement Performance, Snow/Ice Control, etc.) • Traffic Engineering • ROW Issues • Engineering & Technology • Emergency Management • Fleet Services & Management • Facili es Management • Construc on Management • Emerging Trends (economic, societal, technology, demographic, etc) • Sustainable Design and/or Opera ons • Workforce Issues • Management Issues • Public/Private Partnerships (P3) • Alterna ve Delivery Methods • Financing Public Projects • Budge ng • Communica on • Public Outreach • Best Prac ces of Public Works Teams/Managers • Innova ve Techniques or Projects ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The conference will be held at the Village at Breckenridge Resort. The Town of Breckenridge is a spectacular resort town conveniently accessed via I-70. The town’s rich mining history and friendly local vibe will make you want to move here. Breckenridge is an incredible area to enjoy Colorado’s scenic fall beauty while taking part in this professionally valuable annual event. The Village at Breckenridge is located at the south end of Park Avenue (State Highway) right at the Base of Peak 9 and one block from Main Street providing easy access to a variety of charming restaurants, unique shopping, and exci ng recrea onal opportuni es for attendees and their families. For budgetary planning, we an cipate early conference registra on to be $275. Conference registra on will begin at the end of July. Hotel room rates will start at a government rate of $94 per night plus a $10 resort fee. If you have ques ons about the resort facili es, contact: The Village at Breckenridge 535 S. Park Avenue Breckenridge, CO 80424 (970) 453-2000 (844) 494-7133 ABSTRACT SUBMITTAL If you have a topic to present, please complete an abstract in accordance with the abstract format below and return electronically in a Word document via email by: May 15, 2015 to michael.marƟ[email protected] Please note that all selected presenters will be provided registra on to the conference. Current informa on on the conference will be posted on the conference page at as it becomes available. We an cipate no fying speakers of their selec on by July 1, 2015. Abstract format: • TITLE, by AUTHOR, ORGANIZATION • Times New Roman font, 12 point, • Full-jus fied, single-spaced with 1-inch margins. • Please limit to one page. • Include address, phone number and email address for the primary point of contact. Also include a brief summary of the abstract, maximum 5 sentences, for inclusion in the conference program. Direct electronic abstracts to: Mike Mar n, P.E. Merrick & Company 5970 Greenwood Plaza Boulevard Greenwood Village, CO 80111 (303) 751-0741 michael.mar [email protected] Also, please let us know which Track you recommend for your presenta on: • Technical • Financial We look forward to your par cipa on! • Leadership/Managerial • Other
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