Revised 4/9/2015 ADDENDUM NO. 2 ADDENDUM TO PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS COLUMBUS REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY PORT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COLUMBUS, OHIO ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT This undersigned acknowledges that Addendum No. 2 for the Proposal, Contract and Specifications for Concrete Joint Repair – Phase 3 Re-Bid at Port Columbus International Airport, Columbus, Ohio has been received by the undersigned and will be incorporated in all copies of said Plans and Specifications in the possession of the undersigned. It is understood that all proposals submitted in response to Concrete Joint Repair – Phase 3 Re-Bid will be presumed to be based upon full knowledge of the contents of Addendum No. 2. ____________________________________ Signature ____________________________________ Company Name ____________________________________ Title Date IMPORTANT NOTE: PLEASE SIGN AND DATE THIS “ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT” AND RETURN VIA EMAIL OR FACSIMILE TO PORT COLUMBUS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AT [email protected] or (614) 239-3197, ATTENTION: SHANE GILL Revised 4/9/2015 COLUMBUS REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY PROPOSAL, CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE JOINT REPAIR – PHASE 3 RE-BID ADDENDUM NO. 2 April 9, 2015 This Addendum shall be considered part of the Proposal, Contract, Specifications, and Plans for Concrete Joint Repair – Phase 3 Re-Bid at Port Columbus International Airport, Columbus, Ohio, and is intended to correct, change, and/or add to the documents as described below: PROPOSAL, CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS PRE-BID MEETING 1. Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes (Attached) 2. Pre-Bid and Site Visit Attendance List (Attached) CLARIFICATIONS AND QUESTIONS C1: CRAA stressed that all appropriate fields are completed and filled out accordingly on all bid documents submitted Q1: Are there any plans in place to increase the overall budget for this project A1: No ATTACHMENTS 1. Pre-Bid Meeting Minutes 2. Pre-Bid and Site Visit Attendance List COLUMBUS REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY PRE-BID AGENDA Concrete Joint Repairs Phase 3 Re-bid 9:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY, April 8, 2015 INTRODUCTIONS: Project Team: Bart Powell – CRAA Project Manager Dave Moore – CRAA Project Coordinator Dave Gotschall – CRAA Senior Project Manager Matthew Schnelle, P.E. – RS&H Designer Bart Powell introduced himself and the project team present. DBE Goals: There is an 7% Diversity Business Partner (DBE/WBE/MBE/SBE/EDGE) goal for this project. A good faith effort must be made to reach the 7% DBE/WBE/MBE/SBE/EDGE participation goal. Proof of a good- faith effort includes providing the names and phone numbers of the DBE/WBE/MBE/SBE/EDGE firms contacted for quotes. Please refer to pages B19 – B28 of the CRAA Proposal, Contract and Specifications. If you should have any questions, you may contact the Business Diversity Coordinator at [email protected] . There is also a directory available through the website at and also Dawanna Allen discussed diversity goals for this project as well as requirements for good faith efforts. Prevailing Wage: This project is NOT subject to current State of Ohio prevailing wage requirements. City of Columbus Dept. of Taxation Requirements: The City of Columbus imposes a local tax of 2.5% on all income earned within the city. The tax is levied on both the net income of the business earned in the City of Columbus and on the wages, salaries and other forms of compensation earned by employees of the company in the City of Columbus. Bart Powell discussed Project Changes In Work And Audit Provisions: Attention is called to Sections 7.1 and 13.9 of the General Conditions regarding documentation requirements. Pay special attention to allowable charges for change in work (Change Orders) and documentation that will be required. Bart Powel discussed. Bid requirements: The bids are to be delivered in two separate envelopes as detailed under “Documents to be Included in Bid” on page B-1 of the specifications. It explains what is to be included with Envelopes #1 and #2. Award of Contract – Lowest, responsive, responsible bid as selected by the Authority will be the basis for award. The Pre-Bid meeting and site visit are “Mandatory”; anyone not attending and signing in at the “Mandatory” Pre-bid and site visit will have their bids returned un-opened. Addendums – There will be at least one addendum issued prior to bid opening to address any changes, bidder questions, and pre-bid meeting minutes. Bart Powell discussed. Bonding/ Insurance: CRAA bonding and insurance requirements are detailed in the Proposal, Contract and Specifications. All contractors are responsible for thoroughly reviewing CRAA Proposal, Contract, Specifications and Plans for this project. Schedule of Insurance: Pages SI-1 – SI-4 1. Pages SI-3 & SI-4; Articles 2.5 (Electronic Data Liability), 2.6 (Pollution Liability), 2.7 (Railroad Liability) and 2.9 (Builders Risk) will not be required for this project. Bart Powell discussed. Work Restrictions/Requirements Contractor to follow all regulations/guidelines as detailed in the CRAA General Conditions and plan set as detailed. Current FAA specifications manual shall govern unless otherwise directed by the CRAA. Current OMUTCD shall govern for all work along a traveled roadway. *NOTE* Mobilization/Demobilization/General Conditions item shall not exceed 5% of the total contract amount, excluding the amount of this item. Bart Powell discussed. Safety Contractor to comply with all OSHA requirements Daily cleanup and organization of the site and stored material is required. Failure to maintain a clean site may result in stopping the work until this is achieved to the satisfaction of the Owner with no compensation for work stoppage. Contractor is to have available on site a Vacuum Sweeper designed specifically for Airfield vacuuming and shall have a minimum 87 inch wide sweeping path. Federal Aviation Administration new requirements for construction per AC 150/5370-2F now require the submission of a SPCD (Safety Plan Compliance Document). These guidelines and a sample SPCD can be found in the Contract. Vehicle markings to be flashing/rotating amber beacon, company vehicle logos minimum of 12”X12” and readable at a distance of no less than 250’, all vehicles/equipment on the Airfield shall display orange and white checkerboard flags. Vehicles driving on the Airfield must have a minimum of 10 million dollars of liability insurance with the Columbus Regional Airport listed as additionally insured on the policy. Badging Requirements – The contractor shall be required to obtain CMH SIDA Security Badges while working on this project. Badging fees are $116 per badge with a $60 refundable deposit included. Full details of the Security Badge Requirements are in Special Conditions Section 9. Bart Powell discussed. Supervision Prime Contractor’s supervisor to be on site during any work being performed by either the general or any subs. Bart Powell discussed. Schedule Anticipated NTP: May 4, 2015 Contract Duration: 126 Consecutive calendar days for base bid; Liquidated Damages Complete Project: $1,500/Phase/Day Please note! 126 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed to 100% completion of project. Coordination with adjacent work will be required for the duration of the project Overtime should be factored into pricing, if anticipated. Weekend work may be permitted with at least 48 hours advance notice. Bart Powell discussed Contractor Parking/Equipment Storage: Contractor parking and equipment / material storage is as detailed on the plans. The Owner will document conditions prior to beginning construction and the Contractor is responsible for returning the lay down area over to the Owner in the same condition it was prior to beginning construction. Bart Powell discussed. Project Specifics/Overview: Contractor is responsible to locate and protect all existing utilities not scheduled for demolition. Any damaged utilities are to be repaired immediately at the contractor’s expense. This project consists of fill depth pavement removal and placement of bituminous pavement, concrete panel replacement, crack repairs and joint sealant replacement located in areas around the terminal building and its aprons. Operation of the Airport, CRAA Airlines/Tenants and its roadways come first. *NOTE* Phasing start and stop times may be adjusted based on Airline/Tenant/Operational need with no additional compensation to contractor. Bart Powell discussed. Site Visit Details: Site visit is “Mandatory” and will take place immediately after the meeting. Site tour was not taken, decided amongst group and approved by Bart Powell. All parties present signed site tour sign-in sheet at pre-bid meeting. Note: Bids are due Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Authority’s Administrative offices, 4600 International Gateway, Columbus, OH 43219, Baggage Claim Level. The receptionist’s time stamp shall be the official time for receipt of bid documents. Deadline for written questions related to the bid documents is Thursday, April 9, 2015, at 12:00 p.m., Local Time. Minutes of this meeting, questions and responses will be distributed to all plan holders from Key Blueprint after preparation by the Airport Authority. Questions received after the date/time noted will not be answered. All construction related documents pertaining to the bid may be viewed/obtained on Keys web site Submit Questions to: Bart Powell, Project Manager [email protected] Bart Powell discussed. Questions: Questions that were asked during the pre-bid meeting and during the site visit are included in the Question Section of Addendum 2.
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