GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA STARRED QUESTION NO. 68 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 SURRENDER OF PROJECTS BY SEZ DEVELOPERS 68. SHRI AVINASH RAI KHANNA: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) whether several Special Economic Zone developers have approached Government to surrender their projects, if so, the details thereof; and b) whether Government has since decided to re-allocate the SEZs to new developers or any other strategy would be initiated to make use of SEZ lands, if so, the details thereof? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) a) & b): A Statement is laid on the Table of the House. *********************** STATEMENT REFERRED TO IN REPLY TO PARTS (a) & (b) OF RAJYA SABHA STARRED QUESTION NO. 68 FOR ANSWER ON 29TH APRIL 2015 REGARDING “SURRENDER OF PROJECTS BY SEZ DEVELOPERS” (a): On the request of the SEZ Developers, the Board of Approval (BoA) on Special Economic Zones (SEZs) has approved for cancellation of formal approval/notification in respect of 124 SEZs, since 2008-09. Year-wise details of the number of the SEZs approved by the BoA, on the request of the SEZ Developers, for de-notification/cancellation of approval are as under:Financial Year 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Total (b): No. of SEZs approved for denotification/cancellation of approval on the Developer’s request 1 24 24 28 18 14 15 124 As per Entry No. 18 of the State List in the 7th schedule of the Constitution of India, land is a State subject. De-notification/cancellation of SEZ is approved subject to refund of all duties and tax benefits availed by the SEZ Developer and on receipt of ‘No-objection’ from the concerned State Government. Central Government ceases to have any role upon the denotification of a SEZ. It is within the purview of the concerned State Government to ensure that the utilization of such de-notified land is as per their laws/guidelines. ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 591 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 IMPORT POLICY FOR MARBLE 591(H). SHRI NARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYA: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) the policy of import of marble in the country; b) whether the present import policy is being changed; and c) if so, the reasons therefor and the details thereof? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) The marble is covered under two chapters of ITC(HS) code, 68 and 25. The import of rough marble is covered under ITC (HS) code 25151100 and 25151210 and is restricted for import. The import policy for marble under these ITC(HS) codes is issued annually. The present import policy has been notified vide Directorate General of Foreign Trade notification No.99 dated 20th November 2014 (the same is available at DGFT website – The import of marble in finished form is covered under ITC(HS) code 68021000, 68022110, 68022120, 68022190, 68029100 and 68029200 and is ‘free’ for import provided that the minimum import price is US$60 per square meter and maximum thickness of slab is 20 mm (notification No. 100 dated 5th December 2014). This is available at DGFT website – (b)&(c) The import policy of marble is issued annually after consultation with the stake holders and concerned State Governments. So far, the process of consultation for marble import policy for the year 2015-16 has not begun. ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 592 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 INCREASING EXPORT OF IRON ORE 592. SHRI B. K. HARIPRASAD: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) whether Government has any proposal to increase the export of iron ore; b) if so, whether negotiations have been made with some countries in this regard including present target of export with existing iron ore sharing country; c) if so, the countries to which iron ore is proposed to be exported in the coming years; and d) the quantum of iron ore proposed to be exported to those countries from Karnataka? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) The export of iron-ore is presently under Open General License (OGL). High grade iron-ore (+64% Fe) is canalized through MMTC. Exports are determined by availability and international market situations. (b) to (d) Government has Long Term Agreements for supply of high grade iron-ore to Japan and South Korea through MMTC. A proposal for renewal of LTAs (for 3 years w.e.f 1.4.2015) is under way. Negotiations on quantity to be supplied and price thereof, shall commence after approval of renewal of LTAs. Iron-ore exports to Japan and South Korea under the LTA are largely made from NMDC mines in Bailadila, Chhattisgarh ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 593 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 BAN ON IMPORT OF MARBLE 593(H). SHRI NARAYAN LAL PANCHARIYA: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) whether the marble traders of the country have demanded to impose ban on the import of marble; b) if so, the details of action taken thereon; and c) whether it is a fact that due to import of marble, lakhs of labourers are being deprived of wages? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) No, Sir. No such representation has been received. (b) Question does not arise. (c) No, Sir. The import of rough marble is ‘restricted’ and only a limited quantity of high value rough marble is permitted for import that constitutes a small percentage of country’s total marble production and consumption. *********** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 594 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 IMPACT OF GLOBAL RECESSION ON COTTON GROWERS 594. SHRI SANJAY RAUT: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) b) c) d) whether it is a fact that cotton production is surplus in the country due to global recession; if so, the details thereof and its impact on cotton growers in the country; whether Government has taken any specific steps for finding any alternative export market; and if so, the details thereof? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) & (b) As per the Second Advance Estimates of Ministry of Agriculture, India’s production of cotton during 2014-15 was 351.52 lakh bales (of 170 Kg each) as compared to 359.02 lakh bales in 2013-14 and 356.02 lakh bales in 2012-13. However, compared to the corresponding period of 2013-14, export of raw cotton during 2014-15 (Apr – Feb 2015), has declined by 41.32% in quantity terms and 46.60% in value terms. As exports account for a substantial share of India’s production of cotton, the decline in exports has resulted in a surplus for the domestic market and has impacted the cotton growers. Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) has undertaken large MSP operations in all cotton growing States. (c) & (d) For safeguarding the interests of cotton growers in general and disposal of cotton to be procured under the MSP operations in particular, Ministry of Textiles has written to Indian High Commissions/Embassies in cotton deficit countries like Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, Turkey, Thailand to explore new avenues for export of cotton for stabilizing cotton prices in India. ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 597 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 RE-ENERGISING INDIA-EU BTIA 597. SHRI ANAND SHARMA: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) whether it is a fact that India and the European Union have agreed to re-energize negotiations for India-EU Broad Based Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA); b) if so, the details thereof; c) whether any new proposal on coverage of tariff lines and tariff reduction have been exchanged; and d) if so, the likely date of recommencement of negotiations? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) a) & b): No, Sir. However, India proposes to re-energize the India-EU BTIA. c) & d): Does not arise. ********** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 598 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 DECLINING TREND OF TEA EXPORTS 598. SHRI BALWINDER SINGH BHUNDER: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) whether the Indian tea exports have been under severe strain with declining trend of exports; b) whether the competitiveness of the Indian tea export would be further eroded by recent reduction in export benefit to the sector under Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS); c) whether Indian Tea Association has represented in this behalf; d) if so, the details thereof and the reaction of Government thereto; and e) what efforts are being made to increase the competitiveness of Indian tea exports? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a): Volume of export of Indian tea during 2014-15 has been lower than the level registered during 2013-14 primarily on account of fall in production of Assam Orthodox tea caused by delayed rains. Other factors that have contributed to the decline are increased supplies from Kenya leading to reduced average price of US$ 2.14/kg in the international market, and fall in demand in the high-value markets such as USA, Iran and Russia. (b): The objective of the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme is to promote, inter alia, export of value added teas with a view to gain maximum foreign exchange earnings as against the export of bulk teas, which have limited potential for branding of India Tea. As per the Foreign Trade Policy (2015-2020) notified by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) most of the teas in packaged or value added form will receive reward at the rate of 5% of Free on Board (FOB) value for export to various destinations, whereas tea in bulk form including tea waste and other black tea will be eligible for reward at the rate of 3% of FOB value. (c), (d) & (e): Representation has been received from the Indian Tea Association suggesting restoration of the reward rate for bulk tea exports from 3% to 5% of FOB value as available under the previous Foreign Trade Policy (FTP). Such representations are regularly reviewed by the Government as part of updation of the FTP. Tea Board also has a strategy for increasing export of Indian tea with added focus on value-added teas. This includes setting up value-addition infrastructure, branding and sustained promotion in the key markets. ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 601 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 EXPORT MADE THROUGH EOUs 601. SHRI VIJAY JAWAHARLAL DARDA: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) the country-wise quantum and value of export made through the Export Oriented Units (EOUs) along with its share to total exports of the country during each of the last three years and the current year; b) the amount of incentives and tax concessions provided to these units during the said period; c) whether Government has taken note of misuse of such incentives and tax concessions by some of the units; and d) if so, the details thereof indicating the complaints received/reported in this regard during the said period along with the action taken/proposed to be taken thereon? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) : The value of export made through the Export Oriented Units (EOUs) along with its share in total exports of the country during each ofs the last three years and the current year is as under: (Value in Rupees Crores) Year EOU’s Exports India’s Exports EOU’s % share of India’s Exports 2011-12 85201.02 1,465,959.39 5.8 2012-13 90180.67 1,634,318.28 5.5 2013-14 89642.09 1,905,011.08 4.7 *2014-15 (prov.) 64321.30 1,444,720.12 4.45 * Country-wise detail for 2014-15 is not available. Country-wise export data for 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14 is at Annex-I. (b) : The amount of incentives and tax concessions provided to these units during the said period is as under: (Value in Rupees Crores) S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (prov.) CST/DBK/TED Reimbursement 295.54 405.31 271.65 305.60 Duty foregone 8996.80 11528.45 12834.39 7813.25 (c) : The incentives and tax concessions are as per the Foreign Trade Policy and are in the nature of export promotion measures. Wherever, an instance of misuse of such incentives and concessions is noted, prompt action is taken as per rules. (d): Details of Show Cause Notices issued and Penalty imposed for misuse of incentives and tax concessions and violations of provisions of FTP are as under: S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 (prov.) ******** No. of cases 43 40 59 49 Annex-I Country-wise Exports from EOUs 2011-12 Country 2012-13 Exports Country (In Rs Cr) 2.7145 Abidjan Agadir 0.7348 Abu Dhabi Albania 1.5913 Afghanistan Algeria American Samoa Country (In Rs Cr) Afghanistan Alexandria 2013-14 Exports Exports (In Rs Cr) 0.2608 1.632 2.8385 Abidjan Afghanistan Africa 1.2985 112.4316 0.019 0.2413 Albania 3.43115 Albania 2.5814 53.6767 Albenia 0.07 Algeria 112.4815 0.8977 Algeria 42.719 0.5328 Amsterdam 0.6911 Almaty Angola 54.2055 Angola 6.1784 American Samoa 0.9904 Anguilla 0.0293 Andorra 0.1223 Antigua 1.9404 Angola 9.5881 Antwerp Argentina 3.618 147.6897578 1.9311 Australia 1033.558468 Argentina 189.9291 373.3188 Arlington 5.215 Argentina Armenia 0.9996 Armenia Azerbaijan 2.7848 Bahamas 0.1183 Astonia Bahrain 8.3276 Australia Bamako Mali 5.4945 Austria Bangladesh 330.1038 Apapa 0.05 0.9232 5.0407 212.9032 0.3083 Australia 1276.979 Austria 261.5926 Azerbaijan 4.2366 0.666 Bahamas 2.5113 0.0258 Bahamas 2.0473 Bahrain 23.0614 Belarus 4.2353 Bahrain 11.2666 Belgium 470.4399009 13.8081 Bhutan 3.6995 Bolivia 1.7212 Bosnia 0.006 Botswana Brazil Brazivilli Congo Brembate Bridport 38.8438 1125.79897 Azerbaijan 0.24 1179.5613 Antwerp Barcelona Benin 974.2020395 1.26 Antigua/Barbuda Armenia Austria Antigua 1.4 American Samoa Bamako Mali Bangkok Bangladesh 7.0748 0.28 903.648952 Bamako Mali Bangladesh Barbodos Basel 2.3333 839.3061 0.018 0.84 Bangui 0.2958 Belarus 6.9524 Barcelona 0.3197 Belgium 751.448 Bbc 0.0202 Benin Belarus 10.5284 0.86 Belgique 0.0394 0.0076 Belgium 510.22918 17.22506 Berlin 0.0895 Bermuda 0.0062 Bhutan 0.195 0.499 Belize 1.0092 Bolivia 3.3466 British Virgin Island 0.8018 Benin 13.864 Bosnia 0.043 Brunei 0.4545 Bermuda 0.0659 Botswana 154.3991 Buenaventura 0.9261 Bhutan 0.1442 Brazil Buenosaries 0.0668 Birminghm 0.1934 Bridgetown 0.9003 17.839039 Bolivia 2.9389 Brit. Virgin Is. 0.1943 13.9201 Bosnia 0.06 Brunei 0.6803 Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma 2.2125 Burundi 14.0339 Botswana Cambodia 19.5553 Brazil Cambridga 0.2171 Cameroon Canada Caribbea 55.58692 1400.628993 0.26 Bosnia And Herzegovina British Virgin Island 0.0594 Bulgaria 34.24049 101.7769 Burkina Faso 43.1488 1031.6773 Burkina-Faso 3.27 0.01 Burma Buenos Aires 0.8619 Burundi Bukavu 0.6864 Cambodia Bulgaria 996.375 26.589926 Cameron 2.3762 8.091 16.1253 0.13 Central African Republic 0.3189 Burkina Faso 33.898 Cameroon Chad 2.5297 Burma 1.8497 Chicago 0.6043 Burundi 12.0907 Canada Canton And Enderbury Island 58.9513 1800.539 0.0267 Chile 58.8765 Camaroon 0.22 Cape Varde 0.3725 China 4683.184117 Cambodia 19.7826 Cape Verde 0.2738 Colombia 83.1103138 Cameroon 23.3818 Cayman Islands 0.6174 Colombo 0.0178 Canada Comoros 1.0188 Canakry - Guinea Congo Chad 2.7437 16.0491 0.09 Chile 46.3226 8.126 Central African Republic 2.2716 China 1743.084 Costa Rice 0.724 Chad 1.7337 Colombia 68.62375 Cotonou Croatia Cuba Caribbea Central African Republic 1.61 Costa Rica Cote D' Ivorie 38.4651 1532.1465 11.8111 Chile 61.3905 0.35 China 2671.5878 20.1776 0.8243888 Comoros Congo 0.6398 78.4518 Colombia 94.337 Constanta Comoros 0.6986 Cossato 0.1223 Costa Rica 4.3012 Curacao 0.131 Cyprus 33.991 Congo 87.0478 Czech Republic 48.7311 Cossato 0.2486 Cote D' Ivorie Czecholslovakia 18.4171 Costa Rica 9.8382 Croatia 33.381 Cote D' Ivorie 7.1166 Cuba 3.4699 Dakar Demark Denmark 0.78 7.5067 374.192317 Conakry Croatia Cuba 19.7652 Costarica 1.6 10.9087 Cyprus 44.5441 4.09 Czech Republic 57.3418 196.7574 Czecholslovakia 20.0827 Dijbouti 0.1731 Djbouty 0.1602 Czech Republic 64.484 Denmark 0.09 Czecholslovakia 13.6374 Dijbouti 0.2143 0.0472 Djibouti 1.3203 Doha 0.1485 Doha Dominican Republic Dubai Durban East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Espain Estonia Ethiopia Europe European Union 12.5193839 113.5453 Cyprus 0.22 0.06 Darrusalam Denmark 434.6283 0.07 Dijbouti 0.6904 Dominica 0.0242 Djbouty 0.1757 Dominican Republic Doha 0.3381 Dubai 11.96373 243.0537318 5.4052 11.8484 0.4656 1.2244 Dominican Republic Dubai East Timor Ecuador Egypt 23.3955 104.2311 0.5488 22.5983 Ecuador Egypt El Salvador 0.128 28.645 58.54416 0.0275 23.8378 159.0207 8.6095 222.1091 England 149.6708 El Salvador 11.0854 Eritrea 8.8182 2630.70624 El Salvodor 0.12 Espana 0.33 22 Eritrea 4.0589 Fiji 3.50185 Espana 0.13 Finland 59.8872 Estonia 1.0372 France 1545.4951 Ethiopia 190.6243 French Guiana 0.0275 Europe 2483.0095 Gabon 6.9335 European Union Gambia General Currency Area 0.1928 Fiji 3.683 Finland 87.7748 Georgia 3.5368 France 1271.7408 Germany East Timor 538.9067 3234.476861 French Guiana Estonia 0.63 2.2088 Ethiopia 354.0789 Europe 2621.649 European Union Fiji 30.66 0.2344 25.01 Finland 133.9773 8.6784 France 1442.987 0.83 French Guiana 0.2671 Gabon 24.6516 Gambia 7.5398 Ghana 204.3592 Gabon 11.3129 Greece 65.286319 Gambia 2.9985 Guatemala 0.56 Georgia 5.4065 Germany 3991.301 0.8142 General Currency Area 5.2035 Ghana 325.9483 Guvana 0.2075 Georgia 7.8631 Greece 65.5843 4.4519 Germany Grenada 0.0403 Haiti Gautemala 7.7346 Guinea Guyana 25.4278 General Currency Area 3421.37 22.4206 Ghana 221.5959 Guarulhos 0.41 Hamburg 0.192 Greece 53.4623 Guatemala 16.25718 Hemburg 1.3366 13.38922 Guinea 16.6102 6.707 Guinea 8.93913 Guyana 2.3391 Honduras 60.0522375 Guyana 6.4343 Haiti 28.405 Hong Kong 447.3802855 Haiti Hungary 166.5034689 Holand 0.1426 Honduras 26.2197 7.2077 Holland 5.2413 Hondures 7.0799 Hong Kong Holland Iceland Guatemala 28.8809 Holland 3.766 India Sez 202.0248 Honduras 71.1586 Indonesia 290.3515 Hong Kong 189.8175 Hungary Hungary 263.7529 Iceland Iceland 10.9605 India Sez 204.0953 193.9694 Indonesia 532.5321 Iran 39.0610266 Iraq 25.9304 Ireland Israel Istanbul Italy Ivory Coast 373.414017 360.1495817 India Sez 220.3332 527.703 16.0474 Indonesia 318.864 Iran 170.3636 0.0736 Iran 68.3469 Iraq 41.7941 1764.14056 Iraq 21.5597 Ireland Ireland 415.4414 Israel 726.88 Izmir 0.0272 Israel 326.1103 Istanbul 0.4973 Jamaica 5.3734 Istanbul Japan 5.577 390.2073 1401.679424 Istonia Jordan 51.2241 Italy Kazakhstan 23.8967 Ivory Coast Kenya Kiribati Korea Ksa Kuwait Kyrgyzstan 444.3216772 0.0289 Jamaica Japan 0.0351 Italy 0.6366 Ivory Coast 5.0038 Izmer 0.0177 Jamaica 9.3024 1988.8205 13.7012 0.6064 Japan 1736.667 1484.33 1348.194 Jebelali 1.0865 Jeddah 2.793 356.91404 Jeddah 2.8992 0.2012 Jordan 55.2562 Jordan 73.9128 13.7355 Jordon 19.34 Jorden 19.43709 0.087 Latika 0.07 Latiwa 5.7 Latvia 8.1054 Kampuchea Democratic Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Lebanon 28.3403 Korea Lesotho 34.88372 Kosovo 2.8675 23.4114 471.808686 0.9021 489.7625 Kampuchea Democratic Kazakhstan 0.2252 34.792 Kenya 713.156 Kiribati 0.1729 Korea 373.038 0.0081 Kosovo 0.1715 1.6625 Ksa Liberia 1.7309 Ksa Libya Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 4.0859 Kuwait 4.1757 Labenon Lithuania 6.5034 Laos Lithuanian 0.1302 Laos 0.2373 Lithuvania 3.48 Lebanon 34.2491 Latain Amircan 0.1065 Luxembourg 1.3093 Lesotho 31.5908 Latvia 10.1357 Macau 0.0168 Liberia 14.8236 Lebanon 24.4492 Macedonia 0.8872 Libya 19.3768 Lesotho 77.871 Latvia 31.3658 Kuwait 1.2472 54.1832 0.83 Kyrgyzstan 0.6659 0.1264 Kyrgyzstian 0.528 1.6065 Madagascar Malawi 11.4106295 88.949 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 35.9308 Liechetenstein 2.7442 Liberia 6.2081 Libya 35.3944 Malaysia 140.3257 Liechtenstein 42.4228 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 27.0707 Maldives 0.86513 Lithuania 14.3808 Liechetenstein 51.8133 Mali 13.7974 Lome Lithuania 31.9936 Malta 23.9949 Luthuania 2.2197 Luxembourg 2.8158 Luxembourg 3.5416 Macedonia 1.0054 Macau 0.0098 Madagascar 6.9367 Macedonia 0.8343 Malawi 253.5252 Mackay 0.0141 Malaysia 259.6039 12.9759 Maldives 0.2512 Mauritania 1.2819 Mauritinia 3.73 Mauritius Mayanmar Mayotte Megalopollis Greece Mexico Moldova 22.8636346 2.094 0.0575 Madagascar 0.5463 Malawi 17.8005 3.45189 Maldives 1.145 Manzanilo Mali 10.6661 Mauritania Malta 45.5726 Mauritius 0.0115 Mauritania 3.39304 11.16 Mauritinia 2.75 0.5919 Morocco 24.0032 Mauritius 28.2573 Mozambique 18.3935 Mayanmar Myanmar 3.69595 Meera Memphis 0.8 Namibia 27.33657 Mexico Nepal 17.72323 Middle East Netherlands 19.1357 Malta 221.131 0.07325 Namey Niger Mali Malaysia Mongolla Montegro 169.15498 273.0231523 Mongolia Monte Isola 0.46 2254.082404 Moldova Mayanmar Mexico 0.0481 10.955 34.13155 0.1873 304.0043 Middle East 0.2127 0.1283 Moldova 4.6285 0.1027 Mombasa 0.3907 1.3706 Mongolia 0.6801 288.3672 0.35 0.9556 Montegro 15.71 Monten 1.4964 Montserrat 0.0146 New Caledonia 0.0385 Mombasa 1.2827 Morocco 23.5794 New Foundland 0.3799 Mongolia 1.67571 Morrocco 0.91806 Mozambique 76.1066 New Zealand 101.4197 Monte Isola Newyork 1.0332 Montegro Nicaragua 0.5924 Morocco Niger Nigeria North America Norway Oman Others Pakistan Palestina Panama 1.59 269.4667 16.96 Mozambique Muscat Myanmar 0.04 15.45 37.9758 8.7323 Namibia 28.4389 0.3966 Nendeln 11.0702 Nairobi 31.5163 Namibia 47.87267 14948.92115 Nendeln 1.7563 0.3 31.8531 0.0084 Nepal 55.75143 Netherlands 2884.623 New Caledonia 0.062 28.58594 Netherlands 3523.194 New Caledonia New Guinea New Zealand 1.6467 New Guinea 4.8994 Niger New Zealand 107.86 Nigeria Peterhead 18.8042 Nicaragua Philadelphia Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico 4.3086 125.7858 176.5175969 35.126744 13.2812 Niger Nigeria North America 2.54 1.0688 403.1366 3.58 334.1914 3.4617 4.9859 0.436 1.6 Newyork 1.5651 Newyork 0.1277 Nicaragua Paraguay 32.0874 2.7109 Nepal Papua New Guinea Peru 7.2479 Myanmar 66.9713 95.63963 Muscat 33.0799 Northern Ireland Norway Ohana Oman Other East African Countries 12.6063 397.4246 0.23 108.3203 0.0099 115.214 0.1293 Norway 86.5884 Others 9849.412 Oman 50.3954 Pakistan 95.34129 Qatar 7.9768 Other East African Countries Quatar 6.4199 Others Quwait 0.0386 Pakistan 102.10213 28.6415635 Panama 8.45829 Peru 32.33433 Paraguay 8.6059 Philippines 195.3966 0.0172 Poland 262.1761 Romania Rotterdam Row Russia Rwanda 2.4514 0.09 666.56282 21.4123 Paramaribo Peru 0.0367 13915.59126 36.0919 Palestine Panama Paraguay 0.2515 152.2484 4.7061 Portugal 37.0458 Philippines 138.3215 Puerto Rico 50.3532 Saint Lucia 0.0775 Poland 162.3898 Qatar 16.0506 Samoa 4.2476 Polska 0.2524 Quatar 3.5974 0.02 Portland 0.7666 Rawanda 5.2848 0.54 Portugal 40.7624 Romania 38.3747 Puerto Rico 33.4946 Rpa Exports 3.9041 Qatar 31.76 Ruerto Rico 0.2514 Quatar 8.928 Russia 604.3496 1.15 Russian 64.25374 0.0173 Rwanda 50.275 Sabah 0.2657 San Francisco Sanghai Saudi Arabia Scotland Senegal Serbia 257.9589 0.4892 19.89194 1.5720249 Quba Seychelles 0.0083 Rawanda Shanghai 0.0377 Replubica Domanica Siegburg 1.1078 Riga Sierra Leone Singapore 10.1484 1275.480634 0.159 Samoa 10.787 15.5827 Santo Domingo 0.0247 11.3716 Sao Tome 0.0309 Russia 660.0331 Scotland 0.1754 0.078 Russian 54.23252 Seareea 0.0084 1175.429651 Rwanda 11.842 Senegal 18.3356 Slovenia 35.0338 South Korea 0.0741 Saint Lucia Rpa Exports 0.3 South Africa 0.2 Romania Slovakia Somalia Riyadh-K.S.A 0.79 Saint Lucia 1.7584 Serbia 3.5262 Spain 397.7686422 Samoa 5.3504 Seychelles 0.0743 Sri Lanka 131.1888473 Sanjose Costa Rica Sierra Leone 4.2057 Sudan 227.2193 53.9772 Santo Domingo Suriname 1.4596 Scotland Swaziland 19.2907 Senegal Sweden Switzerland Syria Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan 182.3087 1591.0701 86.3357 14.9981 66.9926284 0.514 1.0588 Singapore Slovakia 0.52 25.9874 Slovenia 11.6219 Serbia 9.5098 Somalia Siegburg 0.6242 South Africa Sierra Leone Sierra Loene Singapore 1.611 South Carolina South Korea 689.6442 South Sudan 1.9157 Tanga 2.5332 Slovania 0.58 Tango 1.691 Slovenia 26.934 St. Barhelemy, Fwi 76.8032 Somalia 1.5345 St. Lucia Tema Thailand 2.3717 Spain Sri Lanka 893.6485 179.966 0.5353 0.06 0.0174 South Africa 1431.80343 Sudan 72.0218 16.5909 South Korea 48.2371 Suffolk 0.0154 Suriname 7.6094 601.5649568 Spain 431.5199 Togo 4.1586 Sri Lanka 171.8109 Trinidad 0.1335 St Martin 0.76 Trinidad & Tobago 7.7881 1.7039 2.7659 Tehran 0.32 1739.142 1866.514 Tajikistan Tanzania Slovakia 1781.504 1.559 29.7202 Sudan 83.0695 Swaziland 8.421 Sweden 286.8927 Switzerland 1882.451 Tunisia 27.864409 Suriname 6.1601 Syria Turkey 359.2484085 Swaziland 0.7125 Taiwan 24.3911 92.08166 Turkmenistan UAE 1.48 1530.0613 Sweden Swiss 227.5804 Tajikistan 2.1511 0.0267 Tanzania 284.5425 Uganda 162.9307234 Switzerland UK 4183.123474 Syria 30.6489 Thailand Taiwan 78.6032 Tincan Island Ukrain 10.5208 1754.4378 Tema 8.0085 709.4254 0.8979 Ukraine 146.53966 Tajikistan 1.7889 Togo 16.5128 Uruguay 18.5365 Tanga 0.7877 Tonga 2.1149 26562.77194 Tango 2.6023 Trinidad & Tobago USA Uzbekestin 4.0417 Uzbekistan 17.2134 Venezuela 63.30398 Tanzania Tema 193.3049 Tunisia 34.4766 Thailand 664.4273 Turkey 327.0608 Turkmenistan 6.15 Togo 10.34334 Venzuela 6.7014 Total 1136.89 Vernier 4.3635 Trinidad & Tobago West Africa West Indies Yemen Yugoslavia Zambia Zanzibar Zimbabwe Total 27.140277 145.557149 Tunisia 26.5935 0.0845 Turkey 284.2917 2.4614 Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands 61.6788 0.7884 125.8202 0.2289 0.0674 10.9613 Venezula Vietnam Tunis 35.0638 UAE Uganda UK 4.9497 UAE 1585.188 Uganda 348.4245 UK 4636.064 Ukrain 22.8068 2.4086 Ukraine 124.9346 0.4388 Uruguay 12.8682 2123.13089 USA 29183.74 154.93523 Uzbekestin 64.2604 4608.65925 Uzbekistan 9.0256 82.7997 Ukrain 21.2033 85201.01 Ukraine 130.5056 Venezuela 46.623 Uruguay 12.9794 Venzuela 4.0338 29764.58646 Veracruz 0.0964 Vietnam 200.5508 USA Valancia 3.5 Uzbekestin 4.7023 Uzbekistan 7.032 West Africa 4.938 0.0329 West Indies 2.69 Valencia Venezuela Vietnam 66.0725 Yemen 71.2936 149.198226 Yogoslavia 0.072 West Africa 0.0303 Yugoslavia 0.3252 West Indies 5.14772 Zambia 363.219 Winterbatch 0.3265 Zanzibar 1.3652 Yemen 44.379 Zimbabwe 0.1875 Total Yugoslavia Zambia 119.4639 Zimbabwe 167.9504 Total 90180.66 **************** 211.436 89642.09 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 602 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 PRODUCTION OF TEA 602(H). SHRI MAHENDRA SINGH MAHRA: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) the State-wise and quantum-wise production of tea in the country; b) the name of the States where tea of high quality is being produced; c) whether foreign currency is earned through tea export, the details of last three financial years thereof; d) the manner in which the States are being promoted to earn more foreign currencies; and e) whether the proposals sent by the States to enhance tea production in future would be accepted? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a): The estimated tea production state-wise and quantum-wise for the financial year 2014-15 is as under: State Assam West Bengal Tamil Nadu Kerala Karnataka Others Total Quantity (M.kgs.)* 585.36 324.07 166.38 66.90 6.73 24.56 1174.00 * Provisional, subject to revision (b): India produces some of the world’s finest teas like Darjeeling Tea in West Bengal, Assam Tea in Assam, Nilgiris Tea in Tamil Nadu and Kangra Tea in Himachal Pradesh which are famous for their delicate flavor, strength and brightness. (c): Indian teas are exported worldwide and earn valuable foreign currency. Details of tea exports and the foreign currency earned during 2011-12 to 2014-15 (April-February) are as under: Year Qty. (M.Kgs) 214.35 216.23 225.76 Value in Rs.Crs. 3304.82 4005.93 4509.09 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 180.05 3485.71 (Apr-Feb)* *Provisional, subject to revision. Value in Mill US$ 690.14 735.90 746.46 571.23 (d): The single-origin teas grown in specific states and regions of India have unique characteristics and have large potential to contribute to the generation of foreign exchange from sale of such teas. State governments of tea growing states which are represented on the Tea Board are regularly consulted while finalizing the marketing strategy for tea. Producers and growers of tea in the tea growing states also receive substantial financial and technical assistance from the Tea Board as part of the Tea Development and Promotion Scheme for producing and marketing tea. (e): Tea Board regularly accepts proposals and applications from the growers and producers of tea in all states and assists them under the Tea Development and Promotion Scheme for undertaking activities such as rejuvenation, pruning, infilling, uprooting and replanting of old tea areas, extension planting, quality upgradation and product diversification, value-addition, quality certification, changing of the product mix, including Orthodox Tea Production. ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 604 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 TRADE RELATIONS IN NEW SECTORS 604. SHRI PARIMAL NATHWANI: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) whether Government proposes to establish trade relations in new sectors/areas with some of the countries for the first time; b) if so, the details thereof; c) the steps taken by Government in this regard; and d) the total revenue likely to be generated from the expansion of trade in the new areas and sectors? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) to (c) It is the constant endeavour of the Government to enhance trade with our trade partners for mutual benefit which also include establishing trade relationship in new sectors/areas. In this context, India has taken various initiatives like Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreements (CECA), Free Trade Agreements (FTA) Preferential Trade Agreements (PTA), Joint Study Groups (JSG) etc. with various countries. (d) Revenue to be generated from the expansion of trade in new areas and sectors cannot be assessed at present. ********* GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 606 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 PHARMA EXPORTS 606. SHRI DEVENDER GOUD T.: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) the year-wise and country-wise details of pharma exports by India in the last five years and the current year; b) whether it is a fact that country has not able to achieve this year's target; and c) if so, the reasons therefor? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) As per latest information available, the year-wise and country wise details of pharma exports for the top 30 markets for the last five years is given below: The data for the current year is not available. The table below incorporates latest data available i.e. upto December, 2014. All values in $ million Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Country USA UK South Africa Russia Nigeria Germany Brazil Kenya Viet Nam Netherlands France Canada Australia Tanzania Nepal Iran Sri Lanka 20142009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 15(Aprl-Dec) 1953.71 2496.88 3267.82 3728.53 3962.73 3227.23 348.51 391.33 491.35 513.36 527.09 407.02 245.83 341.30 383.12 440.76 561.47 374.46 274.81 455.85 410.08 572.16 546.28 335.75 190.78 224.27 310.42 340.92 384.29 322.05 318.78 361.80 462.92 467.33 402.46 281.13 209.89 230.23 279.02 328.34 312.62 279.14 116.46 182.84 229.86 252.03 240.28 199.79 149.65 151.31 185.06 202.93 212.18 185.96 144.88 198.14 230.27 249.06 233.69 172.42 107.04 136.36 174.42 184.93 206.88 160.18 163.52 153.21 258.31 285.68 226.77 153.54 96.23 116.59 172.90 188.21 196.94 153.29 69.93 97.93 85.75 132.63 157.21 152.33 82.66 80.57 119.07 123.52 142.23 132.42 112.86 111.83 99.84 163.10 182.53 126.05 109.47 129.07 147.40 154.35 166.91 121.62 18 19 20 Philippines Ghana Thailand Myanmar 21 (Burma)m 22 Venezuela 23 Uganda 24 China 25 Belgium 26 Turkey 27 Japan 28 Singapore 29 Bangladesh 30 Spain Total of Top 30 Grand Total 70.02 110.10 121.26 85.40 136.42 107.45 106.08 148.27 149.63 126.34 184.79 142.44 140.24 151.91 108.93 117.89 117.38 112.91 57.33 62.51 80.42 122.47 138.91 40.12 51.76 62.84 70.79 86.73 70.37 85.22 118.78 124.32 155.48 136.19 139.95 157.62 137.81 116.17 106.55 86.70 136.24 151.54 128.32 139.77 166.11 182.71 199.62 156.43 78.95 79.63 151.69 179.17 174.83 61.39 140.58 170.10 187.40 131.04 90.68 115.39 112.22 135.18 158.25 119.64 141.10 199.38 174.30 136.73 5897.38 7257.73 9083.59 10264.01 10446.53 8949.28 10721.43 13263.43 14676.37 14936.09 112.58 111.33 109.43 108.86 108.32 107.69 104.66 104.54 103.35 97.97 8201.31 11523.58 (b)& (c) In 2010-11 India’s exports touched $ 10.7 billion with a CAGR of 13% during previous three years. At that time it was estimated that India’s exports would reach $ 25 billion by 201415. Some of the reasons for not reaching the expected US$ 25 bn are given below: 1. Recession in Europe – Economy in Spain and Italy, which are important markets for India, have still not come back to normal. 2. Indian rupee’s devaluation at unexpected rate. 3. Some of our major export partners in LAC, CIS and Africa regions have initiated process of indigenous production working towards self-reliance. 4. China’s increased competition even in formulations sector especially in Europe. 5. International Sanctions on Russia have impacted its economy and thereby their total imports have come down for last 6-8 months. Accordingly, our exports are also showing negative growth. 6. Some of major Indian pharma companies started their own production in South Africa, resulted in lesser growth rate of Pharma exports by India to South Africa. 7. There is downward trend in the prices of Drugs in Germany for the last 1 – 2 years, resulted in lesser growth rate of pharma exports to Germany. ****** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 609 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 FALL IN EXPORT OF SOYAMEAL 609. SHRI RAJKUMAR DHOOT: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) whether it is a fact that soya meal exports from the country has dropped to lowest in 26 years; b) if so, the details thereof; and c) what remedial measures Government proposes to take in this regard? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) & (b) Data for the current year is not available. However, as per data available for the year 2014-15, the export of soyameal during April-Jan 2015 has fallen by around 67%, both in quantity as well as in value terms, as compared to exports during corresponding period of the previous year. The exports during 2014-15 (Apr-Jan) were 11.43 lakh tons valued at USD 621.46 million compared to 34.27 lakh tons valued at USD 1,879.00 million during the corresponding period of 2013-14. The exports are lowest, at least since 2003-04, the year from which comparative data is available. The record world-wide production of soyabean in 2014-15 has created an oversupply in the world market leading to a drastic fall in soyameal prices. Lower petroleum crude prices, resulting in lesser demand for vegetable oils for bio-fuels, has also contributed to lower international prices. The lower international prices have left Indian exports uncompetitive as compared to major producers of soyabean such as Argentina and Brazil. (c) Encouraging exports of agricultural products is a continuous process. Under the Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020, export of soyameal is eligible for 5% reward under the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS). ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 610 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 INCREASE IN IMPORT OF STEEL 610(H). SHRIMATI KANAK LATA SINGH: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) whether it is a fact that steel import from neighbouring countries have increased on large scale, if so, the details of steel imported during the last two years; b) whether it is also a fact that import duty on steel has been increased by Government, if so, the details of increased import duty during the said period; c) the reasons for increase in import of steel and whether it has been evaluated; and d) whether steel is cheap in other countries, if so, the steps being taken for production of steel at cheaper rate in the country? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) Yes, Sir. Data pertaining to import of Iron & Steel under Chapter 72 and 73 of Indian Trade Classification (Harmonised System), 2012, Schedule – I (Import Policy) during the period 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 (provisional) is as under: Qty in Ton Values / Rs Crore 2014-15 2012-13 Country BANGLADESH BHUTAN CHINA MALDIVES 2013-14 Qty Val. 13846 88.79 7652 56.84 8714 61.58 102965 617.25 80941 589.93 72480 542.88 8135.54 1120652 5921.24 3522779 15534.84 5196 13.77 5244 14.27 23 0.06 1770193 8204 20.67 MYANMAR NEPAL PAKISTAN Qty (Apr'14 to Feb'15)* Val Qty Val 64842 395.7 69465 387.97 72494 418.85 2038 24.22 1070 9.75 24 0.07 SRI LANKA 5763 Grand Total 1967851 15.47 3227 14.09 871 4.01 9297.64 1288226 6993.65 3682606 16576.5 *Note: Figures for 2014-15(Apr to Feb) is provisional. (b) In budget 2015-16, tariff rate of basic customs duty on iron & steel falling under Chapter 72 and articles of iron or steel falling under Chapter 73 of Indian Trade Classification (Harmonised System), 2012, Schedule – I (Import Policy), has been increased from 10 % to 15%. However, no change has been made in the existing effective rates of basic customs duty on these goods. (c) & (d): Import of an item takes place only when similar item is either not available in the domestic market or is available at a cheaper rate outside the country than the one available in the domestic market. Certain specific grades /qualities of steel which are not produced in the country, especially for the use of automobile sector, engineering goods etc, are to be necessarily imported and such specific imports cannot be stopped. Moreover, steel sector has been deregulated; therefore, the role of the Government is limited to be a facilitator in growth of steel industry. The Government only lays down policy guidelines and the investment decisions for creation of new capacity are taken by individual investors based on commercial considerations. ***** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 612 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 ANNUAL PRODUCTION OF SPICES 612. SHRI ANUBHAV MOHANTY: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) the annual production of spices in the country; b) the percentage of spices produced, exported and released for the domestic market; c) whether the amount of spices released in the domestic market is sufficient to meet the demand; d) if not, how does the Ministry proposes to meet the demand of domestic consumers; and e) what is the procedure adopted by Government to strike a balance between the requirement of the domestic and the export market? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) & (b): The annual production of spices in the country is around 6 million tones, out of which about 12 to 14% is exported while the rest is available for domestic consumption. Details of production, export and import of spices during 2013-14 are given below: Quantity (tonnes) 1. Production 59,35,043 2. Export 8,17,250 3. Import 1,30,010 (c) & (d): India imports selected spices like Clove, Cassia, Cinnamon, Poppy Seed, Star anise to meet domestic consumption as well as fulfilling demand of industry for value addition and re-export. Government implements several programmes for increasing production and availability of spices such as Cardamom through the Spices Board and other spices through the State Horticulture Missions under the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH). The mission programmes are aimed at increasing production, productivity and quality of the produce to meet growing demand in the domestic as well as export market. (e): While the requirement of domestic market are met by programmes aimed at increasing production and ensuring remunerative prices to farmers through pre and post harvest management and support activities, the industry is assisted through adoption of upgraded technology in spice processing, setting up of quality evaluation labs, quality certification and training of laboratory personnel for producing quality spices and making them available for exports. ****** GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF COMMERCE & INDUSTRY (DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE) RAJYA SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 613 TO BE ANSWERED ON 29TH APRIL, 2015 IMPOSING MEP ON ONION AND POTATO 613. SHRI AJAY SANCHETI: Will the Minister of COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY be pleased to state: a) whether Government has imposed Minimum Export Price(MEP) on onion and potato to arrest domestic price rise; b) if so, whether this has helped in reducing domestic price of these two items; c) if so, the details thereof; d) what has been the decline in India's export of these commodities; and e) how Government is protecting Minimum Support Price (MSP) for these items? ANSWER THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (INDEPENDENT CHARGE) (SMT. NIRMALA SITHARAMAN) (a) Currently there is an MEP of USD 250 per MT on onions whereas MEP on Potato which was USD 450 per MT (w.e.f. 26th June, 2014), has been removed with effect from 20th February, 2015. (b) &(c ) MEP is a tool for calibrating export volumes to ensure that in case there is severe domestic shortage, such shortages are not exacerbate further on account of export of these commodities. In July 2014, the retail prices of onion were ranging between Rs.26/per kg. to Rs.35/- per kg. in four metropolitan cities of the country while in March, 2015 the prices were in the range of Rs.19/- per kg. to Rs.31/- per kg. Similarly, In June, 2014, the retail prices of potato were ranging between Rs.16/- per kg. to Rs.31/- per kg. which have been reduced in March, 2015 between Rs. Rs.8/- per kg. to Rs.30/- per kg. (d) There has been a decline of 13% in quantity terms in respect of onion export during 2014-15 as compared to 2013-14. In respect of Potato export, there was an increase of 57% as compared to previous year 2013-14. (e) There is no declared Minimum Support Price (MSP) for Onion and Potato by the Union Government of India. *****
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