THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©M ichael Tor tor ella, Ph. D. M anaging Dir ector Assur ed Networ ks, LLC THEME SDN/NFV NETWORK RELIABILITY STANDARDS CAN’T BE SENSIBLY CONSTRUCTED UNLESS YOU FIRST KNOW WHAT SERVICE RELIABILITY TARGETS YOU ARE TRYING TO MEET CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 2 OVERVIEW Ser vice examples Customer s want r eliable ser vices Ther e is a language for talking about ser vice r eliability Ther e is a theor y and a set of engineer ing pr inciples suppor ting r eliable ser vices Ser vice r eliability r equir ements come fir st! CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 3 OVERVIEW Ser vice r eliability r equir ements ar e abstr acted fr om any r equir ements for r eliability of ser vice deliver y infr astr uctur e (SDI) and its elements The r eliability char acter istics of the SDI deter mine the how r eliable the ser vice it suppor ts will be The or der in which you do things matter s! Ecosystem diagr am CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 4 TELECOM SERVICE EXAMPLES Voice telephony ser vice POTS networ k Connectionless networ ks M obile Inter net access ser vice TCP/ IP W AN backbone Local access var ies + + + + Dial-up DSL TV Cable Optical CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 5 TELECOM SERVICE EXAMPLES Var ious enter tainment ser vices M ost mediated by the Inter net Complex combinations of ser vices Video teleconfer encing Point-of-sale cr edit appr oval M obile banking Peer -to-peer ser vices CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 6 CUSTOMERS WANT RELIABLE SERVICES PC M agazine r eliability r atings of ISPs Inter net access ser vice “outages” Upload and download speeds Customer r eliability complaints about mobile ser vices Dr opped calls Echo Slow data Ver izon FiOS adver tising “the fastest and most r eliable Inter net” CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 7 SERVICE RELIABILITY LANGUAGE Tr ansactions Ser vice failur e classifications accor ding to tr ansaction phases Accessibility Continuity/ Fulfillment Release Requir ements for these ar e based on systems engineer ing under standing of customer needs and desir es for satisfactor y tr ansactions in each ser vice CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 8 SERVICE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES Ser vice failur e modes can be catalogued Ser vice failur e mechanisms and failur e causes ar e events or omissions in the SDI Congestion is always a factor in SDIs Economically unr easonable to pr ovision an SDI for ever y possible ser vice demand W hen SDI elements fail, a level of ser vice demand that might have been suppor table if ever ything wer e wor king pr oper ly will lead to incr eased congestion CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 9 SERVICE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES So if you want to under stand how r eliable your ser vice is, M ake a r eliability model to r elate the fr equency and dur ation of ser vice failur es and outages to the fr equency and dur ation of events or omissions in the SDI and/ or Collect and analyze accessibility, continuity/ fulfillment, and r elease data + DPM appr oach is followed by many ser vice pr ovider s CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 10 SERVICE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES And if you want to know what r eliability r equir ements you should put on your SDI and its elements, “wor k the model backwar ds” CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 11 VOICE TELEPHONY EXAMPLE Voice telephony (VT) is the ability to speak with another par ty beyond shouting distance VT was fir st deliver ed on an analog networ k Panel, step-by-step, cr ossbar switching Twisted pair , coax, micr owave tr anspor t In the 1 9 6 0 s-1 9 7 0 s, VT began to be pr ovided on a digital networ k Seamless tr ansition to + Electr onic switching + SONET/ SDH, OC-3 -1 2 -4 8 -2 9 2 , and many other digital tr anspor t systems CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 12 VOICE TELEPHONY EXAMPLE Nobody noticed! Customer s don’t know or car e what technology you ar e using to pr ovide their ser vice This impor tant pr inciple means that ser vice r eliability r equir ements ar e invar iant with r espect to the natur e of the SDI you use to deliver the ser vice CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 13 VOICE TELEPHONY EXAMPLE “Car r ier gr ade” ser vice accessibility has always been claimed to be ≥ 0 .9 9 9 9 9 (“5 nines”) Does not account for delays No local – toll distinction “Car r ier gr ade” ser vice continuity objective was “no mor e than 2 5 0 DPM ” (for exponentially-distr ibuted holding times with a mean of 6 minutes) Ser vice r elease failur es wer e so r ar e that no one car ed Some impor tant questions still linger W as the 2 hour s downtime in 4 0 year s switching system r equir ement r eally necessar y? CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 14 VOICE TELEPHONY EXAMPLE Reliability model for the POTS networ k based on the 5 -level hier ar chy in the toll networ k Using cut set – path set methods combined with r enewalr ewar d capacity models for networ k elements Or iginally, this was for the analog networ k (slide 1 6 ) + But the str uctur e of the digital networ k was similar + W ith digital, loss/ noise/ echo wer e no longer issues so ser vice fulfillment (slide 8 ) became simpler Later , signaling r an on a separ ate SS7 networ k + So signaling networ k failur es need to be incor por ated also AFAIK, a complete POTS r eliability model was never satisfactor ily car r ied to conclusion Used “r epr esentative connections” appr oach instead Gener alized to histogr am of connection types CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 15 VOICE TELEPHONY LL TOLL HIERARCHY ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ etc. CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 16 VOICE TELEPHONY EXAMPLE VT can also be pr ovided on a TCP/ IP networ k Then it is called “VoIP” - but it is still a voice telephony ser vice Ser vice r eliability r equir ements ar e the same! Accessibility ≥ 0 .9 9 9 9 9 Continuity ≤ 2 5 0 DPM Fulfillment? Release again negligible CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 17 VOICE TELEPHONY EXAMPLE W hat kind of TCP/ IP networ k model do you need to extr act these voice telephony ser vice r eliability descr iptor s? “Repr esentative connections” makes no sense Simulation models hold pr omise The gov’t communication folks use these Need to gr apple with r outer and tr anspor t systems r eliability/ capacity cur ves CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 18 INTERNET ACCESS EXAMPLE The ser vice is the simple ability to connect to the inter net Ser vice accessibility is the pr obability that you can br ing up your home page when you want Requir ement? Any page? Ser vice continuity is the pr obability that your br owsing session will be inter r upted by loss of inter net connectivity Requir ement? CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 19 INTERNET ACCESS EXAMPLE Ser vice fulfillment is the pr obability that per ceptual aspects (delays, video quality, etc.) of the exper ience ar e “satisfactor y” Requir ements? Ser vice r elease is the pr obability that the inter net connection goes away when you dismiss it M aybe not as simple as it used to be because malwar e continually intr oduces new wr inkles Requir ements? CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 20 INTERNET ACCESS EXAMPLE Catalog accessibility, continuity, and r elease failur e modes Catalog associated failur e mechanisms and failur e causes in the TCP/ IP networ k One of the r easons for inconclusive discussions about inter net access ser vice r eliability is that not ever yone agr ees on the language Telephone people IT people Standar dization can help her e CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 21 INTERNET ACCESS EXAMPLE Reliability models for TCP/ IP networ ks ar e consider ably mor e complicated Analytical appr oaches via limit theor ems for connectionless networ ks with unr eliable elements Simulation appr oaches via OpNET, OmNET, etc. W hatever model is used, it needs to be focused on accessibility, continuity, and r elease at the ser vice level CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 22 CONSEQUENCES OF INADEQUATE SERVICE RELIABILITY ENGINEERING Over pr ovisioning the SDI Excess CAPEX Under pr ovisioning the SDI M or e ser vice failur es than desir able + Excess congestion Failur es in networ k elements make the networ k look under pr ovisioned for the per iod of time the outages per sist CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 23 SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM DIAGRAM Start Here SERVICE CUSTOMER NEEDS/DESIRES SERVICE RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS MARKETING ADVERTISING CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 SDI RELIABILITY MODEL SDI ELEMENT RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS EQUIPMENT SUPPLIERS SLAs THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 24 SoME BENEFITS OF STANDARDIZATION Pr omote the idea of focusing on the ser vice fir st Not ever y ser vice pr ovider need offer the same ser vice r eliability A ser vice pr ovider can offer differ ent gr ades of ser vice r eliability Customer s can make compar isons, analyze SLAs, etc. Pr omote a common language acr oss the var ious stakeholder communities Abstr act the ser vice r eliability r equir ements fr om the SDI element r eliability r equir ements Rational appr oach to SDI r eliability r equir ements CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 25 Some BENEFITS OF STANDARDIZATION Use the ser vice r eliability ecosystem to establish a pr ocess-based appr oach to SDI design and pr ovisioning A clear path for war d for the har d technical wor k of devising r eliability r equir ements for SDN/ NFV networ ks and their elements The next gener ation of telecom engineer s won’t have to r einvent this wheel Some “new” “better ” technology will come along to succeed SDN/ NFV CQR Emerging Technologies Roundtable 11 May 2015 THE SERVICE RELIABILITY ECOSYSTEM ©2015 M. Tortorella Slide 26
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