The Chimes The monthly newsletter of the Community Church of Hudson March 20, 2015 March 2015 Volume 48 Number 3 Inside this issue: Community Church Scholarship Applications Available Now Summer Camp Scholarship Applications 1 Community Church Scholarship applications are now available. All application forms, along with all of the supporting documents, must be completed and returned to the church office by noon on Friday, March 27, 2015, or if you plan on mailing your application and supporting documents, the postmark date needs to be no later than March 25th to be considered. Any church member planning on attending an institution of higher learning in the 2015-16 school year may apply. Information sheets and applications are on the table in the narthex, or available in the church office. Church Camp 2015 MARCH HAPPENINGS Men’s Breakfast March 14 & 28 @ 8:00 am Official Board Meeting March 2 @ 6:30 pm Family Night Dinner Wednesday Night @ 5:30 pm Lowercase t’s & Big House Wednesday nights (see page 4) Deacon Bible Study Tuesdays @ 7pm Ladies Breakfast March 7th @ 9:00 am No Ladies Breakfast March 21 Mission Board Meeting March 12th @ 6:30 pm. Deacon Board Meeting March 17th @ 7:00 pm Chimes Published March 31st 1 Church camp is an activity that can have a positive lifetime influence on an individual. That is the reason we encourage as many of our young people as possible to attend the Village Creek Bible Camp in Lansing, Iowa ( Summer camp is available for those from third grade through high school, and runs from Sunday afternoon to the following Saturday morning. There are sessions beginning in June and continuing through August. There are forms available on the information table in Fellowship Hall. In order for more children to be able to attend these camps, our church board has agreed to pay half the basic cost of the camp. This makes the camper’s cost only $163.00. This includes six nights’ lodging and food for the entire week. There are people in our church willing to help financially. Please note that registration needs to be in by March 19th in order to get the early discount. The cost is $20 more per person after that deadline. May 31-June 6 Junior Camp #1 (grades 3-6) June 7-13 Teen Camp #1 (grades 7-10) June 14-20 Junior Camp #2 (grades 3-6) June 20-27 Senior High Camp (grades 92015 Grads) August 2-8 Junior Camp #3 (grades 3-6) March Happenings 1 Memorize His Word 1 Pastor’s Corner 2 Spring Break Activities 2 Ladies Breakfast 3 Men’s Breakfast 3 Misc. & ETC. 4 Around Our Church Family 5 Prayer Requests 5 Birthdays, Ministers at Work 6 Board Minutes 7 Easter Flower Order Form 8 Treasurer’s Report 8 WITH YOUR FAMILY Psalms 133:1 How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. Micah 6:8 He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Bringing God’s Love to the Community The Pastor’s Corner ACTIVITIES NOT HELD DURING SPRING BREAK March 16—20, 2015 On the front page of our Chimes this month we have information about summer church camps for our kids at Village Creek Bible Camp in Lansing, Iowa. I have promoted this camp ever since I have been here because I know the people who run it, and I know what they teach, and how it influences kids. It’s a camp that I have complete trust in. However, there are others of you who have had good experiences at other church camps and choose to send your children to those. That is just fine, and the church will pay half of the cost for children attending those camps. Our real goal is to get kids to church camp in the summer. 1) There will be NO Sunday School on March 15th. 2) There will be NO lowercase t’s or Big House on Wednesday March 18th. 3) There will be NO Family Night Dinner on Wednesday March 18th. 4) There will be NO Small Group studies on Wednesday March 18th. 5) There will be No Wacky Wednesday group Village Creek Bible camp has added a week on Wednesday, March 18th. 6) There will be NO Kid's Praise Team (1st-4th this summer that some of you might be interested in. It’s a volleyball camp on July 5-10. grade) on Wednesday, March 18th. Think about what a great camp that would be. You could improve your volleyball skills at the same time that you are being challenged in your faith. It might be something to think about. I also want to inform you that there are some very good spring retreats offered at Village Creek in the spring. Here are those opportunities: March 13-15 Couples retreat March 20-22 Couples retreat (Continue on Page 3) Community Church of Hudson PO Box 60 226 Eldora Road Hudson IA 50643 Phone #: 319-988-4510 All new board chairpersons: Please remember to notify the office of your meeting schedules so that they can be added to the calendar Thank you! Ronald Bartlett Pastor [email protected] 319-830-6220 Office Hours: M-F 8:00 a.m. to Noon Carol Holmes - Secretary [email protected] 2 (Continued from page 2) Join Us! The Ladies Breakfast group will meet on March 7th only in the month of March because of Spring Break. The current Bible Study is with Robert Emmitt called “Setting Things Right” (the study of the book of Titus). We start with breakfast at 8:00 am followed by the video study. Please come join us! I have had the privilege of speaking at some of the Couples retreats in the past and Carol and I have attended them and we highly recommend them. We need to always be working on our marriages and these retreats make it possible for couples to get together for a week-end with other couples and focus on what makes a good marriage. There is always good teaching, good music and worship, and plenty of activities, as well as the possibility to spend time alone. March 27-29 Scrapbooking and Crafting Women’s Retreat We have a couple of women who attend these retreats regularly so you might want to talk to Pam Wessel or Nancy Colwell for more information. You might be able to ride together. April 17-19 Men’s Breakfast Saturday morning Men’s Breakfast will meet March 14th & 28th. The men meet every other Saturday for breakfast (a small donation is appreciated), They are studying the video series, The Truth Project. They are normally finished with everything by about 10:00 am. This is a great opportunity for all men and boys (young and old). You are all welcome. Memorial Plants for Easter Sunday! Would you like to buy an Easter lily or Hydrangea for Easter Sunday? The plants may be purchased in honor of or in memory of a loved one, and then taken home after the worship service on Easter Sunday. The cost is $12 for an Easter Lily and $24 for a Hydrangea. Deadline for orders is noon on Monday, March 16, 2015. Men’s Retreat I have also had the privilege of speaking at these retreats. They are definitely designed for men. There are hearty meals with lots of meat, men’s activities including archery and skeet shooting, and good teaching and worship. This is a really good thing to attend with your teenage sons, or as a group of men. April 24-26 Women and Girls Retreat May 1-3 Men and Boys Retreat Both of these retreats make it possible for men to spend time with their sons and for women to spend time with their daughters. I am thinking very seriously about attending the Men and Boys retreat with my grandsons. I think that would be great. So, the opportunities are not just for kids. We adults have great opportunities as well. Check out the information on the bulletin board and on the table in the entryway. Pastor Ron 3 Misc. & ETC. The Coffee House Is Open Come early on Sundays and join us for coffee and fellowship prior the worship hour. All net proceeds will go to the benevolence fund. There will be no lowercase t’s or Big House on March 18th. lowercase t’s The lowercase t’s meet at the Hansen’s Tour Center every Wednesday following Family Night Dinner. The van leaves from the church at 6:15 pm returning to the church at 7:45 pm. Invite your friends!! Come join in! Winter Weather Cancellations The Big House Sr. High youth (grades 10-12) attend The Big We want you to be aware of the church can- House at Orchard Hill Church each Wednescellation policies dealing with winter weather. day. The youth have to provide their own transportation. Cancellation Notification When any church event is canceled, every effort will be made to make a decision at least 2 1/2 hours before the event. The cancellation will be placed on the church answering machine and sent via e-mail to those on the cancellation e-mail list. If the event is small, like a board or committee meeting, we will notify attendees by phone. Larger event canEaster Morning Breakfast cellations will be sent to KWWL-TV for broadApril 5, 2015 cast and listing on their website. Serving from 8:30am - 10:00 am Church Office Enjoy your Easter with us! The church office is generally open, even when Hudson schools are closed, but in severe weather cases or when electrical or mechanical problems occur, the office may close. On days when the weather is bad, you may wish to call the office first to make sure it is open before you stop by. Family Night Activities If Hudson schools are closed or dismissed early due to weather on a Wednesday, then all Family Night activities are cancelled. 4 Around Our Church Family Carla A. Brasch, 98 formerly of Hudson, died Monday, Feb. 16, at Covenant Medical Center. She was born April 4, 1916, in Hudson, daughter of Niels and Andora Jensen Kristensen. She married Roland V. Brasch on Jan. 23, 1938, at the Little Brown Church, Nashua; he died Sept. 4, 2002. A 1933 graduate of Orange Township High School, Carla was a homemaker and farm wife. She was a member of Hudson Community Church, a 4H club leader and a member of the Sunshine Club. Survived by: three daughters, Eileen Gunderson of Waterloo, Joanne (Paul) Caspers of Tempe, Ariz., and Marilyn (John) Sheffels of Great Falls, Mont.; a son, Eldon (Sandra) of Cedar Falls; six grandchildren, two great grandchildren. Funeral was held at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, February 21, 2015 at Community Church of Hudson. Carla Brasch died on February 16th. Please keep Carla’s family in your prayers. Connie Snyder has been diagnosed with breast cancer. May God guide her and her medical team through this. Lois Schubel’s nephew is in Mayo and has had heart surgery and is now waiting for a heart transplant. Nancy Colwell has started immunotherapy. Please keep her in your prayers. Julie Ulven is recuperating from a complete knee replacement. Manami Bjorndal’s Grandmother is battling cancer. Please pray for healing. Please pray for the Roth, Heemskerk and Kehe family for strength, wisdom and comfort. World Peace! Ed Bucy - Please continue your prayers for Ed as he battles cancer. Pat Staack: Continued prayers for healing and strength are appreciated. Mary Dietrich (Nancy Claassen’s sister), please continue your prayers. Betty Chvojka is not able to walk, dealing with post polio and leg pain. Please be in Prayer for our U.S. Servicepersons Justin Bucy (USA), Chase Feener (USA), Matt Welch (Altus, OK), Jacob Kafka (Hawaii), Ryan Anderson (Hawaii), Randy Kafka (Germany) Curtis Bartz (Florida) 5 OUR MINISTERS AT WORK FOR MARCH WORSHIP ASSISTANTS March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Gary Downey Aaron Wilson Jeff Slade Erlene Rhoades Matt Ulven COMPUTER OPERATORS March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Maria Imfeld Carol Holmes Deb Williams Maria Imfeld Pam Wessel SOUNDBOARD OPERATOR March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Carol Bartlett George Wessel Don Swanson George Wessel NURSERY HELPERS Kelsey and Haille Noel-Longhorn MARCH USHERS Lynn Petersen, Diana Rokusek, Marilyn & Dick Helling If you are unable to keep this commitment, please call someone on your list to fill in for you. Also, please call or email the office ([email protected]) with your substitute’s name. March Birthdays Mar 1 Mar 3 Mar 6 Mar 7 Mar 10 Mar 11 Mar 14 Mar 15 Mar 16 Mar 17 Mar 19 Mar 21 Mar 28 Mar 30 Mar 31 Diana Rokusek Brandy Wilson Doris Gilbert, Betha Pecenka, Jim Weaver Ainsley Slade, Denise Droste Phong Dorsey, Kayla Klahsen Adam Liddle Nancy Colwell Hannah Chardoulias Darwin Green, Marilyn Helling Bridget Hansen Brianna Allen Jordan Mettlin, Diana Slade Jim Koch Braden Rogers Nick Chardoulias, Lori Wedemeier If your birthday is not listed, it is probably because we do not have it in our Fellowship One record. Please feel free to call the church office and let us know when your birthday is. 6 OFFICIAL BOARD MEETING February 2, 2015 PRESENT: George Wessel, Jay Hansen, Matt Ulven, Becky Welch, Jeff Rhoades, Brandy Wilson, Nick Soska, Nicole Rogers, Carla Green George called the meeting to order with an opening prayer. PASTOR’S REPORT: Pastor Ron will no longer be able to attend the routine monthly board meetings, related to his commitment to Martin Brothers. George and Jay will be in contact with him prior to meetings to pass along any pertinent information. Matt reported that we will have an Ash Wednesday service with the evening meal prior to the service. No other events will be planned for that evening. SECRETARY: The Jan. board meeting minutes are called for approval. Jeff Rhoades makes a motion to approve the minutes as written. Brandy Wilson seconds the motion. All approve and the motion is carried. TREASURER’S REPORT: Income to the General Fund for the month of January 2015 totaled $12,631.75. Expenses for the month totaled $10,544.59. This resulted in a General Fund month-ending financial accounts value of $40,487.97. With 8.3% of our fiscal year completed, our receipts are 6.2% and our disbursements are 5.1% of our $205,000 annual budget. There were no non-routine receipts for the month of January. There were two non-routine disbursements for January. Insurance Expense: $428 was paid to Black Hawk insurance for the annual work comp audit. Musical Committee: $441 was paid for annual music copyright, streaming & podcast license fees. Brandy reviews the annual budget noting that a new line item for Memorial Funds, from the General Fund, has been added – balance: $825.00. Carol is aware of who is musical accompanist each Sunday and will provide information to Brandy for payments, 1099’s and W-2 forms. Strayer Memorial balance on Jan. 31 was $14,707.13 Van Fund balance on Jan. 31 was $4,803.31 Benevolence Fund balance on Jan. 31 increased to $2,540.84 Nicole Rogers makes a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Jeff Rhoades seconds the motion. All approve and the motion is carried. BUILDING FUND: Nothing new to report this month. BOARDS/COMMITTEE REPORTS: Nick reports that Pastor Ron moved $200 into the food voucher fund when it was depleted. Ron normally schedules appointments and provides these vouchers to those in need. Jay will plan to visit with Ron and Carol to find out what criteria they utilize in determining a need. Jay will also find out how comfortable Carol is in providing these vouchers when she is the only one in the office. Jeff reports that the elevators were inspected this past month and are in good repair. A bill from Schumachers will be coming. Nicole reports that a new program has been purchased for the Sunday AM SS Middle School group. The” Wacky Wednesday” program at Hansen’s has seen steady attendance. Jay reports that the personal committee is working on updating the Pastor’s job description now that Pastor Ron is down to 25%. CONTINUING BUSINESS: Search Committee Report: Jay reports the surveys have been turned in and the information will be compiled onto spreadsheets so the suggestions from the congregation can be looked at critically and used when selecting a new Pastor. Approximately 37 resumes have been received so far. Resumes are due by March 2. The web site has been updated to look more attractive to perspective candidates. NEW BUSINESS: George reports that someone needs to watch that the church is locked and lights are off after the Wednesday night activities – especially now that Ron is not available. George and Jeff will both watch this closely. Plan to provide keys to all committee chairs. Service cancellation procedures - George will look into a passcode from KWWL for putting cancellations on their website. E-Mails did go out this past weekend, when the service was cancelled due to weather. Carol will continue to put the slides together for the services. Due to the time it takes – they will only have wording. No further business. Matt closed with prayer and the meeting is adjourned. Carla Green, Official Board Secretary 7 Community Church of Hudson PO Box 60 Hudson, Iowa 50643 Community Church of Hudson Financial Scorecard: The table below shows the General Fund’s monthly income and expense data for the month of January 2015. General Fund Monthly Cash Flow – Income Expense January 1 (start of fiscal year ‘15) Jan $12,632 $10,545 Ending Balance $38,401 $40,488 With 8.3% of our fiscal year completed, our income is 6.2% and our expenses are 5.1% of our $205,000 fiscal year budget. Questions regarding your contributions or the scorecard should be addressed to Treasurer, Brandy Wilson, at 988-2097. 8
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