Waterloo Region HIFIS Working Group 2015/16 Terms of Reference BACKGROUND TO THE HIFIS INITIATIVE Built according to a unique model that partners the federal Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) with communities, the Homeless Individuals and Families Information System (HIFIS) Community Coordinator (CC) project provides service providers with improved operational capacity and the opportunity to collect data of vital local and national significance. The HPS HIFIS team (HIFIS National) has created a database that meets a wide variety of day-to-day operational needs. The data generated from these day-to-day operations provides clarity on the demographic characteristics and program-use patterns of people experiencing housing instability across Canada. Overall Objectives of the HIFIS Working Group: 1. To optimize HIFIS in meeting the day-to-day operational needs of housing stability programs supporting people experiencing housing instability. 2. To optimize the data collection and reporting capabilities of HIFIS to support enhanced program and community planning in the area of housing stability. Local HIFIS History: Service providers in larger Canadian communities have been using HIFIS in some capacity since 1999. Locally, the database has been under development since the fall of 2002, coinciding with the release of HIFIS 2.0. Staff from The Region of Waterloo (the Region) attended CC training in October 2002. Following the training, two information and demonstration sessions were held locally to inform the community about HIFIS. It was confirmed that the Region would serve in the CC role and that HIFIS would be implemented in the Emergency Shelter programs with which the Region had an Agreement: “Argus” – Residence for Young People (two sites), Charles Street Men’s Hostel and YWCA Emergency Shelter. The Waterloo Region HIFIS Working Group (the Working Group) was formed in January 2003 to help facilitate the initial implementation process. A Data Dictionary (now the Waterloo Region HIFIS Data Entry and Administrator Guide) was created and service providers began entering data retroactive to January 1, 2003. Several training opportunities were provided in 2003. Region staff and House of Friendship Kitchener staff attended a workshop provided by HIFIS Regional in Hamilton in February. This workshop focused on the City of Ottawa’s use of HIFIS in their emergency shelter programs. HIFIS National also provided two days of local training to emergency shelter staff in Kitchener in June, coordinated by the Region. In January 2004, service providers signed a Data Sharing Protocol Agreement with the Region and began exporting data to the Region shortly thereafter. In June 2004, HIFIS National distributed a Requirements Analysis Questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire was to asses the functionality of the software and to give HIFIS National the information they needed to be able to better respond to local needs. A foxpro specialist was hired in January 2005 to 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) 1 create a software database that would be compatible with HIFIS and would have more reporting capabilities. This database was never completed. Between 2004 and 2005 several service providers experienced hardware issues that caused the HIFIS software not to function properly. Due to these issues, YWCA Emergency Shelter stopped inputting data to HIFIS in February 2005. For similar reasons, Charles Street Men’s Hostel stopped inputting data by the fall of 2005. The Working Group took time off during this period. In April 2006, HIFIS 3.0 was released. HIFIS National requested that the Region submit a proposal to fund the implementation and coordination of this enhanced software package. When funding was approved, money was allocated towards increased coordination, training, technical and data analysis support. A staff member from the House of Friendship Kitchener with expertise in this area was seconded to support HIFIS on a full-time basis between October 2006 and March 2007. At this time, the Working Group reconvened and developed Terms of Reference to guide their activities. Membership expanded to include both Emergency Shelter and Time-Limited Residence programs with which the Region had an Agreement. Since September 2006, the Working Group has overseen the development of policies, procedures, protocols, tools, forms, training resources, and reports to support the implementation of HIFIS software in local housing stability programs. Without these materials, it would not be possible to achieve consistent data entry, generate reliable reports, or expand to other appropriate programs in the housing stability system. Between the fall of 2013 and spring of 2014, several Supportive Housing programs piloted the use of HIFIS. They met separately over the course of the pilot and, at the end, decided to integrate their use of HIFIS into regular program operations. The HIFIS Working Group expanded beginning March 5, 2014 to include these Supportive Housing program representatives. Activities over 2015/16 will continue to build upon these successes with planning in the following areas: Use of HIFIS in the Streets to Housing Stability and Shelters to Housing Stability programs of STEP Home (Support to End Persistent Homelessness). Supporting the integration of SPDAT within HIFIS. HIFIS 4 implementation. Use of HIFIS within the redesigned CHPI Supportive Housing programs beginning April 1, 2016. Membership: Full contact information is presented in Table 1 (see page 4). Table 2 (see page 7) outlines the various HIFIS-related roles in Waterloo Region. 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) 2 Decision-Making: The Working Group will use a consensus decision-making approach where possible. Where consensus cannot be achieved, majority approval by vote will be used to arrive at a decision. Majority approval is 50% + 1 of Working Group members present at the meeting. Linkages: HIFIS Working Group agendas and minutes are copied to the Executive Directors and/or other staff representative(s) of the organizations identified in Table 1. Region Housing Services staff supporting the group will ensure that relevant information is brought to and from the Emergency Shelter and Community Services (ES&CS) Network, as appropriate. These staff will also ensure that where possible, HIFIS data is coordinated with other data collection requirements of the Region. The Data Sharing Protocol is a schedule within applicable program Agreements between the Region and service providers using HIFIS. The Data Sharing Protocol specifies obligations with respect to the collection and exchange of data through HIFIS. It is understood that the Working Group will, as outlined in the work plan (see Appendix A), develop and/or refine the necessary tools and processes to ensure that the obligations in the Data Sharing Protocol can be met. Over 2015/16, the Region continues to have two HIFIS-related Agreements with the federal Employment and Social Development Canada. The first Agreement extends from April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2019 and provides funds for the development of custom local reports. The second Agreement extends from June 1, 2014 through March 31, 2019 and provides funding for the Community Coordinator (co-lead by Data Analyst/Program and System specialist and Trainer/Technician specialist) to complete the majority of their activities as outlined in the work plan (see Appendix A). Working Group Protocols: Region Housing Services staff will set the agendas, chair the meetings, and take minutes. Regrets can be sent to: Angela Pye at 519-883-2040 or [email protected]. Original Terms of Reference were approved September 2006 and last revised and approved on March 5, 2015. Meeting Schedule: Over 2015/16, the Working Group will meet as outlined below: Date Wednesday June 3, 2015 Wednesday October 7, 2015 Wednesday February 3, 2016 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) Time 9:30-11:30 a.m. 9:30-11:30 a.m. 9:30-11:30 a.m. Location 99 Regina Street, Waterloo, Room 210/211 150 Main Street, Cambridge, Room 163 99 Regina Street, Waterloo, Room 409 3 Table 1. HIFIS Working Group membership. Organization Program(s) ES – Young Men & Argus Residence Young Women for Young People SH – Five Beds to Home HIFIS WG Member HIFIS ED contact(s) LeeAnne King, Financial Administrator [email protected] 519-650-0452 Eva Vlasov, Executive Director [email protected] 519-623-7991 Tyler Greig [email protected] 519-624-9305 Christine Kecser, Executive Director [email protected] 519-624-9305 x 107 ES – Cambridge Shelter Cambridge Shelter Corporation SH – Saginaw House SH – Bridges Supportive Housing ES – Charles Street Men’s Hostel Erica Parrott, Administrator [email protected] 519-742-8327 x 330 Annisa Rampersad, Program Manager [email protected] 519-742-8327 x 336 Christine Stevanus, Program Manager [email protected] 519-570-2400 House of Friendship SH – Cramer House, Charles Village & Eby Village Dijana Vulina [email protected] Ron Flaming, Residential Program Director [email protected] 519-742-8327 John Neufeld, Executive Director [email protected] 519-742-8327 x123 Daryl Roth [email protected] HUGO SH – HUGO Christine Revoy, Owner/Operator [email protected] 519-590-6550 Christine Revoy, Owner/Operator & Ben Revoy : 519-465-5976 Lutherwood ES – Safe Haven Shelter Lindsey White, Child and Youth Counsellor [email protected] 519-749-1450 x 2240 Lisa Gill Tamcsu, Mental Health Services Program Director [email protected] 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) 4 Marillac Place TLR – Marillac Place oneROOF ES – PAR SHOW SH – SHOW Underhill Residential Home SH – Underhill Karen Gilmet, Residential Director [email protected] 519-571-0722 Sandy Dietrich-Bell, Executive Kendra Foord, Services Manager Director [email protected] [email protected] 519-742-2788 519-742-2788 x 202 Craig Fenwick, Program Manager [email protected] 519-886-8200 Gael Gilbert, Executive Director [email protected] 519-886-8200 Tanya Tompkins, Owner/Operator [email protected] 519-884-7160 Marg Oldenburger, Financial Administrator [email protected] 519744-6507 x 206 ES – YWCA Emergency Shelter YWCA Maria Wallenius, Manager of YWCA Emergency Shelter [email protected] 519744-6507 x 211 Jenny Spiers, Community Support Coordinator [email protected] 519-747-2200 x 203 Elizabeth Clarke, Executive Director [email protected] 519-576-8856 x 105 SH – Lincoln Road Region of Waterloo (Community Coordinator) Data Analyst 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) Cathy Middleton, Director of Women’s Services [email protected] 519-505-5423 Angela Pye, Social Planning Associate [email protected] 519-883-2040 Van Vilaysinh, Manager, Housing Services [email protected] 5 Beth Hayward, Social Planning Associate (STEP Home) [email protected] 519-575-4757 x 5466 Technical/ Training Support 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) Cheryl Grove, Social Planning Associate (ES/SH) [email protected] 519-575-4757 x 5372 Glenn Weber, Consultant [email protected] 519-742-8327 x 403 519-883-2238 Marie Morrison, Manager, Housing Services [email protected] 519-575-4757 x 5042 6 Table 2. Outline of HIFIS-Related Roles Title Name Working Group Members (see Table 1) HIFIS Community Coordinator1 Angela Pye and Glenn Weber Trainer Glenn Weber Outline of Role: Responsibilities and Deliverables Responsibilities: - network with local HIFIS programs to share ideas, identify issues, problem solve, establish priorities, provide feedback on all tools and processes, and assist in implementation of the work plan (see Appendix A) Deliverables: - attendance at each meeting - updated Terms of Reference, Data Sharing Protocol, Data Guide, HIFIS Data Collection Forms, Report Guide, Data Integrity Guide, Administrator Binder, HIFIS Data Export Files, Criteria and Process for Release of HIFIS Data - effective tools and processes for ongoing operations/ maintenance, confidentiality, data integrity, and reporting (identify needs, test draft protocols and training documents) Responsibilities: - local HIFIS champion, contact, and overall project coordinator - supports the Working Group - primary contact with funders Deliverables: - present information regarding value of HIFIS and data sharing to community stakeholders and potential new HIFIS programs, as appropriate - attend HIFIS Community Coordinator meetings and conference calls - chair Working Group meetings (prepare agendas, minutes) - maintain HIFIS Program List, Terms of Reference, Data Sharing Protocol, Data Entry Guide, HIFIS Data Collection Forms, Report Guide, Data Integrity Guide, Administrator Binder, HIFIS Data Export Files, Criteria and Process for Release of HIFIS Data - work plans and updates to funders - reports for funders Responsibilities: - HIFIS training and/or retraining based on assessment of local needs - support other training activities as appropriate (e.g., site representatives who train staff directly) - ensure proper use of HIFIS: ongoing operations/ maintenance, confidentiality, data integrity, and reporting Deliverables: - assess local needs and coordinate relevant individual and/or group training sessions to meet these needs - complete training records for each session 1 From the Province, the Region serves as Service Manager of Homelessness and Social Housing. From the Federal Government, the Region serves as the Community Entity for the Homelessness Partnering Strategy and the Community Coordinator for HIFIS. 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) 7 Title Name Technical Support Glenn Weber Data Analyst Angela Pye Beth Hayward Cheryl Grove 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) Outline of Role: Responsibilities and Deliverables - provide protocols and tip-sheets to support ongoing operations/maintenance, confidentiality, data integrity, and reporting - Administrator Binder with training related documents Responsibilities: - support HIFIS programs with all technical issues (hardware and software) related to the effective use of HIFIS in a wide variety of functions – from daily operations through to use of data for program and community planning - support the creation of customized reports - serve as liaison with the HIFIS Help Desk, accessing available resources through the Data Inclusion Partnership (DIP) as appropriate - beta testing with HIFIS National as needed Deliverables: - download/assist with HIFIS set-up, exports, and imports - problem solve issues as they arise - custom reports that meet local demand for data - Administrator Binder with technical support related documents - respond to HIFIS National requests for beta testing Responsibilities: - receive and analyze HIFIS aggregate data - identify custom report needs - analyze data and disseminate meaningful information to various community partners Deliverables: - receive monthly data exports from HIFIS programs - meet with HIFIS programs to identify and prioritize need for custom reports (share this information with Technician for implementation and Trainer for training) - prepare reports for stakeholders, including data used to inform program planning and system evolution (e.g., the Inventory of Housing Stability Programs in Waterloo Region, the Ontario Municipal Benchmarking Initiative, Housing Stability Data Summary Report, 10 Year Housing and Homelessness Plan) 8 APPENDIX A: Region of Waterloo Community Coordinator Activities Work Plan April 2014-March 2019 1. HIFIS as Housing Stability System Data Collection Tool 1 Expand the use of a. Incorporate the use of HIFIS into the 2014/15 Supportive Housing HIFIS to other Agreements for the seven service providers (eight programs) that programs within piloted the use of HIFIS late 2013/early 2014 the housing stability system b. Continue to support these seven new service providers in their use of HIFIS (training, resources, support) April 1, 2014 April 1, 2014-March 31, 2015 c. Engage the five Shelters to Housing Stability programs and two or three Streets to Housing Stability programs in a HIFIS pilot (HPS “Housing Fall 2014-Winter 2015 First” programs) 1.1 Provide training and technical support to service providers 1.2 Support the use of HIFIS 3.8 and any d. Incorporate the use of HIFIS into the 2015/16 Shelters to Housing Stability and Streets to Housing Stability Agreements April 1, 2016 e. Incorporate the use of HIFIS into the redesigned CHPI Supportive Housing programs for all providers who are successful (# TBD) April 1, 2016-March 31, 2017 f. Determine other appropriate funded housing stability programs to pilot the use of HIFIS April 1, 2017-March 31, 2019 a. Provide direct training sessions, training notes/resources, and technical support to all HIFIS service providers b. Incorporate in-house training from HIFIS leads in agencies to their other relevant staff Ongoing Ongoing c. Increase reliance on HIFIS Help Desk, HIFIS e-learning tools, and other HIFIS resources to decrease demand on reduced training/technical support hours Ongoing a. Support expanded use of HIFIS 3.8 to interested programs (e.g., Case Management module, Housing Placement) 2014-2016 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) 9 APPENDIX A: Region of Waterloo Community Coordinator Activities Work Plan April 2014-March 2019 subsequent versions b. Plan for the implementation of 4.0 and determine how best to set up the database in the community (agency/separate or joined) TBD (when available) c. Implement HIFIS 4.0 and support transition 1.3 Continue to a. Facilitate regular HIFIS Working Group meetings with representatives facilitate HIFIS from all HIFIS using programs to discuss use of HIFIS and HIFIS data, Working Group share resources and information, and provide training and support meetings for all b. Include Agendas, Minutes, and annual review and update of Terms of HIFIS using Reference programs/agencies 2. HIFIS to Assist Evidence-Based Practice 2.1 Coordinate the a. Review local data definitions and collection practices as outlined in our collection of local Data Entry and Administrator Guide and Data Collection Forms community data b. Continue to provide training and resources to support data integrity (local Data Integrity Guide, e-learning tools) Bi-monthly with a summer break (minimum 5 meetings/year); additional group training/meetings as required Annually, at minimum Ongoing c. Identify gaps in local data needs and develop reports to meet those needs Ongoing d. Receive monthly exports from service provider to coordinator Monthly e. Automatic submission of quarterly exports from service provider to HIFIS National Quarterly 2.2 Collect and analyse a. Determine indicators for ending homelessness as part of our local baseline data for Homelessness to Housing Stability Strategy homelessness and housing stability in b. Determine indicators of progress with local Homelessness to Housing our community, to Stability Strategy implementation (e.g., for the three goals, for each support indicator program area) development 2.3 Report outcomes to a. Local Housing Stability System Data Summary Report to council/ the community, stakeholders 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) 2014-2015 development, then monitor annually 2014-2016 development, then monitor annually Annually 10 APPENDIX A: Region of Waterloo Community Coordinator Activities Work Plan April 2014-March 2019 CAB, housing stability system, and funders 2.4 Support research about emerging and promising practices 2.5 Data supported decision making regarding program directions and funds b. Local Emergency Shelter Data Summary Report to council/stakeholders Schedule being reviewed c. Other system and program area data reports TBD d. Implement use of the Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) report within HIFIS Annually beginning April 1, 2014 e. Implement use of HPS “Housing First” reports within HIFIS Annually beginning April 1, 2015 a. Utilize HIFIS data for upcoming research reports TBD a. Utilize Emergency Shelter data in program planning and policy framework development Ongoing b. Utilize Supportive Housing data in program planning and evaluation c. Utilize other program area data for planning in those program areas as available 3. HIFIS to Assist with Support Coordination for Programs within the Housing Stability System 3.1 Expand the use of a. Support expanded use of HIFIS 3.8 to interested programs (e.g., Case HIFIS modules to Management module, Housing Placement) (see 1.3.a) assist service providers in b. Develop Case Management reports to access necessary information providing support from Case Management module c. Implement use of SPDAT within HIFIS 3.2 Coordinate and expand the use of Ongoing, particularly from April 1, 2016 with redesigned program Ongoing as available (April 1, 2015 and forward) 2014-2016 2014-2015 2014-2015 a. Expand the Data Entry and Administrative Guide to include applicability Ongoing of HIFIS for other program areas 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) 11 APPENDIX A: Region of Waterloo Community Coordinator Activities Work Plan April 2014-March 2019 HIFIS across the b. Develop reports to meet data needs in expanding program areas (see housing stability 2.1.c) system to assist with sharing and c. Develop consent forms to allow for the sharing of HIFIS data between coordination of programs support information 4. HIFIS to Assist with Sharing and Learning Promising Practices with Other Communities 4.1 Encourage a. See 1.4 continue regular HIFIS Working Group meetings information sharing b. See 2.3 report outcomes to the community, CAB, housing stability and partnership system, and funders building within our c. See 2.5 data supported decision making regarding program directions housing stability and funds system d. See 3.2 coordinate and expand the use of HIFIS across the housing stability system to assist with sharing and coordination of support information 4.2 Leverage HIFIS as a tool to better a. Collect data regarding the intersection of homelessness and the health connect with other system and justice system to be able to encourage better partnership systems in our and coordination (and other systems as identified) community (e.g., health, justice) 4.3 Share data, a. Share data, learnings, and promising practices with other communities learnings, and through HIFIS CC conference calls, HIFIS conference attendance, promising practices community presentations, reports, etc. with other communities b. Continue to participate in shared measurement through Ontario Municipal Benchmarking Initiative (OMBI) (Hostels panel) 1814331 (Revised March 31, 2015) Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing 2014-2019 Ongoing Ongoing, annually 12
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