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Likos (2015): Effective interactions in polydisperse systems of penetrable macroions, Molecular Physics: An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics, DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2015.1026295 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. 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Likos∗ Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Boltzmanngasse 5, A-1090 Vienna, Austria Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 (Received 29 January 2015; accepted 2 March 2015) A coarse-graining approach based on the linear response theory is applied to deduce general expressions for the effective pair potentials in a multi-component system of soft macroions. Within the underlying approximations, the effective pair potentials can be written as simple convolutions between the intrinsic macroion charge distributions and a Yukawa-like potential which effectively contains the averaged contributions from the small ions. Two different charge distributions are assigned to the soft macroions: a Gaussian-like diffuse distribution and a uniform charge distribution inside the particle cores. The resulting effective pair potentials are then used in an effective model based on the hyppernetted chain approximation to investigate the structural properties of a two-component system of oppositely charged particles as a function of the various system parameters. It is found that the condensation of counterions is much stronger in the case of particles with a Gaussian charge distribution, leading to much weaker electrostatic interactions and less structured pair correlations in comparison with the system of uniformly charged macroions. Keywords: coarse-graining; microgels; charged colloids; statistical mechanics 1. Introduction One of the most fundamental aspects of soft-matter systems is the intrinsic coexistence of many different types of interacting components. While the presence of such large amount of elements strongly increases the system complexity, it is also responsible for the rich phenomenology inherent to these systems [1,2]. Another advantage resulting from the rich variety of different species is the possibility to explore many properties of these systems under a large number of different conditions [3]. In many cases, the various components are characterised by quite different length and time scales, opening the possibility to tune appropriate effective interactions among the larger constituents by controlling specific properties on the smaller ones. Although in many situations the smaller components have a little effect on the interactions among the mesoscopic ones, this is not always the case. One example is the steric effects induced by small sized species, which may strongly influence the effective interactions between colloidal particles [4,5]. In the case of systems with charged particles, the effects from the smaller components on the effective interactions between the bigger ones are even stronger due to the long-range nature of the Coulombic interactions [3,6,7]. A classical example is the charge stabilisation of colloidal particles against collapse driven by the short-range van der Waals forces in polar solvents, which results from the dissociation of the small ionic groups that lie on the colloidal surface [2,6,8]. ∗ Corresponding author. Email: [email protected] C 2015 Taylor & Francis Even though the large asymmetry between the different components can be conveniently used to induce a variety of effective interactions, it also renders the theoretical description enormously complex. Taking into account all the relevant interactions between components in a large range of scales is an extremely demanding task, and approximations prove to be essential in these circumstances. One convenient way of describing systems with large asymmetries is to average out the contributions from the smaller elements, resulting in an effective description in which only the mesoscopic components are explicitly considered [1,9]. This idea to formally describe the system through an average over their microscopic components has been used in many different situations, and goes back to the classical McMillan–Mayer theory of solutions [10]. Theoretically, the coarse-graining process can always be accomplished by explicitly integrating out the degrees of freedom from the components whose typical scales are much smaller in comparison with the other components [10]. In principle, this procedure leads to complex many body, state-dependent effective interactions that implicitly contain all the contributions from the small-scale particles [9]. This averaging process represents however a powerful tool that helps us to gain physical insight over the contributions from the microscopic components, allowing for further approximations that incorporate their mean effects on the effective description. It is well established, for instance, that addition of ionic components in systems of charged Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 2 T. Colla and C.N. Likos macromolecules leads to screened interactions among them. On the other hand, effects from polar solvents can be to a good extend described by a proper renormalisation of the dielectric constant. In practice, the averaging process over the microscopic components can be performed through a number of different – sometimes equivalent – approaches. Effective interactions can be for instance defined in the context of density functional theory, in which the density distributions of the smaller components are calculated by a variational condition, assuming that they move under the influence of an effective field provided by the mesoscopic ones [1,9,11–14]. Alternatively, these averaged density profiles can be calculated as functional expansions over perturbations that represent their interactions with the mesoscopic particles [1,15–20]. Another way to define effective interactions in mixtures is in the context of the Ornstein–Zernike (OZ) equation, in which the effective pair interactions are defined by the requirement that they should provide the same pair correlation functions as the ones in the original multi-component system [5,7,21,22]. For a complete and recent review on the role of coarse-graining effective interactions in soft-matter systems, we refer the reader to Ref. [2]. In the case of polydisperse systems of charged hard colloids, the classical theory of Derjaguin–Landau– Verwey–Overbeek provides an excellent effective description [23,24], where the role of the small ions is essentially to screen the Coulombic interactions beyond overlapping. Similar Yukawa-like effective interactions also appear in the description of soft charged molecules. In this situation, however, the ionic effects are not limited to screening of the bare interactions. Due to the permeability of these molecules to small ions, a large amount of counterions will condense into the particle, attempting to neutralise its bare charge [16,19,25]. As a consequence, the strength of the effective interactions will be dramatically reduced with respect to the ones from hard colloids – even in the linear screening approximation. The effective pair potential in one-component systems of homogeneously charged soft polyelectrolytes has been worked out by Denton in the framework of a linear response approximation [16,26]. Apart from the pair interactions, the theory also allows for the calculation of the so-called volume terms – zerothorder density-dependent contributions which may strongly influence the system thermodynamics. The structure factors resulting from these pair interactions were later on shown to be in excellent agreement with experimental data, probing the validation of the underlying approximations [19]. Recently, Hanel et al. applied a similar approach in order to extend the effective interactions to the case of layeredcharged microgels [20]. The linear response theory has also been further extended by Chung and Denton to calculate effective interactions in a polydisperse system of hard colloids with different sizes and charges [27]. Effects beyond the Figure 1. Schematic representation of the system under consideration. The system is a multi-component mixture made up of highly asymmetric spherical charged particles. Different colours represent different charges assigned to the components. The big spheres represent the mesoscopic components from group A, while the small spheres belong to the group of microscopic particles B, whose contributions we want to average out. All the soft particles are in principle free to penetrate into one another. linear ones on both ionic distributions [25,28–31] and particle swelling [25] in systems of penetrable macroions have been recently investigated in the framework of the Poisson– Boltzmann (PB) theory. The properties of soft unscreened ionic systems, in which different charge distributions are assigned to the penetrable ionic particles, have also been extensively studied in the last years [32–35]. The aim of the present work is to study the effective interactions in the case of a mixture of penetrable macroions in the presence of an arbitrary number of ionic species, in the framework of the linear response approximation. Two types of particle charge distributions for the mesoscopic components will be considered: homogeneously charged particles and a Gaussian-like charge distribution. Even though the formalism will be developed for a quite general situation of an arbitrary number of charged components, emphasis will be later on given for the case of an effective description in terms of a two-component solution made of oppositely charged microgels. 2. Theory We consider a mixture of several highly asymmetric charged components, which for simplicity we will classify into two distinct groups: NA mesoscopic components, each of which carrying a total charge Zα and with radius Rα belonging to group A, and a group B composed by NB microscopic components of charge zi and radius ri (see Figure 1)1 . It is assumed that both charge and size of the particles from group A are in the orders of magnitude larger than the ones belonging to group B, Zα zi and Rα ri . Overall charge Molecular Physics neutrality requires that NA HAB = nα Zα + Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 α=1 NB ni zi = 0, HBB = KB + q2 σα (|r − r |)σβ (r ) dr dr + uαβ (r) = ε |r − r | q 2 zi σα (r ) dr uαi (r) = ε |r − r | q 2 zj zj , (2) uij (r) = ε r where ε is the dielectric constant of the medium in which the system is embedded on and u0αβ (r) is a short-range repulsive pair potential between the mesoscopic components. Apart from these short-range interactions, the remaining electrostatic contributions described above are written as appropriate convolutions of the particle internal charge distributions and the usual Coulombic kernel (with the distributions from the ionic microscopic components represented as point-like charges zi δ(r)). In an analogous fashion, the total system Hamiltonian H can be split as H = HAA + HAB + HBB . (3) nα Defining the number density operator ˆ α (r) = k=1 δ(r − r kα ) for the mesoscopic A-component of type α and ρˆi (r) = ni m=1 δ(r − rmi ) for the microscopic B-component of type i, the individual Hamiltonians in Equation (3) can be written as N [ˆ α (r)ˆ β (r ) − δαβ δ(r − r )ˆ α (r)]uαβ (|r − r |)drdr B B 1 2 i=1 j =1 N [ρˆi (r)ρˆj (r ) − δij δ(r − r )ρˆi (r)]uij (|r − r |)drdr , (4) where the second factor inside the integrals in HAA and HBB has the role of suppressing the particles’ selfinteractions, and the factor 1/2 is introduced to avoid double counting. The terms KA and KB represent the kinetic energy from the components belonging to A and B, respectively: KA = KB = p2 k 2m k k∈A p2 k , 2m k k∈B (5) where the summations are extended to all particles belonging to either groups A or B. The total system Helmholtz free energy F can be formally obtained as u0αβ (r) N ˆ α (r)ρˆi (r )uαi (|r − r |)drdr N (1) i=1 A A 1 2 α=1 β=1 NA NB α=1 i=1 where nα and ni are the total number of particles belonging to the components α and i, respectively. Due to the strong size asymmetry, and since we focus in what follows mainly on electrostatic effects, we will disregard the steric contributions from the smaller B-components, and therefore from now on we approximate them as point-like charged particles (ri → 0). The A-components are on the other hand characterised by a continuous charge distribution qσα (r) (where q represents the charge of a proton), which can in principle be arbitrary, apart from the requirement that its integral over the whole space equals the total charge Zα q of the mesoscopic component α. With these assumptions, the pair interactions among A-components uαβ (r), the microscopic B pair potentials uij (r) and the crossed A–B interactions uαi (r) can be written as HAA = KA + 3 βF = − lne−βH , (6) where β = 1/kB T and the symbol · represents the canonical trace over the momenta and position of all the system particles. The effective interactions between particles from group A can be formally obtained if one first trace out over the components from group B, keeping both the momenta and positions of the mesoscopic A-particles constant . Using the separation of the Hamiltonian described by Equation (3), and denoting by · A and · B the individual traces over the components A and B, respectively, the total trace in Equation (6) can be conveniently rewritten as eff e−βH = e−βHAA e−β(HAB +HBB ) B A ≡ e−βHAA , A (7) where in the last equality we have defined the effective eff interactions HAA between the mesoscopic A-particles as eff ind HAA = HAA + HAA (8) ind with the induced A interactions HAA defined as ind HAA = −kB T ln e−β(HAB +HBB ) B . (9) These induced interactions will explicitly depend only on the collective positions from the A-particles, and represent the trace over the space spanned by the degrees of freedom of the microscopic B-particles for a fixed configuration of the positions of all particles belonging to group A. It implicitly contains all the effects induced by the presence of Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 4 T. Colla and C.N. Likos the smaller B-components. Obviously, the effective A–A interactions defined in Equations (8) and (9) depend on the specific configuration of all particles belonging to group A, and have therefore an intrinsically many-body character. The calculation of the induced interactions can be done in a simple way if one relates them with equilibrium quantities of an equivalent system composed by the B-components. In the case of neutral systems, the induced interactions (9) can be immediately identified with the Helmholtz free energy of a system of the B-particles under the influence of an ‘external’ potential defined by their interactions with the fixed A-components. In the present situation, however, in which the B-components are charged, this equivalence is not that straightforward, since the equivalent system of B-particles does not obey charge neutrality. This can be however easily resolved by replacing the Hamiltonians in ≡ HAB − E0 and Equation (9) by the rescaled ones HAB HBB ≡ HBB + E0 , where E0 is the interaction energy of the ionic B-components with a uniform neutralising background of charge Q = i ρ i zi , with ρ i being the number density of the ionic component i. With this modification, the induced Hamiltonian can be rewritten as: ind = −E0 − kB T lne−β(HAB +HBB ) B . HAB (10) In this way, the induced interactions can be formally identified with the free energy of an equivalent ionic system embedded on a neutralising background, and subjected to an ‘external’ potential whose influence is equivalent to the interactions in HAB . The induced interactions can now be obtained by a process in which the mixed A–B interactions in Equation (10) are progressively ‘turned on’ from zero to their final value. This is done by defining a control parameter λ such that the pair potential uαi (r) is replaced by λuαi (r) (with 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1) in Equations (4) and (10). The ind (λ) can be resulting λ-dependent induced Hamiltonian HAA written as ind (λ) = −E0 − kB T lne−β(λHAB +HBB ) B . HAB ind = F0 − E0 + HAA 1 H¯ AB (λ)dλ, (13) 0 where F0 is, according to (11), the Helmholtz free energy in a neutralof a NB -component system of ions moving ising background, F0 = −kB T ln e−βHBB B . The quantity H¯ AB (λ) can be easily obtained from the second relation of Equation (4), having in mind that the averaging process acts on ρˆi (r) only: H¯ AB (λ) = NA NB ˆ α (r)ρiλ (r )uαi (|r − r |)drdr α=1 i=1 ≡ NB ρiλ (r)φi (r)dr, (14) i=1 where ρiλ (r) ≡ ρˆi (r)B is defined as the density distribution of the microscopic i component corresponding to the fixed given strength parameter λ. In the last equality of (14), we have defined an ‘external’ potential φi (r) which results from the interactions between one particle of component i and all the mesoscopic A-components, whose positions are fixed in space: NA φi (r) = ˆ α (r )uαi (|r − r |)dr . (15) α=1 As the parameter λ grows from zero to one in Equation (11), the strength of the ‘external’ potential provided by the A-particles changes continuously from zero to its final value, given by Equation (15). The corresponding mean particle distributions ρiλ (r) can be conveniently written as functional expansions with respect to the external stimuli φi (r). Neglecting non-linear contributions on this expansion, the density profiles become (11) ρiλ (r) Taking the derivative of this relation with respect to λ provides ind HAB e−β(λHAB +HBB ) B dHAB (λ) ≡ H¯ AB (λ), = −β(λH +H ) AB BB dλ e B sides of (12) up to λ = 1: = (λ=0) ρi = ρi + + ρ˜iλ ρ˜iλ NB δρi (r) δφj (r )dr + ) δφ (r j j =1 +λ NB χij (|r − r |)φj (r )dr , (16) j =1 (12) where H¯ AB (λ) indicates the mixed A–B interactions averaged over all possible phase-space configurations of particles belonging to B, keeping fixed the positions of the A-particles, as well as the controlling parameter λ. The induced A–A interactions follow from the integration of both where ρ i is the homogeneous density distribution for component i in the absence of external forces (λ = 0), and χij (|r − r |) ≡ δρi (r)/δφj (r ) is the so-called linear response function, evaluated at λ = 0. In the last term of the right-hand side, we have used the fact that δφi (r) = λφi (r). The concentrations ρ˜iλ have been introduced in order to keep fixed the overall particle concentrations on the distributions ρiλ (r) necessary to maintain charge neutrality as the Molecular Physics 5 strength parameter λ changes A A 1 2 α=1 β=1 N + (ρiλ (r) − ρi )dr = 0. N ˆ β (r )drdr . ˆ α (r)uind αβ (|r − r |) (17) (21) The presence of the terms ρ˜iλ in (16) can be viewed as the effect of an extra (λ-dependent) potential known as Donnan potential, which has to be introduced in charged systems in order to satisfy the constrain of electroneutrality. Integrating both sides of (16), one easily find Clearly, the second term of this expression is the interaction energy of the charged macroions with a uniform ionic background. Since the system of A-particles is homogeneous (no external potential), this contribution is actually independent of the particle coordinates. The induced pair interactions uind αβ (r) defined in (21) can be explicitly written in terms of the linear response function χij (|r − r |) as ρ˜iλ = − NB λ χij (|r − r |)φj (r )drdr , V j =1 (18) uind αβ (r) = NB NB uαi (|r − r |)χij (|r − r |)ujβ (r )dr dr . Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 i=1 j =1 where V is the system volume. Using the relation ρi (r) = ρˆi (r)B , the linear response function χij (|r − r |) can be written in terms of the so-called total correlation function hij (|r − r |) of the homogeneous system of B-particles: χij (|r − r |) = −βρi (ρj hij (|r − r |) + δij δ(r − r )). (19) (22) Finally, substitution of Equation (21) into (8) provides the effective interactions among the mesoscopic A-particles, which now contains the averaged contributions from the microscopic B components: Within this linear response approximation, the induced inind can be easily obtained by inserting the denteractions HAB sity profiles ρiλ (r) resulting from Equations (19), (16) and (18) into Equations (14) and (13), and by performing the (trivial) integration over the strength parameter. The result is ind HAB = F0 − E0 + NB i=1 1 + 2 NB NB (1) ρ˜ ρi + i 2 φi (r)χij (|r − r |)φj (r )drdr , (20) are the functions defined in (18) evaluated at where λ = 1. The first and second terms of this expression are the corrections from the ionic system with its neutralising background. The third term on the other hand can be interpreted as a first-order correction for the bare AA interactions, while the last term contains the second-order pair interaction corrections. This becomes clear upon substitution of the ‘external’ potentials defined in Equation (15) into the above expression, which then can be rewritten in terms of the mesoscopic particle coordinates: ind HAB = F0 − E0 + × NA NB α=1 i=1 (1) ρ˜ ρi + i 2 ˆ α (r)uαi (|r − r |))drdr [ˆ α (r)ˆ β (r ) ind ueff αβ (r) = uαβ (r) + uαβ (r). i=1 j =1 (1) ρ˜i where the effective pair potential ueff αβ (r) is the sum of the bare pair interactions uαβ (r) from Equation (2) and the induced ones from Equation (22): φi (r)dr N − δαβ δ(r − r )ˆ α (r)]ueff αβ (|r − r |)drdr , (23) A A 1 2 α=1 β=1 N eff HAA = H0 + (24) The term H0 in Equation (23) is the collection of all the remaining contributions that do not depend on the particle coordinates: NA NB 1 ˆ α (r)uαi (|r − r |)drdr H0 = F0 − E0 + 2 α=1 i=1 ⎤ ⎡ NB 1 × ⎣ρi − χij (|r − r |)φj (r )drdr ⎦ 2V j =1 + NA nα uind αα (r = 0), (25) α=1 where nα is the total number of particles of component α. The last term of H0 represents the self-energy of the macroions which is induced by their interactions with the ionic system. Since the system as a whole is homogeneous, the energy H0 provides a set of terms which do not depend on the position of the macroions. These terms are therefore called the volume terms, since they do depend on the 6 T. Colla and C.N. Likos particular macroscopic thermodynamic state of the system. Although these terms do not influence the structural properties of the system, they are relevant in what concerns the thermodynamic calculations. Due to the large number of convolutions involved in the calculation of both bare and induced interactions, it becomes convenient to rewrite the effective pair potential in terms of its Fourier components. Taking the Fourier transforms of Equations (2), (22) and (24), the effective pair interactions can be written in a compact form in Fourier space as Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 4π q 2 ˆ 0αβ (k) + σˆ α (k)σˆ β (k) uˆ eff αβ (k) = u εk 2 ⎤ ⎡ 2 4π q zi zj χˆ ij (k)⎦ , × ⎣1 + εk 2 ij (26) where uˆ 0αβ (k) are the Fourier components of the short-range potential u0αβ (r). Once the response functions χij (r) for the system of unperturbed B-components are known, the coarse-grained, ionic averaged effective pair interactions for the system of macroions with arbitrary internal charge distributions σα (r) can be calculated by simply taking the inverse Fourier transform of Equation (26). Similarly, the volume terms (25) are also simplified in terms of Fourier components of the induced and bare interactions: A 1 nα uind αα (r = 0) 2 α=1 N H0 = F0 − E0 + ⎡ ⎤ NB NA NA NA 1 ⎦ + lim ⎣ nα ρi uˆ αi (k) − nα nβ uˆ ind αβ (k) . k→0 2V α=1 i=1 α=1 β=1 (27) In Fourier space, the linear response functions for the ionic system χˆ ij (k) are directly related with the corresponding structure factors Sij (k), defined as 2 Sij (k) = δij + ρj hˆ ij (k). (28) By taking the Fourier transform in both sides of Equation (19), one can easily find χˆ ij (k) = −βρi Sij (k). The structure factors can be in principle evaluated by means of the traditional OZ equation for the unperturbed ionic system: hij (r) = cij (r) + NB ρl hil (r )clj (|r − r |)dr , (29) l=1 where cij (r) are the so-called direct pair correlation functions. Considering the Fourier transformed version of this equation, and defining the NB -dimensional square matrices S of elements Sij (k), Cij of elements cˆij (k) and the diagonal matrix R of elements Rij = ρ i δ ij , the OZ Equation (29) can be translated into the following matrix relation: S = I + CRS, (30) where I is the NB -dimensional identity matrix. In order to fully determine the elements of S, a second set of relations between the pair correlation functions – known as the closure relations – is necessary. Assuming that the electrostatic correlations between the ionic components are weak, we adopt here a leading order approximation known as the mean spherical approximation (MSA), in which the direct pair correlation functions for the point-like ions are approximated by their asymptotic limit, cij (r) = −βuij (r) = −zi zj λB /r, where λB = βq2 /ε is the well-known Bjerrum length. Within this approximation, the elements of the matrix C become cˆij (k) = −4π λB zi zj /k 2 , and Equation (30) can be rewritten as S=I− 4π λB ZZT RS, k2 (31) where we have defined the NB -dimensional vector represented by the column matrix Z of components zi , i = 1, . . ., NB . This equation can be easily solved for S by multiplying both sides of it (from the left) by the matrix ZZT R of elements ρ j zi zj , and further noting that, according to (31), ZZT RS = (I − S)k 2 /4π λB . The result can be explicitly written in terms of the corresponding matrix elements of S as Sij (k) = δij − 4π λB zi zj ρj , κ 2 + k2 (32) where κ 2 ≡ 4π λB ZT RZ = 4π λB i ρi zi2 defines the inverse of the so-called Debye screening length for the ionic B-component system. Now, substitution of the corresponding linear response functions χˆ ij (k) = −βρi Sij (k) obtained in this MSA into the expression for the Fourier components of the effective interactions in Equation (26) provides a very simple expression for the Fourier transformed coarsegrained pair interactions between the macroscopic charged components: ˆ 0αβ (k) + 4π λB β uˆ eff αβ (k) = β u σˆ α (k)σˆ β (k) . k2 + κ 2 (33) This expression for the effective pair potential is quite general, holding for arbitrary macroion charge distributions, as long as the linear approximation for the ionic response and correlations applies. This is usually the case at low electrostatic couplings, where the ionic correlations are weak. For an aqueous solution at room temperature, the linear MSA approximation is known to be only accurate in the situation Molecular Physics monovalent ions (|zi | = 1). In this case, addition of multivalent ions requires the use of more accurate approximations to correctly account for the strong ionic correlations [36]. It is now an easy task to perform the inverse Fourier transform of Equation (33), from which the following formal expression for the effective pair interactions in real space is obtained βuαβ (r) = βu0αβ (r) + λB Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 × e σβ (r )dr dr . |r − r | (34) e−κ|r−r | dr , |r − r | (35) the effective pair interactions (34) can be rewritten as 0 elec ueff αβ (r) = uαβ (r) + uαβ (r), (36) where the electrostatic interactions induced by the cloud of small ions uelec αβ (r) are uelec αβ (r) = ∇ 2 α (r) = −4π λB σα (r) + σβ (r )α (|r − r |)dr . NB ρi zi e−zi α (r) − Q , (38) σα (r ) i=1 Comparing this equation with the corresponding bare pair interactions among the mesoscopic particles (first relation in Equation (2)), we see that only difference is in the kernel of the convolution integrals, which changes from the bare Coulombic interaction to a Yukawa-like screened potential. We, therefore, conclude that the major effects of the ionic B-species on the effective pair interactions between the mesoscopic charged components is – at least in the context of the linear approach – to screen the bare Coulombic interactions among them, independently on the number of both ionic and mesoscopic components. It is important to note that the short-range repulse interactions are unaffected at this level of approximation, in which the steric effects from the small ions are neglected. Defining the screened potential energy α (r) originated on the (screened) ionic system by a particle of component α: surrounding this macroion follows the Boltzmann distribution, ρi (r) = ρi e−βqzi α (r) . The corresponding mean electrostatic potential α (r) around the macroion can be obtained through the application of the Poisson equation, which results in the traditional PB equation: σα (|r − r |) −κ|r −r | βα (r) = λB 7 (37) The above equations can be interpreted as expressing the work that has to be done in order to bring two particles of components α and β a distance r apart from each other, when these are surrounded by an infinitely large electric cloud that effectively screens the bare interactions. An equivalent result can be easily obtained in the context of the Debye–H¨uckel (DH) theory of ionic solutions. In fact, the mean (bare) electrostatic potential around a particle of component α immersed in an electrolyte composed by the B-components and the corresponding neutralising background can be obtained by assuming that the ionic cloud where α (r) ≡ βα (r), Q = i ρ i zi is the ratio between the charge density of the neutralising background and the proton charge q. In the present case of an open system, linearisation of the ionic profiles in Equation (38) can be made with respect to a point where r → ∞ (vanishing electrostatic potential), from which the following Helmholtz equation for the electrostatic potential in the open system is obtained (∇ 2 − κ 2 )α (r) = −4π λB σα (r). (39) The Green function for the Helmholtz operator on the left hand side is G(|r − r |) = e−κ|r−r | /4π |r − r |. The formal solution for this equation can then be written as a convolution between its right-hand side and the corresponding Green function G(|r − r |), and is therefore the same as given by Equation (35). Now, application of the linear superposition principle (which holds in the present DH approximation) allows us to write down the pair interactions between macroions of components α and β – which can be identified as the work necessary to bring them at a distance r from each other – as a convolution between the resulting electrostatic potential α (r) and the charge distribution σβ (r), which provides exactly the electrostatic pair interactions described in Equation (37). This result applies not only at infinite dilution, since the effects from the remaining macroions are implicitly accounted for through the homogeneous background in Equation (38) (Jellium approximation). It is important to emphasise, however, that this DH approach only provides the calculation of the effective pair interactions, and the volume zeroth-order terms coming from the ionic coarse-graining have to be introduced in an ad hoc fashion at this level of approximation. Calculations based on the PB equation are however extremely powerful to provide physical insight on how the linear DH approach can be extended to incorporate non-linear effects. 3. Effective pair potentials Having established the theoretical concepts of the coarsegraining procedure on a general basis, we now proceed to the calculation of the effective interactions for the particular case of multi-component systems composed of soft macroions with their monovalent counterions, together with 8 T. Colla and C.N. Likos added 1:1 electrolyte. Since we are mostly concerned on the structural properties, we will focus only on the calculation of the effective pair interactions, Equation (36), since the volume contributions have no influence on these properties. We will consider two different cases for the internal charge distributions of the macroions – a homogeneous charge distribution and a diffuse Gaussian-like charge distribution: 3Zα (Rα − r) 4π Rα3 Zα −r 2 /2Rα2 σα (r) = √ 3 e 2π Rα σα (r) = Homogeneous, Gaussian, Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 (40) where (x) is the usual Heaviside step function. Since both distributions are isotropic, the effective electrostatic interactions in Equation (37) are in this case simplified to r+r 2π ∞ uelec (r) = σ (r )r dr α (R)RdR. (41) β αβ r 0 |r−r | Similarly, the linear electrostatic potential energy α around the particle of component α given by Equation (35), can be rewritten for the case of an isotropic charge distribution σ α (r) as βα (r) = 4π λB −κr e κr + sinh(κr) r 0 ∞ σα (r )r sinh(κr )dr −κr σα (r )r e dr . (42) r Inserting the charge distribution of a homogeneously charged macroion (first relation in Equation (40)) into this expression results in the following averaged electrostatic potential: 3Zβ λB [κr − (κRα + 1) sinh(κr)] r ≤ Rα , κ 3 Rα3 r e−κr 3Zα λB r > Rα , = 3 3 F (κRα ) κ Rα r (43) The strong electrostatic correlations among the macroions and their counterions, together with the possibility of the small ions to penetrate in the interior of the macroions, will obviously result in a strong counterion adsorption inside those particles. As a consequence, the macroions net charge will be considerably smaller then its actual ‘bare’ charge. This quantity, known for soft macroions as the particle effective charge, can be obtained through the ionic density distributions by calculating the total amount of ions that lies inside the macroion core. Alternatively, the effective charge can be computed through the application of the Gauss law at the macroion surface. This is not to be confused with the concept of the renormalised macroion charge, which is usually introduced to account for non-linear effects in the field far away from the macroion particle [25,29–31]. For the particle of component α, the corresponding effective charge Zαeff can therefore be written as Zαeff = Zα + 4π =− Rα2 λB NB i=1 Rα zi ρi (r)r 2 dr 0 dα (r) , dr r=Rα (45) where ρ i (r) represents the ionic distribution around the macroion of component α. In this relation, we have assumed that the electric field remains finite at macroion centre. For the case of a macroion described by the uniform charge distribution in Equation (40), substitution of the electrostatic potential (43) into the above relation results in the following expression for the effective charge as a function of the bare one Zα in the linear approximation: Zαeff = 3Zα e−κRα (κRα + 1)F (κRα ). κ 3 Rα3 (46) βα (r) = In a similar way, the effective charge corresponding to a particle with the Gaussian charge distribution is obtained by the substitution of Equation (44) into (45), which provides the following result: where we have defined the function F(x) ≡ xcosh (x) − sinh (x). It is important to note that, contrary to the bare Yukawa potential for point-like particles, the screened electrostatic potential for uniformly charged macroions remains finite when r → 0. In the case of particles with the Gaussianlike charge distribution (second relation from Equation (40)), the resulting averaged electrostatic potential is Zαeff 2 2 κ Rα r − κRα2 λB Zα −κr exp e 1 + erf βα (r) = √ 2r 2 2Rα 2 r + κR α − eκr 1 − erf (44) . √ 2Rα 1 − κRα Zα e−1/2 2 = (κRα + 1)e(κRα −1) /2 1 + erf √ 2 2 (47) 2 κRα + 1 2 −2 + (κRα − 1)e(κRα +1) /2 1 − erf . √ π 2 (48) The comparison between the effective charges for the two charge distributions at different concentrations of monovalent salt can be seen in Figure 2. There is a clear difference between the counterion penetration in the two Molecular Physics The above integral can be formally evaluated by means of a proper analytical extension in the complex k-plane, followed by an analysis of the poles over this plane. Since the range of the charge distributions is of the order of the particle sizes, the large-distance decay of the electrostatic interactions can be obtained by closing the integral over the upper half of the complex plane. Application of the residue theorem – together with the fact that the leading behaviour is dominated by the pole at iκ – provides cs = 0 mM 3 -3 4×10 cs = 10 mM Zeff -2 cs = 10 mM 3 2×10 0 0 3 2×10 3 Z 4×10 3 6×10 Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 Figure 2. Effective charges for penetrable soft macroions in the linear approximation, corresponding to uniformly charged particles (solid curves) and particles with a Gaussian-like charge distributions (dashed curves). The salt concentrations are cs = 0 mM (black curves), cs = 0.001 mM (red curves) and cs = 0.01 mM (blue curves). In all the cases, the particle radius is fixed at R = 0.5 µm and the reduced concentration is ρR3 = 0.024. cases, from which one can conclude that the effective charge is strongly dependent on the macroion conformation. The effective charges of a uniformly charged macroion are significantly larger than the ones from the Gaussian charge distribution, corresponding to a much weaker ionic condensation. This is a consequence of the stronger electric field inside the Gaussian particle resulting from its charge inhomogeneity, leading to the trapping of a larger number of counterions in this region. In both cases, the increase in salt concentration leads to a stronger ionic condensation, as expected. At zero salt concentration – where the particle is surrounded only by its counterions – the effective charge in the case of a uniform distribution grows linearly at small bare charges. A similar behaviour has been observed in the framework of the PB theory [25], probing the validity of the linear approach in this limit. As the bare charge becomes larger, the linear approximation for the ionic response to its interaction with the strongly charged macroions Equation (16) breaks down, and deviations are expected in the calculated effective charges [25]. Furthermore, ionic correlations beyond the linear MSA approximation might play an important role on the resulting effective charges, as recently demonstrated by Moncho-Jord´a in the context of the primitive model hyppernetted-chain (HNC) approximation [36]. Once the effective electrostatic potentials are calculated, the corresponding electrostatic pair interactions uelec αβ (r) can be easily obtained by inserting them – together with the corresponding charge distributions – into Equation (41). Alternatively, these effective interactions can be obtained by taking the inverse Fourier transform of the second term of the right-hand side of Equation (33), which in this case of isotropic charge distributions reduces to βuelec αβ (r) = λB π ir ∞ −∞ σˆ α (k)σˆ β (k) ikr ke dk. k2 + κ 2 9 (49) βuαβ (r) ∼ λB σˆ α (iκ)σˆ β (iκ) e−κr r (50) showing that large-distance pair interactions in the linear approach will be of Yukawa type, independently of both the number of ionic (point-like) components and the charge distributions assigned to the macroions, as long as the charge distribution functions σ α (r) decay sufficiently fast. The coefficients σˆ α (iκ) in (50) are given by σˆ α (iκ) = 4π κ ∞ σα (r)r sinh(κr)dr. (51) 0 A similar result can be obtained regarding the electrostatic potentials α (r) in Equation (42). In particular, if the functions σ α (r) vanish at distances beyond the particle radius r > Rα , the second integral in Equation (42) will be zero in this region, and therefore the potential becomes βα (r) = λB σˆ α (iκ)e−κr /r. In the absence of screening, this relation recovers the well-known result βα (r) = λB σˆ α (0)/r = λB Zα /r for charged spherically symmetric objects interacting through the bare Coulombic potential. In the case of homogeneously charged macroions, the Fourier components of the charge distributions, σˆ α (k), are given by 3Zα sin(κRα ) , σˆ α (k) = 2 2 cos(κRα ) − κ Rα κRα (52) while the ones corresponding to the diffuse Gaussian charge distribution are σˆ α (k) = Zα ek 2 Rα2 /2 . (53) The effective electrostatic pair interaction can now be calculated either by the explicitly evaluation of Equation (49) or by the substitution of the appropriate electrostatic potentials (43) and (44) into Equation (41). The result for the case of homogeneously charged macroions of components α and β can be divided into three regions. Assuming without loss of generality that Rα ≥ Rβ , the potential in the 10 T. Colla and C.N. Likos region where r ≤ Rα − Rβ is 9Zα Zβ λB 2 4 3 κ Rβ − 3F (κRβ )eκRα βuαβ (r) = 2κ 6 Rα3 Rβ3 3 sinh(κr) r ≤ Rα − Rβ , × (κRα + 1) r (54) whereas in the region Rα − Rβ < r < Rα + Rβ the pair interactions are βuαβ (r) = 9Zα Zβ λB [γαβ (r) + F (κRα )(κRβ + 1)e−κ(r+Rβ ) 2κ 6 Rα3 Rβ3 r − e−κRα (κRα + 1)(κRβ sinh[κ(r − Rβ )] + cosh[κ(r − Rβ )])], Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 (55) and finally, for the non-overlapping region r ≥ Rα + Rβ the electrostatic pair potential for the uniformly charged macroions are βuαβ (r) = 9Zα Zβ λB e−κr , F (κR )F (κR ) α β r κ 6 Rα3 Rβ3 r ≥ Rα + Rβ . (56) In Equation (55), we have defined the function γ αβ (r) as γαβ (r) = κ4 1 2 Rα − r 2 Rβ2 − (r − Rα )2 2 2 Rβ4 (r − Rα )4 2r 3 3 R − (r − Rα ) − + + 3 β 4 4 2 κ (57) + (r 2 − Rα2 − Rβ2 ) + 1. 2 It can be verified that the above expressions are reduced to the effective pair potential in an one-component system of uniformly charged particle described in Refs [16] and [19] in the limit when Zα = Zβ ≡ Z and Rα = Rβ ≡ R. In the case of a system of particles with Gaussian-like charge distributions, the effective electrostatic pair interactions are 2 2 κ 2 Rαβ r − κRαβ Zβ Zβ λB −κr exp βuαβ (r) = 1 + erf e √ 2r 2 2Rαβ 2 r + κRαβ − eκr 1 − erf (58) , √ 2Rαβ where Rαβ ≡ Rα2 + Rβ2 . It is easy to verify that, in the situation of an one-component system in the unscreened limit when κ → 0, the above interactions correctly reproduces the limit of Gaussian charged particles interacting through the bare Coulombic potential [33,35], where βu(r) = Z2 erf (r/2R)/r. It is also easy to check that the effective potential asymptotically behaves like a screened Yukawa potential. The averaged electrostatic pair potentials for both the cases of uniform and Gaussian-like distributions depend on a large number of control parameters, such as the particle concentrations, the size and charge asymmetries, the screening parameter (or equivalently the amount of added 1:1 electrolyte) and the solvent permissibility. A rich variety of effective interactions can be therefore induced by the proper adjustment of these quantities. In Figure 3, the effective electrostatic potentials resulting from Equations (54), (55), (56) and (58) are compared for the specific case of an asymmetric two-component system with particles of opposite charge Z + = −Z− = 500, same radius R + = R− = 0.5μm and same concentrations. Clearly, the effective electrostatic interactions at overlapping distances are quite different for the situations of Gaussian and homogeneous distributions. In the case of uniformly charged macroions, the electrostatic forces when the particles overlap are much stronger when compared with the ones from the Gaussian system. This is consistent with the fact that the ionic condensation is much weaker in the case of uniformly charged macroions, and therefore the strength of the electrostatic interactions is enhanced with respect to the Gaussian particles. In both cases, addition of salt leads to a decrease of the electrostatic interactions, resulting from the stronger screening effects. As the particle–particle distance grows larger, the effective interactions are in both cases similar to the ones of a Yukawa system of oppositely charged particles. It is important to emphasise that the effective pair interactions in Equations (54), (55), (56) and (58) have been obtained in the framework of the linear approximation, and therefore their validity breaks down when the macroion– ion interactions are too strong – namely at large macroion charges. For the case of uniformly charged macroions surrounded by monovalent ions in an aqueous solution at room temperature, it has been recently shown [25,28] that the linear approximation is sufficiently accurate for macroion charges up to Zα ≈ 1500. It is important to note that the results for both pair interactions and correlation functions in this work are therefore within the range of validity of the linear approximation. 4. Structure of the binary charged system The investigation of the structural properties of the multicomponent effective system requires – apart from the already described averaged pair electrostatic interactions – the further introduction of a short-range repulsive pair potential in Equation (36), which is important to avoid the unstable collapse of the oppositely charged soft particles on the top of one another. Here, we model this short-range repulsions through the traditional Hertzian potential between Molecular Physics 0 (a) ρR = 0.024 3 ρR = 0.060 200 3 Z+ = - Z- = 500 100 0 1 -100 3 4 -300 Z+ = - Z- = 500 cs = 0 mM 0 0 (c) 1 Z+ = - Z- = 500 100 ρR = 0.024 3 ρR = 0.060 -100 Z+ = - Z- = 500 -4 -200 -4 0 -300 2 r [μm] 3 4 (d) cs = 10 mM cs = 10 mM 1 3 3 ρR = 0.024 3 ρR = 0.060 200 0 2 r [μm] 3 β u+-(r) β u++(r) 300 2 r [μm] ρR = 0.024 3 ρR = 0.060 -200 cs = 0 mM 0 (b) 3 β u+-(r) β u++(r) 300 Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 11 4 0 1 2 r [μm] 3 4 Figure 3. Electrostatic pair interactions for a binary system of equally sized, oppositely charged macroions with charge Z + = −Z− = 500 and radius R = 0.5 µm. The concentrations of both components are the same, and are characterised by the reduced density ρ + R3 = ρ − R3 ≡ ρR3 . The solid curves represent the interactions for the homogeneously charged particles, while the dashed ones correspond to the interactions between particles with the Gaussian charge distribution. Black curves stands for ρR3 = 0.024, and the red ones correspond to ρR3 = 0.060. (a) and (b) represent the system in the absence of added monovalent salt (cs = 0 mM), while the curves in (c) and (d) correspond to the salt concentration cs = 10−4 mM. deformable soft particles: βu0αβ (r) = βuHαβ = αβ 1 − =0 r (Rα + Rβ ) 5/2 r ≤ Rα + Rβ , r > Rα + Rβ , (59) where the strength parameters αβ are related with the Poisson’s ratio and the Young’s modulus of the particle material [19], and depend on the particle size of components α and β. Since from now on we consider only equally sized particles, the strength parameter will be same for all the pair interactions, αβ ≡ . The Hertz potential (59) is the characteristic short-range repulsion in the systems of microgel particles, where the repulsion for overlapping distances comes from the mutual deformation of their internal polymer chains. The parameter controls the strength of this short-range repulsion. For small values of this parameter, the oppositely charged particles will be able to penetrate themselves in order to minimise their electrostatic energy. As grows larger, the particles can no longer penetrate each other, and in the limit of very large strength parameters we expect the system to behave similarly to a system of hard charged particles. Obviously, the repulsive Hertzian interactions will play a paramount role on the system structure, dictating the degree in which oppositely charged particles are allowed to overlap each other. This is to be contrasted with the situation of oppositely charged hard colloidal particles, where the volume exclusion strongly constrains the resulting system structure, especially at high packing fractions. Figure 4 shows the effective pair interactions in a binary system of uniformly charged particles with Z + = 420 and Z− = −Z + /2 = −210. In the case of positive–negative interactions, there is a clear competition between the shortrange repulsion and the electrostatic attraction. At small , particle interpenetration is favourable, as showed by the minimum in u± (r) at r ≈ R for = 100 (Figure 4(a)). As the strength of the short-range repulsion increases, they rapidly become dominant over the electrostatic attraction at short distances, and the minimum in the positive–negative potential is shifted to larger values r ≈ 2R. The minimum also becomes sharper, meaning that the particles have less freedom to oscillate around their equilibrium positions. In the case of positive–positive repulsion, the increase of the short-range repulsion has a weaker effect, since the electrostatic repulsion at contact is already very large, making particle penetration energetically unfavourable even at small (Figure 4(b)). A similar behaviour is observed in the negative–negative repulsions, where then the effects from T. Colla and C.N. Likos 75 (a) 25 0 ε = 100 ε = 750 ε = 2000 (b) 75 βu++(r) 50 βu+-(r) 100 ε = 100 ε = 750 ε = 2000 100 50 75 βu--(r) 12 50 25 25 0 -25 0 1 2 3 r [μm] 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 r [μm] 2 0 2.5 1 2 3 r [μm] increasing are a bit more pronounced due to the weaker electrostatic repulsion (inset in Figure 4(b)). Once the effective interactions are properly defined in the multi-component system, the corresponding structure can be analysed by means of the OZ equation, Equation (29). For the case of an isotropic effective two component system made up of oppositely charged particles, this equation in Fourier space can be translated as In order to establish a full set of relations, the above OZ equation is here supplemented with the HNC relation among all the components: cαβ (r) = hαβ (r) − βuαβ (r) − ln[hαβ (r) + 1]. 1 2 (1 − ρ− cˆ−− (k))cˆ++ (k) + ρ− cˆ+− (k) D(k) 1 2 (1 − ρ+ cˆ++ (k))cˆ−− (k) + ρ+ cˆ+− hˆ ++ (k) = (k) D(k) cˆ+− (k) hˆ +− (k) = hˆ −+ (k) = , (60) D(k) where the function D(k) is given by 2 D(k) = (1 − ρ+ cˆ++ (k)) (1 − ρ− cˆ−− (k)) − ρ+ ρ− cˆ+− (k). (61) (a) g++(r) g+-(r) g--(r) Z+ = 420 Z- = 210 ε = 100 g(r) 3 2 10 (b) 6 g++(r) g+-(r) g--(r) Z+ = 420 Z- = 210 ε = 750 4 (c) g++(r) g+-(r) g--(r) Z+ = 420 Z- = 210 ε = 2000 8 g(r) 4 (62) The above HNC relation is known to be very accurate for systems interacting with Yukawa-like potentials [37], as well as for systems of soft particles [38]. For the calculated effective pair potentials βuαβ (r) (with α, β = ±), the above set of equations is evaluated as follows. First, a set of guess functions for the direct correlation functions cαβ (r) are estimated. Taking the Fourier transform of these functions and inserting them into the OZ equation, Equations (60) and (61), allows for the calculation of the corresponding Fourier components of the total correlation functions hˆ αβ (k), from which the functions hαβ (r) are evaluated. Inserting the total correlation functions in the HNC relation, Equation (62), provides new estimations for the total correlation functions cαβ (r). The whole process is then repeated until numerical convergence is achieved. hˆ ++ (k) = g(r) Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 Figure 4. Effective pair interactions for a binary system of equally sized, oppositely charged macroions with asymmetric charge Z + = 420 and Z− = −Z + /2 = −210. All particles are uniformly charged, and both components possesses the same radius R = 0.5 µm and reduced concentration ρR3 = 0.06. The strength parameters of the Hertz potential are = 100 (black curves), = 750 (red curves) and = 2000 (blue curves). The inset in (b) shows the repulsive negative–negative interactions. 6 4 2 1 0 0 2 1 2 r [μm] 3 4 0 0 1 2 r [μm] 3 4 0 0 1 2 r [μm] 3 4 Figure 5. Pair correlation functions between the positively (black curves) and negatively (blue curves) charged components, as well as the positive–negative pair correlations (red curves) for a system of oppositely charged macroions with homogeneous charge distributions, in the absence of added salt. The particle charges are Z + = 420 and |Z− | = 210. Both components have the same size R = 0.5 µm and concentrations ρR3 = 0.06, corresponding to a reduced screening length of κR = 0.824. The strength parameters of the short-range Hertzian potential are = 300 (a), = 750 (b) and = 2000 (c). Molecular Physics 5 (a) g++(r) g+-(r) g--(r) Z+ = 420 Z- = 210 ε = 100 g(r) g++(r) g+-(r) g--(r) Z+ = 420 Z- = 210 ε = 750 4 g(r) 2 6 (b) 3 g++(r) g+-(r) g--(r) Z+ = 420 Z- = 210 ε = 2000 4 2 1 (c) g(r) 3 13 2 1 0 0 Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 Figure 6. 1 2 r [μm] 3 4 0 0 1 2 r [μm] 3 4 0 0 1 2 r [μm] 3 4 Same as in Figure 5, but for a system of macroions with the Gaussian charge distribution from Equation (40). In Figure 5, the calculated pair correlation functions for the system of uniformly charged macroions in the absence of added salt are shown for increasing values of . All the particles are equally sized (R + = R− = 0.5 µm), but the positive particles are twice as charged as the negative ones (Z + = 420 and Z− = −210), corresponding to the pair interactions depicted in Figure 4. In this case, the system structure is strongly influenced by the charge asymmetry. At the lowest value of , the competition between electrostatic attraction and the short-range repulsion leads to a significant particle penetration, as clearly suggested by the first peak of g + − (r) in (Figure 5(a)). Interesting enough, the position of this peak is shifted with respect to the minimum of u + − (r) in Figure 4(a). This is because the interactions in this charge asymmetric case are strongly dominated by the positive–positive repulsion: as two positively charged particles try to penetrate into a negative one, they experience a mutual repulsion which will effectively reduce particle penetration. The strong oscillations in the correlation functions in this case suggest a scenario in which particles are assembled to form small chains (most likely with four particles each). Again, the chain structure is dictated by the stronger repulsion between positive particles. While the positive particles are constrained to be as far as possible from one another, the weaker repulsion between negative particles means that they have more freedom to oscillate around their equilibrium positions, resulting to the broader first peak of g−− (r) as compared with the on from g + + (r). Another consequence is that negative particles will be in average closer to one another in comparison with the positive ones. By increasing , the strong energetic penalty for particle penetration (see Figure 4(a)) leads to the break of the chain structure. Now, the energy gain corresponding to two oppositely charged particles at contact is not enough to overcome the penalty in having two positively charged particles attached to a single negative one (due to the strong positive– positive repulsion), and the chain formation breaks down. The strong peak in g + − (r) suggests in this case a strong tendency of formation of single dipoles (Figure 5(b) and 5(c)). Another structure that might become favourable in this case corresponds to the situation of two negative particles attached to a positive one, together with a free positive particle. In this case, the weaker repulsion between the negative particles allows them to move around the periphery of the positive one, leading to the wide spread peak between r ≈ 2R and r ≈ 4R in Figure 5(b) and 5(c). In the case of macroions with the Gaussian-like charge distribution, the electrostatic effects are much weaker, the pair correlations are less structured as compared with the ones from the uniformly charged particles, and the effects from the short-range repulsion clearly dominate. This is shown in Figure 6, in which the same pair correlation functions as in Figure 5, but now for the case of Gaussian particles, are displayed. Even for the smaller considered, the degree of particle penetration is very small, and the system structure is quite different from the one corresponding to uniformly charged particles. As a consequence of the weaker electrostatic forces, there are very small differences between the positive–positive and negative–negative pair correlations. Again, the strong peak in g + − (r) at r ≈ 2R clearly indicates the formation of dipolar pairs. The peaks in the positive and negative correlations at this same point suggest that now the weak electrostatic forces lead to structures in which positive and negative particles are symmetrically attached around the axis of a dipolar pair. Finally, the effects of increasing the screening parameter κ – or alternatively the concentration of monovalent salt – over the underlying particle correlation functions are shown in Figure 7. The particles are uniformly charged, and the strength parameter is fixed in = 300. Again, the two components have the same radius R = 0.5 µm, are equally concentrated ρ + R3 = ρ − R3 = 0.095, and are now also equally dissociated (Z + = −Z− = 550). Similarly to the parameter , the screening length plays a key role in controlling the relative strength between the short-range repulsion and the electrostatic effects. At the lowest possible inverse Debye screening length κR = 1.378 (corresponding to the absence of added salt), the electrostatic effects are clearly the dominant ones, and the system is structured in 14 T. Colla and C.N. Likos 4 5 g++(r) g+-(r) 3 g++(r) g+-(r) Z+ = 550 Z- = 550 cs = 0.1 mM 3 g(r) 2 2 2 1 0 Z+ = 550 Z- = 550 cs = 0.005 mM 4 g(r) 3 g(r) g++(r) g+-(r) Z+ = 550 Z- = 550 cs = 0 mM 4 0 1 1 2 4 r [μm] 6 8 0 0 2 4 r [μm] 6 0 0 2 4 6 r [μm] Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 Figure 7. Positive–positive (black curves) and positive–negative (red curves) pair correlation functions for a system of oppositely charged macroions with uniform charge distributions at different salt concentrations. Both components have the same size R = 0.5 µm, same concentration ρR3 = 0.095 and charges with same magnitude Z + = |Z− | = 550. The salt concentrations inside the system are cs = 0 mM (a), cs = 0.005 mM (b) and cs = 0.1 mM (c), corresponding to reduced inverse Debye screening length of κR = 1.378, κR = 3.939 and κR = 16.562, respectively. a perfect periodic way, with alternating positive and negative particles typical of a chain-like formation. As the salt concentration increases (stronger screening), the system clearly becomes less ordered. At the largest screening considered κR = 16.562 (cs = 0.1 mM), the electrostatic interactions are so screened that there is virtually no distinction between positive and negative charges anymore: the system essentially behaves like a neutral system of particles interacting through the short-distance Hertzian repulsion (Figure 7(c)). Although the OZ equation provides a very simple and efficient way to extract information about the system structure, its application for strongly interacting multicomponent system is still very limited. This is because these systems usually display complex self-assembly structural formations, from which a detailed analysis cannot be performed through the pair correlations alone. In this situations, more elaborated quantities – such as for instance the Euler characteristic [39,40] – have to be also considered to fully describe the underlying system morphology. It is however important to emphasise that the pair correlations do help to get physical insight over the effects from the various system parameters on the local structure. Furthermore, they are extremely useful to identify the regions in the large parameter space that are interesting to look at closely using more sophisticated approaches. 5. Conclusions We have employed the formalism of the linear response approximation to formally obtain the effective interactions in charged systems with an arbitrary number of charged components. To this end, the system was separate into two classes – the mesoscopic particles and the microscopic ones – whose typical length scales are order of magnitudes apart from one another. The degrees of freedom of the smaller components were then effectively integrated in the framework of the linear approximation, resulting in general expressions for the effective interactions between the charged mesoscopic components. The formalism has been then applied to study the effective interactions between soft charged particles with two different intrinsic charge distributions: homogeneously charged particles and a diffuse, Gaussian-like charge distribution. The short-range repulsion between those macroions was set to be the Hertzian potential for deformable particles, typical in the description of microgel particles. The electrostatic interactions, the effective charge and the pair correlation functions for both internal charge distributions were compared at different system parameters. It was found that the counterion penetration is much larger in the case of the Gaussian distribution, leading to a much weaker effective electrostatic interaction among these particles. In what concerns the structural properties, it was shown that the balance between the short-range Hertzian potential and the electrostatic effects in a system of oppositely charged macroions plays a crucial role in determining the particle structure as represented by the pair correlation functions. When the electrostatic effects dominate, the system structure at high concentrations resembles the one in which positive and negative particles are periodic structured in a chain-like formation. Further investigation of the particle conformation in these system requires, however, the use of more advanced techniques which go beyond the calculation of pair correlation functions [39–41], since these are not enough to describe the complex system morphology in a complete way. It would be also interesting to study the underlying time-dependent system structure as it approaches equilibrium. For all this analysis, it is convenient to study the calculated effective interactions by means of computer simulation techniques – such as Brownian dynamics and molecular dynamics simulation – which allow for a detailed investigation of the particle self-assembly. Work along these lines is currently in progress. Molecular Physics Acknowledgements It is a pleasure and a great honour to dedicate this work to Prof. Jean-Pierre Hansen, whose enormous contributions to the theory of liquids – and in particular of systems of charged particles – have dramatically improved our knowledge about these systems. Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. Funding This work was partially supported by the Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq) [grant number 236575/2012-0]. Notes 1. Downloaded by [Christos Likos] at 10:59 03 April 2015 2. Throughout this paper, we adopt the convention that the mesoscopic components are denoted by Greek indices. 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