Concordia Chimes Concordia United Methodist Church 585 Fifth St. Prairie du Sac, WI 53578 608/643-6356 Rev. Doris Simpson, Pastor Dan & Heidi Halling, Youth Leaders Ann Fiene, Chimes Editor Paul Webster, Missionary Volume 36 Number 4 April 2015 What’s inside? From the Pastor……….Page 2 UMW…………………..Page 3 SOFAS…………………Page 3 Budget News …………Page 4 Stewardship…………..Page 4 Our Mission Statement As a witness to Christ in our community, we are committed to spiritual growth and service. Vision Statement of the Wisconsin Annual Conference: Birthdays………...........Page 5 Church Library………...Page 5 Youth Group…………..Page 6 Book Club……….…….Page 7 Trustees……………….Page 7 Outreach……………...Page 8 Resident Bishop: Hee-Soo Jung Assistant to the Bishop: Steve Polster Coulee District Superintendent: Sam Royappa Calendar….…………...Page 9 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT HOURS 8:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday & Thursday Ann Fiene, Adm. Assistant [email protected] PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Rev. Doris Simpson, Pastor 608-643-8822—church [email protected] 608-632-1825—cell 608-643-8068—parsonage A WORD ABOUT PASTOR’S OFFICE HOURS I have set office hours so that you will know when you can be relatively sure I will be in the office if you want to stop in. That being said, there are times that I need to be gone for meetings, nursing home worship, scheduled pastoral visits or emergencies during those hours. I am also often in the office until 5:00 pm or later, so you can stop in any time you see a blue Buick LeSabre parked at church (Galena Street or the parking lot). DEADLINE for May Chimes is April 23rd Things You’ll Want to Know . . . (lots more info inside…check it out) Apr. 1, 9:30am—SOFAs 6:00pm—Cantata Practice @ St. John’s, PdS 7:30pm—Handbell Practice Apr. 2, —-No Choir Practice—6:30pm—Maundy Thursday, “Is It I, Lord?” Service Apr. 3, 12:00pm—Cantata Practice @ St. John’s PdS 1:00pm—Good Friday Service @ St. John’s PdS 6:00pm—Cantata Practice @ St. John’s, PdS 6:30pm—Good Friday Service @ St. John’s, PdS Apr. 5,, 7:00am—Sunrise Service 8:00am—Easter Breakfast 10:30am—Easter Worship Apr. 7, 9:30am—UMW Board Mtg. Apr. 12—SP Food Pantry Collection 4:00pm—Community Meal (Team Virchow) 6:30pm—Discipleship Class Apr. 14, 6:30pm—Finance Committee Mtg. Apr. 18,10:30am—UMW Spring Brunch Apr. 19, 6:30pm—Discipleship Class Apr. 20, 7:00pm—Book Club Apr. 21, 7:00pm—SPRC Mtg. Apr 23—Newsletter Articles Due Apr. 26, 4:00pm—Community Meal (Team Tetiva) 6:30pm—Discipleship Class Apr. 28, 7:00pm—Outreach Committee Mtg. 2 March 29th...Holy Week begins this week with a procession on Palm Sunday (at our regular service at 10:30 am). We remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey as the crowds waved palm branches and placed their coats on the path for the king. They had been waiting long years for the messiah, the one who would redeem Israel. We will move from the palm celebration to the passion of Christ as, one by one, the crowds and Jesus’ followers fall away. April 2nd...At the last supper with his disciples, Jesus gave a new commandment, that we love one another as he has loved at the Maundy Thursday service (6:30 pm) we remember his mandate; we are told that we are to be servants as he was; and in the bread and cup we remember the measure of his love in giving his all. Prior to celebrating holy communion, we will be hearing from each of the disciples as they ask themselves, “Is it I who will betray you?” April 3rd...We will worship with our Christian brothers and sisters at St. John’s Lutheran Church (1:00 and 6:30 pm). The community choir will sing, ‘The Final Hours’. April 5th...Our youth will lead us in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ at the Easter Sunrise Service (7:00 am) with ‘Messengers of a Messiah’. Easter breakfast will be served immediately following the sunrise service (8:00 am). And...if the sunrise service is a little too early for you, we will have our traditional Resurrection Service (10:30 am) with the Handbell Choir’s music ministry playing three songs. This is a sacred time for God is doing something new. Our lives and the earth are filled with God’s presence. We see new life as early spring flowers have begun to break through the soil. We see new life in the warmth and light of the season. We see new life in the mercy God gives us and the mercy we offer to each other. APRIL LECTIONARY READINGS: 5th—Acts 10:34-43 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 John 20:1-18 Mark 16:1-8 12th—Acts 4:32-35 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 19th—Acts 3:12-19 Psalm 4 1 John 3:1-7 Luke 24:36b-48 26th—Acts 4:5-12 Psalm 23 1 John 3:16-24 John 10:11-18 May Holy Week be a time of hope and love. May you have a blessed Easter season. Blessings, PLEASE NOTE: Pastor Doris Pastor Doris will be on vacation from April 6th through April 12th. If you need pastoral care, you can contact our lay leader, Suzanne Paskey at 445-1004, or the church office at 643-6356. 3 Celebrate Spring! Come to a GARDEN PARTY on Saturday April 18. Brunch will be served at 10:30am. A program will follow featuring Country Gardens with highlights on wonderful, colorful flowers and spring flowering bulbs. All women of the church are invited. For planning purposes, please let us know you are coming. RSVP by signing up in Fellowship Hall, dropping a completed reservation form in the collection plate, notifying Ann at the church office 643-6356. Reservations, questions and/or transportation needs may also be directed to Jane Cordero 643-2864 or Mary Peetz 643-6720. This is a UMW sponsored event. Upcoming UMW Activities: Apr. 7—UMW Board Mtg.—9:30am—church Memorial Lounge Apr. 18—UMW Spring Brunch—10:30am—Fellowship Hall CONCORDIA CARES! Please volunteer your time and show compassion to Concordia Church families during times of joy (birth of a baby) and hardship (death in the family, ill family member etc.) If you know of a family or a situation that would benefit from some TLC in the form of meals or transportation, please contact Pastor Doris (643-8822) or leave a message at the church (6436356). We have a group of volunteers who are willing to offer assistance in those kinds of situations. SECOND SUNDAY DONATIONS The UMW continues to collect Campbell’s Soup Labels and Boxtops for Education. The collection box is located on the radiator by the kitchen door. SOFAs (Seniors—60+—Out for Adventure) The SOFAs will meet for coffee and fellowship on Wednesday, April 1st at 9:30 am at church. Like us on Facebook! Search “concordiasaukprairie” to find us. Post news, pictures, updates and schedules so we can all stay in touch. Second Sunday donations (food, cash, hygiene, household items) for March will go to Hope House. ZELPHA’S PANTRY Donations for Zelpha’s Pantry will be accepted the fourth Sunday of the month. Personal hygiene items are accepted and offered to attendees of our Community Meal on the last Sunday of the month. 4 BUDGET NEWS Budget Receipts for February 2015 $13,894.17 NON-BUDGET RECEIPTS FOR FEB. 2015 Sauk Prairie Food Pantry $20.00 BUDGET SUMMARY-YEAR TO DATE Beginning Balance 1/1/15 $8,835.40 Receipts $42,729.17 Disbursements $23,938.41 Budget Fund Balance 2/28/15 $27,626.16 Capital Maintenance Fund 2/28/15 (Closed-$7,441.52 transferred to General Fund) Capital Improvement Fund 2/28/15 Lift Fund 1/31/15 During the Easter season, it is encouraging to see both new and familiar faces at our worship services. Throughout the year, many of you already support the congregation with your time, talent and financial contributions but greater participation is always welcome. We encourage you to look into our electronic giving program. It takes just a few minutes to setup a recurring giving plan. If you're interested you'll find information sheets on the table in the narthex. You may also contact Mary Zins if you have questions, or would like to set up your EFT transaction. $0.00 $91,224.94 $2,877.32 A STEWARDSHIP MESSAGE FOR YOUR CHURCH #15-4 Give Willingly…..”Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar—and to God what belongs to God.” (Matt. 22:21) Did you know? The average tax refund is up 3% to $3,034 so far this year, the Internal Revenue Service reported on March 5th. The average tax refund for the last three years, paid in 2012, 2013 and 2014 was just over $2,700. How will we spend our tax refunds? We know that some taxpayers do not receive a refund. But, of those who do, how do they spend it? The most popular answers are: 1) Pay off Debt; 2) Have fun – do something special or buy something special and 3) Save it. On most lists of ideas the thought of 4) Giving it Away to a favorite charity is either last on the list or never makes the list! If we’re going to “give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God,” what are we called to give away? As people of faith we may wish to consider giving a tithe (10%) or some portion of our tax return to the church to say thank you to God for the jobs we have and the earnings we receive. Consider tithing. If the average refund is $2,700 and 10 people tithe at $270 each, the total giving to your church would increase $2,700. That might pay most of the snow plowing bill for the winter or help you do something new and creative for Vacation Bible School. Your tithe might be more or less than average, but a gift of $270 would save 27 lives at $10 apiece for the Imagine No Malaria Campaign. Gifts totaling $2,700 would also make a big difference in paying the mission giving through our apportionments for a number of churches – for some it would pay their apportionments in full, for others it will cover 1/10 of the total or one month. What is God calling you to give? Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation, 750 Windsor Street, Suite 305 , Sun Prairie, WI 53590 1-888-903-9863 or [email protected] 5 Got a Name Tag? Please remember to start wearing your name tag when you come to worship. If you need a new tag please call the church office, 608-6436356 APRIL BIRTHDAYS 1. Mckenzie Halling 1. Leslie Koch 2. Roger Cole 5. Karmin Enge 8. Chuck Frank 8. Amy Lang 8. Sara Nehring 10. Gillie Fritsch 12. Deklan Koenig 15. Jane Cordero 17. Nancy Maschman 24. Carson Enge 24. Tim Enge 25. Dan Halling 25. Dan Marshall 26. Alex Lang 27. Jim Allen 28. Maddy Mauch 30. Lisa Alyea E-Mail? If you have an e-mail address and you aren’t receiving e-notes or newsletters from Concordia please let us know. You can e-mail us at [email protected]. Can You Hear Me Now? We have a dedicated group of people who work on our sound desk each week. They record the service and duplicate the CDs so we can distribute them to shut-ins. It’s a way for us to stay connected to people who aren’t able to join us for worship. There’s always space for new volunteers at the sound desk. If you’d like to do that please contact Bruce Koch, our volunteer coordinator. He’ll be happy to answer any questions. you have. Can You Deliver? Are you willing to give about an hour on Sundays to deliver the CD’s of our worship service to our faithful members who are not able to attend church anymore? Most of these CD’s go to Maplewood Nursing Home. This is also a good opportunity for families to share in an outreach program, If you are willing to participate in this important service, please call the church office, 608-643-6356 or Betty Granger. MEALS FOR SHUT-INS Do you know of a shut-in that would appreciate a meal delivered to them on our Community Meal days? If you do, please contact the church office. CONCORDIA CHURCH LIBRARY New books in our church library (purchased in January 2015): What’s So Blessed About Being Poor?—An inspiring exploration of how happiness and holiness can exist in the midst of poverty and illness. UMW Reading List Category—EDUCATION FOR MISSION Sum it Up—Pat Summitt’s autobiography of her life as the head coach of the University of Tennessee Lady Vols and later, her struggle with Alzheimer’s. The story is full of humanity, wit and fierceness. UMW Reading List Category—LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT Whatever Happened to Dinner?—Recipes and reflections for family mealtime. UMW Reading List Category—NURTURING FOR COMMUNITY Kind of Kin (A Novel)—A new Oklahoma state law makes harboring an undocumented immigrant a felony. The story reveals how an ad hoc family and an entire town unite to do anything necessary to protect its own. UMW Reading List Category—SOCIAL ACTION Finding God in a Bag of Groceries—In a tiny food pantry, the author of the books discovers her own hunger for God and a world of neighbors she never knew. UMW Reading List Category—SPIRITUAL GROWTH 6 Who’s Doing What, When April 2nd-Maundy Thursday Communion Steward: Dolores Bahr (Seder Meal) CYF—“GO ON--To discipleship with acts of piety” Spring is here, and the youth group was able to walk to the park in March and play Frisbee golf. We were able to shed our usual layers of winter clothing for Food Pantry night, and we could push carts with light jackets and no hats. We April 5th-Easter Sunday (10:30) Ushers: Larry Hinyup John & Joanne Budd Amy Willey Alyssa & Matthew Wenzel Karen Pape Greeters: Acolytes: Liturgist: Communion Stewards: Emily & Gordon Carncross Nursery: Flowers: Easter and the warmth and light of the message of the Resurrection to fill our days with Easter hope. Youth group will continue on Wednesday nights through May 13, with food pantry on April 8 and May 13. Mark your calendars for Youth-led services on Easter Sunday at 7 AM and Youth Sunday worship on April 19 and May 17. The fair trade items for sale located on the shelf by the ramp door will GO ON SALE starting March 26. Chocolate April 12th Ushers: rejoice in the warmth and light of spring, as we prepare for Kevin Emshoff, Fred McIntosh Mark & Ilene Fritschler Kevin & Debbie Emshoff Ethan & Lydia Emshoff Dave Rogalla bars, coffee, tea, cocoa and gift items will be sold on the honor system at a reduced price. You may make purchases Greeters: Acolytes: Liturgist: Nursery: Flowers: Comm. Meal: Team Virchow any time the church is open by placing your money in an en- April 19th ternational to help support Rony, our compassion child from Ushers: Greeters: Acolytes: Liturgist: Nursery: Flowers: you to everyone who has supported the youth by buying the fair trade products. Each month, our youth group sends $38 to Compassion In- Youth Youth Taylor Haas & Zara McIntosh Youth India. The youth would like to share information about becoming a sponsor at an upcoming worship service. Our group has enjoyed Rony’s letters through the last four years. It brings us joy to know that through our fundraising and sharing our funds, Rony has been receiving support with April 26th Ushers: velope and putting the envelope in the church office. Thank Don Wenzel John & Joanne Budd Roger & Jan Cole Ella & Sam Drescher Suzanne Paskey Greeters: Acolytes: Liturgist: Nursery: Flowers: Comm. Meal: Team Tetiva Snow Removal: March 30-April 5 April 6-12 April 13-19 April 20-26 Virchow Andres Koch Lang food, water, clothing, education, medical care and Bible study. We hope the letters and pictures we send help him know that the love of Christ travels thousands of miles when a connection is made to spread peace! We pray that our support can make the difference in one life, and that hope and goodness will ripple out from one life to many. If you find that you’re not able to serve as scheduled please contact the church office (6436356) or at [email protected]. 7 CONCORDIA BOOK CLUB--JOIN US ON APRIL 20TH AT 7:00 PM. Join us Monday, April 20th at 7:00 pm...We meet in a comfortable place and have a comfortable (much of the time anyway) conversation about a book that we've read. We will be discussing, "The Red Letter Revolution: What If Jesus Really Meant What He Said?--Part 1" by Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo. For all the Christians facing conflict between Jesus' words and their own lives, for all the non-Christians who feel they rarely see Jesus' commands reflected in the choices of his followers, Red Letter Revolution is a blueprint for a new kind of Christianity, one consciously centered on the words of Jesus, the Bible's "red letters." Framed as a captivating dialogue between Shane Claiborne, a progressive young evangelical, and Tony Campolo, a seasoned pastor and professor of sociology, Red Letter Revolution is a life-altering manifesto for skeptics and Christians alike. It is a call to a lifestyle that considers first and foremost Jesus' explicit, liberating message of sacrificial love. Shane and Tony candidly bring the words of Jesus to bear on contemporary issues of violence, community, Islam, hell, sexuality, civil disobedience, and twenty other critical topics for people of faith and conscience today. The resulting conversations reveal the striking truth that Christians guided unequivocally by the words of Jesus will frequently reach conclusions utterly contrary to those of mainstream evangelical Christianity. If the Jesus who speaks to you through the Gospels is at odds with the Christian culture you know, if you have ever wanted to stand up and say, "I love Jesus, but that's not me," Red Letter Revolution will prove that you are not alone-you may have been a Red Letter Christian all along. CONCORDIA TRUSTEES COMMITTEE ACTIVITY by Bruce Koch, Committee Chair It is refreshing to see folks using the lift often and that makes our efforts and resources well used. That should give years of good function and hopefully allow those that come to visit our place feel more welcome. The company is going to return in the next couple of weeks for some finish tuning to address the minor issues that have been noticed. One of our continuing efforts is to be more informative to you, the congregation, about what we do as a committee. Another item that has been brought to completion is the installation of video surveillance cameras at the entrances of the church that are used most. They are at the Galena Street, ramp and lift entrances. This gives the staff more ability to know who is coming and going in the building. This adds a level of safety to our building which is necessary with today’s world occurrences. Then we also had extensive discussion about the church policies and charges if any. A copy of those will be published soon since there are a couple of line items to be set yet. If you did not know the church is for your use as well as other community functions. We have guide for meetings, weddings and funerals so that can be consistent for all. It is a nice place to use for those types of things. Our new custodian is Tony Misslich and he has been doing the ongoing tasks of that position so greet him if you see him around the building. This has been going well. One item that has been noted is that because the lift is used by quite a few folks and because our parking lot is small we are asking those that do not use the lift or ramp to not park in the parking lot. That will enable the lift and ramp users to have comfortable parking. Please help in this effort. See you in church? Bruce Koch 8 Summer Camp Opportunities What do you need this Summer? Friendship and Laughter Challenge and Skills Praise and Worship Fun and Adventure Exploring and Relaxing Campfire and Prayer Horses and Nature Swimming and Canoeing Spiritual Growth Leadership Development There is something special for you and your family at Camp. Explore an adventure of Faith, Fun, and Friendship! For information on Summer Camps, call The United Methodist Camping Office at 877-947-2276 or visit OUTREACH COMMITTEE UPDATE By Dennis Roelke, Committee Chair The Outreach Committee has been a recipient of several memorial donations over the past few years. These memorial donations have been designated for specific use, such as missions and world hunger. As a result, the responsibility of the Outreach Committee is to disburse these funds to appropriate charities, missions and causes that support the request of the memorial donations. There have been typically two funds; the May-Schaefer fund to be used for supporting mission work and the Meyer-Sprecher fund to be used for addressing projects related to world hunger. Currently, the MaySchaefer fund has been depleted and the Meyer-Sprecher fund has $42,867 available for use. This past year over $15,000 has been donated to various missions and world hunger related projects. Mission related projects include the Melodies of Compassion, scholarships for various mission trips, Imagine No Malaria, Ganta Hospital Advance (medical supplies for treating Ebola), Paul Webster, and general mission project related expenses. World Hunger related projects include Sauk Prairie against Hunger – Feed My Starving Children, Sauk Prairie against Hunger – Feed 10 local families, and the Food Pantry (the Food Pantry receives $500 per quarter from the Outreach Committee). Additionally, the Outreach Committee is supporting the Free Trade initiative and is supplying Free Trade coffee for use by all church committees and functions. The Outreach Committee also supports the Melodies of Compassion by matching up to $200 for each of these ministries. The Melodies of Compassions for 2015 are the Reedsburg Hispanic Ministry (Jan – Feb), Northcott Community Center (Mar – Apr), Hope House (May – June), UM Children’s Services (July – Aug), Madison Hospital Chaplaincy (Sept – Oct) and Redbird Mission (Nov – Dec). At the beginning of each donation period there will be a short presentation about the particular mission during church service. The Outreach Committee will also be researching some prison project ministries. Previously, Concordia has participated in a book ministry which purchased selected books that were distributed to incarcerated individuals. LADIES NIGHT OUT to benefit Sauk Prairie Against Hunger Friday, April 17, 2015 at the Dorf Haus in Roxbury, WI 6:30pm dinner (FREE to eat—vote on food with your dollars. Cash bar available.) 7:30pm live auction Donations for auction items (gift certificates, baskets, crafting, cooking, make-up or gardening items; new/gently used purses, accessories or anything else a lady would enjoy, please contact 6:8 at (608) 658-4700 or drop off at 485 Prairie St., Prairie du Sac To enter the Soup, Bread or Dessert Cook-Off, please register online at or call John at (608) 658-4700. 9 5 Sun 7:00am—Sunrise Service 8:00am—Easter Breakfast 10:30am—Worship Easter Sunday 12 9:00am—SS 10:00am—CoffeeTime 10:30am—Worship/SP Food Pantry Collect. 4:00pm—Community Meal (Team Virchow) 6:30pm—Discipleship Class 19 9:00am—SS 10:00am—CoffeeTime 10:30am—Worship/Youth Sunday 6:30pm—Discipleship Class 26 9:00am—SS 10:00am—CoffeeTime 10:30am—Worship/ Zelpha’s Pantry 4:00pm—Community Meal (Team Tetiva) 6:30pm—Discipleship Class April 2015 4 Sat 3 7:00am—UM Men @ Eagle Inn 12:00pm/6:00pm— Cantata Practice @ St. John’s, PdS 1:00pm/6:30pm—Good Friday Service @ St. John’s, PdS 11 Fri 10 Thu 9 7:00am—UM Men @ Eagle Inn 18 Wed 8 6:30pm--Choir 7:30pm--Handbells 17 10:30am—UMW Spring Brunch Tue 7 5:30pm--CYF @ Food Pantry 16 7:00am—UM Men @ Eagle Inn 25 Mon 9:30am—UMW Board Mtg. 15 6:30pm--Choir 7:30pm--Handbells 24 2 14 6:00pm--CYF (dinner @ 5:30pm) 23 7:00am—UM Men @ Eagle Inn —-No Choir Practice— 6:30pm--Maundy Thursday—”Is It I, Lord?” Service 6:30pm—Finance Committee Mtg. 22 6:30pm--Choir 7:30pm--Handbells 29 6:30pm--Choir 7:30pm--Handbells 30 Newsletter Articles Due 28 6:00pm--CYF (dinner @ 5:30pm) 1 9:30am—SOFAs —-No CYF—6:00pm—Cantata Practice @ St. John’s, PdS 7:30pm—Handbells 21 6:00pm--CYF (dinner @ 5:30pm) 6 20 7:00pm—SPRC Mtg. 13 7:00pm—Book Club 27 7:00pm—Outreach Committee Mtg. Pastor Doris will be on vacation from April 6th through April 12th. If you need pastoral care, you can contact our lay leader, Suzanne Paskey at 445-1004, or the church office at 643-6356. CONCORDIA UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 585 FIFTH STREET PRAIRIE DU SAC, WI 53578 [email protected] (608) 643-6356 NEWSLETTER April 2015
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