Health and Safety Plan

Health and Safety Plan
Preston H. Roberts, Inc
dba Concrete Jack
3402 Acorn Street, Suite 202
Williamsburg, VA 23188
(757) 566-1534
Revised: 4/27/2012, ksr
The purpose of this Health and Safety Plan is to ensure that all Preston H. Roberts, Inc
employees work in the safest environment possible and to ensure that Preston H. Roberts, Inc
provides its employees with the knowledge, training, and equipment necessary to maintain a safe
This Health and Safety Plan is designed to generally reflect company policy, but it is not
intended to be a binding legal contract. Thus, this plan does not alter any employee’s at-will
status or any other legal rights to any employee.
It is the responsibility of all Preston H. Roberts, Inc employees to ensure their compliance with
the guidelines laid out in this plan, and the further responsibility of employees in leadership
positions to ensure compliance among those employees whom they are responsible for.
The Safety Manager, or general management personnel, are specifically responsible for
administration of this Health and Safety Plan, conducting safety training, reporting incidents and
ensuring necessary inspections.
Field Supervisors are specifically responsible for being familiar with applicable regulations to
their crew’s activities, ensuring availability of emergency care for the injured, and personal
protective equipment (PPE) for crew members and any other responsibilities assigned by the
Safety Manager. Field supervisors are also responsible for ensuring that the proper emergency
equipment such as fire extinguishers and first aid kits are kept in readily accessible places, such
as crew trucks, on jobsites.
All employees are responsible for maintaining their PPE and reporting any defective PPE to their
supervisor, following all safety rules, avoiding unsafe activities and following the directions of
their supervisors.
Subcontractors to Preston H. Roberts, Inc will be held to the same safety standards as employees
of Preston H. Roberts, Inc. Subcontractors are responsible for the maintenance, implementation
and enforcement of their own safety plans.
Hazard Identification, Assessment & Control
All Preston H. Roberts employees are responsible for identifying workplace hazards and
reporting them to the appropriate personnel, and ensuring corrective action.
Reporting Job-Related Injuries & Illnesses
All Preston H. Roberts, Inc employees are responsible for immediately contacting the
appropriate resources in the event of a job-related injury or illness. In the case of serious illness
or injury, employees should contact 911. All employees are encouraged to err on the side of
caution when it comes to deciding whether or not to contact 911.
An OSHA Form 300 Log shall be maintained at the main Preston H. Roberts, Inc office. The
annual Form 300A shall be posted as required by OSHA. All supervisory personnel are
responsible for ensuring that job-related injuries and illnesses are forwarded with the appropriate
information to the main office in order to be recorded.
All new employees shall be informed of general safety procedures as part of their new employee
orientation and job training. Additionally, if personnel are assigned to new or unfamiliar tasks
with special safety requirements, they shall be made aware of and trained regarding these
additional safety requirements. “Tailgate meetings” shall be held as needed, and attendance shall
be recorded, in order to inform employees of changing safety regulations or requirements, and to
provide all employees with up-to-date safety information.
Slabjacking Safety
Only individuals trained to operate equipment shall operate equipment. No individual is to ride
self-propelled slabjacking pumps. Follow all MSDS precautions and wear disposable vinyl or
nitrile gloves when handling or working with polyurethane slabjacking material.
No loose clothing or unsecured equipment shall be worn or used in proximity of mechanical
grout mixers. All mixers must be shut off or locked out from power sources prior to servicing or
removing obstructions from tubs.
All grout injection hoses, needles and holes or ports shall be checked prior to use to ensure that
grout flow path is open and that no obstructions exist which could cause excessive back pressure
or dislodgement. All clamps and hose joints must be cleaned at each disconnection event and
retainer clips used at all times.
It is the responsibility of all individuals, both operators and laborers to be continually watchful
for potentially hazardous situations, and to immediately take corrective action. This includes
keeping persons out of the immediate vicinity of operating equipment, and watching for hazards
posed by other equipment or structures.
All operators and laborers, as appropriate, should familiarize themselves with the manufacturerprovided safety information for a machine which they are operating. If anyone is unfamiliar with
the safe operation of a piece of equipment, they must immediately inform their supervisor and
take corrective action.
Approved safety vests are to be worn at all times when operating in or near traffic. Position
grout trucks to discharge grout on the curb side of vehicles whenever possible.
General Workplace Safety
In any job where there is an overhead element to the work environment, all employees should
wear approved hard hats. Additionally, employees should dress in clothing that is conducive to a
safe working environment; no clothing that could obstruct vision or movement shall be worn,
and neither shall clothing that could be become entrapped in equipment.
No employee may remove, disable or tamper with manufacturer-installed safety guards or
devices, and should not operate equipment if any of this equipment is not in proper working
Employees are expected to immediately report any maintenance problem with a piece of
equipment. Proper maintenance not only prevents machine down periods, but it improves safety.
Occupational Health
Employees are discouraged from engaging in activities which may negatively affect their ability
to safely operate and be around heavy equipment. As a Drug Free Workplace, this is to be
enforced as necessary through the Preston H. Roberts, Inc Drug Policy. Employees are expected
to arrive at work unimpaired because of personal habits.
All employees should familiarize themselves with the location of medical facilities closest to
their work location, and upon arrival at a job, consider the best way to access those facilities as
part of morning check of the jobsite and equipment.
Welding Safety
All employees engaged in welding and using torches are expected to follow standard guidelines
for safety during these activities. This includes wearing protective goggles and visors, flame
resistant/retardant welding garments and welding gloves, and storing gas cylinders upright,
keeping hoses in good condition and a fire extinguisher nearby.
Traffic Safety
All employees must obey all traffic rules, regulations, laws and accepted practices while
operating motor vehicles or other equipment on roads on within travel right-of-ways. While
operating in the vicinity of travel right-of-ways, VDOT’s Work Area Protection Manual shall be
used to determine any additional safety precautions, infrastructure or pertinent regulations and
actions required.