Bristol Road South, Footpath, Rednal

Committee Date:
Application Number:
Application Type:
Target Date:
Full Planning
Bristol Road South, Footpath, Rednal, Birmingham, B45 9TZ
Installation of 17.5 metre high street pole radio base station housing 6
antennas and associated equipment
Vodafone Ltd
c/o the Agent
Mono Consultants Ltd
Steam Packet House, 76 Cross Street, Manchester, M2 4JG
Approve Subject To Conditions
Planning permission is sought for the installation of a 17.5m dual user monopole
housing six antennae in stacked arrangement at the top and associated equipment
to the pavement on Bristol Road South.
A previous application was approved for the installation of a 12.5m high monopole
and associated antennae. This was partially implemented with the installation of an
equipment cabinet.
The main stem of the column is cylindrical and would measure 324mm in diameter,
with the antennae top to a diameter of 540mm. The length of this section would be
3700mm. The pole would be made from galvanised steel and painted grey.
The proposal also includes the retention of one electrical meter pillar and the
installation of two additional cabinets and one meter cabinet. These cabinets are
less than 2.5 cubic meters each and would be located alongside the monopole. Due
to their size, they would be Permitted Development The cabinets would be painted
The proposed increase in height from the previously approved 12.5m is to retain the
continued need for both coverage and capacity of the existing networks. The
proposed height and structure would also cater for future 4G demands of the mobile
operators sharing the site.
Plans have been amended so to avoid the equipment being within the highway
visibility splay for cars exiting the Methodist church.
The Applicants confirm that the proposal is ICNIRP-compliant (International
Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection).
Link to Documents
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Site & Surroundings
The application site is an area of footway located on the southern side of Bristol
Road South, outside the Longbridge Methodist Church.
The surrounding area contains a mix of uses with a McDonalds restaurant located to
the north west on the opposite side of Bristol Road South, with further commercial
buildings located opposite along with a small number of residential properties.
To the south west of the site is a retail parade, some of which have residential flats
at first floor. There are further residential areas to the south and south west of the
application site along Ryde Park Road and Toll House Road and approximately
300m to the east is St Columba’s Primary School.
This part of Bristol Road South is busy throughout the day. There are a number of
streetlighting columns of various sizes in the area, including two approximately 8m
high columns on the footpath to the west and east of the application site.
Street View
Location Map
Planning History
01.03.2012 – 2012/00335/PA: Erection of 12.5m monopole mast and associated
equipment cabinet – No prior approval required.
Consultation/PP Responses
MP, Local Ward Members, Residents Associations, local residents and commercial
occupiers consulted – nine letters of objection received including one each from
Councillor Cruise, Councillor Cartwright, Councillor O’Reilly, Councillor Sambrook
and Longbridge Methodist Church, as summarised below; two petitions of objection
received (one with 30 names and one with 135 names.
Too close to residential area
Unquantified concerns about masts and radiation/cancer
Impact on property value
More suitable sites nearby such as Bournville College
The 2013 application caused a lot of local angst including Church users
especially Toddlers’ group.
Impede visibility splay
Will block pavement
Spoil image of Church
Transportation Development - No objection
Policy Context
NPPF, Birmingham UDP, Draft Birmingham Development Plan,
Telecommunications Development: Mobile Phone Infrastructure SPD
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Planning Considerations
The National Planning Policy Framework states that advanced high quality
communications infrastructure is essential for sustainable economic growth.
Communication networks play a vital role in enhancing the provision of local
community facilities and services and Local Planning Authorities should support the
expansion of electronic communications networks. The aim should be to keep the
numbers of masts and sites for such installations to a minimum consistent with the
efficient operation of the network.
Where appropriate equipment should be sympathetically designed and
camouflaged. UDP Policy 8.55 recognises that modern and comprehensive
telecommunications systems are an essential element of life of the local community
and the economy of the City. In assessing applications for telecommunications
equipment, account will be taken of the impact of radio masts, antennae and
ancillary structures on existing landscape features, buildings and the outlook from
neighbouring properties.
UDP Policy 8.55A states that within the City, there are locations that are considered
to be more sensitive than others for the siting of telecommunications equipment
which includes Conservation Areas and education institutions. Telecommunications
equipment will only be acceptable in sensitive areas if the applicants are able to
demonstrate that there is no other suitable location. In all cases equipment should
be designed to minimise its impact on the visual amenity of the area.
UDP Policy 8.55B states that operators will be expected to share masts and sites
wherever this is desirable. Ground based equipment should be sited to take
maximum advantage of backdrops to buildings and other screening opportunities. In
assessing visual obtrusiveness, views from neighbouring properties and the street
will be considered. The mast would be located on the footway on the southern side
of Bristol Road South. The surrounding area has a mix of uses; however, due the
busy nature of the road it maintains a fairly commercial and very urban character.
The nearest residential properties are those at 1660 Bristol Road South to the south
west and 1624 to the south east being, being approximately 20m and 40m away
respectively. There are further residential properties approximately to the south and
on the opposite side of Bristol Road South. St Columba’s Primary School is 300m to
the east of the site.
Due to angle of sight, distance and/or some intervening trees, the proposed mast
would not be particularly visible from, or located adjacent to, any primary windows of
the nearest residential accommodation. I am therefore satisfied that there is enough
screening and distance to these nearest residential occupiers for the proposed
development not to harm their visual amenity.
The proposed mast would be 17.5m in height and would be taller than and be
significantly thicker at its top end than some of the existing street furniture nearby.
However, there is a wide variety of lighting columns and signage and other structures
in the area. Furthermore, there is some tree coverage within the central reservation
of the dual carriageway along Bristol Road South which would serve to help soften
the impact of the mast. Given this, I consider the mast would be seen in the context
of the existing street furniture and would not result in an unduly dominant or cluttered
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The proposed additional equipment cabinets, whilst adding additional clutter to the
street, would not be of such a size that it could be argued that they would have a
detrimental impact on visual amenity. It is noted that this equipment could be
installed under permitted development rights.
I do not consider the increase in height would be so different from the previously
approved mast as to substantiate a reason for refusal on visual amenity grounds, and
given the strong policy support for modern telecommunications systems. It is
furthermore noted that there have been no significant changes in the site and its
surroundings or Policy from the previous application, which was previously granted
planning permission (i.e. ‘no prior approval’ was required).
Some objections to the proposal have been received on the basis of health, which
can be material planning considerations. However, in respect to telecommunications
equipment and health it is the Government’s firm view that the planning system is not
the place for determining health safeguards and that in their view if a proposed
mobile phone station meets the ICNIRP guidelines for public exposure, it should not
be necessary for a Local Planning Authority to consider further the health aspects
and concerns about them.
Although no alternative sites assessment has been carried out in support of this
application, an assessment was previously carried out in support of Planning
Application 2012/00335/PA for the approved 12.5m high monopole.
It is considered that the siting and appearance of the proposed replacement
monopole and new equipment cabinets would not be detrimental to the visual
amenity of the area. In the context of national and local planning policies, and given
the previous approval on the site, there would be no substantive grounds to refuse
this application. The proposal is a shared venture, which would assist in updating
the mobile telecommunications network in a sustainable manner.
Planning permission is approved
Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans
Limits the approval to 3 years (Full)
Case Officer:
Emily Summers
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Photo 1: Looking east towards Longbridge
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Photo Two: looking at site from south east
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Location Plan
This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her
Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or
civil proceedings. Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2010
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