Item 23 - 2 Arena Central, Plot C, Broad Street, City Centre

Committee Date:
Application Number:
Application Type:
Target Date:
Reserved Matters
2 Arena Central, Plot C, Broad Street, City Centre, Birmingham, B1 2DR
Reserved Matters Application for a 27,000 sqm office (Use Class B1)
and ancillary retail/commercial floorspace [Use Class A1 (Retail), Use
Class A2 (Financial and Professional Services) and Use Class A3
(Restaurants/Cafes)] with associated access, car parking and servicing
arrangements, landscape and public realm proposals
Arena Central Developments LLP
c/o Agent
Miller Developments
Miller House, 2 Lochside View, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh, EH12
Approve Subject To Conditions
Uses and Building Layout
This application is for an 11-storey office building with either retail/restaurant units or
ancillary office spaces at ground floor. The building delivers approximately
25,350sqm gross internal area, excluding basement levels, atrium and rooftop plant.
Of this, approximately 17,725sqm is office (B1) net internal area and approximately
1,250sqm is retail/restaurant or office space (A 1/ A3/ B1) net internal area at ground
The ground floor is level with Broad Street to the north and the proposed Bank Court
to the west and a double height through-reception connects the two. Alpha Plaza is
almost 7m lower than Broad Street and so two basement levels sit beneath the
building facing onto Alpha Plaza. A third basement level below these connects to the
existing Britannia Car Park upper level. The building parapet is approximately 55.1m
above Broad Street and 61.8m above Alpha Plaza (51.1m and 57.8m respectively,
as amended). The building is approximately 79.5m long and 41m wide at its widest
point. The building is designed as three interlocking blocks in fanning geometry. The
eastern block is set parallel to Alpha Tower, whilst the western block aligns with
Broad Street and the former Municipal Bank, 301 Broad Street. The building would
be 13.5m from Alpha Tower and 3m from the Bank.
The upper floors of the building are commercial office space, offering large flexible
floorplates with a split side core to either side of an atrium. The atrium is glazed fullheight on the east elevation with a glass roof, to bring in daylight and afford views
over Alpha Tower. Level 7 and level 10 each have a terrace fronting Broad Street
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offering occupants an outdoor landscaped area with views over Centenary Square,
providing a setback in the elevations of 6m and 11m from the front facade.
At ground floor, there are potential retail/restaurant units both to the north-east of the
reception facing Broad Street and to the south facing Bank Court and Arena Central.
These could house ancillary office functions such as meeting suites, a business
lounge or workspaces, or they could accommodate complementary retail/ restaurant
Vehicular Access, Parking and Servicing
The basement levels are accessed via a shared ramp from Bridge Street, which also
serves the consented 1 Arena Central. This ramp leads to a shared area of
basement under the proposed Bank Court and Plot D, and then through to a private
basement under the footprint of 2 Arena Central. The basements contain private car
parking, delivery, refuse and plant areas and cycle parking.
The main basement level is at the same level as Alpha Plaza, with entrances
located here for deliveries and cyclists. The lowest basement level is accessed
through the Britannia Car Park, with security barriers to separate the private
basement under 2 Arena Central. From this level drivers and cyclists can access the
building lifts directly to Alpha Plaza. The building provides 101 parking spaces (of
which three are designated as accessible spaces) and 140 cycle parking spaces,
with associated lockers and showers.
The majority of deliveries would be by panel vans, which can access the basement
loading area via the ramp from Bridge Street. Larger lorries would use the shared
service road in Alpha Plaza, with goods trollied across to the building.
The former Municipal Bank (301 Broad Street) would be serviced through the
basement level B2. The area under Bank Court would be constructed in this phase
providing 40 parking spaces for the future Plot D. This area connects down to B3
with car ramps. B2 is double height to allow for servicing.
The cladding is a simple grid of masonry and glass panels that subtly transforms as
it wraps around the building. On the north and east elevations the masonry panels
are flat, while on the south and west facades the panels gently curve to weave in
and out, giving depth to the window reveals and solar shading.
The weaving pattern continues across the solid walls of the core and in the framing
pattern of the fully-glazed atrium. The glazed panels of the atrium that take the place
of the solid panels of the façade would be fritted to give a subtle colour change and
make the weaving pattern legible across what would become a large 'stained glass
The proportion of vertical solid panels to glazing has been chosen to maximise
daylighting and minimising solar heat gain. On the north elevation the solid panels
are 1m wide, whereas on the other elevations they are 1.5m wide to provide more
Each horizontal masonry panel is capped with a bronze-coloured metal sill to give a
crisp edge to the masonry. The window sills, window framing, door frames and
louvres would be crisp metal elements with a semi-gloss bronze-coloured finish. The
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pattern of masonry panels continues up to the parapet of the open rooftop plant
enclosure, but the windows are replaced with louvres to ventilate and screen the
plant behind. These louvres would be the same bronze-colour as the other
metalwork in the facade.
The solid cladding panels would pre-cast concrete panels or glass reinforced
concrete, colour matched to the pale creamy Portland stone of Baskerville House,
the Hall of Memory and the neighbouring Municipal Bank.
Public Realm
The landscape design seeks to create three different character areas within a
common sense of place: Bank Court, Broad Street and Alpha Plaza.
Bank Court – this would be a formal hard paved plaza located behind the Municipal
Bank (301 Broad Street) creating a contemporary space to act as a setting for 2
Arena Central along with the future phase Plot D. This plaza includes simple feature
paving and a group of large feature trees. It would also act as a counterbalance for
the larger, softer and more informal Arena Central space that is located to the south
of the Masterplan.
Broad Street – this would be a high quality paved footway to Broad Street, linking 2
Arena, the Municipal Bank and 1 Arena to create a unified edge to Centenary
Square and links the scheme with the Metro stop. The wide pavement is proposed
to connect with Centenary Square and acts as a 'shop front' for the Arena Central
Alpha Plaza - proposals include upgrading the surfacing and layout using a strong
geometry that takes cues from the architectural forms, creating a high quality plaza
setting for Alpha Tower. The addition of two groups of trees with a cluster of seating
beneath creates places for people to gather in a space which is currently a
thoroughfare only. The proposals include two flights of steps that connect with Broad
Street and with Arena Central. The paving would match the materiality of the
residential development to the south (Dandara, planning application approved March
A palette of granite, composite pavers, timber decking and resin bound gravel would
give a distinctive identity to the variety of new places within the Masterplan.
However, the detailed design, street furniture, planting, surface material and external
lighting selection for the landscape works would be submitted for consideration at a
later date.
The Public Lift and Britannia Entrance
To the south of the building, a public lift and entrance to the Britannia Car Park
would be created adjacent to the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The public lift provides a
connection across the 5m level change between Alpha Plaza and Arena Central, for
those who cannot use the stairs. The lift would have glass doors and a glass slot in
the shaft to maximise the visibility of its occupants and promote its responsible use.
Next to the lift, glass doors provide access to the Britannia Car Park (replacing the
free-standing external stair currently located in Alpha Plaza). This entrance also
provides access for cyclists who would prefer to use the internal stair, with a bike
gutter ramp to reach the cycle parking. It also provides a route into the basement of
future Plot D and one option for servicing of 301 Broad Street.
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Masterplan and Supporting Documents
An updated Masterplan has been submitted with the application incorporating the
following changes:•
the footprint of Plot C has been altered since the previous Masterplan as per the
current reserved matters application;
the public route to the east of the Municipal Bank has been removed and would
be a gated maintenance path;
Plot D has been rotated through 90 degrees and a colonnade has been
introduced fronting Bank Court;
the east-west route to Bridge Street has moved north to create a level route from
the road to the sloping landscaped path through the site;
the footprint and heights of Plots E1 and E2 have been altered to reflect the
current reserved matters application (ref 2015/01111/PA);
the landscaping of Arena Central has been developed to reflect the current
reserved matters application (ref 2015/01112/PA); and,
the Masterplan is coordinated with the consented planning application for the
Dandara residential buildings, on Plot G.
In addition the following support statements have been submitted:
Design and Access (including Sustainability Statement);
Transport Statement / Travel Plan;
Landscape Design Study;
Wind Study;
Noise Assessment;
Heritage Statement; and,
Consultation Statement.
Link to Documents
Site & Surroundings
The proposed development site is located in the heart of Birmingham City Centre,
south west of Birmingham New Street Station and forms the north-eastern part of
the wider Arena Central mixed use regeneration area totalling 5.63 hectares. The
site, Plot C (also known as 2 Arena Central), fronts onto Broad Street and is
adjoined to the east by Alpha Tower Plaza and to the west by the Grade II listed
Municipal Bank (301 Broad Street).
Arena Central forms the southern side of Centenary Square, one of the primary civic
squares in the city. The northern side of the square is formed by the Grade II listed
Baskerville House, the Library of Birmingham, and REP. The Grade I listed Hall of
Memory sits in the centre of the east side of the square. To the west is the 1990s
Symphony Hall and ICC complex. The south-west corner is marked by the mirrorclad Hyatt tower and the south-east corner by the recently listed 1970s Alpha Tower.
The Paradise Circus redevelopment is located to the east side of Centenary Square.
Centenary Square itself is also about to be transformed. Late in 2014, Birmingham
City Council launched an international design competition for the redesign of the
square and the five short listed designers have been announced. Broad Street will
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be closed to private traffic and the metro tram system (approved under the Midland
Metro Extension Transport Works Act Order 2005), already under construction, will
link Centenary Square to New Street station and Snow Hill to the east and, in a
future phase, Edgbaston to the west. Removing the road creates the opportunity to
redesign Centenary Square as a high-quality public realm from building frontage to
building frontage.
The wider Arena Central site comprises two pieces of land. The main portion of the
site, an Enterprise Zone site, is bounded by Broad Street, Suffolk Street
Queensway, Bridge Street and Holliday Street. It contains the existing Grade II listed
Alpha Tower, the Crowne Plaza Hotel, the Grade II listed Former Birmingham
Municipal Savings Bank and the Arena Central Car Park. The other part of the site,
located to the south of Holliday Street, comprises the Centenary Plaza residential
and hotel development.
Centenary Plaza was the first plot of the wider Arena Central site to be developed.
Further consents have been granted on Plot F to the west of the Crowne Plaza Hotel
for a 250 bedroom Holiday Inn Express Hotel, Plot A (House of Sport) for an 8
storey office development with ancillary A1/A2/A3 at ground floor, Plots E1 and E2
for landscaping treatments. Last March planning consent was granted for two
residential towers on Plot G, to the south east of Alpha Tower.
A railway tunnel is located beneath the Broad Street / Suffolk Street corner of the
wider site, below the northern edge of Alpha Tower and the former Masonic Hall
fronting Broad Street. Across the Arena Central site ground levels fall by about 11m
from Broad Street down to Holliday Street.
Location Plan
Street View
Planning History
24 February 2000 Application 1997/04238/PA. Following a call-in inquiry, outline
planning permission was granted by the Secretary of State for redevelopment,
including a new tower of up to 175 metres in height, pedestrian areas and links to
provide a mixed use scheme comprising leisure/entertainment uses, health and
fitness and/or conference and exhibition/museum facilities, retail, financial and
professional services, food and drink, business, hotel and residential including car
parking, on land bounded by Broad Street, Suffolk Street Queensway, Bridge Street
and Holliday Street and land south of Holliday Street. All detailed matters were
reserved except for access, but the application was accompanied by extensive
illustrative details.
The consent included floorspace maxima for the proposed uses, circulation space,
servicing and plant areas. A maximum total new build floor space of 213,677 sqm
was conditioned. The Secretary of State restricted by condition the maximum
number of parking spaces to 2500, the location of the proposed tower to the Suffolk
Street Queensway/Holliday Street corner and the height of the tower to no more
than 175 metres. Conditions also included the requirement for an illustrative
masterplan to be maintained at all times for the Arena Central site, together with a
phasing plan.
The planning obligation attached to this application allowed for phased contributions
to public transport services in the city core of £1 million, £2 million and £2 million
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triggered by the development of floorspace thresholds of 100,000sq.ft, 200,000sq.ft
and 300,000sq.ft other than development on the former Municipal Bank site and the
NCP site.
5 April 2001 Application 2000/05569/PA. Reserved matters approval given, except
for landscaping, for the erection of a new building comprising 383 apartments with
the use of part of ground floor as a health club and/or uses within Classes A1, A2,
A3, B1 and D1(a), including parking and access points on land south of Holliday
Street (Centenary Plaza).
4 August 2003 Application 2003/02159/PA. Approval for landscaping reserved
matter associated with erection of 383 apartments on land south of Holliday Street.
3 February 2004 Application 2003/07235/PA. Planning permission granted for
extension of range of uses approved under Application 2000/05569/PA for part
ground floor to include retail, non-residential institutions and assembly and leisure.
9 December 2004 Application 2004/04693/PA. Extension of time to submit reserved
matters pursuant to Application 1997/4238/PA until 24 February 2010 granted. The
consent included an additional condition relating to aerodrome safeguarding. It
requires any part of the development that would exceed 242 metres in height above
ordnance datum to be accompanied by an aerodrome safeguarding impact
assessment, including any necessary mitigation measures. The measures and
programme for implementation are required to be agreed by the Local Planning
Authority and Birmingham Airport in advance of any construction above 242 metres.
6 July 2006. Your Committee were advised that an aerodrome safeguarding impact
assessment had been submitted in relation to a tower of up to 175 metres in height
on the Arena Central site. The assessment demonstrated that although a tower of
up 175 metres would significantly breach the obstacle limitation surface for the city
centre area of 242 metres in height, it would be acceptable in aerodrome
safeguarding terms, subject to compliance with construction management
requirements and lighting guidance issued by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Birmingham Airport consequently withdrew a previous objection lodged to the tower
element of the scheme and agreed that the aerodrome safeguarding condition
attached to Application 2004/04693/PA, as it related to the proposed tower, could be
discharged. Your Committee gave authority for that discharge.
4 October 2007 Application 2007/03635/PA. Reserved matters approved for the
erection of a new tower to include flats, restaurants and bars together with
landscaping, car parking and means of access on land between Suffolk Street
Queensway and Holliday Street. The tower had 50 levels (147m high) and contained
706 apartments (Plot G).
4 October 2007. Your Committee gave approval to the updated masterplan for the
Arena Central Site, this was submitted in accordance with condition 3 attached to
Application 1997/04238/PA (as amended by Application 2004/04693/PA) and
included the reduction in the scale of the proposed tower and adjustments to its
footprint together with increases to the scale of some buildings in later phases.
10 December 2008. Amended planning obligation completed to allow amendment to
the contributions to public transport services in the City Core (including the
Birmingham Gateway scheme) to £1.5 million, £2 million and £1.5 million which
would be triggered by the development of floorspace thresholds of 100,000sq.ft,
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200,000sq.ft and 300,000sq.ft other than development on the former TSB site and
the NCP site.
24 February 2010 Application 2009/03622/PA. Extension of time granted in relation
to Application 2004/04693/PA for submission of reserved matters until 24/02/2015.
12 April 2011 Application 2010/06462/PA. Application approved to vary conditions
10 and 14 attached to Application 2009/03622/PA to include re-phasing of Section
106 payments and Section 278 highway works.
17 May 2012 Application 2012/01429/PA. Reserved matters granted (access,
appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for erection of 210 bed hotel with
associated guest amenities health/sports facilities and atrium link (Plot F).
21 December 2012 Application 2012/08331/PA. Application to determine the details
of conditions 3 and 4 attached to planning approval 2010/06462/PA – approved.
19 April 2013 Application 2013/00363/PA. Reserved matter granted (access,
appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) for erection of 250 bed hotel with
associated guest amenities, and retail unit (Plot F).
8 July 2014 Application 2014/02475/PA. Variation of condition 14 (Section 278
highway works) attached to Application 2010/06462/PA to include the re-phasing
and scope of works/payments in response to the approved Paradise Circus
7 August 2014 Application 2014/04004/PA. Reserved matters granted for the
erection of a 7/8 storey office building with ancillary retail/restaurant and associated
parking, servicing and public realm (Plot A).
7 August 2014 Application 2014/04345/PA. Reserved matters granted for
landscaping works to form a linear park/pedestrian walkway for plots E1 and E2 and
surroundings and associated infrastructure.
6 March 2015 Application 2014/08220/PA. Reserved matters granted for Plot G of
Arena Central for residential development consisting of 322 residential apartments,
673sqm commercial floor space, circa 150 car parking spaces, cycle parking
spaces, landscaping & public realm improvements & plant & equipment.
13 February 2015 Application 2015/01111/PA. Reserved Matters Application
submitted for erection of two residential towers and ancillary ground floor
retail/commercial uses with associated access, car parking and servicing
arrangements, landscape and public realm proposals at Plots E1 & E2 – awaiting
13 February 2015 Application 2015/01112/PA. Reserved Matters Application
submitted for the creation of a new public open space including hard and soft
landscape and public realm proposals and underground car parking extension awaiting determination.
Consultation/PP Responses
Adjoining occupiers, residents associations, amenity societies, local ward councillors
and M.P. notified. Site and press notices displayed.
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BCC Transportation Development – no objections subject to conditions to prevent
occupation until provision of: the required car park; cycle parking and the turning and
parking areas. Also recommended are conditions to secure a construction
management plan, delivery vehicle management scheme, a commercial travel plan
and for the occupiers affiliate to Travelwise.
BCC Regulatory Services - no objections subject to conditions to secure details of: a
land decontamination strategy and verification report; fume extraction equipment
and refuse stores. In addition conditions should be attached to limit noise from plant,
delivery times and restaurant hours of use. They also recommend conditions to
promote sustainable modes of transport.
English Heritage – object to the proposal and recommend that amendments be
sought to reduce the harm to heritage assets. In particular:•
the current proposal is too close to Alpha Tower (and the vents) and this also
impacts negatively on Centenary Square and the Grade I listed Hall of Memory;
the stepped profile of the new building relates more to the New Library and
competes visually with Alpha Tower rather than ‘better revealing its significance’;
the proposed new building stretches further southwards than the consented
outline Masterplan reducing the amount of Alpha Tower that can be seen;
the height of this building is taller than the consented outline Masterplan and the
proposed building is too tall;
the distance between the former Municipal Bank and the new building is
justifiable and the stepped profile helps to reduce its impact but the overall
height is too tall and that the scale shown in the consented Masterplan is better;
the current proposal gives views onto Alpha Tower from the Hall of Memory at
ground level because of the stepped corner but restricts views of Alpha Tower at
its middle and upper heights;
currently there is a good view of Alpha Tower eastwards from Bridge Street with
the canal basin behind and all its industrial heritage. The height and mass of Plot
D would be crucial to maintaining this. However Plot C also has a key role to
play in this and its design should permit legibility of Alpha Tower from Bridge
Street; and,
can the frieze from the former Masonic Hall be salvaged and reused on this
West Midlands Police – at pre-application stage strong recommendations were
made around the closure of the unnecessary public pedestrian route to the east of
the Municipal Bank as this alleyway would have been the subject of very little natural
surveillance. Guidance was also provided on securing of the car park, lighting levels,
natural surveillance, CCTV and anti-graffiti coatings.
Severn Trent Water – no objections subject to a condition to secure the drainage
plans for the disposal of surface water and foul sewage.
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Network Rail - Monument Lane tunnel, also known as Birmingham New Street North
Tunnel, Structure Number RBS2/5 runs beneath this development. They therefore
recommend conditions to ensure that the proposal does not impact upon the safety,
operation and integrity of the railway.
Centro – any comments will be reported.
Conservation Heritage Panel – although one member felt that the building was too
close to Alpha Tower, overall the Panel were in favour of the proposed building and
considered it well designed.
At pre-application stage an earlier iteration of the scheme was taken to CABE who
made the following comments:•
Masterplan – the site’s planning history and approved Masterplan limit the scope
of the reserved matters applications and reduce the flexibility to revisit some of
the principles agreed previously. However, some elements of the Masterplan
require clarification. For example, they raised a number of concerns around the
location and height of Plot D (in the centre of the site), the character of the open
spaces, the need to strengthen connections through the site and introduce active
ground floor uses along the site boundaries.
Plot C Public Realm - The argument for creating the principal north-south route
along Plot A (1 Arena Central) is sound. In this context, the proposed recessed
entrance to Plot C, which is closed during out of office hours, would be
potentially confusing for pedestrians as it appears a main public route into the
site. The design of Alpha Plaza is of significant importance in defining the
relationship between Plot C and the listed Alpha Tower. It has to negotiate level
changes and guide pedestrians through the development. The eastern frontage
of Plot C overlooking Alpha Plaza is predominantly for service access, resulting
in a poor quality pedestrian environment with inactive frontages. The
recommend reorganising, for example by integrating an entrance to the lobby
from Alpha Plaza, Plot C to incorporate active uses in this important location.
The proposed footprint of the building creates a bottle neck situation adjacent to
the Crowne Plaza Hotel which is likely to generate conflict between cyclists,
service vehicles and pedestrians and needs to be addressed.
Layout and Massing - the concept of three interlocking blocks to articulate the
building is interesting. In principle, the proposed building height works well within
the site context. However, the proposed massing lacks the clarity of the
approach set out in the 2014 Masterplan update with the taller element set back
from Broad Street and a lower block relating to 301 Broad Street. The current
massing would challenge the prominence of the listed buildings in the overall
composition along Broad Street. Further the decision to mirror the chamfered
edge of Alpha Tower would negatively impact on the setting of the listed building
by closing the gap that defines the silhouette of Alpha Tower. Orientating the
building perpendicular to 301 Broad Street and following the building line of the
Crowne Plaza Hotel as suggested in the 2014 masterplan would be more
Elevation – the growing diversity of architectural styles around Centenary
Square may result in an incoherent townscape of competing buildings. While the
weave concept is compelling and could be successful, the weaves proportions
and thickness require a more delicate handling and complete revisit of how it
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meets the ground and how the top is addressed. They also recommend
preparing night time views to assess the proposal’s full impact on the adjacent
heritage assets. The double height entrance lobby and higher proportions for the
base of the building works well. However, the junction details with the listed
building needs further work to be resolved. They encourage the idea of a sky
garden to overlook Centenary Square further. They suggest testing solar
orientation and revisit fenestrations and transparency level to optimise its
environmental performance if required.
Policy Context
Birmingham UDP 2005 Saved Policies; Draft Birmingham Plan 2031; Places for All
SPG; Car Parking Guidelines SPD; Access for People with Disabilities SPD; Lighting
Places SPD and National Planning Policy Framework.
The Grade II Alpha Tower and Grade II Former Birmingham Municipal Savings Bank
at 301 Broad Street are adjacent. Nearby listed buildings include the Grade I Hall of
Memory and Grade II Baskerville House.
Planning Considerations
Principle of Development and Compliance with the Masterplan
Following the 2000 call in inquiry the Secretary of State approved a mixed use
scheme on the Arena Central site. The consent was subject to conditions to limit the
maximum floorspace across the entire development site to 213,677sqm, with the
amount of B1 offices limited to 80,000sqm. At that time the illustrative sketch layout
showed the general principles of a tall tower located in the south east corner of the
main Arena Central site and a number of other substantial buildings disposed
around a central public square. Since then the illustrative Masterplan presented to
the inquiry in 1999 has been superseded.
The 2014 approved Masterplan shows Plot C as an “L” shaped block, with a smaller
5 storey block fronting Broad Street and a larger 10 storey block to the rear and
perpendicular to it. The respective maximum heights (AOD) approved were 162.8m
and 179.55m (excluding rooftop plant) giving a building with a gross internal area of
The proposed building is significantly larger than that shown in the approved
Masterplan. It would have a trapezoidal footprint with the wider element along Broad
Street, then narrowing toward the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The footprint of the proposed
building is both wider and extends further south toward the Crowne Plaza Hotel than
that shown in the approved Masterplan. Building heights have also increased, with
the proposed building now generally 11 storeys with a lower 6 storey element
fronting Broad Street. Overall, the proposed building would be 192.65m AOD, about
14m taller than previously approved (188.65m AOD and 10m taller respectively, as
amended). The amount of floorspace has also increased to 25,000sqm GIA.
As the proposed amount of floorspace would be below the maximum limits, then in
principle I support the proposed office building. In addition as noted by CABE, the
concept of three interlocking blocks to articulate the building is interesting and in
principle, the building height works well within the site context. I also consider that
the proposed external appearance of the building satisfactory. However, the
increase in scale challenges the prominence of adjacent listed buildings and it is
necessary to consider this impact.
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Impact on Listed Buildings
Under the National Planning Policy Framework it is a core planning principle to
conserve heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance. When
considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a
designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation.
The more important the asset, the greater the weight should be. Significance can be
harmed or lost through alteration or destruction of the heritage asset or development
within its setting. It adds that proposals that preserve those elements of the setting
that make a positive contribution to or better reveal the significance of the asset
should be treated favourably.
English Heritage have objected to the application on grounds of impact on the
setting of the Grade II listed Alpha Tower, on the setting of the Grade II listed
Municipal Bank and the impact on the setting of the Grade I listed Hall of Memory.
Alpha Tower
The proposed building would be closer to Alpha Tower than shown in the approved
Masterplan. In addition, rather than being perpendicular to Broad Street, following
the orientation of the Crowne Plaza Hotel, the building is cranked outwards to follow
the chamfer of Alpha Tower. This further closes down the space between Alpha
Tower and the vents. However, there would still be a distance separation of 13.5m
between the two buildings, which I consider reasonable and provides sufficient open
space around Alpha Tower for it to be read as a separate building.
The proposed building is taller than the consented outline Masterplan. Tthe
consented Masterplan showed an “L” shaped block the proposed footprint is
trapezoidal and does not extend as far along Broad Street. This opens up views of
Alpha Tower at a lower level. In addition the north east corner of the proposed
building has been set back giving the building a stepped approach at the corner and
along the height of its elevation. The heritage statement states that this ‘helps to
break up the perceived mass and adds interest to the elevations’.
Furthermore, to help address concerns raised by English Heritage, amended plans
have been submitted reducing the buildings’ floor to ceiling heights, so that the
overall building height has been reduced by 4m. When compared to the Masterplan,
the proposed building would have a greater impact on mid and upper level views of
Alpha Tower, however, in my view these are offset by the better views of the lower
levels. I am therefore of the view that in its amended form the height of the proposed
building is acceptable and would appear clearly subservient to Alpha Tower.
The proposed new building also stretches further southwards than the consented
outline Masterplan. However, at the lower levels the proposed building is cut back to
reveal views of Alpha Tower, whilst from further west the future Plot D would partly
obscure mid and upper level views. Although the proposed scheme reduces views
of Alpha Tower, I do not consider that this harm is significant.
Municipal Bank, 301 Broad Street
The current application is closer to the listed Municipal Bank than that shown in the
approved Masterplan. However, the proposed building is no closer than the former
Masonic Hall that stood here. English Heritage consider the distance between the
bank and the new building justifiable but the height and scale better in the approved
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Masterplan. I have no objection to bringing the building closer to the bank, and whilst
the scale and massing is larger than in the approved Masterplan, the stepped profile
does help lessen the impact. Also the proposed building would be similar in height to
the approved Arena 1 office building on the west side of the Municipal Bank.
In detail, the cornice line of the Bank is followed by the second floor spandrel panel
of the new building. Furthermore, the proposed signage location above the main
entrance further highlights this important cornice line. In addition, a condition is
attached to secure details of gates between the two buildings and for re-use of the
frieze salvaged from the Masonic Hall.
Hall of Memory
The Grade I Hall of Memory is located on the north side of Broad Street, over 50m
away. Whereas the consented Masterplan included a block fronting Broad Street,
the current scheme does not extend as far along. This allows views of the Hall of
Memory between the eastern elevation of the proposed building and Alpha Tower.
This scheme therefore helps to better reveal this view and the view from the Hall of
Memory back toward Alpha Tower.
Summary of Impact on Listed Buildings
Overall, I believe there would be some harm to the setting of Alpha Tower, due to
the loss of views of the mid and upper levels and proximity of the proposed building,
however, I consider that the harm would be less than substantial. The relevant test
in the NPPF is therefore that set out in paragraph 134, which states that where a
development proposal will lead to less than substantial harm to the significance of a
designated heritage asset, this harm should be weighed against the public benefits
of the proposal.
Whilst I acknowledge that the proposed development would impact upon the setting
of Alpha Tower and to a lesser extent other nearby listed buildings, I consider that
this is outweighed by the public benefits of the proposal, namely, bringing forward:•
demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of an underused brownfield
a high quality office development for occupation by HSBC with over 1,000
funding to construct the next phases of the wider Arena Central development;
over £10m of infrastructure works including: a new north south route providing
pedestrian access from Broad Street to Holliday street through the site; a new
public square - Bank Court - to the rear of 301 Broad street; new landscaping
around Alpha Tower that would link into the Dandara scheme; new east-west
pedestrian route through the site from Alpha Plaza to Bridge Street, and re-use
of the Central House friezes within the development.
Public Realm Improvements
The landscape and public realm works proposed as part of this application would
provide connectivity across the wider Arena Central site, linking Alpha Plaza through
to previously approved infrastructure to be delivered as part of Plot A, Arena 1. The
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proposal also includes significant improvements to Alpha Plaza itself, which would
tie this area into the works associated with both the Arena Central proposals and the
Dandara residential scheme to the south of Alpha Tower.
To the north of Plot D a new public space would be created, referred to as Bank
Court. This would connect up with the previously approved infrastructure and
provide a pedestrian route across the site. As well as a through route this open
space would evolve into the access area for development on both Plots C and D and
has been designed to accommodate the potential future redevelopment of 301
Broad Street. Widening Plot C has reduced the size of this new public square but
this is offset by a 9m deep colonnade to the north of Plot D.
The site is on a fairly steep hill and the Masterplan seeks to improve on the
accessibility of the existing streetscape. Between Broad Street and Alpha Plaza, a
new flight of steps replaces the existing steps and underpass. This results in a larger
flight of steps, but one which is more clearly legible. The existing ramped pavement
around to the East Row subway provides the accessible alternative to these steps.
The steps between Alpha Plaza and Arena Central to the south of the proposed new
building open up a route into the site which did not previously exist. A public lift is
provided as an alternative to these steps, because there is not enough space
available for a ramp for the level change of approximately 5m.
The previous Masterplan included a public route to the east side of the Bank
between Broad Street and Bank Court. This has been closed to the public and is
now a gated maintenance path only. I have no objections to this route being closed
as there are no ground or first floor windows in the east façade of the Municipal
Bank, so there would be no surveillance from this side. Its closure is strongly
supported by the West Midlands Police, through the Secure by Design review.
Additionally there is a new north-south route is being created on the other side of the
Transportation and Parking Issues
The site occupies a city centre location within 5 minutes walking distance of
Birmingham New Street Railway Station and the central shopping area and is highly
accessible by various modes of public transport. The sustainability of this location in
terms of its proximity to key transport nodes would also be enhanced further through
proposals to provide the Birmingham Metro extension at the north and east of the
The car park provides 101 car parking spaces split across three basement areas.
Basement 1 and 2 has an entrance from Bridge Street via a new vehicle only
access. This has been approved under an earlier application 2014/04004/PA but no
work has yet been progressed on this part of the site or the necessary s278
agreement. A Grampian style condition is therefore attached to deliver these works.
The basement 3 car park has an access shared with the Britannia Car Park that has
an existing access on Holliday Street. The BCC parking guidelines notes a
maximum 450 spaces for a development of this size but the level of parking is
commensurate with other office developments in the City centre, and accords with
sustainable principles seeking to reduce reliance on the private car where public
transport provision is extremely good. This also accords with the wider outline
planning consent that has permitted the site up to 2500 parking spaces.
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Cycle parking with a store for 140 cycles is provided in this area along with showers
and lockers. The minimum guidelines seek 67 spaces so this is a positive measure
with the associated cycling facilities provided. Refuse stores and access to service
the retail units is indicated from the Bridge Street access but also from the Alpha
Tower/Dandara site which is part of Arena Central. At this stage the potential for
retail, café, restaurant or similar uses is unknown and as such the levels of servicing
can only be speculated on. The basement plans show vehicles about 7 metres in
length. There are also a number of doors that open onto the public realm space in
between the plot and Alpha Tower, but no details are shown on where a vehicle can
link or trolley goods to this site. As the Broad Street frontage would be restricted with
the Metro stop all servicing has to take place from other locations/routes.
There would be a minimal level of impact of traffic on the highway from this proposal
and the wider outline approval resulting from the appeal decision has covered the
wider traffic impact in its analysis.
Planning Conditions
As recommended by BCC Transportation conditions are attached to prevent
occupation until provision of: the required car park; cycle parking and the turning and
parking areas. Also attached are conditions to secure a construction management
plan, delivery vehicle management scheme, a commercial travel plan and for the
occupiers affiliate to Travelwise.
In addition to the above conditions, BCC Regulatory Services, Network Rail and
Severn Trent Water have suggested a number of safeguarding conditions. Some of
these are attached to the outline consent and it is not necessary to repeat them
again. However, as there is no residential accommodation adjoining I do not
consider it necessary to attach conditions to restrict hours of use of the ground floor
commercial uses.
Proposed Revised Masterplan
Attached to the outline planning consent is a condition requiring an that an
illustrative master plan, to include phasing, for the whole of the application site be
maintained at all times, to the satisfaction of the local planning authority. It adds that
the plan shall be submitted for further consideration by the local planning authority
together with each application for approval of reserved matters. The plans shall
show the general disposition of buildings and uses around the site consistent with
the floorspace levels hereby approved and shall show the relationship between
completed development, the phase in respect of which reserved matters or other
scheme is submitted and the remainder of the site.
In support of the current reserved matters application a Revised Masterplan has
been submitted. The Revised Masterplan includes the changes proposed in respect
of the current application.
In response to concerns raised by CABE, a Revised Masterplan has been submitted
with Plot D rotated through 90 degrees to give a better relationship with Plot C. It
also incorporates a 9m deep colonnade facing Bank Court to better animate this
space. Parameters for the building height – 18-20 plus ground have also been
indicated. With regard to the concerns about active ground floor uses along the site
boundaries, this will be addressed through the current reserved matter application
for Plots E1 and E2. Overall I consider that the Revised Masterplan is satisfactory.
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This application seeks approval for reserved matter for an office building with ground
floor ancillary retail and/ or commercial uses. In addition, the proposal would create
a significant public realm around the proposed building, connecting to the first phase
of the public realm approved under planning permission (2014/04345/PA) and
providing an east-west link from Alpha Plaza through the site. The proposals also
provide for significant public realm improvements in Alpha Tower itself.
The proposals represent the second phase of proposed office development on the
site, following the approval of reserved matters for 1 Arena Central
(2014/04004/PA), which together with other recently approved reserved matters
application for Plot F and Plot G sees the original Masterplan vision for Arena
Central coming to fruition.
Although the building is larger than shown in the approved 2014 Masterplan, I
consider that its scale, massing and appearance is satisfactory. Whilst I
acknowledge that the proposed development would impact upon the setting of Alpha
Tower and to a lesser extent other nearby listed buildings, I consider that this harm
is outweighed by the public benefits of the proposal.
In addition to the conditions attached to the outline planning consent a number of
other safeguarding conditions are attached. Together these address the concerns
raised by BCC Transportation Development, BCC Regulatory Services, Network
Rail and Severn Trent Water.
The Revised Masterplan addresses some of the concerns raised by CABE and the
remaining issues will be addressed through consideration of the current reserved
matters application for Plots E1 and E2 and the landscaping scheme.
That approval be given to the reserved matters submitted for access, appearance,
landscaping, layout and scale, in respect of outline planning application
2014/02475/PA, as they relate to Plot C of the scheme, subject to the conditions
listed below:
That approval be given to the Masterplan Update Revision 03A Dated April 2015
submitted in accordance with Condition 3 attached to outline planning application
Requires the prior submission of a contamination remediation scheme
Requires the prior submission of a contaminated land verification report
Shop Front Design
Limits the noise levels for Plant and Machinery
Requires the prior submission of hard and/or soft landscape details
Requires the prior submission of a lighting scheme
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Requires the prior submission of a construction method statement/management plan
Requires the prior submission of sample materials
Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans
Requires the prior submission of a CCTV scheme
Requires the prior submission of details of gates between 301 Broad Street
Requires the prior submission of temporary landscape and boundary details
Requires the prior submission of extraction and odour control details
Prevents occupation until the turning and parking area has been constructed
Requires the prior submission of a commercial travel plan
Requires the provision of cycle parking prior to occupation
Requires the prior submission of details of a delivery vehicle management scheme
Requires the applicants to join Travelwise
Requires the prior submission and completion of works for the S278/TRO Agreement
Requires the prior submission of a method statement relating to works in the vicinity of
the railway tunnel
Requires the prior submission of a risk assessment and method statement
Requires the prior submission of a drainage scheme
Requires the prior submission of details of earthworks and excavations
Case Officer:
David Wells
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Location Plan
(War Memorial)
u se
Birmingham Conserv
F le
Alpha Tower
Car Park
Exhibition Hall
Car Park
Car Park
This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her
Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or
civil proceedings. Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2010
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