Jordan United Church of Christ Joy of Jordan Volume 53, Issue 7 J u l y/ A u g u s t 2 0 1 4 From Your Senior Pastor We were on vacation last year and I was reading USA Today. The headline caught my eye. “Hotels tell guests they can sleep in on Sundays.” “A growing number of hotels are granting travelers a reprieve from the oppressive 11 a.m. checkout on Sundays, when they have fewer guests checking in to take over the rooms.” I realize that the second clause in the sentence was really the topic of the remainder of the article, but as a minister, it was that phrase “oppressive 11 a.m. checkout on Sundays” that got my attention. You’ve got to be kidding, right? was, until somewhat recently, a hallmark of American life. But adults are even divided on the importance of attending church with 49% saying it is “somewhat” or “very” important, and the other 51% saying it is “not too” or “not at all” important. Especially among the “Millennial” generation (those 30 and under) is this true. Only two in ten believe church going is important, and 59% of those who grew up in the church have dropped out at some point. More than half of those who are under 30 haven’t been to church in at least six months. Although the motivation for those attending worship regularly is “to be closer to God,” the top two reasons unchurched Americans said they didn’t think attending church was important Well, no. Although the point of the arti(across age and denomination): “I find cle was the flexibility for late checkouts God elsewhere” (40%) and “Church is as a relatively low cost benefit for hotel not relevant to me personally” (35%). guests, there was a deeper reality In 2004, 43% of Americans said they which was unnamed here. That is, for attended church regularly. In the most many Americans, attending Sunday recent Barna poll, 36% identified themmorning services are increasingly less selves in this way. A changed reality I important for their spiritual lives. When have certainly noticed at Jordan is that the Barna Group last year asked Ameriin the recent past, regular churchgoers cans what, if anything, helps them grow were those who attended at least three in their faith, the answers included Sundays a month. Now those who will prayer, family or friends, reading the say they are regular church attenders Bible, having children, but the church may only come every four to six weeksdid not even crack the top ten list! Are --and we are feeling that trend keenly in you surprised? The Church is really Sunday School, where it is difficult for not “the only game in town” anymore. teachers to plan with such sporadic When once we needed to actually get attendance patterns among families up and drive to worship, now we can with school-aged children. watch live stream services and podcasts of sermons online. When once The church, Bishop Will Willimon Hackman’s was the only place to get a (speaking in March 2007 at Moravian Bible, we can now have an entire colTheological Seminary) is geared to lection of Bible translations on our bolting everything down, in order to phones. I’m not suggesting this gain a sense of stability. That worked changed reality is better, but it certainly in the past—just check out our pews — IS different, and we have more Chrisbut the metaphor is no longer working. tian resources at our fingertips than Outsiders often see the church as rigid ever before—with 24 hour Christian and inflexible. And while many of us music radio and television stations have fond memories of growing up in available. the life of the church (some Allentown churches even had their own basement Church involvement and participation bowling alleys in the 1950’s!), the Inside this issue: Treasurer’s Report 2 Wally’s World 3 From Pastor Alice 4 St. Luke’s Clothing Drive 4 Mark Your Calendars 5 Spiritual Growth 5 Koinonia Calendar 6 Volunteer Opportunities 6 Church School 6 Prospective Confirmands 6 Weird Animals VBS 7 Book Club 8 Knit for Kids 8 Teach Jordan’s Kids 8 Musical Notes 9 Book Bag Drive 9 Prayers & Squares 10 3M Trips 10 Volunteers are Disciples 10 Crosses for Liberia 10 Autumn Glory Bazaar 11 Basket Social 11 Community Events 12 Peace Garden 12 Sponsorships 13 Reading Rebels 13 Happy Birthday! 13 Volunteer Opportunities 13 Contact Information 14 Calendar 15 Page 2 church cannot remain a household of sentimentality. Whether or not we “like” it, change is necessary and will happen as the church continues to adapt not the timeless message of the gospel, but the way in which we present this “treasure in earthen vessels” (2 Corinthians 4:7) This is an issue we need to deal with. We are already discussing worship styles and particularly what kind of music will most help us glorify God in our day and age? We need to think about realigning our staffing to create a position for a worship director to assist us in growing our proposed third service—an alternate style of worship, somewhat like we experienced with our Saturday evening service. How about an online giving program right from our increasingly interactive and outward directed web presence? We need to invest in updating our Sunday School rooms with more technology, and reviewing the overall program. What is our desired outcome with the children, youth, and adults who attend—involving about 100 folks on any given Sunday? We need to offer more training on how to be invitational to those who are searching for a deeper relationship with Christ and don’t know how to take the first step, literally maybe, but spiritually certainly, into the church. And although the care of our facility is important, we should consider that many younger adults gather around coffee, and maybe it’s time to allow folks to participate in worship carrying a covered cup of coffee if they de- V ol um e 53, I s s ue 6 sire. And does the Pastor, choir, pire, while we, with all our resources and acolytes continue to wear robes and rigor, are slowly losing influor not in this more casually dressed ence in our culture? time in which we live? “The early church leaders didn’t The above, I realize is all technique have the things we now consider and about us if we don’t place the essential for our faith. They didn’t gospel at the center. In John, Jesus have official church buildings, vision asks, “Do you not say, ‘Four statements or core values. They months, then comes the harvest?’ had no social media, radio broadBut I tell you, look around you and casts or celebrity pastors. They see how the fields are ripe for hardidn’t even have the completed vesting.” (4:35) What are we waiting New Testament. Christ-followers for? It begins with the Holy Spirit were often deeply misunderstood, convicting us that the time to open persecuted and some gave their wide the doors to impacting our so- lives for their faith. Yet they loved ciety with Christ is now. If not now, and they served and they prayed then when? If not with love, then and they blessed—and slowly, over how? It’s not about us and our pref- hundreds of years, they brought the erences—it is about the desperate empire to its knees. They did it need of the people who drive by us though love.” every day looking for purpose and “One generation shall laud your meaning in their lives, but don’t works to another….” (Psalm even think of finding it in a church. 145:4a). May it be so for us as we We have our work cut out for us, seek to be faithful to the gospel and don’t we? relevant to our times. Jon Tyson, a NYC pastor in one of the most Post-Christian cities in our country, notes: “How could the early church capture the imagination of the Roman em- The Reverend Doctor David Charles Smith Senior Pastor and Teacher J o y o f J o rd a n Page 3 Pastor Wally’s World Busy, Busy, Busy!!! Life runs faster and faster. I remember watching the clock in grade school; the hands moved so slow. I thought the school day would never be over. Today, when I look at the hands, they seem like second hands; The hours fly by too quickly. I have too much to do in the day, and not enough time to achieve my quota. with work and enjoying its bounty. Work hard and you will be blessed. Working as a farmer, this was the mentality. But each year that went by I noticed the blessings were different, yet the work load increased. And still something was missing. The harder I worked, the more tired I became, and the more frustrated I was. God was not giving me joy. Why not?! I was a good person! I worked hard for my money! Why was I not happy and I am not the only one who sufcontent? Was it because I was fers from this tread-mill mentaliliving the Old Covenant? If I ty. The rat race is alive and well obeyed the rules and put my in America, from parents connose to the grindstone, life fessing their displeasure, to retirwould be good and meaningful. ees with their booked schedules, Right? to youth saying they do not have enough time in a day. This man- Lets look at the New Covenant. made, goal-oriented, driven atti- The story Mary and Martha tude is talked about in the Bible. comes to mind. A woman by the The Old Covenant suggests this name of Martha welcomed Jeworkmanship mentality. The sus and his disciples to her writer in Ecclesiastes 5:18-20, home and was feeding them. (many claim it to be King SoloShe had a sister, Mary, who sat mon) writes, "After looking at the before the Master, hanging on way things are on this earth, every word he said. But Martha here's what I've decided is the was pulled away by all she had best way to live: take care of to do in the kitchen. Later, she yourself, have a good time, and stepped in, interrupting them. make the most of whatever job “Master, don't you care that my you have for as long as God sister has abandoned the kitchgives you life. and that's about it. en to me? Tell her to lend me a That's the human lot. Yes, we hand.” The master said, “Martha, should make the most of what dear Martha, you're fussing far God gives, both the bounty and too much and getting worked up the capacity to enjoy it, accept- over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has choing what's given and delighting in the work. It's God's Gift. God sen it. It's the main course, and deals out joy in the present, the won't be taken from her." (Luke now. It's useless to brood over 10: 39 -42 The Message) how long we might live." (The Why was Martha without joy? If Message) she worked hard, would not God Many can relate to this mission. give her joy, like King Solomon, Life is about me. If I do it right, the wisest of them all, predicted? God will give me joy. Joy comes But King Solomon did not know Jesus. The Way of Christ turns the way of the law upside down. Martha was so distracted that she could not even know Jesus. She was busy doing good deeds to experience God in her own house. Do we do this? Do we intentionally over-burden ourselves, missing out on God dwelling in our own house, where our biggest sins occur? Achieving our tasks becomes priority over our relationships with each other. We avoid difficult conversations by filling our life with busyness. We lie to ourselves by denying the problems we see each day. We avoid dealing with them. Martha did not what to sit and listen to Jesus. Her Old Covenant way of thinking enslaved her to her sins. Jesus is the way to peace, joy, hope, and love in our lives. The Law, Good deeds, and work will not satisfy you; this is not the Good News. So what if we decided to be children of God and act the way Christ told us to act in whatever we do each day? Mary sat and learned the New Covenant of Grace so that she did not have to waste her energy trying to earn grace. She was set free from sins of the flesh like anger, jealousy, resentment, fatigue, and worry to live a life trusting God and in relationship with him. So when she did work, her heart was filled with God, not worry and fatigue. This is what brings joy in our heart when we love our God: We feel secure and loved—all is well in this life and also in the next. Blessings, Wally Page 4 V ol um e 53, I s s ue 6 FROM PASTOR ALICE COMING ATRACTIONS! A Bead and a Prayer: A Beginner’s Guide to Protestant Prayer Beads. This book by Kristen E. Vincent will be the focus of a 4-5 week Bible study coming in the fall. The dates have not been set as yet but the excitement is building. During this past “Go Deeper” Lent experience two small groups met to learn more about the different ways to pray and different tools we might use to enhance our prayer time. We discovered that many of the group members were excited to learn about using prayer beads and expressed an interest in learning even more! Not only that, but there will be an opportunity to make your own set of beads if you would choose to do that. The Crafty Disciples and I have gathered together a couple of times in the spring to review the instructions included in the book and have put together a number of prayer bead sets to be used for this fall prayer study and, (if I am allowed to brag a little bit), they are beautiful! Many thanks to the crafters who helped to make them and who helped me to understand the process better. The weekly themes will include: Why Prayer Beads? ~ Why Prayer Beads for Protestants? ~ How to Use Prayer Beads ~ and How to Listen with Prayer Beads. The study will be open to everyone and is designed to be a spiritual learning experience. THERE IS ALSO TALK about repeating the original prayer group experience in some form in the fall as well so you will want to keep your eyes, your hearts and your spirits open for all of our coming attractions! Until then, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” (Num. 6:24-26) WOMEN’S MINISTRY OVER THE SUMMER – Second Saturdays! Life is full and even when we are supposed to be relaxing and experiencing some fun and recreation over the summer we still seem to be as busy as ever. But maybe it would be nice just to break away from our hectic summer “vacations” with some friends for a relaxing breakfast on a Saturday morning. That is what “Second Saturdays” is all about. We will join together at a local restaurant for breakfast, fun and fellowship. Our first gathering will be Saturday, July 12, at 9:00 AM, place - TBD. We’ll do it again on Saturdays, August 9th and September 13th. Sign-up sheets will be available beginning Sunday, June 22nd on the Spiritual Life bulletin board. The ROSE team wants to stay in touch and to keep Women’s Ministry at Jordan growing as we go. Please talk to Pastor Alice with your interest or for further information. Pastor Alice DID YOU KNOW… ...we collect used clothing for St.Luke’s Clothes Closet? We take gently used clothes for all ages. This includes underwear, socks, shoes, purses, hats, belts, baby items and more. Also soft household items, sheets, blankets, pillows, towels, curtains, etc. The hardest items to come by are men’s items: pants, socks, underwear, and tee shirts. We are completely out of men’s short sleeved tee shirts, with the summer weather we really need your help. If you need additional information contact Pat Markle, 610-262-7464 or [email protected]. J o y o f J o rd a n Page 5 MARK YOUR CALENDARS Friday, July 4—Church Office Closed In celebration of Independence Day Saturday, July 5 & 12, 10:00 AM—VBS Decorating Days Come help us build sets and make decorations. Pizza will be served. Sunday, July 6, 9:30 AM—First Outdoor Worship in the Harting Chapel Join us for worship in our “Cathedral in the Trees” - The Harting Chapel on Look Out Hill every Sunday, weather permitting Monday, July 14—Friday, July 18, 6:00-8:30 PM—Weird Animals VBS Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind! (Register ASAP!) Sunday, July 20, 9:30 AM—Weird Animals VBS Sunday Come and hear amazing stories and song in our air-conditioned Sanctuary! Sunday, August 3, 9:30 AM—Summer Communion Service Because of Communion, worship will be held inside. Friday, August 15—September Newsletter Articles Due Friday, August 15, 7:05 PM—Jordan Night at the Iron Pigs Sunday, August 24, 9:30 AM—Blessing of the Backpacks Bring your kids’ school backpacks to worship SUMMER SPIRITUAL GROWTH IDEAS that also help you keep physically active! 1. Walk the Labyrinth (painted on the circle at the top of cemetery drive on Lookout Hill) and pray or meditate while you do. 2. Help set up for Sunday Morning services in the Harting Chapel. Lots of items must be taken outside for our services. A van or pick-up truck also helps. Tell Linda in the Church Office when you are available. 3. Stroll through the Peace Garden—and then after you are refreshed, bend down to pull up a few weeds! After a long and difficult winter, let’s enjoy the beauty of our sacred outdoor space here at Jordan. See you outside soon! - Dr. Smith DO YOU ENJOY MOVIES FROM A FAITH PERSPECTIVE? WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE THE FIRST TO PREVIEW AND PROMOTE FILMS IN OUR AREA? We've received an invitation from Echolight Cinemas to preview new releases, schedule showings at the church, and host those who purchase tickets. The commitment would likely be three or four movies a year, all first-run new releases. If you are interested in this as a new ministry opportunity for you to consider, please speak to Doctor Smith. Page 6 V ol um e 53, I s s ue 6 KOINONIA SCHEDULE Koinonia is invited to the McCays family cabin on Lake Harmony which is located north of Jim Thorpe. We will meet at Jordan 9:00 AM Wednesday July 23. Bring a lunch and we will provide supper. We plan to return to Jordan by 9:00 PM. Volunteer to Mary Heller to bring a dessert or snack. The leaders NEED TO KNOW WHO IS COMING ALONG to plan transportation and food. Call Mary (610-799-0372) on or before July 19. KOINONIA OPPORTUNITIES TO VOLUNTEER NOW July 14-18, VBS – Evenings. Your help is always priceless. Mark your calendars now The Koinonia Kick-Off is September 7. TO THE CONGREGATION Please pray for the 7 youth (Josiah, Jordan and Jonah Smith, Matt and Josh Kiser, Brieanna Jackson and Ryan Muller) and Mary Heller, their adult leader, who are attending the Regional Youth Event at Susquehanna University July 9 to July 13. Our Sunday school year concluded on June 1st, with our annual Promotion Program. It is always a fun morning filled with songs, readings and statements about what each class learned. We also promoted students to their next class. Our classes will resume September 7th at 9:15 am. Our Vacation Bible School will be held July 14 to 18 from 68:30 pm. The program is for children from 3 years old through youth going to 7th grade. Please check out the other articles for details and registration information. I hope to see all of Jordan’s children and youth at VBS. They will have a GREAT time. Parents and adults are needed to help make this program possible. Please consider helping – it will be fun and rewarding. CONGRATULATIONS to the 2014 Confirmation class, and a very special than you to this year’s mentors. They helped to guide a faith journey, and made a commitment to God’s family. PROSPECTIVE MENTORS: It looks like next year there will be 8-10 young people in need of a mentor to give them guidance, support, and be a Christian role-model. If you are interested in this rewarding experience, please call Pastor Wally Frisch (610-395-2218 x214) or Karen Brown (610-398-0999). PROSPECTIVE CONFIRMANDS: If your child will be in the eighth grade and/or 14 years of age by May 24, 2015, they are invited to be a part of this year’s Confirmation program. A REQUIRED orientation for prospective students and parent(s) will be held Wednesday, September 3, 6:00 PM in the Social Hall. If you are planning to attend, please call the Church Office (610-395-2218) or e-mail us ([email protected]). J o y o f J o rd a n Page 7 Something WEIRD is Coming to Vacation Bible School this Summer! July 14-18, 6:00-8:30 PM You might hear the word “weird” and think it’s mean. But what “weird” really means is something is special… unique… rare… never seen before… one-of-a-kind! KIDS OF ALL AGES ARE WELCOME! Ozzy’s Preschool Park is for ages 3 to 5 and provides a great atmosphere and special lessons, crafts, and games tailored just for little hands and spirits. Zoo Crews are for kids going into 1st grade through going into 5th grade where kids have the opportunity to get to know kids of different ages in small groups that feel like being in a family! Zoo Zone (NEW this year!) is for youth going into 6th or 7th grade! Youth will have their own programming, separate from the crews, which will include a focus on service, preparing them to be future leaders. THERE ARE ONLY 50 SPOTS AVAIALABLE! SIGN UP ASAP TO GUARANTEE YOUR CHILD A SPOT! WE STILL NEED VOLUNTEERS TO MAKE VBS HAPPEN! Bible Teachers (one night commitment) Snack Leader Zoo Zone (Youth) Leader Preschool Bible Teacher Preschool Gizmos Teacher Preschool KidVid Teacher Photographers Set-Up/Clean-Up Crew Crew Leaders & Helpers (youth & adult) DONATIONS NEEDED Pick a leaf or paw print from the board, or put a donation in an envelope in the Parlor, Come to our Decorating Days! Everyone is welcome either July 5 or July 12, 10:00 AM –2:00 PM to help us build sets, paint buddies, and decorate the church for VBS week! Pizza will be served, fun music played, and a general good time for all! REGISTRATION AND VOLUNTEER FORMS, ARE IN THE PARLOR. Page 8 V ol um e 53, I s s ue 6 World Vision, distribution for Knit for Kids, in 2013 forwarded 53,729 sweaters to children in the UC and 20 different countries in eastern Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Recently, Lay Fellowship has contributed 34 sweaters (work of 3 knitters) to this project. Over 10 years, they have sent more than 500 sweaters. The project has now expanded to include not only sweaters but also baby blankets and new born caps. Instructions for these items has been received. OPPORTUNITY TO TEACH JORDAN’S CHILDREN ABOUT GOD’S LOVE Do you enjoy spending time with young children? Do you believe it is important to teach If you are interested in either of these projects, contact Faith young children about Jesus? Do Gensler for the instructions. you want to share the love of God with others? If you answered yes to There will not be a meeting in July or one or more of these questions I August. Over the summer the read have an opportunity for you. One or will be a continuation of “The Walk” two teachers are needed to teach our pre-K class (4 and 5 year olds). series. We will discuss as many of The teaching would be shared. the books as all of us have read. The date for that discussion is September 22, 6:00 PM Teaching and spending time with in the Faith Café. Feel free to attend even if you have these children will brighten your not completed the book, have not read the book at all day. I hope that you will consider but it is of interest, liked or disliked, or just want to lis- helping with this class. If you are interested or have any questions ten to the conversation, you are welcome! please call Ann (610-433-8919) or e If you have any questions, -mail her ([email protected]). please contact Linda Townsend. LOCAL SUMMER CAMPS: Young People Making Peace (July 21-25, 9:00 AM to noon) Five morning of stories, songs, games, crafts, and learning activities related to the broad topic of peace and justice, sponsored by Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern and the Center for Humanistic Change. For children ages 5-12 who have completed Kindergarten to 6th grade at First Presbyterian Church, Allentown. For more information, call (610-691-8730) Biking for Spiritual Exercise (August 3-6) Allan and Nancy Kramer-Moyer, under the sponsorship of New Goshenhopppen UCC, East Greenville, PA, are leading a four day bike camp on the Perkiomen and Schuykill River Trails. We will camp at Green Lane and Evansburg parks, with side trips to Valley Forge, Audubon natural site, and an afternoon of canoeing the Schuykill Canal. Ages 13 and older. All skill levels welcome. All riding will be on trails off road. For further information, contact the Kramer-Moyers (610-434-0534 or [email protected]) J o y o f J o rd a n Page 9 Musical Notes lives, even the number of hairs on our head. (Matthew 10:30) He Joseph Scriven was born in Dubhas already paid the price for our lin in 1820. When he was a sins on the cross (Isaiah 53:4-6). young man, his fiancée acciWe may still experience consedentally fell into a pond and quences for our poor choices, drowned on the eve of their wedbut Jesus walks through that ding. Scriven's grief led him to with us too and helps us mend travel, and he ended up in Canaour broken ways and repent. da, where he lived for the last forty of his sixty six years. He When we let our struggles come became a faithful Christian, and between us and God, we have a his love for the Lord led him to lack of faith. When this happens, work for poor widows and sick those of us who have given our people. lives over to Jesus the Savior need to: It was not until after Scriven's death that it was discovered that confess to God our lack of he was a gifted poet. A friend faith (Mark 9:24) who was staying with Scriven in get busy reading Scripture to a time of illness found a poem get a head adjustment Scriven had written to his mother (Hebrews 4:12) I require nuin 1855. Scriven had not intendmerous head adjustments a ed that others should read this: day; you? What a Friend we have in Jesus, wait for the Holy Spirit enable All our sins and griefs to bear! our faith (Romans 8:23-26). What a privilege to carry When we experience at heart Everything to God in prayer! Oh, what peace we often forfeit, level God's being with us through Oh, what needless pain we bear, both good and bad times, our awe and love for Him increases. All because we do not carry We see His faithfulness and Everything to God in prayer. catch more moments of wonder This was set to music by hymn at His almighty power. This rubs writer Charles Converse in 1868, off, and can be a strong influand has been used by countless ence on those who do not permissionaries as a first song to sonally know Jesus. Others will teach converts. Understandable. sometimes wonder how ChrisJesus is our most faithful Friend. tians can have peace and joy in The God of the universe is interdark times and we have an opested in every small detail of our What a Friend! portunity to tell them what Jesus has done for us and much more importantly who God is. This is not a popular conversation topic in worldly culture, but its importance blows away any notion that we are entitled to ease and acceptance in our dealings with others. Everyone needs Jesus as their best Friend. This life is short like a vapor (James 4:14). In the end, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord (Isaiah 45:23, Philippians 2:9-11). These lovely summer months will slip away. Will we become any more like Jesus by the end of the summer? We should each ask God our faithful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6) where to start and spend time seeking Him to find out. We will be like those we associate with. In modern words, we will be like our "besties" who we "hang out with." Alana Acker Choir Director and Organist ANNUAL BOOK BAG DRIVE FOR ST.LUKE’S NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Yes, school just let out for the summer, but August will be here before you know it. The Mission Committee will be collecting book bags (backpacks) August 3 through August 17. During the Social Hour August 17, we will be taking donations for those who don’t want to shop but do want to help. We will do the shopping for you. We hope you will be as generous this year as you have been in the past. Page 10 V ol um e 53, I s s ue 6 Prayers and Squares—Prayer Quilt Ministry We will be making little dresses for Africa and shorts for the boys. If anyone is interested in participating in a workshop, please contact Lucille Schantz (610 966-3439 or [email protected]) or Marilyn Durner (610 295-0683 or [email protected]). 3M BUS TRIPS FOR 2014 VALLEY FORGE NATIONAL PARK AND AMERICAN TREASURE TOUR Tuesday, September 30 Cost is $81.00 and includes lunch as well as a step -on guide at Valley Forge. American Treasure Tour is a 90 minute guided tram tour. There is very minor walking with this trip. Bus departs at 8:30AM and returns approximately 5:00PM. Payment is due by August 26th. AMERICAN MUSIC THEATRE Tuesday, December 2 SHOW: "Joy To The World" Lunch at Eden Resort (Entree selection available at a later date) Cost $82 - Payment due October 28 Depart - 11:00 AM and return 7:00 PM For more information, or to make reservations for these trips, please contact Kathleen Huber (610437-0635). A new weight loss support group will begin Thursday, August 14, 5:45 PM . The sessions run for 10 weeks. New people are invited to attend the last session August 7 to preview a meeting before joining. Registration is open the first two weeks of the new session For more information and cost, please contact Lucille Schantz ([email protected] or 610-966-3439) or Kathleen Huber ([email protected] or 610-437-0635). JORDAN VOLUNTEERS ARE DISCIPLES It is now summer, and of course that includes warm weather, rain (not snow!) and mowing! Lots and Lots of mowing. As I am walking in or leaving for the day I see someone mowing somewhere on the property. As this is a lot of property to tend, we are very grateful for our Grounds Committee. They are very dedicated and do a wonderful job. If you would like to be a part of this group, please contact Richard Schantz (610966-3439). Thank you to everyone on the Grounds Committee! CROSS NECKLACES FOR LIBERIA Inexpensive crosses are being gathered to make necklaces for the children of Liberia. This is a good time to clean out your jewelry box and share Christ with others. If you have any inexpensive crosses you would like to donate, please give them to Karen Redmond or turn them into the Church Office. If the cross is already on a chain, that is great, but if it needs a chain or jump ring, we can add that for you. The necklaces will be given to Jordan Smith so she can hand deliver them when she goes to Liberia. J o y o f J o rd a n Page 11 Autumn Glory Bazaar Crafter & Vendor Show Saturday, October 11 Jordan’s 56th Bazaar Two Floors of Crafts & Vendors More than 70 tables of all kids of things! The Little Shopper’s Shop (for children 10 and under) Food, Fruit Pies, Shoofly Pies, & Pumpkin Rolls. Bargains will be in our Attic Treasures, Santa’s Attic, & Read It Again Plus a Raffle & Chinese Auction If you are a Crafter or Vendor, and would like to be a part of the Bazaar, contact Martina Chertok at [email protected] Proceeds from the Bazaar support Jordan 14TH ANNUAL BASKET SOCIAL Evening Event: Friday, November 14, doors open 5:30 PM, drawing 7:00 PM Your To Do List: Enjoy Summer Talk to your friends & relatives Get excited Next comes Fall Purchase your ticket Gather new items for your theme basket In November, wrap your basket (or bring us your new items to be wrapped by the committee) October 20 to November 10: Bring your basket to church! (Set-Up is November 11) An order form will be included in your September newsletter. Fill it out completely. Enclose cash or check. You may send it to Danette Campbell (address and info on order form) or bring it on a Sunday for filling after the 8:00 or 10:30 AM service starting September 15. Your $10 seat ticket includes: 26 Basket Tickets1 Food Voucher (BBQ Platter & Free Dessert) 1 Reserved Seat Ticket and (BONUS): 1 Big Ticket worth $2.00, and you could win a large prize (over $50) Remember, we can’t have a successful fall evening without your participation! If you care not to make a basket, a gift certificate from your favorite restaurant, hair dresser, flower shop, or business is GREATLY appreciated. Our goal each year is to have at least 250 baskets, items, or gift cards, each valued at $20-$25. If you can’t attend the evening event, you may come during the day Friday, November 14, 9:00 AM –4:00 PM to view and put tickets in your favorite basket. For more information, call Karen Brown (610-398-0999) or any Basket Social Committee Member. If you want to help, but don’t want to come to meetings or be on the committee, please call Karen Brown. They can use help setting up in the Kitchen and putting together baskets. Page 12 V ol um e 53, I s s ue 6 Penn Northeast Conference Event Women from All Local UCC Churches Are Invited To A Women's Retreat "Ties to the Past. . . Aprons and Ancestors" SAVE THE DATES Friday, September 26 to Sunday, September 28 Trout Lake, 1100 Twin Lake Rd., Stroudsburg, PA Cost: $125.00 (includes two night stay, four meals) $25.00 deposit due with registration form Arrive: Friday, 6:00 PM Depart: Sunday, 11:00 AM Led by: Rev. Dr. Becky Beckwith, Pastor at St. John's UCC, Fullerton, Whitehall Rev. Dr. Jane Hess, Pastor at Faith UCC, Hazleton Enjoy a relaxing, uplifting, spiritual weekend with other wonderful women of faith. The theme is based on how we each have a past that has brought us to where we are today. Some of the things we hold onto from the past are good and helpful, some things are not. We are talking about ways to cut some apron strings and others ways to give thanks for the different strings that have been blessings. REGISTRATION SAVE YOUR SPOT ASAP!! - $100.00 Balance due by August 25 (100 women only) $25.00 check payable to Penn Northeast Conference Mail to Barbara Jennings, PNEC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071-1908 Iron Sharpens Iron (Women’s Conference) Saturday, October 4, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Calvary Baptist Church, Easton, PA A one-day conference for women of all ages (13 and up) featuring: Inspiring keynote speakers Sixteen different breakout seminars uniquely designed for women Christ-centered worship For more information OR REGISTRATION CONTACT - UPDATE FROM THE PEACE GARDEN: We are in the process of redesigning part of the Biblical garden. We have space to plan eight winterberry bushes. If you would like to donate a plant yourself or in memory of a loved one, the cost is $30. Please contact either Dora Gensemer (610395-6708) or Carol Ritz (610-4376183). We appreciate your support; please visit the Peace Garden. EMAIL NEWSLETTER, SAVE POSTAGE If you would like to receive your (FULL-COLOR) newsletter through email, or sign up for our weekly ePistle, please send your email address to Katie and Linda in the Office ([email protected]) You can also view the (FULL-COLOR) newsletter on our website: CHRISTIAN COMMUNITIES IN THE HOLY LAND ARE DISAPPEARING. Don’t let them become just a memory. Much more than money is needed. What’s needed are your prayers and love. Show your concern. Get Connected. Become informed. Participate in the dedication of the Christian Forest in the Holy Land. Support local churches and charities. Visit Christians living in the Holy Land. Found out more at: J o y o f J o rd a n FLOWERS July 6 Betty, Bob, & Cheryl Schantz July 13 Jimmy & Jo Ann Kingston July 20 June Satkowski July 27 Ann Royer August 3 Danette Campbell Barry Stephens & Jim Stephens August 10 Jimmy & Jo Ann Kingston August 17 Glenn & Audrey Lichtenwalner August 24 Tom & Barbara Brown August 31 Gail & Larry Hertzog CHILD IN JERUSALEM July Joan Rowley August Maxine Best HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To members on our Special Care List. The Rev. Wallace J. Bieber will be 89 July 11. 1 Heidelberg Drive, Rm. 248 Wernersville, PA 19565 Betty Pollitt will be 87 August 15 1238 South 10th Street Allentown, PA 18103 Page 13 SOCIAL HOUR July 20 Weird Animals VBS August 17 Mission Committee BULLETINS July 20 The Wisser Family CHILDREN’S BULLETINS July 6 The Smith Family July 20 Linda Townsend July 27 The Smith Family August 10 The Smith Family BIRTHS Kailey Rose Dietrich May 27, 2014 BAPTISMS Serenity Jade Barrios June 1, 2014 Pandorah Lynn Barrios June 1, 2014 DEATHS Betty J. Beidler 83, died May 27, 2014 Lillian Laughlin 96, died May 28, 2014 William P. “Bill” Debus 56, died June 6, 2014 The Reading Rebels meet in the Parlor the second Thursday of each month, 6:00 PM. Would you like to join them? July 10: Oxygen by Carol Cassella August 14: The Supremes at Earl’s All-You-Can-Eat by Edward Kelsey Moore September 11: The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman October 9: Palisades Park by Alan Brennert November 13: The All Girl Filling Station by Fannie Flagg December 11: (tentative date for a get-together) January 8, 2015: White Knights by Fyodor Dostoevsky and The Overcoat by Nikolai Gogol Katie Colcord 610-395-2218 [email protected] Vaction Bible School Help with set-up and take-down. A job for everyone who enjoys helping with children. Carole Deutsch 610-398-2291 [email protected] September Harvest Home Bob Schantz 610-437-4324 Set up and take down displays. Decorate Windows Mary Heller 610-799-0372 [email protected] Spaghetti Dinner Prep Cut Veggies, wrap silverware, set up dining area. Mary Heller 610-799-0372 [email protected] Spaghetti Dinner Night of Serve, dry dishes, clean-up, bus tables. Donation of desserts. July Page 14 V ol um e 53, I s s ue 6 Church Contacts ADDRESSES & TELEPHONES Church, 1837 Church Rd 610-395-2218 Sexton, 1841 Church Rd 610-360-0751 Kitchen. 1837 Church Rd 610-395-2263 STAFF Dr. David Charles Smith 610-554-8333 Rev. Alice Roth 610-433-1655 Wally Frisch 484-330-6061 Administrative Assistants Katie Colcord 610-395-2218 Linda Townsend 610-395-2218 Treasurer John Griffith 610-398-0966 Financial Secretary Kathleen Huber 610-437-0635 Music Director Alana Acker 610-530-7510 Sextons Amy & Frank Kloiber 610-360-0751 EVANGELISM Fellowship Hour Gail Hertzog 484-547-8733 Arrange Banquet Lucy Ritter 610-395-4083 Prayer Chain Mary Heller 610-799-0372 Called to Care Rev. Alice Roth 610-433-1655 Cook & Share Group Charlotte Fritz 610-261-9488 Festival Committee Rick Paterick 610-366-0364 Mary Heller 610-799-0372 Welcome Committee Gail Hertzog 484-547-8733 Peace Garden Pat Yost 610-435-0908 Publicity Candace Weiss 610-868-2516 Nursery Volunteers Jane Wetzel 610-395-3672 CONSISTORY ELDERS JD Fekula 267-374-7777 Michele Harrison 610-435-4182 Brian McLaughlin 484-239-7221 Rochelle Reimert 610-769-5077 Ken Ritter 610-395-0991 Ann Royer 610-433-8919 Tom Stephens 610-437-0809 Glenn Stettler 610-366-0058 CONSISTORY DEACONS Gene Hill 610-395-3948 Joan Kuhns 610-820-7141 Lyle Litzenberger 610-894-9994 Emily Pisco 610-440-0733 Carol Ritz 610-437-6183 Alex Rodriguez 610-266-6176 Kerry Snyder 610-737-7768 Mary Heller/Gloria Vellela 610-799-0372 CONSISTORY OFFICERS John Harting, Pres. 610-799-2508 Linda Townsend, Sec. 610-398-1810 MUSIC & WORSHIP Cherub Choir Brittany Pohl 610-573-1358 Sacred Dance Choir & Christian Clowns Ruth Ann McCay 610-395-6742 Sponsor Altar Flowers Lorraine Smith 610-395-4867 Audio/Visual Jason Speigel 610-966-0213 Lay Ushers Lorraine Smith 610-395-4867 Church School Ann Royer 610-433-8919 PERSONNEL Joe Goll 610-398-1121 Audrey Lichtenwalner 610-657-3379 Richard Schantz 610-966-3439 NEWSLETTER AND BULLETIN GUIDELINES The bulletin is assembled and printed on Thursday of the current week. Weekly announcements are due in the Church Office by NOON on Thursday. Please submit your information in a timely manner—early submissions are always welcome! Newsletter articles are due AUGUST 15. Items received after the 15th will be printed in the next month’s Newsletter. PLEASE keep Newsletter submissions to 500 words or less. Short, to-the-point articles are best. Submissions can be supplied in the following forms: PREFERRED: Email sent to [email protected] If you are submitting a Paper Copy, typed submissions are preferred GROUPS Basket Social Karen Brown 610-398-0999 Bowling League Lucy Ritter 610-395-4083 Cemetery Association Bob Bleiler 610-395-2759 Don Heller 610-395-3530 Crafty Disciples Pat Yost 610-435-0908 Endowment Committee Carl Klase 610-435-2894 Food Bank Dora Gensemer 610-395-6708 Grounds Committee Richard Schantz 610-966-3439 Koinonia (Youth Group) Ruth Ann & Bill McCay 610-395-6742 Lay Fellowship Jim & Eleanor Swogger 610-769-4423 [email protected] Market Day Mary Heller 610-799-0372 Miller Memorial Blood Bank Adele Snyder 610-395-6147 Mission Dave / Michelle Williams 610-433-1366 Perpetual Memorial Helen Griffith 610-398-0966 Pinochle Night Dot Frey 610-395-6866 Prayers & Squares Lucille Schantz 610-966-3439 Marilyn Durner 610-395-0683 Property/Maintenance Glenn Lichtenwalner 610-657-3592 Soup Kitchen Pat Markle 610-262-7464 Spiritual Life Wally Frisch 610-395-2218 3-M's Group (More Mature Members) Faith Gensler 610-435-3180 Trips and Tours Kathleen Huber 610-437-0635 Vacation Bible School Katie Colcord 610-395-2218 Wipe the Tears Robert Momolu 484-788-2111 Boy Scouts Bill Folk 610-391-0153 Cub Scouts Frank Tipa 484-358-6109 COMMUNITY GROUPS Jr Girl Scouts Troop 6700 Michelle Sorgi 610-391-9365 Cadette Girl Scouts Troop 6550 Becky Folk 610-391-0153 Sr. Girl Scout Troop 6451 Jo Lee Muller 610-481-0020 J o y o f J o rd a n Page 15 July & August 2014 For a fully updated calendar, check out our website — SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 4TH OF JULY 5 9:00 Prayers & Squares 10:00 Small Group 7:00 Daniel Plan 9:00 3M Breakfast 1:00 Lean on Me 5:00 Weird Wed. 6:30 Sunrise B’fast 11:00 Crafty Disciples 5:45 Weight Watch 7:00 Thurs. Happen OFFICE CLOSED 10:00 VBS Decor 9:00 Men’s B’fast 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9:30 Worship 8:00 Food / Flock 11:00 Staff Mtg. 1:00 Augustine 5:45 PLC 7:00 Troop 1600 10:00 Small Group 6:00 Elders 7:00 Consistory 7:00 Daniel Plan 7:00 Troop Comm 7:00 Crew 1600 5:00 Lean on Me 5:00 Weird Wed. 6:30 Sunrise B’fast 11:00 Crafty Disciples 5:45 Weight Watch 6:00 Reading Rebels 7:00 Thurs. Happen 9:00 Men’s B’fast 9:00 Women’s Breakfast 10:00 VBS Décor 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 9:30 Worship w/Baptism 11:00 Staff Mtg. 1:00 Augustine 10:00 Small Group 7:00 Men’s Retreat Planning 1:00 Lean on Me 6:30 Sunrise B’fast 11:00 Crafty Disciples 5:45 Weight Watch 7:00 Thurs. Happen 9:00 Men’s B’fast. Mid-Atlantic Regional Youth Event Weird Animals Vacation Bible School—Monday-Friday, 6:00-8:30 PM 20 VBS SUNDAY 21 22 23 24 25 9:30 Worship inside 7:00-11:00 Breakfast to benefit Crew 1600 8:00 Food / Flock 11:00 Staff Mtg. 1:00 Augustine 7:00 Troop 1600 10:00 Small Group 7:00 Crew 1600 9:00 Koinonia Trip to Lake Harmony 1:00 Lean on Me 6:30 Sunrise B’fast 11:00 Crafty Disciples 5:45 Weight Watch 7:00 Thurs. Happens 9:00 Men’s B’fast. 27 28 29 30 31 1 9:30 Worship 11:00 Staff Mtg. 1:00 Augustine 7:00 Troop 1600 10:00 Small Group 6:00 Pinochle 1:00 Lean on Me 6:30 Sunrise B’fast 11:00 Crafty Disciples 5:45 Weight Watch 7:00 Thurs. Happens 9:00 Men’s B’fast 3 SUMMER COMMUNION 4 5 6 7 8 9 9:30 Communion 2:00 Crew 1600 8:00 Food / Flock 11:00 Staff Mtg. 1:00 Augustine 7:00 Mission 7:00 Troop 1600 10:00 Small Group 9:00 3M Breakfast 1:00 Lean on Me 6:30 Sunrise B’fast 11:00 Crafty Disciples 5:45 Weight Watch 7:00 Thurs. Happens 9:00 Men’s B’fast 9:00 LV Painters 9:00 Women’s Breakfast 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9:30 Worship 11:00 Staff Mtg. 1:00 Augustine 5:30 PLC 7:00 Troop 1600 10:00 Small Group 7:00 Crew 1600 1:00 Lean on Me 6:30 Sunrise B’fast 11:00 Crafty Disciples 2:00 Called to Care 5:45 Weight Watch 6:00 Reading Rebels 7:00 Thurs. Happens Newsletter Due 9:00 Men’s B’fast 7:05 Jordan Night at the Ironpigs 17 18 19 20 21 22 9:30 Worship 8:00 Food / Flock 11:00 Staff Mtg. 1:00 Augustine 7:00 Troop 1600 10:00 Small Group 7:00 All-Church Mtg 1:00 Lean on Me 6:30 Sunrise B’fast 11:00 Crafty Disciples 5:45 Weight Watch 7:00 Thurs. Happens 9:00 Men’s B’fast 24 25 26 27 28 29 9:30 Worship 11:00 Staff Mtg. 1:00 Augustine 7:00 Troop 1600 10:00 Small Group 6:00 Pinochle 7:00 Crew 1600 1:00 Lean on Me 6:30 Sunrise B’fast 11:00 Crafty Disciples 5:45 Weight Watch 7:00 Thurs. Happens 9:00 Men’s B’fast 31 9:30 Worship 26 2 23 30 Jordan United Church of Christ Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Emmaus, PA Permit No. 9 1837 Church Road Allentown, PA 18104 Phone: 610-395-2218 Address Service Requested This newsletter is sent With a blessing and a prayer to... Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or the life of a loved one. Sponsor any of the following: Bulletins , Children’s Bulletins, Large Print Bulletins, A Choir Anthem or even THIS NEWSLETTER! Sign up in the Red Sponsor Book in the Narthex or contact the Church Office (610-395-2218 or [email protected]) Church Information CHURCH STAFF SUNDAY SCHEDULE Dr. David Charles Smith, Senior Pastor Worship 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM Rev. Alice Roth, Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care Church School 9:15 AM Mr. Wally Frisch, Associate Pastor for Spiritual Growth NURSERY AT 10:30 AM Mrs. Carol Gilbert, RN, Stephen Minister SUMMER SCHEDULE (July-1st Sunday in Sept.) Mrs. Alana Acker, Director of Music and Organist Worship 9:30 AM Mrs. Linda Townsend, Parish Administrator No Church School Ms. Katie Colcord, Administrative Secretary Mrs. Amy & Mr. Frank Kloiber, Sextons Ms. Julie Cherry & Ms. Sarah Horn, Nursery Instructional Aides CHURCH OFFICE 610-395-2218 610-395-2688 fax [email protected] OFFICE HOURS Monday—Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM PRAYER CHAIN 610-799-0372 CONGREGATION CODE 450
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