CATEGORISATION OF FOODGRAINS 1. RICE (RAW/PARBOILED RICE) CATEGORY DAMAGED GRAIN DISCOLOURED GRAIN A Upto 3% Upto 3% B Above 3% upto 4% Above 3% upto 5% C Above 4% upto 5% Above 5% upto 7% D 2. 3. Lot showing appreciable quantity of loose bran (more than 0.5%) and giving unpleasant smell in respect of raw and parboiled rice. „D‟ category rice should be issued after cleaning where necessary. WHEAT CATEGORY Percentage of weevilled grains A Upto 1% B Above 1% and upto 4% C Above 4% and upto 7% D Above 7% and upto 10% PADDY The basis of categorization of paddy is the same as the case of wheat except for incorporating the “designation” to indicate the intensity of slightly damaged/ dicoloured kernels. Designation Percentage of slightly damaged/ discoloured besides touched/ damaged and discoloured grains. 1. Upto 5 2. Above 5 upto 10 3. Above 10 upto 15 4. Above 15 upto 20 Example: Paddy grains with 1% of weevilled and 3% of slightly damaged/discoloured and damaged/ discoloured grains will be categorized as A1. CLASSIFICATION OF FOODGRAINS Foodgrains in storage shall be classified as „Clear‟, „Few‟ and „Heavy‟ based on the presence of insect population as indicted below: a. Clear Lot completely free from any living infestation. b. Few Lot having upto two living insects per 1 kg. of representative sample. c. Heavy Lot having more than two living insects per 1 kg. of representative sample GUIDELINES FOR SAFE STORAGE OF FOODGRAINS Grain should be „Clean‟ & „Dry‟. Godown should be storage worthy. Proper dunnage be used to avoid damage to bottom layer due to seepage. Godown should be properly cleaned and sprayed before storage of grain. Periodical inspection of stock should be conducted every fortnight & regular prophylactic measurers should be undertaken. Immediate curative treatment should be given in case of infestation and rodent control measures should be adopted, if needed. Regular aeration of foodgrains is necessary for control of moisture, temperature and infestation. Liquidation of stock should be done on “first-in-first out” (FIFO) basis so as to avoid damage to stock due to prolonged storage. UNIFORM SPECIFICATION OF RICE (KMS 2014-15) Rice shall be in sound merchantable condition, sweet, dry, clean, wholesome, of good food value, uniform in colour and size of grains and free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious smell, admixture of unwholesome poisonous substances, Argemone mexicana and Lathyrus sativus (Khesari) in any form, or colouring agents and all impurities except to the extent in the schedule below. It shall also conform to PFA Standards. SCHEDULE OF SPECIFICATION Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Refractions Broken* Raw Parboiled/ single parboiled rice Foreign Matter** Raw/ Parboiled/ single parboiled rice Damaged #/ Slightly Raw damaged Parboiled/ single parboiled rice Discoloured grain Raw Parboiled/ single parboiled rice Chalky Grains Raw Red Grains Raw/ Parboiled/ single parboiled rice Admixture of lower Raw/ Parboiled/ single classes parboiled rice Dehusked Grains Raw/ Parboiled/ single parboiled rice Moisture content Raw/ Parboiled/ single parboiled rice Maximum Limit (%) Grade ‘A’ Common Raw 25.0 25.0 16.0 16.0 0.5 0.5 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 6.0 - 13.0 13.0 14.0 14.0 * Not more than 1% by weight shall be small broken. ** Not more than 0.25% by weight shall be mineral matter and not more than 0.10% by weight shall be impurities of animal origin. # Including pin point damaged grains UNIFORM SPECIFICATION OF ALL VARIETIES OF PADDY (KMS 2014-15) Paddy shall be in sound merchantable condition, dry, clean, wholesome of good food value, uniform in colour and size of grains and free from moulds, weevils, obnoxious smell, Argemone mexicana, Lathyrus sativus (Khesari) and admixture of deleterious substances. Paddy will be classified into Grade „A‟ and Common groups. SCHEDULE OF SPECIFICATION Sl.No. 1. 2. Refractions Foreign matter a) Inorganic b) Organic Damaged, discoloured, sprouted and weevilled grains Maximum Limit (%) 1.0 1.0 5.0* 3. Immature, Shrunken and shrivelled grains 3.0 4. Admixture of lower class 6.0 5. Moisture content 17.0 *Damaged, sprouted and weevilled grains should not exceed 4% N.B : Within the overall limit of 1.0% for organic foreign matter, poisonous seeds shall not exceed 0.5% of which Dhatura and Akra seeds (Vicia species) not to exceed 0.025% and 0.2% respectively. TERMINOLOGY FOR FOODGRAINS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Foodgrains include cereals, millets and pulses meant for human consumption. All components in foodgrains which differ from sound grains. Refractions Foreign matter Includes organic and inorganic matters. The organic matter includes husk, chaff, straw, weed-seeds and other inedible grains. The inorganic matters includes sand, gravel, dirt, pebbles, stones, glass, metallic pieces, lumps of earth, clay and mud. Paddy shall be considered as foreign matter in commodities other than paddy. Foodgrains other than the grain under consideration. Other foodgrains The presence of a variety of the same grain other than the variety in Varietal consideration. Admixture Kernels or pieces of grain kernels that are not fully developed. Immature Pieces of sound kernels that are less than 3/4th size of the full kernels. Brokens Those pieces of rice kernels which are equal to or smaller than 3/4th Big-brokens but bigger than ½ of the average length of the unbroken grain. Those pieces of rice kernels which are equal to or smaller than ½ but Medium bigger than 1/4th of the average length of the unbroken kernel. brokens Small brokens Those pieces of rice kernels which are between 1/4th to 1/8th of the average length of the unbroken rice, retained in the 1.10 mm sieve. Broken less than 1/8th is organic foreign matter and called fragments. Kernels or pieces of kernels that are sprouted or internally damaged as Damaged a result of heat, moisture, weather or microbes. Kernels or pieces of kernels that are damaged or discoloured, Slightly superficially so as not to affect the quality of the material. damaged or Touched Kernels or pieces of kernels that have changed the colour as a result of Discoloured deteriorative changes. Weevilled grains are grain kernels that are partially or wholly bored Weevilled by insect injurious to grain but do not include germ-eaten grains and Grains egg-spotted grains. Kernels, whole or broken which have more than 1/4th of the surface Dehusked area of the kernel covered with bran. Grains Rice kernels or pieces of kernels of which at least half of the portion is Chalky Grain opaque, milky white in colour and brittle in nature. Rice kernels or pieces of kernels having more than 1/4th of the surface Red grain covered with red cuticle. It is the content of water in grain. Amount of water present in grain Moisture which can be removed without having alternation in chemical composition of the grain. It can be measured through „Digital Moisture Testing Meter’ Foodgrains
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