2012 CCDI Collection

Crafting innovation and creativity in the Western Cape
The global craft sector, which includes ceramics and bead
• Business Support offers one-on-one mentoring, counselling
products, wire works, wood sculptures, textiles and much more,
and advice services to help businesses improve their efficiency
is worth a massive R24 billion worldwide. The South African
and profitability and it provides an extensive menu of seminars,
government is eager to grow our slice of this cake and in the
workshops and accredited courses to build innovation, business
process grow thelocal economy and support job creation.
management, production and marketing skills for creative
To support this strategy, the Western Cape provincial government,
along with the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and national
• Market Support helps craft producers define and reach their
government, established the Cape Craft and Design Institute
niche markets through a diverse range of market platforms
including local craft markets, consumer shows, retail outlets and
national and international trade shows. It also provides an order
Now 10 years old, the CCDI has become an international bench-
facilitation service to match buyers to producers and help ‘close
mark of excellence in craft sector development. Its mission to
the deal’.
build profitable enterprises with marketable products for global
markets in an enabled environment, has ensured that it provides
Continuous improvements, a culture of learning and notable
demand-led and business-focused activities to a burgeoning
successes have made the CCDI a hub of efficacy and innovative
industry in the province.
thinking. It is one of the largest and most successful of the
provinces’ Sector Development Agencies, often sharing its
From a base of 63 craft producers on its database in 2001, the
expertise with emerging organisations. It is now a catalyst for
CCDI now provides support and services to over 2 500 enterprises,
sustainable enterprise development and is making a real difference
which provide jobs and income to over 12 000 people. It not
to the socio-economic landscape of the Western Cape.
only supports craft producers and craft businesses in Cape Town,
where it has its headquarters, but throughout the Western Cape –
A cornerstone of the CCDI’s success is its willingness to partner
the Karoo, Overberg, Winelands, West Coast and Eden District.
with and collaborate across the value chain of the sector and
to make linkages across the South African economy. If you have
The Institute has three core programmes:
any ideas or suggestions, please contact us.
• Product Support provides a well-resourced ‘workshop’ environment
equipped with a wide range of tools and technology, as well as
www.capecraftanddesign.org.za | [email protected]
skilled staff, to help craft producers develop and refine existing
T (021) 461 1488
products and prototype new ones.
CCDI, 75 Harrington Street, The Fringe, Cape Town
The CCDI 2012 Handmade Collection - showcases flair and innovation
Welcome to the fourth CCDI Handmade Collection - a
the number of submissions,” said Bart Verveckken. “We
selection of handmade objects that echoes, reflects
can also observe a steady improvement in the quality
and predicts the year 2012.
of the submissions over the years. The panel has always
looked for products that are not only very well made,
The Cape Craft and Design Institute (CCDI), one of the
but have a strong visual or conceptual appeal; objects
anchor tenants in The Fringe Innovation District, annually
with a wow factor. That’s why a strong criterion for selection
presents a collection of handmade products from the
is the degree of innovation presented in the work. This will
Western Cape. The latest, fourth edition showcases the
ensure freshness in the work produced in the Western Cape
increasing sophistication and talent of the province’s
and allow our craft producers to explore new markets.”
head of department,
Industrial Design, Cape
Peninsula University of
craft producers and designer makers.
“Local industry and craft are becoming part of bigger
From the 264 entries this year, 67 outstanding items made
business’s plans,” said Laureen Rossouw. South African
by 61 craft enterprises were selected by a selection
designers are becoming more aware of the rich resources
panel drawn from design, media and retail. The judges
of crafts in South Africa and are starting to collaborate
have chosen an evocative 2012 Collection that ranges
with craft producers to produce unique contemporary
from ceramics and textiles, to glassware and upcycled
South African designs. This is a movement which I think
materials, to high quality bamboo sunglasses and
should be encouraged from both sides.”
editor, Elle Decoration
photograph frames created from old-fashioned wooden
tennis racquet presses.
“Given Cape Town’s nomination as World Design Capital
2014, there is renewed interest locally and from around
The panel, consisting of CCDI chairperson Bart Verveckken,
the world in our creative people and products,” said
Elle Decoration editor Laureen Rossouw, Margie Robertson
CCDI executive director Erica Elk.
of gallery Africa Nova, Mokena Makeka of Makeka Design
Collection is a wonderful opportunity for craft producers
Lab, and CCDI executive director Erica Elk, adopted an
and designer makers to show just how bold and skilled
extremely rigorous approach, choosing only the most
they can be.”
owner of high-end
store, Africa Nova.
“The Handmade
inventive, contemporary and finely finished pieces.
The Handmade Collection was launched in 2009 from
The judges sought originality, innovation, local distinctiveness,
the foundation of a number of themed exhibitions curated
integrity and skill in the chosen craft or design area. The
by the CCDI since 2003, which had proved the value of
only limits were that the final product must not measure
an exhibition as a motivation to encourage producers
more than 1x1x1 metres.
and designers to stretch their creative boundaries and
architect, Makeka
Design Lab.
develop new products. The Collection provides a platform
“Having been involved in the selection of the CCDI
for the CCDI to regularly showcase the best handcraft
Handmade collection for a number of years, I’m very
of the province.
pleased to say that we can observe a steady increase in
ERICA ELK, executive
director, Cape Craft
& Design Institute
alphabetical index
Ars Longa Studio
Maid in Africa
Maid in Africa
Artistic Wood Turnings
Maike Valcarcel
bbellamy & bbellamy
Master Wires & Bead Craft
Bright Ideas Wire Arts and Crafts cc
Crimson Love Art & Design
Cygnet Marketing Trading & Personality Pens 42
Daan Samuels Craftworks
Gibson Daylight Creations
GROG Ceramic Studio
Hennie Meyer Ceramics
Indigi Designs
Ingrid’s Glass Gallery
Stoor Ceramics
Sophie’s Craft
Teabag Jewellery
Kendal Warren Ceramics
The Botany Project 28
Kendal Warren Ceramics
The Lovely Ones
Khanya Craft
Thys Carstens
To Bead Africa
Leon Kroukamp
Lisa Firer Ceramics
Jeanette Gibson
Samuel Damons
Jane McIlleron
Sithabe African Craft
Jan Douglas
Saks Corner
Gina’s Studio
Richard Monareng Art Ceramics
Play Play Productions cc (SMINK)
Driftwood Creations
Nikki Christodoulides
Odd Enjinears
Nicolas Lehmann Art
drift furniture
Natasha Stipinovich (handheld)
Cappuccino Sandals
Love Lolla
Amanda Marais
Amy Rusch
Afrika Yetu
Natasha Stipinovich (handheld)
Natasha Stipinovich
083 431 3223
[email protected]
Kente Vessel II
R5 400
Hand-built earthenware ceramic with underglaze. Working with
colour and pattern inspiration from a Kente cloth, to produce a
contemporary piece with a rich African palette. The artist translates her inspiration into a colour concept drawing and from
there it is an organic and intuitive process.
Natasha works on the stoep of her home in Glencairn, enjoying
the ocean view. She trained as an architect and worked in the
luxury residential sector, later teaching interior design at a tertiary level.
She enjoys making pieces that will enrich interior and garden
spaces and people’s sense of home – “making beautiful things,
making things beautiful”. Her explorations with clay began
many years ago, but it was only in 2011 that she began making
pieces to sell.
Jane Solomon
021 448 3934
072 624 5293
[email protected]
Our Birds/Liliaceae Cushions
Printed and found fabrics, appliqué and stitching
R1 200/set of two cushions
The Our Birds/Liliaceae cushions combine Fabricnation offcuts
with found textiles. The fabrics are appliquéd and stitched together to give new life to old ‘lappies’.
Jane Solomon is a designer, skills trainer and workshop facilitator.
Her work includes the design of art-making processes, learning
materials and textiles (Fabricnation) and the facilitation of
community-based workshops where creativity is used as a tool
for income generation, transformation and self-empowerment.
Cappuccino Sandals
Eddie April
021 591 2932
[email protected]
Buck Wild Nguni
Leather, wood, wire
Handcrafted leather sandals on wooden wedges with handmade wire buckles.
Eddie April started working at Gilda Footwear factory in the
early1960s doing pattern grading and binding. He then went on to
Panther Shoes where he started designing women’s sandals, shoes
and boots. This ignited a passion for beautifully made footwear that
drives him to this day. After many years of working in various footwear factories across the sector, and acquiring the skills to create
footwear from the designing stage through to the final product, he
started his own home-based company in 2009 called Cappuccino
Sandals where he creates beautiful handmade sandals.
Crimson Love Art & Design
Abongile Ntsane
071 196 4584
[email protected]
When I Play
After working for some time on a clay piece to submit, using the
slabbing technique, it broke into pieces. Frustrated with the situation, Abongile decided to play around and see what would result;
from that process came this design.
Abongile was introduced to clay while still a learner at Victoria
Girls’ High School in Grahamstown. She enrolled for a ceramic design
diploma at the then Port Elizabeth Technikon, where she was influenced by Charmaine Haines and Meshack Masuku. She was a
founder and creative director of Imiso Ceramics, then facilitated
creativity workshops at the CCDI. With the launch of Crimson Love
Art & Design, she is intent on experimenting and creating products
that show off different aspects of her talents, from bowls and
mugs to earrings, cylinders and tiles.
bbellamy & bbellamy
David Bellamy
021 788 7220 / 084 314 5741
[email protected]
Ornithology scarves
A collection of symmetrically-patchworked, reversible scarves,
designed principally for men. These are made of South African
tweeds and worsted suiting fabrics, which are wool-based,
though some cloth used may have silk, cashmere or flax as a
component. The colour combinations are inspired by indigenous
birds, particularly harrier-hawks and goshawks, with their muted,
colour-blocked plumage combinations. David hopes to promote
human identification with wild lives, using design to continually
point out their presence in our shared world.
David studied Biological Sciences at the University of the Witwatersrand
and Fine Art and Critical Studies at Central St Martins College
of Art and Design, London. bbellamy & bbellamy has a shop in
Muizenberg, inside an old 50s car garage. There is a front gallery
space and a fabric warehouse at the rear.
Thys Carstens
Thys Carstens
021 591 3001
083 356 3914
[email protected]
Mixed Wood Vase
R10 000
Vase in Brazilian Pepper, turned by hand on the wood lathe.
Hand carved with macadamia in black resin as a feature. Contrast
in black paint.
Thys is a pharmacist by profession, and a woodturner by choice.
He is a founder member of the Western Cape Woodturners
Association (1995) and the South African Woodturners Association (1996). He demonstrates the craft and art of woodturning
locally and nationally. Thys is a member of a group of eight
woodturners who promote and sell their work at The Waterfront
Woodturners at the V&A Waterfront to a worldwide customer
base. He is a CCDI Craft Icon - designer makers who have excelled
as designers, innovators, entrepreneurs, job creators, role models,
trendsetters and leaders.
Stoor Ceramics
Francois Korver
021 976 6526
082 974 9468
[email protected]
The Moo Collection
Hand-formed clay cows; after the first firing, an idiom is painted on
their backs and after the third firing, gold is applied to the horns.
Francois started Stoor Ceramics in 2007 and soon became well
-known for handmade ceramic products such as tiles and mosaic
inserts. Having worked precisely with moulds for mass production,
Francois longed to work more freely. While on holiday recently,
cows blocked the way on a mountain pass. Francois took photos
through the car window and, inspired by drawing classes at the
CCDI, began making rough sketches and designs.
Sue Kingma
021 686 1811 / 072 444 1176
[email protected]
Wool, silk
Nuno felting (unspun wool felted onto fabric). Skilful hand felting by
Nokwandis Nzulu, not stitching, fuses the seams of this finely crafted
gala jacket created for the larger lady who cares: it is made from
Merino wool scrap and silk scrap, requires no machine wash, ironing
or dry cleaning. At only 250g, it is a traveller’s dream.
Sue is a felter, dyer and embroiderer, with specialised training
from both local and overseas artisans. She trains and develops
previously unemployed individuals in felting, beading and sewing
skills, designing products that are sold locally and overseas. Her
favourite form of felting is nuno felting, where fine fabrics and
wools are fused into a new fabric. Sue has exhibited internationally.
Nikki Christodoulides
Nicola Christodoulides
083 412 4426
[email protected]
Autumn leaves
Laminated (nuno) felt
R3 450
A fully reversible skirt constructed, without a single stitch, from
pieces of fabric laminated together with 100% wool felt. This
unique piece of wearable art is made from Indian cotton, a
recycled silk scarf and carefully laid unspun merino wool fibre
wetted down with soapy water and rubbed by hand.
Nikki graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Zoology and an HDE and
enjoyed teaching at various high schools until she discovered
felt-making in 2003. Nikki has a passion for making and designing,
and her pieces have appeared in exhibitions in Finland (2009),
South Africa (2009 and 2010) and Italy (2011). Nikki won the top
felting prize at the Bloemfontein Show in 2009 and 2011. Her articles
have recently been published in Felt Matters, the journal of the
International Feltmakers Association.
Artistic Wood Turnings
Bert Parker
021 914 0927
079 500 3612
[email protected]
Ogees On Line
Wood, veneer inserts
R3 600/set
A trio of cross-laminated maple ogee-shaped bowls with veneer
inserts.(Ogee is a double curve, resembling the letter S, formed
by the union of a concave and a convex line.)
Bert was born in England and immigrated to SA with his family in
1968 to take up a teaching appointment in Cape Town, where
he was principal of a training college until retiring in 1995. He enjoys
all aspects of wood turning, with a particular interest in creating
decorative segmented bowls. This enables him to combine an
innovative, artistic and geometric approach to his work. Bert’s
work has been exhibited both in South Africa and internationally,
and he represented SA as a judge at the World Youth Skills Olympics
in 1993 and 1995.
To Bead Africa
Thobeka Mdiza
021 425 8416 / 071 950 4659
[email protected]
Leather Stringbags
Plastic pipe with beading, leather
Thobeka was inspired to reinterpret the traditional thick fabric
bags of her mother’s generation into a cross-cultural, special occasion accessory. Her designer bags are made of leather, with a
lining of traditional print material. Beading on the handles makes
each item unique.
Thobeka grew up in the Eastern Cape, where she became aware
of traditional clothing and craft. She studied for a secretarial diploma
before working for financial institutions, and then branched out
into the fashion business. She works closely with fashion retailers,
is a designer for Ginger Mary, and is known for her cutting-edge
designs such as T-shirts embellished with beads and appliqué.
Driftwood Creations
Boniface Chikwenhere
078 573 3791
[email protected]
Common resin wood
R4 500 (not for sale)
A one-of-a-kind sculpture that reveals nature’s own handiwork.
Originally from Zimbabwe, Boniface creates exclusive sculptures
using driftwood, found wood and fossilised/petrified wood. He
discovers his material from nature’s recycle bin; from the riverines
of Zimbabwe to the deserts of Namibia and the coastal areas
of South Africa. He has participated in local group exhibitions
at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden and his work has
featured at Durban Decorex 2010 and Decorex Cape Town 2011.
Apart from supplying a few selected galleries and interior design
shops locally, Boniface now exports his work to galleries and private
collectors in Europe and the USA.
Daan Samuels Craftworks
Daniel Samuels
022 783 2977
084 394 8106
[email protected]
Birds On Branches
Carved black oyster catchers on branches of recycled wood.
Born in Paarl, Daan was schooled in Velddrif on the West Coast;
from a young age he has been making wood carvings, models
of fishing boats, and painting local shipping scenes. Daan’s
inspiration comes directly from nature and the sea; he enjoys
watching and copying the originals. He was named a CCDI
Cape Craft Icon in 2005 and won second place in the wood
category of the Department of Arts and Culture’s 2009 Craft
Jan Douglas
Jan Douglas
072 573 4198
[email protected]
Wood, metal, canvas
R1 400
Jan graduated with a B.Arch. from the University of Pretoria in
2002 then worked in London as an interiors assistant on Wallpaper
magazine, and as a freelance illustrator and architect. Jan is
now an architect in Cape Town who began freelancing as a
furniture designer in 2011. He has always been interested in tectonics and
how materials join together. He relishes the sense that in South
Africa, where many craftspeople are unschooled yet have a can-do
attitude, products and buildings can be simply yet elegantly put together.
Richard Monareng Art Ceramics
Richard Monareng
083 207 1405
[email protected]
To Protect Nature
Following in the footsteps of Africa’s long ceramics tradition,
Richard’s range of pots is characterised by an individual focus on
each eye-catching piece. He was inspired to make this work after
meeting international artists while attending a Ceramics SA course.
Richard was born in Cape Town and has been interested in drawing
and painting since an early age. He studied art and design at the
College of Cape Town. He is constantly learning from other artists
in his community and through attending workshops.
Afrika Yetu
Fadhili A. Mkali
082 663 4348
083 240 8687
[email protected]
Ekasi Life
Wood inlay mural
R8 000
Different kinds of wood are inlaid on a board, then sanded down.
Pyrography is the final step to finishing the artwork.
Fadhili began working as a carpenter in his home village, then
turned to painting. He taught himself marquetry, which he combined
with wood burning. He sells and exhibits at the V&A Waterfront
craft market.
drift furniture
Anthony Martin
021 424 4648
[email protected]
Bush Lounge Chair
Wood, upholstery
R9 690
A contemporary take on the traditional South African ‘stoep’
chair, made with old-fashioned joinery methods using ecofriendly reclaimed wood.
Bush Fire Table
Wood, steel
R8 550
A coffee table with a bush feel and a built-in bio-ethanol fire
DRIFT™ FURNITURE is a craft-intensive and high-eco range of designer
furniture made by architect Anthony Martin. Launched three
years ago, the brand includes items such as lounge chairs,
clocks, large lamps and tables with built-in bio-ethanol fire burners. All
pieces are made from signature weathered, reclaimed wood.
The grey colour is achieved by exposing the wood to the elements
for at least a year; as it ages it becomes more beautiful and full
of character.
Gordon Rattey
082 492 9841
[email protected]
Bead light
R3 500
A glowing bird’s nest made of beads.
Gordon has studied advertising, got an apprenticeship in joinery,
and has built kitchens and even a house or two. He later started
playing with wood and became familiar with natural building
methods after moving to an eco-village in Knysna. Well known
for his driftwood chairs, beads are a new medium that he is exploring.
Samuel Damons
Samuel Damons
021 701 0397
072 913 2289
[email protected]
Stretched canvas, acrylic paint
R5 760
Samuel is a poet and artist, with a Khoi heritage. His goal was to
depict the history of San and Khoi people in this painting.
Samuel was born with talent, and describes himself as a struggle
artist who has developed his craft with few resources. He has
attended Ruth Prowse School of Art, and specialises in San and
Khoi art. Samuel has taken part in eight exhibitions.
Odd Enjinears
Mark O’Donovan
082 820 8475
[email protected]
Mosaic Figures
Steel, cement, mosaic.
R12 240
This work is representative of figures from ‘the long walk project’, an Odd
Enjinears empowerment concept aimed at economic stability for an
ever-expanding group of sculptors and mosaic artists. Each figure is individually commissioned and handmade. One artist makes the armature
and cement skin; another ‘clothes’ the figure in mosaic. The steel and
cement work for the figure was made by Patrick Holo; and the mosaic
work by Sibongile Memani. Base and structure by Odd Enjinears.
Mark O’Donovan has a degree in Engineering, a career in the Arts
and a passion for inspiring inventive thinking. He formed Odd Enjinears
in 1998, with an initial focus on creating site-specific theatrical shows in
industrial spaces. More recent projects include public sculptures
(Greenmarket Square, Old Biscuit Mill), children’s play structures
(Mitchells Plain Town Centre) and collaborative social intervention
projects, such as the Khayelitsha Hospital Artworks Project.
Hennie Meyer Ceramics
Hennie Meyer
021 975 1339
[email protected]
Vessel with dots
R3 600
In this vessel, the designer maker has attempted to contrast the
softness of the clay in the making process, with the graphic quality
of the decoration.
Hennie Meyer is an acclaimed ceramist who works predominantly
in earthenware, creating highly individual pieces. Hennie enjoys
the challenge of making composite shapes, experimenting continually with the expressive qualities of clay and glaze. His balance
of strong form with highly detailed surfaces creates aesthetically
pleasing vessels in his recognisable signature style. Hennie exhibits
extensively, both locally and overseas. His work has been included in
numerous permanent collections and international publications.
Bright Ideas Wire Arts and Crafts cc
Brian Muwirimi
072 987 9584
[email protected]
Wall Clock
Powder coated and galvanised wire wall clock, inspired by a
gift of an old clock belonging to Brian’s mother. His work is inspired by fashion trends and customers who offer ideas which
he develops further.
Bright Ideas is a wire, recycling and bead SMME in Dunoon. Its vision
is to create jobs for the community, and the goal is to grow
exponentially and capture a sizeable segment of the market,
both locally and globally. Bright Ideas, owned by Brian, employs
seven people plus others on a part-time basis for large orders.
Bright Ideas has taken part in numerous shows, such as the SA
Handmade Collection, Decorex Cape, the Cape Town International Jazz Festival, and L’Artigiano Milano, Italy. Kendal Warren Ceramics
Kendal Warren
021 433 0440 / 083 309 6274
[email protected]
Black stitched plate
R1 200
Hand-built ceramic plate in black stoneware, perforated and
stitched. The piece juxtaposes the rigid ceramic medium with the
pliability of needlework. It combines various domestic items - cotton,
washers, buttons and ceramic - to create something unexpected.
Kendal Warren has been working in clay for over a decade. Her
talent and individual style have earned her recognition both locally
and abroad. Her awards include second prize in the 2009 Craft
Awards, run by the Department of Arts and Culture, and Best on
Show at the 2006 South African National Ceramics exhibition. At
present Kendal runs a ceramic studio in Sea Point, from where
she teaches and supplies galleries and decor shops around
South Africa.
Play Play Productions cc (SMINK)
Rene Veldsman
082 904 4321
[email protected]
Pop Cow Clocks
The Pop Cow Clocks were inspired by the artist’s Pop Cow kitchen
oil paintings and Pop Cow crockery designs. They are made from
routed supawood with a high gloss finish and are available in seven
colours. Rene is inspired by the Karoo and Nguni cattle; she wished
to give her clocks a modern, contemporary edge.
Rene is a musician, oil painter and designer. “I feel art in music
and music in art, both start with a blank page, both a challenge,”
she says. Rene admires clever design and strives to create a new
take on South African icons, such as the Nguni. She has exhibited
her art at the Gill Alderman gallery and has sold extensively to
private clients. She draws her inspiration and creativity from life
Leon Kroukamp
Leon Kroukamp
072 178 8237
[email protected]
The ‘babacar’ was inspired by a CCDI creativity workshop, held
to encourage craft producers to make new, suitable products
for the Baby Expo. The toy was designed and made with Leon’s
first child, Alexander, in mind. He focused on a simple form, soft
edges and contrasting colours.
Leon is a trained architectural technician who has attended classes
in drawing, water colour painting and ceramics. Crafts have to
date been a hobby – Leon is currently experimenting with fabric
painting – but his goal is to design and market pieces in order to
become a full-time craft producer.
Jesse Ede
071 909 0716 / 071 431 3874
[email protected]
Skeletor Sway
R8 000/metre
Medium-density fibreboard, polyurethane paint.
A paradoxical relationship exists in this bench, where an aggressive
rib structure is tamed into gentle swaying waves. It is this disparity
(of straight lines and smooth curves) that makes this piece an
accomplishment of contrast. The sharp juxtaposition of colours
energises and enhances the design, while the high gloss finish
makes this bench unmistakeably contemporary.
Design team Jesse Ede and James Bisset, known as jessejames,
are young designers on a mission. As part of the design collective
Everybody Love Everybody, the pair are rapidly forging a cult
following with products like bamboo sunglasses and contemporary
lifestyle furniture. They embrace old-school techniques such as
kerfing (wood bending) and are not ones to shy away from a
design challenge.
Maid in Africa
Andrew & Micha Weir
021 465 3704
073 404 8910
[email protected]
Coca-Crate Cushion
Hand painted textile/crate
R1 200
Coca-Cola crate cushion.
Andrew and Micha create hand-painted fabrics with signature
designs, which they then use to make one-of-a-kind garments,
tablecloths, bags, postcards and other items. Some years ago,
Andrew and Micha were motivated to create extra income for
an unemployed domestic worker, Priscilla. With their knowledge
of silk screening, their ability to sew and Priscilla’s help, Maid in
Africa was born.
Ingrid’s Glass Gallery
Ingrid de Haast
021 851 6166
084 317 5931
[email protected]
Pattern Bars
Glass beads
Ingrid hand-makes glass beads using Italian Murano glass, sometimes called Effetre. She also uses borosilicate glass to produce
small sculptures. Ingrid works on a torch and anneals her work in a
kiln (heat treatment to alter a material). For this work, she assembled
glass pieces and fired them; then sliced them with a blade to
form a picture, before firing again.
Ingrid has a studio in Somerset West, where she personally designs
and fabricates work, as well as offering classes. She regularly takes
part in exhibitions and markets, including the Wearable Art Exhibition
at The Edge Glass Gallery in Cape Town last year. Ingrid keeps on
learning new techniques to improve her capabilities; she attended
specialist glass classes in the US and in Murano during 2011.
Saks Corner
Dan Saks
074 101 7552
[email protected]
Drawer On Legs Furniture
R2 600/each This piece highlights the contrast between an old drawer and a
pristine casing, forming a side table with storage.
Dan trained as a photographer, but a passion for tinkering and
mid-century furniture led him to start Saks Corner, a small shop on
Lower Main Road, Observatory. He creates, repurposes and sells
furniture and other items. Dan recently began exporting his drawers
and a range of coffee tables to Denmark.
Indigi Designs
Natalie du Toit
021 553 5615
072 189 4848
[email protected]
Fragment wire table lamp
Wire, textile
R1 295
The fragment table lamp was inspired by geometric formations
and reinterpreted using local wire craft. To create interest, Natalie
used a classic pleated lamp shade with sophisticated sheen
fabric and contrasted this with a local shwe-shwe fabric lining.
Undulate wire stool
Wire, textile
Stool inspired by North African patterns using local wire craft
techniques, and upholstered in Indigi Designs exclusive fabric.
Various colour combinations are available.
Natalie studied interior design, then worked in the interior décor
industry for several years, before being appointed creative
director of a national décor supply company. Her textiles, furniture,
lighting and homeware products draw inspiration from South
African and other indigenous cultures; they are hand-produced
with skilled craftsmanship. Natalie also offers a décor manufacturing
service (lampshades, cushions, napkins and other soft items), as
well as a design and custom service.
Ars Longa Studio
Iwan Labuschagne
021 872 0453 / 071 685 8857
[email protected]
Proteus I
R1 800
Proteus II
R1 800
Proteus III
R1 800
Iwan displays the diversity of South African Proteaceae through
handmade ceramic sculptures. The title ‘Proteus’ refers to the
Greek sea god, Proteus, who could change form; this is reflected
in the various types of Protea flowers found in South Africa.
Iwan works from his home studio in Paarl; he also makes human
figurative sculptures and does portrait studies in oils and cement.
Sithabe African Craft
Mathokoza Nhlapo
072 947 7597
[email protected]
Sithabe Grey Mini Frame
Grass, beads
Grass is compressed into a circle and covered in beads to form
a picture frame. It can stand on a flat surface or be hung on a
Mathokoza is the managing director of Sithabe African Craft.
She grew up in a traditional art environment where her grandmother and mother were traditional craft producers. Mathokoza
studied in Swaziland, Lesotho and the UK before working in the
library and information fields, and in adult basic education. She
loves traditional pieces, especially Nguni beaded products.
She redesigns cultural products as innovative multi-functional
products. These are crafted mainly by women in rural areas.
GROG Ceramic Studio
Hendrik Carsten
072 044 1153
[email protected]
Birds of a feather
R1 250
Bird mandala, white earthenware slip, with transparent glaze fired
to 1190°C.
Hendrik focuses on creating quality handmade ceramic ware
that is decorative yet functional. He studied Fine Art at the PE
Technikon (now the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University) for
three years, specialising in sculpture and stained glass. After his
art studies he studied mechanical engineering and qualified as
a diesel technician. He worked in this industry for almost 10 years
before opening his own ceramic studio.
Hendrik finds inspiration from forms, nature and within himself. He
took part in an exhibition in Franschhoek at the Ebony Gallery and
held a solo exhibition at the Klein Karoo Classique in Oudtshoorn.
His work is currently shown at Knysna Fine Art Gallery, Prince Albert
Gallery and Jamstreet Gallery in Oudtshoorn.
Amy Rusch
Amy Rusch
021 674 3684
074 123 7165
[email protected]
King Protea
Wire, cotton thread, recycled magazine paper
R6 000
Amy created a King Protea which juxtaposes the form of a natural
object, and the discarded materials used to make it. Her wish
is for the object to provoke reflection on patterns of modern
Amy is qualified in production design, special effects and makeup artistry. She draws inspiration for her crafted artworks from
nature, using colours, textures and fine detail in the process of
reshaping recycled materials.
Love Lolla
Lolla Orchard
082 768 1672
[email protected]
Patchwork SA Flag
R450/cushion Patchwork floral South African flag cushion with feather inner
and petersham tie at the back.
Lolla has been working in the clothing industry for some seven
years, but crafts such as knitting, crochet and sewing are her
true passions. Her early memories are of smock dresses and knitted
Barbie doll outfits handmade by her grandmother, and high
school dresses and beautiful beadwork from her mother. “Creating
and experiencing something beautiful is happiness itself for
me,” she says.
Khanya Craft
Kate Ncisana
021 387 6192
073 835 4099
Set of necklace, bangle and ear-rings.
Kate started beading when she was just eight years old, and now
it has become a way of life, enabling her to realise many of her
dreams. Kate was chosen to attend the Santa Fe International Folk
Art Market in 2005, where product selection was based on quality,
uniqueness and drawing on traditional references. Her products
sell well at The Fringe Handmade Market and other outlets.
Katie Thompson
021 447 0007 / 076 989 0871
[email protected]
Printer’s tray dressing table
Wooden printer’s tray, glass, steel R4 500
A glass-topped dressing table made from reclaimed timber, designed
and custom made to perfectly fit a printer’s tray drawer.
Tennis racquet press frames
Wood, metal, glass, fabric
Once used to store your old tennis racquet, this press, with its new
sheet of recessed glass or fabric-covered pinboard, is now ready
to store and display treasured photos or mementoes.
Katie Thompson graduated from the Design Time School of Interior
Design in Cape Town in 2001. After several years’ experience in the
design, furniture and fabric industries in London and Cape Town,
Katie started Recreate in February 2009. She repurposes junk into
high-end furniture and lighting. Recreate won the Green award
and an award of excellence In 2009 at Decorex Cape Town.
Claudette Davis and Michael Chandler
021 461 1700 / 083 650 1985
[email protected]
The Madame Style Mirror
R10 680
Wire and beadwork
Designed by Michael Chandler and made entirely out of white
beads and wire, the Madame Style Mirror is based on a Robert
Adam (Scottish architect, interior designer and furniture designer)
neo-classical design from the 18th century. This design has been reinterpreted by a skilled Zimbabwean beadsmith, Kelvin Ndlovu, to
create a fusion between Eurocentric and African decorative arts.
Serpentine is a partnership between young South African designer
Michael Chandler and African Home, a fair trade proudly South
African enterprise that designs, produces and markets handcrafted
products of local artists who are economically disadvantaged.
Claudette has a background in psychology; Michael studied art
history and worked at Stephan Welz and Sotheby’s before launching
his design studio.
The Botany Project
Hester Cilliers / Veronica Elgin
082 223 2662 / 083 260 6663
[email protected]
Upcycle Flower Lamp©
R395-R1 025/flower
Inspired by indigenous plants and flowers, this ceramic product
concept provides a way to upcycle glass bottles and jars,
using household olive oil, to assemble a home décor, green
energy light source. Upcycle Flower Lamp© ceramic flowers are
handbuilt by community ceramicists. The concept highlights
the importance of indigenous plant proliferation/bio-diversity,
reducing waste as well as creating employment.
Hester enjoys the technical aspects of design. Her creations are fuelled
by the interaction between people, nature and self-discovery. She
has worked in various media and enjoys training others. Veronica’s
designs are inspired by the characteristics (colour, texture, smell,
symmetry and more) of plants and flowers. Working as a product
and brand development creative, she focuses on the sensorial experience, through context, meaning and sustainable materials.
Kendal Warren Ceramics
Kendal Warren
021 433 0440
083 309 6274
[email protected]
Childhood - Boxed Ceramic Tile
R1 800
Slab built stoneware. A round ceramic boxed tile exploring
themes of childhood, religion and the loss of innocence.
Kendal Warren has been working in clay for over a decade. Her
talent and individual style have earned her recognition both
locally and abroad. Her awards include second prize in the
2009 Craft Awards, run by the Department of Arts and Culture,
and Best on Show at the 2006 South African National Ceramics
exhibition. At present Kendal has her ceramic studio in Sea
Point, from where she teaches and supplies galleries and decor
shops around South Africa.
Lisa Firer Ceramics
Lisa Firer
082 558 7106
[email protected]
Fynbos Vessels
Slab-built porcelain clay
R1 400/ set
A group of bud vases with examples of Cape fynbos, suitable for
displaying plant sprigs. Clay faithfully receives the imprint of other
textures and in this body of work Lisa uses fynbos to imprint and
emboss slabs that then are used to create bud vases. The use of
a green translucent glaze highlights the embossing by pooling in
the deeper crevices, creating contrast.
Lisa has been playing with clay for over 20 years. She references
fabric, patchwork and sewing; printmaking and paper-folding, light,
texture and layering. She hand-builds using slabs of clay, cut and
reassembled, layered and reconfigured. Porcelain is her favourite
clay, she finds its translucency when fired whimsical and magical.
Mark Hilltout
072 854 9544
[email protected]
Goodbye Cape Town
Corrugated iron
R1 000
A table light that is a silhouette by night and a sculpture by day.
A group of trees signifies either leaving or arriving in Cape Town.
Hand cut from old, unwanted scraps of corrugated iron, then
burred and polished with wax and mounted on a stand. Available
with a small 20 watt bulb or with a ledge for a candle.
Mark is a graphic designer living in Woodstock, Cape Town. Well
known for his corrugated iron picture frames made by artisans,
he is also involved in pattern design, oil painting, graphic design,
inventions and applied design.
Gina’s Studio
Gina Niederhumer
084 558 5268
[email protected]
Rag Sharks
Textile, stitching
R1 250/shark
Two sharks made from recycled trousers and shirts. This gives them
the ‘battle-worn’ look that Gina strives for, as well as enabling the
use of fabric with a history. Filled with fabric leftovers from the
design industry, thus reducing their carbon footprint; and the
weight and lumpiness of the stuffed creatures adds to their oldworld charm.
Gina Niederhumer is a fibre artist with a studio and shop in Muizenberg, Cape Town. She has studied Fine Art in Linz, Austria
(1978-1980) and at Unisa (1998-2000, as well as 2009-2011). Gina
has shown her ‘journey in stiches’ work in exhibitions overseas
and locally. Her fibre art pictures tell the story of her life. What
brought her to South Africa, was her search for connecting the
North and the South, Austria and South Africa.
Master Wires & Bead Craft
Bishop Tarambawamwe
082 758 7466
[email protected]
Beadburst Reflections Wall Clock
Bead, wire
R1 440
This stylish bead and wire clock is based on a classic, elegant
sunburst mirror, depicting a sun surrounded by rays. The design
signifies energy at dawn and reflections at dusk.
Owner of Master Wire & Bead Craft, Bishop is a successful beadwork artist and entrepreneur. With his team, he produces a
collection of designs for the South African market, as well as
exporting 75% of their work. His major wirework pieces include
the exhibition pieces Cape Doctor and Oasis. Bishop is inspired
by nature, culture and tradition, as well as collaborating with
other artists. Master Wires regularly develops designs that set
new trends.
Maid in Africa
Andrew & Micha Weir
021 465 3704
073 404 8910
[email protected]
Hand-printed textile
Ready-made cushions in repetitive kitchen patterns.
Andrew and Micha create hand-painted fabrics with signature
designs, which they then use to make one-of-a-kind garments,
tablecloths, bags, postcards and other ready-made items. “Use
a Rembrandt as an ironing board!” they quote artist Marcel
Duchamp. Maid in Africa is about the perpetual pursuit of
something new.
Hannalie Taute
072 194 8335
[email protected]
‘Khutsi’ The Rhino
Tyre inner tube, cotton cord
Handmade, eco-conscious, durable and fun soft toy made from
an inner tube stitched with cotton cord.
Hannalie studied for her National Higher Diploma in Fine Art at the
PE Technikon. This Garden Route artist has exhibited at galleries such
as the Knysna Fine Art Gallery, and the Joao Ferreira Gallery. What
started as a simple but interesting birthday gift has developed into
something much bigger: Through the CCDI, Hannalie recently exhibited five elephants, five rhinos and five giraffe toys at the COP17
conference exhibition in Durban. Her range of eco-friendly toys will
contribute to the national fight against rhino poaching, with R10 for
each rhino donated to an anti-rhino poaching fund.
Claudette Davis and Michael Chandler
021 461 1700 / 083 650 1985
[email protected]
Chinese Wares Objet
Wire, beads
R35 050/collection
Chinese wares created in white beads and fine wire, exploring
the relationship between Africa and China through the crafting of
classic antique Chinese shapes in a uniquely African way. Designed by
Michael Chandler and skilfully handcrafted by Dickson Mureverwi
and Malvern Shakede.
Serpentine is a partnership between young South African designer
Michael Chandler and African Home, a fair trade proudly South
African enterprise that designs, produces and markets handcrafted
products of local artists who are economically disadvantaged.
Claudette has a background in psychology; Michael studied art
history and worked at Stephan Welz and Sotheby’s before launching
his design studio.
Jannie Uitlander
073 030 7240
[email protected]
Re-coffee Table Lamp
Tin, wood
Recycled Ricoffy tin lamp with international urban styling, yet
can be made under a tree in Africa.
After completing his National Service in 1985, Jannie trained as
a carpenter/joiner at Westlake Trade Training Centre. He has
worked in most wood-related disciplines including construction,
ship-building, antique restoration, set-building and architectural
model-making. On returning to Cape Town after a three- year
stint in London, he began making art and has shown various
types of work at numerous shows. His work is in the Vodacom
collection and other private collections.
Alison Prest
021 689 5266 / 082 899 1461
[email protected]
Transitory design
Flour and water
R1 600
A transitory creation, inspired by the organic shapes of Japanese
vases. It is designed to create a focal point in any inside or
outside space, alternatively to hold a family member’s or pet’s
ashes. The vase should disintegrate naturally within a year, if not
simply water it.
Alison has always expressed herself through flower design. She
trained at the Regent Academy of Fine Arts in London, ran a florist
business from the Mount Nelson hotel, and recently sat for her
first qualification from the Ohara School of Ikebana. Alison draws
inspiration from Japanese flower vessels, where the flowers and
vase are of equal importance. Over the last few years she has
explored the medium of paper, focusing on products that will
disintegrate over time, thus reducing carbon foot prints.
Jeanette Gibson
Jeanette Gibson
079 186 1785
[email protected]
Recycled car tyre rubber, stainless steel tubing
R12 000
Shinda is the Shona word for rope, made from recycled sacks,
upcycled bark, repurposed leaves or reclaimed tyres. Africa’s rope
is as diverse as its peoples. This one-of-a-kind African Rope Folding
Chair evokes the effeminate force of craft. (The active/male principle
of tyre is made feminine/passive through craft, traditionally seen as
a female pastime.) Turning a pollutant into salvaged chic.
The artist says she is a maker of intricate things, on a playful search
for beauty. Jeanette instinctively designs by making. Entering into
a dialogue with herself through material exploration in which visual,
tactile and emotive qualities act as a catalyst for environmental,
innovative, affective, aesthetic and authentic form. She is fascinated
by the adjacent possible, where boundaries grow as you explore
those boundaries. It is all about opening doorways and stepping
through them, to create new doorways, she says.
Nicolas Lehmann Art
Nicolas Lehmann
021 686 8494 / 079 035 9534
[email protected]
Uniting People Travels
R20 000
The collection demonstrates not only art made of steel, but also that
art unites people, where unlimited freedom and happiness are
generated. ‘Uniting People Travels’ represents figurines of varying sizes
and shapes, yet all united under one roof at an event. Its message is
of peace, tolerance and happiness, and to showcase that, with determination, will and believing in your dreams, anything is possible.
Nicolas is a South African German artist who has experimented with
the possibilities of forging since an early age. He travelled from Asia
to Europe in 1990, when the purchase of his first air hammer, found in
a UK scrapyard, allowed him to kickstart his projects. Lehmann founded
‘Le Forge’ in Cape Town, specialising in manufacturing high-end
ironmongery using pure blacksmithing techniques, to finance his art.
He has worked across the globe on numerous projects, from private
estates to five star hotels, with leading architects and designers.
Gibson Daylight Creations
073 482 7756
[email protected]
Three Musicians
R180/individual sculpture
Sculpture, made from metal which is cut then shaped. Gibson was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. From a very young age,
he has had the powerful desire to create things. He was constantly
drawing and making wire objects to give to his family and
friends as presents. As he grew up, he was able to look at any
object and capture its essence. To this day, he will look at an
owl, tortoise, cellist or a dancer and will feel the energy of their
being. This inspires him to capture their images using metal, wire
and beading.
Shahieda Salie
021 592 0191
076 155 2765
[email protected]
Beads, copper
R9 000
This piece came about from a workshop at the CCDI where
craft producers were given copper to experiment with, together
with their normal craft medium. Using very delicate, triangle-cut
beads and traditional African twisted herringbone stitch with
copper wire, this one-of-a -kind piece was born.
Shahieda is a self-taught bead artist who loves making innovative
pieces using beads and thread. Her products include bead
paintings, miniature beaded carpets, table runners, handbags,
napkin/serviette rings, coasters, corporate gifts and customised
branded items.
Adeline Joubert
021 447 2025 / 072 142 2750
[email protected]
Love Bug Brooch
Silver, 9ct rose gold.
R1 500/brooch
Taxi Brooch
Sterling silver, oxidized
R1 500/brooch
Safe, Reliable Removals
Sterling silver
R1 500/brooch
This triptych of brooches is titled “The Traffic Series”. The minibus taxi is
the most common mode of transport for most South Africans; and the
‘bakkie’ brooch should be worn with the rear end pointing down to
emphasise the weight of the load. All the wheels can be turned.
Adeline studied Fine Art and completed her BA degree in History
of Art and Archaeology at the University of Pretoria in 1994. She
worked and travelled abroad before completing her national
diploma in jewellery design and manufacture at the Cape
Peninsula University of Technology. Her work has been
shown in local and international galleries. Adeline loves
creating jewellery with a humorous twist or a visual pun. She
mixes contemporary and historical styles, with a dash of Africa.
Amanda Marais
Amanda Marais
021 689 8487 / 082 210 4413
[email protected]
White Flower Petal Bracelet
Black Flower Petal Bracelet
Bracelets made from a brass sheet, which is laser cut or sawn,
domed and shaped. The concept was to make an interesting-looking
bracelet, while keeping the construction as simple as possible. The
individual pieces hold each other in place and the sterling silver
pod-shaped button also hides the end knot of the rubber cord.
Amanda studied painting and printmaking at Pretoria University,
and after graduating in 1980, worked as an art director for magazines.
She attended various informal jewellery-making classes, but
mainly taught herself through trial and error. During the 1990s she
concentrated on ranges of tableware, but returned to jewellery
in the 2000s. Amanda works with brass because of its relative
affordability for making pieces that rely on repetition and pattern,
and the colour effects that can be achieved with etching.
The Lovely Ones
Andrea Hopkins
082 727 0220
[email protected]
Interchangeable Daisy Pendant
Silver, turquoise
R3 250
The cast silver daisy pendant can be worn as is, or with an attachment
of either a drop turquoise stone, or a daisy leaf. These can be attached
to the piece using a hidden hook at the back of the flower.
Andrea is a Cape Town-based jewellery artist, designing and
manufacturing unique silver jewellery under the label ‘The Lovely
Ones’. She is inspired by nature and all things beautiful, as well as
by the sentimental. One of her favourite things is to cast and create
a meaningful piece of jewellery using an item such as a leaf or a
stem from a bride’s wedding flowers.
Teabag Jewellery
Vashti Naidoo
021 701 6890 / 082 327 0668
[email protected]
Teabag Flowers
Recycled rooibos teabags and tea
Pendant R180
Earrings R100
Vashti was inspired to make jewellery after attending a cake decorating
course – she decided to apply the cake icing techniques to teabags. The delicate flowers are made from recycled rooibos teabags; the outer bag has been used to create petals, while the
inner tea leaves form beads for the centre of the flower. Through
developing a special technique, the teabag material stands up
firmly, just like a real flower.
Vashti is a stay-at-home mother, who loves exploring various craft
methods. She has studied dress designing and decoupage on glass.
Giselle Petty
079 971 2976
[email protected]
Pincushion Pink Sterling silver, perspex R1 440
Sterling silver double-sided handmade ring with a print of a pink
Pincushion Protea set under perspex on the top; a hand-sawn
and oxidised Lotus flower underneath.
Red Pincushion Sterling silver R960
A pair of sterling silver handmade red Pincushion Protea earrings,
with handsawn Pincushion detail on the back.
Red Amaryllis
Sterling silver, perspex R960
A pair of sterling silver handmade earrings, with prints of red
Amaryllis flowers set under perspex.
Giselle has been a self-employed,non-commercial jeweller for
the past 17 years. She enjoys detail and design and is fascinated by
a combination of beautiful gemstones with small, engineered
components of precious metal. She named her business
NoTwoSnowflakes as each piece is unique and makes the wearer
feel special. Giselle works in all metals and hand-selects the gemstones to ensure that they are of the highest quality and beauty.
Jane McIlleron
021 788 9419 / 083 331 8935
[email protected]
Memories of the pods of Bushveld trees
Sterling and fine silver, Peruvian blue opal, emerald and aquamarine necklace. R3 550
Sterling silver ring R1 550
A long necklace that can be fastened in various places, resulting
in different proportions of the chain forming a pendant ‘tail’.
The large necklace element, and the ring, were inspired by the
pods of trees remembered from a childhood of visiting the Bushveld
and other areas of Southern Africa.
Jane studied Life Sciences, but after completing a BSc. (1987) and
a year of working, studied for her national diploma in jewellery design
and manufacture at the Technikon Natal. She taught jewellery
design for short periods at the Technikons of the Witwatersrand
and Natal, and at Ruth Prowse, but has mostly made individually
designed and handmade jewellery from home. She is a member
of the recently formed fine ounce goldsmith collective.
Maike Valcarcel
Maike Valcarcel
082 757 8040
[email protected]
Lost Love Found
Pebble, silver, 22ct gold
R4 725
Maike loves to combine the precious with the ordinary to create
‘art jewellery’. A stone discovered on a Cape Town beach (a
perfect half of a heart) inspired this pendant and necklace. The
goldsmithing techniques include keum-boo, an ancient Korean
method used to fuse thin sheets of contrasting metal onto silver.
Born in Germany into a family of artists, Maike studied jewellery
design and manufacture in Pforzheim, Germany. She moved to
South Africa in 1993 and has been self-employed since 1995. She
loves to travel and experience different cultures, and being creative
in many different ways.
Simone Redman
021 788 5703
083 510 7548
[email protected]
Vygie Cluster
Neckpiece made of recycled rubber inner tubes and glass beads.
Cut, rolled, stitched and painted with leather ties.
Simone is a designer/maker /mixed media artist. She has worked
on private commissions, in book illustration, theatre, teaching and
outreach projects. She is currently exploring recycling designs.
Sophie’s Craft
Sophie Peters
082 668 8346
[email protected]
Shopping bag handles
Wood, paint
Noticing that people often had sore hands after carrying heavy
plastic shopping bags, Sophie decided to develop a comfortable
handle. Inspired by a knife handle, she collects bluegum wood
from the fields near her Belhar home. Sections are carved,
painted and glazed to provide a strong, comfortable and
aesthetic way to bring groceries home.
Sophie has been interested in producing art since the age of six.
Largely self-taught, she has also attended community art projects
to learn new techniques. She creates oil paintings, sculptures
and linocuts and her landscapes and portraits have been
exhibited locally and as far afield as Germany and Belgium.
Cygnet Marketing Trading & Personality Pens
Michael Richards
021 552 5572
073 660 1282
[email protected]
Handmade pens
Wood, metal, acrylics R295-R1 250/pen, prices on application.
Hand-turned and fabricated ballpoint pens. Accents can include
acrylics, pewter, aluminium, sterling silver and more. No two
pens are exactly alike.
Michael is a retired furniture designer who worked for two of the
country’s largest furniture manufacturers, Greaves & Thomas
and Bakker & Steyger. He initially studied pottery and later took
up woodturning – he enjoys most styles including Chinese, Japanese,
and early English woodturning. His other hobbies include tennis,
archery, tenpin bowling, fishing and reading.
Mathew Neilson
083 516 6232
[email protected]
Slimline Magnetic Wallet
Leather R530
We interact with our wallets every day, so this piece of functional ‘pocket art’ has everything you need and nothing you don’t. It is original and
timeless in every aspect, and is the core item in the range.
Anthracite Laptop Brief
Leather R900
A slim and stylish carrier for 15 and 17 inch laptops, plus papers. It
has a magnetic closure, steel-reinforced handle, and incorporates
the finest 100% virgin merino wool.
Anthracite iWallet
Leather R360
A sleek and snug iPhone protector with space for cards and cash. It adds
tactile and visual character to an otherwise modern and sterile device.
Matblac follows the Raw Design concept: Going back to basics
with a focus on functionality, while using the finest materials to ensure
a high quality and timeless product. Mathew initially studied for a
B.Com, but with the success of his wallet design (he had spent most
of his life pursuing craft as a hobby) he started a full-time design career
in 2008. He uses leather, fine German felt, natural glues and linings
made from recycled materials wherever possible.
James Bisset
071 431 3874 / 071 909 0716
[email protected]
Panda Series
Bamboo, chrome, nickel, glass
Cape Town’s original sustainable bamboo sunglasses, individually
handcrafted. High quality Zeiss lenses employed to complement
fine eyewear.
Design team Jesse Ede and James Bisset, known as jessejames,
are young designers on a mission. As part of the design collective
Everybody Love Everybody, the pair are rapidly forging a cult following with products such as bamboo sunglasses and contemporary
lifestyle furniture. They embrace old-school techniques such as kerfing
(wood bending) and are not ones to shy away from a design
This Handmade Collection
represents a selection of
handmade work from
the Western Cape
region of South Africa
during 2012.
Please contact the
designer-makers / craft producers
for customised orders.
Cape Craft & Design Institute
Die Kaapse Instituut vir Handwerk & Ontwerp
Iziko laseKapa lobuChule nobuGcisa
75 Harrington Street, The Fringe, Cape Town
(021) 461 1488
[email protected]