Level 2 - Co-Publications

Copyright © DG Health and Consumers of the European Commission.
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Source document:
Does electromagnetic
field exposure endanger
SCENIHR (2015)
Summary & Details:
Level 2 - Details on Does electromagnetic field exposure endanger health?
What are electromagnetic fields?..............................................................................2
Are there different types of EMF?..............................................................................2
Is EMF exposure dangerous for your health?.........................................................2
Can some people be especially sensitive to EMF?..................................................2
Is exposure to EMF continually increasing?............................................................2
What is the Scientific Committees' view in summary?.........................................2
The answers to these questions are a faithful summary of the scientific opinion
produced in 2015 by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR):
"Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)"
The full publication is available at: http://copublications.greenfacts.org/en/health-effects-emf/
and at: http://ec.europa.eu/health/opinions/en/health-effects-emf/
This PDF Document is the Level 2 of a GreenFacts Co-Publication. GreenFacts Co-Publications are published
in several languages as questions and answers, in a copyrighted user-friendly Three-Level Structure of
increasing detail:
Each question is answered in Level 1 with a short summary.
These answers are developed in more detail in Level 2.
Level 3 consists of the Source document, the internationally recognised scientific opinion which
is faithfully summarised in Level 2 and further in Level 1.
All GreenFacts Co-Publications are available at: http://copublications.greenfacts.org/
and at: http://ec.europa.eu/health/scientific_committees/policy/opinions_plain_language/index_en.htm
Copyright © DG Health and Consumers of the European Commission.
1. What are electromagnetic fields?
2. Are there different types of EMF?
3. Is EMF exposure dangerous for your health?
4. Can some people be especially sensitive to EMF?
5. Is exposure to EMF continually increasing?
6. What is the Scientific Committees' view in summary?
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