THE WASHINGTON TIMES TUESDAY JUNE 26 1906 7 HOME ITS PROBLEMS AND INTERESTS f Credit for All Washington We Guarantee J WHAT A PEW OF THIS SUMMERS DAINTY NEGLIGEES ARE LIKE Some Coquettish and Charming GarmentsHome Made Garments Nice Tho season of the cool negligee is at hand though for that matter women now wear filmy boudoir gowns and matinees at all times In tho year One typo of negligee however is pe- ¬ culiarly associated with summer days and has grown rapidly In popularity during the last few seasons This Is tho lingerie matinee In snnectlon with a lingerie petticoat to match and although the costume is appropri ¬ ate for the boudoir only and is too em ¬ phatically a deshabille to be correctly worn a many women wear it about the house It is In its more elaborate forms most coquettish and charming Along with all other lingerie gar ¬ ments It has taken on new daintiness and attractiveness of late aryl Americans Nava been gradually ed cated to an extravagance in ratters of lingerie that was unknown to their mothers and grandmothers French women rave al ¬ ways spent money lavlsn on their lingerie but French women could buy exquisite handmade lingerie for i fraction of the sum charged for It on this side of the water and though there has been a tremendous improve- ¬ ment in domestic lingerie work during recent years the French models still set the standards and many American women buy only the imported hand ¬ made underwear etc Until very recently it was practically impossible to cbtaln a domestic lin- ¬ gerie negligee model In which hard work and fine materials were allowed to furnish the elegance of the garment Over trimming associated with careless machine work and coerce materials was tho prevailing characteristic of the domestic negligee offered ready made in the shops but we have changed all t I t that One still sees many models of old type and there are still plenty the of wo ¬ men who prefer them while others buy them because they are cheaper than the daintier garments but the general level of the designing quality and workman- ¬ ship upon the ready made negligee has risen each season and this year the shops abound in matinees and robes that are attractive even when not Tho skirt has the same treatment and both sack and skirt have scallop frills at bottom though lace inset Insertion and frills might well be substituted Nothing Is quite so pretty for the sack and skirt negligee as lingerie stuff but for loose matinees to be worn over dross skirts all sorts of plain and flowered sheer silks crepes and cotton and stile mixtures are Tho pretty flowered crystalline and similar cotton and silk stuffs which are Inexpensive though really lovely In de- ¬ sign and coloring have been chosen by the makers of negligee garments for many attractive models In both matinee and gown form and these flowered stuffs of course require less trimming than plain materials lace and ribbon being the usual In trim- ¬ ming The chief difficulty with these materials is their tendency to look stringy and mussy after a little wear but they can always be pressed out and some of them will wash although they are rover quite so after being laundered Remnants of the exquisite flowered crepe de chino aro to be this season at many of the bargain at count ers and a seprate matinee of a dressy sort nothing is lovelier than crepe or flowered well too and cleans perfectlyIt vars nd though costing more at start than a China or India silk IB a botterlnveet ment In the long runNew York Sun HOUSEHOLD A currycomb HELPS makes an excellent fish scaler In order to have potatoes always white Ute kettle in which they are cooked should never be used for any other purpose A tablespoonful of sugar added to the water for basting roast heel will give a rich brown color as well as a fine savor SXKS covered with boiling water and allowed to stand live minutes are more nutritious and digestible than when boiled rapidly for three minutes In flavoring cakes do not use lemon juice it a light Cake Is desired stings the acid sets free the carbon dioxide before baking The waxed lining paper to cracker boxes is excellent to wrap lunches in It Is very good to clean flat irons wth k 1 TO reduce your hips there nor a va rloty of good exorcises One of the best which also has an effect on the liver and Is therefore sometimes known as a liver squeezer Is to hold the arms out hori- ¬ zontally while standing erect and then surely need a good Refrigerator unless you already without moving the limbs turn the bidy around first to the right then to the haves one We are handling the same make that we have sold loft as far as possible Xext hold the for several years past and it gives ertire satisfaction although arms high overhead touching palms and bend first to the right and then to very moderate in price We have alt sizes and many different the loft as far as possible with the arms in that position Bonding to the styles You will be perfectly safe in relying one for no mat ¬ floor keeping the knees stiff bonding ter what style select or what the price we will gladly only at tho waist line is fine and what is known as tho goose stop In Gorman guarantee it for durability economy and general satisfaction military circles that of standing firmlyThey are built of thoroughly seasoned lumber have the best on one foot and lifting the other as high as possible straightening out the leg possible insulation and are so arranged as to insure proper cirwtih the too pointed as In tho act bt culation of cold dry air They are economical in the use of taking a step Is also excellentice and will not get musty or contract unpleasant odors if kept A delightful lotion to remove an oily condition of the complexion and to con- ¬ reasonably clean We have all sizes in wellmade Ice Chests tract enlarged pores Take a halfpin I too at lowest prices Remember that we are always glad to bottle and in It put one and onehalf ounces of cucumber juice hall till the charge any purchase you make here and arrange the terms bottle with elder flower water add one of payment to suit you without extra cost ounce of eau de cologne and shake well Then add onehalf ounce of simple tine tune of benzoin shake slightly and fill with older flower water Apply with soft sponge night and morning Arnica diluted with warm water will i prove a simple and soothing application for tired burning feet After the lots has dried in rub the feet gently ueitT I a good toilet cream of oil of sweet 817819821823 Seventh St Between H and I Sts almonds Always draw tho blood the ankle or the instep toward the front toes Support the or the ball of the foot with the left hand while with right using tho the downward motion on the outside of the foot or the ankle How to Tell a Persons Age FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS A rotary motion on the instep is very restful Hre Is a plan to find out a persons Almond meal Orris root in fine pow ¬ age How asking the question der four ounces wheat Hour four old without are you which is sometimes ounce powdered white castile soap one S ounce borax one ounce oil of bitter thought rude f almonds ten drop oil of bergamot two Ask the jrtrl I suppose it is a girl to tincture of musk one fluid dram dram down IR figures the number of the Mix well and pass through sieve This 4 uh FYI In which she was born to multi ¬ I t 2 should be used Instead of soap It la CHIC SHIRT WAIST ph by S then add S a d multiply the 6 delightful it The design of this shirt waist will appeal strongly to tho girl fond of Jh by I then add her own age Almond milk ta made by blanching thon subetract MS then add IK then lettc sports It dUCera from the regulation Peter Pan blouse at nook and Ottvn goodsized Jordan J the front Our model is collarless stitched bands of the material crossed in thirty tho sum she has left This she bruising them a powder In halfanda tell you front forming the neck finish A wide box plait extends to waist line and pint of distilled to be willing to do for she will not water A lump of sugar turned curls trim the elbow sleeves The little pocket on right side is decorat ¬ must be worked In at the name time think that three figures can represent to prevent the oil from separating age But they do for the figure at ed with a pearl button matching those on blouse and cuZ < process takes some time and shouldThe n I left tells you the month in which done In a mortar Strain through cheesehe was born and the two other figures cloth 25000 SonsefnrnishiEff and you how old she is now For ex To male the milk richer increase th tell China Stock Must So Sold number of nuts used The preparation if the amount is 317 she was born is one of the most soothing and bleach March the third month and her age ing PETER GROGAN w C OUC WKLY COOKING LESSON > te C seventeen sTflmA broadbiaded knife or cake turner brown the other side Send to the and ta ¬ ble as soon as taken from the griddle syrup gravy or with them Grind Cakes together a pint of flour and a half teas far of salt Stir into a pint of thick sour milk one level teaspoonful of sifted bak1n soda As begins to foam mix quickly with the flour and bake the at once Buck ¬ wheat or corn meal say be mixed with the flour Whole Wheat CakesMix a half teaspoonful of salt with a pint of whole wheat flour Gradually add a of wry cold quickly and hard until tho hatter Is tiny bubbles Have deep om very hot and well greased Fill nearly full with the batter and bake in a hot oven until risen and brown about half an hour Pop Overs Sift together a pint of flour and a half teaspoonful of salt Beat enough to mix them three eggs add a pint of milk Stir into the flour beating to make A smooth batter Fill gem pans nearly full Place in a mod orate oven so that they will rise very slowly In half an hour quicken the h t They should swell to twice their and be hollow in the center first They will take nearly an hour to bake I Te J 0 rte In U S et- I Fo r Over andLoss of Thirt Y ears C CENTAUR COMPANY nal FORK doHome N t = Ono pair ot to see near and far SPECIAL f price glasses sop discount on pres- ¬ oculists KAJDT criptions 935 F Street N TT MuchanyCheaperth-you can an tieother lIt catches use quickly burns steadilY makinga tire thats Just for cookWelt supply you Ceke Bush Large Coke delivered 5250 Bush Large Coke delivered 379fBush Coke delivered 3639 Bush Crushed Coke deliv 300 Bush Crushed Coke dell 45 Bush Crushed Coke delis 650 1 S2 85 ing 25 40 lO 25 40 60 Phone rEl Washington Gaslight 413 10th St N W Co LUCAS PAINT TINTED GLOSS J For a number of years Browns Red abel has been in use while imitations ave appeared and disappear SI ICl Let him explain Per gai 50 R M BROWN7th and N Sts == Begin === 4 Ifee House of a rho us and CandlesIn Next Sundays Times- It will be published in a few installments and as it is THE book of the year you cannot afford to miss it 1 Sundays Times CRT 85c Coke Far Better I I Will Be Told In Next I4c I to 5 I Signathre Complete Hardware 1010 Pa Ave A How One Mere Man Is Keeping a Thousand T omen From Marrying e I Semen Doors 1 EAR Womens Standard 350 White Canvas Oxfords I MetalCenter 1 3 7t sac Window Screens i EDMONSTONS CASTO RIAnf- A Priced from Con Co JOHN B ESPEY r No trouble in a perfect fit as the lines of sizes and widths are absolutely complete and our professional shoefitters have the ability to select the proper Oxfords to fit any feet lb Pacific Tea GREENS 2 The Kitid You HaveAlways Bought J Marriage Knot S N I For Infants and Children Great Atlantic 2Saia gtar 1 li e of rich Java and Mochi I stylish comfortable footwear There are new models in FOOT FORM Oxfordsstyles to suit every and each style is shown in all good leathers also a big variety of new styles in our celebrated WEAR WELL Ox¬ fords for women I CASTORIA A delicious blending Womens High r Grade Oxfords A stock of Oxfords that anticipates every possible demand for I I CONGRESSIONAL 3 to 5 Kever take your dog out for a run directly after it has had a meal If the exercise Is at all hard the food will remain undigested for hours It is best not to allow a dog to play even directly after he has swallowed his dinner In a little time hd can do so but do not encourage him to romp about j 1 Boots and Oxfords for flen Women and Children Gate of Pets ears Dollar Hudsons Variety Store 416 7th St N W I EDMONSTONS Home of the Original FOOTFORn BEDFORD 1 Asparagus Toast Home Notes i oV Manners On the ¬ BATTERSB- phenomenally expensive For the woman who cannot afford ex- ¬ also travagance and yet covets the daintiest To prevent tomato soup from curd- ¬ CORNELIA of negligee sacks and robes the only ling add the tomatoes before the milk resort is home sewing and within a is put Into it and remember to train Batters are thin mixtures of Sour and the tomato juke before turning It over liquid nmfte light by the admixture few weeks there will be offered bar ¬ of gains galore in the department of the flour and butter KMne subeUuioe w or will lacex embroideries and sheer summer A soft varnish brush with a string evolve a gas W Ida contains a choice have of air materials from among widen the clever or wire through the handle to hang it well beaten eggs or x chemical such asshopper may choose materials for her by is a desirable utensil in every pantry I sumemr negligees which will bring their to be used for brushing bread rolls and s ready prepevec la the various forms away baking powder cost below that of the Imported or pastry with melted butter tine domestic ready made models par- ¬ Air can be entangled in batters by eta mix tablespoon ticularly if the shopper can do her own fulIn ofa fruit flour and vigorous beating The same thoroughly the sugar sewing both dry be used spread It is accomplished by the use of With the prettiest of the sack and it on the lower crustis to putting in beaten eggs flaking powder con ¬ petticoat models the effect Is a matter the fruit and it will be before evenly distribut 11 two or more chemical substances of materials and hand work rather ed through the I A fair substitute for maple sugar is when combined with a liquid be ¬ than of Intricate design Of course there are the elaborate models beauti- made with equal parts of granulated to evolve gas and this gas divided ful with delicate hand embroideries white and dark brown sugar boiled with tiny bubbles and evenly mixed of water until of with lace inset in complicated fashion the desiredthe the batter lives the desired thickness When cool three but there are also hand made models drops The of baking powder tovanilla best is added almost as delightful in which the handSour milk in which soda has been e Is one which contains cream of tar ¬ Is limited to tiny tucks to simply thoroughly work > et dissolved in proportion the ln as the chemical residue left in the lace to seams set together by teaspoonful of soda to veining and to other devices Tri h are one onequarter is not harmful We can also wee cupful pf milk cast be used a I not beyond the accomplishment of any mixture of sour milk and baking soda milk If only a little less baking woman who can do fine though plain is used flour the mixed In the proper porporUons hand needle work A novelty attractive to the cook is ey will lighten the batter perfectly The simplest lingerie matinee of a protector food a dish of among the French models and the do- Inam ld wire perforated and indented Cooking on a greased griddle is a sort mestic copies of the imported models be put in the bottom of kettles to f two aided baking Only enough rat to yoke made of insertion set has a food from even should < eop the batter cakes from sticking is together by hand The lower of water boll be hart larger quantity tends to make the sack is Joined to this yoke being costing sizes various IS to 36 from i set on with tiny tucks while below ents each cakes greasy and indigestible these tucks the material falls full Griddle Cakes Sift together a pint of It the salt is sprinkled over the range The bottom is trimmed with inset lace > efore ur a third of a teaspoonful of salt und lace frills as are the elbow sleeves ie no disagreeable odor if the fat spat ono teaspoonful d of baking powder and knots and ends of liberty satin set ers over on fronts and sleeves add greatly Ielt one teaspoonful of butter StIr Ht to the In frying croquettes in be fat charm of the matinee If the ribbon Is to the wire basket in the he flour a scant plat of sweet mil cleverly tied One can by the way 10t fat first before lnS hard and quickly the croquettes are Add the the tying done at the ribbon coun Iaced in the basket otherwise they butter Grease a hot griddle ter of any good shop If one has not the to the wires and fall apart adhere rop on by batter the spoonfuls When knack and the skillful manipulation of hen lifted ribbon is distinctly an art There is now on the market a frying rown on the under side turn with a Often the lower part of the matinee is appliance which fits a and made of deep embroidery flouncing very pan preventing all possibility of applied to the yoke exsuit and tine he fat running over on actly as in the model just described ingenious woman keeps bread but needing of course no additional An at an even temperatureher the year T at the bottom In such a mod 1 YJIiL u oven of a J usually has the sleeve without a fire and putting a small embroidery Introduced In some way but love lamp beside It hted door the yoke may be of either embroldeiy 8ItJ open wnn xmwIMNIINiNINmN1NNNwiumun w umn or iace insertion and often combines the two Table A petticoat of the lingerie material Is easily made and embroider and this style of sack and petticoat flog¬ Parents oven In a humble cottage ligee Is probably the simplest of its a class in so far as lOme should pay attention to the con ¬ though the fine embroidery is never and manners of their children at cheap and If one to give ones time the lace trimmed negligee can be Ion they Theyfill cannot tell what posi ¬ will in after life and a manufactured at less expense than the embroidery model or woman who is Ignorant of the One particularly dainty model shown simple laws of table etiquette is by an might be reproduced handicapped Were the parents without great outlay of time or money provided some slight modifications were o reprove the child who conveys Its made It is of dotted swiss of the best ood to its mouth with a knife who quality and the petticoat Is simply Its tea from tho saucer or who finished with three flounces Its elbows eg at right angles embroidered scallop edges under which he lesson so taughtout would never be set little frills of narrow valen llucFooddcdl3egulaart Is a certain amountfor otten There of clennesiI at the ungut Sln of table where one were done If this hand arcely expects to It would mean considerable trouble but us deportment of a sot dinner party one can obtain the same effect with ma even In mt homo there are minor chine scalloping and can have this done and observances which should al very cheaply at any of the sewing maays be followed says Womans Life chine The sack of is on whose mind they are perfectly simple In design han g- he boy oratgirlan early Promote esflonClueerfunever straight and slightly full from a Itt le t when alter years of them and lnessandEestContasnslzelther yoke scalloped a bor may be manners the it that Op1um iorphine 11Dr Mineral der and lace frill but this sack has a t the man will be their chief pass ¬ dainty feature in the oddly shaped collar lort into circle of their new ac ¬ the NOT NARCOTIC to collar It The s embroidered by hand but In a very is simple design which might be with little labor and even without the i 8Ptidt7fazlrSeillD embroidery the negligee would be ex- ¬ ceedingly aC7JJZ SarlTips alone should be used for this Swiss or Swiss embroidFine dotted 4ZtJmsa ered in small designs Is a good choice aJnt cooking them In salted water as uSJk for the sack and petticoat negligee giv carefully described drain then est itin ing the and washable freshIiFgxmnatness of lingerie materials and yet hav lnd to each cupful ofeggthe tips add one asakdadme hardboiled a drop or two ing loss the air of deshabille than the cd plain sheer lawns linens batistes R c If Worcestershire sauce and a table flrrrkcdkrgar1The latter are susceptible of more elab- s of spiced tomato catsup blend fEssrja orate design and than the and hoop upon rounds of hot Swiss but they demand more trimming t toast Into a very hot and for an unpretentious the ven for five or running six before serv ¬ embroidered offers admirable ionySour StomachDiarrroeaI1g serve garnished with a bit of plum qualifications celery a d and little grated egg yolk Among the French models there are VormsConvulsionsfeverish innumerable models In the lin- ¬ Ness SLEE1gerie stuffs but a large number of them are adorned with Intricate hand em ¬ I broidery or so complicated In their in ¬ Tcifafilc signature of set lace that A good deal is heard of tho marriage cannot easily be copied for all their illusive air of very not but few of us realize that babyish simplicity There are however j some wh ch need not daunt the the knot was ever anything more than NEW YORK ordinarily clever seamstress If she does a figure of speech Among the Baby ¬ not from plain though fine hand mlana tying the knot was part the sowing ceremony says Home of Chat One such neglige ho priest took a thread from the gar ¬ l ty It has very fineis delightfully damn tont the bride and another from for its material and vertical Inset lawn lines tJ hat ofof tho bridegroom and tied them or yalencJennes alternate with or IJ 110 a which he gave to the bride knot minute hand run tucks in trimming the tJ E ACT CopYUFWRAPPEB l1us symbolizing the binding nature of sack A further note of daintiness is added tJ he union which now existed between rrillk dew b lines of embroidered dots running n orselt and her husband down each of every lace and hand on a narrow strip of plain done The It of this world Is in the hard lawn between the lace and tucking t I1lnsn have to ea j Our Refrigerators to Give SatisfactionYou FOR THE TOILET y I 1 I The One Solution So The Servant Problem Times Warn Ads I
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