CorpusChristi Parish Sixth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2015 Happy Mother’s Day 2015 CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH—WWW.CORPUSCHRISITIMAINE.ORG PARISH Information MASS TIMES & INTENTIONs 70 Pleasant St., Waterville ME 04901 MONDAY 8:00 AM SJ May 11, 2015 Anne Bushey by Jo-Ann Bourassa Business Office Hours Mon-Thurs 8:00 AM -4:00 PM & Fri 8:00 AM -Noon Phone: 872-2281 Fax: 877-0675 TUESDAY 8:00 AM SJ May 12, 2015 Raymond St. Amand by Jules & Gaile Letourneau Corpus Christi Parish Email: [email protected] Website: St. Francis Cemetery WEDNESDAY May 13 2015 8:00 AM SJ Shirley Lachance by John & Joan Dore Grove St., Waterville, Me 04901 Phone: 872-2270 Fax: 872-2270 Email: stfrancem@my Website: www.portlanddiocese/ Rev. Daniel J. Baillargeon , Pastor Rev. Dominic Savio, HGN Parochial Vicar Rev. Paul Marquis, MGH Chaplain Fr. Alex Antony, Visiting Priest Fr. Arockia Samy, Visiting Priest Theresa Poulin, Parish Business Manager Kim Suttie, Pastoral Life Coordinator Mike Hebert, Facilities Manager & St. Francis Cemetery Manager Elaine Gordon, Catechetical Leader Deb Hebert, Senior Bookkeeper Janet Laws Paquet, Administrative Assistant Joan Hallee, Receptionist Bonnie McGann, Principal St. John’s Regional Catholic School Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays @ 3:00 PM St. John Church, Winslow Notre Dame Church, Waterville Sacrament of Baptism Families who would like to have their child baptized should call the parish office at 872-2281 to register for our Baptism Preparation Program. Classes are offered monthly on the last Monday of the month, registration is required. Sacrament of Marriage Couples should make arrangements at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Call the parish office at 872-2281. FINANCE WEDNESDAY , MAY 13, 2015–ASCENSION VIGIL 6:00 PM SJ Rene Guite by Charlie & Noella Pelletier ASCENSION THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2015 8:00 AM SJ Mathew Halloran by Jan-Halloran-Dahl 12:15 PM SJ Beverly Giroux by Leo & Denise Dumoulin 4:30 PM CC Gerald Mathieu by John & Helen Nadeau FRIDAY 8:00 AM SJ May 15, 2015 Clarence Hebert by Diane Russell SATURDAY 4:00 PM ND 4:00 PM SJ 6:00 PM ND May 16, 2015 Gerald & Mae Hart by their children Clem Bizier by the family Lois Cooper by Kim, Toby & Jake SUNDAY 7:30 AM SJ 9:00 AM ND 10:00 AM SJ 10:30 AM ND 4:30 PM CC May 17, 2015 Cecile Michaud by M/M Dorian Begin Eva Poirier (1st Ann.) by her family Michael Hanna by Clair Thibeault Parishioners of Corpus Christi Parish Carmel Pinnette by Carmen Plante & family Please remember in your prayers Robert Pooler, died March 25, funeral March 31 Celine Lemieux, died April 28, funeral May 1 Robert Gardner, died April. 27, funeral May 2 Yvonne Hebert, died April 29, funeral May 4 ROSARY CAMPAIGN May 10-May 16 May 17-May 23 May 24-May 30 Patricia Stewart, Elaine Snow Marie Williams Christian Jandreau Muriel Derosiers, Lee & Diane Breton Mary Richards Offertory for the April 26th weekend collection—$14,266.70 Sanctuary Candle There will be a second collection at all of next weeks masses for the Catholic Appeal In Thanksgiving by a Parishioner (SJ) Prayers & Healing for all our families & for everyone (ND) MAY 10, 2015 COMMUNITIES OF FAIRFIELD, OAKLAND, VASSALBORO, WATERVILLE, WINSLOW In our PARISH COMMUNITY Knight of Columbus #13486 MOTHERS DAY BREAKFAST Notre Dame Church Hall May 10; 8 AM-11 AM Mothers eat for free!!! Scrambled eggs, ham, coffee, milk & juice Adults $7; Children $5; family $15 World Wide Marriage Encounter Journey Group Sunday, May 17th from 7:00pm-9:00pm at Sacred Heart Rectory. If you have attended a WWME Weekend and wish to join us for a Marriage Enrichment and fellowship, please consider yourselves welcome. For more information please call Darin & Sarah White at (207) 692-3083 or email [email protected] Cook Needed The Servants of the Blessed Sacrament are seeking a cook for their convent at 101 Silver Street, Waterville. The hours are weekdays, Monday-Friday from 9:00am—1:00pm. If you are interested, please contact Sr. Mary Catherine for an appointment at 872-7072. Thank you Volunteers Needed We are in need of volunteers to help clean up Sacred Heart Church. We ask that you bring your own bucket and rags and join us at 9:00am on May 13th. Thank you for any assistance you can provide! A THOUGHT TO PONDER... PASTORAL message Dear Friends, Jesus’ last words to his friends summarize his whole life: “Love one another.” It really is all about love — love for the God he calls “Father,” love that is freely given, love that is willing to give all for others. It’s no wonder that the young church felt compelled to share this with those who were different, like the gentiles. Jesus came to teach us that God shows no partiality. It is we who create barriers and borders. And it is we who are called to extend ourselves beyond our self-created boundaries. This is the great command. Fr. Dan With sincere appreciation Thank you to the volunteers who cleaned the interior of St. John’s Church. Happy Spring! Visit our parish website at: Our easy to navigate website is your source for Mass times, ministry schedules, daily prayers, Catholic resources, photo albums, videos and so much more. Readings for the Week of may 10 2015 Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17 Monday: Acts 16:11-15/Jn 15:26--16:4a Tuesday: Acts 16:22-34/Jn 16:5-11 Wednesday: Acts 17:15, 22--18:1/Jn 16:12-15 Thursday: Ascension: Acts 1:1-11/Eph 4:1-13 or 4:17, 11-13 or Eph 1:17-23/Mk 16:15-20 Friday: Acts 18:9-18/Jn 16:20-23 Saturday: Acts 18:23-28/Jn 16:23b-28 Next Sunday: Acts 1:15-17, 20a, 20c-26/1 Jn 4:11-16/Jn 17:11b-19 ©Liturgical Publications Inc SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER faith formation ST JOHN CATHOLIC school news Elementary Faith Formation News 872-7115 WWW.STJOHNSCHOOLWINSLOW.ORG “Like” us on facebook @ Classes are held at the Faith Formation Center attached to St. John’s Regional Catholic School Sunday morning, Grades K-8 REGISTRATIONS CONTINUE FOR THE 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR. St. John Regional Catholic School is a close-knit, loving, and family-centered environment for Preschool/Pre-K through 7th/8th grade that allows children to spend their most formative years in a place devoted to their academic and spiritual growth. Please contact Bonnie McGann, Principal, at 872-7115 to take a tour of our school, and arrange for your student to spend time with us in class during a normal school day, or part of a day. St. John Regional Catholic School Annual Development Appeal continues. Please send your donation for our school by mail to St. John Regional School, 15 South Garand Street, Winslow, ME 04901, or online at The Appeal letter is posted at that website, and also at We especially invite Alumni to participate and to contact us with your latest address, telephone number, and email address. Last class before summer 8:30-9:45 May 10 Tuesday afternoon, Grades K-5 3:15-4:30 Last class before summer May 12 Vacation Bible School – June 22-26th (9-11:30a) Vacation Bible School (VBS) is back again, and will be held in the St. John School Cafeteria during the week of June 22nd. This year we will be following Moses on his journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai. VBS is geared toward kids from Kindergarten through 5th Grade. We start and end each day in Celebration, learning songs that the kids always seem to love. The kids will also play games, make crafts, learn more about the Bible story, and have a snack each day. For more information, contact Elaine Gordon at 660-9027. adult faith formation news Encounter in the Upper Room Our catholic faith What are Rogations Days? (The three days before Ascension Thursday) The primary purpose of the Rogation Days is to ask God to bless the fields and the parish that they fall in. The rogations Days were marked by the recitation of the Litany of the Saints, which would normally begin in or at a church. After Saint Mary was invoked, the congregation would proceed to walk the boundaries of the parish, while reciting the rest of the litany (and repeating it as necessary or supplementing it with some of the penitential or gradual Psalms). Thus the entire parish would be blessed. Like the Ember days, rogation Days were removed from the liturgical calendar when it was revised in 1969, coinciding with the introduction of the Mass of Paul VI. Parishes can still celebrate them, and, in portions of Europe, the Major Rogation is still celebrated with a procession. As the Western world has become more industrialized, Rogation Days and Ember Days, focused as they are on agriculture and the changes of the seasons, have seemed less “relevant.” Still, they are good ways to keep us in touch with nature and to remind us that the Church’s liturgical calendar is tied to the changing seasons. You can mark the days by reciting the Litany of the Saints, and attend daily Mass Friday, May 15, 7:00pm—8:30pm at St. John Church. Our 3rd presenter in the series on Consecrated Life will be Janet LeBlanc, a consecrated virgin who lives in our parish. Join us for prayer, praise, song, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the opportunity for confession. Ignite Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm—8:30pm at the Faith Formation Center on So. Garand Street in Winslow (attached to St. John’s School) Join us as we study and discuss our faith. We will be studying the bible for the next several weeks. All are welcome! Like us on facebook at: ref=aymt_homepage_panel View photos, videos and get inspired through fellowship with other believers!
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