Since 1939 Concord Lane HANDCRAFTED WALKING STICKS BY CONCORD On a walk or at rest, a walking stick by Concord conveys one’s distinctive personal style. It can transform a simple stroll into an elegant promenade, and its mere presence somehow endows any room with a decorative flair. As they are handmade high standards of craftsmanship are assured: Aged, kiln-dried hardwoods, crystal, silver plate, resin and solid brass are just a few of the many materials and finishes employed to create works of art one can take a stroll with. 1-0741-59 Leo 1-0741-58 Golf Ball - 925 Silver - 925 Silver 1-0741-60 S i lv e r Plate Lab 9-1392-00 S w a r o v s k i Crown Jewel 1-0751-04K Firenze - Nickel Plate 2 1-0751-55 G o l d F i r e n z e - 18k Gold Plate over Nickel CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 1-0741-54 Cocker S pa n i e l 1-0741-53 F o x T e r r i e r - Silver Plate - Silver Plate 1-0741-62 American Beaut y - 925 Silver 9-1397-00 Wedding R i n g w i t h Rhinestones 1-0751-15K Jack 1-0751-16K Harvey 1-1751-15 E x t r a Long 42” 1-0751-06K Scout 1-0751-63K Brownie C h o c o l a t e L a b 1-0751-17K Corno 1-1751-17 E x t r a Long 42” 1-0751-52K Einstein 1-0751-00K Trout 1-0751-19K Victorian 1-0751-21K Woody (left) 1-0751-20K Woody (right) 1-0751-14K Lord Byron HAND MADE SINCE 1939 3 Concord Lane HANDCRAFTED WALKING STICKS BY CONCORD 1-0751-05 Palio 1-0751-22 C ava l l o 1-0751-40 Butch 1-0751-42 Greyhound 1-0751-01 Jumbo 1-0751-23 Gator 1-0751-44 P o l ly 1-0751-07 Mallard 1-0751-41 Ducky 1-0751-36 Panama 1-0751-45 Spike 4 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 1-0751-08K McArthur 1-0751-18K Churchill 9-1389-00 Gambler 1-0741-63 S a v i l l e R o w Brown Crocodile pa t t e r n e d C a l f 1-0741-65 B o n d S t r e e t Bl ack Calf with bold or ange stitching 1-0751-37 Viennese Facet - 144 Facet Austrian Crystal 1-0741-64 A bb e y R o a d R e d S n a k e pa t t e r n e d C a l f 1-0741-66 C a r n a b y S t r e e t B l u e a n d B r o w n pa t t e r n e d C a l f “Three Little Pigs” 1-0751-68 Comstock - Silver Plate 9-7665-04 Burgundy Shaded Leather 9-7666-07 Brown Shaded Leather 9-7667-08 Bl ack Shaded Leather HAND MADE SINCE 1939 5 Concord Lane HANDCRAFTED WALKING STICKS BY CONCORD 1-0741-41 K C a s t M e m b e r 1-0741-00 Frog Prince - Hand Painted - 925 Silver 1-0741-44 P i sc e s 1-0741-01 F r o g P r i n c e / Green - Silver Plate - Hand Painted 1-0741-14 Bronte - Hand Painted 1-0741-49 Puma 1-0741-43 Gir affe - Silver Plate - Silver Plate 1-0741-13 Twizzler - 925 Silver 1-0741-10 K E dwa r d i a n - 925 Silver 6 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 1-0751-67 Baroque 1-0741-50 A ly da r - Nickel Plate - Silver Plate 1-0751-64 Lapis R e p r o d u c t i o n L a p i s L a z u l i 1-0751-03 Billiard 1-0751-12 Palmer 1-0741-55 G o l d V e r m e i l B a l m o r a l - Nickel Plate - 18k Gold over 925 Silver 1-0741-06 Felix 1-0741-03 S t e i n way - 925 Silver Accents 1-0741-56 S i l v e r Acanthus - Silver Plate In a rich blend of silver plate and faux ivory, our Mustang and Longhorn walking sticks deftly elicit the spirit of the American West. Carved in basso-rilievo, or low-relief, the animals come to life with amazing attention to detail, framed in substantial silver planting. 1-0741-48 K M’Lady - 925 Silver Accents 1-0741-51 M u s t a n gs 1-0741-52 K Longhorns 1-0741-40 Tex 1-0741-42 Global - Hand Painted HAND MADE SINCE 1939 7 Concord Lane All HANDCRAFTED WALKING STICKS BY CONCORD except 1-0780-02, 9-1326-00 and 9-1328-00. 9-1328-00 M a r b l e Palm grip (left) 9-1326-00 M a r b l e Palm grip (right) 9-7868-95 A m b e r Palm grip Bl ackthorn (right) 9-7869-95 A m b e r Palm grip B l a c k t h o r n (left) 9-7868-00 A m b e r Palm grip (right) 1-0780-02 H i g h l a n d e r Marbled 9-7678-00 E r g o n o m i c Genuine Bamboo 9-7869-00 A m b e r Palm grip (left) 9-7868-90 Amber and Bl ack C o n g o (right) 9-7869-90 Amber and Bl ack C o n g o (left) 8 9-7677-00 E r g o n o m i c Irish Bl ackthorn CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 9-7690-00 E r g o n o m i c Congo Wood 1-0761-06 Natur al 1-0761-05 B l a c k Derby 1-0761-08 R a t t a n Wr ap 1-0751-28 A pp a l a c h i a n Chestnut 1-0751-27 F u l l B a r k S i e r r a Chestnut 1-0761-00 Smoked 1-0761-01 Tortiglione 1-0751-70 M a t t e r h o r n Chestnut 1-0761-02 Phantom 1-0761-14 Chestnut Congo 1-0761-03 Noce “Invisible” Walking Sticks As if found in the rear of some haberdasher’s shop on Park Avenue. Intentionally pared down designs direct our attention to the careful details: even wood grain (solid acacia), solid brass collars, the most basic and comfortable of shapes. Simplicity itself, so discreet, so minimalist, so j’ne sais quoi. Almost invisible. A walking stick that’s less about itself and more about the user. HAND MADE SINCE 1939 9 Concord Lane HANDCRAFTED WALKING STICKS BY CONCORD Derby handles are among the most comfortable to the hand. The Briar Derby is a little beefier making it perfect for a larger hand. The Carmel and wine red Claret add a splash of color to your assortment. All three are among our most modestly priced sticks. 1-0761-15 B r i a r D e r b y 1-0761-16 C a r m e l D e r b y 1-0761-09 B e e c h E r g o (right) 9-7635-00 Maple Derby (right) 1-0761-10 B e e c h E r g o (left) 9-7604-00 Jupiter D e r b y Horn Bull’s-eye Inl ay 10 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 1-0761-17 C l a r e t D e r b y 1-0761-11 Beech Derby 9-7636-00 Maple Derby (left) 1-0751-33 Sunset 1-0751-32 Sunrise 1-0751-60 T h e O x b o w All “The Exotics” 9-7650-00 Ebony 9-7669-00 Bubinga 9-7673-00 Zebr ano 9-0073-00 M a l a cc a 9-7696-00 Bl ackthorn Shillel agh 9-0075-00 A l p a cc a on Cherry stained Maple 9-7695-00 D u b l i n e r I r i s h B l a c k t h o r n Knob 9-7681-08 S t o c k h o l m Men’s Swedish Birch 9-0198-00 Ladies A l p a cc a on Bl ack Maple 9-7675-00 Palmwood Handle w i t h I n l a y 9-7781-08 L a d i e s cane HAND MADE SINCE 1939 11 Concord Lane All 1-0751-62 Cowboy by C h o i c e TM Saddle HANDCRAFTED WALKING STICKS BY CONCORD except 1-0751-09, 1-0751-59 and 1-0751-62. 1-0751-59K Peacemaker 9-1116-08 Chrome Jaguar 1-0751-09 Holmes 9-1124-11 Chrome Derby 9-1072-08 S c r i m s h a w Bulldog 9-1066-08 S c r i m s h a w Acorn 9-1118-08 Chrome Skull 9-5527-07 Chrome Fritz 9-1133-11 Chrome plated B r a ss Knob 12 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 9-1083-08 S c r i m s h a w Eagle 9-1069-08 S c r i m s h a w Whale Tooth All 9-1674-00 Snakeskin Derby except 1-0751-50. 9-1676-00 L e o p a r d Derby 9-0382-17 Rosewood finish 14 k G o l d 9-7606-00 A l u m i n u m Adjustable Soft T o u c h 31 ” t o 41 ” band 9-1055-00 Spir al Hand G r o o v e d Chestnut 1-0751-50 R u bb e r G r i p T Soft Touch 9-0381-16 Ebony finish Sterling S i lv e r b a n d 9-1055-99 Extr a L o n g 42” 9-7661-00 Satin B r o w n Soft T o u c h 9-7802-07 Crook M a p l e Soft Touch 9-7802-08 Bl ack M a p l e Soft Touch HAND MADE SINCE 1939 13 Concord Lane HANDCRAFTED WALKING STICKS BY CONCORD All Carbon Fiber Super strong incredibly lightweight at a mere 10 ounces. 9-2078-00 C h a r t e r O a k 9-0750-08 S o f t T o u c h Bl ack checker 9-0754-08 S o f t T o u c h Bl ack carbon fiber carbon fiber 9-0754-55 S o f t T o u c h Red b u r lw o o d carbon fiber t r i p l e w e av e 9-0750-58 B l a c k t r i p l e w e av e carbon fiber 9-0750-55 S o f t T o u c h Red mesh carbon 9-0754-54 S o f t T o u c h Violet b u r lw o o d carbon fiber derby fiber derby 9-7630-00 Triple-twist 9-2075-00 Jambis 9-0751-08 S o f t T o u c h Men’s E x t r a L o n g t r i p l e w e av e carbon f i b e r d e r b y 42” 14 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES All 9-0124-00 A l p a cc a Crook 9-0125-00 A l p a cc a Fritz 9-0141-20 Flask Cane 9-0142-08 Flask Cane 8-0147-00 Repl acement Flasks 9-7856-00 D e r b y w i t h Rhinestones 9-7834-00 Mother of the Bride 9-1390-00 Summer Rose 9-1880-00 C r o o k w i t h Rhinestones 9-1391-00 M i d n i g h t R o s e w i t h Rhinestones HAND MADE SINCE 1939 15 Concord Lane HANDCRAFTED WALKING STICKS BY CONCORD All The Mini Travelers These gems have color coordinated handles. Fold to a compact 9 inches. Each has machined joints insuring easy breakdown. All come with a handy zip carrying case and strap. Plaid case provided with print canes. 9-0527-21 Dogwood print 9-0527-43 Trumpet 9-0527-84 Bl ackberry print vines print 9-0527-42 Wildflowers 9-0527-44 Fuchsia print print Black case provided with 9-0527-08. 16 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 9-0527-08 B l a c k The Travelers A packable walking stick that proves you don’t have to sacrifice form for function. A quick shake of the comfortable contour grip snaps out of the anodized aluminum shaft that’s tough enough to handle the vagaries of travel. Leave Jack at home when you hit the road. A highly functional walking stick deserves a highly functional display. Designed to emphasize the Travelers compactness, this display showcases the Traveler in all its folded glory—something a traditional vertical stand can’t do. Buy six Travelers and the display is free. 1-0780-03K T r av e l e r - Height adjustable in 1” increments from 32” to 36” - Packs down to 6” to 10” - A feathery 12 ounces 1-0780-05 E r g o T r a v e l e r (right) 1-0780-06 E r g o T r a v e l e r (left) New Handle! Same bulletproof construction as our standard folding Traveler walking stick, the Ergo Traveler sports handles specially design to fit the left and right hand. 1-0780-04 T r a v e l e r D i sp l a y a n d s i x T r a v e l e r s 8-1001-12 R o p e W r i s t S t r a ps A ss o r t e d c o l o r s - Sold 12 to a pack 8-3202-00 Single prong steel ice grip 8-3203-00 Five prong steel ice grip clamp clamp HAND MADE SINCE 1939 17 Concord Lane HANDCRAFTED WALKING STICKS BY CONCORD All 9-0225-00 Adjustable 9-0227-00 Aluminum c a n va s “The Never Lost Hiker” except 1-0780-09. aluminum ova l saddle cane seat cane - 21” high seat - Supports 250 lbs - 18” to 21” - Supports 200 lbs 9-1488-08 Bac kcountry T e l e sc o p i c H i k e r A d j u s t a b l e 35” to 52” 1-0780-09 Adjustable S h o c k - A bs o r b i n g 9-7698-00 C h e s t n u t wa l n u t s t a i n e d with leather str ap and combi sp i k e t i p 50” 18 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 9-1231-00 Carved Spir al S a ss a f r a s 55” Adjusts from 32” to 41” in 1 inch increments with a push of a button. The shockabsorbing feature puts a little extra “spring in your step.” Display & Packaging We are proud to offer the only displays worthy of the most exciting walking sticks in the world of accessories. 1-0757-77 C o n c o r d L a n e W a l k i n g Stic k/Shoehorn Gift Box Although we have always offered a gift box for our walking sticks, a gift box for our shoehorns has been a conundrum. Riddle solved! This wonderful box telescopes from 22” to 38” and will accommodate both sizes of our shoehorns, our walking sticks and umbrellas. We are pleased to offer it for purchase. Details are on page 2 of the price list. 1-0758-88 C o n c o r d L a n e L o d g e D i sp l a y 8-3907-00 27 Piece C a n e R a c k 8-3908-00 15 Piece C a n e R a c k - Measures: 83/4” deep 251/2” height 231/2” wide - Measures: 8”deep 24”height 26”wide The Concord Lane Lodge Display measures a mere 12” in diameter and yet displays 14 walking sticks. The handsome, classic appearance of this display is yet another testament to our persistent flair for merchandising solutions. - Measures 12” diameter - 24” height - 14 stick capacity (pre-selection details are in our price list) HAND MADE SINCE 1939 19 The Concord Cobbler 1-0752-19 G o l f B a l l 22” 1-0752-17 Nickel Plate Stallion 22” 1-0752-99 C o bb l e r D i sp l a y The Concord Cobbler Display This stunner upholds the originality and flair for display expected of Concord. Within a mere 71/2” square footprint, it beautifully displays 9 of our whimsical, elegant and practical shoehorns. Mounted on a spinner base, it will accommodate both our standard length and long reach shoehorns. Concord shoehorns are a shoe-in to generate new sales and profit. (pre-selection details are in our price list) 20 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES Give them the boot. Fantastic whimsicality, craftsmanship and superb materials recall our famous walking sticks, but here applied to shoehorns that make even a grey morning radiant with cheer and style. Another example of the Concord philosophy: enhancing the quieter moments of everyday life. 1-0752-06 Maple Contour 22” 1-0752-07 Bamboo 22” 1-0752-20 M ’ L o r d T o r t o i s e 22” 1-0752-03K Ring 2 2 ” 1-0752-04K Backsc r a t c h e r 22” 1-0752-05 R a bb i t 2 2 ” 1-0752-01 K Golf Driver 22” 1-0752-02 Duckie 2 2 ” 1-0752-00K B l a c k L a b 2 2 ” HAND MADE SINCE 1939 21 The Concord Cobbler Long Reach Shoehorns They perform exactly how they sound. These tallboys extend arm’s length by another 29 inches. A simple twist at the waist with a slight bend at the knee brings a swift and dexterous conclusion to an otherwise mundane task. Each fitted with a spring above the tongue and a chain at the collar for maximum flex and stowage. 1-0752-09 Greyhound 29” 1-0752-16 Peacemaker 2 9 ” 1-0752-11K B r o w n L a b 29” 1-0752-10K Mallard 29” 1-0752-15 Saddle 29” 1-0752-18 Derby 29” 1-0752-14 K B a c k sc r a t c h e r 2 9 ” 1-0752-13K R i n g 2 9 ” 22 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES All 4-5720-00 O a k T o n e Horse Ash Shaft 20” 4-5721-00 O a k T o n e Duck Ash Shaft 20” 4-5730-00 Amber D u c k 22” 4-5725-00 Long T o n g u e Nickel H o r s e 21 ” 4-5742-00 Nickel H o r s e 22” 4-5746-00 Nickel D u c k 22” 4-5726-00 Long T o n g u e Nickel D u c k 21 ” HAND MADE SINCE 1939 23 Concord Lane HANDCRAFTED UMBRELLAS WARNING: As Concord’s umbrellas are unquestionably a source of cheer, some would indeed say sunshine, their use could well inspire imitations of Gene Kelly dancing in torrential downpours. As we stand by the impeccable quality of our umbrellas, the strength of their materials and construction, we cannot be held accountable for colds or flu that can only be the result of inferior footwear. 1-0753-28 A pp a l a c h i a n U m b r e l l a 1-0753-17 C o r n o U m b r e l l a Natural Chestnut Knob Handle with a Rawhide Thong. 1-0753-15K Jack 1-0753-18 Churchill 1-0753-07K Mallard 24 1-0753-03 Billiard CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 1-0753-06K Scout 1-0753-00K Trout 1-0753-22 C ava l l o 1-0753-27 Sierr a 1-0753-42 Greyhound - Natural Chestnut 1-0753-51 Mini Jack 1-0753-53 Mini Pommel The Concord Lane Mini Handcrafted Umbrellas These cuties are only 10” long closed and weigh a mere 10 ounces; perfect for a purse, brief case or trench coat pocket! 1-0753-54 Mini Scout 1-0753-52 M i n i M a l l a r d 1-0753-99 M i n i U m b r e l l a D i sp l a y - 36” span - 24” tall when open (free with 8 pieces) HAND MADE SINCE 1939 25 Concord Lane All 4-1459-03 U m b r e l l a 36” 4-1459-08 U m b r e l l a 36” 4-1458-08 U m b r e l l a 36” 4-1493-08 36” Cane Umbrella 4-1494-08 36” Cane Umbrella 4-1495-08 36” Cane Umbrella Cane umbrellas are non-adjustable, fitted with walking stick tips. (A) (B) 4-1459-14 A d j u s t a b l e 33 to 37” Grey and B u r g u n d y (A) 4-1458-09 Cane U m b r e l l a (C) 4-1459-82 A d j u s t a b l e 3 3 t o 3 7 ” Bl ack and B l u e (B) “Secret Cane” Umbrellas 4-1459-48 A d j u s t a b l e 3 3 t o 3 7 ” Burgundy and G r e y (C) With a press of a button the cane appears. 4-1452-08 Cane U m b r e l l a Bl ack 26 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 4-1452-82 Cane Umbrella Bl ack The Concord Cocktail 1-0734-26 6 o z . T a n S a d d l e Presentation Set Presentation Set Our best-selling leather wrapped stainless flasks, one in black and one in tan, offered in a classic rosewood finish presentation box. All the familiar qualities are there— rich leather coverings, bold stitching and our unique captive top—coupled with 2 stainless shot cups and a funnel, all nestled in a form-cut interior. 1-0734-25 6 oz. Bl ack Bison Presentation Set The Panama has two compartments to hold 750 ml bottles. Fitted on the inside of the door are five wine tools: a Wine Steward’s knife/cork pull, pourer, drip collar, bottle stopper, and thermometer. The rigid padded case, covered in Easy Care PVC, cradles and protects the precious cargo. 1-0736-01 T h e P a n a m a - T w o B o t t l e W i n e T r a v e l C a s e HAND MADE SINCE 1939 27 The Concord Cocktail Stainless Steel Flasks A stainless steel flask by Concord offers a superb balance of economy with traditional quality. Features such as leather coverings, brushed surfaces, quality platings and details rival far more expensive flasks, and all sport our unique “captive top.” Black Bison Rich black buffalo leather covers polished stainless steel. Bayonet tops eliminate any chance of a lost cap. 1-0734-00 4 oz. 1-0734-01 5 oz. 1-0734-02 K 6 oz. 1-0734-03 8 oz. Mirror Polish Classic stunners for those who like their libations neat. Mirror polished stainless steel and handy bayonet tops, each comes with free filling funnel. 28 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES Tan Bison Oil tanned saddle leather with bold stitching wraps polished stainless steel. Unique bayonet tops. 1-0734-19 4 oz. 1-0734-20 5 oz. 1-0734-21 K 6 oz. 1-0734-22 K 8 oz. Mirage 1-0734-28 1-0734-29 1-0734-30 1-0734-31 4 5 6 8 oz . oz . oz . oz . A large ounce capacity without an enlarged contour, and yet more magic on the outside: stunning brushed pewter finish over stainless steel bodies. 1-0734-12 5 oz. 1-0734-13 5.5 oz. 1-0734-14 K 7 oz. 1-0734-15 K 9 oz. Display & Packaging A glittering, almost miraculous use of a display footprint (it revolves within a 10” diameter circle), this spinning carousel will dazzle customers with an array of 16 Concord stainless steel and leather covered stainless steel flasks. Complemented by our handsome packaging, these flasks offer high quality and a sense of traditional luxury at an affordable price point, all designed to increase your sales “Turns.” 1-0734-98 pre-selection details are in our price list HAND MADE SINCE 1939 29 The Concord Desk Do not consider too hard or for too long how much of a lifetime is spent deskbound. Suffice to say that Concord has dedicated itself to enhancing the desktop as well as the other realms of everyday life. Now the act of opening a letter, or scrutinizing fine print, are opportunities to enjoy the sensual pleasure of well-made, well-designed tools that are as beautiful as they are useful. Arezzo P eerless Italian cr aftsmanship and classic half moon handles 1-0800-02 N i c k e l P l a t e d Handles 1-0800-00 Nickel P l a t e d Handles 1-0800-03K Gold P l a t e d Handles - Half Moon Handles - Black Leather Case Ceremonial Scissors Grand opening ceremonies are not complete with out the cutting of the ceremonial ribbon! These grand scissors are for just that occasion; 12 inches long, almost a pound in weight, in gleaming gold plate or nickel plate Italian steel; each in its black felt jewelers pouch. - Half Moon Handles - Tan Leather Case 1-0800-01 G o l d P l a t e d Handles 1-0400-17 N i c k e l P l a t e d S t a i n l e ss S t e e l 1-0400-07 G o l d P l a t e d S t a i n l e ss S t e e l 30 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES Silver Horn Premana Opener 1-0800-18 Nickel Plate 1-0800-19 G o l d P l a t e d Handles 1-0744-00 G l a ss Scissor - Silver plate and 925 Silver end caps 1-0800-16 Nickel Plate 1-0744-01 Opener 1-0800-17 G o l d P l a t e d Handles Giovanni’s 1-0754-07 Parrot 1-0754-02 K Scout 1-0754-00 B a c k sc r a t c h e r 1-0754-01 K Hound 1-0754-04 K Mallard 1-0754-06 K Golf Ball 1-0754-05 Jack 1-0754-03 Eagle More than 20 years of collaboration with one of our favorite Italian factories has yielded many memorable and classic products. Founding brother Giovanni’s creative flair brought us Jack and Scout and their friends, which we’ve recreated in this line of letter openers affectionately dubbed Giovanni’s. 1-0754-99 L e t t e r O p e n e r C a d d y D i sp l a y Spinner Base (pre-selection details are in our price list) HAND MADE SINCE 1939 31 The Concord Desk Since we spend hours at our desks, why not spend some time pondering words of wisdom. Concord’s new “Words From The Wise” paperweights offer fun, profound, or provocative suggestions to stretch the mind and bring a much-needed smile. They are 2 3/4 inches in diameter, a weighty 7 ounces, English made etched resin reminiscent of Scrimshaw. Each paperweight is individually gift boxed. Order 2 pieces of a style, please. As always we offer the perfect display solution. 1-0726-12K 1-0726-13 1-0726-17 1-0726-97 1-0726-24 1-0726-21K 1-0726-29K 1-0726-33 1-0726-34 1-0726-47 1-0726-94 1-0726-42 32 CONCORD GENTLEMAN’S ACCESSORIES 1-0726-37 1-0726-27K 1-0726-62 1-0726-46 1-0726-35 1-0726-52K 1-0726-57K 1-0726-90 1-0726-54K 1-0726-56K 1-0726-99 W o r d s F r o m T h e W i s e P a p e r w e i g h t D i sp l a y 14”w x 9”d x 9”h (free with an 18 piece order) 1-0726-70 1-0726-45K Hand Made Since 1939 33 The Concord Desk All Here are 7 new, witty and profound thoughts for our “Words From The Wise Paperweight” collection. All can stretch our minds or stimulate a bit of a chuckle. 1-0726-86 1-0726-82 1-0726-84 1-0726-83 1-0726-85 1-0726-81 1-0726-80 Words From The Wise Boxes The 6 best selling bon mots from our paperweights are now transformed into a box to help clear the clutter. Be it stamps, paper clips, from a desk or rings, earrings from a dresser, these are perfect. Use them as a paperweight loaded with paper clips and you are set! Each is 13/4” high and 3” diameter. 1-0726-01 1-0726-05 1-0726-02 1-0726-04 1-0726-00 34 Concord Gentleman’s Accessories 1-0726-03 Custom P aperweights Create your own “Words From The Wise” paperweight or desk box. Our factory in England can transform your profound thought, image or logo into a lasting gift that is exclusively yours! 1 There are three standard boarders shown here to get you started. Call or email for the simple details of creating your own unique gift. 3 2 The Concord Traveler Executive Clipper Series In our opinion, these are the finest nail clippers in the world. Forged in Seki City, Japan, the home of Samurai steel, they’re super sharp and virtually indestructible. Expect them to last a lifetime. 1-0505-01 E x e c u t i v e C l i pp e r & R e d , A m e r i c a n B e n c h M a d e Leather Case 1-0504-01 E x e c u t i v e C l i pp e r S e t i n a T a n , A m e r i c a n B e n c h M a d e L e a t h e r C a s e 1-0505-99 E x e c u t i v e C l i pp e r D i sp l a y - Designed to accommodate twelve 1-0502-01, 1-0503-01, or 1-0505-01, or six of any two. (free with order of 24 pieces) 1-0502-01 E x e c u t i v e C l i pp e r & T a n , A m e r i c a n B e n c h M a d e L e a t h e r C a s e 1-0503-01 E x e c u t i v e T o e N a i l C l i pp e r & T a n , American Bench M a d e L e a t h e r C a s e Hand Made Since 1939 35 Since 1939, the Craftsmen Who Work for Concord Have Created Objects of Unique Style That are Testament to a Tradition of Skill and Quality. The Finest Materials are Transformed Into Products That Represent the Concord Philosophy: Enhancing Everyday Life With Useful Objects That Delight the Senses. Concord Gentlemen’s Accessories 34-35 Collins Place • Flushing, NY 11354 tel: 718-939-1122 • fax: 718-939-1222 orders: 800-221-0142 [email protected] • asi46200 Catalogue #3
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