GEOGRAPHY & GEOINFORMATION SCIENCE 311 INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS Instructor: Dr. Matt Rice Classroom: Innovation Hall, room 318 Classtime: (GGS 311‐001: CRN 11384), Monday 1:30pm – 4:15pm Term: Spring 2010 Faculty Office: Research Building I, Room 322 Faculty Office Hours: Monday, 12:30pm‐1:30pm or by appointment Email: [email protected] Faculty webpage: TBA I can be reached via email to schedule alternative office hours if necessary. I may not be able to read and answer your email immediately, particularly on evenings or weekends, but I will do my best to be available, provide help, and answer questions. Students must activate and use their GMU campus email to facilitate contact. 1. TEXTS & MATERIALS (required) Text: Longley, P.A., M.F. Goodchild, D.J. Maguire, and D.W. Rhind, 2005. Geographic Information Systems and Science. Second Edition. New York: Wiley. Text: Price, Maribeth, ©2010. Mastering ArcGIS. Fourth Edition. New York: McGraw Hill. http://highered.mcgraw‐ Both textbooks are available from the GMU bookstore and from other online vendors. Mastering ArcGIS (Price) comes with a CD‐ROM, so if you purchase the book from somewhere other than the bookstore, please confirm that the CD‐ROM is included and that it is the fourth edition. Each student must bring a small USB flash drive with 250 Mb of free space. All course data and assignments will be saved to this drive. 2. COURSE OBJECTIVES This course will focus on the following themes: modern spatial data processing, development, implementation, and functions of geographic information systems; relations between GIS and remote sensing; and applications of geographic information systems to a variety of environmental issues. By the end of this course you should be able to: a. Define key concepts related to spatial data, basic analysis, and spatial data representation. b. Comfortably demonstrate these key concepts using GIS software applications. c. Use the foundation you acquire in this course to prepare you for the other courses at GMU, for internships, and for basic work‐related GIS projects. 3. ACTIVITIES You will achieve these goals through attending the course lectures, reading the textbook, participating in class discussion, successfully completing lab exercises, 1 midterm (first exam), and 1 final exam (second exam). a. Exams: There will be two exams together worth 40% of the grade (20% each). The final exam is cumulative, but will focus on the second half of the class. Exams will include multiple choice, definitions, and short answer. Both exams are mandatory and make up exams will not be available. b. Labs: There will be 10 labs worth a total of 50% of the grade. Each lab is due as indicated on the syllabus. Late labs, including those submitted after 5pm on the due date, will be penalized 10% each day for the first 5 days. Labs submitted later than 5 days will not be accepted. c. Attendance, Participation, and Quizzes: Attendance, participation, and quizzes together are worth 10% of the grade. Quizzes will cover assigned reading for the week and will be given in class. 4. SPECIAL NEEDS If you have a documented learning disability or other condition that may affect academic performance you should: 1) make sure this documentation is on file with the Office of Disability Services (SUB I, Rm. 211; 993‐2474; ) so that they can make a determination about the accommodations you need; and 2) talk with me to discuss your accommodation needs. I cannot provide proper accommodations without documentation from the Office of Disability Services. 5. EXPECTATIONS The George Mason University Honor Code is in effect for this course. Please consult the University catalog for a complete statement of the Honor Code, and see the instructor if you need further clarification. Discussion of work among students is encouraged. Collaboration and active participation in group discussions is important, but final work should reflect your own thinking and should be in your own words. I reserve the right to use GMU‐sanctioned tools for detecting and documenting plagiarism. If you have questions about what constitutes plagiarism, please come and see me. To do well in this class, you will need to: • Read the textbook • Attend class: You will not do well if you do not come to class. • Turn in assignments on time • Ask questions! Participate in discussions • Take good notes! 6. **TENTATIVE** COURSE SCHEDULE (subject to change) You are responsible for keeping up with the readings, exam dates, and lectures. If you miss any of the above for any reason, you are responsible for catching up. No makeup exams will be available. Readings assigned for the week should be completed before the first lecture. Any changes to this schedule will be announced in class and posted to the course Blackboard page ( Date Topic Readings Lab (Longley et al) (Price) Lab Due Date January 25 Course Introduction, What is GIS Chapter 1 (3‐33) Introduction to Price, start Nothing due Chapter 1, p.35‐50 (tutorial) February 1 Introduction to Software and Labs Chapter 7 (157‐174) Price Chapter 1, p.35‐51, exercises #1‐6 February 8 Defining Location Chapter 5 (109‐117) Price Chapter 2, p.77‐93, Nothing due exercises #1‐5 February 15 Projections and Coordinate Systems Price Chapter 2, p.77‐92, exercises #1‐5 February 19 , 5:00pm February 22 GIS Data Models Chapter 3 (63‐82) Price Chapter 3, p.121‐ 135, exercises #1 February 26 , 5:00pm March 1 GIS Data Models Chapter 3 (63‐82) Price Chapter 4, p. 165‐ 178, exercises #1‐5 March 5 , 5:00pm March 8 March 15 Getting Data into Chapter 9 (199‐215) a GIS Price Chapter 5, p.203‐ 213, exercises #1‐6 March 19 , 5:00pm March 22 Getting Data into Chapter 9 (199‐215) a GIS + Midterm Exam Review Price Chapter 6, p.237‐ 248, exercises #1‐5 March 26 , 5:00pm March 29 Midterm Exam: Monday, March 29 , 1:30pm‐4:15pm April 5 Raster and Vector Chapter 8 (181‐190) GIS Price Chapter 7, p.264‐ 279, exercises #1‐4 April 9 , 5:00pm April 12 Raster and Vector Chapter 8 (181‐190) GIS Price Chapter 10, p.371‐ 382, exercises #1‐2 April 16 , 5:00pm April 19 Cartography Chapter 12 (263‐287) Price Chapter 11, p.405‐ 420, exercises #1‐4 April 23 , 5:00pm April 26 Accuracy Chapter 6 (127‐153) April 30 , 5:00pm May 3 Mobile GIS / Web Chapter 11 (241‐259) GIS / Future of / Chapter 18: 18.4.4 GIS + Final Exam (420‐422) Review May 10 Final Exam: Monday, May 10th, 1:30pm – 4:15pm, Innovation Hall 318 Chapter 5 (117‐125) th February 4 , 5:00pm th th th Spring Break th th th Price Chapter 12, p.433‐ 447, exercises #1‐4 th th rd th Nothing due
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