भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड (भारत सरकार का उप म्(व ् मं ालय् के अंतगत् , शासक य एवं प्ं जीकृ त काया लयए से टर/3.कपास भवन लॉट नं:-, 10सीबीडी बेलापुर400614 – नवी मुंबई , दू रभाष् /PHONE:27579217 ⃘ ाम/GRAM:COTCORPIND ⃘फै स/FAX:(022)27576030-9219-6069 िनगिमत प चान सं या :U51490MH1971GOI14733 बेब साईट/website : ई/मेल- E-mail:[email protected] व ् मं ालय् बेब साईट /Ministry of Textiles website : TENDER NOTICE The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., invites sealed tenders from reputed & experienced agencies /firms/individuals dealing in fire fighting system for Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fire fighting accessories at Kapas Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400614. Sr. No I Particulars of the work Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fire fighting accessories at Kapas Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400614. Blank Tender document Cost NIL E.M.D in INR 3100/- Completion Period 10 days 1. Blank tender forms for the said work are available at above address on all working days between 11.00 am to 5.00 p.m. up to 24/03/2015. 2. The tender documents can also be down loaded from the corporation web site i.e. Earnest money amounting to Rs. 3100/- in the form of Crossed Demand Draft/Pay Order/Banker’s Cheque drawn on any of the nationalized/ scheduled banks drawn in favour of THE COTTON CORPORATION OF INDIA LTD., must accompany each tender. Any Tender not accompanied by the requisite Earnest Money and other documents that are not complete, is liable to be rejected. Tenderer should submit the tender as under: Envelope be subscribed as “ Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fire fighting accessories at Kapas Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400614” and should bear the full address of tenderer at left side bottom. 3. 4. Envelope A: Technical Bid-I shall include EMD amount and Technical eligibility details. Envelope B: Financial Bid- II shall include the price bid only. Envelope C: Envelope “C” should contain Envelope “A” & Envelope “B”. 5. 6. The sealed tenders must be submitted/dropped in the Tender Box placed on 4th floor of Kapas Bhavan, Plot No.3A, Sector-10, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400 614 upto 3.00 p.m. of 25/03/2015. Tenders shall be opened on the same day i.e. 25/03/2015 at 3.30 p.m. in the presence of tenderers who may wish to remain present. Corporation reserves its right to accept or reject any tender (s). However, tenderer may seek the reasons for rejection of their tender from the Corporation. CGM (Co-ordination) भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड (भारत सरकार का उप म्(व ् मं ालय् के अंतगत् , शासक य एवं प्ं जीकृ त काया लयए से टर/3.कपास भवन लॉट नं:-, 10सीबीडी बेलापुर400614 – नवी मुंबई , दू रभाष् /PHONE:27579217 ⃘ ाम/GRAM:COTCORPIND ⃘फै स/FAX:(022)27576030-9219-6069 िनगिमत प चान सं या :U51490MH1971GOI14733 बेब साईट/website : ई/मेल- E-mail:[email protected] व ् मं ालय् बेब साईट /Ministry of Textiles website : TENDER DOCUMENT FOR Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fire fighting accessories at Kapas Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400614. INDEX Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 Particulars Submission of tender and Declaration General Terms and Conditions of the Tender Eligibility Criteria for Evaluation of Tender Financial Bid Page No. 1 2 3 4 1 Date: __________ To, The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Kapas Bhavan, Plot No.3A, Sector-10, CBD, Belapur Navi Mumbai- 400614 Sub: “Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fire fighting accessories at Kapas Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400614” AND DECLARATION. Dear Sir, 1 I/We have read and understood all the terms & conditions of the tender and other instructions and hereby undertake to abide by them. 2 I/We are enclosing herewith, Demand Draft/ Pay Order No. ______________ dt. ________ in your favour, towards earnest money deposit of Rs. 3100/- 3 I/We have filled and signed each page of the tender documents and the same are enclosed here with. Signature and seal of tenderer Name Capacity /authority to sign Full address: 2 GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE TENDER 1. To avoid any confusion tenderer may visit the site before submitting the tender. 2. Tenders found received in the Tender Box upto the stipulated time, shall be opened on the same day at given time, in the presence of tenderers who may wish to remain present. 3. The offer shall remain open for a period of 30 days from the last date of opening of tenders. 4. The period of completion of work will be 10 days from the date of issuance of work order by the Corporation. 5. The spares shall be of ISI make wherever applicable. 6. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amounting to Rs. 3100/- (Rupees- Three thousand one hundred only) in the form of Crossed Demand Draft/Pay Order drawn on any nationalized/scheduled Banks in favour of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., payable at Mumbai. 7. The EMD amount of unsuccessful tenderers shall be refunded to the party. 8. If the tenderer neglects or refuses for their rates quoted after submission of their tender to comply with the above conditions or any of them, the EMD already paid shall be forfeited. This is applicable in case of the party surrenders itself from their quoted rates and not ready to execute even if found eligible for award of work by the Corporation or back out from the work by keeping it incomplete. 9. Damage of any kind to the internal of the building like walls/paints/glasses/equipments etc. will be recovered from the party as assessed by the Corporation. 10. No escalation shall be considered in the agreed rate during the contractual period under any circumstances. 11. The material shall be as per Maharashtra Fire Act and its amendments. Material should also comply with Bureau of Indian Standards listed for the specific product. 12. If the said work is not completed within the stipulated period, then penalty @ 1% per week will be imposed to the maximum of 5% on total amount of work order. 13. The Corporation shall release the payment of work in ONE SINGLE Bill AS FULL AND FINAL after the satisfactory completion of work. 14. The 10% security deposit (inclusive of EMD) of total amount of work awarded will be withheld with Corporation and released without any interest after 12 months defect liability period from the actual date of completion of said work. Signature and seal of tenderer Name Capacity /authority to sign Full address: 3 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION OF TENDER 1. Name of the Agency /Firms/Individual M/s. ____________________________________ Official Address: _____________________ __________________________________________ City: -_______________ PIN: - _____________ Tel.No. ______________(O) _____________(R ) 2. Earnest Money Deposit Amount & their details: Mobile No. _______________________________ E-Mail. ___________________________________ Rs. 3100/- (Rupees Three thousand one hundred ONLY) Drawn on _______________________________________ Vide DD/PO No. _________________________ in favour of The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd. is enclosed. 3. Permanent Account Number with Income tax Authority. PAN: _______________________________ (Self attested copy must be attached) 4. Service tax Number (Self attested copy must be attached) Service Tax No._______________________ 5. VAT/TIN Number (Self attested copy must be attached) VAT/TIN Number___________________ 6. Experience Details: Copies of work-orders/completion certificates must be attached (Self attested copies must be attached) a. Three similar completed works I. costing not less than the amount of equal a. Name of the Agency: ___________________________________ to Rs. 0.50 Lakh each b. Address of Work & Location :_________________________ c. Date of award of work : ________________________________ d. Value of Work done : Rs._______________________________ OR e. Date of completion: ____________________________________ b. Two similar completed works costing II. not less than the amount of equal to Rs.0.62Lakh each a. Name of the Agency: ___________________________________ b. Address of Work & Location :________________________ c. Date of award of work : _______________________________ OR d. Value of Work done : Rs.______________________________ c. One similar completed works costing not less than the amount of equal to e. Date of completion: ___________________________________ III. Rs.0.99 Lakh a. Name of the Agency: __________________________________ b. Address of Work & Location :________________________ c. Date of award of work : ______________________________ d. Value of Work done : Rs.______________________________ e. Date of completion: _____________________________________ Signature and seal of tenderer Name Capacity /authority to sign Full address: 4 भारतीय कपास िनगम िलिमटेड (भारत सरकार का उप म्(व ् मं ालय् के अंतगत् , शासक य एवं प्ं जीकृ त काया लयए से टर/3.कपास भवन लॉट नं:-, 10सीबीडी बेलापुर400614 – नवी मुंबई , दू रभाष् /PHONE:27579217 ⃘ ाम/GRAM:COTCORPIND ⃘फै स/FAX:(022)27576030-9219-6069 िनगिमत प चान सं या :U51490MH1971GOI14733 बेब साईट/website : ई/मेल- E-mail:[email protected] व ् मं ालय् बेब साईट /Ministry of Textiles website : Date: ______________ Financial Bid To, The Cotton Corporation of India Ltd., Kapas Bhavan, Plot No.3A, Sector 10, CBD Belapur, NAVI MUMBAI – 400 614. Subject: Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of fire fighting accessories at Kapas Bhavan, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai -400614. Sir, I/we are submitting my/our Finacial Bid for the following work as below. Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Description Quantity Unit Supply and installation of Hose Box key Supply and installation of Hose Box key glass Removal of existing hose reel drum and supply and installation of hose reel drum with GM bushing to accommodate 1 no. hose reel rubber pipe of 30 Mtr length Supply and installation of single door hose reel box to accommodate 1 no. canvas hose pipe of 15 mtr length and 1 No. nozzle Supply & Installation of Ringwasher. Removal of Existing Hose Reel Rubber Pipe and Supply & Installation of Double breaded Hose Reel Rubber Pipe (ISI) 30 Mtr Length & clamping with Jubilee Clips with Hydro testing etc. complete. Supply of Fire Hose Rubberized Reinforced Lined (RRL) IS 636-88 Type A Size 63mm x 15 Mtr in Length and binding to existing Male & Female Coupling with reverting etc. complete Supply & Installation of Lugs Assembly of Hydrant Valve Supply & Installation of ABC Type 9 Kg Extinguisher (ISI) instead of 10 Kg damaged ABC type fire extinguisher Total 02 02 01 No. No. No. 01 No. 53 15 No. No. 13 No. 01 01 No. No. Unit Rate Amount (In words Rupees._______________________________________________________________________________) Pl. Note: 1. The unit rate shall be exclusive of all Taxes. 2. The rates shall be inclusive of all supply, Installations, labours, tools, equipments etc. complete. 3. Total Value will decide L-1 tenderer. 4. The Corporation shall release 90% of the payment in a single bill after satisfactory completion of work. Signature and seal of tenderer Name Capacity /authority to sign Full address:
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