Cottonwood Elementary May 2015 Vol 8 330 Foster Rd NE, Bremerton WA 98311 Bethany LaHaie, Principal School website: APRIL COMETS OF THE MONTH Kindergarten - Charles Adapon, Alex Zander Jones, Brileigh Climer, Chloe Butenhoff, Damion Renteria First Grade - Gabriel Wagner, Kynnedy Davis, Devontae Wedlock, Reagan Geier, Andrew Hunter, Raejay Laranang Second Grade - Madeline Johnson, Victor DeHart, Caleb Sanchez, Aiden Carlile, Aurora Flynn, Kyler Parizek Third Grade - Jayla Miller, Kaleo Artizuela, Alex Krueger, Tanner Richie Fourth Grade - Ashli Evitts, Caden Gaudette, Hanna Hoskins, Gloria Hernandez, Hayden Herndon, Quintin Faxon, Scarlett Belcher Fifth Grade - Alexis Mkrtchyan, Simone Washington, Christian Creed, Aurora Biggs, Jillian Musson Sixth Grade - Curtis Hickson, Paris Agana, Jayden Jenkins, Jessie Brown, Sarah Lizon, Hailey Connolly th Attention parents of 6 graders: SAVE THE DATE The 6th Grade Promotion is on Monday, June 15th at 1:00 p.m. We would love to have you attend! Memorial Garden for Jenise Wright On Saturday, April 18th, The Shipyard Chapter of the Iron Order Motorcycle Club graciously donated their time to create a beautiful memorial garden dedicated to Jenise Wright. Through fundraisers and many hours of legwork, Janice Reed was able to procure donations and the funds needed to create this beautiful garden area. Cottonwood’s own Janice Davison designed the garden, using various purple flowers and a pair of benches, placed in front of a walkway that symbolizes crossing over. Purple was Jenise’s favorite color. DATES TO REMEMBER May 8 - 15 - Book Fair Library May 13 - Mom /Son Bowling May 19 - Choir / Band/ Orch. Concert. 6pm - Gym May 20 - Unicycle Performance 6:30 - Gym May 20 - McTakover 5-7 pm May 21 - Unicycle Performance Assembly -1:00 May 21- PTSA Chuck E Cheese -3-9 pm May 21 - Asian / Pacific Islander performance 1st & 2nd Gr- RJH 6:00 pm May 25 - Memorial Day Holiday- No School June 1-5 - PTSA Coin Drive June 5 - Skate Night June 11 -Donuts for Dad June 12 - Field Day June 15 - 6th Grade Promotion - 1:00 pm - 2:30 Gym / MPR Lowe’s, Home Depot, and Valley Nursery also generously donated to the garden. Lost and Found Ms. LaHaie and Mrs. Smith were very instrumental in bringing this wonderful idea to fruition. Thank you very much to all involved ! Please stop by the lost and found and check for items your students might have left at school. We will be donating all left over items to charity at the end of June. The lost and found is located inside the front door by the office. McTakeover Announcing the Cottonwood 6th Grade Outdoor Education Program McTakeover at the McDonald's near Walmart on Wednesday, May 20, from 5 – 7 PM. PLEASE invite everyone you can to come and share the food and fun. Pre-sale envelopes for buying McDonalds Coupon Books will be sent home in early May. You can also buy them at the McTakeover, but you can’t use them between 5 and 7 PM. The proceeds support Cottonwood’s 6th Grade Outdoor Education Program, and with a great turn-out we can lower to cost for each 6th grade student. Without affecting the proceeds for Cottonwood, the McTakeover also supports the Ronald McDonald House in Seattle. Thanks for your support! Notes from the principal… Dear Cottonwood Families, May is here! It is hard to believe. We have enjoyed some beautiful days which have made us excited for summer! I have been amazed as I have watched our students and staff begin the new Smarter Balanced State Assessments. The tests are challenging, and students are working very hard to show what they have learned. We appreciate your continued support in trying to make sure your child is at school every day. It is always best when students can take their test with their class instead of during a make-up session. Our Learning Specialist, Lisa Knight, has done a wonderful job keeping all the testing schedules and accommodations organized! You may have noticed a change to the front entrance of our school. The Iron Order Shipyard Crew donated money, time, and supplies to make our memorial garden dream a reality. You may have even had a chance to read the nice article that was published in the Kitsap Sun. We hope that this garden will be a meaningful addition to our beautiful school. Take time to enjoy it! I would also like to say a big thank you to Gail Smith and Janice Davison for their help with this special project. Our Lost and Found is once again overflowing. We will be laying out items to be claimed from April 27th to May 8th. Any unclaimed items will be donated at that time. Please stop by and look for your child’s missing clothing. It will be on the stage in the multi-purpose room. Recently, the PTSA helped me purchase some new Anti-Bullying curriculum to use with our 5th and 6th grade students. I have been teaching the 5th grade lessons and have been very impressed with the quality of the materials. The staff also spent some time looking over the Thought Exchange feedback that our community had for our school. Bullying came up as a concern that you have. Therefore, we are going to be moving forward with a focus on bullying prevention and education for the 2015-2016 school year. Providing your children with a safe and supportive learning environment is our highest priority. We are excited to have a school-wide focus on this topic next year. As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or compliments, please do not hesitate to let us know. Thanks again for the privilege of caring for and educating your children. Sincerely, Ms. LaHaie Important Dress Code Reminders… With warmer weather upon us, please assist your child in remembering to dress appropriately for school. *Proper Shoes—no flip flops or open toed shoes as they can be unsafe on the playground and during PE. No sandals without straps to secure them to their feet. *Shorts and skirts may not be shorter than fingertips when extended straight down. *NO BARE MIDRIFF (short) TOPS—tank tops need to have at LEAST 2 INCHES of shoulder coverage and not hang low at the armpits. Thank you so much for your help! Thank you to these volunteers who assisted with the fitness testing: Marilyn Rumble, Mari Alvey, Gwen Geier, Betsy Brady, Elizabeth DeBritz, Deja Simson, Nicole Walters, and Denise Bower There will be a track and field meet for 5th and 6th Graders on May 22 (Friday). Both meets will be held at Fairview. Volunteers are needed for the meet. Please contact Mrs. Smith. Hope for dry weather! Unicycle Evening Performance will be May 20 at 6 p.m. The student unicycle performance assembly will be May 21 at 1:00 pm Field Day will be held on June 12, Friday. If you are interested in helping out please let the classroom teacher know. Central Kitsap’s Health Fair / Fun Run was a huge success! Many thanks to all who participated and came out for a day of fun, healthy activities and education. Cottonwood Elementary was the recipient of $250 for receiving the most participant signatures from our school! Go Comets! The $250 was donated to the Cottonwood PTSA as it benefits all students at Cottonwood. We look forward to seeing you all next year! Baseball - Grand Slam Camp Kitsap County Fairgrounds July 27 - 30, 2015 Complete Camp : Ages 7-12 (6 year olds OK w/ baseball experience) Covers the whole game! Baseball culture is emphasized Skills Camp: Ages 9-14 (8 year olds OK w/ baseball experience) Advanced instruction. $105 per camp Discounts for : both camps / additional family members / military Need more info? Visit the website: Girls Basketball Camp Who: Girls entering grades 4th - 8th What: Basketball skills clinic Where: Klahowya Secondary School gym Cost: $50.00 for 4 day camp Includes: T-Shirt & Basketball (If registered by June 1st) Financial aid available upon request Times: June 23rd - June 26th . 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm Limit: Space is limited so register soon Camp Director: Coach Alan Langguth II Return Registration Forms To: Klahowya Secondary School Attn: Basketball Clinic / Becky Peeler PO Box 8, Silverdale, WA 98383 Inquiries: Alan Langguth II, Head Middle School Coach Email: [email protected] Cottonwood’s 1st & 2nd Graders will be performing at the Asian Pacific-Islander Heritage Celebration. PTSA Friday Sales May 15th - 3rd & 4th 22nd - 5th & 6th 29th - K, 1st & 2nd Outdoor Ed Camp Colman The 6th Grade Students are going to the Outdoor Education Program at Camp Colman from May 26 to May 29. Drop-off and pick-up arrangements will be sent to parents. A packing list and letter describing expectations of the students while at camp will also be sent home soon. Coming in June, PTSA coin drive! Start saving your change now. More details to follow! 5th Annual Spring Book Drive April 13th - May 22nd We are collecting new and gently used books to donate to students in need. Collection sites: CKSD Elementary Schools Kitsap Lake Elementary Red Cross ECEAP YWCA Kitsap Community Resources: AmeriCorps Office. (845 8th St., Bremerton) Contact AmeriCorps for questions: 360-473-2018 Kindergarten Registration CKSD has free all day Kindergarten. If your child turns 5 on or before August 31, 2015, they will be eligible to begin Kindergarten in September. Please bring the following items with you to register: State issued Birth Certificate Immunization Records Proof of Residence (utility bill, rental agreement, etc.) While it is not necessary at the time of registration to have all immunizations up to date, it is required to have them complete at the time school begins in September. If you have any questions, contact Cottonwood Elementary at 662-8300 ARE YOU PLANNING ON MOVING THIS SUMMER? If you are planning to move out of Central Kitsap School District this summer or transfer to another school within the district, please fill out this form and return it to the school office as soon as possible. Thank you! Student Name:___________________________________________ Current Grade:______ Current Teacher:__________________________________________________________ ______ We will be leaving CKSD and moving to__________________________________ ______ My student will remain in CKSD transferring to:__________________________ ______ Plans are uncertain, but there is a possibility that we will be leaving the district. Parent Signature: _______________________________________Date:_________________
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