The entirely handmade Japanese clock from the design of parts to their assembly

Do you want to experience Japanese’s traditional sense of time through Japanese clock?
The entirely handmade
Japanese clock from
the design of parts to
their assembly
Naluse Co., Ltd.
The charm of pendulum clock handmade by
the only Japanese clock craftsman in Japan
While disassembling the wind-up clocks, our corporation is
strongly attracted by clocks, so we take up the production of
clocks. During the process of production, we discover that
Japanese clock fully demonstrates Japanese’s unique
conception of time, and has its unique charm. Hence, we
start searching for ancient documents for study. Finally, we
successfully reproduce Japanese’s unique conception of
time on the clock dial. The unique conception is that the
time of day and night in each season changes along with the
movement of the sun. At present, as the only manufacturer
of Japanese clock in Japan, we engage in the production of
Japanese clock. From design to product, a clock is
completed entirely by hand of one person. Every part must
be carefully polished and then assembled into the product.
Naluse Co., Ltd.
1.The Japanese clock with a bottom that
rotates slowly leads you to an era with
sufficient time.
Our Strengths
Our company is only manufacturer of Japanese clock in Japan.
Our Japanese clock is different from common wind-up clocks, as
it allows you to feel Japanese tradition. It makes you feel that
you have found out the way of bringing back the lapsed time,
which is its charm. The conception of time held by people before
the Uncertain Time Law was nullified in 1872 has been reproduced on the clock dial without any change. Besides Japanese
clock, we also customize the wind-up clock that is very popular
as a souvenir. Craftsmen complete all the processes by hand,
including polishing, assembly and inserting into case. We can also
repair the old classic wind-up clocks. No clock will be discarded
as it is too old. We hope to bring back precious memories for
more people through the culture contained by each clock. Moreover, we expect to export the product full of Japanese culture to
different parts of the world.
1.A Japanese clock used in the Edo period. In
order to learn about its structure, we
disassemble it.
2.A pendulum clock that is very rare at
present. In the past, there were many
manufacturers in Aichi Prefecture.
3.A clock used in the experience classroom
for children.
Strength 01
The charm of handmade wind-up clock
To buy and disassemble any wind-up clock discovered at an antique shop
creates the opportunity for our corporation to start producing the wind-up
clock. After many failures in trial manufacturing, we are gradually attracted by
the extensiveness and profoundness of wind-up clock during the process of
constant manufacturing and selling. We independently design all kinds of
shapes and movements, and manually manufacture each part to produce a lot
of wind-up clocks. As it is entirely handmade, we receive many orders for
souvenir. We keep producing the clock with the high added value which is not
contained in the existing products and can be realized only in our customized
products. Besides the order from individuals, there are also more and more
orders from enterprises and for events, etc. At Aichi World Expo, we produced
the Millennia Clock as a souvenir, getting much attention from people. The
large wind-up clocks collected by Science Museum are all handmade by us.
1.A wind-up clock that the pointer moves
upward a division per hour.
2.There are various shapes of clock frame
manufactured as required.
3.A large clock manufactured for science hall.
Strength 02
Successfully manufacture the Japanese clock full of Japanese culture
While manufacturing the wind-up clock, we cannot help thinking we must
catch up with European wind-up clock. Therefore, we reconsider the manufacturing of clock from the standpoint of “What is the unique clock of Japan?”
Before the Uncertain Time Law was nullified in 1872, Japan kept the sense of
uncertain time. It took the sunrise as 6 o’clock and considered the sunset as
18 o’clock, so the time of day and night varies from season to season dramatically. In the late Edo period, there appeared a special technology to turn this
sense into clock. However, there are not craftsmen for producing Japanese
clock, so we make the Japanese clock under the condition that we have no
idea of its making method. Firstly, we search for ancient documents and buy
any Japanese clock discovered at an antique shop. Then we disassemble it in
order to learn the making method of Japanese clock piece by piece. By
combining 400-year-old technology with modern technology, we produce the
present Japanese clock. The clock that can be the only way to feel the lapse
of Japanese time receives different comments.
1.The slowly formed upper edge of curve is
also unique to our original parts.
2.A Japanese clock needs around 400 parts
that are all originally made by us.
3.A Japanese clock needs around 400 parts
that are all originally made by us.
Strength 03
A clock entirely handmade in all processes
from the design of clock, CAD is used to design each of its
gear. All parts are made of stainless steel. After being cut by laser, they
are carefully polished one by one till the shining sliver color. After all
parts are polished, they are assembled. It takes around 2 months to
make a Japanese clock from design to final commissioning. Particularly,
a Japanese clock has much more parts than common wind-up clocks.
After it is completed to certain extent, it must be put into operation for
commissioning, and then listen its sound while debugging. Moreover, it is
also necessary to make sure whether its ticks are comfortable to hear.
Till then, the final commissioning is completed. Recently, we have
started the export to Indonesia. Starting from this, our corporation
expects to export our clock, as one of the commodities representing
Japanese traditional culture, to other countries.
2 clock is entirely handmade from the
design of parts to their polishing and
assembly. In order to make a clock, we make a
lot of tools by ourselves.
Corporate Data
Naluse Co., Ltd.
Date of Founding
Registered Capital
10 million Yen
Scope of Business
Design, production and sale of wind-up
pendulum clocks and clocks, repair of old
classic clocks, repair and duplication of
Japanese clocks
1.The workshop door decorated with the
gears of clock. The wind-up clock unique in
the world is born in here.