AQotMF: QUICK REFERENCE SHEET TURN SEQUENCE (Page 36) MOVEMENT (Page 37) 1. Initiative: D10 – highest chooses Side A or B. Human Martian Formation separation +1 per enemy unit destroyed last turn; +1 per each unit destroyed last turn with Armor of 11+; -1 per each friendly command unit destroyed last turn. None. Infantry & Artillery – 2” Tanks & Vehicles – 3” Friendly elements may pass through each other, but not the enemy. Units may not end a move within 1” of the enemy, but may do so st nd with friendly units if unavoidable (note PANIC rule below). st nd 3. Side B: 1 Move / Combat / 2 Move. Tripods may cross infantry elements, 4. End Phase but may not stop on them or within 1” 2. Side A: 1 Move / Combat / 2 Move. ASSAULTING (Page 46) SHOOTING (Page 40) 1. Move into assault: centre front makes contact, 1. Select shooter and target; support units line up directly behind; 2. Check range and line of sight; 2. Resolve attack and damage similar to Shooting; 3. D10: hit if greater or equal to target's defense; 3. If target destroyed, continue movement as normal. If target survives, assaulting units must move away in 2 movement phase 4. For each hit roll D10: damage if greater or equal to target's armor. nd 4. Check morale. Smaller targets are destroyed, larger targets check damage tables. 5. Check morale. Shooting into an assault – for any friendly units in line of sight roll to hit and damage them in addition to the intended target. LUCKY STRIKE (Page 43) When rolling to hit or damage that is otherwise impossible, a roll of 10 gives a second roll. A 10 on the second roll always succeeds. TOUGH LUCK (Page 43) When rolling to hit or damage, a roll of 1 always fails. MORALE (Page 43) ROUTED UNITS (Page 44) Roll D10, minus 1 for every element lost that phase: … within 3 inches of the enemy are eliminated; 5 or greater: passed, no effects. … may only move; 4 or less: failed, unit is routed. … moving within 3 inches of the enemy, or vice versa, are eliminated; Commanders: … that leave the table may regroup & re-enter fight; … use Rally rule to retake the morale check (if within 6”). … & non regrouped units are casualties at the end of the game. … use order tokens to save routing units. Transports & tows (multiple units) in rout: PANIC (Page 44) Friendly units within 1” of a destroyed/routed unit check morale. One morale check, using the unit with the most favourable bonuses. All units in rout count as one for all purposes. COMMANDER (Page 63) An army will have a single designated Field Commander, although the army may have more than one command unit. Field Commanders start the game with 1 order token per 200 points of units. Once a token is used, it is discarded. Extra Movement Orders: At the start of the first move phase, place an order token next to a unit. That unit may move at double speed for that move phase. Other bonuses cannot be used to increase speed further – double speed is the maximum. Regroup Orders: At the start of the first move phase, place an order token next to a routing unit. This unit automatically regroups immediately and can move & fight as normal. If a Field Commander is lost, another command unit can take the role, and takes any remaining order tokens. If no command units are left, there is no Field Commander and all remaining order tokens are lost. AQotMF: QUICK REFERENCE SHEET TRIPOD DAMAGE (Page 48) Roll ONE D10 (regardless of damage points caused). 1-5: Lightly damaged. Permanently reduce armor stat by 1. Add 1 to the result for every extra point of damage scored. 6: Damaged & Crippled. Permanently reduce armor stat by 1. Any future moves by Tripod both players roll & add result for distance moved. Higher roller moves tripod. In a tie Tripod does not move. Cumulative Armor Damage: 7: Tripod is damaged & weapons disabled. Permanently reduce armor stat by 1. Any future times Tripod attempts to shoot both sides roll & higher side gets to shoot it. On tie the Tripod does not shoot. Target must lie within the combined total doubled of the die but less than maximum range of weapon. If Armor Stat is reduced to 0 or less, the Tripod is destroyed. 8: Badly Damaged. Permanently reduce armor by the result of a D10. If the result brings the Armor Stat to 0 or less than Tripod is destroyed. 9: Tripod is destroyed. 10: Tripod explodes. Any units within 6” take 3 hits with a Power of 2 immediately. BARRAGE (Page 60) HEAT RAY SWEEP (Page 63) Pick a shooter & a target. Pick a shooter & a target. Use the Barrage Template. Size determined by barrage value. Multiple elements firing accumulate size & combined barrage value. Use the Sweep Template. Check range & LOS. Place template wholly within range and over the target as decided by the shooter. Check range & LOS. Place template wholly within range and over the target as decided by the shooter, in an arc facing away from the shooter. Roll for hits & casualties as per shooting. At least 1 die per element under the barrage template. Hits from Barrage weapons ignore Defense & Armor bonuses for intervening terrain. Roll for hits & casualties as per shooting. At least 1 die per element under the sweep template. Apply Damage. Elements that become casualties are removed. Tripods, etc use the Damage Resolution Charts. Apply Damage. Elements that become casualties are removed. Tripods, etc use the Damage Resolution Charts. Note, for every point the Barrage value exceeds 4, add 1 to the Power. TRANSPORTS (Page 64) TOWS (Page 65) One unit of transports can carry one unit of infantry without penalty. One element with “TOW” can tow one element of artillery, without penalty One unit of transports can carry more infantry at half speed. One element with “TOW” can tow more elements of artillery at half speed. Infantry within 6” can board a transport in the first move phase, as long as it has not moved itself. Artillery within 6” can be towed in the first move phase, as long as it has not moved itself. It can then deploy (as it's move phase) within 6” of the transport after the transport has moved, allowing it to enter combat. It can then deploy (as it's move phase) within 6” of the tow after it has moved, allowing it to enter combat. It can then board the transport again for the second move phase, and redeploy after the transport has moved again. It can then be towed again for the second move phase, and redeploy after the tow has moved again. If a transport is destroyed, the transported unit deploys unharmed. Towed artillery can be targeted and destroyed by enemy units. Note, multiple transport units can combine to transport a single infantry unit, but the transports must remain in formation. Note, multiple tow units can combine to tow a single artillery unit, but the tows must remain in formation. AQotMF: QUICK REFERENCE SHEET TARGET / COVER TERRAIN (Page 54) Infantry Artillery Vehicles & Tanks Machines & Tripods MOVEMENT Deep Water such as lakes, seas, & deep rivers. Sheer drops: chasms, cliffs, escarpments, & canyon sides. none none none none Impassable Marsh, swamps, shallow water, boggy or muddy ground. none none none none Difficult ground to all except Infantry Light Woodland, orchards, red-weed, scrub, cactus, or a field of crops Def +2 Arm 0 Def +1 Arm 0 none none Difficult ground to all except Infantry Dense woodland, forest, or jungle. Def +3 Arm 0 Def +2 Arm 0 Def +1 Arm 0 Def +1 Arm 0 Difficult ground to all except Infantry Boulder strewn, rocky, craggy, steep, heavily cratered, or pitted ground Def +3 Arm +1 Def +2 Arm 0 Def +1 Arm 0 Def 0 Arm 0 Difficult ground to all except Infantry Low ruined or partly ruinous area of building or rubble Def +3 Arm +2 Def +2 Arm +1 Def +1 Arm 0 Def 0 Arm 0 Difficult ground to all except Infantry Towering ruins or large buildings Def +4 Arm +2 Def +2 Arm +1 Def +1 Arm 0 Def +1 Arm 0 Difficult ground to all except Infantry Fortifications, trenches, fox holes, gun pits, bunkers, and earthworks. Def +4 Arm +2 Def +4 Arm +2 Def +1 Arm +1 Def 0 Arm +1 Difficult ground to all except Infantry Def +3 Arm 0 Hills count as open ground for movement Defenders only Intervening topography (target partially obscured by hills, ridges, etc) Def +3 Arm 0 Def +3 Arm 0 Def +3 Arm 0 Note: Difficult Ground results in half speed for affected units. COVER (page 56): At least half of the unit's base area must be within the terrain, in order to be considered in cover. Intervening cover: at least half of the target's base/body is obscured from at least half of the shooting unit's elements. A shooting element can draw LOS through cover it is occupying without it conferring a bonus to the target for intervening cover. AQotMF: QUICK REFERENCE SHEET HIDDEN UNITS (Page 66) Hidden units are deployed as numbered blips. For each hidden unit blip, deploy two decoy blips. Blips can be deployed anywhere, as long as they are not within 3” of any other unit or blip. Blips representing units with “Stealth” can move in the second move phase only, without revealing themselves. Blips: Speed – 6; Defense – 5; Armor – 4 Blips do not benefit from the proximity of other units (ie transports). Blips are revealed when: 1. Enemy moves within 6” and has LOS; 2. The blip shoots, or uses a special rule that gives its position away; 3. The unit moves and does not have Stealth; 4. The enemy shoots at it and inflicts at least 1 point of damage. This will reveal the blip, but not damage it. RESERVES (Page 69) Units just behind the battle lines, ready to be deployed. Reserves may enter the game from the second turn onwards. On second turn, they may enter anywhere on the player's table edge. On turn three onwards they may enter from the sides (up to half way). Reserves that have not entered play by the final turn are casualties. BUILDINGS (Page 70): AMBUSH (Page 67) Ambushing units are not placed on the battlefield. Write down the terrain area when the ambush is set. The ambushing unit can be placed at the beginning of any first move phase. It must be within the terrain area specified, in formation, and further than 1” from an enemy unit. If a detector is placed within 12” of the centre point of the terrain feature, the ambushing units are revealed immediately. TRAPS (Page 68) Write down the terrain area when the trap is set. Friendly units ignore traps. Traps are triggered immediately when an enemy unit moves into the terrain feature chosen. Resolve effects. Roll one attack per element of the enemy unit triggering the trap. Normal to hit, and power bonus of +4. REINFORCEMENTS (Page 69) Units on their way to the battle lines, but not there at the start. Reinforcements may enter the game from turn two onwards: 1-5 No show, test next turn. 6-8 May deploy and move but not attack this turn. 9 - 10 May deploy and attack this turn. Substantial building can be targeted for a shooting or assaulting attack., in order to reduce them to rubble. Building have a defense value of 2. Wooden/sheet metal/single storey brick: Multi-storey brick: Steel framed stone/concrete clad multi storey: Armor = 5 Armor = 6 Armor = 7 A building that stands on a single terrain area: A building that stands on two terrain areas: takes 5 points of damage before becoming rubble takes 6 points of damage before becoming rubble and so on... DEFENSE WORKS (Page 72) FIELD FORTIFICATIONS Target/cover bonuses only apply to the side owning the fortification. MARTIAN REDOUBTS Crater rim: All units treat as difficult terrain. Humans (and Lobototons) can also bog down. FORTRESSES Enemy units may target the walls or units positioned on the wall. Units on the wall receive Field Fortification bonuses. Fortress walls typically have a defense of 2, and an armor value of 14. FORTRESS DAMAGE RESOLUTION CHART Units starting a move on the rim, or moving onto the rim immediately Check (D10 + 3 if infantryother than mounted troops): 1-5 6-8 9 - 13 Stuck fast – element cannot move, and retests next turn deducting 3 from the result. Bogged down – infantry can only move in one move phase. If it has already moved it stays where it is. Non infantry cannot move further that turn. Keep going – continue movement over difficult terrain. (One D10 +1 for each additional point of damage) 1-5 6-9 10 Damaged - Armor value reduced by 1. Badly damaged – Armor value reduced by 1. Each element on the wall suffers an attack. Breached – this section is now ruins. Each element on the wall suffers an attack.
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