Package ‘gelnet’ May 14, 2015 Version 1.1 Date 2015-05-13 License GPL (>= 3) Title Generalized Elastic Nets Description Implements several extensions of the elastic net regularization scheme. These extensions include individual feature penalties for the L1 term, feature-feature penalties for the L2 term, as well as translation coefficients for the latter. Author Artem Sokolov Maintainer Artem Sokolov <[email protected]> Depends R (>= 3.1.0) NeedsCompilation yes Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2015-05-14 08:30:37 R topics documented: adj2lapl . . . . . adj2nlapl . . . . gelnet.klr . . . . gelnet.krr . . . . gelnet.L1bin . . . gelnet.lin . . . . gelnet.lin.obj . . gelnet.logreg . . gelnet.logreg.obj L1.ceiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 4 . 5 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 11 1 2 adj2nlapl adj2lapl Generate a graph Laplacian Description Generates a graph Laplacian from the graph adjacency matrix. Usage adj2lapl(A) Arguments A n-by-n adjacency matrix for a graph with n nodes Details A graph Laplacian is defined as: li,j = deg(vi ), if i = j; li,j = −1, if i 6= j and vi is adjacent to vj ; and li,j = 0, otherwise Value The n-by-n Laplacian matrix of the graph See Also adj2nlapl adj2nlapl Generate a normalized graph Laplacian Description Generates a normalized graph Laplacian from the graph adjacency matrix. Usage adj2nlapl(A) Arguments A n-by-n adjacency matrix for a graph with n nodes Details p A normalized graph Laplacian is defined as: li,j = 1, if i = j; li,j = −1/ deg(vi )deg(vj ), if i 6= j and vi is adjacent to vj ; and li,j = 0, otherwise gelnet.klr 3 Value The n-by-n Laplacian matrix of the graph See Also adj2nlapl Kernel logistic regression gelnet.klr Description Learns a kernel logistic regression model for a binary classification task Usage gelnet.klr(K, y, lambda, max.iter = 100, eps = 1e-05, v.init = rep(0, nrow(K)), b.init = 0.5) Arguments K n-by-n matrix of pairwise kernel values over a set of n samples y n-by-1 vector of binary response labels lambda scalar, regularization parameter max.iter maximum number of iterations eps convergence precision v.init initial parameter estimate for the kernel weights b.init initial parameter estimate for the bias term Details The method operates by constructing iteratively re-weighted least squares approximations of the log-likelihood loss function and then calling the kernel ridge regression routine to solve those approximations. The least squares approximations are obtained via the Taylor series expansion about the current parameter estimates. Value A list with two elements: v n-by-1 vector of kernel weights b scalar, bias term for the model See Also gelnet.krr 4 gelnet.L1bin Kernel ridge regression gelnet.krr Description Learns a kernel ridge regression model. Usage gelnet.krr(K, y, a, lambda) Arguments K n-by-n matrix of pairwise kernel values over a set of n samples y n-by-1 vector of response values a n-by-1 vector of samples weights lambda scalar, regularization parameter Details The entries in the kernel matrix K can be interpreted asP dot products in some feature space φ. The corresponding weight vector can be retrieved via w = i vi φ(xi ). However, new samples can be classified without explicit access to the underlying feature space: X X wT φ(x) + b = vi φT (xi )φ(x) + b = vi K(xi , x) + b i i Value A list with two elements: v n-by-1 vector of kernel weights b scalar, bias term for the model gelnet.L1bin A GELnet model with a requested number of non-zero weights Description Binary search to find an L1 penalty parameter value that yields the desired number of non-zero weights in a GELnet model. Usage gelnet.L1bin(f.gelnet, nF, l1s, max.iter = 10) gelnet.lin 5 Arguments f.gelnet a function that accepts one parameter: L1 penalty value, and returns a typical GELnets model (list with w and b as its entries) nF the desired number of non-zero features l1s the right side of the search interval: search will start in [0, l1s] max.iter the maximum number of iterations of the binary search Details The method performs simple binary search starting in [0, l1s] and iteratively training a model using the provided f.gelnet. At each iteration, the method checks if the number of non-zero weights in the model is higher or lower than the requested nF and adjusts the value of the L1 penalty term accordingly. For linear regression problems, it is recommended to initialize l1s to the output of L1.ceiling. Value The model with the desired number of non-zero weights and the corresponding value of the L1norm parameter. Returned as a list with three elements: w p-by-1 vector of p model weights b scalar, bias term for the linear model l1 scalar, the corresponding value of the L1-norm parameter See Also L1.ceiling Examples X <- matrix( rnorm(100*20), 100, 20 ) y <- rnorm(100) l1s <- L1.ceiling( X, y ) f <- function( l1 ) {gelnet.lin( X, y, l1, l2 = 1 )} m <- gelnet.L1bin( f, nF = 50, l1s = l1s ) print( m$l1 ) gelnet.lin GELnet for linear regression Description Constructs a GELnet model for linear regression using coordinate descent. 6 gelnet.lin Usage gelnet.lin(X, y, l1, l2, a = rep(1, n), d = rep(1, p), P = diag(p), m = rep(0, p), max.iter = 100, eps = 1e-05, w.init = rep(0, p), b.init = sum(a * y)/sum(a), fix.bias = FALSE, silent = FALSE) Arguments X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions y n-by-1 vector of response values l1 coefficient for the L1-norm penalty l2 coefficient for the L2-norm penalty a n-by-1 vector of sample weights d p-by-1 vector of feature weights P p-by-p feature association penalty matrix m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients max.iter maximum number of iterations eps convergence precision w.init initial parameter estimate for the weights b.init initial parameter estimate for the bias term fix.bias set to TRUE to prevent the bias term from being updated (default: FALSE) silent set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE) Details The method operates through cyclical coordinate descent. The optimization is terminated after the desired tolerance is achieved, or after a maximum number of iterations. Value A list with two elements: w p-by-1 vector of p model weights b scalar, bias term for the linear model gelnet.lin.obj gelnet.lin.obj 7 Linear regression objective function value Description Evaluates the linear regression objective function value for a given model. See details. Usage gelnet.lin.obj(w, b, X, z, lambda1, lambda2, a = rep(1, nrow(X)), d = rep(1, ncol(X)), P = diag(ncol(X)), m = rep(0, ncol(X))) Arguments w p-by-1 vector of model weights b the model bias term X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions z n-by-1 response vector lambda1 L1-norm penalty scaling factor lambda2 L2-norm penalty scaling factor a n-by-1 vector of sample weights d p-by-1 vector of feature weights P p-by-p feature-feature penalty matrix m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients Details Computes the objective function value according to 1 X ai (zi − (wT xi + b))2 + R(w) 2n i where R(w) = λ1 X j Value The objective function value. See Also gelnet.lin dj |wj | + λ2 (w − m)T P (w − m) 2 8 gelnet.logreg GELnet for logistic regression gelnet.logreg Description Constructs a GELnet model for logistic regression using the Newton method. Usage gelnet.logreg(X, y, l1, l2, d = rep(1, p), P = diag(p), m = rep(0, p), max.iter = 100, eps = 1e-05, w.init = rep(0, p), b.init = 0.5, silent = FALSE) Arguments X y l1 l2 d P m max.iter eps w.init b.init silent n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions n-by-1 vector of binary response labels coefficient for the L1-norm penalty coefficient for the L2-norm penalty p-by-1 vector of feature weights p-by-p feature association penalty matrix p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients maximum number of iterations convergence precision initial parameter estimate for the weights initial parameter estimate for the bias term set to TRUE to suppress run-time output to stdout (default: FALSE) Details The method operates by constructing iteratively re-weighted least squares approximations of the log-likelihood loss function and then calling the linear regression routine to solve those approximations. The least squares approximations are obtained via the Taylor series expansion about the current parameter estimates. Value A list with two elements: w p-by-1 vector of p model weights b scalar, bias term for the linear model See Also gelnet.lin gelnet.logreg.obj gelnet.logreg.obj 9 Logistic regression objective function value Description Evaluates the logistic regression objective function value for a given model. See details. Computes the objective function value according to − 1X yi si − log(1 + exp(si )) + R(w) n i where si = wT xi + b R(w) = λ1 X j dj |wj | + λ2 (w − m)T P (w − m) 2 Usage gelnet.logreg.obj(w, b, X, y, lambda1, lambda2, d = rep(1, ncol(X)), P = diag(ncol(X)), m = rep(0, ncol(X))) Arguments w p-by-1 vector of model weights b the model bias term X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions y n-by-1 binary response vector sampled from 0,1 lambda1 L1-norm penalty scaling factor lambda2 L2-norm penalty scaling factor d p-by-1 vector of feature weights P p-by-p feature-feature penalty matrix m p-by-1 vector of translation coefficients Value The objective function value. See Also gelnet.logreg 10 L1.ceiling L1.ceiling The largest meaningful value of the L1 parameter Description Computes the smallest value of the LASSO coefficient L1 that leads to an all-zero weight vector for a given linear regression problem. Usage L1.ceiling(X, y, a = rep(1, nrow(X)), d = rep(1, ncol(X))) Arguments X n-by-p matrix of n samples in p dimensions y n-by-1 response vector a n-by-1 vector of sample weights d p-by-1 vector of feature weights Details The cyclic coordinate descent updates the model weight wk using a soft threshold operator S(·, λ1 dk ) that clips the value of the weight to zero, whenever the absolute value of the first argument falls below λ1 dk . From here, it is straightforward to compute the smallest value of λ1 , such that all weights are clipped to zero. Value The largest meaningful value of the L1 parameter (i.e., the smallest value that yields a model with all zero weights) Index adj2lapl, 2 adj2nlapl, 2 gelnet.klr, 3 gelnet.krr, 3, 4 gelnet.L1bin, 4 gelnet.lin, 5, 7, 8 gelnet.lin.obj, 7 gelnet.logreg, 8, 9 gelnet.logreg.obj, 9 L1.ceiling, 10 11
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