Christ the Redeemer Lutheran Church 1232 W. Maumee St. Adrian Mi 49221 517 265-8360 Worship: 10 am Christian Education 9 am Pastor Denise Benjamin 407-376-0685 [email protected] June 2015 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ June--our liturgical year moves from Easter to Trinity Sunday and the season Words for June: believe and of Pentecost where we continue to grow faith! and learn in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Did you know that Pentecost Open your Bible and see where comes from the Greek word 50—it is the 50th day these words lead you! after Easter? This year Pentecost started on May 24th but the celebration and service continues! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From the Pastor’s Pen: FROM OUR PRESIDENT Memorial Day is past us, so that means that unofficially, summer has begun! Even though it isn't official until after June 21, people are already starting to take vacations or at least planning them. The warmer weather has resulted in new life springing up all over in our yards, in our trees and in our hearts. New life is present in our church too; the kitchen project is getting closer to being done every day. We have plans to use this kitchen beyond the obvious; as a means to provide outreach to our community, establish ourselves as a disaster shelter, and promote healthier eating just to name a few. An added bonus is the personal hope of mine that we can stop using disposable cups for coffee hour; it costs money, puts unnecessary burden on our landfills and pollutes the environment. Bring a coffee mug to church to use and leave it here! Yes, new life is present everywhere we look this time of year. But don't forget that new life in us begins with our faith in Jesus Christ. Don't take a vacation from your faith! Come to church to hear the Word, be fed at His table and be in community with your fellow Christians. We'll be looking for you! See you in church Pastor Denise =========================================== Greetings fellow CRLC’ers! This month I would like to share with you some of the issues addressed at our May council meeting. I think it is a good idea to keep you informed on some of the smaller issues we address at our meeting as well as the financial report monthly in the NET and any happenings within the church. It was brought to our attention at the meeting that Mary Warfield caught young boys throwing stones at the Discipleship door again. Luckily she was working at church and chased them away and they ran to the apartments next door. Roy Gonzalez has offered to deal with that problem. We have 5 fire extinguishers in the building. They should be serviced yearly but have not been for many years. John Sannes will be dealing with getting them serviced and pay for the expense of it. Other topics that were discussed to great extent were about where our property ends beyond the fence in the back parking lot. Members considered taking the fence down so it would be easier to mow, and renting out the softball diamond for practices from teams in the community if the diamond is on our property? If any member has any info on these items please get with a council member. Another item was the garden, what to do with it, till it? Pastor Denise was not at council so we will check with her on that issue when she returns. I would like to thank all council members for a great productive May Meeting. As always, please contact me or any Council member with your ideas, support and concerns! God’s blessings! Nancy Hebb Update on garden: Pastor Denise reports that the gardens may get tilled this week (May 25th) thanks to Roy Gonzalez’s brother. Once that is done, then people can sign up for their spot! Check with her if you are interested! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Upcoming Events: Coffee hour to celebrate our June birthdays and anniversaries is June 7th after church Hostess will be Elaine Kaiser and members whose last names begin with letters E-I are asked to contribute cookies, muffins, or whatever sounds good! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Rummage sale The annual CRW rummage sale with be held in the Discipleship Center on two days: Friday June 12 from 9 am to 3 pm and Saturday June 13th from 9 am to noon. We need any and all donations of gently used, in-good-condition items. Please begin dropping them off at church in the Blue Sunday School room starting June 1st! Thanks! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you to all who came to our 25th aniversary and renewal of our vows on April 18, 2015 and for all of the cards. Ilo and Roy Wilson Hot Dog Sunday! Co-Chair Nathan Day! A special hot dog, welcome to Summer event will be held on June 14th right after church. Hot dogs and the fixings will be on the menu for all! In place of a free will offering, any donations collected will be used to help pay for Nathan VanAtta’s expenses as he attends and helps with worship at the National ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit this July. What an honor for Nathan! CRLC would like to support all of his time, efforts and faithfuness! He will also be going to the state youth conference in Lansing in December at which he will be a co-chair. Funeral planning workshop – After church on Sunday, June 14 and after the hot dog lunch, we will be having a special, short funeral planning workshop. There will be forms to fill out then (or return to Pastor Denise later) that will indicate your preferences of hymns, readings and prayers. While this is a subject no one likes to think about, it is especially difficult for those who are left to make the decisions. So make the decisions for them! The copies will be kept on file in the office until they are needed...hopefully not for a long time! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess 5:18 As always, there is plenty to be thankful for in our lives and around CRLC. Even in the face of difficulties, tragedy and trials, God encourages us, no commands us, to give thanks in all things—this way we will experience His presence and light. Thanks to everyone who ordered flowers through the CRW recent fund raiser. We were able to raise $267 plus some matching money from Thrivent Financial all of which will go to help pay for kitchen renovations! The flowers were beautiful! Thanks to everyone who came to help with the spring CRLC grounds clean up on May 2nd—many hands make the work light! Women’s Bible Study – We will be taking a hiatus from Bible Study during the summer months—but will be back in the routine in September! Thanks to Roy Gonzalez and Bob Slusher for keeping the grass cut during the grass growing marathon season! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To all of our members who continue to respond to the un-ending needs of both our congregation and the community, both local and global. We are a small church but can mark our bigness by the number of times we reach out and serve others as commanded by Jesus! Go and serve the Lord. Amen! Oh my goodness—the kitchen is absolutely marvelous. It is almost to a working stage again for church functions! Can we all take one home like it? The next big steps are to continue to do fund raising and work towards a stove hood, ceiling and appliances to make it Health Department compliable to start doing community meals. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gary Perkins wishes to thank everyone for their prayers and cards while he was recovering from eye surgery. It was much appreciated! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Kitchen Progress! Help needed! God is good to us— continued thanks for His blessing on CRLC. And thanks to Bob Slusher and other members for their hard work and donations to thhis giant endeavor! No easy work birthing a commercial kitchen. It is time again for CRLC’ers to sign up to help with the Adrian Home Delivered Meals program. If you have never done this before, it is a very simple process requiring a couple of hours of your time! Our dates this year go from Monday July 20th through Friday August 14th. Please contact Mary Lou Balasz to catch your spot in this wonderful opportunity for service to our community. You can reach her at 265-8213. ********************************************************* WELCA-CRW (Caring, Resourceful Women) CRW continues to meet on the 3rd Monday of the month. We welcome all women of the congregation & their friends to come and have fun while we plan service activities, Bible study and outings. We are planning a special date for the summer to get together for a small fun program-- July 1st. Stay tuned for more details! Next meeting date is June 15th at 2 pm. ######################################### Graduation congratulations to Robbie Coy who is graduating from Adrian High School and will be attending Adrian College in the fall. Way to go Robbie! Miss Piggy is back! No, not Kermit’s special friend, but our little ceramic Miss Piggy over-seeing a special table where you can bring in small items for sale (no clothing). Place your item on the table with a sticker price. Miss Piggy will be happy to take your payment. This money is used to help with special projects around the church. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible School will be held June 15-19 at the First United Methodist Church from 9:30 to noon. The theme is "Everest" and the special mission outreach project will go towards providing relief to those impacted by the earthquakes in Nepal. For more information, please check with Pastor Denise! Diaper donations: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ According to a recent article from the ELCA, many infants and toddlers go to preschool or daycare wearing plastic bags for diapers!! This happens in Detroit and other areas. The article also states that diapers can be such a hot commodity that pharmacies and stores sometimes keep them behind glass because parents become desparate and steal them. A special request from Pastor Denise...If you have a prayer request or pastoral need or know someone who does, please write it down on a prayer request or send me an email at [email protected] . It is very difficult to sort through everything people tell me before, during or after worship on Sunday morning when my main focus is providing everyone with a meaningful worship experience. If I have forgotten something, please forgive me. Please help me by just writing it down for me. Thanks. What is the cost for diapers? It can reach $100 a month for one child—funds that many families just do not have when one has to choose between food and diapers. They are not covered by federal assistance programs like WIC, food stamps or medicaid. Congregations are being encouraged to collect packages of disposable diapers for their Youth Gathering representatives (Nathan VanAtta from CRLC) to take along with them to the Gathering in Detroit in July. The greatest need is for sizes 3 and 4, but any and all sizes are appreciated! Let’s see how big a diaper mountain we can make before July!! Thanks. PRAYER REQUESTS AND SPECIAL CONCERNS Prayer chain: If you want to add someone to the prayer chain, please contact Karen Knisel 263-4424 or Nancy Hebb 265-8684 as well as Pastor Denise at 407376-0685. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6-7 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RENTAL SPACE Do you or someone you know need a hall to rent for a special occasion? Look no farther than CRLC’s Discipleship Center!! With a seating capacity of 100 with tables or 250 with chairs and great parking, your rental worries are over. Please contact the church office at 265-8360 for further information (or contact Kathy Tripp at 263-0062). The rental forms are also available on our CRLC website at Note that there are separate rental agreement forms for members and non-members. ************************************************************** If you have anything you want in future NETS, please let Kathy Tripp know by the middle of the month. Contact her at 263-0062. Also, please let Kathy know of any address or phone number changes so we can be sure we have correct information for you in the church office. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2015 Council members: Please feel free to contact any council member if you have questions, ideas or concerns. Nancy Hebb President Roy Gonzalez Vice President Mary Warfield Secretary Karen Knisel John Sannes Bob Slusher Ian Bell Pastor Denise Appointed treasurer: Lana Taylor Appointed Financial Secretary: Vickie Schiller
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