Niveau :3ASLLE Mars 2015 Time: 03h00

Niveau :3ASLLE
Second Term English Exam
Mars 2015
Time: 03h00
Read the passage carefully and answer the questions bellow.
Education is central for preventing corruption. Even clear laws and regulations and welldesigned institutions will not be able to prevent corruption, unless citizens actively demand
accountability from government and institutions.
The attitudes and expectations of citizens are crucial in building a responsive public
administration. Therefore, fostering attitudes that do not tolerate corruption is at the core of
Transparency International’s (Tis) work. Ethics education for young people can help break the
cycle of corruption as today’s youth will be the potential leaders of tomorrow.
However, anti -corruption education does not work in isolation. The environment in which
children grow up plays a decisive role in shaping their attitudes. Ethics education must be part of
broader effort to improve governance and reduce corruption. Within this framework, children
must have an appropriate and conductive learning environment that value integrity.
Thus, in order to be credible, anti- corruption teaching must relate to the daily lives of the
students organizations around the world have played an important role in making anti-corruption
education a reality. Though they have approached the topic from different angles, including
moral or value education, human rights and civic education, they all have set up a common goal:
strengthening young people’s attitudes and demands for accountability, and ultimately to build
trust in government and the public sector.
(Adapted from Bettina Meier, TI International Secretariat, Anti- Corruption Education, Nov,2004)
Part One: Reading: (14pts
A/ Comprehension/Interpretation (7pts)
1)circle the best answer(a, b or c) to complete A and B. (0,5pt)
A-the text is: a- narrative
b- expository
c- argumentative
2/ Are the following statements true or false according to the text
a-The fight against corruption is the affair of governments only.
b- Children at school should be involved in anti-corruption projects.
c- Ethics education is a project which is impossible to realize.
3/ Choose the most suitable title to the text (0,5pt)
a-Anti –Corruption Campaigns.
b- The Importance of education.
c- Anti - corruption Education.
4/ Answer the following questions according to the text (3pts)
a- Why should young people be involved in anti-corruption project?
b-Should anti –corruption teaching be a theory? Justify your answer.
c-What is the objective of many civil society organizations?
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5/ What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1,5pts)
That (§2)……….
They (§4)……………
Which (§3)………………
B)Text exploration: (7pts)
1/ Find in the text words whose definitions follow (1,5pts)
a- Decisive importance (§2) =…………………..
b- Honesty and goodness (§3 )=…………………..
c- Confidence (§4) =………………………….
2/ complete the following table using the appropriate prefixes to form opposites : (1pt)
3/ Rewrite the sentences “b” so they mean the same as sentences “a”: (2,5pts)
1- a) we are living in a corrupt society .I hope we all become honest ,loyal and integrate
one day.
b) I wish ……………………………………………………………………………….
2- a) We don’t have severe anti-corruption education laws.
b) It’s high time………………………………………………………………………
3- a) the problem can‘t be solved if there’s no a better cooperation between the schools and
the parents
4- a) He didn’t work seriously, consequently he failed in his exam.
5- a) Citizens are organizing anti-corruption campaign
b) Anti-corruption……………………………………………………… ….
4/ Ask questions on the underlined words (0,5pt)
- Many associations are fighting corruption in recent year.
5/ complete the following dialogue between A and B. (1pt)
A : …………………………………………………………………………………………..?
B : I think that corruption is more important in the world of trade and business.
A :……………………………………………………………………………………….?
B : No. I don’t think so. It concerns both the poor and the rich.
A : do you think that it is possible to stop it.
B :……………………………………………………………………………………
A :……………,…………………………………………,……………………………….?
B : We ought to develop a high sense of responsibility among society members.
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6/ Mark the stress where necessary : (0,5pt)
- university
Part two: written expression
Choose one topic.
Topic one: If you were a Minister of Education, how would you solve a problem of education?
Use the notes given to help you answer the question.
-Augment the number of schools -allow private ones - update programs to fit today’s
-Introduce new methods /supports –teachers to be formed regularly - enter main foreign
- Refer to parents to share all decisions - tolerate no discrimination between students.
Topic two: you watched a documentary on child labour and how awful these innocent children
are exploited.
What would you do if you had the power to punish these cruel people?
All my best wishes
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