rage iv I uuune-rrea>> April 1 , 1992 South Edwards By Jennie Bridgeland OPEN HOUSE OswegatchieLodge#687,F&AM are having open house on Wednesday evening. April 1 at 8 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, Fine. Anyone interested in joining the Oswegalchie Masonic gery on 1 nursday, March 19. Lodge or Oswegatchie order of EastPearl Gore, United Helpers Home, ern Star are invited and welcome to Canton, injured her foot recently. attend. Ice cream and cake will be Re v. Tracy Cook of Adams was a served. recent caller of Eleanor Austin. Lester Javall underwent eye surOES VISITATION Dolores Hughes, Gloria Austin, Leona Hodgkiss, Harold Jones, and Jennie Bridgeland attended the visitation of OES Grand Officers to Empire RICH VILLE FIRE Chapter, II St. Lawrence District at DEPARTMENT Canton on Thursday evening, March The Richville Fire Department is 19. currently renovating their hall to inWeekend guests of Eleanor and elude a meeting room and kitchen, Lloyd Austin were Marion Smith, Donations are welcome for that projPhiladelphia and Harold and Jennie ect Austin, Hyde Park. Helen McCumber came from Friday evening, March 20, callers Loudonville the weekend of March at the Bridgeland home were Sheila 22.DavidReedhelpedherdriveandis staying at their home so he can search Bullock and children, Mandy, Steven Richville By Helen Reed Did you play "April Fool" today? That has been fun for years on April 1. Take time to think of cute pranks in the past FRIENDSHIP CLASS Plan now to go to ihe regular meeting of the Friendship Class on April 4. Each one is to bring a dish to share and their own table service. The committee is Lucy Conklin, Reatha Brown, and Stella Weaver. They plan some dessert and rolls. _. . . . .' . The whole congregation at the UmtedChurchofRichvilleisurgedto stayfor^eannualmectingonApnlS. sanctuary right It willchurch. be heldCome in the sanctuary after one, come allneht and stay. It is hoped that all OES members for a job. David has completed his classes at Potsdam State University. VILLAGE BOARD Garnet Weaver and Bonnie Raymo were elected to continue their o f f i c e s o n l h ev u , Board T h c r e w i n be a meeting Wednes^ a t 6 : 3 O p . m . i n the Village Rooms to Immediately _ explain . . • the :._ budget. ^..^ !„-..• ..... and Vanessa; Kermit and Dorothy Jones, Harold Jones, Sam and Norma Brass, Star Lake; Judy and Ron Holly, Gouverneur and Janet and Harold Gotham, Fowler. Tamara Perry and Christopher, Oswegatchie, visited on Saturday. FUN AND GAMES NIGHT Approximately 35 attended the fun and games night held at Eleanor Austin *s craft shop on Saturday evening, march 21. Refreshments were served and everyone, young and old a like, had a good time playing cards and games. The OES of First St. Lawrence District are sponsoring a calendar party HAIR ' A DIMENSIONS V Larry s Fish Truck Fresh Seafood Direct From Maine (315-393.4924) WE ARE OPEN Thurs, April2 8a.m-9a.rn. Then Every Thursday 8am.-9a.m. following the board will have their regular meeting. Richville friends of the Ripley will go to the first meeting in Apnl family send sympathy to Carl, his two after the winter closing. Plans will be sons and three daughters, on their loss made for the district meeting. of wife and mother, Laverna Ripley. 1 1 Specials . . . March 11 - April 15 Jrtck Sub Pmrking Lot, Main St., Qouv«m«4jr ^_M_^___ | Snbune VZBB WILL DO House Cleaning EARN $500 Weekly stuffed in your home. Joanne envelopes at home. Send Lumtey, 287-3627. S.A.S.E. to: J&J Associates, -4-1-2tp(1) P.O. Box, Bridgeport, CT 06610. . 4-1-4tp(1) BABYSITTER NEEDED in my home. For one chikj n>ghts& weekends. Call 2874790. v- . . UTILITY COMPANY Jobs $7.80-15.75/hr., this area. Men and women needed. No experience necessary. For information, call 1-219736-9807, ext. U-5772, 9 a.m.-9p.m.. 7 days. •3-18-3tp(1) LOW COST AUTO & C Y C m INSURANCE: Low down payment, nobody refused. Monthly payments. Mastercard & Visa accepted. Phone 287-SAVE (7283). 2-26-tf(2) WANTED CERTIFIED MECHANIC Inquireat F.X. Caprara, Rt. 11, Gouverneur MOBILE HOMi; Moving and Set-up Licensed & Insured 287-3219 Barker Mobile Homes RUTOMOTIUE POSTAL JOBS-Your Area - $23,700 per year plus benefits. Postal carriers, sorters, clerks. For an application and exam information, call 1-219-736-9807 ext.P5772,9a.m.to9p.ra, 7 days. 3-11-4tp(1) 20 cents per word $4 per ad minimum charge Card of Thanks, In Memoriams, Notes of Appreciation $4 (under 30 words) and $6 (over 30 words) (Cash or Check must accompany all ads) FOR SALE - Waterbed, queen size, padded sides and footboard, $150. Baby swing, $15. Bassinet, $25. Infant carrier/rocker, $15. All items like new. Call 2874053. RUTOMOTIUE RUTOMOTIUE f SAVE A ^THOUSANDSj 1988 DODGE DAKOTA 4X4 PICKUP w/Ptow V6. Auto. Much More! Special At $8,750 1988 Dodge D-100 Pickup 6cy1..auto.. PS. 8' box. tu-tone blue. 1-owner. Very Cleanl Only $6,450 1991 fcJck Century 4 dr.. blue w/blue doth interior. loaded w/extras Sav$$$ mmmm—m—mmmm 1991PonttocTran*Spod 7 passenger Van. loaded! LBce N0wl 1991 Chevy Corsica 4 d r , V6. auto , w / a r , white exteriof w/btue cloth interior Beautiful Carl 1991 Poottoc Sunbird 4dr.auto.. 1 w/a»r. Priced (Ugh* ONE T,ME OFFER 8* x 10* wood building with board and batten tiding, a sNngfed roof with a 4/12 ptch and a 48" wooden door. Will dellavar In St. Lawrenca County. Put your ordac In now for spring at a low pric* of $550.00.Oth9r sizes avallabta by raquasL Call 287-1509, ask for Vernon Fuller. tms wo» Omotn N Sufepct * + * * * * • am to* RUCTIONS flUTOMQTIUE 1992 DODGE Dynasty - 3.3 liter, loaded, power windows & locks, A/C, tilt, cruise, low miles, 4 dr., snow white finish. Check out the savings. F.X. Caprara, Rt. 11, Gouverneur, telephone 2871536, 4-1-1tp(6) RUCTIONS GOUVERNEUR, N.Y. ANNUAL MACHINERY, HEIFER & FEEDER SALE Saturday, Aprif 4,1992 at11:3QA.M. 1991 LINCOLN Town Car Executive series, loaded, gray leather interior, drivers power seat, low miles. F.X. Caprara, Rt. 1 1 , Gouverneur, telephone 2871536. _ •*;4-f-1tp(6) V ORDER OF SALE 11:30 - MISC.; 12:00 - MACHINERY; 1:00 - DAIRY; FEEDERS TO FOLLOW YOUTHFUL DRIVERS GRANT KERR INSURANCE AGENCY 287-3670. 1 4-Mtp(6) 3-4-3tp(4) flUTOMQTIUE FOR SALE: 1982 Olds Cutlass Ciera - good condition. Asking $1000. Call 2873646 after 5:00. 3-25-2tp(6) 1991 GEO Storm - Only 5,000 miles, 2 6r. coupe, yellow finish, very sporty, FWD, 5 spd. Catch the i spring fever. F.X. Caprara, Rt. 11, Gouverneur, telephone 287-1536. 4-1-1tp(6) MANAGERS SPECIAL 1989 FORD Probe-Auto., 1988 Ford F-150 Pickup itow miles, black finish, 2 dr., 35K, full-size, candy apple FWD. Black beauty. F.X. red finish, 6 cyl., 5 spd. Only Caprara, Rt. 1 1 , Gou-$5,888. F.X. Caprara, Rt. verneur, telephone 287- 11, Gouvemeur, telephone 287-1536. 1536. 4-1-1tp(6) 4-1-1tp(6) RUCTIONS RUCTIONS $av$$$ WE'VE GOT • PontUc • Balck • Olds • CMC Tracks •• International Trucks • Itew Cars • Hew Trucks • Used Cars & Trucks • Rental Cars • Complete Service And Coffee! Only 3 MOM Gojvemeur •• RL 11 * NEW W GMC 4x4's NOW IN STOCK! "For %92 We've Got It All For You" SPILMANS GARAGE 287-1740 or 1-800-33^6886 hatesuxo OTHER CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME! Truck** A vailabl* Turns - Cash or Good Check* FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL GouvarnaurMark* (315) 287-0220 Adams Market.« „ (315) 232-4592 Ken Hughs, Manager -(315) 387-3840 j AUCTION ANTIQUE, HOUSEHOLD, GENERAL THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 2 - 6:30 RM. LOCATED: Peck's Auction Barn, Inc. - Cream of the Valley Road, Gouverneur, N.Y. - Just off Rock Island Road. from BENEFIT AUCTION For Dianne Girard NEW ITEMS, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GIFT CERTIFICATES SUNDAY, APRIL 12 STARTING AT NOON 1991 Chevy $-10 AXA V6, auto., w / a r , cruse tirt PW/PDL UkmNmwt SEVERAL GOOD LOW PRICED VEHICLES PRICED FOR CLEARANCE! /$ /instate ••••••••••••MiiiiiiiiyviUv mmmm—mmm—mmmm, 1991 Olds Ctera 4 d r . 6 cyt. w / a r . cruise. FW/PDL white w/blue interior only 10 XXX) miles Priced Ibghtl 9 E. Main S I , Gouvtrntur 287-0610 CONSIGNMENT #1:1970 Case 1470 TK 4/WD. 2900 hrs.. ex. condition, Ford back blade hyd. tilt, 18' Bush Hog disc, (transport type), J.D. 3960 chopper (com & hay head), Agway I crop sprayer, J.D. dual hi-lift dump wagon, 117 Gehi manure Also preferred rmtM for • spreader, 1969 J .D. 2010 dieseldozer, st. blades & winch. Ford • Homeowner* • Auto • 910 en^tb Hog, Case 1800 12 shank chisel piow. GARAGE SALE - Wednesand •Bu»ine*i I CONSIGNMENT #2: 1466 Int. tractor w/cab. White 5400 day-FrkJay. Furniture, bed• piatetess com planter, J.D. 336 baler w/kicker. 1Z Int. transport ding, lamps, dishes, cloth•disc (like new), 469 N.H. haybine, 256 M.H. rake, I.H. selfing, etc. Mrs. Maude DeneI unloading tandem axle, 3 beater, N.H. 256 hay rake, 2500 wan FOR SALE - Firewood - 8 sha, Richville Road. • generator, I.H. 17 run #10 grain drill, like new. cords split, $200; Logs, 9315-M&-3314 Star Lake, NY • CONSIGNMENT «3: Snow blower, 3 pt. hitch for parts, J.D. 4-1-1tp(4) •11 cords, $130. Within 30 12020 gas low profile, Ford 3000 gas low profile, Case 530 FOR SALE - Young laying miles. Seasoned firewood, 1992 PLYMOUTH Acclaim • backhoe & loader. N.H. 278 baler w/kicker. - 4 dr., V6, power locks & ' MORE CONSIGNMENTS ARRIVING JULY Rl Reds hens, $3 a piece $35 cord. 347-2389. windows, A/C, tilt, cruise, low I CATTLE: CONSIGNMENT #1:20 heifers from one farmer, 2-12-10tp(4) OBO. 287-0479. miles. It's the right car for • afl of good value, 5 heifers weighing from 8O0-9OO#, 8 - 6004-1-1tp(4) J 700#, 7 - 400-5OO#. All are artifically sired, out of an excellent FOR SALE - Wood - cut and you. F.X. Caprara, Rt. 11, I dairy of cows. Hand picked from one dairy - 5 springing & fresh Gouvemeur, telephone 287split hardwood. $25 per cord. I 1 st and 2nd calf heifers & 1 service bull. 1536. FOR SALE - Gas stove, with upper & lower ovens, avocado, works fine. Aluminum windows, suitable for camp, storms included. Call after 4 p.m., 287-3294. - 4-1-1tp(4) A u t o . PS. 1-owner. onJy 27 D00 miles L&mN E. fcbin St, Gouvtmcur TOP BRASS KEY AND LOCK • Certified Locks nth. Repairs lock-outs. Quality retracem*nts, also now cutt>ng*eysDyoode Home/ Ax*oeuCT*ss Grant Mfc* e i - 287-0475 or 287^500 FOR SALE - Bunk beds, $100, good condition. Call 287-4481 after 5 p.m. 4-1-1tp(4) Phone: 287-0258 1989 Chevrolet Cavalier Coupe 9 am. to 12 noon GREG'S RESTAURANT IPLUMBMG * EtoctricService Quality Repairs/Replacements. Established T971. Grant Michel. 2870475 or 287-4500 HAY FOR SALE Square Bales 200 Bales of Straw SAVE THOUSANDS Kitchen worker Apply in person SERUICES FOR SRLE 1986 Chevrolet 1/2 Ton Pickup • V6, Auto ./PS. A 1-Owner Truck w/Only 32,000 Original Miles! PRICED AT ONLY $5,950 £ HELP WANTED It Pays to Advertise in the Classifieds FOR SflLE WINTER'S END ARANCE SALE! NYSTATE Certified Teachers: (1) Electronic and Graphics Communication; (1) Licensed Practical Nursing. Positions available 9/1/ 92. Send resume to: Joseph Laurenza, Southwest Tech, RR#3, Box 342A, Gouverneur, N.Y. 13642. •3-18-2tp(1) FOR SflLE _ 4-1-1tp(4) SERUICES The FOSTER-WEEKES AGENCY, INC. Phone:287-4787 FOR SALE - 12 ft. John boat with oars, paddle and 2-seat cushions. Good condition. $275cash. Call (315) 287-0419. 4-1-1tp(4) EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT If your car is equipped with a manufacturer installed four-wheel anti-lock brake system, you could save money on your Allstate car insurance premium. So give us a call. • Men's Cuts $6.00 • Women's Cuts ........$8.00 • Perms ..starting at$25.00 • Shampooand 8-9 a.m. Apply here for big discount. Phone: 287-4787 Trackside Plaza Gouverneur Ovl ^^ DAY OF PRAYER and dinner on Saturday, April 11, at 1 The Edwards United Methodist p.m. in the Heuvelton Masonic Temple. There will be entertainment Women held a Day ofPrayer and Selffollowing dinner. Tickets are avail- Denial service at the Edwards Church on Sunday afternoon, March 22. Sue able from chapter members. Schang and Erma Fredenburg of Jennie Bridgeland had lunch Sat- Gouverneur were the guest speakers urday with Janet and Harold Gotham, and showed slides of the Red Bird Fowler. Mission, Beverly, Ky. Stella Shank had supper on FriStella Shank and Iva Apple, day evening, March 20, with Dora and Wanakena, attended the Black River Nicky Shank and Bill Han ley, Star Valley Fiddler's Fling at Brownville Lake. Bill's mother, Mona Han ley, American Legion, on Sunday, March was also a supper guest They all helped 22. This was to benefit of the Jefferson County Association for the Blind. Bill celebrate his birthday. Sympathy is extended to the family of Pete Matejcik who passed away recently in Florida. LOCATED: Peek's Auction Bam, Inc. - Cream of the Valley Road, Gouverneur, N. Y. - Just off Rock Island Road. PARTIAL IJfiTTNO AS P O I I i l W S : Gift certificates from several area busineaaea, new hair care product*, large peacock chair, weight bench, winea ft liquors, antique furniture, baked good*, professional beautician • shampoo link, toy* and gamea, maple syrup, ftoral arrangements and much, much more! Gouverneur will aell with NO RESERVES!! of draws, antique stands, table St floor lamps, easy chairs, odd stands, odd chairs, typewriter i stand, large quantity of towels & linens, claw foot piano stool, knick knacks, glassware, tinware, pots & pans, kitchen set, maple drop leaf table, metal cabinet, bookcase, 5'6" Qrina cabinet-hutch with glass top, GE washer, Maytag dryer, Electrolux vacuum cleaner, oak swivel office chair, oak arm chair, pictures Jt frame*, piano ML bench, oil paintings, record cabinet, sofa, plus large quantity of box lots and more. VOTE: This is a Real NM» Sale, with all Items Clean and in Like New Condition If in need of Good Used Furniture, DONT MISS THIS SALE'! TERMS: Cash or Good Check, Visa, Master Card A Discover Cards Accepted. I P * Buyer* Premium Applies. AUCTION RFMTVDFR.- Friday, April 3. 7 PM, Annual KJ wan is Auction at Barn. Saturday, Apn! 4. 1 PM k 6 PM, Food, General Merchandise. E&sebal] Cards at Barn. PECKS AUCTION SERVICE PECKS AUCTION SERVICE DON A. PECK, AUCTIONEER GOUVERNEUR, NV£ PH: 287-2938 or 287-4777 DON A. PECK, AUCTIONEER GOUVERNEUR, N.Y PH: 287-293S or 287-4777 • « ;
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