Criminological Highlights: Papers

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Criminological Highlights: Papers ‘Highlighted’
The Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies, University of Toronto, gratefully
acknowledges the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General for funding this project. Views
– expressed or implied – in this publication are not necessarily those of the Ontario Ministry
of the Attorney General.
Volume 1(1) – Volume 15(1)
September 1997 – April 2015
Aaltonen, Mikko, John M. MacDonald, Pekka Martikainen, and Janne Kivivuori (2013). Examining
the Generality of the Unemployment-Crime Association. Criminology, 51(3), 561-594. [Volume 14,
Number 2, Item 7]
Abrahamse, Allan. The coming wave of violence in California. Santa Monica, California: The Rand
Corporation, 1997. Volume 1, Number 4, Item 7. April 1998.
Addington, Lynn A. (2003). Students’ Fear after Columbine: Findings from a Randomized
Experiment. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 19, 367-387. [Volume 6, Number 3, March 2004,
Item 8]
Altschuler, D.M. (1998). “Intermediate sanctions and community treatment for serious violent
juveniles”. In R. Loeber and D. Farrington (Eds.), Serious and Violent Juvenile Offenders: Risk factors and
Successful Interventions. (Pp. 367-385). California: Sage Publications. Volume 2, Number 2, Item 2.
March 1999.
Andersen, Lars H. and Signe H. Andersen (2014). Effect of Electronic Monitoring on Social Welfare
Dependence. Criminology & Public Policy, 13(3), 349-379. [Volume 14, Number 6, Item 5]
Anderson, Amy L. and Lorine A. Hughes (2009). Exposure to Situations Conducive to Delinquency
Behaviour: The Effects of Time Use, Income, and Transportation. Journal of Research in Crime and
Delinquency, 46(1), 5-34. [Volume 10, Number 3, Item 8]
Anderson, David A. (2002). The Deterrence Hypothesis and Picking Pockets at the Pickpoket’s
Hanging. American Law and Economics Review, 4 (2), 293-313. [Volume 12, Number 3, Item 5]
Anwar, Shamena and Thomas A. Loughran (2011). Testing a Bayesian Learning Theory of
Deterrence Among Serious Juvenile Offenders. Criminology, 49 (3), 667-698. [Volume 12, Number
3, Item 4]
Aos, Steve, Robert Barnoski, and Roxanne Lieb. Preventive programs for young offenders: Effective
and Cost effective. Overcrowded Times, 1998 (April), 9 (2), 1,7-11. Volume 1, Number 6, Item 2.
September 1998.
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 2 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Apel, Robert and Gary Sweeten (2010). The Impact of Incarceration on Employment during the
Transition to Adulthood. Social Problems, 57(3) 448-479. [Volume 11, Number 4, Item 4]
Apel, Robert, Shawn Bushway, Robert Brame, Amelia M. Haviland, Daniel S. Nagin, and Ray
Paternoster (2007). Unpacking the Relationship between Adolescent Employment and Antisocial
Behaviour: A Matched Samples Comparison. Criminology, 45 (1), 67-97. (Volume 8, Number 6, Item
4, July 2007)
Apel, Robert, Shawn D. Bushway, Raymond Paternoster, Robert Brame, and Gary Sweeten (2008).
Using State Child Labor Laws to Identify the Causal Effect of Youth Employment on Deviant
Behaviour and Academic Achievement. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 24, 337-362. [Volume 10,
Number 2, Item 3]
Appleby, Sara C., Lisa E. Hasel, and Saul M. Kassin (2013). Police-induced confessions: An
empirical Analysis of Their Content and Impact. Psychology, Crime, & Law, 19 (2), 111-128. [Volume
13, Number 6, Item 2]
Applegate, Brandon K, and Joseph B. Sanborn (2011). Public Opinion on the Harshness of Local
Courts: An Experimental Test of Question Wording Effects. Criminal Justice Review, 36(4), 487-497.
[Volume 13, Number 5, Item 4]
Applegate, Brandon K., Francis T. Cullen, and Bonnie S. Fisher. Public support for correctional
treatment: The continuing appeal of the rehabilitative ideal. The Prison Journal, Volume 77 (3),
September 1997. 237-258. Volume 1, Number 4, Item 8. April 1998.
Applegate, Brandon K., Francis T. Cullen, Bonnie S. Fisher, and Thomas Vander Ven. Forgiveness
and Fundamentalism: Reconsidering the Relationship between Correctional Attitudes and Religion.
Criminology, 2000, 38, 719-753. Volume 3, Number 6, Item 7. February 2001.
Applegate, Brandon K., Robin King Davis, and Francis T. Cullen (2009). Reconsidering Child
Saving: The Extent and Correlates of Public Support for Excluding Youths From the Juvenile Court.
Crime and Delinquency, 55(1), 51-77. [Volume 10, Number 2, Item 8]
Appleton, Catherine and Grøver, Bent (2007). The Pros and Cons of Life Without Parole. British
Journal of Criminology, 47, 597-615. [Volume 9, Number 1, Item 7]
Arvanites, Thomas M. and Robert H. Defina (2006). Business Cycles and Street Crime. Criminology,
44 (1), 139-164. [Volume 8, Number 2, Item 8. August 2006]
Ashworth, Andrew (2002). Responsibilities, Rights, and Restorative Justice. British Journal of
Criminology, 42, 578-595. Volume 5, Number 3, Item 1, December 2002
Auerhahn, Kathleen (2008). Using Simulation Modeling to Evaluate Sentencing Reform in California:
Choosing the Future. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 4, 241-266. [Volume 10, Number 2, Item 5]
Auerhahn, Kathleen. Selective incapacitation and the problem of prediction. Criminology, 1999, 37 (4),
703-734. Volume 3, Number 1, Item 1. March 2000.
Austin, James, John Clark, Patricia Hardyman, and D. Alan Henry. The impact of ‘three strikes and
you’re out’. Punishment and Society, 1999, 1, 131-162. Volume 2, Number 6, Item 3. November 1999.
Bagaric, Mirko (2000). Home Truths about Home Detention. The Journal of Criminal Law, 66(5), 425443. [Volume 5, Number 5, Item 6]
Bagaric, Mirko (2000). Proportionality in Sentencing: Its Justification, Meaning, and Role. Current
Issues in Criminal Justice, 12, 143-163. Volume 5, Number 1, Item 8. July 2002.
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 3 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Bailey, William C. and Ruth D. Peterson. Capital punishment, homicide and deterrence: An
assessment of the evidence. In Studying and preventing homicide: Issues and Challenges. Smith, M. Dwayne
and Margaret A. Zahn (editors). Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1999. Volume 2, Number 5, Item 5.
September 1999.
Baird, Christopher (2009). A Question of Evidence: A Critique of Risk Assessment Models Used in the Justice
System. National Council on Crime and Delinquency. [Volume 10, Number 6, Item 5]
Bala, Nicholas, Peter J. Carrington, and Julian V. Roberts. (2009) Evaluating the Youth Criminal
Justice Act After Five Years – A Qualified Success. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice ,
51 (2), 131-167. [Volume 10, Number 3, Item 1]
Bales, William D. and Alex R. Piquero (2012). Assessing the impact of imprisonment on recidivism.
Journal of Experimental Criminology, 8, 71-101. [Volume 12, Number 5, Item 8]
Bales, William D., Laura E. Bedard, Susan T. Quinn, David T. Ensley, and Glen P. Holley. (2005).
Recidivism of Public and Private State Prison Inmates in Florida. Criminology and Public Policy, 4(1), 5782. [Volume 7, Number 3, Item 3. June 2005]
Barnes, Geoffrey C., Linsay Ahlman, Carlotte Gill, Lawrence W. Sherman, Ellen Kurtz, and Robert
Malvestuto (2010). Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6, 159-189. [Volume 11, Number 4, Item 8]
Baron, Stephen W. and Leslie W. Kennedy. Deterrence and homeless male street youths. Canadian
Journal of Criminology, 1998, 40 (1), 27-60. Volume 1, Number 5, Item 4. July 1998.
Baron, Stephen W. and Timothy F. Hartnagel (1997). Attributions, affect, and crime: Street youths’
reactions to unemployment. Criminology, 35 (3), 409-434. Volume 1, Number 2, Item 6. November
Batastini, Ashley B., Elizabeth Hunt, Julie Present-Koller and David DeMatteo (2011). Federal
Standards for Community Registration of Juvenile Sex Offenders: an Evaluation of Risk Prediction
and Future Implications. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 17 (3), 451-474. [Volume 12, Number 5,
Item 4]
Baumer, Eric P. and Kimberly H. Martin (2013) Social Organization, Collective Sentiment, and Legal
Sanctions in Murders Cases. American Journal of Sociology 119(1), 131-182. Volume 14, Number 4,
Item 8]
Baumer, Terry L. (2007). Reducing Lockup Crowding with Expedited Initial Processing of Minor
Offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice, 35, 273-281. [Volume 9, Number 4, Item 4].
Baumer, Terry L. and Kenneth Adams. (2006). Controlling a Jail Population by Partially Closing the
Front Door: An Evaluation of a “Summons in Lieu of Arrest” policy. Prison Journal, 86 (3) 386-402.
[Volume 8, Number 5, Item 6, April 2007]
Bayer, Patrick and Pozen, David E. (2005) The Effectiveness of Juvenile Correctional Facilities:
Public Versus Private Management. Journal of Law and Economics, XLVIII, 549-589. Volume 8,
Number 1, Item 1, June 2006.
Beattie, John (2007) Sir John Fielding and Public Justice: The Bow Street Magistrate’s Court, 17541780. Law and History Review, 25 (1). [Volume 8, Number 3, Item 4, November 2006]
Beckett, Katherine and Bruce Western. The penal system as labor market institution: jobs and jails,
1980-95. Overcrowded Times, December 1997, Volume 8, No. 6. Volume 1, Number 4, Item 1. April
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 4 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Beckett, Katherine and Steve Herbert (2010). Penal Boundaries: Banishment and the Expansion of
Punishment. Law & Social Inquiry, 35 (1), 1-38. [Volume 11, Number 3, Item 8]
Beckett, Katherine and Theodore Sasson. The Politics of Injustice: Crime and Punishment in America
(Second edition). 2004. Sage Publications. (Chapters 1, 8, 9). [Volume 7, Number 1, Item 3]
Beckett, Katherine, Kris Nyrop, Lori Pfingst, and Melissa Bowen. (2005). Drug use, Drug Possession
Arrests, and the Question of Race: Lessons from Seattle. Social Problems, 52 (3), 419-441. Volume 8,
Number 1, Item 6, June 2006.
Belenko, S. and Peugh, J. (1998). “Fighting crime by treating substance abuse”. Issues in Science and
Technology, Fall, 53-60. From a report by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at
Columbia University: Behind Bars: Substance Abuse and America’s Prisons. Volume 2, Number 2, Item 7.
March 1999.
Benaquisto, Lucia and Peter J. Freed. The myth of inmate lawlessness: The perceived contradiction
between self and other in inmates’ support for criminal justice sanctioning norms. Law and Society
Review, 1996, 30 (3), 481-511. Volume 1, Number 1, Item 3. September 1997.
Benson, Michael L; G. L. Fox; A. DeMaris and J. Van Wyk (2003). Neighborhood Disadvantage,
Individual Economic Distress and Violence Against Women in Intimate Relationships. Journal of
Quantitative Criminology, 19, 207-235. [Volume 6, Number 2, December 2003, Item 7]
Berenson, Jacqueline A. and Paul S. Appelbaum (2011). A Geospatial Analysis of the Impact of Sex
Offender Residency Restrictions in Two New York Counties. Law and Human Behavior, 35, 235-246.
[Volume 12, Number 2, Item 5]
Bernburg, Jön Gunnar and Marvin D. Krohn (2003). Labelling, Life Chances, and Adult Crime: The
Direct and Indirect Effects of Official Intervention in Adolescence on Crime in Early Adulthood.
Criminology, 41 (4), 1287-1318. [Volume 6, Number 5; Item 3]
Bersani, Bianca E., Paul Nieuwbeerta, and John Laub (2009) Predicting Trajectories of Offending
over the Life Course: Findings from a Dutch Conviction Cohort. Journal of Research in Crime and
Delinquency, 46 (4), 468-494. [Volume 11, Number 3, Item 1]
Bersani, Diana and Elaine Eggleston Doherty (2013). When the Ties That Bind Unwind: Examining
the Enduring and Situational Processes of Change Behind the Marriage Effect. Criminology, 51 (2),
399-433. [Volume 13, Number 6, Item 8]
Best, David; John Strong; Tracy Beswick and Michael Gossop. 2001. Assessment of a Concentrated,
High-Profile Police Operation. British Journal of Criminology 41: 738-745. Volume 4, Number 5, Item
3. March 2002.
Bierie, David and Kathryn Murphy (2005) The Influence of Press Coverage on Prosecutorial
Discretion: Examining Homicide Prosecutions, 1990-2000. Criminal Law Bulletin, 41(1), 60-74.
[Volume 7, Number 4, Item 8]
Bishop, Donna M. Juvenile offenders in the adult criminal justice system. Crime and Justice: A review of
research. Volume 27. Michael Tonry (ed.). University of Chicago Press: 2000. Volume 3, Number 5,
Item 5. December 2000.
Blais, Etienne and Benoit Dupont (2005) Assessing the Capability of Intensive Police Programmes to
Prevent Severe Road Accidents. British Journal of Criminology, 45, 914-937. [Volume 7, Number 6, Item
7; February 2006]
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 5 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Blake, L., and R. T. Coupe. The Impact of Single and Two-Officer Patrols on Catching Burglars in
the Act. British Journal of Criminology, 2001, 41, 381-396. Volume 4, Number 4, Item 4. December
Blumstein, Alfred and Kiminori Nakamura (2009). Redeption in the Presence of Widespread
Criminal Background Checks. Criminology, 47(2), 327-359. [Volume 10, Number 5, Item 6]
Bonta, James, Tanya Rugge, Terri-Lynne Scott, Guy Bourgon, and Annie K. Yessine. (2008).
Exploring the Black Box of Community Supervision. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 47(3), 248-270.
[Volume 9, Number 6, Item 3]
Bottcher, Jean and Michael E. Ezell (2005). Examining the Effectiveness of Boot Camps: A
Randomized Experiment with a Long-term Follow up. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency,
42(3), 309-332. (Volume 7, Number 5, Item 7; November 2005)
Bouffard, Jeffrey A., Doris Layton MacKenzie, and Laura J. Hickman. Effectiveness of vocational
education and employment programs for adults offenders: A methodology-based analysis of the
literature. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 2000, 31, 1-41. Cecil, Dawn K, Daniella A. Drapkin, Doris
L. MacKenzie, and Laura J. Hickman. The effectiveness of adult basic education and life-skills
programs in reducing recidivism: A review and assessment of the research. Journal of Correctional
Education, 2000, 51, 207-226. Volume 3, Number 4, Item 2. October 2000.
Bowers, Kate J., Shane D. Johnson, and Alex Hirschfield. (2004). The Measurement of Crime
Prevention Intensity and its Impact on Levels of Crime. British Journal of Criminology, 44, 419-440.
[Volume 7, Number 1, Item 6]
Boyle, Douglas, J., Laura M. Ragusa-Salerno, Jennifer L. Lanterman, and Andrea Fleisch Marcus. An
Evaluiation of Day Reporting Centres for Parolees: Outcomes of a Randomized Trial. Criminology &
Public Policy, 12 (1), 119-143. [Volume 13, Number 6, Item 4]
Bradford, Ben, Jonathan Jackson, and Elizabeth A. Stanko (2009). Contact and Confidence:
Revisiting the Impact of Public Encounters with the Police. Policing & Society, 19 (1), 20-46. [Volume
11, Number 2, Item 3]
Braga, Anthony A., Anne M. Piehl, and David Hureau (2009). Controlling Violent Offenders
Released to the Community: An Evaluation of the Boston Reentry Initiative. Journal of Research in
Crime and Delinquency, 46 (4), 411-436. [Volume 11, Number 3, Item 5]
Bratton, William J. Crime is down in New York City: Blame the police. Pollard, Charles. Zero
tolerance: Short term fix, long term liability? Both articles in Dennis, Norman (editor). Zero tolerance:
Policing a free society. London, England: Institute of Economic Affairs Health and Welfare Unit, 1997.
Volume 1, Number 4, Item 5. April 1998.
Brayne, Sarah (2014). Surveillance and System Avoidance: Criminal Justice Contact and Institutional
Attachment. American Sociological Review, 79(3), 367-391. [Volume 14, Number 6, Item 4]
Brereton, David. How different are rape trials? A comparison of the cross-examination of
complainants in rape and assault trials. British Journal of Criminology, 1997, 37(2), 242-261. Volume 1,
Number 1, Item 5. September 1997.
Bridenball, Blaine and Paul Jesilow. (2005) Weeding Criminals or Planting Fear: An Evaluation of a
Weed and Seed Project. Criminal Justice Review, 30(1), 64-89. Volume 8, Number 1, Item 4, June 2006.
Brown, Mark. Serious violence and dilemmas of sentencing: A comparison of three incapacitation
policies. Criminal Law Review, 1998, 710-722. Volume 2, Number 1, Item 2. December 1998.
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 6 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Browning, Christopher R. and Aubrey L. Jackson (2013). The Social Ecology of Public Space: Active
Streets and Violent Crime in Urban Neighbourhoods. Criminology, 51 (4), 1009-1043. Volume 14,
Number 4, Item 7]
Brownlee, Ian. Community punishment: A critical introduction. London and New York: Longman. 1998.
Volume 2, Number 3, Item 3. April 1999.
Burnett, Ros and Shadd Maruna. (2004) So ‘Prison Works’, Does it? The Criminal Careers of 130
Men Released from Prison under Home Secretary, Michael Howard. The Howard Journal, 43, 390-404.
Volume 7, Number 2, Item 5. March 2005.
Burt, Callie Harbin, Ronald L. Simons, and Frederick X. Gibbons (2012). Racial Discimination,
Ethnic-Racial Socialization, and Crime: A Micro-sociological Model of Risk and Resilience. American
Sociological Review, 77(4), 648-677. [Volume 13, Number 1, Item 3]
Buruma, Ybo (2007). Dutch Tolerance: On Drugs, Prostitution, and Euthanasia. In Tonry, Michael
and Catrien Bijleveld. Crime and Justice in the Netherlands. Crime and Justice: A Review of Research. Volume
35. University of Chicago Press. Pakes, Francis (2009). Globalisation and the Governance of Dutch
Coffee Shops. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law, and Criminal Justice, 17, 243-257. [Volume 11,
Number 2, Item 5]
Bushway, Shawn D. and Robert Apel (2012). A Signaling Perspective on Employment-Based
Reentry Programming: Training Completion as a Desistance Signal. Criminology & Public Policy, 11(1),
17-50. [Volume 12, Number 4, Item 8]
Bushway, Shawn D., Paul Nieubeerta, and Arjan Blokland (2011). The Predictive Value of Criminal
Background Checks: Do Age and Criminal History Affect Time to Redemption? Criminology, 49(1),
27-60. [Volume 11, Number 6, Item 5]
Butts, Jeffrey A. and Adele V. Harrell. Delinquents or criminals: Policy options for young offenders.
The Urban Institute: Crime Policy report. June 1998. Volume 2, Number 1, Item 4. December
Camp, Scott D. and Gerald G. Gaes (2002). Growth and Quality of U.S. Private Prisons: Evidence
from a National Survey. Criminology and Public Policy, 1, 427-450. Volume 5, Number 2, Item 1.
October 2002.
Campana, Paolo, and Federico Varese (2013). Cooperation in Criminal Organizations: Kinship and
Violence as Credible Commitments. Rationality & Society, 25, 263-289. [Volume 13, Number 5,
Item 1]
Campbell, Michael C. (2014) The Emergence of Penal Extremism in California: A Dynamic View of
Institutional Structures and Political Processes. Law & Society Review 48(2), 377-409. Volume 14, Number
4, Item 3]
Cano, Mario V. and Cassia Spohn (2012). Circumventing the Penalty for Offenders Facing
Mandatory Minimums. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 39 (3), 308-322. [Volume 13, Number 4, Item 3]
Carlsmith, Kevin M., John Monahan, and Alison Evans (2007). The Function of Punishment in the
“Civil” Commitment of Sexually Violent Predators. Behavioural Sciences and the Law, 25, 437-448.
[Volume 9, Number 2, Item 6, December 2007]
Carrington, Peter J. Trends in youth crime in Canada, 1977-1996. Canadian Journal of Criminology,
1999, 41, 1-32. Volume 2, Number 3, Item 7. April 1999.
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 7 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Carrington, Peter J. and Jennifer L. Schulenberg (2008). Structuring Police Discretion: The Effects
on Referrals to Youth Court. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 19(3), 349-367. [Volume 10, Number 1,
Item 1]
Cauffman, Elizabeth and Laurence Steinberg. (Im)maturity of Judgement in Adolescence: Why
Adolescents may be less Culpable than Adults. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 2000, 18, 731-760.
Volume 4, Number 1, Item 4. May 2001.
Caulkins, Jonathan P. and Peter Reuter (2010). How Drug Enforcement Affects Drug Prices. In
Tonry, Michael (ed.) Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Volume 39. University of Chicago Press.
[Volume 11, Number 5, Item 8]
Caulkins, Jonathan P., C. Peter Rydell, William L. Schwabe, and James Chiesa. Mandatory minimum
drug sentences: Throwing away the key or the taxpayers’ money. Rand Corporation, Drug Policy Research
Centre, 1997. Volume 1, Number 6, Item 7. September 1998.
Chalmers, James, Peter Duff, and Fiona Leverick (2007). Victim Impact Statements: Can Work, Do
Work (For Those Who Bother to Make Them). Criminal Law Review, 360-379. [Volume 9, Number 2,
Item 1, December 2007]
Chamblin, Mitchell B., Andrew J. Myer, Beth A. Sanders, and John K. Cochran (2008). Abortion as
Crime Control: A Cautionary Tale. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 19(2), 135-152. [Volume 9, Number 6,
Item 8]
Chamlin, Mitchell B. and John K. Cochran. Social altruism and crime. Criminology, 1997, 35(2), 203227. Volume 1, Number 1, Item 1. September 1997.
Chan, Janet, Jenny Bargen, Garth Luke and Garner Clancey. (2004) Regulating Police Discretion: An
Assessment of the Impact of the NSW Young Offenders Act 1997. Criminal Law Journal, 28, 72-92.
[Volume 6, Number 6, Item 7; October 2004]
Chiricos, Ted, Kathy Padgett, and Marc Gertz. Fear, TV News, and the Reality of Crime.
Criminology, 2000, 38, 755-785. Volume 3, Number 6, Item 6. February 2001.
Chiricos, Ted, Kelle Barrick, and William Bales (2007). The labeling of convicted felons and its
consequences for recidivism. Criminology, 45 (3), 547-581. [Volume 9, Number 3, Item 1]
Chiricos, Ted, Michael Hogan, and Marc Gertz. Racial composition of neighbourhood and fear of
crime. Criminology, 1997, 35 (1), 107-129. Volume 1, Number 1, Item 7. September 1997.
Chiricos, Ted, Sarah Eschholz, and Marc Gertz. Crime, news, and fear of crime: Toward an
identification of audience effects. Social Problems, August 1997, Volume 44 (3), 342-357. Volume 1,
Number 4, Item 3. April 1998.
Chiricos, Ted, Welch, Kelly, and Gertz, Marc. (2004) Racial Typification of Crime and Support for
Punitive Measures. Criminology, 42, 359-389. [Volume 7, Number 1, Item 5]
Clear, Todd (2008). The Effects of High Imprisonment Rates on Communities. In Tonry, Michael
(ed.). Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Volume 37. University of Chicago Press. [Volume 10,
Number 2, Item 2]
Cohen, Jacqueline; Wilpen Gorr and Piyusha Singh (2003). Estimating Intervention Effects in
Varying Risk Settings: Do Police Raids Reduce Illegal Drug Dealing at Nuisance Bars? Criminology, 41
(2), 257-292. [Volume 6, Number 3, March 2004, Item 5]
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 8 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Cohen, Mark A., Roland T. Rust, and Sara Steen (2006). Prevention, Crime Control or Cash? Public
Preferences Towards Criminal Justice Spending Priorities. Justice Quarterly, 23 (3), 317-335. [Volume 8,
Number 4, Item 8, January 2007]
Coid, Jeremy, Min Yang, Simone Ullrich, Tianqiang Zhang, Steve Sizmur, Colin Roberts, David P.
Farrington, and Robert D. Rogers (2009). Gender Differences in Structured Risk Assessment:
Comparing the Accuracy of Five Instruments. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77 (2), 337348. [Volume 10, Number 4, Item 2]
Collins, Paul M., Jr., Kenneth L. Manning, and Robert A. Carp (2010). Gender, Critical Mass, and
Judicial Decision Making. Law and Policy, 32 (2), 260-281. [Volume 11, Number 3, Item 6]
Cook, Philip J, Robert MacCoun, Clara Muschkin, and Jacob Vigdor (2008). The Negative Impacts
of Starting Middle School in Sixth Grade. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 27(1), 104-121.
[Volume 10, Number 4, Item 4]
Cook, Philip J. and Jens Ludwig (2004). Does Gun Prevalence Affect Teen Gun Carrying After All?
Criminology, 42 (1), 27-53. [Volume 6, Number 5; Item 1]
Cook, Philip J., Denise C. Gottfredson, and Chongmin Na. (2010). School Crime Control and
Prevention. In Tonry, Michael (editor) Crime and Justice: A Review of Research (Volume 39). [Volume
11, Number 5, Item 6]
Cooney, Mark. The decline of elite homicide (1997). Criminology, 35, 381-407. Black, Donald. Crime
as social control (1983). American Sociological Review, 48, 34-45. Volume 1, Number 3, Item 3. January
Costelloe, Michael T., Ted Chiricos, and Marc Gertz (2009). Punishment and Society, 11(1), 25-49.
[Volume 10, Number 3, Item 6]
Coventry, Garry. Introduction; Harding, Richard. Prison Privatisation: The Debate Starts to Mature.
Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 1999, 11, 110-118. Volume 3, Number 6, Item 1. February 2001.
Crawford, Adam (2009). Criminalizing Sociability through Anti-social Behaviour Legislation:
Dispersal Powers, Young People, and the Police. Youth Justice, 9(1), 5-26. [Volume 10, Number 5,
Item 7]
Crawford, Emma and Ray Bull (2006). Teenagers’ Difficulties with Key Words Regarding the
Criminal Court Process. Psychology, Crime & Law, 12 (6), 653-667. [Volume 8, Number 5, Item 2,
April 2007]
Cross, Amanda Brown, Denise C. Gottfredson, Denise M. Wilson, Melissa Rorie, and Nadine
Connell (2009). The impact of after-school programs on the routine activities of middle-school
students: Results from a randomized controlled trial. Criminology and Public Policy, 8(2), 391-412.
[Volume 10, Number 5, Item 5]
Crutchfield, Robert D., Ross L. Matsueda, and Kevin Drakulich (2006). Race, Labour Markets, and
Neighbourhood Violence. In Peterson, Ruth D. et al. The Many Colours of Crime: Inequalities of Race,
Ethnicity, and Crime in America. New York University Press. [Volume 9, Number 2, Item 8, December
Culhane, Scott E., Harmon M. Hosch, and William G. Weaver. (2004) Crime Victims Serving as
Jurors: Is There Bias Present? Law and Human Behaviour, 28(6), 649-659. [Volume 7, Number 4, Item
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 9 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Cullen, Francis T., J. P. Wright, S. Brown, M. M. Moon, Michael Blankenship, B. K. Applegate.
Public support for early intervention programs: Implications for a progressive policy agenda. Crime
and Delinquency, 1998, 44, 187-204. Volume 1, Number 5, Item 8. July 1998.
Cullen, Francis T., John Paul Wright, and Mitchell B. Chamlin. Social support and social reform: A
progressive crime control agenda. Crime and Delinquency, 1999 (April) 45 (2) 188-207. Volume 2,
Number 4, Item 5. June 1999.
Cullen, Francis T., Kristie R. Blevins, Jennifer S. Trager, and Paul Gendreau (2005). The Rise and
Fall of Boot Camps: A Case Study in Common-Sense Corrections. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 40
(3/4), 53-70. Volume 8, Number 1, Item 8, June 2006.
Cullen, Francis T., Paul Gendreau, G. Roger Jarjoura, and John Paul Wright. Crime and the Bell
Curve: Lessons from Intelligent Criminology. (October 1997). Crime and Delinquency, 43, 387-411.
Volume 1, Number 3, Item 6. January 1998.
Curry, Theodore R. Conservative Protestantism and the perceived wrongfulness of crimes: A
research note. Criminology, 1996, 34 (3), 453-464. Volume 2, Number 1, Item 6. December 1998.
D’Alessio, Stewart J. and Lisa Stolzenberg (1997).
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Volume 1, Number 2, Item 1. November 1997.
The effect of available capacity on jail
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Daly, Kathleen. (2002) Restorative Justice: The Real Story. Punishment and Society, 4, 55-79. [Volume
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Daly, Martin, Margo Wilson, and Shawn Vasdev. Income Inequality and Homicide Rates in Canada
and the United States. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 2001, 219-236. Volume 4, Number 2, Item 3.
July 2001.
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Davis, Deborah and William C. Follette (2002). Rethinking the Probative Value of Evidence: Base
Rates, Intuitive Profiling, and the “Postdiction” of Behavior. Law and Human Behavior, 26, 133-158.
Volume 5, Number 1, Item 5. July 2002.
Davis, Robert C., Barbara E. Smith, and Laura B. Nickles. The deterrent effect of prosecuting
domestic violence misdemeanors. Crime and Delinquency, 1998, 44 (3), 434-442. Volume 1, Number
6, Item 8. September 1998.
Dawson, Myrna, and Ronit Dinovitzer (2001). Victim Cooperation and the Prosecution of Domestic
Violence in a Specialized Court. Justice Quarterly, 18, 593-622. Volume 4, Number 4, Item 8.
December 2001.
De Fronzo, James and Lance Hannon. Welfare assistance levels and homicide rates. Homicide Studies,
1998, 2 (1), 31-45. Volume 1, Number 5, Item 1. July 1998.
De Keijser, Jan W., Evianne GM de Lange, and Johan A. van Wilsem (2014). Wrongful Convictions
and the Blackstone Ratio: An Empirical Analysis of Public Attitudes. Punishment & Society, 16(1) 3249. [Volume 14, Number 3, Item 4]
Deffenbacher, Kenneth A., Brian H. Bornstein, Steven D. Penrod, and E. Kierman McGorty.
(2004). A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects of High Stress on Eyewitness Memory. Law and
Human Behaviour, 28(6), 687-706. [Volume 7, Number 4, Item 3]
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
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September 1997 to April 2015
Dervan, Lucien E., and Vanessa A. Edkins (2013). The Innocent Defendant’s Dilemma: An
Innovative Empirical Study of Plea Bargaining’s Innocence Problem. Journal of Criminal Law &
Criminology, 103(1) 1-48. [Volume 14, Number 1, Item 2]
Dhami, Mandeep K. (2005) From Discretion to Disagreement: Explaining Disparities in Judges’
Pretrial Decisions. Behavioural Sciences and the Law, 23, 367-386. (Volume 7, Number 5, Item 5;
November 2005)
Dinovitzer, Ronit and Dawson, Myrna (2007). Family-based Justice in the Sentencing of Domestic
Violence. British Journal of Criminology, 47, 655-670. [Volume 9, Number 1, Item 8]
Dinovitzer, Ronit, John Hagan, and Ron Levi (2009). Immigration and Youthful Illegalities in a
Global Edge City. Social Forces 88(1), 337-372. [Volume 11, Number 2, Item 1]
Dixon, David (2005) Why Don’t the Police Stop Crime? Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Criminology, 38(1), 4-24. (Volume 7, Number 5, Item 1; November 2005)
Donohue, E., Schiraldi, V. & Ziedenberg, J. (1999). School House Hype: School Shooting and the Real Risks
Kids Face in America. Washington, D.C.: The Justice Policy Institute, Center on Juvenile and Criminal
Justice. Volume 2, Number 2, Item 1. March 1999.
Doob, A. N. and Jane B. Sprott. Is the “quality” of youth violence becoming more serious? Canadian
Journal of Criminology, 1998, 185-194. Volume 1, Number 5, Item 2. July 1998.
Doob, Anthony N. Transforming the Punishment Environment: Understanding Public Views of
What Should be Accomplished at Sentencing. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 2000, 42, 323-340.
Volume 4, Number 1, Item 5. May 2001.
Doob, Anthony N. and Cheryl Marie Webster (2003). Sentence Severity and Crime: Accepting the
Null Hypothesis. In Michael Tonry (ed.). Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Volume 30. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, pp. 143-195. [Volume 6, Number 2, December 2003, Item 1]
Doob, Anthony N. and Cheryl Marie Webster (2006). Countering Punitiveness: Understanding
Stability in Canada’s Imprisonment Rate. Law & Society Review, 40 (2), 325-367. [Volume 8, Number
2, Item 6. August 2006]
Doob, Anthony N., Cheryl Marie Webster, and Allan Manson (2014). Zombie Parole: The Withering
of Conditional Release in Canada. Criminal Law Quarterly, 61, 301-328. [Volume 14, Number 6, Item 7]
Douglas, Kevin S., Monica E. Epstein, and Norman G. Poythress (2008). Criminal Recidivism
Among Juvenile Offenders: Testing the Incremental and Predictive Validity of Three Measures of
Psychopathic Features. Law and Human Behaviour, 32, 423-438. [Volume 10, Number 1, Item 5]
Duff, R.A. (2003). Probation, Punishment and Restorative Justice: Should Al Truism be Engaged in
Punishment? The Howard Journal, 42(1), 181-197. [Volume 6, Number 1, Item 4; October 2003]
Dugan, L., Nagin, D.S., & Rosenfeld, R. (1999). Explaining the decline in intimate partner homicide:
The effects of changing domesticity, women’s status, and domestic violence resources. Homicide
Studies, 3 (3), 187-214. Volume 2, Number 6, Item 1. November 1999.
Dugan, Laura, Daniel S. Nagin, and Richard Rosenfeld. (2003). Exposure Reduction or Retaliation?
The Effects of Domestic Violence Resources on Intimate-Partner Homicide. Law and Society Review,
37, 169-198. Volume 5, Number 6, Item 4. July 2003.
During, Caleb (2006). Never Going Home: Does it Make Us Safer? Does it Make Sense? Sex
Offenders, Residency Restrictions, and Reforming Risk Management Law. Journal of Criminal Law &
Criminology, 97(1), 317-363. . (Volume 8, Number 6, Item 5, July 2007)
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 11 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Durlauf, Steven N. and Daniel S. Nagin (2011). Imprisonment and Crime: Can Both Be Reduced?
Criminology and Public Policy, 10(1), 9-54. [Volume 11, Number 6, Item 1]
Eastwood, Joseph, Brent Snook, and Sarah J. Chaulk (2010). Measuring Reading Complexity and
Listening Comprehension of Canadian Police Cautions. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37 (4), 453-471.
[Volume 11, Number 3, Item 7]
Eggleston, Elaine P. and John H. Laub (2002). The Onset of Adult Offending: A Neglected
Dimension of the Criminal Career. Journal of Criminal Justice, 30, 603-622. [Volume 5, Number 5, Item
Eisenberg, Theodore and Valerie P. Hans (2007). Taking a Stand on Taking the Stand: The Effect of
a Prior Criminal Record on the Decision to Testify and on Trial Outcomes. Cornell Law School,
Legal Studies Research Paper No. 07-012. [Volume 10, Number 1, Item 7]
Eisner, Manuel. (2009) No effects in independent prevention trials: Can we reject the cynical view?
Journal of Experimental Criminology, 5, 163-183. [Volume 10, Number 6, Item 6]
Elkund, Jenny M. and Johan Fritzell (2014). Keeping Delinquency at Bay: The Role of the School
Context for Impulsive and Sensation-Seeking Adolescents. European Journal of Criminology, 11(6), 68270. [Volume 15, Number 1, Item 3]
Engel, Robin Shepard and Jennifer M. Calnon (2004). Examining the Influence of Drivers’
Characteristics during Traffic Stops with Police: Results from a National Survey. Justice Quarterly, 21,
49-90. [Volume 6, Number 4, June 2004, Item 4]
Engel, Robin Shepard and Robert E. Worden. (2003). Police Officers’ Attitudes, Behavior, and
Supervisory Influences: An Analysis of Problem Solving. Criminology, 41, 131-166. Volume 5, Number
6, Item 8. July 2003.
Engen, Rodney L. and Sara Steen. The Power to Punish: Discretion and Sentencing Reform in the
War on Drugs. American Journal of Sociology, 2000, 105(5), 1357-95. Volume 4, Number 2, Item 7.
July 2001.
Englich, Birte, Thomas Mussweiler, and Fritz Strack. (2006) Playing Dice with Criminal Sentences:
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Psychology Bulletin, 32 (2) 188-200. [Volume 8, Number 3, Item 2, November 2006]
Enns, Peter K. The Public’s Increasing Punitiveness and Its Influence on Mass Incarceration in the
United States. American Journal of Political Science (in press: Published online 5 March 2014). Volume
14, Number 4, Item 2]
Erez, Edna, Leigh Roeger, and Frank Morgan (1997). Victim harm, impact statements and victim
satisfaction with justice: An Australian experience. International Review of Victimology, 5, 37-60. Volume
1, Number 2, Item 3. November 1997.
Ericson, Richard V. and Aaron Doyle (2006). The Institutionalization of Deceptive Sales in Life
Insurance. British Journal of Criminology, 46, 993-1010. [Volume 8, Number 4, Item 3, January 2007]
Esbensen, Finn-Aage, D. Wayne Osgood, Dana Peterson, Terrance J. Taylor, and Dena C. Carson.
(2013) Short-and Long-Term Outcome Results from a Multisite Evaluation of the G.R.E.A.T.
Program. Criminology & Public Policy, 12(3) 373-411. Pyrooz, David C. (2013). Gangs, Criminal
Offending, and an Inconvenient Truth. Criminology & Public Policy, 12(3) 427-436. [Volume 14,
Number 3, Item 3]
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 12 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Esbensen, Finn-Aage, L. T. Winfree, Jr., Ni He, T. J. Taylor. Youth Gangs and Definitional Issues:
When is a Gang a Gang and Why Does it Matter? Crime & Delinquency, 2001, 47 (1), 105-130.
Volume 4, Number 1, Item 8. May 2001.
Esterling, Kevin M. Public outreach: the cornerstone of judicial independence.
November-December 1998, 82 (3), 112-117.Volume 2, Number 3, Item 6. April 1999.
Estrada, Felipe. Juvenile Violence as a Social Problem: Trends, Media Attention and Societal
Response. 2001. British Journal of Criminology 41: 639-655. Volume 4, Number 5, Item 8. March 2002.
Everett, Ronald S. and Roger A. Wojkiewicz (2002). Difference, Disparity, and Race/Ethnic Bias in
Federal Sentencing. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 18, 189-211. Volume 5, Number 3, Item 6,
December 2002
Fagan, Jeffrey, Franklin E. Zimring, and June Kim. Declining homicide in New York City: A tale of
two trends. The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 1998, 88, 1277-1323. Maltz, Michael D. Which
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Fass, Simon M. and Chung-Ron Pi (2002). Getting Tough on Juvenile Crime: An Analysis of Costs
and Benefits. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 39, 363-399. Volume 5, Number 4, Item 8,
March 2003.
Feder, Lynette and Laura Dugan (2002). A Test of the Efficacy of Court-Mandated Counseling for
Domestic Violence Offenders: The Broward Experiment. Justice Quarterly, 19, 343-375. Volume 5,
Number 2, Item 7. October 2002
Feld, Barry C. (2013). Real Interrogation: What Actually Happens When Cops Question Kids. Law
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January 1998.
Felson, Richard B., Jeffrey M. Ackerman, and Catherine Gallagher (2005). Police Intervention and
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Felson, Richard, Jukka Savolainen, Mikko Aaltonen, and Heta Moustgaard (2008). Is the Association
Between Alcohol Use and Delinquency Causal or Spurious? Criminology, 46 (2), 785-808. [Volume 10,
Number 1, Item 2]
Fielding, Nigel G. (2013). Lay People in Court: The Experience of Defendants, Eyewitnesses, and
Victims. British Journal of Sociology, 64 (2), 287-307. [Volume 13, Number 5, Item 2]
Finn, Peter. Job placement for offenders in relation to recidivism. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation,
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Fite, Paula J., Porche’ Wynn, and Dustin A. Pardini (2009). Explaining Discrepancies in Arrest Rates
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Fitzgerald, Jacqueline (2008). Does Circle Sentencing Reduce Aboriginal Offending? Crime and Justice
Bulletin: Contemporary Issues in Crime and Justice. Number 115. New South Wales (Australia) Bureau of
Crime Statistics and Research. [Volume 10, Number 2, Item 6]
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September 1997 to April 2015
Fitzgerald, Robin T. and Peter J. Carrington (2011). Disproportionate Minority Contact in Canada:
Police and Visible Minority Youth. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice, 53(4), 449-486.
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Flannery, Daniel J., Mark Singer, Laura Williams, and Peter Castro. Adolescent violence exposure
and victimization at home: Coping and psychological trauma symptoms. International Review of
Victimology, 1998, 6, 29-48. Volume 2, Number 3, Item 1. April 1999.
Fletcher, Joseph F. and Paul Howe. Canadian attitudes toward the Charter and the Courts in
comparative perspective. Supreme Court Cases and Court Support: The State of Canadian Public
Opinion. Choices, Volume 6, Number 3. Montreal: Institute for Research in Public Policy, 2000.
Volume 3, Number 3, Item 7. July 2000.
Foglia, Wanda D. Perceptual deterrence and the mediating effect of internalized norms among
inner-city teenagers. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 1997, 34, 414-442. Volume 1,
Number 5, Item 3. July 1998.
Frarrell, Amy and Daniel Givelber (2010). Liberation Reconsidered: Understanding Why Judges and
Juries Disagree About Guilt. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 100 (4), 1549-1586. [Volume 12,
Number 1, Item 6]
Frase, Richard S. Sentencing guidelines in Minnesota, other states, and the federal courts: A 20 year
retrospective. Federal Sentencing Reporter, 1999, 12(2), 69-82. Volume 3, Number 4, Item 5. October
Freiberg, Arie. “Guerrillas in our Midst? Judicial Responses to Governing the Dangerous” in Mark
Brown and John Pratt (eds.) Dangerous Offenders: Punishment and Social Order. New York and London:
Routledge, 2000. Volume 4, Number 2, Item 6. July 2001.
Freiberg, Arie. Affective versus Effective Justice: Instrumentalism and Emotionalism in Criminal
Justice. Punishment and Society, 2000, 65, 547-559. Volume 4, Number 3, Item 1. September 2001.
Freiberg, Arie. Commercial Confidentiality and Public Accountability for the Provision of
Correctional Services. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 1999, 11, 119-134. Volume 3, Number 6, Item
2. February 2001.
Freng, Adrienne and Finn-Aage Esbensen (2007). Race and Gang Affiliation: An Examination of
Multiple Marginality. Justice Quarterly, 24(4), 600-628. [Volume 9, Number 3, Item 8]
Gaes, Gerald G. and Scott D. Camp (2009). Unintended consequences: Experimental Evidence for
the Criminogenic Effect of Prison Security Level on Post-Release Recidivism. Journal of Experimental
Criminology, 5, 139-162. [Volume 10, Number 6, Item 2]
Gainey, Randy R. and Brian K. Payne. Understanding the experience of house arrest with electronic
monitoring: An analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. International Journal of Offender Therapy and
Comparative Criminology, 2000, 44, 84-96. Bonta, James, Suzanne Wallace-Capretta, and Jennifer
Rooney. Can electronic monitoring make a difference? An evaluation of three Canadian programs.
Crime and delinquency, 2000, 46, 61-75. Volume 3, Number 2, Item 4. May 2000.
Galliher, John F., David P. Keys, and Michael Elsner. Lindesmith v. Anslinger: An early government
victory in the failed war on drugs. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1998, 88 (2), 661-682.
Volume 2, Number 1, Item 8. December 1998.
Garland, David. The culture of high crime societies: Some preconditions of recent ‘law and order’
policies. British Journal of Criminology, 2000, 40, 347-375. Volume 3, Number 5, Item 4. December
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
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September 1997 to April 2015
Gartner, Rosemary and Candace Kruttschnitt (2004). A Brief History of Doing Time: The California
Institution for Women in the 1960s and the 1990s. Law and Society Review, 38, 267-303. [Volume 6,
Number 6, Item 5; October 2004]
Gartner, Rosemary, Anthony N. Doob, and Franklin E. Zimring (2011). The Past as Prologue?
Decarceration in California Then and Now. Criminology & Public Policy, 10(2), 287-325. [Volume 12,
Number 1, Item 5]
Gershoff, Elizabeth T. and Susan H. Bitensky. (2007). The Case Against Corporal Punishment:
Converging Evidence from Social Science Research and International Human Rights Law and
Implications for U.S. Public Policy. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 13(4), 231-272. [Volume 10,
Number 4, Item 8]
Ghandnoosh, Nazgol (2014). Race and Punishment: Racial Perceptions of Crime and Support for Punitive
Policies. Washington, D.C.: The Sentencing Project. [Volume 14, Number 5, Item 5]
Gies, Lieve. (2005) The Empire Strikes Back: Press Judges and Communication Advisers in Dutch
Courts. Journal of Law and Society, 32(3), 450-72. (Volume 7, Number 5, Item 8; November 2005)
Gilling, Daniel and Adrian Barton. Dangers Lurking in the Deep: The Transformative Potential of
the Crime Audit. Criminal Justice, 5 (2), 163-180. [Volume 7, Number 6, Item 8; February 2006]
Giordano, Peggy C.; Stephen A. Cernkovich and Donna D. Holland (2003). Changes in Friendship
Relations over the Life Course: Implications for Desistance from Crime. Criminology, 41, 293-327.
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Goffman, Alice (2009). On the Run: Wanted Men in a Philadelphia Ghetto. American Sociological
Review, 74, 339-357. [Volume 10, Number 5, Item 4]
Gordon, Robert M. Criminal business organizations, street gangs, and “wanna-be” groups: A
Vancouver perspective. Canadian Journal of Criminology, January 2000, 39-60. Volume 3, Number 1,
Item 5. March 2000.
Gottfredson, Denise C. “Chapter 3: School Effects” in Schools and Delinquency. Cambridge University
Press, 2001. Volume 4, Number 2, Item 4. July 2001.
Gottfredson, Denise C., Cross, Amanda, and Soulé, David A. (2007). Distinguishing Characteristics
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Criminology and Public Policy, 6 (2) 289-318. [Volume 9, Number 1, Item 1]
Gottfredson, Denise C., Stacy S. Najaka, and Brook Kearley (2003). Effectiveness of Drug
Treatment Courts: Evidence from a Randomized Trial. Criminology and Public Policy, 2, 171-196.
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Gould, Jon B. and Richard A. Leo (2010). One Hundred Years later: Wrongful Convictions After a
Century of Research. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 100 (3), 825-868. [Volume 12, Number
1, Item 3]
Graham, John. What works in preventing criminality. In Reducing offending: An assessment of research
evidence on ways of dealing with offending behaviour. Goldblatt, Peter, and Chris Lewis (editors). London:
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Grattet, Ryken, Jeffrey Lin, and Joan Petersilia (2011). Supervision Regimes, Risk, and Official
Reactions to Parole Deviance. Criminology, 49(2), 371-399. [Volume 12, Number 1, Item 2]
Gray, Emily, Jonathan Jackson, and Stephen Farrall (2008). Reassessing the Fear of Crime. European
Journal of Criminology, 5(3), 363-380. [Volume 9, Number 6, Item 2]
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September 1997 to April 2015
Green, Donald P. and Daniel Winik (2010). Using Random Judge Assignments to Estimate the
Effects of Incarceration and Probation on Recidivism Among Drug Offenders. Criminology, 48(2),
357-387. [Volume 11, Number 4, Item 2]
Green, Eva G.T., Christian Staerklé, and David O. Sears (2006). Symbolic Racism and Whites’
Attitudes Towards Punitive and Preventive Crime Policies. Law and Human Behaviour, 30, 435-454.
(Volume 8, Number 6, Item 7, July 2007)
Greene, Carolyn, Jane B. Sprott, Natasha S. Madon, and Maria Jung (2010). Punishing Processes in
Youth Court: Procedural Justice, Court Atmosphere and Youths’ Views of the Legitimacy of the
Justice System. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 52(5), 527-544. [Volume 11,
Number 5, Item 1]
Greene, Judith A. Zero tolerance: A case study of police practices and practices in New York City.
Crime and Delinquency, 1999 (April), 45 (2), 171-187. Volume 2, Number 4, Item 6. June 1999.
Greene, Judith, and Marc Mauer (2010). Downscaling Prisons: Lessons from Four States. The
Sentencing Project ( [Volume 11, Number 2, Item 7]
Griffin, Marie L. The influence of organizational climate on detention officer’s readiness to use force
in a county jail. Criminal Justice Review, 1999, 24, 1-26. Volume 3, Number 4, Item 1. October 2000.
Griffin, Timothy and John Wooldredge. 2001. Judges’ Reactions to Sentencing Reform in Ohio.
Crime and Delinquency, 47: 491-512. Volume 4, Number 5, Item 2. March 2002.
Griffiths, Elizabeth (2013). Race, Space, and the Spread of Violence Across the City. Social Problems,
60 (4), 491-512. [Volume 14, Number 3, Item 5]
Griffiths, Elizabeth and George Tita (2009). Homicide In and Around Public Housing: Is Public
Housing a Hotbed, a Magnet, or a Generator of Violence for the Surrounding Community. Social
Problems, 56(3), 474-493. [Volume 11, Number 1, Item 5]
Griffiths, Elizabeth, Carolyn Yule, and Rosemary Gartner (2011). Fighting Over Trivial Things:
Explaining the Issue of Contention in Violent Altercations. Criminology, 49(1), 61-94. [Volume 12,
Number 1, Item 1]
Grisso, Thomas; Lawrence Steinberg; Jennifer Woolard; Elizabeth Cauffman; Elizabeth Scott; Sandra
Graham; Fran Lexcen; N. Dickon Reppucci and Robert Schwartz (2003). Juveniles’ Competence to
Stand Trial: A Comparison of Adolescents’ and Adults’ Capacities as Trial Defendants. Law and
Human Behavior, 27, 333-363. [Volume 6, Number 2, December 2003, Item 5]
Gross, Samuel R., Kristen Jacoby, Daniel J. Matheson, Nicholas Montgomery, and Sujata Patil
(2005). Exonerations in the United States, 1989 through 2003. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology,
95(2), 523-560. (Volume 7, Number 5, Item 3; November 2005)
Grounds, Adrian T. (2005). Understanding the Effects of Wrongful Imprisonment. In Tonry,
Michael (ed.) Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Volume 32. University of Chicago Press. [Volume
8, Number 3, Item 6, November 2006]
Gwin, (Judge) James S. (2010). Juror Sentiment on Just Punishment: Do the Federal Sentencing
Guidelines Reflect Community Values? Harvard Law & Policy Review, 4, 173-200. [Volume 14,
Number 1, Item 6]
Haapanen, Rudy and Lee Britton (2002). Drug Testing for Youthful Offenders on Parole: An
Experimental Evaluation. Criminology and Public Policy, 1, 217-244. Volume 5, Number 3, Item 3,
December 2002
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September 1997 to April 2015
Hackney, Amy A. and Jack Glaser (2013). Reverse Deterrence in Racial Profiling: Increased
Transgressions by Nonprofiled Whites. Law and Human Behavior, 37(5), 348-353. [Volume 14,
Number 1, Item 3]
Hagell, Ann and Tim Newburn. Persistent young offenders. London: Policy Studies Institute, 1994.
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Hall, Alan and Willem de Lint (2003). Policing Labour in Canada. Policing and Society, 13, 219-234.
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Hällsten, Martin, Ryszard Szulkin, and Jerzy Sarnecki (2013). Crime as a Price of Inequality? The Gap
in Registered Crime between Childhood Immigrants, Children of Immigrants, and Children of
Native Born Swedes. British Journal of Criminology, 53, 456-481. [Volume 13, Number 6, Item 6]
Hamai, Koichi and Ellis, Thomas (2006). Crime and Criminal Justice in Modern Japan: From Reintegrative Shaming to Popular Punitivism. International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 34, 157-178.
[Volume 9, Number 1, Item 5]
Hanlon, Thomas E., David N. Nurco, Richard W. Bateman, and Kevin E. O’Grady. The relative
effects of three approaches to the parole supervision of narcotic addicts and cocaine abusers. The
Prison Journal, 1999, 79, 163-181. Volume 2, Number 6, Item 4. November 1999.
Hannaford, Paula L., Valerie P. Hans, and G. Thomas Munsterman. Permitting jury discussions
during trial: Impact on the Arizona reform. Law and Human Behaviour, 2000, 24, 359-382. Volume 3,
Number 4, Item 8. October 2000.
Hannon, Lance and James DeFronzo. Welfare and property crime. Justice Quarterly, 1998, 15 (2),
273-287. Volume 1, Number 6, Item 4. September 1998.
Hans, Valerie P., Paula L. Hannaford-Agor, Nicole L. Mott, and G. Thomas Munsterman. (2003).
The Hung Jury: The American Jury’s Insights and Contemporary Understanding. Criminal Law Bulletin,
39(1), 33-50. . Volume 5, Number 6, Item 2. July 2003.
Harcourt, Bernard E. and Jens Ludwig. (2006) Broken Windows: New Evidence from New York
City and a Five-City Social Experiment. The University of Chicago Law Review, 73 (1), 271-320. [Volume
8, Number 4, Item 1, January 2007]
Harcourt, Bernard E. and Jens Ludwig. Reefer Madness: Broken Windows Policing and
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No. 317. University of Chicago Law School, December 2006. [Volume 8, Number 5, Item 8, April
Harding, David J. (2009). Violence, Older Peers, and the Socialization of Adolescent Boys in
Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods. American Sociological Review, 74, 445-464. [Volume 10, Number 5,
Item 3]
Hargreaves, Claire and Brian Francis (2014). The Long Term Recidivism Risk of Young Sexual
Offenders in England and Wales – Enduring Risk or Redemption? Journal of Criminal Justice, 42, 164172. [Volume 14, Number 6, Item 3]
Harris, Alexes, Heather Evans and Katherine Beckett (2010). Drawing Blood from Stones: Legal
Debt and Social Inequality in the Contemporary United States. American Journal of Sociology, 115(6),
1753-1799. [Volume 11, Number 4, Item 6]
Harris, Andrew J. R. and R. Karl Hanson (2004). Sex Offender Recidivism: A simple Question.
Ottawa: Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada.
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Page 17 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Harris, John C. and Paul Jesilow. It’s not the Old Ball game: Three strikes and the courtroom
workgroup. Justice Quarterly, 2000, 17, 185 –203. Volume 3, Number 3, Item 5. July 2000.
Hartnagel, Timothy F. and Laura J. Templeton (2012). Emotions about Crime and Attitudes to
Punishment. Punishment & Society, 14 (4), 452-474. [Volume 13, Number 1, Item 5]
Hay, Carter, Edward N. Fortson, Dunsten R. Hollist, Israd Altheimer, and Lonnie M. Schaible.
(2006). The Impact of Community Disadvantage on the Relationship between the Family and
Juvenile Crime. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 43 (4), 326-356. [Volume 8, Number 5,
Item 3, April 2007]
Hayes, Hennessey and Kathleen Daly (2003). Youth Justice Conferencing and Reoffending. Justice
Quarterly, 20, 725-764. [Volume 6, Number 3, March 2004, Item 7]
Herbert, Steve (2001). Policing the Contemporary City: Fixing Broken Windows or Shoring Up NeoLiberalism. Theoretical Criminology, 5, 445-466. Volume 5, Number 1, Item 6. July 2002.
Hershel, David and Ira W. Hutchison. (2003) The Voices of Domestic Violence Victims: Predictors
of Victim Preference for Arrest and the Relationship Between Preference for Arrest and Revictimization. Crime and Delinquency, 49 (2), 313-336. [Volume 6, Number 5; Item 8]
Hinkle, Joshua C. and David Weisburd (2008).. The Irony of Broken Windows Policing: A MicroPlace Study of the Relationship Between Disorder, Focused Police Crackdowns and Fear of Crime.
Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 503-512. [Volume 10, Number 3, Item 4]
Hipp, John R., Joan Petersilia, and Susan Turner (2010). Parolee Recidivism in California: the Effect
of Neighbourhood Context and Social Service Agency Characteristics. Criminology, 48(4), 947-979.
[Volume 11, Number 6, Item 3]
Hirschel, David, Eve Buzawa, April Pattavina and Don Faggiani (2008). Domestic Violence and
Mandatory Arrest Laws: To What Extent Do They Influence Police Arrest Decisions? Journal of
Criminal Law & Criminology, 98 (1), 255-298. [Volume 9, Number 6, Item 7]
Hirschfield, Paul J. (2008). The Declining Significance of Delinquent Labels in Disadvantaged Urban
Communities. Sociological Forum, 23 (3), 575-601. [Volume 10, Number 1, Item 4]
Hochstetler, Andrew L. and Neal Shover. Street crime, labor surplus, and criminal punishment,
1980-1990. Social Problems, August 1997, Vol. 44 (3), 358-367. Volume 1, Number 4, Item 2. April
Hohl, Katrin, Ben Bradford, and Elizabeth A. Stanko (2010). Influencing Trust and Confidence in
the London Metropolitan Police: Results from an Experiment Testing the Effect of Leaflet Drops on
Public Opinion. British Journal of Criminology, 50, 491-513. [Volume 11, Number 3, Item 3]
Holtfreter, Kristy, Michael D. Reisig, and Merry Morash (2004). Poverty, State Capital, and
Recidivism Among Women Offenders. Criminology and Public Policy, 3 (2), 185-208. [Volume 6,
Number 5; Item 5]
Honess, R. M., R. Levi, and E. A. Charman. Juror competence in processing information:
Implications from a simulation of the Maxwell trial. Criminal Law Review, 1998, 763-773. Volume 2,
Number 2, Item 8. March 1999.
Hood, Roger, Stephen Shute, Martina Feilzer, and Aidan Wilcox (2002). Sex Offenders Emerging
from Long-Term Imprisonment. British Journal of Criminology, 42, 371-394. Volume 5, Number 1,
Item 4. July 2002
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Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 18 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Horowitz, Irwin A. and Laird C. Kirkpatrick. A concept in search of a definition: The effects of
reasonable doubt instructions on certainty of guilt standards and jury verdicts. Law and Human
Behaviour, 1996, 20 (6), 655-670. Volume 1, Number 1, Item 4. September 1997.
Hoskin, Anthony W. Armed Americans: The Impact of Firearm Availability on National Homicide
Rates. Justice Quarterly, 2001, 18, 569-592. Volume 4, Number 4, Item 7. December 2001.
Howell, J.C. & Hawkins, J.D. (1998). “Prevention of youth violence”. In Youth Violence (Crime and
Justice: A Review of the Research, Volume 24). (pp. 263-315). Michael Tonry & Mark H. Moore (Eds).
Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Volume 2, Number 2, Item 3. March 1999.
Hoyle, Carolyn and Andrew Sanders. Police response to domestic violence. British Journal of
Criminology, 2000, 40, 14-36. Volume 3, Number 2, Item 8. May 2000.
Hucklesby, Anthea (2009). Keeping the Lid on the Prison Remand Population: The Experience of
England & Wales. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 21(1), 3-23. [Volume 11, Number 1, Item 7]
Huebner, Beth M. and five others (2014). The Effect and Implications of Sex Offender Residence
Restrictions: Evidence from a Two-State Evaluation. Criminology & Public Policy, 13, 139-168.
[Volume 14, Number 5, Item 8]
Huebner, Beth M. and Regan Gustafson (2007). The Effect of Maternal Incarceration on Adult
Offspring Involvement in the Criminal Justice System. Journal of Criminal Justice, 35, 283-296.
[Volume 9, Number 5, Item 6]
Hughes, Caitlin Elizabeth and Alex Stevens (2010). What Can We Learn From the Portuguese
Decriminalization of Illicit Drugs? British Journal of Criminology, 50, 999-1022. [Volume 11, Number 5,
Item 7]
Human Rights Watch (November 2012). A Red Herring: Marijuana Arrestees Do Not Become
Violent Felons. [Volume 13, Number 2, Item 4
Hunt, Kim Steven and Andrew Peterson (2014) Recidivism Among Offenders Receiving Retroactive
Sentence Reductions: The 2007 Crack Cocaine Amendment. Washington, D.C.: United States
Sentencing Commission. (Related documents were also consulted.) [Volume 14, Number 5, Item 6]
Huq, Aziz Z., Tom R. Tyler, and Stephen J. Schulhofer (2011). Why Does the Public Cooperate
with Law Enforcement? The Influence of the Purposes and Targets of Policing. Psychology, Public
Policy, and Law, 17(3), 419-430. [Volume 12, Number 5, Item 2]
Hutton, Neil. (2005) Beyond Populist Punitiveness? Punishment and Society, 7(3), 243-258. [Volume 7,
Number 4, Item 6]
Ibarra, Peter R. (2003). Contacts with the Police: Patterns and Meanings in a Multicultural Realm.
Police & Society, Issue No. 7, 135-166. [Volume 12, Number 2, Item 8]
Ibsen, Alexander Z. (2013) Ruling by Favours: Prison Guards’ Informal Exercise of Institutional
Control. Law & Social Inquiry, 38 (2), 342-363. [Volume 13, Number 6, Item 1]
Indermaur, David, Lynne Roberts, Caroline Spiranovic, Geraldine Mackenzie and Karen Gelb
(2012). A Matter of Judgement: The Effect of information and Deliberation on Public Attitudes to
Punishment. Punishment & Society, 14(2), 147-165. [Volume 13, Number 1, Item 6]
Irwin, John, Vincent Schiraldi and Jason Ziedenberg. America’s One Million Nonviolent Prisoners.
Justice Policy Institute, 1999. Volume 2, Number 3, Item 8. April 1999.
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September 1997 to April 2015
Jacobs, David, Jason T. Carmichael, and Stephanie L. Kent. (2005) Vigilantism, Current Racial
Threat, and Death Sentences. American Sociological Review, 70, 656-677. [Volume 8, Number 2, Item 3.
August 2006]
Jarjoura, G. Roger; Ruth A. Triplett, and Gregory P. Brinker (2002). Growing Up Poor: Examining
the Link Between Persistent Childhood Poverty and Delinquency. Journal of Quantitative Criminology,
18, 159-187. Volume 5, Number 3, Item 2, December 2002
Johnson, David T. (2008). The Homicide Drop in Postwar Japan. Homicide Studies, 12 (1), 146-160.
[Volume 9, Number 3, Item 5]
Johnson, Denise. Effects of parental incarceration. In Gabel, Katherine and Denise Johnston
Children of incarcerated parents. New York: Lexington Books, 1995. Volume 1, Number 1, Item 6.
September 1997.
Johnson, Devon (2009). Anger about Crime and Support for Punitive Criminal Justice Policies.
Punishment and Society, 11(1), 51-66. [Volume 10, Number 3, Item 5]
Johnson, Holly and Valerie Pottie Bunge. Prevalence and Consequences of Spousal Assault in
Canada. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 2001, 43, 27-45. Volume 4, Number 3, Item 5. September
Johnson, Holly. Contrasting Views of the Role of Alcohol in Cases of Wife Assault. Journal of
Interpersonal Violence, January 2001, 16 (1), 54-72. Volume 4, Number 1, Item 7. May 2001.
Johnson, W. Wesley, Katherine Bennett, and Timothy Flanagan (1997). Getting tough with
prisoners: Results from the National Corrections Executive Survey, 1995. Crime and Delinquency, 43
(1), 2-41. Volume 1, Number 2, Item 4. November 1997.
Jonathan-Zamir, Tal and David Weisburd (2013). The Effects of Security Threats on Antecedents of
Police Legitimacy: Findings from a Quasi-Experiment in Israel. Journal of Research in Crime and
Delinquency, 50 (1), 3-32. [Volume 13, Number 3, Item 1]
Jones, Craig and Don Weatherburn (2010). Public Confidence in the NSW Criminal Justice System:
A Survey of the NSW Public. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 43(3), 506-525.
[Volume 11, Number 5, Item 5]
Juby, Heather and David P. Farrington. Disentangling the Link between Disrupted Families and
Delinquency. British Journal of Criminology, 2001, 41, 22-40. Volume 4, Number 2, Item 5. July 2001.
Julian, Robert F. (October 2007). Judicial Perspectives on the Conduct of Serious Fraud Trials.
Criminal Law Review, 97, 751-768. [Volume 9, Number 5, Item 2]
Justice Policy Institute. Drug Use and Justice: An Examination of California Drug Policy
Enforcement. [Online]. Available: (January 2001). The Lindesmith Center – Drug
Policy Foundation. US: Just Vote NO – The War on Drugs Loses at the Polls. [Online]. Available: (December 11, 2000). Volume 3, Number 6, Item 5. February 2001.
Kagan, Robert A., Neil Gunningham, and Dorothy Thornton. (2003). Explaining Corporate
Environmental Performance: How Does Regulation Matter? Law and Society Review, 37, 51-89.
Volume 5, Number 6, Item 5. July 2003.
Kane, Robert J. (2005) Compromised Police Legitimacy as a Predictor of Violent Crime in
Structurally Disadvantaged Communities. Criminology, 43 (2), 469-498. [Volume 7, Number 6, Item 3;
February 2006]
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 20 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Kassin, Saul M. (2005) On the Psychology of Confessions: Does Innocence Put Innocents at Risk?
American Psychologist, 60(3), 215-228. [Volume 7, Number 4, Item 7]
Kassin, Saul M. and Christina T. Fong. “I’m innocent!”: Effects of training on judgments of truth a
deception in the interrogation room. Law and Human Behavior, 1999, 25, 499-516. Volume 2,
Number 6, Item 8. November 1999.
Kassin, Saul M., S.A. Drizen, T. Grisso, G. H. Gudjonsson, R. A. Leo, and A. D. Redlich. (2010).
Police-Induced Confessions: Risk Factors and Recommendations. Law and Human Behavior, 34, 3-38.
[Volume 11, Number 3, Item 4]
Katz, Charles; Vincent J. Webb and David R. Schaefer. 2001. An Assessment of Quality-of-Life
Policing on Crime and Disorder. Justice Quarterly 18: 825-865. Volume 4, Number 5, Item 4. March
Kaufman, Jeanne G. and Cathy Spatz Widom. Childhood victimization, running away, and
delinquency. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 1999, 36(4), 347-370. Volume 3, Number 1,
Item 7. March 2000.
Kaukinen, Catherine and Sandra Colavecchia. Public perceptions of the courts: An examination of
attitudes toward the treatment of victims and accused. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 1999, 441, 365384. Volume 2, Number 5, Item 1. September 1999.
Kellough, Gail and Scot Wortley. (2002). Remand for Bail: Bail Decisions and Plea Bargaining as
Commensurate Decisions. British Journal of Criminology, 42, 186-210. Volume 4, Number 6, Item 7.
April 2002.
Kepple, Nancy J. and Bridget Freisthler (2012). Exploring the Ecological Association Between
Crime and Medical Marijuana Dispensaries. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 73 (4), 523-530.
[Volume 12, Number 6, Item 4]
Killias, Martin and Juan Rabasa. Less crime in the cities through heroin prescription? Preliminary
results from the evaluation of the Swiss heroin prescription projects. The Howard Journal, Volume 36
(4), November 1997, 424-429. Volume 1, Number 4, Item 6. April 1998.
Killias, Martin, David Scheidegger, and Peter Nordenson (2009). The Effects of Increasing the
Certainty of Punishment: A Field Experiment on Public Transportation. European Journal of
Criminology, 6(5), 387-400. [Volume 10, Number 5, Item 2]
Killias, Martin, Marcelo Aebi and Denis Ribeaud. Does community service rehabilitate better than
short-term imprisonment?: Results of a controlled experiment. The Howard Journal, 2000, 39(1), 40-57.
Volume 3, Number 4, Item 4. October 2000.
King, Ryan D. and Gretchen M. Sutton (2013). High Times for Hate Crimes: Explaining the
Temporal Clustering of Hate-Motivated Offending. Criminology, 51(4), 871-894. [Volume 14,
Number 3, Item 8]
King, Ryan D., Michael Masssaglia, and Christopher Uggen (2012). Employment and Exile: US
Criminal Deportations, 1908-2005. American Journal of Sociology, 117(6), 1786-1825. [Volume 13,
Number 1, Item 8]
King, Ryan S. (2007) Changing Direction: State Sentencing Reforms, 2004-2006. Available from [Volume 8, Number 5, Item 1, April 2007]
King, Ryan S. and Marc Mauer. (2002). State Sentencing and Corrections Policy in an Era of Fiscal Restraint.
Washington, D.C.: The Sentencing Project. Volume 4, Number 6, Item
4. April 2002.
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 21 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
King, Ryan S.; Marc Mauer and Tracy Huling (February 2003). Big Prisons, Small Towns: Prison
Economics in Rural America. The Sentencing Project. Washington, D.C. Available from [Volume 6, Number 1, Item 5; October 2003]
Kingsnorth, Rodney F. and Randall C. Macintosh. Domestic Violence: Predictors of Victim Support
for Official Action. Justice Quarterly, 21(2), 301-328. [Volume 7, Number 3, Item 7. June 2005]
Kirk, David S. (2009). A Natural Experiment on Residential Change and Recidivism: Lessons from
Hurricane Katrina. American Sociological Review, 74, 484-505. [Volume 10, Number 5, Item 1]
Kirk, David S. and Andrew V. Papachristos (2011). Cultural Mechanisms and the Persistence of
Neighbourhood Violence. American Journal of Sociology, 116 (4), 1190-1233. [Volume 12, Number 5,
Item 6]
Kirk, David S. and Robert J. Sampson (2012). Juvenile Arrest and Collateral Educational Damage in
the Transition to Adulthood. Sociology of Education, 86, 36-62. [Volume 14, Number 6, Item 2]
Kleck, Gary, Brion Sever, Spencer Li, and Mac Gertz. (2005). The Missing Link in General
Deterrence Research. Criminology, 43 (3), 623-659. [Volume 7, Number 6, Item 4; February 2006]
Klein, Eric K. Dennis the Menace or Billy the Kid: An analysis of the role of transfer to criminal
court in juvenile justice. American Criminal Law Review, 1998, 35, 371-410. Volume 1, Number 5,
Item 5. July 1998.
Klein, Malcolm W. and Cheryl L. Maxon (2006). Street Gang Patterns and Policies. New York: Oxford.
[Volume 8, Number 3, Item 3, November 2006]
Klinger, David A. and Rod K. Brunson (2009). Police Officers’ Perceptual Distortions During Lethal
Force Situations: Informing the Reasonableness Standard. Criminology and Public Policy, 8 (1), 117-140.
Commentary by William Terrill: The elusive nature of reasonableness (p. 163-172). [Volume 10,
Number 4, Item 1]
Kochel, Tammy Rinehart, David B. Wilson, and Stephen D. Mastrofski. Effect of Suspect Race on
Officers’ Arrest Decisions. Criminology, 49(2), 473-512. [Volume 12, Number 1, Item 7]
Koehler, Johann A., Friedrich Lösel, Thomas D. Akoensi, and David K. Humphreys (2013). A
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on the Effects of Young Offender Treatment Programs in
Europe. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 9, 19-43. [Volume 13, Number 5, Item 7]
Kohler-Hausmann, Issa (2013). Misdemeanour Justice: Control without Conviction. American Journal
of Sociology, 119(2), 351-393. [Volume 14, Number 3, Item 1]
Kop, Nicolien and Martin C. Euwema. 2001. Occupational Stress and the Use of Force by Dutch
Police Officers. Criminal Justice and Behavior 28: 631-652. Volume 4, Number 5, Item 6. March 2002.
Koper, Christopher S. and Evan Mayo-Wilson (2006). Police Crackdowns on Illegal Gun Carrying: A
Systematic Review of Their Impact on Gun Crime. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 2, 227-261.
[Volume 9, Number 5, Item 4]
Kornhauser, Ryan (2015). Economic Individualism and Punitive Attitudes: A Cross-National
Analysis. Punishment & Society, 17(1), 27-53. [Volume 15, Number 1, Item 6]
Kovandzic, Thomislav V., John J. Sloan, III, and Lynne M. Vieraitis. (2004). “Striking Out” as Crime
Reduction Policy: The Impact of “Three Strikes” Laws on Crime Rates in U.S. Cities. Justice Quarterly,
21(2), 207-239. [Volume 7, Number 3, Item 6. June 2005]
Kovandzic, Tomislav V. The Impact of Florida’s Habitual Offender Law on Crime. Criminology,
2001, 39, 179-203. Volume 4, Number 3, Item 2. September 2001.
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Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 22 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Kovandzic, Tomislav V. and Lynne M. Vieraitis (2006). The Effect of County-Level Prison
Population Growth on Crime Rates. Criminology and Public Policy, 5(2), 213-244. [Volume 9, Number
2, Item 3, December 2007]
Kovandzic, Tomislav V., John J. Sloan III, and Lynne M. Vieraitis (2002). Unintended Consequences
of Politically Popular Sentencing Policy: The Homicide Promoting Effects of “Three Strikes” in U.S.
Cities (1980-1999). Criminology and Public Policy, 1, 399-424. Volume 5, Number 2, Item 2. October
Kovandzic, Tomislav V., Lynne M Vieraitis, and Mark R. Yeisley. The Structural Covariates of Urban
Homicide: Reassessing the Impact of Income Inequality and Poverty in the Post-Reagan Era. (1998)
Criminology 36 (3), 569-599. Volume 2, Number 4, Item 2. June 1999.
Krauss, Daniel A. (2004). Adjusting Risk of Recidivism: Do Judicial Departures Worsen or Improve
Recidivism Prediction Under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines? Behavioural Sciences and the Law, 22,
731-750. (Volume 7, Number 5, Item 6; November 2005)
Kruttschnitt, Candace and Rosemary Gartner (2003). Women’s Imprisonment. In Michael Tonry
(ed.). Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Volume 30. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 1-81.
[Volume 6, Number 2, December 2003, Item 2]
Kruttschnitt, Candace, Christopher Uggen, and Kelly Shelton. Predictors of desistance among sex
offenders: The interaction of formal and informal social controls. Justice Quarterly, 2000, 17, 61-87.
Volume 3, Number 3, Item 3. July 2000.
Kruttschnitt, Candace, Rosemary Gartner, and Amy Miller. Doing Her Own Time? Women’s
Responses to Prison in the Context of the Old and the New Penology. Criminology, 2000, 38, 681717. Volume 3, Number 6, Item 3. February 2001.
Kubiak, Sheryl Pimlott and Terrence Allen (2011). Public Opinion Regarding Juvenile Life Without
Parole in Consecutive Statewide Surveys. Crime & Delinquency, 57(4), 495-515. [Volume 12, Number
2, Item 3]
Kubrin, Charis E. and Eric A. Stewart. (2006) Predicting Who Reoffends: The Neglected Role of
Neighbourhood Context in Recidivism Studies. Criminology, 44(1), 165-197. Volume 8, Number 1,
Item 5, June 2006.
Kukucka, Jeff and Saul M. Kassin (2014). Do Confessions Taint Perceptions of Handwriting
Evidence? An Empirical Test of the Forensic Confirmation Bias. Law and Human Behaviour, 28, 256270. [Volume 14, Number 6, Item 6]
Kurlychek, Megan and Cynthia Kempinen (2006). Beyond Boot Camp: The Impact of Aftercare on
Offender Re-entry. Criminology and Public Policy, 5 (2), 363-388. [Volume 9, Number 2, Item 2,
December 2007]
Kurlychek, Megan C., Robert Brame, and Shawn D. Bushway. Scarlet Letters and Recidivism: Does
an Old Criminal Record Predict Future Offending? Criminology and Public Policy, 2006 (August), 5(3),
483-503. Enduring Risk? Old Criminal Records and Predictions of Future Criminal Involvement.
Crime and Delinquency, 2007 (January), 53(1), 64-83. [Volume 8, Number 4, Item 4, January 2007]
Kuttschreutter, M. & Weigman, O. (1998). “Crime prevention and the attitude toward the criminal
justice system: Effects of a multimedia campaign”. Journal of Criminal Justice, 26(4), 441-452. Volume
2, Number 2, Item 6. March 1999.
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 23 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Lane, Jodi, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, and Amber Sehgal (2005). Evaluating an Experimental
Intensive Juvenile Probation Program: Supervision and Official Outcomes. Crime and Delinquency,
51(1), 26-52. [Volume 7, Number 3, Item 2. June 2005]
Langan, Patrick A. and David P. Farrington. Crime and justice in the United States and in England and
Wales, 1981-96. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Statistics.
(Note: the full text is available on the Internet). Volume 2, Number 1, Item 1. December 1998.
Lankenau, Stephen E. Smoke ’em if you got ’em: Cigarette Black Markets in U.S. Prisons and Jails.
The Prison Journal, 2001, 81, 142-161. Volume 4, Number 4, Item 2. December 2001
Lappi-Seppälä, Tapio. The fall in the Finnish prison population. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in
Criminology and Crime Prevention, 2000, 1, 27-40. Volume 3, Number 5, Item 1. December 2000.
Lappi-Seppälä, Tapio (2011). Explaining Imprisonment in Europe. European Journal of Criminology 8
(4), 303-328. [Volume 12, Number 3, Item 2]
Lappi-Seppälä, Tapio (2012). Penal Policies in the Nordic Countries, 1960-2010. Journal of Scandinavian
Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 13, 83-111. [Volume 13, Number 4, Item 8]
Latimer, Jeff. A Meta-Analytic Examination of Youth Delinquency, Family Treatment, and
Recidivism. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 2001, 237-253. Volume 4, Number 2, Item 8. July 2001.
Lauritsen, Janet L. and Robin J. Schaum. (2004). The Social Ecology of Violence Against Women.
Criminology, 42, 323-357. [Volume 7, Number 1, Item 7]
Lebel, Thomas P., Ros Burnett, Shadd Maruna, and Shawn Bushway (2008). The ‘Chicken and Egg’
of Subjective and Social Factors in Desistance from Crime. European Journal of Criminology, 5(2), 131159. [Volume 9, Number 5, Item 8]
Lee, Matthew T.; Ramiro Martinez, Jr., and Richard Rosenfeld (2001). Does Immigration Increase
Homicide: Negative Evidence From Three Border Cities. The Sociological Quarterly, 42, 559-580.
Volume 5, Number 4, Item 6, March 2003.
Lens, Kim ME, Antony Pemberton, Karen Brans, Johan Braeken, Stefan Gogaerts, and Esmah
Lahlah (2015). European Journal of Criminology, 12(1), 17-34. [Volume 15, Number 1, Item 4]
Lerman, Amy E. and Vesla Weaver (2014). Staying out of Sight? Concentrated Policing and Local
Political Action. ANNALS of the American “Academy of Political and Social Science, 651, 202-219.
[Volume 14, Number 5, Item 2]
Letourneau, Elizabeth J, Jill S. Levenson, Dipankar Bandyopadhyay, Debajyoti Sinha, and Kevin S.
Armstrong (2010). Effects of South Carolina’s Sex Offender Registration and Notification on Adult
Recidivism (2010). Criminal Justice Policy Review, 21(4), 415-458. [Volume 11, Number 6, Item 6]
Levenson, Jill S. (2004). Reliability of Sexually Violent Predator Civil Commitment Criteria in
Florida. Law and Human Behaviour, 28, 357-367. Volume 7, Number 2, Item 7. March 2005.
Levenson, Jill S. and Leo P. Cotter. (2005) The Impact of Sex Offender Residence Restrictions: 1,000
Feet from Danger or One Step from Absurd? International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative
Criminology, 49(2), 168-178. [Volume 7, Number 4, Item 4]
Levenson, Jill S., David A. D’Amora, and Andrea L. Hern (2007). Megan’s Law and its Impact on
Community Re-Entry for Sex Offenders. Behavioural Sciences and the Law, 25, 587-602. [Volume 9,
Number 2, Item 7, December 2007]
Leverick, Fiona and Peter Duff. (2002). Court Culture and Adjournments in Criminal Cases: A Tale
of Four Courts. Criminal Law Review, 39-52. Volume 4, Number 6, Item 1. April 2002.
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 24 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Levi, Ron (2009). Making Counter-Law: On Having No Apparent Purpose in Chicago. British Journal
of Criminology, 49, 131-149. [Volume 10, Number 4, Item 3]
Levitt, Steven D. The limited role of changing age structure in explaining aggregate crime rates.
Criminology, 1999, 37 (3), 581-597. . Volume 2, Number 6, Item 7. November 1999.
Lewis, R., Dobash, R.P., Dobash, R.E., & Cavanagh, K. (2000). Protection, prevention, rehabilitation
or justice? Women’s use of law to challenge domestic violence. International Review of Victimology 7:
179-205. Landau, T.C. (2000) Women’s experiences with mandatory charging for wife assault in
Ontario, Canada: A case against the prosecution. International Review of Victimology 7: 141-157. Volume
3, Number 5, Item 6. December 2000.
Liberman, Akiva M., David S. Kirk, and Kideux Kim (2014). Labeling Effects of First Juvenile
Arrests: Secondary Deviance and Secondary Sanctioning. Criminology, 52, 345-370. [Volume 14,
Number 6, Item 1]
Liebling, Alison (2008). Incentives and Earned Privileges Revisited: Fairness, Discretion, and the
Quality of Prison Life. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 9, 25-41.
[Volume 12, Number 6, Item 3]
Liebling, Alison. (2000). Prison Officers, Policing and the Use of Discretion. Theoretical Criminology, 4,
333-357. Volume 4, Number 6, Item 3. April 2002.
Liebman, James, Jeffrey Fagan, and Valerie West. A Broken System: Error Rates in Capital Cases, 19731995. Columbia University School of Law, 2000. Volume 4, Number 1, Item 6. May 2001.
Lin, Jeffrey, Ryken Grattet, and Joan Petersilia (2010). “Back-end Sentencing” and Reimprisonment:
Individual, Organizational, and Community Predictors of Parole Sanctioning Decisions. Criminology,
48(3), 759-760. [Volume 11, Number 5, Item 3]
Lloyd-Bostock, Sally (2007). The Jubilee Line Jurors: Does their Experience Strengthen the
Argument for Judge-only Trial in Long and Complex Fraud Cases? Criminal Law Review, 255-273.
[Volume 9, Number 1, Item 6]
Lockwood, Brian (2012). The Influence of Travel Distance on Treatment Noncompletion for
Juvenile Offenders. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 49(4), 572-600. [Volume 13, Number
2, Item 1]
Loeber, Rolf and David P. Farrington. Never too early, Never too late: Risk factors and successful
intervention for serious and violent juvenile offenders. Studies on crime prevention, 1998, 7(1), 7-30.
Volume 1, Number 5, Item 6. July 1998.
Loeffler, Charles E. (2013). Does Imprisonment Alter the Life Course? Evidence on Crime and
Employment from a Natural Experiment. Criminology, 51(1), 137-166. [Volume 13, Number 4, Item
Lösel, Friedrich and Martin Schmucker (2005). The Effectiveness of Treatment for Sexual
Offenders: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 1, 117-146. [Volume
9, Number 5, Item 7]
Lotke, Eric. Hobbling a generation: Young African American men in Washington, D.C.’s criminal
justice system -- Five years Later. Crime and Delinquency, 1998, 44 (3), 355-366. Volume 1, Number 6,
Item 6. September 1998.
Loughran, Thomas A., Edward P. Mulvey, Carol A. Schubert, Jeffrey Fagan, Alex R. Piquero, and
Sandra H. Losoya (2009). Estimating a Dose-Response Relationship Between Length of Stay and
Papers Highlighted
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 25 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Future Recidivism in Serious Juvenile Offenders. Criminology, 47 (3), 699-740. [Volume 10, Number
6, Item 1]
Loveday, Barry. Managing Crime: Police Use of Crime Data as an Indicator of Effectiveness.
International Journal of Sociology of Law, 2000, 28, 215-237. Volume 3, Number 6, Item 4. February
Lovegrove, Austin (October 2007). Public Opinion, Sentencing and Lenience: An Empirical Study
Involving Judges Consulting the Community. Criminal Law Review, 769-781. [Volume 9, Number 4,
Item 2].
Ludwig, Jens (2005). Better Gun Enforcement, Less Crime. Criminology and Public Policy, 4 (4), 677716.[Volume 7, Number 6, Item 1; February 2006]
Lussier, Patrick and Garth Davies (2011). A Person-Oriented Perspective on Sexual Offenders,
Offending Trajectories, and Risk of Recidivism. Psychology, Public Policy and Law, 17 (4), 530-561.
[Volume 13, Number 2, Item 6]
Lyons, Christopher J. and Becky Pettit (2011). Compounded Disadvantage: Race, Incarceration, and
Wage Growth. Social Problems, 58 (2), 257-280. [Volume 12, Number 3, Item 7]
Lyons, Christopher J., María B. Vélez, and Wayne A. Santoro (2013). Neighbourhood Immigration,
Violence, and City-Level Immigrant Political Opportunities. American Sociological Review, 78 (4), 604632. [Volume 13, Number 6, Item 7]
MacDonald, John M., John R. Hipp, and Charlotte Gill (2013). The Effects of Immigrant
Concentration on Changes in Neighbourhood Crime Rates. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 29, 191215. [Volume 14, Number 1, Item 8]
Macfarlane, Bruce (2006). Convicting the Innocent: A Triple Failure of the Justice System. Manitoba
Law Journal, 31(3), 403-487. [Volume 9, Number 1, Item 4]
Mack, Kathy and Sharyn Roach Anleu. (2007) ‘Getting Through the List’: Judgecraft and Legitimacy
in the Lower Courts. Social & Legal Studies, 16(3), 341-361. [Volume 9, Number 4, Item 1].
MacKenzie, Doris Layton (2013). First Do No Harm: A Look at Correctional Policies and Programs
Today. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 9, 1-17. [Volume 13, Number 4, Item 6]
Macmillan, Ross and Rosemary Gartner. When she brings home the bacon: Labour-Force
participation and the risk of spousal violence against women. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1999,
61, 947-958. Volume 3, Number 2, Item 6. May 2000.
Maguire, Mike (2004). The Crime Reduction Programme in England and Wales. Reflections on the
Vision and the Reality. Criminal Justice, 4, 213-237. Volume 7, Number 2, Item 4. March 2005.
Maher, Lisa; David Dixon; Wayne Hall and Michael Lynskey (2002). Property Crime and Income
Generation by Heroin Users. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 35, 187-202.
Volume 5, Number 4, Item 7, March 2003.
Maimon, David and Christopher R. Browning (2010). Unstructured Socializing, Collective Efficacy,
and Violent Behaviour among Urban Youth. Criminology, 48(2), 443-474. [Volume 11, Number 4,
Item 5]
Maimon, David, Olena Antonaccio, and Michael T. French (2012). Severe Sanctions, Easy Choice?
Investigating the Role of School Sanctions in Preventing Violent Offending. Criminology, 50(2), 495524. [Volume 12, Number 6, Item 1]
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 26 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Mandary, Even J., Amy Shlosberg, Valerie West, and Bennett Callaghan (2013). Compensation
Statutes and Post-Exoneration Offending. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 103(2), 553-583.
[Volume 14, Number 1, Item 7]
Markowitz, Fred E. (2006) Psychiatric hospital capacity, homelessness, and crime and arrest rates.
Criminology, 44 (1), 45-72. [Volume 8, Number 2, Item 7. August 2006]
Martin, Randy and David L. Myers. (2005) Public Response to Prison Siting: Perception of Impact
on Crime and Safety. Criminal Justice and Behaviour, 32(2), 143-171. [Volume 7, Number 3, Item 1.
June 2005]
Marvell, Thomas B. and Moody, Carlisle E. Determinate sentencing and abolishing parole: The
long-term impacts on prisons and crime. Criminology, 1996, 34 (1), 107-128. Volume 2, Number 1,
Item 3. December 1998.
Mascini, Peter and Dick Houtman. (2006) Rehabilitation and Repression: Reassessing their
Ideological Embeddedness. British Journal of Criminology, 46, 822-836. [Volume 8, Number 5, Item 7,
April 2007]
Matarazzo, Anthony, Peter J. Carrington, and Robert D. Hiscott. The Effect of Prior Youth Court
Dispositions on Current Disposition: An Application of Societal-Reaction Theory. Journal of
Quantitative Criminology, 2001, 17, 169-200. Volume 4, Number 4, Item 3. December 2001.
Mauer, Marc and Ryan S. King. (2007). A 250-Year Quagmire: The War on Drugs and Its Impact on
American Society. Washington, D.C. The Sentencing Project.
[Volume 9, Number 3, Item 7]
Mazerolle, Lorraine Green, Colleen Kadleck, and Jan Roehl. Controlling drug and disorder
problems: The role of place managers. Criminology, 1998, 36 (2), 371-403. Volume 1, Number 6,
Item 3. September 1998.
McAra, Lesley and Susan McVie (2007). Youth Justice? The Impact of System Contact on Patterns
of Desistance from Offending. European Journal of Criminology, 4(3), 315-345. [Volume 9, Number 5,
Item 5]
McAra, Lesley and Susan McVie (2010). Youth Crime and Justice: Key Messages from the Edinburgh
Study of Youth Transitions and Crime. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 10 (2), 179-209. [Volume 11,
Number 3, Item 2]
McCollister, Kathryn E.; M.T. French; J.A. Inciardi; C.A. Butzin; S.S. Martin and R. M. Hooper
(2003). Post-Release Substance Abuse Treatment for Criminal Offenders: A Cost-Effectiveness
Analysis. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 19, 389-407. [Volume 6, Number 4, June 2004, Item 1]
McCord, Joan (2002). Counterproductive Juvenile Justice. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of
Criminology, 35, 230-237. McCord, Joan (1978). A Thirty-Year Follow-Up of Treatment Effects.
American Psychologist, 33, 284-289. Volume 5, Number 4, Item 1, March 2003.
McCorkle, Richard C. and Terance D. Miethe. The political and organizational response to gangs:
An examination of a “moral panic” in Nevada. Justice Quarterly, 1998, 15(1), 41-64. Volume 1,
Number 6, Item 5. September 1998.
McCoy, Alfred W. Coercion and its Unintended Consequences: A Study of Heroin Trafficking in
Southeast and South West Asia. Crime, Law, and Social Change, 2000, 33, 191-224. Volume 3, Number
6, Item 8. February 2001.
McDowell, David, Colin Loftin, and Brian Wiersema. The impact of youth curfew laws on juvenile
crime rates. Crime and Delinquency, 2000, 46 (1), 76-91. Volume 3, Number 2, Item 2. May 2000.
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 27 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
McGloin, Jean Marie (2005) Policy and Intervention Considerations of a Network Analysis of Street
Gangs. Criminology and Public Policy, 4 (3), 607-636. [Volume 7, Number 6, Item 2; February 2006]
McGloin, Jean Marie (2009). Delinquency Balance: Revisiting Peer Influence. Criminology, 47 (2) 439477. [Volume 10, Number 6, Item 4]
McGrath, Andrew and Don Weatherburn (2012). Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 45
(1), 26-44. [Volume 12, Number 5, Item 7]
McNulty, Thomas L, Paul E. Bellair, and Stephen J. Watts (2013). Neighbourhood Disadvantage
and Verbal Ability as Explanations of the Black-White Difference in Adolescent Violence: Toward
an Integrated Model. Crime & Delinquency, 59 (1), 140-160. [Volume 13, Number 3, Item 6]
McNulty, Thomas L. and Paul E. Bellair (2003). Explaining Racial and Ethnic Differences in
Adolescent Violence: Structural Disadvantage, Family Well-Being, and Social Capital. Justice Quarterly,
20, 1-31. [Volume 6, Number 1, Item 3; October 2003]
Mears, Daniel P., Eric A. Stewart, Sonja E. Siennick, and Ronald L. Simons (2013). The Code of the
Street and Inmate Violence: Investigating the Salience of Imported Belief Systems. Criminology, 51(3)
695-728. [Volume 14, Number 3, Item 7]
Mears, Daniel P., Joshua C. Cochran, and William D. Bales (2012). Gender Differences in the Effects
of Prison on Recidivism. Journal of Criminal Justice, 40, 370-378. [Volume 13, Number 2, Item 3
Mears, Daniel P.; Matthew J. Carlson; George W. Holden and Susan D. Harris. 2001. Reducing
Domestic Violence Revictimization. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 16: 1260-1283. Volume 4, Number
5, Item 7. March 2002.
Meehan, Albert J. and Michael C. Ponder (2002). Race and Place: The Ecology of Racial Profiling
African American Motorists. Justice Quarterly, 19, 399-430. Volume 5, Number 4, Item 2, March 2003.
Meissner, Christian A. and Saul M. Kassin (2002). “He’s guilty!”: Investigator Bias in Judgments of
Truth and Deception. Law and Human Behavior, 26, 469-480. Volume 5, Number 4, Item 5, March
Melde, Chris, Stephen Gavazzi, Edmund McGarrell and Timothy Bynum (2011). On the Efficacy of
Targeted Gang Interventions: Can We Identify Those Most At Risk? Youth Violence and Youth Justice, 9
(4) 279-294. [Volume 13, Number 3, Item 4]
Merritt, Nancy, Terry Fain, and Susan Turner (2006). Oregon’s Get Tough Sentencing Reform: A
Lesson in Justice System Adaptation. Criminology and Public Policy, 5 (1), 5-36. [Volume 8, Number 4,
Item 5, January 2007]
Messner, Steven F., Robert D. Baller, and Matthew P. Zevenbergen (2005). The Legacy of Lynching
and Southern Homicide. American Sociological Review, 70, 633-655. [Volume 8, Number 3, Item 7,
November 2006]
Miethe, Terance D., Hong Lu, and Erin Reese. Reintegrative shaming and recidivism risks in drug
court: Explanations for some unexpected findings. Crime and Delinquency, 2000, 46, 522-541. Volume
3, Number 5, Item 2. December 2000.
Miethe, Terance D., Jodi Olson, and Ojmarrh Mitchell. (2006) Specialization and Persistence in the
Arrest Histories of Sex Offenders: A Comparative Analysis of Alternative Measures and Offence
Types. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 43, 204-229. [Volume 8, Number 3, Item 8,
November 2006]
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 28 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Mills, Helen. (2011) Community Sentences: A Solution to Penal Excess? Centre for Crime and
Justice Studies, London, England. [Volume 12, Number 3, Item 6]
Mitchell, Barry and Julian V. Roberts (2012). Sentencing for Murder: Exploring Public Knowledge
and Public Opinion in England and Wales. British Journal of Criminology, 52, 141-158. [Volume 12,
Number 4, Item 3]
Moffatt, Steve and Don Weatherburn (2011). The Specific Deterrent Effect of Higher Fines on
Drink-Driving Offenders. British Journal of Criminology, 51, 789-803. [Volume 12, Number 4, Item 1]
Moffitt, Terrie E. and Avshalom Caspi. Childhood Predictors Differentiate Life-Course Persistent
and Adolescent-Limited Anti-Social Pathways among Males and Females. Development and
Psychopathology, 2001, 13, 355-375. Volume 4, Number 3, Item 4. September 2001.
Moffitt, Terrie E., Richard W. Robins, and Avshalom Caspi. (2001). A Couples Analysis of Partner
Abuse with Implications for Abuse-Prevention Policy. Criminology and Public Policy, 1, 5-36. Volume 4,
Number 6, Item 8. April 2002.
Moffitt, Terrie E., Robert F. Krueger, Avshalom Caspi, and Jeff Fagan. Partner abuse and general
crime: How are they the same? How are they different? Criminology, 2000, 38, 199-232. Volume 3,
Number 3, Item 2. July 2000.
Monahan, Kathryn C., Asha Goldweber, and Elizabeth Cauffman (2011). The Effects of Visitation
on Incarcerated Juvenile Offenders: How Contact with the Outside Impacts Adjustment on the
Inside. Law and Human Behavior, 35, 143-151. [Volume 12, Number 2, Item 7]
Moon, Melissa M., Jody L. Sundt, Francis T. Cullen, and John Paul Wright. Is child saving dead?
Public support for juvenile rehabilitation. Crime and Delinquency, 2000, 46 (1), 38-60. Volume 3,
Number 2, Item 3. May 2000.
Moore, Mark H. and Anthony A. Braga. (2004) Police Performance Measurement: A Normative
Framework. Criminal Justice Ethics, 23 (1), 3-19. Volume 7, Number 2, Item 8. March 2005.
Morgan, Neil. Mandatory sentences in Australia: Where have we been and where are we going?
Criminal Law Journal, 2000, 24, 164-183. Volume 3, Number 4, Item 6. October 2000.
Moyle, Paul. Separating the Allocation of Punishment from its Administration. British Journal of
Criminology, 2001, 41, 77-100. Volume 4, Number 2, Item 2. July 2001.
Mulcahy, Linda (2007). Architects of Justice: The Politics of Courtroom Design. Social & Legal
Studies, 16(3), 383-403. [Volume 9, Number 6, Item 1]
Mulvey, Edward P. and Elizabeth Cauffman. (October, 2001). The Inherent Limits of Predicting
School Violence. American Psychologist, 797-802. Volume 4, Number 6, Item 6. April 2002.
Mulvey, Edward P., Laurence Steinberg, Alex R. Piquero, Michelle Besana, Jeffrey Fagan, Carol
Schubert, and Elizabeth Cauffman (2010). Development and Psychopathology, 22, 453-475. Mulvey,
Edward P. Highlights from Pathways to Desistance. OJJDP Juvenile Justice Fact Sheet, March 2011.
[Volume 12, Number 1, Item 8]
Murphy, Kristina (2015). Does Procedural Justice Matter to Youth? Comparing Adults’ and Youths’
Willingness to Collaborate with Police. Policing and Society, 25(1), 53-76. [Volume 15, Number 1, Item
Murray, Joseph, Rolf Loeber, and Dustin Pardini (2012). Parental Involvement in the Criminal
Justice System and the Development of Youth Theft, Marijuana Use, Depression and Poor
Academic Performance. Criminology, 50 (1) 255-302. [Volume 12, Number 5, Item 1]
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Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 29 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Murrie, Daniel C., Marcus T. Boccaccini, Patricia A. Zapf, and Craig E. Henderson (2008). Clinician
Variation in Findings of Competence to Stand Trial. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 14 (3), 177-193.
[Volume 10, Number 4, Item 5]
Myers, David L. (2003). The Recidivism of Violent Youths in Juvenile and Adult Court: A
Consideration of Selection Bias.
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice, 1, 79-101.
[Volume 5, Number 5, Item 3]
Myers, Nicole M. and Sunny Dhillon (2013). The Criminal Offence of Entering Any Shoppers Drug
Mart in Ontario: Criminalizing Ordinary Behaviour with Youth Bail Conditions. Canadian Journal of
Criminology & Criminal Justice, 55, 187-214. [Volume 13, Number 5, Item 5]
Myhill, Andy and Ben Bradford (2012). Can Police Enhance Public Confidence by Improving
Quality of Service? Results from Two Surveys in England and Wales. Policing & Society, 22 (4), 397425. [Volume 13, Number 2, Item 5]
Nagin, Daniel S., Francis T. Cullen, and Cheryl Lero Jonson (2009). Imprisonment and Reoffending.
In Crime and Justice: A Review of Research (Tonry, Michael, ed.), Volume 38. University of Chicago
Press. [Volume 11, Number 1, Item 1]
Nagin, Daniel S. (2013). Deterrence in the Twenty-First Century. In Tonry, Michael (ed.). Crime and
Justice: A Review of Research, 42, 199-263. [Volume 14, Number 2, Item 2]
Nagin, Daniel S., G. Pogarsky, and David P. Farrington. (1997) Adolescent mothers and the criminal
behaviour of their children. Law and Society Review, 31, 137-162. Volume 1, Number 3, Item 8.
January 1998.
Neapolitan, Jerome L. A comparative analysis of nations with low and high levels of violent crime.
Journal of Criminal Justice, 1999, 27, 259-274. Volume 2, Number 5, Item 8. September 1999.
Nelen, Hans (2004). Hit Them Where It Hurts Most? The Proceeds-of-Crime Approach in the
Netherlands. Crime, Law, and Social Change, 41, 517-534. Volume 7, Number 2, Item 6. March 2005.
Netter, Brian (2007). Using Group Statistics to Sentence Individual Criminals: An Ethical and
Statistical Critique of the Virginia Risk Assessment Program. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 97
(3), 699-729. [Volume 9, Number 5, Item 3]
Newburn, Tim. (2002). Atlantic Crossings: ‘Policy Transfer’ and Crime Control in the USA and
Britain. Punishment and Society, 4, 165-194. [Volume 6, Number 6, Item 6; October 2004]
Nieuwbeerta, Paul, Daniel S. Nagin, and Arjan A. J. Blokland (2009). Assessing the Impact of FirstTime Imprisonment on Offenders’ Subsequent Criminal Career Development: A Matched Sample
Comparison. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 25, 227-257. [Volume 11, Number 1, Item 2]
Nilsson, Anders (2003). Living Conditions, Social Exclusion and Recidivism Among Prison Inmates.
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 4, 57-83. [Volume 6, Number 1, Item
2; October 2003]
O’Donnell, Ian and Eoin O’Sullivan. (2003). The Politics of Intolerance – Irish Style. British Journal of
Criminology, 43, 41-62. . Volume 5, Number 6, Item 7. July 2003.
O’Donnell, Ian. Imprisonment and Penal Policy in Ireland. (2004) The Howard Journal, 43, 253-266.
[Volume 7, Number 1, Item 2]
Oeberst, Aileen (2012). If Anything Else Comes to Mind… Better Keep It to Yourself? Delayed
Recall is Discrediting – Unjustifiably. Law and Human Behavior, 36 (4) 266-274. [Volume 13, Number
5, Item 3]
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 30 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Olds, David, Charles R. Henderson Jr., Robert Cole, John Eckenrode, Harriet Kitzman, Dennis
Luckey, Lisa Pettitt, Kimberly Sidora, Pamela Morris, and Jane Powers. Long-term Effects of Nurse
Home Visitation on Children’s Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour. Journal of the American Medical
Association, 1998, 280, 1238-1244. Volume 4, Number 2, Item 1. July 2001.
Onifade, Eyitayo, William Davidson, Christina Campbell, Garrett Turke, Jill Malinowski, and
Kimberly Turner (2008). Predicting Recidivism in Probationers with the Youth Level of Service Case
Management Inventory (YLS/CMI). Criminal Justice and Behavior, 35(4), 474-483. [Volume 9, Number
6, Item 5]
Osgood, D. Wayne and Amy L. Anderson (2004). Unstructured Socializing and Rates of
Delinquency. Criminology, 42(3), 519-549. Volume 7, Number 2, Item 1. March 2005.
Ousey, Graham C. and Charis E. Kubrin (2009). Exploring the Connection between Immigration
and Violent Crime Rates in U.S. Cities, 1980-2000. Social Problems, 56(3), 447-473. [Volume 11,
Number 1, Item 4]
Pager, Devah (2003). The Mark of a Criminal Record. American Journal of Sociology, 108, 937-975.
[Volume 6, Number 3, March 2004, Item 2]
Painter, Kate A. and David P. Farrington. Evaluating Situational Crime Prevention Using a Young
People’s Survey. British Journal of Criminology, 2001, 41, 266-284. Volume 4, Number 3, Item 8.
September 2001.
Pakes, Francis. (2004) The Politics of Discontent: The Emergence of a New Criminal Justice
Discourse in the Netherlands. The Howard Journal, 43, 267-283. [Volume 7, Number 1, Item 1]
Paparozzi, Mario A. and Paul Gendreau. (2005). An Intensive Supervision Program that Worked:
Service Delivery, Professional Orientation, and Organizational Supportiveness. The Prison Journal, 85
(4), 445-466. [Volume 8, Number 2, Item 2. August 2006]
Paternoster, Ray and Jerome Deise (2011). A Heavy Thumb on the Scale: The Effect of Victim
Impact Evidence on Capital Decision Making. Criminology, 4(1), 129-161. [Volume 11, Number 6,
Item 7]
Paternoster, Ray, Jean Marie McGloin, Holly Nguyen, and Kyle J. Thomas (2013). The Causal
Impact of Exposure to Deviant Peers: An Experimental Investigation. Journal of Research in Crime and
Delinquency, 50(4), 476-503. [Volume 14, Number 2, Item 3]
Paternoster, Raymond, Robert Brame, Ronet Bachman, and Lawrence W. Sherman.
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procedures matter? The effect of procedural justice on spouse assault. Law and Society Review, 1977,
31(1), 163-204. Volume 1, Number 1, Item 2. September 1997.
Payne, Allison Ann (2008). A Multilevel Analysis of the Relationships among Communal School
Organization, Student Bonding, and Delinquency. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 45(4),
429-455. [Volume 10, Number 2, Item 1]
Payne, Brian K. and Matthew DeMichele (2011). Sex offender policies: Considering unanticipated
consequences of GPS sex offender monitoring. Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 16, 177-187.
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Perrone, Paul A. and Meda Chesney-Lind. Representations of gangs and delinquency: Wild in the
streets? Social Justice, Volume 24 (4). Winter 1997. Volume 1, Number 4, Item 4. April 1998.
Perry, Brea L. and Edward W. Morris (2014). Suspending Progress: Collateral Consequences of
Exclusionary Punishment in Public Schools. American Sociological Review, 79(6), 1067-1087. [Volume
15, Number 1, Item 1]
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September 1997 to April 2015
Peter D. Hart Research Associates (2002). Changing Public Attitudes Toward the Criminal Justice System.
The Open Society Institute. Volume 5, Number 1, Item 1. July 2002
Petersilia, Joan. Parole and prisoner reentry in the United States. In Michael Tonry (ed.) Prisons.
Crime and Justice: A review of research (Volume 26). University of Chicago Press: 1999. Volume 3,
Number 2, Item 5. May 2000.
Peterson, Dana, Terrance J. Taylor, and Finn-Aage Esbensen. (2004). Gang Membership and Violent
Victimization. Justice Quarterly, 21(4), 793-815. [Volume 7, Number 3, Item 5. June 2005]
Petrosino, Anthony J. and Carolyn Petrosino. The Public Safety Potential of Megan’s Law in
Massachusetts: An Assessment from a Sample of Criminal Sexual Psychopaths. Crime and
Delinquency, January 1999, 45 (1), 140-158. Volume 4, Number 1, Item 2. May 2001.
Petrosino, Anthony, Carolyn Turpin-Petrosino, and Sarah Guckenburg (2010). Formal System
Processing of Juveniles: Effects on Delinquency. The Campbell Collaboration. Oslo, Norway: [Volume 11, Number 4, Item 3]
Petrosino, Anthony, Sarah Guckenburg, and Trevor Fronius (2012). ‘Policing Schools’ Strategies: A
Review of the Evaluation Evidence. Journal of MuliDisciplinary Evaluation, 8 (17), 80-101. [Volume
14, Number 1, Item 1]
Petrosino, Anthony; Carolyn Turpin-Petrosino and John Buehler (September 2003). Scared Straight
and Other Juvenile Awareness Programs for Preventing Juvenile Delinquency: A Systematic Review
of the Randomized Experimental Evidence. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science,
589, 41-62. [Volume 6, Number 2, December 2003, Item 4]
Petrosino, Carolyn. Connecting the past to the future: Hate crime in America. Journal of Contemporary
Criminal Justice, February 1999, 15 (1), 22-47. Jacobs, James B. and Elizabeth E. Joh. Tremors on the
racial fault line: The 1996 Black church fires in retrospect. Criminal Law Bulletin, 1998 (NovemberDecember), 34 (6), 497-519. Volume 2, Number 3, Item 4. April 1999.
Pickett, Justin T. and Ted Chiricos (2012). Controlling Other People’s Children: Racialized Views of
Delinquency and Whites’ Punitive Attitudes Toward Juvenile Offenders. Criminology, 50 (3), 673-710.
[Volume 13, Number 1, Item 4]
Pickett, Justin T., Christina Mancini, and Daniel P. Mears (2013). Vulnerable Victims, Monstrous
Offenders, and Unmanageable Risk: Explaining Public Opinion on the Social Control of Sex Crime.
Criminology 51(3), 729-759. [Volume 14, Number 2, Item 8]
Pickett, Justin T., Daniel Tope, and Rose Bellandi (2014). “Taking Back Our Country”: Tea Party
Membership and Support for Punitive Crime Control Policies. Sociological Inquiry 84(2), 167-190.
Volume 14, Number 4, Item 6]
Pierotti, Rachel S. (2013). Increasing Rejection of Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence of Global
Cultural Diffusion. American Sociological Review, 78 (2) 240-265. [Volume 13, Number 6, Item 3]
Piff, Paul K., Daniel M. Stancato, Stéphane Côté, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, and Dacher Keltner.
(2012) Higher social class predicts increased unethical behaviour. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences (PNAS), PNAS Early edition, 1-6. [Volume 12, Number 6, Item 2]
Piper, August, Linda Lillevik and Roxanne Kritzer (2008). What’s Wrong with Believing in
Repression? A Review for Legal Professionals. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 14 (3), 223-242.
Takarangi, Melanie K.T., Devon L. L. Polaschek, Maryanne Garry and Elizabeth F. Loftus (2008).
Psychological Science, Victim Advocates, and the Problem of Recovered Memories. International
Review of Victimology, 15, 147-163. [Volume 10, Number 4, Item 7]
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 32 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Piquero, Alex and Stephen Tibbetts. The impact of pre/perinatal disturbances and disadvantaged
familial environment in predicting criminal offending. Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention, 8 (1),
1999, 52-70. Volume 2, Number 5, Item 6. September 1999.
Piquero, Alex R. (2005). Reliable Information and Rational Policy Decisions: Does Gun Research Fit
the Bill? Criminology and Public Policy, 4(4), 779-798. Volume 8, Number 1, Item 2, June 2006.
Piquero, Alex R., David P. Farrington, Brandon C. Welsh, Richard Tremblay, and Wesley Jennings
(2008). Effects of Early Family/ Parent Training Programs on Antisocial Behavior and Delinquency.
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Item 6]
Pogarsky, Greg and Alex R. Piquero (2003). Can Punishment Encourage Offending? Investigating
the “Resetting” Effect. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40, 95-120. [Volume 5, Number 5,
Item 2]
Pogarsky, Greg, KiDeuk Kim, and Ray Paternoster (2005). Perceptual Change in the National Youth
Survey: Lessons for Deterrence Theory and Offender Decision-Making. Justice Quarterly, 22 (1), 1-29.
Volume 8, Number 1, Item 7, June 2006.
Porter, Nicole (2012). The State of Sentencing, 2011. The Sentencing Project. Available online: [Volume 12, Number 4, Item 4]
Porter, Stephen, Leanne ten Brinke and Chantal Gustaw (2010). Dangerous Decisions: The Impact
of First Impressions of Trustworthiness on the Evaluation of Legal Evidence and Defendant
Culpability. Psychology, Crime & Law, 16(6), 477-491. [Volume 12, Number 3, Item 8]
Pratt, John (2008). When Penal Populism Stops: Legitimacy, Scandal and the Power to Punish in
New Zealand. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 41(3), 364-383. [Volume 10,
Number 2, Item 4]
Pratt, John and Marie Clark. (2005) Penal populism in New Zealand. Punishment and Society, 7(3), 303322. (Volume 7, Number 5, Item 4; November 2005)
Pratt, Travis C. and Jeff Maahs. Are private prisons more cost-effective than public prisons? A
meta-analysis of evaluation research studies. Crime and Delinquency, 1999, 45, 358-371. Volume 2,
Number 5, Item 2. September 1999.
Pratt, Travis C. and Timothy W. Godsey (2002). Social Support and Homicide: A Cross-National
Test of an Emerging Criminological Theory. Journal of Criminal Justice, 30, 589-601. Messner, Steven
F., Raffolovich, L.E., and Peter Shrock (2002). Reassessing the Cross-National Relationship between
Income Inequality and Homicide Rates: Implications of Data Quality Control in the Measurement of
Income Distribution. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 18, 377-395. [Volume 5, Number 5, Item 4.
May 2003].
Quillian, Lincoln and Devah Pager (2001). Black Neighbors, Higher Crime? The Role of Racial
Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime. American Journal of Sociology, 107, 717-767.
Volume 5, Number 2, Item 4. October 2002
Radelet, Michael L. and Ronald L Akers. (1996) Deterrence and the death penalty: the views of
experts. The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 87 (1), 1-16. Volume 1, Number 2, Item 8.
November 1997.
Ramirez, Mark D. (2013). Punitive Sentiment. Criminology, 51(2), 329-364. [Volume 14, Number 1,
Item 4]
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 33 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Ratcliffe, Jerry H., Travis Taniguchi, Elizabeth R. Groff, and Jennifer D. Wood (2011). The
Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Police Patrol Effectiveness
in Violent Crime Hotspots. Criminology, 49(3), 795-831. [Volume 12, Number 3, Item 3]
Rebellon, Cesar J. (2002). Reconsidering the Broken Homes/Delinquency Relationship and
Exploring its Mediating Mechanism(s). Criminology, 40, 103-135. Volume 5, Number 3, Item 8,
December 2002
Redding, Richard E. Juvenile offenders in criminal court and adult prison: Legal, psychological, and
behavioural outcomes. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, Winter 1999, 1-20. Volume 2, Number 4,
Item 3. June 1999.
Redlich, Allison D. and Gail S. Goodman. (2003). Taking Responsibility for an Act Not Committed:
The Influence of Age and Suggestibility. Law and Human Behavior, 27, 141-156. Volume 5, Number 6,
Item 3. July 2003.
Reisig, Michael D., Bales, William D., Hay, Carter, and Wang, Xia (2007). The Effect of Racial
Inequality on Black Male Recidivism. Justice Quarterly, 24 (3), 408-434. [Volume 9, Number 1, Item 3]
Reisig, Michael D., Kristy Holtfreter and Merry Morash (2006). Assessing Recidivism Risk Across
Female Pathways to Crime. Justice Quarterly, 23(3), 384-405. [Volume 8, Number 4, Item 6, January
Reynolds, K. Michael, Ruth Seydlitz, and Pamela Jenkins. Do juvenile curfew laws work? A timeseries analysis of the New Orleans Law. Justice Quarterly, 2000, 17, 205-230. Volume 3, Number 4,
Item 7. October 2000.
Richardson, Elizabeth and Arie Freiberg (2004). Protecting Dangerous Offenders from the
Community: The Application of Protective Sentencing Laws in Victoria. Criminal Justice, 4, 81-102.
[Volume 6, Number 4, June 2004, Item 7]
Righarts, Saskia, Sarah O’Neill, and Rachel Zajac (2013). Addressing the Negative Effect of CrossExamination Questioning on Children’s Accuracy: Can We Intervene? Law and Human Behavior,
37(5), 354-365. [Volume 14, Number 2, Item 6]
Risinger, D. Michael (2007). Innocents Convicted: An Empirically Justified Factual Wrongful
Conviction Rate. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 97(3), 761-803. [Volume 9, Number 4, Item
Roberts, Aki and Gary LaFree (2004). Explaining Japan’s Postwar Violent Crime Trends.
Criminology, 42(1), 179-209. [Volume 6, Number 5; Item 4]
Roberts, Julian V. (2002). Determining Parole Eligibility Dates for Life Prisoners: Lessons from Jury
Hearings in Canada. Punishment and Society, 4, 103-113. [Volume 6, Number 6, Item 4; October 2004]
Roberts, Julian V. (2003). Public Opinion and Mandatory Sentencing. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 30,
483-508. [Volume 6, Number 2, December 2003, Item 6]
Roberts, Julian V. and Mike Hough (2011). Custody or Community? Exploring the boundaries of
public punitiveness in England and Wales. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 11(2), 181-197 [Volume 12,
Number 1, Item 4]
Roberts, Julian V. and Mike Hough (2013). Sentencing Riot-Related Offending: Where Do the
Public Stand? British Journal of Criminology, 53, 234-256. [Volume 13, Number 5, Item 8]
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Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 34 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Roberts, Julian V., Dan Antonowicz, and Trevor Sanders. Conditional sentences of imprisonment:
An empirical analysis of optional conditions. Criminal Reports, 2000, 30, 113-125. Volume 3, Number
3, Item 4. July 2000.
Roberts, Julian V., Nicole Crutcher and Paul Verbrugge. (2007) Public Attitudes to Sentencing in
Canada: Exploring Recent Findings. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 49, 75-107.
(Volume 8, Number 6, Item 1, July 2007)
Roberts, Lynne D., Caroline Spiranovic, and David Indermaur (2011). A Country Not Divided: A
Comparison of Public Punitiveness and Confidence in Sentencing Across Australia. Australian &
New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 44(3), 370-386. [Volume 12, Number 4, Item 5]
Robinson, Gwen and Joanna Shapland (2008). Reducing Recidivism: A Task for Restorative Justice?
British Journal of Criminology, 48, 337-358. [Volume 9, Number 5, Item 1]
Rodriguez, Nancy (2005). Restorative Justice, Communities, and Delinquency: Whom Do We Trust?
Criminology and Public Policy, 4(1), 103-130. [Volume 7, Number 3, Item 8. June 2005]
Rodriguez, Nancy, Hilary Smith, and Marjorie S. Zatz (2009). “Youth is Enmeshed in a Highly
Dysfunctional Family System”: Exploring the Relationship Among Dysfunctional Families, Parental
Incarceration, and Juvenile Court Decision Making. Criminology, 47(1), 177-208. [Volume 10,
Number 3, Item 2]
Rojek, Jeff, Richard Rosenfeld, and Scott Decker (2012). Policing Race: The Racial Stratification of
Searches in Police Traffic Stops. Criminology, 50 (4), 993-1024. [Volume 13, Number 2, Item 8]
Root, Oren (2002). The Administration of Justice under Emergency Conditions: Lessons Following the Attack on
the World Trade Center. New York: Vera Institute of Justice, Inc. Volume 4, Number 5, Item 1. March
Roots, Katrin (2013). Trafficking or Pimping: An Analysis of Canada’s Human Trafficking
Legislation and its Implications. Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 28(1) 21-41. [Volume 13,
Number 4, Item 7]
Rose, Dina R. and Todd R. Clear. Incarceration, social capital, and crime: Implications for social
disorganization theory. Criminology, 1998, 36, 441-479. Volume 3, Number 2, Item 1. May 2000.
Rosenbaum, David I., Nicole Hutsell, Alan J. Tomkins, Brian H. Bornstein, Mitchel N. Herian and
Elizabeth M. Neeley. (2012) Court Date Reminder Cards. Judicature, 95(4), 177-187 [Volume 13,
Number 4, Item 1]
Rosenfeld, Richard and Robert Fornango (2007). The Impact of Economic Conditions on Robbery
and Property Crime: The Role of Consumer Sentiment. Criminology, 45 (4), 735-769. [Volume 9,
Number 3, Item 4]
Rosenfeld, Richard and Robert Fornango (2012). The Impact of Police Stops on Precinct Robbery
and Burglary Rates in New York City, 2003-2010. Justice Quarterly, 37(1), 96-122. [Volume 14,
Number 5, Item 4]
Rosenfeld, Richard, Fornango, Robert, and Rengifo, Andres F. (2007). The Impact of OrderMaintenance Policing on New York City Homicide and Robbery Rates: 1988-2001. Criminology, 45
(2) 355-384. [Volume 9, Number 1, Item 2]
Rosenfeld, Richard, Michael J. Deckard, and Emily Blackburn (2014). The Effects of Directed Patrol
and Self-Initiated Enforcement on Firearm Violence: A Randomized Controlled Study of Hot Spot
Policing. Criminology, 52(3), 428-449. [Volume 14, Number 5, Item 3]
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 35 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Rosenfeld, Richard, Robert Fornango, and Eric Baumer. (2005) Did Ceasefire, Comstat, and Exile
reduce homicide? Criminology and Public Policy, 4(3), 419-450. (Volume 7, Number 5, Item 2;
November 2005)
Ryan, James E. (1997) Who gets revoked: A comparison of intensive supervision successes and
failures in Vermont. Crime and Delinquency, 43 (1), 104-118. Volume 1, Number 2, Item 7.
November 1997.
Ryan, Kevin F. Clinging to failure: The rise and continued life of U.S. drug policy. Law and Society
Review, 1998, 32(1), 221-242. Volume 2, Number 1, Item 7. December 1998.
Rynne, John, Richard W. Harding, and Richard Wortley (2008). Market Testing and Prison Riots:
How Public-Sector Commercialization Contributed to a Prison Riot. Criminology and Public Policy, 7(1),
117-142. [Volume 9, Number 4, Item 7].
Sacco, Vincent F. (2002). Black Hand Outrage: A Constructionist Analysis of an Urban Crime Wave.
Deviant Behaviour, 24, 53-77. [Volume 5, Number 5, Item 8]
Sample, Lisa L. and Timothy M. Bray (2003). Are Sex Offenders Dangerous? Criminology and Public
Policy, 3, 59-82. [Volume 6, Number 3, March 2004, Item 3]
Sampson, Robert J. and Dawn Jeglum Bartusch. Legal cynicism and (subcultural?) tolerance of
deviance: The neighbourhood context of racial differences. Law and Society Review, 1998, 32, 777-804.
Volume 2, Number 5, Item 3. September 1999.
Sampson, Robert J. and John H. Laub (2003). Life-Course Desisters? Trajectories of Crime Among
Delinquent Boys Followed to Age 70. Criminology, 41, 555-592. [Volume 6, Number 4, June 2004,
Item 3]
Sampson, Robert J. and Stephen W. Raudenbush. Systematic social observation of public spaces: A
new look at disorder in urban neighbourhoods. American Journal of Sociology, 1999, 105, 603-651.
Volume 3, Number 3, Item 1. July 2000.
Sampson, Robert J., Stephen W. Raudenbush, and Felton Earls (1997). Neighbourhoods and violent
crime: A multilevel study of collective efficacy. Science, 277, 15 August 1997, 918-924. Volume 1,
Number 2, Item 2. November 1997.
Sandler, Jeffrey C., Naomi J. Freeman, and Kelly M. Socia. (2008). Does a Watched Pot Boil: A
Time-Series Analysis of New York State’s Sex Offender Registration and Notification Law.
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 14(4), 284-302. [Volume 10, Number 3, Item 7]
Saperstein, Aliya and Andrew M. Penner (2010). The Race of a Criminal Record: How Incarceration
Colors Racial Perceptions. Social Problems, 57(1), 92-113. [Volume 11, Number 2, Item 8]
Savage, Joanne. (2004). Does Viewing Violent Media Really Cause Criminal Violence? A
Methodological Review. Aggression and Violent Behaviour, 10, 99-128. [Volume 7, Number 1, Item 8]
Savolainen, Jukka (2005). Think Nationally, Act Locally: The Municipal-Level Effects of the National
Crime Prevention Program in Finland. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 11, 175-191.
[Volume 8, Number 2, Item 5. August 2006]
Savolainen, Jukka, Martti Lehti, and Janne Kivivuori. (2008) Historical Origins of a Cross-National
Puzzle. Homicide in Finland, 1750 to 2000. Homicide Studies, 12(1), 67-89. [Volume 9, Number 4,
Item 8].
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
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September 1997 to April 2015
Schiraldi, Vincent and Jason Ziedenberg. Schools and Suspensions: Self-reported Crime and the Growing Use
of Suspensions. Justice Policy Institute Policy Brief. 1 September 2001. [Online]. Available: Volume 4, Number 4, Item 6. December 2001.
Schiraldi, Vincent and Mark Soler. The will of the people? The public’s opinion of the violent and
repeat juvenile offender act of 1997. Crime and Delinquency, 44 (4), October 1998, 590-601. Volume 2,
Number 1, Item 5. December 1998.
Schlossman, Michael B. (2012). Less Interest, Less Treatment: Mexican-American Youth and the Los
Angeles Juvenile Court in the Great Depression Era. Punishment & Society, 14(2), 193-216. [Volume
13, Number 1, Item 2]
Schuller, Regina A., Veronica Kazoleas, and Kerry Kawakami. (2009). The Impact of Prejudice
Screening Procedures on Racial Bias in the Courtroom. Law and Human Behaviour, 33, 320-328.
[Volume 10, Number 6, Item 8]
Schweinhart, Lawrence J. (2013). Long-term Follow-up of a Preschool Experiment. Journal of
Experimental Criminology, 9, 389-409. [Volume 14, Number 3, Item 2]
Scott, Elizabeth S. and Thomas Grisso. The evolution of adolescence: A developmental perspective
on juvenile justice reform. The Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 1998, 88 (1), 137-189. Volume
1, Number 6, Item 1. September 1998.
Seagrave, Daniel and Thomas Grisso (2002). Adolescent Development and the Measurement of
Juvenile Pathology. Law and Human Behavior, 26, 219-239. Hart, Stephen D., K.A. Watt and G.M.
Vincent. Commentary on Seagrave and Grisso: Impressions of the State of the Art (pp. 241-245).
Frick, Paul J. Juvenile Psychopathy from a Developmental Perspective: Implications for Construct
Development and Use in Forensic Assessments (pp. 247-253). Lynam, Donald R. Fledgling
Psychopathy: A View from Personality Theory (pp. 255-259). [Volume 5, Number 1, Item 3. July
Segal, Jennifer A. Judicial decision making and the impact of election year rhetoric. Judicature, 2000,
84, 26-33. Volume 3, Number 5, Item 8. December 2000.
Seron, Carroll, Gregg Van Ryzin, and Martin Frankel. (2001). The Impact of Legal Counsel on
Outcomes for Poor Tenants in New York City’s Housing Court: Results of a Randomized
Experiment. Law and Society Review, 35, 419-434. Volume 4, Number 6, Item 2. April 2002.
Seron, Carrroll, Joseph Pereira, and Jean Kovath. (2004). Judging Police Misconduct: “Street-Level”
versus Professional Policing. Law and Society Review, 38, 665-710. Volume 7, Number 2, Item 3. March
Seto, Michael, R. Karl Hanson, and Kelly M. Babchishin (2011). Contact Sexual Offending by Men
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12, Number 4, Item 7]
Sevigny, Eric L. (2009). Excessive Uniformity in Federal Drug Sentencing. Journal of Quantitative
Criminology, 25, 155-180. [Volume 11, Number 2, Item 4]
Shaffer, Deborah Koetzle (2011). Looking Inside the Black Box of Drug Courts: A Meta-Analytic
Review. Justice Quarterly, 38(3), 493-521. [Volume 12, Number 2, Item 6]
Shapland, Joanna, Ann Atkinson, Helen Atkinson, James Dignan, Lucy Edwards, Jeremy Hibbert,
Marie Howes, Jennifer Johnstone, Gwen Robinson, and Angela Sorsby (2008). Does Restorative
Justice Affect Reconviction? The Fourth Report from the Evaluation of Three Schemes. Ministry of
Justice, United Kingdom. Available from [Volume 10, Number 1, Item 6]
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Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 37 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Siennick, Sonja E., Eric A. Stewart, and Jeremy Staff (2014). Explaining the Association Between
Incarceration and Divorce. Criminology, 52, 371-398. [Volume 14, Number 6, Item 8]
Simons, Ronald L., Chyi-In Wu, Kuei-Hsiu Lin, Leslie Gordon, and Rand D. Conger. A CrossCultural Examination of the Link between Corporal Punishment and Adolescent Antisocial
Behaviour. Criminology, 2000, 38(1), 47-79. Volume 4, Number 1, Item 3. May 2001.
Simons, Ronald L; Yi-Fu Chen; Eric A. Stewart and Gene H. Brody (2003). Incidents of
Discrimination and Risk for Delinquency: A Longitudinal Test of Strain Theory with an African
American Sample. Justice Quarterly, 20, 827-854. [Volume 6, Number 3, March 2004, Item 1]
Sims, Barbara (2003). The Impact of Causal Attribution on Correctional Ideology: A National Study.
Criminal Justice Review, 28, 1-25. [Volume 6, Number 1, Item 6; October 2003]
Skardhamar, Torbjørn and Jukka Savolainen (2014). Changes in Criminal Offending Around the
Time of Job Entry: A Study of Employment and Desistance. Criminology, 52, 263-291. [Volume 14,
Number 5, Item 7]
Skardhamar, Torbjørn and Kjetil Telle (2012). Post-release Employment and Recidivism in Norway.
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 28, 629-649. [Volume 13, Number 3, Item 5]
Sklansky, David Alan (2006). Not Your Father’s Police Department: Making Sense of the New
Demographics of Law Enforcement. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 96 (3), 1209-1243.
[Volume 8, Number 3, Item 1, November 2006]
Skogan, Wesley (2005). Citizen Satisfaction with Police Encounters. Police Quarterly, 8 (3), 298-321.
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Skogan, Wesley G. (2006) Asymmetry in the Impact of Encounters with Police. Policing & Society, 16
(2), 99-126. [Volume 8, Number 2, Item 1. August 2006]
Smalarz, Laura and Gary L. Wells (2014). Confirming Feedback Following a Mistaken Identification
Impairs Memory for the Culprit. Law and Human Behaviour, 38(3), 283-292. [Volume 15, Number 1,
Item 8]
Smith, C., Lizotte, A.J., & Thornberry, T.P. (1995). “Resilient youth: Identifying factors that prevent
high-risk youth from engaging in delinquency and drug use”. Current Perspectives on Aging and the Life
Cycle, 4, 217-247. Volume 2, Number 2, Item 4. March 1999.
Smith, David J. (2005) The Effectiveness of the Juvenile Justice System. Criminal Justice, 5(2), 181-195.
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Smith, David J. (2005). Ethnic Differences in Intergenerational Crime Patterns. In Tonry, Michael
(ed.) Crime and Justice: A Review of Research, Volume 32. University of Chicago Press. [Volume 8,
Number 3, Item 5, November 2006]
Smith, David. Electronic Monitoring of Offenders: The Scottish Experience. Criminal Justice, 2001,
1(2), 201-214. Volume 4, Number 3, Item 7. September 2001.
Smith, Greg T. “Civilized people don’t want to see that kind of thing: The decline of public physical
punishment in London, 1760-1840.” Strange, Carolyn “Introduction”. Both essays in Strange, C.
Qualities of Mercy: Justice Punishment, and Discretion. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1996. Volume 2, Number 3,
Item 2. April 1999.
Smith, P.H., Moracco, K.E., & Butts, J.D. (1998). Partner Homicide in Context. Homicide Studies 2(4),
p. 400-421. Dawson, M. & Gartner, R. (1998). Differences in the Characteristics of Intimate
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September 1997 to April 2015
Femicides: The Role of Relationship State and Relationship Status. Homicide Studies 2(4), 378-399.
Volume 2, Number 2, Item 5. March 1999.
Snodgrass, G. Matthew, Arjan A. J. Blokland, Amelia Haviland, Paul Nieuwbeerta, and Daniel S.
Nagin (2011). Does the Time Cause the Crime? An Examination of the Relationship Between Time
Served and Reoffending in the Netherlands. Criminology, 49(4), 1149-1194. [Volume 12, Number 3,
Item 1]
Snook, Brent, David Canter, and Craig Bennell (2002). Predicting the Home Location of Serial
Offenders: A Preliminary Comparison of the Accuracy of Human Judges with a Geographic
Profiling System. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 20, 109-118. Volume 5, Number 1, Item 7. July 2002
Snyder, Howard. The overrepresentation of juvenile crime proportions in robbery clearance
statistics. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1999, 15, 151-161. Volume 2, Number 6, Item 6.
November 1999.
Soole, David W., Lorraine Mazerolle, and Sacha Rombouts (2008). School-Based Drug Prevention
Programs: A Review of What Works. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 41(2), 259286. [Volume 10, Number 2, Item 7]
Sorg, Evan T., Cory P. Haberman, Jerry H. Ratcliffe, and Elizabeth R. Groff (2013). Foot Patrol in
Violent Crime Hot Spots: The Longitudinal Impact of Deterrence and Posttreatment Effects of
Displacement. Criminology, 51 (1), 65-101. [Volume 13, Number 3, Item 2]
Spiranovic, Caroline A., Lynne D. Roberts, David Indermaur, Kate Warner, Karen Gelb, and
Geraldine Mackenzie (2012). Public Preferences for Sentencing Purposes: What Difference Does
Offender Age, Criminal History, and Offence Type Make? Criminology & Criminal Justice, 12 (3), 289306. [Volume 13, Number 2, Item 2]
Spohn, Cassia and David Holleran (2002). The Effect of Imprisonment on Recidivism Rates of
Felony Offenders: A Focus on Drug Offenders. Criminology, 40, 329-357. Volume 5, Number 2, Item
3. October 2002
Sprott, Jane B. (2012). The Persistence of Status Offences in the Youth Justice System. Canadian
Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 54(3), 309-332. [Volume 13, Number 1, Item 1]
Sprott, Jane B. and Carla Cesaroni (2002). Similarities in Homicide Trends in the United States and
Canada. Homicide Studies, 6, 348-359. Volume 5, Number 4, Item 4, March 2003.
Sprott, Jane B. and Nicole M. Myers (2011). Set Up to Fail: The Unintended Consequences of Multiple
Bail Conditions. Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice, 53 (4), 404-423. [Volume 12, Number 5,
Item 3]
Staff, Jeremy and Christopher Uggen. The Fruits of Good Work: Early Work Experiences and
Adolescent Deviance (2003). Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 40 (3), 263-290. [Volume 6,
Number 5; Item 7]
Steblay, Nancy K, Jennifer E. Dysart, and Gary L. Wells (2011). Seventy-two Tests of the Sequential
Lineup Superiority Effect: A Meta-Analysis and Policy Discussion. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law,
17(1), 99-139. [Volume 12, Number 4, Item 6]
Steblay, Nancy, Harmon M. Hosch, Scott E. Culhane, and Adam McWethy (2006) The Impact on
Juror Verdicts of Judicial Instructions to Disregard Inadmissible Evidence: A Meta-Analysis. Law
and Human Behaviour, 30, 469-492. (Volume 8, Number 6, Item 8, July 2007)
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 39 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Steffensmeier, Darrell J., Jennifer Schwartz, and Michael Roche (2013). Gender and Twenty-FirstCentury Corporate Crime: Female Involvement and the Gender Gap in Enron-Era Corporate
Frauds. American Sociological Review, 78 (3), 448-476. [Volume 13, Number 6, Item 5]
Steffensmeier, Darrell, Jennifer Schwartz, Hua Zhong, and Jeff Ackerman (2005) An Assessment of
Recent Trends in Girls’ Violence Using Diverse Longitudinal Sources: Is the Gender Gap Closing?
Criminology, 43 (2), 355-405. [Volume 7, Number 6, Item 6; February 2006]
Steinberg, Laurence, Elizabeth Cauffman, Jennifer Wollard, Sandra Graham, and Marie Banich
(2009). Are Adolescents Less Mature Than Adults? Minors’ Access to Abortion, the Juvenile Death
Penalty, and the Alleged APA [American Psychological Association] “Flip-Flop”. American
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Steinberg, Laurence. Youth violence: Do parents and families make a difference? National Institute of
Justice Journal, April 2000, 31-38. Volume 3, Number 5, Item 3. December 2000.
Steiner, Benjamin and Emily Wright (2006). Assessing the Relative Effects of State Direct File
Waiver Laws on Violent Crime: Deterrence or Irrelevance? Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology,
96(4), 1451-1470. . (Volume 8, Number 6, Item 2, July 2007)
Steiner, Benjamin D., William J. Powers, and Austin Sarat. Folk knowledge as legal action: Death
penalty judgements and the tenet of early release in a culture of mistrust and punitiveness. Law and
Society Review, 1999, 33, 461-505. Volume 3, Number 1, Item 8. March 2000.
Steiner, Benjamin, Craig Hemmens, and Valerie Bell (2006). Legislative Waiver Reconsidered:
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Stewart, Eric A., Ronald L. Simons, Rand D. Conger, and Laura V. Scaramella. (2002). Beyond the
Interactional Relationship between Delinquency and Parenting Practices: The Contribution of Legal
Sanctions. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 39, 36-59. Volume 4, Number 6, Item 5. April
Stickle, Wendy Povitsky, Nadine M. Connell, Denise M. Wilson, and Denise Gottfredson (2008). An
Experimental Evaluation of Teen Courts. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 4, 137-163. [Volume 10,
Number 1, Item 8]
Stolzenberg, Lisa and Stewart J. D’Alessio. “Three Strikes and You’re Out”: The Impact of
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Stowell, Jacob I., Steven R. Messner, Kelly F. McGeever, and Lawrence E. Raffalovich (2009).
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Item 7]
Stucky, Thomas D., Karen Heimer, and Joseph B. Lang. (2005). Partisan Politics, Electoral
Competition and Imprisonment: An Analysis of States Over Time. Criminology, 43(1), 211247.[Volume 7, Number 3, Item 4. June 2005]
Sturup, Joakim and Per Linquist (2014): Homicide Offenders 32 years Later: A Swedish Populationbased Study on Recidivism. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 24, 5-17. Langan, Patrick.A. and
David.J. Levin (2002). Recidivism of Prisoners Released in 1994. US Department of Justice: Bureau
of Justice Statistics. National Parole Board of Canada (1999). Repeat Homicide Offences
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 40 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Styve, Gaylene J., Doris Layton MacKenzie, Angela R. Gover, and Ojmarrh Mitchell. Perceived
conditions of confinement: A national evaluation of juvenile boot camps and traditional facilities.
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Survey Finds Large Gaps in Megan’s Law Enforcement. (2003). Criminal Justice Newsletter, February
18, 5-6. (2) Jacobs, Deborah. (2003). Why Sex Offender Notification Won’t Keep Our Children
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Offender Community Notification: Managing High Risk Criminals or Exacting Further Vengeance?
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Swartz, James A. and Arthur J. Lurigio. (2007). Serious Mental Illness and Arrest: The Generalized
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Item 3]
Sweeten, Gary (2006). Who Will Graduate? Disruption of High School Education by Arrest and
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1. May 2001.
Talwar, Victoria; Kang Lee; Nicholas Bala, and R. C. L. Lindsay (2002). Children’s Conceptual
Knowledge of Lying and its Relation to their Actual Behaviours: Implications for Court Competence
Examinations. Law and Human Behaviour, 26, 395-414. Volume 5, Number 3, Item 5, December 2002
Tanenhaus, David S. and Steven A. Drizin. (2003). “Owing to the Extreme Youth of the Accused”:
The Changing Legal Response to Juvenile Homicide. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 92, 641705. Volume 5, Number 6, Item 6. July 2003.
Tankebe, Justice (2013). Viewing Things Differently: The Dimensions of Public Perceptions of
Police Legitimacy. Criminology, 51(1), 103-135. [Volume 13, Number 5, Item 6]
Tanner, Julian, Scott Davies, and Bill O’Grady. Whatever happened to yesterday’s rebels?
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Tata, Cyrus (2010). A Sense of Justice: The Role of Pre-sentence Reports in the Production (and
Disruption) of Guilt and Guilty Pleas. Punishment & Society, 12(3), 239-261. [Volume 11, Number 5,
Item 4]
Tata, Cyrus and Frank Stephen (2006). “Swings and Roundabouts”: Do Changes to the Structure of
legal Aid Remuneration Make a Real Difference to Criminal Case Management and Case Outcomes?
Criminal Law Review, 2006, 722-741. [Volume 8, Number 4, Item 2, January 2007]
Taxman, Faye S. (2008). No Illusions: Offender and Organizational Change in Maryland’s Proactive
Community Supervision Efforts. Criminology and Public Policy, 7 (2), 275-302. [Volume 9, Number 6,
Item 4]
Terrill, William and Eugene A. Paoline, III (2012). Conducted Energy Devices (CEDs) and Citizen
Injuries. The Shocking Empirical Reality. Justice Quarterly, 29(2), 153-182. [Volume 12, Number 6,
Item 5]
Terrill, William and John McCluskey (2002). Citizen Complaints and Problem Officers. Examining
Officer Behavior. Journal of Criminal Justice, 30, 143-155. Volume 5, Number 1, Item 2. July 2002
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 41 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Terrill, William and Stephen D. Mastrofski (2002). Situational and Officer-Based Determinants of
Police Coercion. Justice Quarterly, 19, 215-248. Volume 5, Number 2, Item 8. October 2002
Terrill, William, Eugene A. Paoline, III, and Peter K. Manning (2003). Police Culture and Coercion.
Criminology, 41 (4), 1003-1034. [Volume 6, Number 5; Item 6]
Thacher, David (2003) The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Robbed: Inequality in U.S. Criminal
Victimization, 1974-2000. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 20, 89-116. [Volume 6, Number 6, Item 1;
October 2004]
Tham, Henrik and Hanns von Hofer (2009). Individual Prediction and Crime Trends. European
Journal of Criminology, 6(4), 313-335. [Volume 10, Number 5, Item 8]
Thomas, George C. III, and Richard A. Leo. (2002). The Effects of Miranda v. Arizona: “Embedded”
in Our National Culture? in M. Tonry (ed). Crime and Justice: A Review of Research. Volume 29.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 203-271. [Volume 5, Number 5, Item 5]
Thompson, Sara K. and Rosemary Gartner (2014). The Spatial Distribution and Social Context of
Homicide in Toronto’s Neighbourhoods. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 51(1), 88-118.
[Volume 14, Number 2, Item 5]
Tibbetts, Stephen G. and Alex R. Piquero. The influence of gender, low birth weight, and
disadvantaged environment in predicting early onset of offending: A test of Moffitt’s interactional
hypothesis. Criminology, 1999, 37 (4), 843-877. Volume 3, Number 1, Item 6. March 2000.
Tiersma, Peter M. and Lawrence M. Solan. (2004) Cops and Robbers: Selective Literalism in
American Criminal Law. Law and Society Review, 38, 229-265. [Volume 6, Number 6, Item 3; October
Tonry, Michael (2004). Thinking about Crime: Sense and Sensibility in American Penal Culture. New York:
Oxford University Press. Chapters 2 and 5: “Why So Many Americans are in Prison” and “Crime
Trends and the Effects of Crime Control Policies.” [Volume 6, Number 4, June 2004, Item 8]
Tonry, Michael (2009). The Mostly Unintended Effects of Mandatory Penalties: Two Centuries of
Consistent Findings. In Crime and Justice: A Review of Research (Tonry, Michael, ed.), Volume 38.
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Tonry, Michael and Richard S. Frase (eds.) (2001). Sentencing and Sanctions in Western Countries. Oxford
University Press. Tonry: Punishment Policies in Western Countries (pp. 3-28). Frase: Comparative
Perspectives on Sentencing Policy and Research (pp. 259-292). Volume 5, Number 2, Item 5.
October 2002
Tonry, Michael. Why are U.S. incarceration rates so high? Crime and Delinquency, 1999, 45¸ 419-437.
Volume 2, Number 6, Item 2. November 1999.
Topalli, Volkan, Timothy Brezina and Mindy Berhardt (2012). With God on My Side: The
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Offenders. Theoretical Criminology, 17 (1), 49-69. [Volume 13, Number 4, Item 5]
Townsley, Michael and John W. Bond. (2007). Closing the (protective services) gap: Why size does
matter when determining optimal Level 2 service delivery. International Journal of Police Science &
Management, 9 (2), 183-192. Bond, John W. (2007) Maximising the opportunities to detect domestic
burglary with DNA and fingerprints. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 9 (3), 287-298.
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Tracy, Paul E. and Vincent Morgan. Big Brother and his science kit: DNA databases for 21st century
crime control? Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 2000, 90, 635-690. Volume 3, Number 5, Item
7. December 2000.
Tremblay, Richard E. and Christa Japel. (2003) Prevention During Pregnancy, Infancy, and the
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Trotter, Christopher. The impact of different supervision practices in community corrections: Cause
for optimism. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 1996, 29 (1), 29-46. Volume 1,
Number 1, Item 8. September 1997.
Trulson, Chad R., Matt DeLisi, and James W. Marquart (2011). Institutional Misconduct, Delinquent
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Turanovic, Jillian J., Nancy Rodriguez, and Travis C. Pratt (2012). The Collateral Consequences of
Incarceration Revisited: A Qualitative Analysis of the Effects on Caregivers of Children of
Incarcerated Parents. Criminology, 50 (4), 913-959. [Volume 13, Number 3, Item 3]
Turner, Michael G., Francis T. Cullen, Jody L. Sundt, and Brandon K. Applegate. Public tolerance
for community-based sanctions. The Prison Journal, 1997, 77, 6-26. Volume 1, Number 5, Item 7. July
Tyler, Tom R. and Cheryl J. Wakslak. (2004). Profiling and Police Legitimacy: Procedural Justice,
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Tyler, Tom R. and Robert J. Boeckmann. (1997) Three strikes and you are out, but why? The
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Tyler, Tom R. Public Trust and Confidence in Legal Authorities: What do Majority and Minority
Group Members want from the Law and Legal Institutions? Behavioural Sciences and the Law, 2001, 19,
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Tyler, Tom R., Stephen Schulhofer, and Aziz Z. Hug (2010). Legitimacy and Deterrence Effects in
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Uggen, Christopher and Jeff Manza (2002). Democratic Contraction? Political Consequences of
Felon Disenfranchisement in the United States. American Sociological Review, 67, 777-803. [Volume 5,
Number 5, Item 1]
Uggen, Christopher and Melissa Thompson (2003). The Socioeconomic Determinants of Ill-Gotten
Gains: Within-Person Changes in Drug Use and Illegal Earnings. American Journal of Sociology, 109,
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Uggen, Christopher and Sarah K. S. Shannon (2014). Productive Addicts and Harm Reduction: How
Work Reduces Crime – But Not Drug Use. Social Problems 61(1), 105-130. Volume 14, Number 4, Item 4]
Uggen, Christopher, Mike Vuolo, Sarah Lageson, Ebony Ruhland, and Hilary K. Whitham. (2014).
The Edge of Stigma: An Experimental Audit of the Effects of Low-Level Criminal Records on
Employment. Criminology, 52(4), 627-654. [Volume 15, Number 1, Item 7]
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September 1997 to April 2015
Uggen, Christopher. Work as a Turning Point in the Life Course of Criminals: A Duration Model of
Age, Employment, and Recidivism. American Journal of Sociology, 2000, 67, 529-547. Volume 4,
Number 3, Item 6. September 2001.
Ulmer, Jeffery, Michael T. Light, and John Kramer (2011). The “Liberation” of Federal Judges’
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Divergence between Courts?” Justice Quarterly, 28(6), 799-837. [Volume 12, Number 6, Item 6]
Ulmer, Jeffrey T. (2001). Intermediate Sanctions: A Comparative Analysis of the Probability and
Severity of Recidivism. Sociological Inquiry, 71, 164-193. Volume 5, Number 4, Item 3, March 2003.
Ulmer, Jeffrey, Megan C. Kurlychek, and John H. Kramer. (2007). Prosecutorial Discretion and the
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Useem, Bert and Jack A. Goldstone (2002). Forging Social Order and its Breakdown: Riot and
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Useem, Bert and Michael D. Reisig. Collective action in prisons: Protests, disturbances, and riots.
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Van de Rakt, Marike, Joseph Murray, and Paul Nieuwbeerta (2012). The Long-Term Effects of
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van Koppen, M. Vere, Christianne J. de Poot, Edward R. Kleemans, and Paul Nieuwbeerta (2010).
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Number 1, Item 8]
Vander Ven, Thomas M., Francis T. Cullen, Mark A. Carrozza, and John Paul Wright. Home Alone:
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Varese, Federico (2006). How Mafias Migrate: The Case of the ‘Ndrangheta in Northern Italy. Law
& Society Review, 40 (2), 411-444. Volume 8, Number 1, Item 3, June 2006.
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Vargas, Robert (2014). Criminal Group Embeddedness and the Adverse Effects of Arresting a
Gang’s Leader: A Comparative Case Study. Criminology, 52(2) 143-168. [Volume 14, Number 5, Item
Vélez, María B.; Lauren J. Krivo and Ruth D. Peterson (2003). Structural Inequality and Homicide:
An Assessment of the Black-White Gap in Killings. Criminology, 41, 645-671. [Volume 6, Number 4,
June 2004, Item 2]
Visher, Christy A. and Jeremy Travis (2003). Transitions from Prison to Community: Understanding
Individual Pathways. Annual Review of Sociology, 29, 89-113. [Volume 6, Number 1, Item 1; October
Visher, Christy A., Adele Harrell, Lisa Newmark, and Jennifer Yahner (2008). Reducing Intimate
Partner Violence: An Evaluation of a Comprehensive Justice System-Community Collaboration.
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September 1997 to April 2015
Vitiello, Michael (1997). Three strikes: Can we return to rationality? The Journal of Criminal Law and
Criminology, 87 (2), 395-481. Volume 1, Number 2, Item 5. November 1997.
Von Hofer, Hanns (2003). Prison Populations as Political Constructs. The Case of Finland, Holland
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Waddington, P.A. J., Kevin Stenson and David Don (2004) In Proportion: Race, and Police Stop and
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G. Reil. First step to success: An early intervention approach for preventing school antisocial
behaviour. Journal of Emotional and Behavioural Disorders, 1998 (Summer), 6 (2) 66-80. Volume 2,
Number 4, Item 7. June 1999.
Wallace, D. Brian and Saul M. Kassin (2011). Harmless Error Analysis: How Do Judges Respond to
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Warner, Kate, Julia Davis, Maggie Walter, Rebecca Bradfield, and Rachel Vermey (2011). Public
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Institute of Criminology: Trends & Issues in Crime and Justice, No. 407. [Volume 11, Number 6, Item 2]
Warr, Mark. (2005) Making Delinquent Friends: Adult Supervision and Children’s Affiliations.
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Weatherburn, Don (2010). The Effect of Prison on Adult Re-Offending. Crime and Justice Bulletin
(New South Wales, Bureau of Crime, Statistics, and Research) Number 143. Lulham, Rohan, Don
Weatherburn, and Lorana Bartels (2009). The Recidivism of Offenders Given Suspended Sentences:
A Comparison with Full-Time Imprisonment. Crime and Justice Bulletin, Number 136. [Volume 11,
Number 6, Item 4]
Weatherburn, Don; Jackie Fitzgerald and Jiuzhao Hua (2003). Reducing Aboriginal OverRepresentation in Prison. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 62 (3), 65-73. [Volume 6, Number
3, March 2004, Item 4]
Weaver, Vesla M. and Amy E. Lerman (2010). Political Consequences of the Carceral State. American
Political Science Review 104(4), 1-17. [Volume 14, Number 4, Item 1]
Webster, Cheryl Marie and Anthony N. Doob (2014). Penal Reform ‘Canadian Style’: Fiscal
Responsibility and Decarceration in Alberta, Canada. Punishment & Society, 16(1), 3-31. [Volume 14,
Number 3, Item 6]
Webster, Cheryl Marie, Anthony N. Doob, and Nicole M. Myers (2009). The Parable of Ms. Baker:
Understanding Pre-trial Detention in Canada. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 21(1), 79-102. [Volume
11, Number 1, Item 6]
Weerman, Frank M., Paul Harland, and Peter H. van der Laan (2007). Misbehaviour at School and
Delinquency Elsewhere. Criminal Justice Review, 32(4), 358-379. [Volume 9, Number 4, Item 3].
Weisz, Arlene N, Richard M. Tolman, and Daniel G. Saunders. Assessing the risk of severe domestic
violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2000, 15¸ 75-90. Volume 3, Number 2, Item 7. May 2000.
Wells, William and Julie Horney (2002). Weapon Effects and Individual Intent to Do Harm:
Influences on the Escalation of Violence. Criminology, 40, 265-296. Volume 5, Number 2, Item 6,
October 2002.
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Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 45 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Welsh, Brandon C., Meghan E. Peel, David P. Farrington, Henk Elffers, and Anthony A. Braga
(2011). Research Design Influence on Study Outcomes in Crime and Justice: A Partial Replication
with Public Area Surveillance. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 7, 183-198. [Volume 12, Number 2,
Item 2]
Welsh, Wayne N. 2001. Effects of Student and School Factors on Five Measures of School Disorder.
Justice Quarterly 18: 911-947. Volume 4, Number 5, Item 5. March 2002.
Wemmers, Jo-Anne M. Victim notification and public support for the criminal justice system.
International Review of Victimology, 1999, 6, 167-178. Volume 3, Number 1, Item 4. March 2000.
Wermink, Hilde, Arjan Blokland, Paul Nieuwbeerta, Daniel Nagin, and Nikolaj Tollenaar (2010).
Comparing the Effects of Community Service and Short-Term Imprisonment on Recidivism: A
Matched Samples Approach. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6, 325-349. [Volume 11, Number 5,
Item 2]
Western, Bruce (2002). The Impact of Incarceration on Wage Mobility and Inequality. American
Sociological Review, 67, 526-546. Volume 5, Number 3, Item 7, December 2002
Wildeman, Christopher (2010). Paternal Incarceration and Children’s Physically Aggressive
Behaviours: Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study. Social Forces, 89(1), 285310. [Volume 12, Number 6, Item 7]
Wildeman, Christopher (2014). Parental Incarceration, Child Homelessness, and the Invisible
Consequences of Mass Imprisonment. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 651,
74-96. [Volume 14, Number 2, Item 1]
Wildeman, Christopher, Jason Schnittker, and Kristin Turney (2012). American Sociological Review,
77(2), 216-243. [Volume 12, Number 6, Item 8]
Wiley, Stephanie Ann, Lee Ann Slocum, and Finn-Aage Esbensen (2013). The Unintended
Consequences of Being Stopped or Arrested: An Exploration of the Labeling Mechanisms Through
Which Police Contact Leads to Subsequent Delinquency. Criminology 51(4) 927-966. Volume 14,
Number 4, Item 5]
Wilsem, Johan Van, Karin Wittebrood, and Nan Dirk De Graff (2006). Socioeconomic Dynamics of
Neighbourhoods and the Risk of Crime Victimization: A Multilevel Study of Improving, Declining,
and Stable Areas of the Netherlands. Social Problems, 53 (2), 226-247. [Volume 8, Number 2, Item 4.
August 2006]
Wilson, James A. and Robert C. Davis (2006). Good Intentions Meet Hard Realities: An Evaluation
of the Project Greenlight Reentry Program. Criminology and Public Policy, 5 (2), 303-338. See also “Smoothing the Path from Prison to Home: A Roundtable Discussion of the Lessons
of Project Greenlight.” [Volume 9, Number 2, Item 4, December 2007]
Wilson, Robin J., Franca Cortoni, and Andrew J. McWhinnie (2009) Circles of Support and
Accountability: A Canadian National Replication of Outcome Findings. Sexual Abuse: A Journal of
Research and Treament, 21 (4), 412-430. [Volume 11, Number 2, Item 6]
Wilson, Robin J., Janice E. Picheca, and Michelle Prinzo. (2007) Evaluating the Effectiveness of
Professionally-Facilitated Volunteerism in the Community-Based Management of High-Risk Sexual
Offenders: Part Two – A Comparison of Recidivism Rates. The Howard Journal, 46 (4), 327-337.
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Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 46 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Winner, Lawrence, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Donna M. Bishop, and Charles E. Frazier. The transfer of
juveniles to criminal court: Reexamining recidivism over the long term. (October 1997) Crime and
Delinquency, 43, 548-563. Volume 1, Number 3, Item 2. January 1998.
Winslow, Emily B. and Daniel S. Shaw (2007). Impact of Neighbourhood Disadvantage on Overt
Behaviour Problems During Early Childhood. Aggressive Behavior, 33, 207-219. [Volume 9, Number 6,
Item 6]
Wood, Peter B. and David C. May (2003). Racial Differences in Perceptions of the Severity of
Sanctions: A Comparison of Prison with Alternatives. Justice Quarterly, 20(3), 605-631. [Volume 6,
Number 2, December 2003, Item 3]
Woodward, Lianne J. and David M. Fergusson. Childhood and adolescent predictors of physical
assault: A prospective longitudinal study. Criminology, 2000, 38, 233-261. Volume 3, Number 3, Item
6. July 2000.
Worrall, John L and Tomislav V. Kovandzic (2007). Cops grants and crime revisited. Criminology,
45(1), 159-190. (Volume 8, Number 6, Item 6, July 2007)
Worrall, John L. Addicted to the Drug War: The Role of Civil Asset Forfeiture as a Budgetary
Necessity in Contemporary Law Enforcement. Journal of Criminal Justice, 2001, 29, 171-187. Volume
4, Number 3, Item 3. September 2001.
Wortley, Scot and Julian Tanner (2006). Immigration, Social Disadvantage, and Urban Youth Gangs:
Results of a Toronto-Area Survey. Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 15(2), Supplement, 18-31.
(Volume 8, Number 6, Item 3, July 2007)
Wortley, Scot. Justice for all? Race and perceptions of bias in the Ontario criminal justice system -a Toronto study. Canadian Journal of Criminology, 1996, 439-467. Weitzer, Ronald and Steven A. Tuch.
Race, class, and perceptions of discrimination by police. Crime and Delinquency, 1999, 45, 494-507.
Volume 3, Number 1, Item 3. March 2000.
Wright, Bradley R.Entner, Avshalom Caspi, Terrie E. Moffitt, Richard A. Miech, and Phil A. Silva.
Reconsidering the relationship between SES and delinquency: Causation but not correlation.
Criminology, 1999, 37 (1), 175-194. Volume 2, Number 4, Item 4. June 1999.
Wright, D. and Mays, L. (1998). Correctional boot camps, attitudes, and recidivism: The Oklahoma
experience. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 28, 71-87. Volume 2, Number 4, Item 1. June 1999.
Wright, Emily M. and Abigail A. Fagan (2013). The Cycle of Violence in Context: Exploring the
moderating Roles of Neighbourhood Disadvantage and Cultural Norms. Criminology, 51(2), 217-249.
[Volume 14, Number 1, Item 5]
Wright, John Paul, and Francis T. Cullen (2004). Employment, Peers, and Life-Course Transitions.
Justice Quarterly, 21, 183-201. [Volume 6, Number 4, June 2004, Item 5]
Xie, Min, Janet L. Lauritsen, and Karen Heimer (2012). Intimate Partner Violence in U.S.
Metropolitan Areas: The Contextual Influences of Police and Social Services. Criminology, 50 (4), 961992. [Volume 13, Number 3, Item 8]
Young, Jacob T. N. and Frank M. Weerman (2013). Delinquency as a Consequence of
Misperception: Overestimation of Friends’ Delinquent Behaviour and Mechanisms of Social
Influence. Social Problems 60(3), 334-356. [Volume 14, Number 2, Item 4]
Young, Warren, Yvette Tinsley, and Neil Cameron. The effectiveness and efficiency of jury decisionmaking. Criminal Law Journal, 2000, 24, 89-100. Volume 3, Number 3, Item 8. July 2000.
Papers Highlighted
Criminological Highlights
Volume 1, Number 1 to Volume 15, Number 1
Page 47 of 47 pages
September 1997 to April 2015
Zandbergen, Paul A., Jill S. Levenson, and Timothy C. Hart (2010). Residential Proximity to Schools
and Daycares: An Empirical Analysis of Sex Offense Recidivism. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 37(5),
482-502. [Volume 11, Number 4, Item 7]
Zimmerman, Gregory M. and Steven F. Messner. (2010) Neighbourhood Context and the Gender
Gap in Adolescent Violent Crime. American Sociological Review, 75(6), 958-980. [Volume 11, Number
6, Item 8]
Zimring, Franklin E. American Youth Violence (New York: Oxford, 1998). Chapter 3: A youth
violence epidemic: Myth or reality? Chapter 4: The case of the terrifying toddlers. (pages 31-65).
Volume 2, Number 4, Item 8. June 1999.
Zimring, Franklin E. and David T. Johnson (2006). Public Opinion and the Governance of
Punishment in Democratic Political Systems. Annals, AAPSS, 605, 266-280. [Volume 10, Number 1,
Item 3]
Zimring, Franklin E., Alex R. Piquero, and Wesley G. Jennings (2007). Sexual Delinquency in Racine:
Does Early Sex Offending Predict Later Sex Offending in Youth and Young Adulthood. Criminology
and Public Policy, 6(3), 507-534. [Volume 9, Number 2, Item 5, December 2007]