Effects of Nitrogen Deposition on the Carbon Allocation and Nutrient Concentration of Southern California Vegetation. Shelley Lawrence [email protected] California State University, San Marcos Department of Biological Sciences 333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. San Marcos, CA 92096 Contents ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................................. 2 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 3 Carbon allocation ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Hypotheses ................................................................................................................................................ 8 METHODS ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Site descriptions ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Experimental design and sample analysis .............................................................................................. 10 Statistical Analysis .................................................................................................................................. 12 RESULTS ................................................................................................................................................... 14 Artemisia californica carbon allocation ................................................................................................. 14 Artemisia californica nutrient concentrations ........................................................................................ 15 Adenostoma fasciculatum carbon allocation ......................................................................................... 16 Adenostoma fasciculatum nutrient concentrations................................................................................. 17 Precipitation ........................................................................................................................................... 18 DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................................................. 19 Effects of experimental N deposition ...................................................................................................... 19 Precipitation and Nutrient Uptake.......................................................................................................... 23 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS........................................................................................................................ 28 LITERATURE CITED ............................................................................................................................... 29 ABSTRACT Coastal sage scrub and chaparral vegetation of Southern California have become fragmented due to a loss of habitat over the past several decades, which has been caused by several contributing factors, such as agriculture, urbanization, increased fire frequency and intensity. Although nitrogen deposition has also been found to be a contributing factor to the loss of coastal sage scrub (CSS) and chaparral habitats in previous studies, the mechanism for these effects not been examined. Leaf tissue from existing field plots, fertilized with nitrogen since 2003, was analyzed for carbon allocation patterns and nutrient retention on a seasonal and annual basis from 2006, 2008 and 2010. Nitrogen fertilization did not have an effect on carbon allocation to cellulose, holocellulose or lignin fractions of leaf tissue in CSS California sagebrush (Artemisia californica) or chaparral chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum) shrubs. However, it was found that seasonal and interannual variation in soluble carbon were highest in both species, but without any N treatment interaction. It was also found that year and season did have a significant effect on carbon allocation, and these temporal variations were correlated with precipitation rates and nutrient availability. The lack of nitrogen effect in the soluble carbon, holocellulose and lignin fractions suggests these avenues of carbon allocation are linked to life history traits that are specific to each species such as drought tolerance, woodiness, and maturation. 2 INTRODUCTION Coastal sage scrub (CSS) and chaparral vegetation of Southern California have become fragmented due to a loss of habitat over the past several decades due to several contributing factors such as agriculture, urbanization, increased fire frequency and intensity (Allen et al., 1998; Minnich and Dezzani, 1998). One contributing factor may be anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition, which is a by-product of urbanization and agriculture, and has the potential to affect fire regimes and primary production (Allen et al., 1998; Bytnerowicz and Fenn, 1996; Fenn et al., 2003; Minnich and Dezzani 1998; Vourlitis 2012). Previous studies have shown some shrublands in highly polluted areas can receive up to 45 kg N ha-1 y-1, which primarily falls as dry deposition during summer and early fall due to many of these same anthropogenic factors (Bytnerowicz and Fenn, 1996; Fenn et al., 2003). Atmospheric N deposition is an important source of pollution to plants, soil and stream water, especially in Southern California N limited ecosystems that are critical habitat to over 200 sensitive plant species and several federally listed animal species (Phoenix et al., 2006). Although N deposition has already been found to directly contribute to the loss of coastal sage scrub and chaparral habitats in previous studies, the specific mechanism for the effects of N deposition on habitat has not been examined (Chapin et al., 2000, Phoenix et al., 2006). It is unknown if increasing N availability within these ecosystems will cause a change in carbon allocation, but the effects of N deposition are important in terms of large scale ecosystem changes like species diversity, nutrient retention, decomposition rates, and fire frequency and intensity. Carbon allocation Following Farrar’s (1980) model that plant carbon chemistry can be divided into soluble and structural components, this study aims to quantify how N deposition affects carbon allocation 3 to leaf soluble, semi-structural and structural compartments, such as sugars and starches. A positive carbon balance, as well as appropriate carbon allocation, is vital to any living organism and each species may have various demands on carbon allocation depending on nutrient availability, season, and life history traits (Borland and Farrar 1985, Burke et al., 1991). A shift in carbon allocation between carbon fractions in response to N fertilization could have long term effects on N limited ecosystems in terms of carbon storage, decomposition rates, litter quality and nutrient cycling (Farrar, 1980). Water and ethanol soluble carbons, like glucose, fructose, sucrose and fructans, are broken down by plants to provide for metabolic processes, and are the path in which all carbon exchanges must pass (Borland and Farrar 1985, Farrar 1980, Graham et al., 2006). This fraction includes any free carbon that is readily available for respiration, short-term storage and semi-structural components. This readily available soluble carbon fraction is one of the main fractions that will be examined in this study. One fate of soluble carbon is the production of holocellulose, which is comprised of long and short chains of sugars, known as cellulose and cellulose-like substances, respectively. This fraction is resistant to hydrolysis and, therefore, must be isolated through the use of substances stronger than water or alcohol, such as an acid. This property makes holocellulose useful for storage as well as cell wall structure, yet it is not as rigid as the lignin fraction. Cellulose is the main component of cell walls and its fibrous nature can be attributed to its hydrogen bonded carbohydrate polymer composition (Graham et al., 2006; Moorhead and Reynolds, 1993). Holocellulose is an additional carbon fraction that will be examined in this study. Another fate of soluble carbon is the allocation to the main structural component of a plant leaf tissue, lignin. The lignin fraction includes phenolic acids, essential oils, waxes and flavonoids, 4 which aid in allelopathy, water retention, and structural support (Austin and Ballare, 2010). Changes in carbon allocation to lignin may affect leaf litter decomposition rates, fire patterns and successional dynamics (Graham et al., 2006; Rundel et al., 1982). Lignin plays a key role in the process of decomposition because it is the structural component of a plant that resides in the cell wall, represents about 30% of total plant carbon allocation, and is only broken down by specialized biota and abiotic factors (Boerjan et al., 2003; Melillo et al., 1982; Moorhead et al., 1993). Nitrogen:lignin ratios are more highly correlated to rates of decomposition than any other chemical fraction (Melillo et al., 1982; Taylor et al., 1989). Additional studies found a positive correlation between litter decomposition rates and N abundance in detritus (Enriquez et al., 1993; Moorhead et al., 1993). Such studies exemplify the important role of N:lignin ratios in litter decomposition and nutrient cycling. Added N fertilization in this study may cause lower carbon allocation to lignin and in turn, affect rates of litter decomposition at the ecosystem level. Lignin is the third carbon fraction that will be analyzed in this study. As this study assesses leaf tissue in terms of soluble carbon, holocellulose and lignin fractions; however, it must be noted that assigning any of the larger biochemical constituents (ie. sugars, carbohydrates, lipids, phenolic acids, tannins) to any of these general chemical families is somewhat arbitrary (Sparks and Oechel, 1993). For example, there are several studies that group constituents into various functional families of chemicals, most of which mix and match the array of constituents (ie. sugars, carbohydrates, lipids, phenolic acids, tannins) between categories of growth, storage, structure, etc. (Chapin III et al., 1990; Farrar et al., 1980; Sparks and Oechel, 1993). It is acknowledged that these constituents have many functions, can be intermediates and serve complex roles within leaf tissue, yet using a categorical system has proven helpful in previous studies, and therefore, will be used in this study as well. 5 Abiotic influences on carbon allocation Although carbon allocation patterns differ depending on shrub morphology (ie. evergreen versus deciduous), abiotic environmental factors can have an impact on allocation patterns (Grimoldi et al., 2006). Nutrient availability, particularly N and phosphorus (P), can play a key role in carbon allocation within leaf tissue. Grimoldi and others found that high soluble carbon fractions and low structural compounds within leaf tissue are an indication of P limited soils. Nutrients, such as P, are needed for soluble carbon to be used in the synthesis of structural components, like lignin (Grimoldi et al., 2006). In addition to nutrients, intrinsic plant characteristics can also dictate relative carbon allocation to various fractions. Several studies compare decomposition of evergreen and deciduous plant species to find patterns of seasonal and temporal variation due to increased N availability. Evergreen species contain higher levels of structural material, such as lignin and phenolic compounds, which limit the rate of decomposition; as well as allocate more lignin to leaves to maintain resilience under a complexity of environmental stressors. Deciduous plants allocate less lignin but more N to photosynthetic enzymes and maximize carbon gain (Chapin et al., 2002; Monk, 1966; Mooney and Rundel, 1979; Schlesinger and Chabot, 1977; Small, 1972). Evergreen litter is considered low quality because high lignin litter takes a longer amount of time to decompose and release nutrients; whereas, high N litter, from high quality deciduous litter, takes less time to decompose and release nutrients (Chapin et al., 2002, Swift et al., 1979). Nutrient cycling is expedited when high N litter from deciduous plants is present, releasing readily available nutrients back into the soil. These inherent properties of evergreen and deciduous litter may help better understand ways in which added N will affect carbon allocation and the nutrient cycle within CSS and chaparral ecosystems. 6 Water is also a major limiting factor in the nutrient cycling process. Water is not only a key factor in microbiota soil abundance, which heavily dictates litter decomposition rates, but is also the medium of plant nutrient uptake (Nielson and Ball, 2014). Although Mediterranean ecosystems are N limited, water availability is also a limiting factor and precipitation events can have large implications for soil nutrient availability, leaching, and microbial biomass (Nielson and Ball, 2014; Vourlitis, 2012). Studies by Vourlitis and others attribute increased soil, and therefore leaf, N levels in winter and spring to precipitation events which mobilize nutrients during these seasons (Vourlitis et al., 2007). These studies demonstrate that seasonal variability and precipitation events may play on the ability for added soil N to effect carbon allocation and nutrient abundance within plant leaves. Important seasonal and annual trends in precipitation and both leaf tissue carbon allocation and nutrient abundance were evaluated in this research. Life history patterns are directly linked to biochemical composition and N:nutrient stoichiometry (Elser, 1996). Nutrient stoichiometry plays a key role in life history traits like growth and mineralization rates, and its complexity is often overlooked (Sterner and Elser, 2002). Four naturally occurring elements (C, H, O and N) make up about 99% of all living biomass and seven (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, S, and Cl) are essential to all living things (Sterner and Elser, 2002). Although these elements may only make up 1% an organism, each of these elements lend specific attributes such as structure, energy transduction, and water regulation (Sterner and Elser, 2002). Although most studies within the literature to date focus on the interactions between C, N and P, this study will try to capture a larger cross-section of nutrients (N, Ca, Mg, K, and P) and the N:nutrient ratios. 7 Hypotheses The objectives of this study were to determine a) if added N caused a shift in carbon allocation or nutrient abundance and/or stoichiometry in leaf tissue, b) whether carbon allocation and nutrient abundance varied over seasonal and annual time scales, and c) if there were interactions between added N and climate variation on the carbon and nutrient chemistry of chaparral and CSS shrubs. Based on the known effects of N availability on semi-arid, N limited shrubs, it is hypothesized that a) the leaf tissue soluble carbon fraction will be positively correlated with added N while holocellulose and lignin fractions will negatively correlate to added N, b) time will have an effect on leaf carbon allocation and nutrient concentration based on seasonal precipitation variation, and c) there will be significant interactions between N addition and precipitation over seasonal and interannual time scales. METHODS Site descriptions Archived samples of California sagebrush and chamise leaf tissue were collected from a coastal sage scrub (CSS) community at the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve (SMER; 33°29 N, -117°09’ W) and a chaparral community at the Sky Oaks Field Station (SOFS; 33°21’ N, -11634’ W) (Vourlitis et al., 2007; Vourlitis and Pasquini, 2009; Table 1). Leaf tissue samples collected from each season (winter, spring, summer, and fall) in 2006, 2008, and 2010 were used in this study to understand the dynamic patterns of seasonal and interannual carbon allocation and nutrient concentration. Such analysis among seasons and year are important for field studies because environmental factors (ie. light, climate, weather, fire) are in constant flux and may account for confounding variables and unexpected results. These years were particularly chosen because mature stands were in existence at both sites and steady N fertilization had occurred since 2003. 8 SMER is located west of Interstate-15 between the city of Rainbow and Temecula in southwest Riverside County, California. Although the site falls just on the north side of Riverside county border, SMER meets the Holland Report natural community description of Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub due to site elevation (338m) on a 9-11° S-SW facing slope and the presence of low, soft-wood shrubs that are most active in winter and early spring (Holland, 1986; Table 1). Additional Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub characteristics of this site include being dominated by California sagebrush, California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum), and black sage (Salvia mellifera) and lacking red brome (Bromus rubens). SMER receives a mean of 360 mm of precipitation annually, with the majority of rainfall between December and April. The soil is sandy clay loam of the Las Posas Series derived of igneous and weathered Gabbro material with bulk density of 1.22 g/cm3 (Vourlitis and Pasquini, 2009). California sagebrush (Artemisia californica Less.) was the target CSS species used in this study because it is considered a dominant, indicator species for CSS (Hauser, 2006; YoungMathews, 2010). It is a summer deciduous shrub which resides on west and north slopes in full sun near the coast from 0-800 meters (m) (Hauser, 2006). This shrub can reach 1.5-2.5 m in height at maturity and has woody stems near the base and is herbaceous near the tips (Hauser, 2006). SOFS is located approximately 11 linear kilometers east of state route 79 and 12 linear kilometers south of state route 74 in northeast San Diego County, California. SOFS meets the Holland Report natural community description of semi-desert chaparral due to the site elevation of 1,418 m on a 4-10° SE-SW facing, dry, cis-montane slope (Holland, 1986; Table 1). Prior to a lightning strike setting fire to the stand in 2003, the landscape was dominated by chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum Hook. & Arn.). Currently, the landscape is dominated by chamise and sub-dominant desert ceanothus (Ceanothus greggii), with areas of open bare ground. The site 9 receives an mean of 530 mm of precipitation annually consisting of rain with occasional snow that occurs in winter and spring. The soil is an Ultic Haploxeroll derived of micaceous schist with a sandy loam texture and a bulk density of 1.34 g cm-3 (Vourlitis and Pasquini, 2009). Chamise was selected as a target plant used in this study because it is the dominant chaparral plant throughout most of California (Jow, 1980; McMurray, 1990). Chamise is a sclerophyllous evergreen, drought-tolerant shrub that can reach upwards of 3 m. It flowers from May to June and resides in sandy-loamy, well-drained, nutrient poor soils. It often occurs on dry slopes and ridges below 1,800 m, from Baja California, Mexico to northern California. This shrub is well adapted to fire and is a strong post-fire, first successional plant due to the ability to quickly re-sprout from the basal crown (McMurray, 1990). Experimental design and sample analysis This study utilized leaf tissue from California sagebrush and chamise shrubs that were exposed to added N for a total of 3 (2006), 5 (2008), and 7 years (2010) to determine the effects of chronic N deposition on seasonal and inter-annual variations in climate. Each research site contains eight, 10x10 m plots, where four randomly selected plots are untreated, un-manipulated controls which receive baseline levels of N pollutants and the remaining four plots receive 50 kg N ha-1 granular ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4), or urea (CH4N2O). A total of 50 kg N ha-1 was used based on treatment levels and results from Vourlitis (2007, 2009, and 2012), Control plots receive approximately 6-8 kg N ha-1 y-1 of baseline level of atmospheric N deposition (Tonnesen et al., 2007) and N treatment plots receive a total of 56-58 kg N ha-1 y-1. The N treatment is distributed in a single application every year during the dry season with a handheld spreader. 10 Between 2 and 4 apical shoots were collected from 2 to 4 randomly located points within each plot. It is estimated that a total of 50-100 chamise and 20-50 sagebrush leaves were collected per plot on a quarterly basis to observe any seasonal variation (winter= January- February, spring= March-April, summer= June-July, fall=September-October) (Vourlitis et al., 2007). The upper 10 15 cm of live apical shoots was collected because this fraction represents the newest growth for that season (Gill and Mahall, 1986). The leaf tissue samples were stored in a drying oven at 70°C for a minimum of 1 week then were ground to pass through a 40 mesh sieve using a mechanical mill (Thomas-Wiley Mini Mill, Thomas Scientific, Swedesborom NJ, USA). The samples were then stored by plot, location, date, and species at room temperature in clean zippered plastic bags. The Moorhead and Reynolds (1993) method of assessing tissue chemistry was used, and leaf carbon chemistry was partitioned amongst three fractions: soluble, holocellulose, and lignin. These methods were utilized to find relative abundance of each carbon fraction, represented as a percent of the total organic carbon. A total of 0.5 g of oven dried at 70°C, finely ground, tissue sample was added to a preweighed 50 ml polyallomer centrifuge tube. A total of 25 ml of distilled water was added to the sample and then it was placed into a sonicating water bath for 30 min at 60°C. Next, the tube was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 15 min, the supernatant was poured off, and this washing process was repeated five times with distilled water and then repeated an additional five times with ethanol. The samples were then be dried for 24 hours at 60° carbon and weighed. The soluble content was calculated as the difference between the original mass and the remaining dry mass after extraction. A total of 0.20 g of the remaining sample after extraction was placed in a 15 ml glass test tube containing 2 mL of 72% sulfuric acid to degrade the hydrophobic, holocellulose content. The sample was then be incubated for 1 hour at 30°C and 56 ml of distilled water was used to transfer 11 the dried sample into a 125 mL flask. Flasks containing samples were then autoclaved for 1 hour at 120°C, suctioned onto a preweighed 10 µm Millipore filter paper, and oven dried for 24 hours at 60°C. The extreme heat and pressure from the autoclave allowed the sulfuric acid to react with minute particles of the sample and further facilitated the digestion. The holocellulose content of the sample was estimated to be the difference between the pre-acid and post-acid digested dry sample weight. The residue consisted primarily of lignin. Total amounts of leaf N and carbon were determined on 5-10 mg samples using an element combustion system (ECS 4010, Costech Analytical Technologies, Inc., Valenica, California, USA). Leaf Ca, K, P, and Mg concentrations were determined on 0.5 g leaf samples obtained during the summer season. Only summer season leaf Ca, K, P, and Mg concentrations were determined because this season was reflected the end of the growing season (Vourlitis et al., 2009) and there was sufficient material to permit these more detailed nutrient analyses. Digests were analyzed for Ca, K, P, and Mg concentration following HNO3+H2O2 digestion using an inductively coupled plasma (ICP) analyzer by personnel of the Ecology Analytical Laboratory at San Diego State University. Statistical Analysis Seasonal and annual variations in leaf tissue carbon allocation and nutrient abundance were analyzed using a repeated measures analysis of variance (RMANOVA) to assess whether N addition and time caused significant (p<0.05) variations in response variables. The response variables used to describe carbon allocation were levels of soluble carbon, holocellulose and lignin in leaf tissue samples, and season and year served as within factors. Response variables used to describe nutrient concentrations were N, Ca, K, P, Mg, and N:Ca, N:K, N:P, N:Mg, and year served as a within factor. Direct comparisons between California sagebrush and chamise were not 12 conducted because variation in carbon allocation and/or nutrient concentration could be attributed to site differences, as well as inherent species differences in nutrient and carbon allocation. Annual precipitation data collected at both sites was intermittent and data collected from the closest nearby stations was used to fill gaps in data. Data collected from the Santa Rosa Plateau (33 31 N, -117 13’W; elevation 603m) and Oak Grove, CA (33 23’ N, -116 47, W, elevation 839 m) were used to fill gaps in the SMER and SOFS data, respectively. Linear regression of data collected on-site versus those derived from near-by stations indicate a close correspondence in monthly precipitation (Vourlitis, 2012). A two-way ANOVA, with season and year as factors, was used to determine if precipitation had a significant effect on carbon allocation, nutrient concentrations, or N: nutrient stoichiometry (p≤0.05). In addition, a correlation matrix was used to determine if any significant correlations existed between annual accumulated precipitation (between December of the previous year and July of the current year), leaf carbon chemistry, and nutrient concentrations. A Tukey-Kramer’s post-hoc analysis was used to determine specific differences between all response variables. Box’s M and Mauchly’s tests were used to test the assumptions of equality and compound-symmetry (sphericity), respectively of the between-group covariance matrices. Probability values were calculated using the Geisser-Greenhouse Epsilon corrections for data that violated these assumptions (Hintze, 2004). Data were reduced using MS Excel and all statistical analyses were conducted using R statistical package and NCSS 2007 (version 07.120; Hintze 2004). 13 RESULTS Artemisia californica carbon allocation RMANOVA was used to determine possible effect of N treatment on soluble carbon, holocellulose and lignin on two different time scales, season and year. The results of this analysis showed no significant effects of added N treatment but there was a significant effect of time (season and year) for soluble carbon, holocellulose and lignin (p<0.05; Figure 1; Table 2). Seasonal variation was highest in 2006 for all three fractions; whereas 2008 and 2010 had less deviation from annual means. A significant interaction between year and season occurred in each carbon fraction of Artemisia californica (p<0.05). Overall mean soluble carbon across years was 52.4%; whereas carbon allocation to holocellulose and lignin nearly split the difference at 22.3% and 25.3%, respectively. In 2006, soluble carbon showed the highest seasonal variation, whereas lignin showed the lowest seasonal variation than any other year (Figure 1; Table 2). Soluble carbon was consistently more abundant than any other fraction and ranged in mean percent allocation from 49.6% in 2010 to 54.0% in 2006. Soluble carbon followed similar seasonal patterns each year with percent of total carbon low in the winter, and rising through spring, summer, and fall. The main effect of year was driven by the significantly lower soluble carbon levels in 2010 (p<0.05). All seasons were different from each other, with the exception of fall and spring, which caused season to have a significant main effect on soluble carbon abundance (p<0.05). There is also a significant interaction between season and year (p<0.05). Holocellulose also showed seasonal patterns with peak levels occurring in the winter and decreasing levels in the spring, summer, and fall (Figure 1; Table 2). The significant main effect of season was driven by the significantly higher concentration of holocellulose in winter (p<0.05). 14 In 2010, holocellulose showed a steady decrease from winter to spring, which followed the same trend found in ’06 and ’08, but then increased again in the fall. Although there was a higher level of holocellulose in fall of 2010, this did not cause 2010 to be significantly different (p>0.05). Instead, the significant main effect of year was driven by the high levels of holocellulose found in winter of 2006, which presumably explains the significantly higher mean of 2006 (p<0.05). Overall, relatively less carbon was allocated to holocellulose with mean percentages ranging from 20.2% in 2010 to 24.8% in 2006. Minimal annual or seasonal patterns exist in carbon allocation to lignin due to extreme variability and the significant interaction between year and season (p<0.05; Figure 1; Table 2). The main effect of year was driven by every year being significantly different from one another (p<0.05). Each season was also significantly different from one another, with the exception of summer and fall (p<0.05). During 2006, lignin allocation percentages were as high as 36.0% in spring and as low as 14.3% in summer. Similar patterns between 2008 and 2010 exist in winter, summer and fall seasons, but spring lignin percentages peak in 2010 and 2006. Annual mean allocation percentages gradually increased from 2006 to 2010 and mean percentages ranged from 22.31% in 2006 to 28.17% in 2010. Artemisia californica nutrient concentrations Statistical analysis showed no significant effects of treatment on summer nutrient abundance or N: nutrient ratios (p>0.05). However, general trends show N, P and Mg peak abundance in 2008 in both control and added N groups (Figure 2). Year did not have a significant effect on summer Ca, K, Mg or P abundance (p>0.05). Nitrogen abundance was mainly effected by year due to 2008 N abundance being significantly higher than 2006 or 2010 (p<0.05). Year had a main effect on N:Ca, N:K, N:Mg, and N:P. In N:Ca, N:Mg, and N:P the year main effect is due 15 to every year being significantly different from one another (Figure 3). In N:K, the main effect of year is due to 2008 having significantly higher ratios (p<0.05). A significant interaction occurred between treatment and year in N:Mg due to the variation between control and treatment in 2006 (p<0.05). All N: nutrient levels peaked in summer 2008 and were lowest in summer 2010 (Figure 3). The correlation matrix showed a significant positive interaction between Ca and Mg, P and K, and P and Mg (Table 3). The correlation matrix also showed a positive correlation between N:Ca and holocellulose (Table 3). Adenostoma fasciculatum carbon allocation No significant effects of added N treatment were found in carbon allocation (p<0.05; Figure 4; Table 4), but there were significant variations over seasons and between years. The highest seasonal variability for soluble carbon, holocellulose, and lignin occurred in 2006, while the lowest overall seasonal variability occurred in 2008. There was also a significant interaction between year and season for all three carbon fractions (p<0.05). The significant main effect of year on soluble carbon concentration was driven by the significantly lower abundance in 2006 compared to 2008 and 2010 (p<0.05; Figure 4; Table 4). The soluble carbon fraction showed interesting seasonal variation in 2006 with a notable change in spring when treatment allocation dropped as low as 30.3%, and in summer when control group allocation dropped to 34.8%. Although there is a significant seasonal main effect, these seasonal differences cannot be attributed to season alone due to the significant interaction between season and year (p<0.05). This interaction suggests that seasonal variation depends on the year and annual variation depends on the season. Seasonal decreases in spring and summer cannot be generalized to the entire data set, but instead are specific to 2006 and 2010 due to the interaction. The soluble carbon fraction was more abundant than any other fraction, regardless of year or season, with the 16 exception of summer and spring 2006 (Figure 4). Soluble carbon ranged in mean percent allocation from 44.0% in 2006 to 51.3% in 2010. Holocellulose had the highest seasonal variation in 2006 with a peak in spring at 46% and a steep decline in summer and as low as 22% in winter (Figure 4; Table 4). Holocellulose seasonal variability in 2008 and 2010 was much less, accounting for the significant season x year interaction (Table 4), with mean percent allocation just above 30%. In 2006, holocellulose levels were significantly higher than in 2008 and 2010 (p<0.05). Allocation to holocellulose ranged in mean percent allocation from 31.4% in 2010 to an annual average of 34% in 2006. All seasons significantly differed from one another, except fall and summer (p<0.05; Figure 4). Overall carbon allocation to lignin gradually increased in 2006 and 2010 and there was a significant main effect of year driven by 2006 being significantly less than 2008 and 2010 (p<0.05; Figure 4; Table 4). The high seasonal variation in lignin during spring and summer of 2006 seem to mirror the soluble carbon variation but no significant main effect of season across the data was found (p>0.05). Allocation to lignin ranged in mean percent allocation from 15.24% in 2006 to an annual high of 19.06% in 2010. Adenostoma fasciculatum nutrient concentrations No significant interaction occurred between treatment and time for any of the leaf tissue nutrient concentrations or N: nutrient ratios (p>0.05; Figure 5; Figure 6). Neither treatment nor year had a significant main effect on summer leaf Ca or Mg concentrations (p>0.05; Figure 5). Added N treatment caused a significant increase in leaf N concentration, but no significant effect on any other leaf nutrient concentrations (p<0.05; Figure 5). Year also has a significant main effect on leaf N concentration due to the significantly lower N abundance in 2006 (p<0.05). Chamise leaf N concentration was lowest during 2006, the driest year, in both control and N treatment plots. 17 Year is a significant main effect of K concentrations due to 2008 being significantly lower than in 2010 (p<0.05). Year had a main effect on summer leaf P concentrations due to 2010 having significantly higher levels than 2006 and 2008 (p<0.05). Both N:Mg and N:Ca ratios varied by year due to the significantly lower levels in 2006 compared to 2008 and 2010 (Figure 6). Year has significant main effects on leaf tissue N:K and N:P ratios in summer (p<0.05; Figure 6). The main effect of year can be attributed to 2006 having significantly lower N:K ratios than 2008, and significantly higher N:P ratios in 2008 compared to 2006 and 2010. The correlation matrix showed a significant negative correlation between Ca and K, and a positive correlation between K and P, and holocellulose and P (Table 5). In addition, there was a negative correlation between percent lignin and N:Ca, N:K, and N:Mg (Table 5). Precipitation Precipitation levels at both SMER and SOFS showed very similar annual and seasonal trends (Figure 7). General trends show annual precipitation means practically doubled from 2006 to 2008, and from 2008 to 2010 at SOFS. Peak precipitation over the course of the study occurred in winter 2010 with a mean of 162.6 mm at SMER and 128.7 at SOFS. Precipitation fell as low as 0.08 mm during summer 2008 at SMER and 0.8 mm at SOFS during summer 2006. Total annual precipitation at SMER was 273.05mm in 2006, 473.27mm in 2008, and 674.13mm in 2010. Total annual precipitation at SOFS was 201.85 mm in 2006, 285.70 mm in 2008, and 543.97 mm in 2010. Neither site had a significant annual precipitation differences but both had a significant main effect of season, driven by a significantly higher precipitation during winter months (p<0.05; Figure 7; Table 6). In fact, the data set shows a significant interaction between season and year (p<0.05; Table 2) and the correlation matrices showed that variations in rainfall were key to 18 variations in carbon chemistry at SMER (Table 3). Summer sagebrush data showed soluble carbon and holocellulose are significantly negatively correlated, and lignin was positively correlated to rainfall accumulation (Table 3). In chamise, there was a positive correlation between accumulated rainfall and leaf N, K, P, and holocellulose; however, leaf N concentration was positively correlated with holocellulose content and negatively correlated with lignin content (Table 5). DISCUSSION Effects of experimental N deposition The results of this study did not support the hypothesis that added N causes a shift in carbon allocation or nutrient abundance (with the exception of N in chamise) within these two CSS and chaparral species. Although dry season N treatments did not cause an affect on carbon allocation in this study, other studies have found that N treatment does affect overall plant properties, such as biomass and leaf area index, yet fails to change overall N storage and ecosystem productivity (Vourlitis and Pasquini, 2009). In more recent studies it was found the effect of N exposure was positively correlated with annual rainfall and N input did cause an increase in net primary production (NPP) (Vourlitis, 2012). Although these past studies exemplify that N does affect a variety of leaf and shrub properties, there appeared to be no N effect in the current study. Results from this study suggest responses in carbon allocation and overall N ecosystem storage may not be as easily manipulated through environmental factors within 7 years of N treatment at SMER and SOFS. Instead, these responses are possibly life history patterns and physiological traits found in CSS and chaparral shrubs. As noted above, the added N treatment did have a significant effect on only one factor, N concentration in chamise leaf tissue during summer months. Chamise may have been affected because of basic life history patterns of evergreen shrubs. Although summer month precipitation 19 reached as low as 0.8 mm at SOFS, leaf tissue N abundance still managed to show a significant increase. Previous studies by Vourlitis and others found that soil N was highest in summer and fall at SOFS and similar results, in which N treatment effects cause an increase in tissue N concentration across all seasons (Vourlitis and Pasquini, 2009). This finding suggests that, although soils are dry during the summer months, there is still a demand for N within chamise leaf tissue and ability for uptake during summer months. Although soil N is also highest in summer and fall at SMER, the sagebrush shrub did not have a N treatment effect on leaf N concentration (Vourlitis and Pasquini, 2009). Interestingly, SOFS maintains somewhat elevated precipitation levels during summer months, in comparison to the minimal precipitation at SMER. Aside from intrinsic life history traits of each shrub, the lack in treatment effect in sagebrush could be due to the variability in precipitation and soil moisture between sites during summer months (Figure 7). These abiotic site factors may help drive divergent life history patterns of shrubs, such as summer growth and allocation versus storage for the next growth cycle. The results of this study reaffirm this concept, as sagebrush did not have an increase in leaf tissue N and chamise did have an increase in leaf tissue N concentration during summer months. Annual means in both species showed soluble carbon to be the most abundant fraction at the expense of holocellulose and lignin (Figure 1; Figure 4). When photosynthetically produced soluble carbon is available for new growth there is also an abundance of above ground biomass and productivity. However, when growth and metabolism levels become equal with respiration rates, shrubs experience senescence, which is associated with high levels of dead above ground biomass and low production (Sparks and Oechel, 1993). The soluble carbon fraction is the plant’s carbon currency and must be readily available for turnover to holocellulose or lignin fractions (Farrar, 1978). It is likely abundant soluble carbon fractions are inherent attributes of 20 both California sagebrush and chamise that have developed over time in response to environmental stressors, such as water and nutrient availability. Being the plant’s carbon currency, a large soluble carbon fraction allows for a buffer for other fractions and must be readily available for quick metabolism to holocellulose or lignin (Farrar, 1980). This is directly exemplified by the negative correlation found between soluble carbon and lignin in both species (Table 3; Table 5). The trade-off between soluble carbon and lignin is apparent and having plasticity within the soluble fraction allows for stable allocation to other fractions (Farrar, 1980). Unlike the soluble fraction, the lignin fraction does not have plasticity and slow adaptation must be a driving force in any long term variation (Pratt et al., 2014). Previous studies have found that abiotic and biotic environmental stressors, such as temperature and water availability, can put lignin in high demand but not necessarily as a structural component (Farrar, 1980; Pratt et al., 2014; Yani et al., 1993). Aside from structure, the lignin fraction consists of aromatic, waxy terpenes which make up the leaf cuticle. Many plant leaves that are drought tolerant, such as those of chamise, metabolize carbon into terpenes to increase allelopathy, deter herbivores and pathogens, and prevent leaching of water and nutrients (Pratt et al., 2014). High levels of terpenes are associated with environmental stressors, such as increased temperatures or aridity, but can still be metabolized by drought tolerant plants during periods of high water stress (Yani et al., 1993). Contrary to expected results, the current study showed a positive correlation between rainfall and lignin in sagebrush and a negative correlation between leaf N concentration and lignin in chamise. It is not likely that any of these correlations translate to causation and, as Pratt and others found, any change in abiotic or biotic factors will result in a slow adaptation in carbon allocation to less plastic fractions, such as lignin (Pratt et al., 2014). The correlations found between carbon allocation and abiotic factors tested for the contribution of precipitation in 21 particular and it cannot be concluded that other abiotic or biotic factors don’t also select for variation within the data. Although direct comparisons regarding allocation pattern between these two species cannot be made, general life history patterns of deciduous versus evergreen can be described. It was found over the entire course of the study that total soluble carbon abundance in the deciduous sagebrush was higher than in evergreen chamise (Figure 1; Figure 4). Such differences in allocation patterns to soluble carbon can be expected between deciduous and evergreen species (Schlesinger and Hasey, 1981). It is logical that the sagebrush deciduous leaves, which must reach full photosynthetic potential within a single grow season, would have a higher soluble carbon pool available for highly elastic allocation. Chamise leaves have an average longevity of two grow seasons and may require more allocation of carbon to holocellulose or lignin fractions for maintenance and structure over the relatively longer leaf life (Jow et al., 1980). Therefore, this carbon allocation trade-off between soluble carbon and structural fractions to sustain the leaf over a specific period of time is an inherent property unique to deciduous and evergreen shrubs. It is recognized that leaf age may play an important role in carbon allocation, as well as nutrient abundance, due to reabsorption of nutrients prior to abscission. This phenomenon is why the leaf sampling method of this study was sure to only sample the apical shoots (i.e., current year growth) for analysis as to negate any variation due to leaf age. Previous studies found that reabsorption of nutrients from leaf to stem vary based on species but could also be a source of variation (Schlesinger and Hasey, 1981). Although reabsorbtion could be a source of variation over time, samples were dried in the drying oven within hours of collection in order to minimize variation due to reabsorption of nutrients from the leaf to the stem. 22 Precipitation and Nutrient Uptake Although there was no significant effect of added N, there was a main effect of season and year on carbon allocation in leaf tissue. Seasonal and annual precipitation patterns have shown more of an effect on carbon allocation than the added N treatment. Although no statistically significant annual differences in precipitation were found between intra-annual variation in rainfall, both sites had the lowest precipitation levels and both species showed the highest variability in carbon allocation in 2006 (Figure 7; Table 6). The negative correlation between rainfall and soluble carbon and holocellulose, and the positive correlation between rainfall and lignin in sagebrush during summer months, suggests carbon allocation is modified with added rainfall (Table 3). Perhaps, an increase in lignin is not necessarily for structure, but instead to deter herbivory or protect against pathogens. The N:nutrient graphs all show similar annual trends in sagebrush that would, presumably, be linked to interannual variation in rainfall. However, the correlation matrix shows no significant correlation between any N:nutrient ratio and precipitation. Perhaps, these annual N:nutrient patterns are driven by other environmental factors, such as microbial activity or litterfall biomass, that were not included in this study. Although there was a significant effect of time, the interaction between added N and time in sagebrush N:Ca and N:Mg suggests that these nutrient ratios may be rigid and lack plasticity over time. In chamise, the positive correlation between N:Ca and holocellulose, as well as P and holocellulose, suggests these attributes are coupled in metabolic processes. According to Helpler, Ca plays a key role in cross-linking acid pectin residues in the holocellulose structures, such as the cell wall, and low levels of Ca allow for permeability of cellular membranes (Helpler, 2005). The positive correlation between P and holocellulose highlights the important role P plays in 23 basic cell growth and maintenance as the main facilitating nutrient to photosynthesis and energy transport (Graham et al., 2006). The negative correlation between lignin and N:Ca, N:K, and N:Mg in chamise suggests these attributes are not necessarily linked and are likely decoupled in metabolic processes. The lack of specific N:nutrient analysis, aside from N and P, in the literature does hinders further investigation as to why these N: nutrient ratios exist or how they are driven. General sagebrush nutrient uptake was not affected by the added N treatment, but leaf tissue N concentration was affected. The effect of water availability on nutrient uptake, specifically nitrogen, and the measurement of water stress on photosynthesis are analogous and a decrease in nitrogen uptake is associated with dry soils in similar Artemisia species (Matzner and Richards, 1996). Although this study took place in semi-arid, N limited ecosystem, the result that added N treatment caused an increase in tissue N during the driest months of the year further affirms the drought tolerant attributes of sagebrush and highlights how well adapted it is to the environment (Matzner and Richards, 1996). As long as N fertilization continues to increase leaf tissue N concentrations, variations in carbon chemistry may also begin to occur over a longer time scale. As proposed by Hooper and Johnson (1999), plants in semi-arid and arid ecosystems may be co-limited by water and N. Chamise showed a significant interaction between added N and year in soluble carbon abundance. In fact, such interaction between rainfall and N, where both plant N demand and N availability are co-limited by water availability, was only recently acknowledged in the literature (Vourlitis et al., 2012). Additional rainfall and nutrient interactions found in previous studies suggest evergreen leaves are a sink for nutrient storage during uptake of nongrowth periods in the winter when soils are moist, but nutrients are not stored for new growth until spring (Mooney and Rundel, 1979). One explanation for lack of N treatment effecting tissue 24 N concentrations could be that by summer, shrub N concentrations are depleted from spring growth and is experiencing a low nutrient intermediate before uptake occurs in winter. Low precipitation levels during winter 2006 at SOFS in 2006 may have hindered nutrient availability and uptake throughout the remainder of the year, especially with highly mobile nutrients like N and P. In addition to N, P concentration can also be an important indicator to carbon allocation and physical leaf tissue properties, such as leaf mass area (Grimoldi et al., 2005). In Grimoldi’s study it was found that soluble carbon concentration decreased dramatically from low to high supply of P. Specifically, P deficiencies were associated with an abundance of photosynthates, which were unable to be allocated to growth and structural compounds (Grimoldi et al., 2005). Although significant differences occur in soluble carbon and P from 2006 to 2010 in both species, the results of the current study do not indicate the inverse relationship between soluble carbon and P, as found in Grimoldi’s study. The positive correlation between accumulated rainfall and leaf N, P, K, and holocellulose in chamise suggests an increase in rainfall may lead to increased variation in leaf carbon chemistry (Table 5). Consecutive wet or dry years work in a compounded ways that may cause a buildup of excess N (in dryer years) or greater plant biomass (in wetter years) that may cause a positive or negative time lag (Hooper and Johnson, 1999). This theory could account for the lack of N treatment effect at an annual timescale in 2008 and 2010 when annual precipitation levels were not necessarily dry. Precipitation in 2006 could have been the end to consecutive low streak of precipitation levels and 2008 and 2010 may have been just the start to the upswing to average precipitation levels. This phenomenon would have left soils dry and with an accumulation of excess N availability after multiple years of compounding dry ecosystem traits. Hooper and Johnson suggest annual, and even seasonal, time lags in ecosystem recovery may account for lack 25 of N treatment, even when annual precipitation levels are not necessarily “dry” (Hooper and Johnson, 1999). In addition to an annual time scale, this theory can also be applied to a seasonal time scale. The significant main effect of season was driven by increased precipitation during winter of 2008 and 2010 at both sites. Winter months in this study (December, January and February) captured the first part of each year, accounted for the majority of precipitation, and set the tone for soil moisture throughout the remainder of the year. Results show that California sagebrush had significantly higher soluble carbon abundance than lignin in winter and spring. However, in summer and fall there was no significant difference between soluble carbon and lignin abundance. From these results, it can be concluded that California sagebrush shrubs may be allocating more soluble carbons to photosynthates in winter and spring, but balances soluble carbon and lignin abundance in summer and fall when less water is available (Vourlitis, 2012). Future studies should take into account historical annual and seasonal peaks and troughs to see if any residual ecosystem fluxes are a source of variation for which a control or a baseline can be established. CONCLUSION The results of this study suggest that carbon allocation and nutrient uptake within these coastal sage scrub and chaparral shrubs are insensitive to chronic dry-season N input. Additionally, shrub roots must first be exposed to water, the medium in which nutrients are transported, prior to any nutrient absorption or carbon allocation within leaf tissue. Although added N in this study showed no effect on carbon allocation patterns in leaf tissue, important seasonal and annual trends have been found in both coastal sage scrub and chaparral dominant shrubs. The lack of seasonal and annual fluctuations in carbon allocation patterns in both species demonstrated that carbon allocation patterns are not affected by the presence of available soil N. The existing and persistent 26 balance of carbon allocation within leaf tissue has no affect of added N but was effected by annual and seasonal environmental factors, presumably rainfall. With limited quantities of soluble carbon available to shrubs it is imperative for proper carbon allocation to holocellulose and lignin fractions. This study demonstrated ways in which carbon allocation priorities are more effected by season and water availability, than available soil N. Future studies could compare evergreen and deciduous species within one study site to see if any species specific, intra-site variation is present would also add important findings to the literature. For example, if a shrub has soluble carbon as the most abundant fraction and another shrub has higher allocation to lignin, it would be interesting if correlations existed between response variables, like those used in this study. If important correlations between the carbon fractions and nutrient concentrations were found, nutrient concentrations could serve as important pre-indicators to carbon allocation patterns. Additional factors associated with time could also be investigated. In this study, time was associated with mean seasonal and annual precipitation but other environmental factors, such as temperature or soil moisture, could also be addressed. Lags in ecosystem attributes, due to compounded effects of drought versus consecutive wet years, would also be an interesting topic to apply to carbon allocation patterns. In addition, the carbon fractions could be stratified into more stringent categories. For example, the larger fraction of lignin could be subdivided and studied at a smaller scale to focus on a more specific concentration, such as terpenes. This would help to focus the study, minimize experimental variation, and better quantify the effects of the added N treatment. 27 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work would not have been possible without SDSU Field Station Programs allowing access to SOFS and SMER research sites or the past and present undergraduate and graduate students that helped to collect samples, run experiments, and collect data in the lab. The comradery within our lab was so encouraging and I feel lucky to have been a part of that team. I would like to thank my committee members, Dr. Kristan and Dr. Sheath for taking the time to contribute to my thesis. Dr. Kristan has always been a great professor in the classroom, but the support given to my thesis work was exceptional and truly appreciated. I would also like to express my deepest appreciation to my committee chair, Dr. George Vourlitis, who has inspired throughout my undergraduate and now graduate career. His passion for ecology, magnificent grant-writing ability, and guidance has allowed me so many challenging and beautiful experiences. Without his financial and academic support this work would not have been possible. Most importantly, I would like to thank my husband Jeff for nearly 10 years of love and support. 28 LITERATURE CITED Allen, E. B., P.E. Padgett, A. Bytnerowicz, R. Minnich. 1998. Nitrogen deposition effects on coastal sage vegetation of southern California. In: Bytnerowicz, A., Arbaugh, M.J., Schilling, S.L., tech. cords. 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Location and selected characteristics for the Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve (SMER) and Sky Oaks Field Station (SOFS) study sites (Adapted from Vourlitis et al., 2007). Soil data are mean (n=4) for the upper 0–10 cm soil layer sampled in September 2002. Rainfall data are from the SMER web site (http://fs.sdsu.edu), N deposition estimates for other sites are from a high-resolution (4 km) model (Tonnesen al. 2007). Table 1; Location and characteristics for the SMER and SOFS study sites. Soil data are mean (n=4) for the upper 0–10 cm soil layer sampled in September 2002. Rainfall data are from the SMER web site, N deposition estimates for other sites are from Tonnesen. Characteristic SMER SOFS 33-29:117-09 33-21:116-34 Vegetation CSS Chaparral Elevation (m) 338 1,418 Time since last fire (years as of 2006) 35 3 Annual precipitation (mm) 360 530 4 4 Sandy clay loam Sandy loam Soil N (mgN/g) 0.86±0.10 0.71±0.05 Soil C (mgC/g) 12.3±1.5 17.0±1.1 Soil C:N 14.2±0.3 24.1±0.7 pH 6.6±0.1 6.3±0.1 Latitude:longitude N-deposition (kgN/ha) Soil texture Figure 1: Mean (n=4) leaf tissue percent composition of soluble carbon, holocellulose, and lignin shown by year and season in Artemisia californica. Error bars depict confidence intervals shown at each season based on Tukey-Kramer’s post-hoc comparisons. Overlapping confidence intervals represent a lack of significant difference between means. W = winter (December January), Sp = spring (March April), S = summer (June July), F = (September October). Table 2: Results (F-statistic and degrees of freedom) of a repeated measures ANOVA for differences between season (S), N treatment (N), year (Y), the S x N interaction and S x Y interaction in Artemisia californica. (p<0.05). Table 2; Results (F-statistic and degrees of freedom) of a repeated measures ANOVA for differences between season (S), N treatment (N), year (Y), the S x N interaction and S x Y interaction in Artemisia californica. (p<0.05). Soluble C Holocellulose Source Mean Mean (df) Square F-Ratio (p-value) Square S3,24 1360.6 107.9 (<0.001) N1,24 7.6 S x T3,24 Lignin F-Ratio (p- Mean F-Ratio (p value) Square value) 775.0 78.5 (<0.001) 505.0 43.6 (<0.001) 0.6 (0.44) 0.07 0.1 (0.93) 9.4 0.8 (0.38) 6.5 0.5 (0.67) 12.3 1.3 (0.31) 4.0 0.3 (0.79) Y2,48 82.6 6.6 (0.003) 72.5 8.0 (0.002) 274.9 26.0 (<0.001) S x Y4,48 205.0 16.2 (<0.001) 143.0 15.9 (<0.001) 198.1 18.7 (<0.001) Figure 2: Mean (+se, n=4) summer leaf nutrient abundance for Artemisia californica in 2006, 2008, and 2010. Figure 3: Mean (+se, n=4) summer leaf nutrient N:nutrient ratios for Artemisia californica in 2006, 2008, and 2010. Table 3. Linear correlation coefficients for accumulated precipitation (ppt), leaf N, Ca, K, Mg, and P concentrations, N:nutrient, and percent soluble C, holocellulose, and lignin for Artemisia californica leaves collected in the summer of 2006, 2008, and 2010. Accumulated precipitation corresponds to the total precipitation measured between the winter-summer sampling periods for a given year. Bold values are statistically significant (p<0.05). Table 3; Linear correlation coefficients for accumulated precipitation (ppt), leaf N, Ca, K, Mg, and P concentrations, N:nutrient, and percent soluble C, holocellulose, and lignin for Artemisia californica leaves collected in the summer of 2006, 2008, and 2010. Accumulated ppt Accumulated ppt N Ca K Mg P N:Ca N:K N:Mg N:P Soluble Holocellulose Lignin N Ca K Mg P N:Ca N:K N:Mg N:P 1 0.08 -0.27 0.51 -0.12 0.84 0.82 0.75 0.77 -0.08 0.27 -0.1 1 0.19 0.62 0.51 -0.44 -0.1 -0.41 -0.25 -0.3 -0.31 0.38 1 0.18 0.73 -0.41 -0.71 -0.51 -0.66 0.27 -0.09 -0.13 1 0.48 0.11 0.25 -0.51 0.07 -0.15 0.13 0.02 1 -0.43 -0.58 -0.56 -0.70 0.05 -0.33 0.15 1 0.82 0.92 0.87 0.07 0.45 -0.31 1 0.79 0.95 -0.13 0.31 -0.09 1 0.89 0.1 0.37 -0.28 -0.06 0.41 -0.19 Soluble Holocellulose Lignin 1 0.08 0.3 -0.18 0.16 0.07 0.08 0.26 0.02 0.14 -0.71 -0.52 0.77 1 1 0.29 -0.84 1 -0.77 1 Figure 4: Mean (n=4) leaf tissue percent composition of soluble carbon, holocellulose, and lignin shown by year and season in Adenostoma fasciculatum. Error bars depict confidence intervals shown at each season based on Tukey-Kramer’s post-hoc comparisons. Overlapping confidence intervals represent a lack of significant difference between means. W = winter (December January), Sp = spring (March April), S = summer (June July), F = (September October). Table 4: Results (F-statistic and degrees of freedom) of a repeated measures ANOVA for differences between season (S), N treatment (N), year (Y), the S x N interaction and S x Y interaction in Adenostoma fasciculatum. (p<0.05). Table 4;Results (F-statistic and degrees of freedom) of a repeated measures ANOVA for differences between season (S), N treatment (N), year (Y), the S x N interaction and S x Y interaction in Adenostoma fasciculatum. (p<0.05). Soluble C Holocellulose Lignin Mean F-Ratio Mean F-Ratio Mean F-Ratio Source Square (p-value) Square (p-value) Square (p-value) S3,24 382.2 10.5 (<0.001) 597.4 41.1 (<0.001) 10.6 0.1 (0.94) N1,24 91.3 2.5 (0.13) 0.1 0.1 (0.95) 42.6 0.5 (0.49) SxN3,24 112.2 3.1 (0.047) 0.9 0.1 (0.98) 117.3 1.4 (0.27) Y2,48 436.0 15.6 (<0.001) 1051.2 215.0 (<0.001) 1051.2 17.8 (<0.001) SxY4,48 419.8 15.1 (<0.001) 262.1 45.0 (<0.001) 262.1 4.4 (0.001) Figure 5: Mean (+se, n=4) summer leaf nutrient abundance for Adenostoma fasciculatum in 2006, 2008, and 2010. Figure 6: Mean (+se, n=4) summer leaf nutrient N:nutrient ratios for Adenostoma fasciculatum in 2006, 2008, and 2010. Table 5. Linear correlation coefficients for accumulated precipitation (ppt), leaf N, Ca, K, Mg, and P concentrations, N:nutrient, and percent soluble C, holocellulose, and lignin for Adenostoma fasciculatum leaves collected in the summer of 2006, 2008, and 2010. Accumulated precipitation corresponds to the total precipitation measured between the winter-summer sampling periods for a given year. Bold values are statistically significant (p<0.05). Table 5; Linear correlation coefficients for accumulated precipitation (ppt), leaf N, Ca, K, Mg, and P concentrations, N:nutrient, and percent soluble C, holocellulose, and lignin for Adenostoma fasciculatum leaves collected in the summer of 2006, 2008,2010。 Accumulated ppt Accumulated ppt N Ca K Mg N Ca K Mg P N:Ca N:K N:Mg N:P Soluble Holocellulose Lignin 1 -0.18 1 0.68 0.11 1 0.46 -0.12 0.4 1 -0.52 0.36 -0.19 0.37 1 0.32 -0.29 0.31 0.88 0.49 1 -0.57 -0.22 0.14 0.03 -0.74 -0.21 0.12 0.31 0.71 0.49 0.22 0.39 0.47 1 0.29 0.36 0.61 0.42 0.15 0.26 -0.22 -0.26 1 0.03 -0.25 -0.18 -0.55 -0.57 -0.54 -0.31 -0.8 -0.37 1 0.54 -0.06 0.43 0.08 1 -0.17 0.23 0.2 P 0.8 0.37 N:Ca 0.51 0.84 N:K 0.12 0.69 N:Mg 0.5 0.87 N:P Soluble -0.45 0.07 0.3 0.38 Holocellulose 0.54 0.47 Lignin -0.38 -0.66 1 -0.5 0.49 0.16 0.65 0.22 0.41 0.11 0 0.04 0.02 1 1 Figure 7: Mean accumulated precipitation per season (mm) at SMER and SOFS in 2006, 2008, and 2010. Numbers in the figure captions correspond to the total annual precipitation. Table 6: Results (F-statistic and degrees of freedom) of a two-way ANOVA for precipitation differences between season (S) and year (Y), and S x Y interaction at SMER and SOFS. (p<0.05). Table 6; Results (F-statistic and degrees of freedom) of a two-way ANOVA for precipitation differences between season (S) and year (Y), and S x Y interaction at SMER and SOFS. (p<0.05). SMER SOFS Mean F-Ratio Mean F-Ratio Square (p-value) Square (p-value) S3,24 20,459.7 15.3 (<0.001) 9,823.1 9.0 (<0.001) Y2,24 3,351.4 2.5 (0.103) 2,649.3 2.4 (0.109) SxY6,24 3,685.9 2.8 (0.035) 2,094.7 1.9 (0.118) Source
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