Certificate Course in Human Rights and Duties To disseminate the human rights awareness in the society, the University started the Certificate Course in Human Rights and Duties under UGC Scheme (Human Rights Education) in February, 2015. The UGC Scheme is for five years under XII Plan. The frequency of the Certificate Course is two course per annum. Under the first course following guest lectures were organised under the programme: Inaugural Session of Certificate Course in Human Rights and Duties on 21.02.2015 Prof. R. K. Kohli, Vice Chancellor, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda in his inaugural address to all the participants propounded on the importance of Human Rights as well as human duties and appreciated the initiative taken by University Grants Commission and accomplished by coordinating faculty to start three months course. Prof. P. Ramarao, Dean Academic Affairs, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda elaborated on the importance of Human Duties in order to ensure Human Rights. While reflecting upon the complementary and supplementary role of duties and rights he congratulated all the participants for their move towards more vigilant and accountable citizens of the nation. Topic: Human Rights in Globalised World Speaker: Prof. P. S. Ramana, Prof. & Head Dept. of PG Studies, PU Regional Centre, Bathinda Date: 28.02.2015 Prof Ramana explored the history of human rights in the anthropocentric nature of our society. With the passage of time political and historical movements resulted in the inclusive ideologies giving space to the other which include the rights of animals as well. Giving instances from the current political arena he showed how the structures of power including media gives space to the issues related to the violation of human rights. Topic: Concept of Human Rights: Historical Development, Nature & Classification Speaker: Dr. Puneet Pathak, CEL, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Date: 28.02.2015 Dr. Pathak threw light on the history of the concept of human rights and the classification of these rights on the basis of their nature as well their significance to different nations. Topic: Nature & Classification of Human Rights Speaker: Dr. Puneet Pathak, AP, CEL, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Date: 07.03.2015 Dr. Pathak reflected upon the different kinds of human rights and the way the third world is oriented towards social, economic and cultural rights whereas the first world is concerned about civil and political ones. Topic: Fundamental Rights & Duties under Indian Constitution Speaker: Dr. H.R. Arora, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Date: 07.03.2015 Dr. Arora discussed the provision made under the Constitution of India for augmenting the rights of its citizens by supporting it from real life example for their implementation as well the constitutional provisions, Fundamental Rights and Duites with recent amendments. Topic: Human Rights: International Norms Speaker: Dr. Sukhwinder kaur Virk, Faculty, Rajeev Gandhi National University of Law, Patiala Date: 14.03.2015 Dr. Virk discussed international law the and its relation between implication for overcoming the violation of human rights. She clarified different human rights documented in UDHR with suitable contemporary politics. instances from Topic: Women Empowerment Speaker: Justice Daya Chaudhary Judge, Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh Date: 20.03.2015 Justice Chaudhary giving illustrations from her own life reflected upon the core issues like female foeticide, dowry and domestic violence. She concluded her talk with encouraging women to become economically independent and paving their move ahead with self-reliance. Topic: Women Empowerment Speaker: Mr. Tajwinder Singh, District & Session Judge, Bathinda Date: 20.03.2015 Mr. Tajwinder Singh, District & Session Judge, Bathinda discussed about the role of Indian judiciary in the protection of human rights and particularly for the empowerment of women. Topic: Open and Transparent Governance and Right to Information Speaker: Dr. Law, Punjabi Nimmi, Faculty, University Dept. Regional of Centre, Bathinda. Date: 28.03.2015 Dr. Nimmi in her energetic lecture focused upon the Right to Information, clarifying different legal terms, its implementation and limitations. Through a dialectic process she encouraged learners to use this right for making the administration accountable. more transparent and Topic: Human Rights: International Enforcement Mechanism Speaker: Dr. Puneet Pathak, AP, CEL, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Date: 28.03.2015 In this lecture, Dr. Pathak discussed the evolution of different international organisations particularly the United Nations Organisations and its various treaties for the enforcement of different Human Rights. Speaker: Prof. Rajbir Singh Dalal, Faculty, Dept. of Public Administration, Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa (Haryana) Date: 04.04.2015 Lecture I: Combating Corruption and Human Rights In this lecture, Dr. Dalal indicated the relation between human rights and the concept of corruption, its types, causes, remedies and effects of corruption on human rights. The significant tools to curb corruption and the resultant violation of human rights can be eternal vigilance, media and speedy litigation. Lecture II : Human Rights and Disadvantaged Groups Dr. Dalal deliver second lecture on the rights of such disadvantaged groups which could not become the part of mainstream due to social practices and economic inequality. The various laws, constitutional provisions and establishment of different commissions made for the augmentation of the human rights of these groups were discussed. Topic: Concept of Social Justice in India Literature Speaker: Dr. Rajinder Kumar Sen, AP, CPL, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Date: 04.04.2015 Dr. Kumar mainly focused on the way social reforms lead to political movement and their representation in literature. He explored the ways in which fiction document the reality and lead to change in society for its betterment. Topic: Speedy Justice through Mediation and Conciliation Speaker: Mrs. Seema Sharma, Mediator, ADR, District Court, Bathinda. Date: 11.04.2015 Mrs. Seema Sharma through her interactive talk directs learns towards seeking alternative ways through mediation and conciliation for speedy trial of various cases. She substantiated her arguments from her real life experiences where citizens sought justice without wasting time and money in courts. Topic: Time Management of Life Speaker: Dr. Puneet Pathak, AP, CEL, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Date: 11.04.2015 Through an experiment and visual media, Dr. Pathak realised the learners the importance of time management in life. Topic: Media Advocacy: Role of Electronic Media Speaker: Mr. Rajeev Kumar Arora, Station Director (O), All India Radio, FM, Bathinda. Date: 11.04.2015 Mr. Rajeev Arora made the participants aware of the role of print and electronic media in ensuring the implementation of human rights, their violation and the power of public pressure in bring change in society. Topic: Human Rights and Criminal Justice System in India Speaker: Dr. Puneet Pathak, AP, CEL, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Date: 18.04.2015 Dr. Pathak delivered a lecture on the vivid aspects of Criminal Justice system as a tool of social control for the augmentation of Human Rights of all the citizens of the nation. The lawful procedure right from lodging a complain, provisions for bail, punishment to the offenders and compensation discussed. to the victims were Topic: Media Advocacy: Role of Print Media in Promoting Human Rights Speaker: Mr. Kamal Singh Brar, Hindustan /times Senior Reporter, President Press Club Bathinda. Date: 18.04.2015 Mr. Brar started his talk with two questions concerning the role of media and elaborated his further discussion on seeking answers through dialectical process. He asserted that the politically oriented media can be a dangerous tool for any civil society. In order to ensure the human rights of all human beings residing in any part of the earth, print media should be made accountable and unbiased. Topic: Environment Degradation in India and Environmental Sustainability Speaker: Dr. Kiran K. Singh, AP, SCA, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Dr. Singh in her talk elaborated upon the issues concerning environment, the way nature is being exploited by human beings without giving a second thought to its capacity and its degradation. The issue of utilizing natural sources and sustainable development are interrelated because by overusing land one violates the human rights of the posterity over same land. In order to ensure the quality as well as quantity of natural sources one should keep in mind his/her human duty toward others by using renewable energy resources as well by planting more trees etc. Topic: Evolution and Humanity Speaker: Dr. Felix Bast Dr. Bast gave a multifaceted account of the theories about evolution where the religious interpretations and philosophical inquiries about the origin of earth come into conflict with each other due to the dynamic nature of society. Different disciplines construct vivid discourses about the world around but the human being does not remain the centre of world as propounded by liberal humanist thought. Rather human being is one among the other living species in the world where justification can be given to the man being inferior to the wild animals like lion etc. In this way man has no right to step into the life of other living creatures, he is one among them and exists on the basis of give and take guiding principle. Topic: Environmental Issues and Rights of Marginalised: Some Insights from Literature Speaker: Dr. Amandeep Brar, AP, CPL, Central University of Punjab, Bathinda Taking instance from literary works particularly three novels entitled The Hungry Tide, Changiya Rukh and Gehar Charhi Asmaan, Dr. Brar threw light on the problems faced by the marginalised sections of society such as tribals in the hands of elite class or nature. The materialistic gains of a privileged section of society leads to the violation of others’ right to life, liberty, living and clean environment.
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