The Behaviors That Turn OFF Men

The How to Be a Man Whisperer Home Study Program
Day 9: The Behaviors That Turn OFF Men
#1: Drama Queen
Are there areas in my life or relationship where my being
dramatic is hurting me/keeping me from getting
everything I want? __________________________
Images taken from Gigi’s Hello Tarzan 5 eBook Series
What happens before I become overly upset and dramatic? Are there clues and cues? ___________
When could I schedule my drama? Set a time each week to be dramatic.
During my “drama date” I am going to…. (check all that apply, and add your own!)
Raise my voice and complain to the television
Dance and sing really loudly
Pick on a celebrity; saying really bad things about him/her privately
Play out my victim role by acting out a part from a good victim in a movie
© Gigi Sage Enterprises, LLC 1
#2: Needy
Am I being needy in my life or relationships? How
could I get what I need? _____________________
Images taken from Gigi’s Hello Tarzan 5 eBook Series
#2: Jane Wayne
Am I playing Jane Wayne in my life or relationships?
How could I allow others to help me? _____________
Images taken from Gigi’s Hello Tarzan 5 eBook Series
Daily Gratitude and Acknowledgement Practice
I am grateful for…
I want to acknowledge myself for:
© Gigi Sage Enterprises, LLC 2